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This Jupyter Notebook file serves as our project's initial testing and experimenting phase.It provides a hands-on introduction to our resume and job description matching system. In this version, you can explore essential functionalities, including text extraction from PDFs, stopwords removal, bigram generation, and text analysis.

License: MIT License

Jupyter Notebook 48.41% Python 51.59%

resume-recommendation-system's Introduction

Resume Recommendation System

Resume Recommendation System is designed to automate the process of comparing job descriptions (JDs) with resumes. It assists in identifying relevant candidates by analyzing the textual content of resumes and JDs.

For resumes, the script loads PDF files containing resumes, filters out stopwords, and creates bigrams from the processed text. Similarly, for job descriptions, it loads a JD PDF file, removes stopwords, and extracts bigrams from the JD content.

To facilitate text analysis and feature extraction, the script initializes key components, such as the TfidfVectorizer and CountVectorizer from the scikit-learn library.

One of the script's core functionalities involves comparing the bigrams extracted from the job description with those from the resumes, employing a scoring mechanism. A lower score indicates a higher degree of similarity between the job description and a particular resume, aiding in the identification of potential matches.

In addition to bigram comparison, the script employs the ResumeParser library to extract crucial candidate information from resumes, including names, email addresses, phone numbers, and skills.


This script performs the following key functions:

  • 1. Building Supporting Functions

    The script defines several supporting functions, including:

    • Extracting text from PDFs.
    • Removing stopwords (common words like "the," "and," etc.) from text.
    • Generating bigrams (pairs of adjacent words) from text.
  • 2. Processing Resumes

    1. Load PDF files containing resumes.
    2. Remove stopwords from the text in the resumes.
    3. Generate bigrams from the filtered resumes.
  • 3. Processing Job Descriptions (JD)

    1. Load a JD PDF file.
    2. Remove stopwords from the JD text.
    3. Generate bigrams from the filtered JD text.
  • 4. Text Vectorization

    The script initializes the TfidfVectorizer and CountVectorizer from scikit-learn. These are essential for text analysis and feature extraction.

  • 5. Comparing JD and Resume Bigrams

    The script compares the bigrams extracted from the JD with those from the resumes. This comparison is done using a scoring mechanism, and a lower score indicates higher similarity between the JD and the resume in terms of bigrams.

  • 6. Using ResumeParser

    The script leverages the ResumeParser library to extract important information such as names, emails, phone numbers, and skills from the resumes.


  • NumPy
  • NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit)
  • Gensim
  • PyPDF2
  • scikit-learn
  • ResumeParser (for resume data extraction)

importing library

# Importing the NumPy library as np
import numpy as np

# Suppressing warnings
import warnings

# Importing the necessary NLTK libraries
from nltk.collocations import *
from string import punctuation
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk.corpus import stopwords 
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

# Creating a set of English stopwords
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))

# Importing a function from the gensim library for removing stopwords
from gensim.parsing.preprocessing import remove_stopwords

# Importing regular expressions library
import re

# Importing the PyPDF2 library for working with PDF files
import PyPDF2 as pdf

# Importing the os library for working with the operating system
import os

Convert PDF to TXT

def _convPdfText(path):
    # Initialize a counter to keep track of the PDF files processed
    count = 0
    # Create an empty list to store the extracted text from PDFs
    resume = []
    # Loop through files in the specified directory
    for file in os.listdir(path):
        # Check if the file has a .pdf extension
        if file.endswith('.pdf'):
            # Create a PdfFileReader object to read the PDF file
            pdf_reader = pdf.PdfFileReader(path + file)
            # Get the text content from the first page of the PDF
            page = pdf_reader.getPage(0)
            pageText = page.extractText()
            # Append the extracted text and its corresponding count to the 'resume' list
            resume.append([count, pageText])
            # Increment the counter
            count += 1
    # Return the list containing extracted text from PDFs
    return resume

Functions for cleaning text from pdf

def StopWordsfilter(text):
    # Initialize an empty list to store filtered text
    filtered_sentence_list = []

    # Loop through each element in the 'text' list
    for p in text:
        # Tokenize the text from the second element of each sub-list
        word_tokens = word_tokenize(p[1])

