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lucra-android-sdk's Introduction

Lucra SDK

Release notes

Getting Started

Gradle setup

In your project's build.gradle add the following and replace the credentials with your provided PAT and your username

    repositories {
        maven { setUrl("") }
        maven(url = "")
        maven {
            name = "LucraGithubPackages"
            url = uri("")
            credentials {
                username = {YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME}
                password = {YOUR_GITHUB_LUCRA_PAT}

In app/build.gradle

// All surface level APIs to interact with Lucra
implementation("com.lucrasports.sdk:sdk-core:2.0.0-beta") //TODO reference latest github release #
// Optional for UI functionality
implementation("com.lucrasports.sdk:sdk-ui:2.0.0-beta") //TODO reference latest github release #

// Required desugaring library, which allows the project to be built with embedded jdks, it's not 
// what is ran on the device (java 11). See more here

compileOptions { isCoreLibraryDesugaringEnabled = true }

dependencies { coreLibraryDesugaring("") }

#### Auth0 compliance (if not already using Auth0)

We use Auth0 for auth, if your app doesn't use it already, add the following to your app's default


    defaultConfig {
        addManifestPlaceholders(mapOf("auth0Domain" to "LUCRA_SDK", "auth0Scheme" to "LUCRA_SDK"))


manifestPlaceholders = [
        'auth0Domain': 'LUCRA_SDK',
        'auth0Scheme': 'LUCRA_SDK'

Manifest Requirements

The following manifest permissions, features, receivers and services are required to use Lucra

<manifest xmlns:android="">
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
  <uses-permission android:name="" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.webkit.PermissionRequest" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC" />
  <uses-feature android:name="" />
  <uses-feature android:name="" />


  <!--    Geocomply requirements-->
  <receiver android:name="com.geocomply.client.GeoComplyClientBootBroadcastReceiver"
          android:enabled="true" android:exported="true">
      <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
      <action android:name="android.intent.action.QUICKBOOT_POWERON" />

  <service android:name="com.geocomply.location.WarmingUpLocationProvidersService"
          android:exported="false" />
  <service android:name=""
          android:exported="false" android:isolatedProcess="true" tools:targetApi="q" />

  <receiver android:name="com.geocomply.client.GeoComplyClientBroadcastReceiver" />

Proguard Requirements

-dontwarn org.xmlpull.v1.**
-dontwarn android.content.res.**
-dontwarn org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder
-keep class org.xmlpull.** { *; }
-keepclassmembers class org.xmlpull.** { *; }

Application Requirements

Lucra leverages Coil to render images and SVGs. In your application class, provider the LucraCoilImageLoader

// Don't forget to set the app manifest to use this Application
class MyApplication : Application(), ImageLoaderFactory {
  // Use Lucra's ImageLoader to decode SVGs as needed
  override fun newImageLoader() = LucraCoilImageLoader.get(this)


In your application class, initialize the Lucra instance in onCreate.

  // Required - provide Auth0 client ID to use for authorization
  apiKey = "your api key",
  //Required - provide URL that will work along side apiKey
  apiUrl = "your api url",
  // Optionally provide LucraUiProvider implementation from "com.lucrasports.sdk:sdk-ui:*"
  lucraUiProvider = LucraUi(
    lucraFlowListener = object : LucraFlowListener {

      // Callback for entering Lucra permitted flow launch points.
      override fun launchNewLucraFlowEntryPoint(entryLucraFlow: LucraUiProvider.LucraFlow): Boolean {
        Log.d("Sample", "launchNewLucraFlowEntryPoint: $entryLucraFlow")
        return true

      //Callback for exiting all Lucra permitted flow launch points
      override fun onFlowDismissRequested(entryLucraFlow: LucraUiProvider.LucraFlow) {
        Log.d("Sample", "onFlowDismissRequested: $entryLucraFlow")
        supportFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(entryLucraFlow.toString())?.let {
          Log.d("Sample", "Found $entryLucraFlow as $it")

          if (it is DialogFragment)
        } ?: run {
          Log.d("Sample", "onFlowDismissRequested: $entryLucraFlow not found")
  // Optionally provide Lucra.Logger implementation to track events happening through the experience
  customLogger = null,
  // Optionally provide environment to use, defaults to Environment.PRODUCTION
  environment = Environment.SANDBOX,
  // Optionally specify to output logs to Logcat, defaults to false
  outputLogs = true,
  // Optionally add your own color scheme and fonts, from "com.lucrasports.sdk:sdk-ui:*", defaults to the Lucra Defaults
  clientTheme = ClientTheme(
    colorStyle = ColorStyle(),
    fontFamily = FontFamily()

Setting up Push Notifications

Lucra's push notification works with your existing Firebase push notification solution.

class MyFirebaseMessagingService : FirebaseMessagingService() {

    override fun onNewToken(token: String) {

    override fun onMessageReceived(message: RemoteMessage) {

        if (!LucraPushNotificationService.handlePushNotification(
                context = this,
                remoteMessage = message,
                activityClass =,
                smallIcon = R.drawable.lucra_letter_landing
        ) {

    private fun showNotification(message: RemoteMessage) {
        //Show your app specific notifications


Pass in the unique device token that's generated by Firebase.

