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Sweep: Refactor generally to improve quality the file snps.php and maintainbility plus readable by following psr standards about php-dna HOT 1 CLOSED

liberu-genealogy avatar liberu-genealogy commented on September 26, 2024 2
Sweep: Refactor generally to improve quality the file snps.php and maintainbility plus readable by following psr standards

from php-dna.

Comments (1)

sweep-ai avatar sweep-ai commented on September 26, 2024

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I found the following snippets in your repository. I will now analyze these snippets and come up with a plan.

Some code snippets I think are relevant in decreasing order of relevance (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.


Lines 1 to 3065 in 3d5b908

namespace Dna\Snps;
use Countable;
use Dna\Resources;
use Dna\Snps\IO\IO;
use Dna\Snps\IO\Reader;
use Dna\Snps\IO\Writer;
use Iterator;
// You may need to find alternative libraries for numpy, pandas, and snps in PHP, as these libraries are specific to Python
// For numpy, consider using a library such as MathPHP:
// For pandas, you can use DataFrame from, though it is not as feature-rich as pandas
// For snps, you'll need to find a suitable PHP alternative or adapt the Python code to PHP
// import copy // In PHP, you don't need to import the 'copy' module, as objects are automatically copied when assigned to variables
use Dna\Snps\Ensembl;
use Dna\Snps\IO\SnpFileReader;
use Dna\Snps\Analysis\BuildDetector;
use Dna\Snps\Analysis\ClusterOverlapCalculator;
class SNPs implements Countable, Iterator
class SNPs implements Countable, Iterator
private array $_source = [];
private array $_snps = [];
private int $_build = 0;
private ?bool $_phased = null;
private ?bool $_build_detected = null;
private ?Resources $_resources = null;
private ?string $_chip = null;
private ?string $_chip_version = null;
private ?string $_cluster = null;
private int $_position = 0;
private array $_keys = [];
private array $_duplicate = [];
private array $_discrepant_XY = [];
private array $_heterozygous_MT = [];
private DataFrame $dataFrame;
private SNPAnalysis $snpAnalysis;
private MathOperations $mathOperations;
* SNPs constructor.
* @param string $file Input file path
* @param bool $only_detect_source Flag to indicate whether to only detect the source
* @param bool $assign_par_snps Flag to indicate whether to assign par_snps
* @param string $output_dir Output directory path
* @param string $resources_dir Resources directory path
* @param bool $deduplicate Flag to indicate whether to deduplicate
* @param bool $deduplicate_XY_chrom Flag to indicate whether to deduplicate XY chromosome
* @param bool $deduplicate_MT_chrom Flag to indicate whether to deduplicate MT chromosome
* @param bool $parallelize Flag to indicate whether to parallelize
* @param int $processes Number of processes to use for parallelization
* @param array $rsids Array of rsids
public function __construct(
private $file = "",
private bool $only_detect_source = False,
private bool $assign_par_snps = False,
private string $output_dir = "output",
private string $resources_dir = "resources",
private bool $deduplicate = True,
private bool $deduplicate_XY_chrom = True,
private bool $deduplicate_MT_chrom = True,
private bool $parallelize = False,
private int $processes = 1, // cpu count
private array $rsids = [],
private $ensemblRestClient = null,
) //, $only_detect_source, $output_dir, $resources_dir, $parallelize, $processes)
// $this->_only_detect_source = $only_detect_source;
$this->snpFileReader = new SnpFileReader($this->_resources, $this->ensemblRestClient);
$this->buildDetector = new BuildDetector();
$this->clusterOverlapCalculator = new ClusterOverlapCalculator($this->_resources);
$this->_source = [];
$this->_phased = null;
$this->_build = 0;
$this->_build_detected = null;
$this->_cluster = "";
$this->_chip = "";
$this->_chip_version = "";
$this->_source = [];
// $this->_phased = false;
$this->_build = 0;
$this->_build_detected = false;
// $this->_output_dir = $output_dir;
$this->_resources = new Resources($resources_dir);
// $this->_parallelizer = new Parallelizer($parallelize, $processes);
$this->_cluster = "";
$this->_chip = "";
$this->dataFrame = new DataFrame();
$this->snpAnalysis = new SNPAnalysis();
$this->mathOperations = new MathOperations();
$this->_chip_version = "";
$this->ensemblRestClient = $ensemblRestClient ?? new Ensembl("", 1);
if (!empty($file)) {
public function count(): int
return $this->get_count();
public function current(): SNPs
return $this->_snps[$this->_position];
public function key(): int
return $this->_position;
public function next(): void
public function rewind(): void
$this->_position = 0;
public function valid(): bool
return isset($this->_snps[$this->_position]);
* Get the SNPs as a DataFrame.
* @return SNPs[] The SNPs array
public function filter(callable $callback)
return array_filter($this->_snps, $callback);
* Get the value of the source property.
* @return string
* Data source(s) for this `SNPs` object, separated by ", ".
public function getSource(): string
return implode(", ", $this->_source);
public function getAllSources(): array
return $this->_source;
* Magic method to handle property access.
* @param string $name
* The name of the property.
* @return mixed
* The value of the property.
public function __get(string $name)
$getter = 'get' . ucfirst($name);
if (method_exists($this, $getter)) {
return $this->$getter();
return null; // Or throw an exception for undefined properties
public function setSNPs(array $snps)
$this->_snps = $snps;
$this->_keys = array_keys($snps);
// Method readFile has been removed and its functionality is refactored with SnpFileReader class
$this->_source = (strpos($d["source"], ", ") !== false) ? explode(", ", $d["source"]) : [$d["source"]];
$this->_phased = $d["phased"];
$this->_build = $d["build"] ?? null;
$this->_build_detected = !empty($d["build"]);
// echo "HERE\n";
// var_dump($d["build"]);
// var_dump($this->_build_detected);
// $this->_cluster = $d["cluster"];
// if not self._snps.empty:
// self.sort()
// if deduplicate:
// self._deduplicate_rsids()
// # use build detected from `read` method or comments, if any
// # otherwise use SNP positions to detect build
// if not self._build_detected:
// self._build = self.detect_build()
// self._build_detected = True if self._build else False
// if not self._build:
// self._build = 37 # assume Build 37 / GRCh37 if not detected
// else:
// self._build_detected = True
if (!empty($this->_snps)) {
if ($this->deduplicate)
// use build detected from `read` method or comments, if any
// otherwise use SNP positions to detect build
if (!$this->_build_detected) {
$this->_build = $this->detect_build();
$this->_build_detected = $this->_build ? true : false;
if (!$this->_build) {
$this->_build = 37; // assume Build 37 / GRCh37 if not detected
} else {
$this->_build_detected = true;
// if ($this->assign_par_snps) {
// $this->assignParSnps();
// $this->sort();
// }
// if ($this->deduplicate_XY_chrom) {
// if (
// ($this->deduplicate_XY_chrom === true && $this->determine_sex() == "Male")
// || ($this->determine_sex(chrom: $this->deduplicate_XY_chrom) == "Male")
// ) {
// $this->deduplicate_XY_chrom();
// }
// }
// if ($this->deduplicate_MT_chrom) {
// echo "deduping yo...\n";
// $this->deduplicate_MT_chrom();
// }
// Method readRawData has been removed and its functionality is refactored with SnpFileReader class
* Get the SNPs as an array.
