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waifu2x-caffe's Issues

UpRGB model conversion artifact or feature?

I am using 1.1.5 to test the new RGB model of waifu2x caffe and I notice some differences between RGB and UpRGB
Test image:
Looks smooth
Looks like jagged lines is this an error or a feature of UpRGB?

X86 OS support requested

Current version can only be run on X64 Windows OS, can we add support for X86(32-bit) systems?

Unnecessary artifact/color using ver 1.1.0

Hello it's me again. I tried using the latest version and compare it to version
Test image:
Now the problem is:
All parameters used: 5x scale,RGB, TTA, level 1 denoise, output: PNG
Other Model parameters ver 1.1.0
Photo model:
miku_bg photo noise_scale level1 tta x5 000000
miku_bg y noise_scale level1 tta x5 000000

System frozen with ver

I found my waifu2x-caffe can't use cudnn any more. It will cause system frozen and have to be shut down forcibly. I've tried different combinations to locate the problem.

Case 1:
waifu2x-caffe v1.1.7.1 + cudnn-8.0 v5.1 + GeForce 372.70 / 368.81
System frozen.

Case 2:
waifu2x-caffe v1.1.7.1 + cudnn-8.0 v5.1 + GeForce 364.96
Error: Input can not be converted by GPU. The CUDA driver may not have been installed. Please install the CUDA driver.

Case 3:
waifu2x-caffe v1.1.3.2 + cudnn-7.0 v4.0 + GeForce 364.96
You can not use cuDNN. cFailed to intialize cuDNN.

So what can I do to fix this?

Training Hints

It seems that the prototxt has already contained something useful for training. There still exists, however, some work needed to be done to train another model using native caffe interface.
I would appreciate it if the project would provide some proto texts essential for training and even scripts. Some basic hints are also fine.

Time Left Misspelled

When the time left is unknown it's printed as

"Time Left: Unkown" just missing an N, no big deal




E0706 15:34:09.373869 10996 common.cpp:126] Cannot create Curand generator. Curand won't be available.

waifu-caffe dead after updated VGA driver

The software is really good, The waifu2x-caffe(ver1.1.1.1) was working fine here before, and today after I updated the VGA driver, waifu2x-caffe.exe didn't work anymore.
The situation was: I double clicked the waifu2x-caffe.exe, no windows appeared but still created a process called "waifu2x-caffe.exe" in Task Manager.
Furthermore, that process was unable to kill in Task Manager. It was unable to be killed even I use software like lockhunter, killbox etc. And since so, I can't shutdown or reboot my PC because the system was unable to kill it and stuck in the shutting down screen. Cut the power was the onlyway.
I tried to delete the folder, change the path, recover my VGA driver but they didn't work.
Here's my device info
OS:Win7 X64
VGA:GTX-660 (driver verson 361.75 now)
I was hopeless and wish i may got some help here,thank you!

Incorrect result with tta mode and different crop_w & crop_h value

Source (640x360)

waifu2x-caffe-cui.exe --tta 0 --crop_w 160 --crop_h 180 -p cudnn -m scale -i foo.png
foo uprgb scale x2 000000

waifu2x-caffe-cui.exe --tta 1 --crop_w 160 --crop_h 180 -p cudnn -m scale -i foo.png
foo uprgb scale tta x2 000000

The problem also doesn't occur when you assign the same value to both crop_w and crop_h.

Error image output with very rare probability

There is a very small probability that you will find that your output image (like .png) might be broken. This happened on my machine and my friend's machine.

The broken image has the corrected file size (this might indicate the calculation process is corrected). The first part of image (basically the top lines of a image) is showing correctly, and the rest of it is broken (like displaying black area or error texture).

The probability is very low, like several errors in 100,000 example. But I found they are more likely to occur within a small period of time, or even continues images.


README for Korean.txt

  • 変換後の縦幅で指定 : 画像の縦横比を維持したまま、指定された横幅になるように拡大します(単位はピクセル)
    -s <小数点付き数値>, --scale_ratio <小数点付き数値>・・・のところは既に修正なさいましたね。(汗)




About Ultra low resolution

Apologies for my poor English, Thanks for your project.
I'm trying to use Waifu2X on M.U.G.E.N chars which was almost jagged.
And there is another tool named 2xScale,under ultra low resolution Waifu2X have better fill but they have more smooth edges.
here is a picture.
Maybe in further Waifu2X can also has a ultra low resolution mode like that ,of course this is just my personal opinion,thanks for your contribution.