        # Filter out stopwords from the tokenized words
        filtered_sentence = [w for w in word_tokens if not w in stop_words]

        # Append the filtered sentence along with its count to the result list
        filtered_sentence_list.append([p[0], filtered_sentence])

    # Call 'filterWithRe' function to further process the filtered sentences
    return filterWithRe(filtered_sentence_list)
def filterWithRe(filter_Sent):
    # Initialize an empty list to store processed words
    procssed_words = []

    # Loop through each element in 'filter_Sent'
    for frl in filter_Sent:
        sub_list = []

        # Loop through the filtered words in the second element of each sub-list
        for x in range(len(frl[1])):
            if x != "":
                # Apply regular expressions to clean and format the words
                a = re.sub("[^-9A-Za-z ]", "", frl[1][x])
                b = re.sub('((www\.[^\s]+)|(https?://[^\s]+))', " ", a)
                c = re.sub('[!"#$%&\'()*+-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~]', "", b)
                d = re.sub('and', "", c)

        # Append the processed words along with their count to the result list
        procssed_words.append([frl[0], sub_list])

    # Call 'gensimfilter' function to further process the cleaned words
    return gensimfilter(procssed_words)
def gensimfilter(procss_list):
    # Initialize an empty list to store the final result
    final_result = []

    # Loop through each element in 'procss_list'
    for pre_proc in procss_list:
        sub_list_2 = []

        # Loop through the processed words in the second element of each sub-list
        for x in range(len(pre_proc[1])):
            # Remove stopwords using gensim's 'remove_stopwords' function
            filtered_sentence = remove_stopwords(pre_proc[1][x])

            # If the filtered sentence is not empty, convert it to lowercase and append to the result list
            if filtered_sentence != "":
                filtered_sentence = filtered_sentence.lower()

        # Append the final processed words along with their count to the result list
        final_result.append([pre_proc[0], sub_list_2])

    # Return the final processed result
    return final_result

Function for collecting bigram

def GetBigram(Words):
    # Create a BigramCollocationFinder from the input list of words
    finder = BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(Words)
    # Initialize an empty list to store the bigram key phrases
    lst = []
    # Initialize a list to store key phrases from the CV
    Key_word_from_CV = []
    # Iterate through the sorted n-grams and their frequency counts
    for i in sorted(finder.ngram_fd.items()):
        # Check if the n-gram occurs more than once (frequency > 1)
        if i[1] > 1:
            # Append the n-gram to the 'lst' list
    # Convert the list of tuples (bigrams) into a list of strings (key phrases)
    for j in lst:
        Key_word_from_CV.append(" ".join(j))
    # Return the list of key phrases extracted from the CV
    return Key_word_from_CV

Main Code

get resume pdf from path and read text ,clean text

resume_path = "/home/lucifer/Downloads/txt resume/"
RawResume = _convPdfText(resume_path)
FinalResultResume = StopWordsfilter(RawResume)