* @return array The SNPs array
public function getSnps(): array
return $this->_snps;
* Status indicating if build of SNPs was detected.
* @return bool True if the build was detected, False otherwise
public function isBuildDetected(): bool
return $this->_build_detected;
* Get the build number associated with the data.
* @return mixed The build number
public function getBuild()
return $this->_build;
public function setBuild($build)
$this->_build = $build;
* Detected deduced genotype / chip array, if any, per computeClusterOverlap.
* @return string Detected chip array, else an empty string.
public function getChip()
if (empty($this->_chip)) {
return $this->_chip;
* Detected genotype / chip array version, if any, per
* computeClusterOverlap.
* Chip array version is only applicable to 23andMe (v3, v4, v5) and AncestryDNA (v1, v2) files.
* @return string Detected chip array version, e.g., 'v4', else an empty string.
public function getChipVersion()
if (!$this->_chip_version) {
return $this->_chip_version;
* Compute overlap with chip clusters.
* Chip clusters, which are defined in [1]_, are associated with deduced genotype /
* chip arrays and DTC companies.
* This method also sets the values returned by the `cluster`, `chip`, and
* `chip_version` properties, based on max overlap, if the specified threshold is
* satisfied.
* @param float $clusterOverlapThreshold
* Threshold for cluster to overlap this SNPs object, and vice versa, to set
* values returned by the `cluster`, `chip`, and `chip_version` properties.
* @return array
* Associative array with the following keys:
* - `companyComposition`: DTC company composition of associated cluster from [1]_
* - `chipBaseDeduced`: Deduced genotype / chip array of associated cluster from [1]_
* - `snpsInCluster`: Count of SNPs in cluster
* - `snpsInCommon`: Count of SNPs in common with cluster (inner merge with cluster)
* - `overlapWithCluster`: Percentage overlap of `snpsInCommon` with cluster
* - `overlapWithSelf`: Percentage overlap of `snpsInCommon` with this SNPs object
* @see
* Chang Lu, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Julian Gough, A survey of
* direct-to-consumer genotype data, and quality control tool
* (GenomePrep) for research, Computational and Structural
* Biotechnology Journal, Volume 19, 2021, Pages 3747-3754, ISSN
* 2001-0370.
// Method computeClusterOverlap has been removed and its functionality is refactored with ClusterOverlapCalculator class
$keys = array_keys($data);
$df = [];
foreach ($data['cluster_id'] as $index => $cluster_id) {
$entry = ['cluster_id' => $cluster_id];
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$entry[$key] = $data[$key][$index];
$df[] = $entry;
if ($this->build != 37) {
// Create a deep copy of the current object
$toRemap = clone $this;
// Call the remap method on the copied object
$toRemap->remap(37); // clusters are relative to Build 37
// Extract "chrom" and "pos" values from snps and remove duplicates
$selfSnps = [];
foreach ($toRemap->snps as $snp) {
if (
!in_array($snp["chrom"], array_column($selfSnps, "chrom")) ||
!in_array($snp["pos"], array_column($selfSnps, "pos"))
) {
$selfSnps[] = $snp;
} else {
// Extract "chrom" and "pos" values from snps and remove duplicates
$selfSnps = [];
foreach ($this->snps as $snp) {
if (
!in_array($snp["chrom"], array_column($selfSnps, "chrom")) ||
!in_array($snp["pos"], array_column($selfSnps, "pos"))
) {
$selfSnps[] = $snp;
$chip_clusters = $this->_resources->get_chip_clusters();
foreach ($df as $cluster => $row) {
$cluster_snps = array_filter($chip_clusters, function ($chip_cluster) use ($cluster) {
return strpos($chip_cluster['clusters'], $cluster) !== false;
$df[$cluster]["snps_in_cluster"] = count($cluster_snps);
$df[$cluster]["snps_in_common"] = count(array_uintersect($selfSnps, $cluster_snps, function ($a, $b) {
return $a["chrom"] == $b["chrom"] && $a["pos"] == $b["pos"] ? 0 : 1;
foreach ($df as &$row) {
$row["overlap_with_cluster"] = $row["snps_in_common"] / $row["snps_in_cluster"];
$row["overlap_with_self"] = $row["snps_in_common"] / count($selfSnps);
$max_overlap = array_keys($df, max($df))[0];
if (
$df["overlap_with_cluster"][$max_overlap] > $cluster_overlap_threshold
&& $df["overlap_with_self"][$max_overlap] > $cluster_overlap_threshold
) {
$this->_cluster = $max_overlap;
$this->_chip = $df["chip_base_deduced"][$max_overlap];
$company_composition = $df["company_composition"][$max_overlap];
if ($this->source === "23andMe" || $this->source === "AncestryDNA") {
$i = strpos($company_composition, "v");
if ($i !== false) {
$this->_chip_version = substr($company_composition, $i, 2);
} else {
error_log("Detected SNPs data source not found in cluster's company composition");
return $df;
* Discrepant XY SNPs.
* Discrepant XY SNPs are SNPs that are assigned to both the X and Y chromosomes.
* @return array Discrepant XY SNPs
public function getDiscrepantXY()
return $this->_discrepant_XY;
* Get the duplicate SNPs.
* A duplicate SNP has the same RSID as another SNP. The first occurrence
* of the RSID is not considered a duplicate SNP.
* @return SNPs[] Duplicate SNPs
public function getDuplicate()
return $this->_duplicate;
* Count of SNPs.
* @param string $chrom (optional) Chromosome (e.g., "1", "X", "MT")
* @return int The count of SNPs for the given chromosome
public function get_count($chrom = "")
return count($this->_filter($chrom));
protected function _filter($chrom = "")
if (!empty($chrom)) {
$filteredSnps = array_filter($this->_snps, function ($snp) use ($chrom) {
return $snp['chrom'] === $chrom;
return $filteredSnps;
} else {
return $this->_snps;
* Detect build of SNPs.