CUDA can not use

Once I use video card processing,the card will be remove ,system not detecte the video card,the error like this
gtx950m,driver verson 372.90



;LangName   LangID  SubLangID   FileName
English(US) 0x09    0x01    english.json
日本語   0x11    0x01    japanese.json
简体中文    0x04    0x04    SChinese.json


"IDC_RADIO_MODEL_PHOTO":"照片 或 动画 (Photo 模型)",
"IDC_RADIO_MODEL_Y":"2D 插图 2 (Y 模型)",
"MessageUseProcessorMode":"使用的处理模式: %s",
"MessageProcessTime":"处理时间: %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
"MessageInitTime":"初始化时间: %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
"MessagecuDNNCheckTime":"cuDNN 检查时间: %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
"MessageScaleRateCheckError":"放大倍数必须大于 0.0 的正数",
"MessageCropSizeCheckError":"拆分大小必须大于 0 的正数",
"MessageCudaNotFindError":"使用 GPU 转换失败。\r\n可能是因为没有安装可调用的 CUDA 驱动。\r\n请安装驱动。",
"MessageCudaOldVersionError":"使用 GPU 转换失败。\r\n可能是因为安装的 CUDA 驱动太旧。\r\n请更新驱动。",
"MessagecuDNNOK":"可以使用 cuDNN。",
"MessagecuDNNNotFindError":"调用 cuDNN 失败。\r\n没有发现「%s」。",
"MessagecuDNNOldVersionError":"调用 cuDNN 失败。\r\n「%s」版本太旧。请使用 %s。",
"MessagecuDNNCannotCreateError":"调用 cuDNN 失败。\r\n初始化 cuDNN 失败。",
"MessagecuDNNDefautlError":"调用 cuDNN 失败",
"MessageExtStr":"输入文件扩展名 (%s)",
"MessageAllFileFolder":"所有文件和文件夹 (*.*)",

Specify the device in multiple GPUs system

Hi lltcggie,

Could you please add an option in the interface so that the user can specify which device to use if he has more than one GPU in the system? We use this library for video upscaling, so if the processing can be distributed to different GPUs at the same time, the time needed will reduce a lot. Thank you very much.

feature request: replacing an image

I think, you need to add an option to replace original image file with edited image.
Like a special checkbox in settings for that. Because there are many situations when you just need to denoise the image, but not creating another one with even longer name -___-

Binary DLL distribution

Current distribution contains GUI and console versions. But there is a DLL project in sources.
I have only VS 2015, which means I can't build caffe and waifu2x-caffe without installing the older 2013 one.
Could you please add DLL-version in your binary distribution?



*あと本家のUpcovにはnoise modelも入ってるんですが、waifu-caffeだとnoise_scaleだけが入ってます。これでUpconv モデルでノイズ除去だけする時modelをnoiseに指定してもnoise_scale modelにならないですか?



┬ upconv_7

┬ vgg_7

例えば--tta <1|0>を→-t を入れるだけでttaモードになる
--model_root upconv_7(デフォルトでupcov) --model art


VRAM burst in 1.1.5

1.1.5 may request several times of VRAM when algorithm benchmark runs.


This is a log of my VRAM usage. Here I show 6 operation with different crop_size.

Stage 1: crop_size = 576
Stage 2: crop_size = 288
Stage 3: crop_size = 384
Stage 4: crop_size = 576

I close waifu2x-caffe-gui and then open it.
Stage 5: crop_size = 384
Stage 6: crop_size = 576

In Stage 2/3, there is a burst of VRAM usage, but not always happens.

If crop_size = 576 and the usage goes beyong 4GB of my limit, the error log is

Log file created at: 2016/07/08 23:10:26
Running on machine: SERVER_USAGE
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
F0708 23:10:26.411075  6272 cudnn_conv_layer.cpp:191] Check failed: status == CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS (4 vs. 0)  CUDNN_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR

1.1.4 doesn't have this bug.

Latest version 1.0.8 ALWAYS crashes, Cannot use

The latest version 1.0.8 always crash (application crash) whenever I press the "run" button no matter parameters I set, the previous version (1.0.7) does not crash
in japanese:その最新ヴァージョン(1.0.8)は、どんなパラメーターに設定しようが run ボタンを押すと必ずクラッシュ(異常終了)してしまいます。以前のヴァージョン(1.0.7)はクラッシュしません。
OS:Win 7 pro 64 bit
btw does waifu2x-caffe support SLI?

cannot open/save as TIFF file format


First I would like to thank you guys for creating such a useful tool!

But now we have met a tricky issue.
After using the tool for some period of time on a computer, we will always meet an error where the tool (both GUI and CUI version) will fail to open the input file.

"Failed to open input file xxx"

It occurs on TIFF file format (whether as input or output), but for TGA and possibly other file formats the error does not occur. Currently, only reinstalling the system on the computer can we fix this issue.