::: [[0, ['mahendra', 'gawali', 'data', 'scientist', 'data', 'engineer', 'personal', 'info', 'email', 'gawalimahen', 'gmailcom', 'phone', '99', 'skills', 'languagesstrategic', 'planning', 'data', 'science', 'data', 'engineer', 'data', 'analytics', 'research', 'skills', 'python', 'sql', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'machine', 'learning', 'convolutional', 'neural', 'network', 'object', 'oriented', 'programming', 'snowflake', 'etlmicrosoft', 'azure', 'java', 'english', 'hindi', 'marathiphd', 'experience', 'agile', 'softwa', 'development', 'testing', 'deployment', 'life', 'cycle', 'best', 'practices', 'in', 'depth', 'understan', 'ding', 'r', 'python', 'related', 'technology', 'like', 'microso', 'ft', 'azure', 'ibm', 'watson', 'studio', 'snowflake', 'framework', 'experience', 'optimization', 'techniques', 'expertise', 'enterprise', 'resource', 'planning', 'development', 'retailed', 'manufacturing', 'domain', 'experience', 'field', 'linked', 'business', 'analytics', 'statistics', 'operatio', 'ns', 'research', 'geography', 'applied', 'mathematics', 'science', 'engineering', 'work', 'history', 'education', 'certificates', 'presentsr', 'consultant', 'data', 'science', 'data', 'engineer', 'quellcode', 't', 'echnology', 'pvt', 'ltd', 'kopargaon', 'completed', 'projects', 'traffic', 'sign', 'identification', 'convolutional', 'neural', 'network', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'based', 'enterprise', 'resource', 'planning', 'software', 'natural', 'language', 'processing', 'real', 'time', 'customer', 'reviews', 'enterprise', 'resource', 'planning', 'software', 'principal', 'component', 'analysis', 'dimensionality', 'reduction', 'dataset', 'amazon', 'book', 'review', 'data', 'analysis', 'heart', 'disease', 'dataset', 'etl', 'medical', 'data', 'snowflake', 'etl', 'medical', 'data', 'azure', 'data', 'factory', 'presentassociate', 'professor', 'sanjivani', 'college', 'engineering', 'kopargaon', 'professor', 'mentor', 'research', 'grants', 'research', 'paper', 'writing', 'publication', 'cloud', 'computing', 'doctor', 'philosophy', 'thadomal', 'shahani', 'engineering', 'college', 'bra', 'w', 'mumbai', 'computer', 'engineering', 'master', 'engineering', 'north', 'maharashtra', 'university', 'jalgaon', 'computer', 'engineering', 'bachelor', 'engineering', 'north', 'maharashtra', 'university', 'jalgaon', 'ibm', 'data', 'science', 'professional', 'data', 'analysis', 'python', 'introduction', 't', 'ensorflow', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'machine', 'learning', 'deep', 'learning']]]

collect bigram from cleaned list of text

ResumeBigram = []
for count,result in FinalResultResume:
    result = GetBigram(result)

::: [[0, ['artificial intelligence', 'computer engineering', 'convolutional neural', 'data analysis', 'data engineer', 'data science', 'engineering north', 'enterprise resource', 'etl medical', 'intelligence machine', 'machine learning', 'maharashtra university', 'medical data', 'neural network', 'north maharashtra', 'planning software', 'resource planning', 'science data', 'university jalgaon']]]

get JD pdf from path and read text ,clean text

Jd_Path = '/home/lucifer/Desktop/test_dataset/'
RawJd = _convPdfText(Jd_Path)
FinalResultJd = StopWordsfilter(RawJd)

::: [[0, ['data', 'scientist', 'skills', 'you', 'need', 'master', 'skills', 'required', 'data', 'scientist', 'jobs', 'industries', 'organizations', 'want', 'pursue', 'data', 'scientist', 'career', 'let', 'look', 'musthave', 'data', 'scientist', 'qualifications', 'key', 'skills', 'needed', 'data', 'scientist', 'programming', 'skills', 'knowledge', 'statistical', 'programming', 'languages', 'like', 'r', 'python', 'database', 'query', 'languages', 'like', 'sql', 'hive', 'pig', 'desirable', 'familiarity', 'scala', 'java', 'c', 'added', 'advantage', 'statistics', 'good', 'applied', 'statistical', 'skills', 'including', 'knowledge', 'statistical', 'tests', 'distributions', 'regression', 'maximum', 'likelihood', 'estimators', 'proficiency', 'statistics', 'essential', 'datadriven', 'companies', 'machine', 'learning', 'good', 'knowledge', 'machine', 'learning', 'methods', 'like', 'knearest', 'neighbors', 'naive', 'bayes', 'svm', 'decision', 'forests', 'strong', 'math', 'skills', 'multivariable', 'calculus', 'linear', 'algebra', 'understing', 'fundamentals', 'multivariable', 'calculus', 'linear', 'algebra', 'important', 'form', 'basis', 'lot', 'predictive', 'performance', 'algorithm', 'optimization', 'techniques', 'data', 'wrangling', 'proficiency', 'hling', 'imperfections', 'data', 'important', 'aspect', 'data', 'scientist', 'job', 'description', 'experience', 'data', 'visualization', 'tools', 'like', 'matplotlib', 'ggplot', 'djs', 'tableau', 'help', 'visually', 'encode', 'data', 'excellent', 'communication', 'skills', 'incredibly', 'important', 'findings', 'technical', 'nontechnical', 'audience', 'strong', 'software', 'engineering', 'background', 'hson', 'experience', 'data', 'science', 'tools', 'problemsolving', 'aptitude', 'analytical', 'mind', 'great', 'business', 'sense', 'degree', 'computer', 'science', 'engineering', 'relevant', 'field', 'preferred', 'proven', 'experience', 'data', 'analyst', 'data', 'scientist']]]

get bigram from cleaned jd text

JdBigram = []
for count,result in FinalResultJd:
    result = GetBigram(result)