* Use the coordinates of common SNPs to identify the build / assembly of a genotype file
* that is being loaded.
* Notes:
* - rs3094315 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38
* - rs11928389 : plus strand in 36, minus strand in 37 and 38
* - rs2500347 : plus strand in 36 and 37, minus strand in 38
* - rs964481 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38
* - rs2341354 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38
* - rs3850290 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38
* - rs1329546 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38
* Returns detected build of SNPs, else 0
* References:
* 1. Yates et. al. (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu613),
* <>
* 2. Zerbino et. al. (,
* 3. Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K.
* dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001
* Jan 1;29(1):308-11.
* 4. Database of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP). Bethesda (MD): National Center
* for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine. dbSNP accession: rs3094315,
* rs11928389, rs2500347, rs964481, rs2341354, rs3850290, and rs1329546
* (dbSNP Build ID: 151). Available from:
// Method detect_build has been removed and its functionality is refactored with BuildDetector class
$df = [
"rs3094315" => [36 => 742429, 37 => 752566, 38 => 817186],
"rs11928389" => [36 => 50908372, 37 => 50927009, 38 => 50889578],
"rs2500347" => [36 => 143649677, 37 => 144938320, 38 => 148946169],
"rs964481" => [36 => 27566744, 37 => 27656823, 38 => 27638706],
"rs2341354" => [36 => 908436, 37 => 918573, 38 => 983193],
"rs3850290" => [36 => 22315141, 37 => 23245301, 38 => 22776092],
"rs1329546" => [36 => 135302086, 37 => 135474420, 38 => 136392261]
foreach ($this->_snps as $snp) {
if (in_array($snp['rsid'], $rsids)) {
$build = $lookup_build_with_snp_pos($snp['pos'], $df[$snp['rsid']]);
if ($build) {
return $build;
* Convert the SNPs object to a string representation.
* @return string The string representation of the SNPs object
public function __toString()
if (is_string($this->file) && is_file($this->file)) {
// If the file path is a string, return SNPs with the basename of the file
return "SNPs('" . basename($this->file) . "')";
} else {
// If the file path is not a string, return SNPs with <bytes>
return "SNPs(<bytes>)";
* Get the assembly of the SNPs.
* @return string The assembly of the SNPs
public function getAssembly(): string
if ($this->_build === 37) {
return "GRCh37";
} elseif ($this->_build === 36) {
return "NCBI36";
} elseif ($this->_build === 38) {
return "GRCh38";
} else {
return "";
* Assign PAR SNPs to the X or Y chromosome using SNP position.
* References:
* 1. National Center for Biotechnology Information, Variation Services, RefSNP,
* 2. Yates et. al. (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu613),
* 3. Zerbino et. al. (,
* 4. Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K.
* dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001 Jan 1;
* 29(1):308-11.
* 5. Database of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP). Bethesda (MD): National Center
* for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine. dbSNP accession:
* rs28736870, rs113313554, and rs758419898 (dbSNP Build ID: 151). Available from:
protected function assignParSnps()
$restClient = $this->ensemblRestClient;
$snps = $this->filter(function ($snps) {
return $snps["chrom"] === "PAR";
foreach ($snps as $snp) {
$rsid = $snp["rsid"];
echo "rsid: $rsid\n";
if (str_starts_with($rsid, "rs")) {
$response = $this->lookupRefsnpSnapshot($rsid, $restClient);
// print_r($response);
if ($response !== null) {
// print_r($response["primary_snapshot_data"]["placements_with_allele"]);
foreach ($response["primary_snapshot_data"]["placements_with_allele"] as $item) {
// print_r($item["seq_id"]);
// var_dump(str_starts_with($item["seq_id"], "NC_000023"));
// var_dump(str_starts_with($item["seq_id"], "NC_000024"));
if (str_starts_with($item["seq_id"], "NC_000023")) {
$assigned = $this->assignSnp($rsid, $item["alleles"], "X");
// var_dump($assigned);
} elseif (str_starts_with($item["seq_id"], "NC_000024")) {
$assigned = $this->assignSnp($rsid, $item["alleles"], "Y");
// var_dump($assigned);
} else {
$assigned = false;
if ($assigned) {
if (!$this->_build_detected) {
$this->_build = $this->extractBuild($item);
$this->_build_detected = true;
protected function extractBuild($item)
$assembly_name = $item["placement_annot"]["seq_id_traits_by_assembly"][0]["assembly_name"];
$assembly_name = explode(".", $assembly_name)[0];
return intval(substr($assembly_name, -2));
protected function assignSnp($rsid, $alleles, $chrom)
// only assign SNP if positions match (i.e., same build)
foreach ($alleles as $allele) {
$allele_pos = $allele["allele"]["spdi"]["position"];
// ref SNP positions seem to be 0-based...
// print_r($this->get($rsid)["pos"] - 1);
// echo "\n";
// print_r($allele_pos);
if ($allele_pos == $this->get($rsid)["pos"] - 1) {
$this->setValue($rsid, "chrom", $chrom);
return true;
return false;
public function get($rsid)
return $this->_snps[$rsid] ?? null;
public function setValue($rsid, $key, $value)
echo "Setting {$rsid} {$key} to {$value}\n";
$this->_snps[$rsid][$key] = $value;
private function lookupRefsnpSnapshot($rsid, $restClient)
$id = str_replace("rs", "", $rsid);
$response = $restClient->perform_rest_action("/variation/v0/refsnp/" . $id);
if (isset($response["merged_snapshot_data"])) {
// this RefSnp id was merged into another
// we'll pick the first one to decide which chromosome this PAR will be assigned to
$mergedId = "rs" . $response["merged_snapshot_data"]["merged_into"][0];
error_log("SNP id {$rsid} has been merged into id {$mergedId}"); // replace with your preferred logger
return $this->lookupRefsnpSnapshot($mergedId, $restClient);
} elseif (isset($response["nosnppos_snapshot_data"])) {
error_log("Unable to look up SNP id {$rsid}"); // replace with your preferred logger
return null;
} else {
return $response;
* Sex derived from SNPs.
* @return string 'Male' or 'Female' if detected, else empty string
public function getSex()
$sex = $this->determine_sex(chrom: "X");
if (empty($sex))
$sex = $this->determine_sex(chrom: "Y");
return $sex;
* Determine sex from SNPs using thresholds.