The Firebase token can also be retrieved from your Activity via...

    .addOnCompleteListener { task ->
        if (!task.isSuccessful) {

        val token = task.result


This function will return true if the incoming push notification is Lucra-specific. The Lucra SDK will consume and display the notification to the user.

  • Parameters:
    • context: Context Context of the Service
    • remoteMessage: RemoteMessage The push notification data from Firebase
    • activityClass: Class<*> The Java class of the Activity that you want the push notification to open after a click.
    • smallIcon: Int The drawable resource id of the icon you want to display next to the Lucra notification

Handling Lucra push notification click events

Within the activityClass Activity you specified above, handle the incoming Intent and parse the Lucra-specific notification to show a LucraFlow. Add handleNotificationIntent to the following locations.

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    val flow = LucraPushNotificationService.handleNotificationIntent(intent)
    flow?.let { launchFlow(it) }

override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent) {
    val flow = LucraPushNotificationService.handleNotificationIntent(intent)
    flow?.let { launchFlow(it) }

onNewIntent contains the notification data when the Android app is in the background and the notification is clicked.

onCreate contains the notification data when the app is dead and the notification is clicked

Interacting with APIs

Use Lucra instance easily by invoking the class operator LucraClient().* or fetching the instance LucraClient.getInstance().*

Once you have the instance, you can interact with our headless SDK methods:

User API

Get and update the current user's properties


observeSDKUserFlow, observeSDKUser

Observe the active SDKUser based on authed status.

  • Example usage:
private fun observeLoggedInUser() {
  // Or use observeSDKUser { result -> ... }
  LucraClient().observeSDKUserFlow().onEach { sdkUserResult ->
    when (sdkUserResult) {
      is SDKUserResult.Success -> {
        Log.d("Lucra SDK Sample", "Fetched latest user")
        lucraSDKUser = sdkUserResult.sdkUser

      is SDKUserResult.Error -> {
        Log.e("Lucra SDK Sample", "Unable to get username ${sdkUserResult.error}")
        lucraSDKUser = null

      SDKUserResult.InvalidUsername -> {
        // Shouldn't happen here

      SDKUserResult.NotLoggedIn -> {
          "Lucra SDK Sample",
          "User not logged in yet!"
        lucraSDKUser = null

      SDKUserResult.Loading -> {



Updates the SDKUser for the current logged in user


At the moment, users can only log in after attempting to interact with a LucraFlow

  • Parameters:

    • onResult: SDKUserResult callback
  • Example usage:

// sdkUser from `getSDKUser`
LucraClient().configure(sdkUser.copy(username = newUsername)) {
        when (it) {
            is SDKUserResult.Error -> {
                    "Lucra SDK Sample",
                    "Unable to update username ${it.error}"

            SDKUserResult.InvalidUsername -> {
                    "Invalid username, try a different one",

            SDKUserResult.NotLoggedIn -> {
                    "Lucra SDK Sample",
                    "User not logged in yet!"

            is SDKUserResult.Success -> {
                    "Username updated to ${it.sdkUser.username}",


Logs out the current user, if any

  • Example usage:

GamesMatchup API

The GamesMatchup interface provides methods to manage game contests. It allows users to create, accept, and cancel contests. Each method provides a callback mechanism to handle the result of the operation.



Creates a new game contest.

  • Parameters:

    • gameTypeId: ID associated with the game type.
    • atStake: Amount of money being wagered.
    • onResult: Callback with a result of type CreateGamesMatchupResult.
  • Example usage:

    gameTypeId = "gameTypeId",
    atStake = 25.0
) { result ->
    when (result) {
        is CreateGamesMatchupResult.Failure -> {
            // Handle failure scenario
        is CreateGamesMatchupResult.GYPCreatedMatchupOutput -> {
            // Handle success scenario


Accepts a contest with the given ID.

  • Parameters:

    • matchupId: ID of the contest.
    • teamId: ID of the team the user wants to join.
    • onResult: Callback with a result of type MatchupActionResult.
  • Example usage:

    matchupId = "matchupId",
    teamId = "teamId"
) { result ->
    when (result) {
        is MatchupActionResult.Failure -> {
            // Handle failure scenario
        MatchupActionResult.Success -> {
            // Handle success scenario


Retrieve a contest with the given ID.