::: [[0, ['calculus linear', 'data scientist', 'experience data', 'knowledge statistical', 'languages like', 'linear algebra', 'machine learning', 'multivariable calculus']]]

Compare function to compare jd bigram and resume bigram

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
def TFIDF(BgList):
    tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english')
    tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(BgList)
    CosSimilarityTfidf = cosine_similarity(tfidf[0],tfidf[1])
    return CosSimilarityTfidf
def CountVectorize(BgList):
    count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
    count = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(BgList)
    CosSimilarityCountVect = cosine_similarity(count[0],count[1])
    return CosSimilarityCountVect

get dict of resume and jd in this format

{ jd number: [ [ resume number, array([[score]]) ] ] } the score are two differnt types one is TFID and another is Count Vector

tfidDict = {}
for JdCount in range(len(JdBigram)):
    result = []
    for resumeCount in range(len(ResumeBigram)):
        wordslist=[' '.join(JdBigram[JdCount][1]),' '.join(ResumeBigram[resumeCount][1])]

::: {.output .stream .stdout} {0: [[0, array([[0.18681731]])]]}

countVecDict = {}
for JdCount in range(len(JdBigram)):
    result = []
    for resumeCount in range(len(ResumeBigram)):
        wordslist=[' '.join(JdBigram[JdCount][1]),' '.join(ResumeBigram[resumeCount][1])]

::: {0: [[0, array([[0.30987534]])]]}

Resume parser [skill compare]

from resume_parser.resume_parser import ResumeParser

predict resume skills and jd skills

resume = ResumeParser("/home/lucifer/Downloads/txt resume/MBG_Resume.pdf")
resume_skill = resume.get_extracted_data()['skills']

::: ['Ibm', 'Operations', 'Tensorflow', 'Programming', 'Writing', 'English', 'Agile', 'Cloud', 'Sql', 'Computer science', 'Python', 'Testing', 'Life cycle', 'Statistics', 'Java', 'Machine learning', 'Etl', 'Engineering', 'System', 'R', 'Mathematics', 'Analytics', 'Research', 'Analysis', 'Email'] {'name': 'Mahendra Gawali', 'email': '[email protected]', 'mobile_number': '9171211111', 'skills': ['Ibm', 'Operations', 'Tensorflow', 'Programming', 'Writing', 'English', 'Agile', 'Cloud', 'Sql', 'Computer science', 'Python', 'Testing', 'Life cycle', 'Statistics', 'Java', 'Machine learning', 'Etl', 'Engineering', 'System', 'R', 'Mathematics', 'Analytics', 'Research', 'Analysis', 'Email'], 'education': [], 'experience': [' Optimization'], 'competencies': {}, 'measurable_results': {}}

jd = ResumeParser('/home/lucifer/Desktop/test_dataset/jd.pdf')
jd_skill = jd.get_extracted_data()

::: ['Technical', 'Analytical', 'Database', 'C++', 'Ggplot', 'Scala', 'Communication', 'Calculus', 'Statistics', 'Computer science', 'Engineering', 'Java', 'Tableau', 'Sql', 'Programming', 'R', 'Python', 'Matplotlib', 'Math', 'Hive']

make list of skills for comparing

resume_skill = ' '.join(resume_skill)
jd_skill = ' '.join(jd_skill)
skillList = [jd_skill,resume_skill]
skill_Tfid = TFIDF(skillList)
count_vec = CountVectorize(skillList)

::: TFID [[0.22231997]] CountVec [[0.35320863]]

resume-recommendation-system's People


lucifersden26 avatar



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