* @param float $heterozygous_x_snps_threshold percentage heterozygous X SNPs; above this threshold, Female is determined
* @param float $y_snps_not_null_threshold percentage Y SNPs that are not null; above this threshold, Male is determined
* @param string $chrom use X or Y chromosome SNPs to determine sex, default is "X"
* @return string 'Male' or 'Female' if detected, else empty string
public function determine_sex(
$heterozygous_x_snps_threshold = 0.03,
$y_snps_not_null_threshold = 0.3,
$chrom = "X"
) {
if (!empty($this->_snps)) {
if ($chrom === "X") {
return $this->_determine_sex_X($heterozygous_x_snps_threshold);
} elseif ($chrom === "Y") {
return $this->_determine_sex_Y($y_snps_not_null_threshold);
return "";
public function _determine_sex_X($threshold)
$x_snps = $this->get_count("X");
if ($x_snps > 0) {
if (count($this->heterozygous("X")) / $x_snps > $threshold) {
return "Female";
} else {
return "Male";
} else {
return "";
public function _determine_sex_Y($threshold)
$y_snps = $this->get_count("Y");
if ($y_snps > 0) {
if (count($this->notnull("Y")) / $y_snps > $threshold) {
return "Male";
} else {
return "Female";
} else {
return "";
public function notnull($chrom = "")
$df = $this->_filter($chrom);
$result = [];
foreach ($df as $rsid => $row) {
if ($row['genotype'] !== null) {
$result[$rsid] = $row;
return $result;
* Get heterozygous SNPs.
* @param string $chrom (optional) chromosome (e.g., "1", "X", "MT")
* @return array normalized ``snps`` array
public function heterozygous($chrom = "")
$df = $this->_filter($chrom);
$result = [];
foreach ($df as $rsid => $row) {
if (
$row['genotype'] !== null
&& strlen($row['genotype']) == 2
&& $row['genotype'][0] != $row['genotype'][1]
) {
$result[$rsid] = $row;
return $result;
* Get homozygous SNPs.
* @param string $chrom (optional) chromosome (e.g., "1", "X", "MT")
* @return array normalized ``snps`` array
public function homozygous($chrom = "")
$df = $this->_filter($chrom);
$result = [];
foreach ($df as $rsid => $row) {
if (
$row['genotype'] !== null
&& strlen($row['genotype']) == 2
&& $row['genotype'][0] == $row['genotype'][1]
) {
$result[$rsid] = $row;
return $result;
* Determine if SNPs is valid.
* SNPs is valid when the input file has been successfully parsed.
* @return bool True if SNPs is valid
public function isValid(): bool
if (empty($this->_snps)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Summary of SNPs.
* @return array Summary of SNPs
public function getSummary(): array
if (!$this->isValid()) {
return [];
} else {
return [
"source" => $this->source,
"assembly" => $this->getAssembly(),
"build" => $this->_build,
"build_detected" => $this->_build_detected,
"count" => $this->count,
"chromosomes" => $this->chromosomes_summary,
"sex" => $this->sex,
public function getChromosomes()
if (!empty($this->_snps)) {
$chromosomes = [];
foreach ($this->_snps as $snp) {
if (!in_array($snp["chrom"], $chromosomes))
$chromosomes[] = $snp["chrom"];
// var_dump($chromosomes);
// sort($chromosomes);
// var_dump($chromosomes);
return $chromosomes;
} else {
return [];
* Summary of the chromosomes of SNPs.
* @return string human-readable listing of chromosomes (e.g., '1-3, MT'), empty string if no chromosomes
public function getChromosomesSummary()
if (!empty($this->_snps)) {
$chroms = array_unique(array_column($this->_snps, "chrom"));
$int_chroms = array_filter($chroms, 'is_numeric');
$str_chroms = array_filter($chroms, 'is_string');
$as_range = function ($iterable) {
$l = array_values($iterable);
if (count($l) > 1) {
return "{$l[0]}-{$l[-1]}";
} else {
return "{$l[0]}";
$int_chroms_strs = [];
$current_range = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($int_chroms); $i++) {
$current_range[] = $int_chroms[$i];
if ($i == count($int_chroms) - 1 || $int_chroms[$i] + 1 != $int_chroms[$i + 1]) {
$int_chroms_strs[] = $as_range($current_range);
$current_range = [];
$int_chroms = implode(", ", $int_chroms_strs);
$str_chroms = implode(", ", $str_chroms);
if ($int_chroms != "" && $str_chroms != "") {
$int_chroms .= ", ";
return $int_chroms . $str_chroms;
} else {
return "";
* Get PAR regions for the X and Y chromosomes.
* @param int $build Build of SNPs
* @return array PAR regions for the given build
* References:
* 1. Genome Reference Consortium,
* 2. Yates et. al. (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu613),
* <>
* 3. Zerbino et. al. (,
public static function getParRegions($build)
if ($build == 37) {
return [
"region" => ["PAR1", "PAR2", "PAR1", "PAR2"],
"chrom" => ["X", "X", "Y", "Y"],
"start" => [60001, 154931044, 10001, 59034050],
"stop" => [2699520, 155260560, 2649520, 59363566],
} elseif ($build == 38) {
return [
"region" => ["PAR1", "PAR2", "PAR1", "PAR2"],
"chrom" => ["X", "X", "Y", "Y"],
"start" => [10001, 155701383, 10001, 56887903],
"stop" => [2781479, 156030895, 2781479, 57217415],
} elseif ($build == 36) {
return [
"region" => ["PAR1", "PAR2", "PAR1", "PAR2"],
"chrom" => ["X", "X", "Y", "Y"],
"start" => [1, 154584238, 1, 57443438],
"stop" => [2709520, 154913754, 2709520, 57772954],
} else {
return [];
private function getNonParStartStop($chrom)
// Get non-PAR start / stop positions for chrom
$pr = $this->getParRegions($this->build);
$np_start = $np_stop = 0;
foreach ($pr as $row) {
if ($row['chrom'] == $chrom && $row['region'] == 'PAR1') {
$np_start = $row['stop'];
if ($row['chrom'] == $chrom && $row['region'] == 'PAR2') {
$np_stop = $row['start'];
return [$np_start, $np_stop];
private function _get_non_par_snps($chrom, $heterozygous = true)
list($np_start, $np_stop) = $this->getNonParStartStop($chrom);
$df = $this->_filter($chrom);
$result = [];
foreach ($df as $index => $row) {
if ($row['genotype'] !== null && strlen($row['genotype']) == 2) {
$genotype0 = $row['genotype'][0];
$genotype1 = $row['genotype'][1];
if ($heterozygous && $genotype0 != $genotype1 && $row['pos'] > $np_start && $row['pos'] < $np_stop) {
$result[] = $index;
} elseif (!$heterozygous && $genotype0 == $genotype1 && $row['pos'] > $np_start && $row['pos'] < $np_stop) {
$result[] = $index;
return $result;
private function _deduplicate_rsids()
// Keep first duplicate rsid.