We are integrating the tool into an image processing pipeline where TIFF is the intermediate exchange format. Of course we can convert the images to TGA before calling Waifu2x, but I would still like to know the reason why this error occurs, and possibly get it fixed.


Waifu2x-caffe not fully using GPU memory clock?

While using waifu2x-caffe (magnifying, denoising etc.) I noticed that memory clock is only reaching at 3005 MHz (1502.5 MHz). My GPU has a default memory clock of 1753MHz so it should reach (1753*2) 3506MHz on the sensors. I tried other benchmark programs like Heaven or Kombustor to test if the GPU is the problem but the memory clock reached 3506MHz.
Here is a snapshot of the reading on the memory clock while using waifu2x-caffe v1.1.3.2
I also used NVIDIA inspector and while using waifu2x-caffe it only reaches Power state 'P-2'
In theory GPU Power state while using waifu2x-caffe should reach Power state 'P-0'
P0/P1 - Maximum 3D performance
P2/P3 - Balanced 3D performance-power



Translation Update

Simplified Chinese - 简体中文

"IDC_RADIO_MODEL_PHOTO":"照片或动画 — Photo 模型",
"IDC_RADIO_MODEL_Y":"2D 插图 — Y 模型",
"MessageUseProcessorMode":"使用的处理模式: %s",
"MessageProcessTime":"处理时间: %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
"MessageInitTime":"初始化时间: %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
"MessagecuDNNCheckTime":"cuDNN 检查时间: %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
"MessageScaleRateCheckError":"放大倍率必须大于 0 的正数",
"MessageScaleWidthCheckError":"放大尺寸必须大于 0 的正数",
"MessageCropSizeCheckError":"拆分大小必须大于 0 的正数",
"MessageCudaNotFindError":"使用 GPU 转换失败。\r\n可能是因为没有安装可调用的 CUDA 驱动。\r\n请安装驱动。",
"MessageCudaOldVersionError":"使用 GPU 转换失败。\r\n可能是因为安装的 CUDA 驱动太旧。\r\n请更新驱动。",
"MessagecuDNNOK":"可以使用 cuDNN。",
"MessagecuDNNNotFindError":"调用 cuDNN 失败。\r\n没有发现「%s」。",
"MessagecuDNNOldVersionError":"调用 cuDNN 失败。\r\n「%s」版本太旧。请使用 %s。",
"MessagecuDNNCannotCreateError":"调用 cuDNN 失败。\r\n初始化 cuDNN 失败。",
"MessagecuDNNDefautlError":"调用 cuDNN 失败",
"MessageExtStr":"输入文件扩展名 (%s)",
"MessageAllFileFolder":"所有文件和文件夹 (.)",
"MessageTimeLeftUnkown":"估计剩余时间: 未知",
"MessageNoOverwrite":"此位置已经包含同名文件: %s",
"MessageCudaOldDeviceError":"CUDA 组件版本太旧。\r\n请使用 rnCompute Capability 2.0 以上版本。",
"IDC_RADIO_MODEL_UPCONV_PHOTO":"照片或动画 — UpPhoto 模型",

Half CPU usage

I'm not sure if this is an issue or not, but a guy introduced me this program and it works really great. However, the program only uses half of my CPU, an I7 4770k. He told me that the program constantly uses 100% of his CPU (i5-3570K). So, problem with Hyper Threading? I don't know, just submit the problem here.
50 cpu

missing tclapw


JPEG sequence issue

When I try to select a JPEG sequence the program automatically shuts down. It crashes when I select between 500-1000 JPEG pictures.


Ver1.1.5 GUI版 Windows7(64bit)での動作です。



about increasing waifu2x-caffe speed

about someone have 2 or more gpus working at the same time ,I think waifu2x-caffe can work this way.
The image is divided into two parts. and gpus work separately. last waifu2x-caffe combine the 2 parts images and output.

How to start GUI directly

You just drag'n'drop waifu2x-caffe.exe to Command Prompt and hit Enter.
You can create a shortcut: right-click any Windows Explorer window, select New, select Shortcut and input this target
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c "C:\Program Files\waifu2x-caffe\waifu2x-caffe.exe"
You may need to edit path depending on the location of waifu2x-caffe.exe



Cannot find 「cudnn64_5.dll」

Questions are as follows:
Under 「waifu2x-caffe ver」,
Calling cuDNN failed, cannot find 「cudnn64_5.dll」
Windows 7 x64
Graphics Card:
Driver Version:

I have installed 「CUDA Version 8.0.44」, how to solve, very grateful !

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