  • Parameters:

    • matchupId: ID of the contest.
    • onResult: Callback with a result of type RetrieveGamesMatchupResult.
  • Example usage:

    matchupId = "matchupId",
) { result ->
    when (result) {
        is RetrieveGamesMatchupResult.Failure -> {
            // Handle failure scenario
        RetrieveGamesMatchupResult.GYPMatchupDetailsOutput -> {
            // Handle success scenario


Cancels a contest with the given ID.

  • Parameters:

    • matchupId: ID of the contest.
    • onResult: Callback with a result of type MatchupActionResult.
  • Example usage:

LucraClient().cancelGamesYouPlayContest(matchupId = "matchupId") { result ->
    when (result) {
        is MatchupActionResult.Failure -> {
            // Handle failure scenario
        MatchupActionResult.Success -> {
            // Handle success scenario


Retrieve a sports contest with the given ID.

  • Parameters:

    • matchupId: ID of the contest.
    • onResult: Callback with a result of type RetrieveGamesMatchupResult.
  • Example usage:

    matchupId = "matchupId",
) { result ->
    when (result) {
        is RetrieveSportsMatchupResult.Failure -> {
            // Handle failure scenario
        RetrieveSportsMatchupResult.SportsMatchupDetailsOutput -> {
            // Handle success scenario


Sets lambda function that will be used to transform original lucra URI to client specific URI. Make sure to keep the original URI in the process to allow conversion into LucraFlow later.

  • Parameters:

    • suspend (String) -> String: suspended string transformer lambda
  • Example usage:

LucraClient().setDeeplinkTransformer { originalUri ->


Convert lucra URI (ex: lucra://...) into LucraFlow that can be launched to show a UI component.

  • Parameters:

    • uri: uri string to convert into a LucraFlow
  • Example usage:

LucraClient().apply {
  getLucraFlowForDeeplinkUri("uriString")?.let { lucraFlow ->
    getLucraDialogFragment(lucraFlow).also { fragment ->, lucraFlow.toString())

Result Types


Represents the result of an operation on an existing GamesMatchup.

  • Success: Represents a successful operation.
  • Failure: Represents a failed operation. Contains a failure of type FailedCreateGamesMatchup.


Represents the result of creating a GamesMatchup.

  • GYPCreatedMatchupOutput: Represents a successfully created matchup. Contains matchupId, ownerTeamId, and opponentTeamId.
  • Failure: Represents a failed operation. Contains a failure of type FailedCreateGamesMatchup.

Error Types


Represents the types of errors that can occur when creating a GamesMatchup.

  • UserStateError: Errors related to the current user account status or available funds.
    • NotInitialized: User account is not initialized.
    • Unverified: User account is unverified.
    • NotAllowed: User is not allowed to perform the operation.
    • InsufficientFunds: User has insufficient funds.
  • LocationError: Errors related to the user's location. Contains a message.
  • APIError: All other errors. Contains a message.

Get User's KYC Status

Fetching the KYC status will determine if the current user is verified or not, allowing for money and sports contest interactions. If the user is not verified, launch the VerifyIdentity LucraFlow.



Returns the status of the current logged in user.

  • Parameters:

    • userId: ID associated to the current user (see)
    • lucraKYCStatusListener: Listener to implement specific callbacks for KYC interaction
  • Example usage:

        "user-id", //fetched from #getSDKUser
        object : LucraClient.LucraKYCStatusListener {
            override fun onKYCStatusCheckFailed(exception: Exception) {
                    "Verified Failed ${exception}",

            override fun onKYCStatusAvailable(isVerified: Boolean) {
                Toast.makeText(this@MainActivitySdk, "Verified Success", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
                if (!isVerified) 

Event listeners


Sets a event listener so you can listen for Lucra-specific events that occur with the SDK. A LucraEvent may hold data associated with the event (ex: LucraEvent.SportsContest.Create holds a contestId).

  • Parameters:

    • LucraEventListener: listener used to receive a LucraEvent
  • Example usage:

LucraClient().setEventListener(object : LucraEventListener {
  override fun onEvent(event: LucraEvent) {
    //Handle Events

UI styling

Requires :sdk-ui*

Your can customize your Lucra implementation with your own color scheme and fonts by providing the ClientTheme object to LucraClient.

The ClientTheme class has two nested classes, ColorStyle and FontFamily.


Represents the 10 different colors your can provide to the SDK. Each field in this class is an hexadecimal string value.