$rsids = array_column($this->_snps, 'rsid');
$duplicateRsids = array_filter(
function ($value, $key) use ($rsids) {
$keys = array_keys($rsids, $value['rsid']);
return count($keys) > 1 && in_array($key, $keys);
// Save duplicate SNPs
$this->_duplicate = array_merge($this->_duplicate, $duplicateRsids);
// Deduplicate
echo "\nrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr\n";
$this->setSNPs(array_diff_key($this->_snps, $duplicateRsids));
echo "\nddddddddddddddddddd\n";
private function _deduplicate_alleles($rsids)
// Remove duplicate allele
foreach ($rsids as $rsid) {
if (isset($this->_snps[$rsid])) {
$this->_snps[$rsid]['genotype'] = $this->_snps[$rsid]['genotype'][0];
private function _deduplicate_sex_chrom($chrom)
$discrepantXYSnps = $this->_get_non_par_snps($chrom);
// Save discrepant XY SNPs
foreach ($discrepantXYSnps as $snps) {
$this->_discrepant_XY[] = $this->_snps[$snps];
// Drop discrepant XY SNPs since it's ambiguous for which allele to deduplicate
foreach ($discrepantXYSnps as $snps) {
// Get remaining non-PAR SNPs with two alleles
$nonParSnps = $this->_get_non_par_snps($chrom, false);
// echo "nonParSnps\n";
// var_dump($nonParSnps);
public function deduplicate_XY_chrom()
private function deduplicate_MT_chrom()
$heterozygousMTSnps = $this->heterozygous("MT");
// Save heterozygous MT SNPs
foreach ($heterozygousMTSnps as $snps) {
$this->_heterozygous_MT[] = $snps;
// Drop heterozygous MT SNPs since it's ambiguous for which allele to deduplicate
foreach ($heterozygousMTSnps as $snps) {
$this->_deduplicate_alleles(array_column($this->homozygous("MT"), "rsid"));
public function sort()
$sortedList = $this->naturalSortChromosomes(array_unique(array_column($this->_snps, 'chrom')));
// Move PAR and MT to the end of the array
if (($key = array_search("PAR", $sortedList)) !== false) {
$sortedList[] = "PAR";
if (($key = array_search("MT", $sortedList)) !== false) {
$sortedList[] = "MT";
uasort($this->_snps, function ($a, $b) use ($sortedList) {
$cmp = $this->naturalSortKey(
array_search($a['chrom'], $sortedList),
array_search($b['chrom'], $sortedList)
return ($cmp === 0) ? $a['pos'] - $b['pos'] : $cmp;
private function naturalSortChromosomes($chromosomes)
return $chromosomes;
private function naturalSortKey($a, $b)
return strnatcasecmp($a, $b);
private function restoreChromObject($array)
// Convert the 'chrom' column back to object
foreach ($array as &$item) {
$item['chrom'] = (string)$item['chrom'];
return $array;
private function _complement_bases($genotype)
if (is_null($genotype)) {
return null;
$complement = "";
foreach (str_split($genotype) as $base) {
if ($base === "A") {
$complement .= "T";
} elseif ($base === "G") {
$complement .= "C";
} elseif ($base === "C") {
$complement .= "G";
} elseif ($base === "T") {
$complement .= "A";
} else {
$complement .= $base;
return $complement;
private function _remapper($task)
$temp = $task['snps']->copy();
$mappings = $task['mappings'];
$complement_bases = $task['complement_bases'];
$temp['remapped'] = false;
$pos_start = (int)$temp['pos']->describe()->min;
$pos_end = (int)$temp['pos']->describe()->max;
foreach ($mappings['mappings'] as $mapping) {
$orig_start = $mapping['original']['start'];
$orig_end = $mapping['original']['end'];
$mapped_start = $mapping['mapped']['start'];
$mapped_end = $mapping['mapped']['end'];
$orig_region = $mapping['original']['seq_region_name'];
$mapped_region = $mapping['mapped']['seq_region_name'];
// skip if mapping is outside of range of SNP positions
if ($orig_end < $pos_start || $orig_start > $pos_end) {
// find the SNPs that are being remapped for this mapping
$snp_indices = array_keys(array_filter(
function ($value, $key) use ($temp, $orig_start, $orig_end) {
return !$value && $temp['pos'][$key] >= $orig_start && $temp['pos'][$key] <= $orig_end;
// if there are no SNPs here, skip
if (count($snp_indices) === 0) {
$orig_range_len = $orig_end - $orig_start;
$mapped_range_len = $mapped_end - $mapped_start;
// if this would change chromosome, skip
// TODO allow within normal chromosomes
// TODO flatten patches
if ($orig_region != $mapped_region) {
// Logger::warning(
// "discrepant chroms for " . count($snp_indices) . " SNPs from $orig_region to $mapped_region"
// );
// if there is any stretching or squashing of the region
// observed when mapping NCBI36 -> GRCh38
// TODO disallow skipping a version when remapping
if ($orig_range_len != $mapped_range_len) {
// Logger::warning(
// "discrepant coords for " . count($snp_indices) . " SNPs from $orig_region:$orig_start-$orig_end to $mapped_region:$mapped_start-$mapped_end"
// );
// remap the SNPs
if ($mapping['mapped']['strand'] == -1) {
// flip and (optionally) complement since we're mapping to minus strand
$diff_from_start = array_map(
function ($pos) use ($orig_start) {
return $pos - $orig_start;
array_intersect_key($temp['pos'], array_flip($snp_indices))
$temp['pos'][array_flip($snp_indices)] = array_map(
function ($diff, $mapped_end) {
return $mapped_end - $diff;
array_fill(0, count($snp_indices), $mapped_end)
if ($complement_bases) {
$temp['genotype'][array_flip($snp_indices)] = array_map(
[$this, '_complement_bases'],
array_intersect_key($temp['genotype'], array_flip($snp_indices))
} else {
// mapping is on the same (plus) strand, so just remap based on offset
$offset = $mapped_start - $orig_start;
$temp['pos'][array_flip($snp_indices)] = array_map(
function ($pos) use ($offset) {
return $pos + $offset;
array_intersect_key($temp['pos'], array_flip($snp_indices))
// mark these SNPs as remapped
$temp['remapped'][array_flip($snp_indices)] = array_fill(0, count($snp_indices), true);
return $temp;
* Remap SNP coordinates from one assembly to another.
* This method uses the assembly map endpoint of the Ensembl REST API service (via
* Resources's EnsemblRestClient) to convert SNP coordinates/positions from one
* assembly to another. After remapping, the coordinates/positions for the
* SNPs will be that of the target assembly.
* If the SNPs are already mapped relative to the target assembly, remapping will not be
* performed.
* @param string|int $target_assembly Assembly to remap to (e.g., 'NCBI36', 'GRCh37', 'GRCh38', 36, 37, 38)
* @param bool $complement_bases Complement bases when remapping SNPs to the minus strand
* @return array An array containing chromosomes that were remapped and chromosomes that were not remapped
* @throws Exception If invalid target assembly is provided
public function remap($target_assembly, $complement_bases = true)
$chromosomes_remapped = [];
$chromosomes_not_remapped = [];
$snps = $this->_snps;
if (empty($snps)) {
// Logger::warning("No SNPs to remap");
return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];
} else {
$chromosomes = array_unique(array_column($snps, 'chrom'));
$chromosomes_not_remapped = $chromosomes;
$valid_assemblies = ["NCBI36", "GRCh37", "GRCh38", 36, 37, 38];
if (!in_array($target_assembly, $valid_assemblies)) {
// Logger::warning("Invalid target assembly");
return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];
if (is_int($target_assembly)) {
if ($target_assembly == 36) {
$target_assembly = "NCBI36";
} else {
$target_assembly = "GRCh" . strval($target_assembly);
if ($this->_build == 36) {
$source_assembly = "NCBI36";
} else {
$source_assembly = "GRCh" . strval($this->_build);
if ($source_assembly == $target_assembly) {
return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];
$assembly_mapping_data = $this->_resources->getAssemblyMappingData(
if (empty($assembly_mapping_data)) {
return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];
$tasks = [];
foreach ($chromosomes as $chrom) {
if (array_key_exists($chrom, $assembly_mapping_data)) {
$chromosomes_remapped[] = $chrom;
$chromosomes_not_remapped = array_diff($chromosomes_not_remapped, [$chrom]);
$mappings = $assembly_mapping_data[$chrom];
$tasks[] = [
"snps" => array_filter($snps, function ($snp) use ($chrom) {
return $snp['chrom'] === $chrom;
"mappings" => $mappings,
"complement_bases" => $complement_bases,
} else {
// Logger::warning(
// "Chromosome $chrom not remapped; removing chromosome from SNPs for consistency"
// );
$snps = array_filter($snps, function ($snp) use ($chrom) {
return $snp['chrom'] !== $chrom;
// remap SNPs
$remapped_snps = array_map([$this, '_remapper'], $tasks);
$remapped_snps = array_merge(...$remapped_snps);
// update SNP positions and genotypes
foreach ($remapped_snps as $snp) {
$rsid = $snp['rsid'];
$this->_snps[$rsid]['pos'] = $snp['pos'];
$this->_snps[$rsid]['genotype'] = $snp['genotype'];
foreach ($snps as &$snp) {
$snp['pos'] = (int)$snp['pos'];
$this->_build = (int)substr($target_assembly, -2);
return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];
* Save SNPs to a file.
* @param string $filename
* @param bool $vcf
* @param bool $atomic
* @param string $vcf_alt_unavailable
* @param string $vcf_chrom_prefix
* @param bool $vcf_qc_only
* @param bool $vcf_qc_filter
* @param array $kwargs
* @return string
public function save(
$filename = "",
$vcf = false,
$atomic = true,
$vcf_alt_unavailable = ".",
$vcf_chrom_prefix = "",
$vcf_qc_only = false,
$vcf_qc_filter = false,
$kwargs = []
) {
if (!array_key_exists("sep", $kwargs)) {
$kwargs["sep"] = "\t";
$w = new Writer(
'snps' => $this,
'filename' => $filename,
'vcf' => $vcf,
'atomic' => $atomic,
'vcf_alt_unavailable' => $vcf_alt_unavailable,
'vcf_chrom_prefix' => $vcf_chrom_prefix,
'vcf_qc_only' => $vcf_qc_only,
'vcf_qc_filter' => $vcf_qc_filter
$result = $w->write();
[$path, $extra] = $result;
if (count($extra) == 1 && !$extra[0]->isEmpty()) {
$this->_discrepant_vcf_position = $extra[0];
// logger::warning(
// count($this->discrepant_vcf_position) . " SNP positions were found to be discrepant when saving VCF"
// );
return $path;
* Output SNPs as comma-separated values.
* @param string $filename
* @param bool $atomic
* @param array $kwargs
* @return string
public function toCsv($filename = "", $atomic = true, $kwargs = [])
$kwargs["delimiter"] = ",";
return $this->save($filename, $atomic, $kwargs);
* Output SNPs as tab-separated values.
* @param string $filename
* @param bool $atomic
* @param array $kwargs
* @return string
public function toTsv($filename = "", $atomic = true, $kwargs = [])
$kwargs["delimiter"] = "\t";
return $this->save($filename, $atomic, $kwargs);
* Output SNPs as Variant Call Format (VCF).
* @param string $filename
* @param bool $atomic
* @param string $alt_unavailable
* @param string $chrom_prefix
* @param bool $qc_only
* @param bool $qc_filter
* @param array $kwargs
* @return string
public function toVcf(
$filename = "",
$atomic = true,
$alt_unavailable = ".",
$chrom_prefix = "",
$qc_only = false,
$qc_filter = false,
$kwargs = []
) {
return $this->save(
'vcf' => true,
'atomic' => $atomic,
'vcf_alt_unavailable' => $alt_unavailable,
'vcf_chrom_prefix' => $chrom_prefix,
'vcf_qc_only' => $qc_only,
'vcf_qc_filter' => $qc_filter,
] + $kwargs
// protected function initSnps() {
// if ($this->file) {
// $d = $this->_read_raw_data($file, $only_detect_source, $rsids);
// // Replace multiple rsids separated by commas in index with the first rsid. E.g. rs1,rs2 -> rs1
// $multi_rsids = [];
// foreach ($d["snps"] as $multi_rsid) {
// if (count(explode(",", $multi_rsid)) > 1) {
// $multi_rsids[$multi_rsid] = explode(",", $multi_rsid)[0];
// }
// }
// $d["snps"] = array_replace_key($d["snps"], $_rsids);
// $this->_snps = $d["snps"];
// $this->_source = (strpos($d["source"], ", ") !== false) ? explode(", ", $d["source"]) : [$d["source"]];
// $this->_phased = $d["phased"];
// $this->_build = $d["build"];
// $this->_build_detected = $d["build"] ? true : false;
// if (!empty($this->_snps)) {
// $this->sort();
// if ($deduplicate) {
// $this->_deduplicate_rsids();
// }
// // use build detected from `read` method or comments, if any
// // otherwise use SNP positions to detect build
// if (!$this->_build_detected) {
// $this->_build = $this->detect_build();
// $this->_build_detected = $this->_build ? true : false;
// if (!$this->_build) {
// $this->_build = 37; // assume Build 37 / GRCh37 if not detected
// } else {
// $this->_build_detected = true;
// }
// }
// if ($assign_par_snps) {
// $this->_assign_par_snps();
// $this->sort();
// }
// if ($deduplicate_XY_chrom) {
// if ($deduplicate_XY_chrom === true && $this->determine_sex() === "Male" || $this->determine_sex(chrom: $deduplicate_XY_chrom) === "Male") {
// $this->_deduplicate_XY_chrom();
// }
// }
// if ($deduplicate_MT_chrom) {
// $this->_deduplicate_MT_chrom();
// }
// } else {
// // Use PHP's error_log function or other logging library to display a warning
// error_log("no SNPs loaded...");
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Get the default CPU count.