The colors used are Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Surface, Background, OnPrimary, OnSecondary, OnTertiary, OnSurface, OnBackground


Represents a collection of the 4 different font styles that the SDK uses(mediumFont, normalFont, semiBoldFont, boldFont). The name of the font style field corresponds with the font weight associated with the imported font file. Each text style is represented by a Font object.


Each Font object requires you to specify the fontAssetFilePath.

The fontAssetFilePath is the exact file path of your custom font(ex: /fonts/wingding.ttf). The root directory is your assets directory (main/assets/). All font files must be included in assets. These fonts are imported through Reach Native.

  clientTheme = ClientTheme(
    colorStyle = ColorStyle(
      primary = "#1976D2",
      secondary = "#F57C00",
      tertiary = "#388E3C",
      surface = "#FFFFFF",
      background = "#F5F5F5",
      onPrimary = "#FFFFFF",
      onSecondary = "#FFFFFF",
      onTertiary = "#FFFFFF",
      onSurface = "#000000",
      onBackground = "#000000"
    fontFamily = FontFamily(
      mediumFont = Font("my_medium_font.ttf"),
      normalFont = Font("my_regular_font.ttf"),
      semiBoldFont = Font("my_semi_bold_font.ttf"),
      boldFont = Font("my_bold_font.ttf"),

Showing full Lucra flow

Requires :sdk-ui*

Launch the LucraFragment in your Activity or Fragment by passing in a LucraFlow. The following flows are supported:

LucraUiProvider.LucraFlow.VerifyIdentity Launch the verify identity flow for users

LucraUiProvider.LucraFlow.AddFunds Launch the add funds flow for users, identity verification will launch if the user hasn't verified their identity yet

LucraUiProvider.LucraFlow.WithdrawFunds Launch the withdraw funds flow for users, identity verification will launch if the user hasn't verified their identity yet

LucraUiProvider.LucraFlow.CreateGamesMatchup Launch the create games matchup flow, identity verification will launch if the user hasn't verified their identity yet

LucraUiProvider.LucraFlow.CreateSportsMatchup Launch the Create Sport Matchup flow to create a new sports matchup

LucraUiProvider.LucraFlow.Profile Launch the profile view for users to add and withdrawal funds, identity verification will launch if the user hasn't verified their identity yet

LucraUiProvider.LucraFlow.PublicFeed Launch to view the public feed of sports matchups.

LucraUiProvider.LucraFlow.Dynamic Launch specific destinations, proprietary to the host app.


Use LucraClient().[add/remove/clear]publicFeedLeagueIdFilter(...) to filter the public feed by league.

LucraUiProvider.LucraFlow.MyMatchup Launch to view the current user's matchups

LucraUiProvider.LucraFlow.Login Launch to view the login flow

val lucraFlow = LucraUiProvider.LucraFlow.Profile
// Or use the LucraDialogFragment to show the flow in a dialog
val lucraDialog = LucraClient().getLucraDialogFragment(lucraFlow), lucraFlow.toString())

Showing partial Lucra elements

Requires :sdk-ui*

LucraComponents Components are provided via a Via and are designed to be embedded in experiences unique to the host. Each component requires a callback to launch Lucra Flows from a new fragment. From there, the Flow operates as normal.

LucraUiProvider.LucraComponent.MiniPublicFeed Show the public feed within your native app. (optional) Pass in Player ids to filter the feed to only show matchups associated with the provided players

val view = LucraClient().getLucraComponent(
      playerIds = listOf("playerId1", "playerId2", ...) // optional
    ) {
        launchFlow(it) // Launch the flow as you would normally

LucraUiProvider.LucraComponent.ProfilePill Show the Profile Pill anywhere within your app.

val view = LucraClient().getLucraComponent(
  LucraUiProvider.LucraComponent.ProfilePill {
    launchFlow(it) // Launch the flow as you would normally

LucraUiProvider.LucraComponent.ContestCard Show a sports contest card within your native app. Pass in the sports contest unique UUID to display the contest card.

val view = LucraClient().getLucraComponent(
    contestId = contestId //The unique,
  ) {

LucraUiProvider.LucraComponent.FloatingActionButton Show a Floating Action Button anywhere within your app to launch the sports you watch contest creation flow.

val view = LucraClient().getLucraComponent(
  LucraUiProvider.LucraComponent.FloatingActionButton {
    launchFlow(it) // Launch the flow as you would normally

LucraUiProvider.LucraComponent.RecommendedMatchups Show a carousel of recommended matchups within your app

val view = LucraClient().getLucraComponent(
  LucraUiProvider.LucraComponent.RecommendedMatchups {
    launchFlow(it) // Launch the flow as you would normally

lucra-android-sdk's People


emitchel avatar actions-user avatar lucramike avatar rawberg avatar


 avatar  avatar Victor Cassone avatar

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