// *
// * @return int Default CPU count
// */
// private static function default_cpu_count(): int
// {
// return sys_get_temp_dir();
// }
// /**
// * Get the length of the SNPs.
// *
// * @return int The count of SNPs
// */
// public function length()
// {
// return $this->count;
// }
// /**
// * Identify low quality SNPs.
// *
// * @return void
// */
// public function identify_low_quality_snps(): void
// {
// // Implement the method in PHP.
// }
// /**
// * Get the SNPs after quality control filtering.
// *
// * @return array The SNPs array after quality control filtering
// */
// public function getSnpsQc(): array
// {
// if (count($this->_low_quality) == 0) {
// // Ensure low quality SNPs, if any, are identified
// $this->identify_low_quality_snps();
// }
// if (count($this->_low_quality) > 0) {
// // Filter out low quality SNPs
// return array_diff_key($this->_snps, array_flip($this->_low_quality));
// } else {
// // No low quality SNPs to filter
// return $this->_snps;
// }
// }
// /**
// * Get the duplicate SNPs.
// *
// * @return array The duplicate SNPs array
// */
// public function getDuplicate(): array
// {
// return $this->_duplicate;
// }
// public function getDiscrepantXY(): array
// {
// // Discrepant XY SNPs.
// //
// // A discrepant XY SNP is a heterozygous SNP in the non-PAR region of the X
// // or Y chromosome found during deduplication for a detected male genotype.
// //
// // Returns
// // -------
// // array
// // normalized "snps" array
// return $this->_discrepantXY;
// }
// public function getHeterozygousMT(): array
// {
// // Heterozygous SNPs on the MT chromosome found during deduplication.
// //
// // Returns
// // -------
// // array
// // normalized "snps" array
// return $this->_heterozygousMT;
// }
// public function getDiscrepantVcfPosition(): array
// {
// // SNPs with discrepant positions discovered while saving VCF.
// //
// // Returns
// // -------
// // array
// // normalized "snps" array
// return $this->_discrepantVcfPosition;
// }
// private array $lowQuality = [];
// private DataFrame $_snps;
// private DataFrame $_discrepant_merge_positions;
// public function getLowQuality(): DataFrame
// {
// if (count($this->lowQuality) === 0) {
// // Ensure low quality SNPs, if any, are identified
// $this->identify_low_quality_snps();
// }
// return $this->_snps->loc($this->lowQuality);
// }
// public function getDiscrepantMergePositions(): DataFrame
// {
// // Get the DataFrame of SNPs with discrepant merge positions.
// //
// // Returns
// // -------
// // DataFrame
// // DataFrame containing SNPs with discrepant merge positions
// return $this->_discrepant_merge_positions;
// }
// public function getDiscrepantMergeGenotypes(): DataFrame {
// // Get the DataFrame of SNPs with discrepant merge genotypes.
// //
// // Returns
// // -------
// // DataFrame
// // DataFrame containing SNPs with discrepant merge genotypes
// return $this->_discrepant_merge_genotypes;
// }
// public function getDiscrepantMergePositionsGenotypes(): DataFrame {
// // Get the DataFrame of SNPs with discrepant merge positions and genotypes.
// //
// // Returns
// // -------
// // DataFrame
// // DataFrame containing SNPs with discrepant merge positions and genotypes
// $df = DataFrame::concat([$this->_discrepant_merge_positions, $this->_discrepant_merge_genotypes]);
// if (count($df) > 1) {
// $df = DataFrame::dropDuplicates($df);
// }
// return $df;
// }
// public function getBuild(): int
// {
// // Get the build number associated with the data.
// //
// // Returns
// // -------
// // int
// // The build number
// return $this->_build;
// }
// public function getChromosomesSummary(): string
// {
// // Check if the "_snps" array is not empty
// if (!$this->_snps->isEmpty()) {
// // Get unique values of the "chrom" key in the "_snps" array
// $chroms = array_unique($this->_snps["chrom"]);
// // Separate integer and non-integer chromosomes
// $intChroms = array_filter($chroms, fn($chrom) => ctype_digit($chrom));
// $strChroms = array_filter($chroms, fn($chrom) => !ctype_digit($chrom));
// // Initialize an array to store ranges of integer chromosomes
// $intRanges = [];
// $start = null;
// $prev = null;
// // Sort the integer chromosomes in ascending order
// sort($intChroms);
// // Iterate over the sorted integer chromosomes
// foreach ($intChroms as $current) {
// if ($start === null) {
// // Set the start of a new range
// $start = $current;
// } else if ($prev !== null && $current !== $prev + 1) {
// // If the current number is not consecutive to the previous one,
// // add the range to the array
// $intRanges[] = ($start === $prev) ? $start : "{$start}-{$prev}";
// $start = $current;
// }
// $prev = $current;
// }
// // Add the last range (if any) to the array
// if ($start !== null) {
// $intRanges[] = ($start === $prev) ? $start : "{$start}-{$prev}";
// }
// // Convert the ranges and non-integer chromosomes to strings
// $intChromsStr = implode(", ", $intRanges);
// $strChromsStr = implode(", ", $strChroms);
// if ($intChromsStr !== "" && $strChromsStr !== "") {
// $intChromsStr .= ", ";
// }
// // Return the concatenated string representation of the chromosomes
// return $intChromsStr . $strChromsStr;
// } else {
// // Return an empty string if "_snps" is empty
// return "";
// }
// }
// public function getSex(): string
// {
// // Determine sex based on the presence of specific chromosomes
// $sex = $this->determineSex(chrom: "X");
// if (!$sex) {
// $sex = $this->determineSex(chrom: "Y");
// }
// // Return the determined sex
// return $sex;
// }
// public function filter(string $chrom = ''): array
// {
// // Implement the filtering logic here
// // Add your implementation code and comments here
// return [];
// }
// public function save(
// string $filename = "",
// bool $vcf = false,
// bool $atomic = true,
// string $vcf_alt_unavailable = ".",
// bool $vcf_qc_only = false,
// bool $vcf_qc_filter = false,
// array $kwargs = [] // For compatibility, changed **kwargs to array
// ): bool
// {
// // Trigger a deprecated error indicating that 'save' method should be replaced
// trigger_error(
// "Method 'save' has been replaced by 'to_csv', 'to_tsv', and 'to_vcf'.",
// );
// // Call the internal '_save' method with the provided arguments
// return $this->_save(
// $filename,
// $vcf,
// $atomic,
// $vcf_alt_unavailable,
// $vcf_qc_only,
// $vcf_qc_filter,
// $kwargs
// );
// }
// public function toCsv(string $filename = "", bool $atomic = true, array $options = []): string
// {
// // Set the separator to comma (",") in the options array
// $options["sep"] = ",";
// // Call the 'save' method with the provided arguments and return the result
// return $this->save($filename, $atomic, $options);
// }
// public function toTsv(string $filename = "", bool $atomic = true, array $options = []): string
// {
// // Set the separator to tab ("\t") in the options array
// $options["sep"] = "\t";
// // Call the 'save' method with the provided arguments and return the result
// return $this->save($filename, $atomic, $options);
// }
// public function to_vcf(
// string $filename = "",
// bool $atomic = true,
// string $alt_unavailable = ".",
// string $chrom_prefix = "",
// bool $qc_only = false,
// bool $qc_filter = false,
// array $kwargs = []
// ): string {
// // Output SNPs as Variant Call Format.
// //
// // Parameters:
// // $filename : str or buffer
// // filename for file to save or buffer to write to
// // $atomic : bool
// // atomically write output to a file on the local filesystem
// // $alt_unavailable : str
// // representation of ALT allele when ALT is not able to be determined
// // $chrom_prefix : str
// // prefix for chromosomes in VCF CHROM column
// // $qc_only : bool
// // output only SNPs that pass quality control
// // $qc_filter : bool
// // populate FILTER column based on quality control results
// // $kwargs : array
// // additional parameters to pandas.DataFrame.to_csv
// //
// // Returns:
// // str
// // path to file in output directory if SNPs were saved, else empty str
// //
// // Notes:
// // Parameters $qc_only and $qc_filter, if true, will identify low-quality SNPs per
// // "identify_low_quality_snps" method in the SNPs class if not done already.
// // Moreover, these parameters have no effect if this SNPs object does not map to a cluster
// // per "compute_cluster_overlap" method in the SNPs class.
// //
// // References:
// // 1. The Variant Call Format (VCF) Version 4.2 Specification, 8 Mar 2019,
// //
// return $this->_save(
// filename: $filename,
// vcf: true,
// atomic: $atomic,
// vcf_alt_unavailable: $alt_unavailable,
// vcf_chrom_prefix: $chrom_prefix,
// vcf_qc_only: $qc_only,
// vcf_qc_filter: $qc_filter,
// kwargs: $kwargs
// );
// }
// public function read_raw_data($file, $only_detect_source, $rsids) {
// // Create a new instance of the Reader class
// $reader = new Reader($file, $only_detect_source, $this->resources, $rsids);
// // Read and return the data using the Reader instance
// return $reader->read();
// }
// public function assign_par_snps() {
// // Create a new instance of the EnsemblRestClient class with configuration options
// $rest_client = new EnsemblRestClient([
// 'server' => '',
// 'reqs_per_sec' => 1,
// ]);
// // Iterate over the snps collection to find 'PAR' keys
// foreach ($this->snps->where('chrom', 'PAR')->keys() as $rsid) {
// if (strpos($rsid, 'rs') !== false) {
// // Lookup the refsnp snapshot using the EnsemblRestClient
// $response = $this->lookup_refsnp_snapshot($rsid, $rest_client);
// if ($response !== null) {
// // Iterate over the placements_with_allele in the response
// foreach ($response['primary_snapshot_data']['placements_with_allele'] as $item) {
// if (strpos($item['seq_id'], 'NC_000023') !== false) {
// // Assign the snp with 'X' chromosome if seq_id contains 'NC_000023'
// $assigned = $this->assign_snp($rsid, $item['alleles'], 'X');
// } elseif (strpos($item['seq_id'], 'NC_000024') !== false) {
// // Assign the snp with 'Y' chromosome if seq_id contains 'NC_000024'
// $assigned = $this->assign_snp($rsid, $item['alleles'], 'Y');
// } else {
// $assigned = false;
// }
// if ($assigned) {
// // Update the build if not already detected and break the loop
// if (!$this->build_detected) {
// $this->build = $this->extract_build($item);
// $this->build_detected = true;
// }
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// private function assignSnp(string $rsid, array $alleles, string $chrom)
// {
// // Only assign the SNP if positions match (i.e., same build)
// foreach ($alleles as $allele) {
// $allele_pos = $allele["allele"]["spdi"]["position"];
// // Ref SNP positions seem to be 0-based...
// if ($allele_pos == ($this->snps[$rsid]->pos - 1)) {
// $this->snps[$rsid]->chrom = $chrom;
// return true;
// }
// }
// return false;
// }
// private function extractBuild(array $item)
// {
// $assembly_name = $item["placement_annot"]["seq_id_traits_by_assembly"][0]["assembly_name"];
// // Extract the assembly name from the item
// $assembly_name = explode(".", $assembly_name)[0];
// // Extract the build number from the assembly name
// return (int)substr($assembly_name, -2);
// }
// public function detectBuild(): int
// {
// // Define a closure to look up the build based on SNP position
// $lookupBuildWithSnpPos = function ($pos, $s) {
// // Search for the position in the sorted collection and retrieve the corresponding value (build)
// return isset($s[$s->search($pos)]) ? (int)$s->keys()[$s->search($pos)] : 0;
// };
// $build = 0;
// // List of rsids to detect the build
// $rsids = [
// "rs3094315",
// "rs11928389",
// "rs2500347",
// "rs964481",
// "rs2341354",
// "rs3850290",
// "rs1329546",
// ];
// // Data frame with build positions for the rsids
// $df = [
// 36 => [
// 742429,
// 50908372,
// 143649677,
// 27566744,
// 908436,
// 22315141,
// 135302086,
// ],
// 37 => [
// 752566,
// 50927009,
// 144938320,
// 27656823,
// 918573,
// 23245301,
// 135474420,
// ],
// 38 => [
// 817186,
// 50889578,
// 148946169,
// 27638706,
// 983193,
// 22776092,
// 136392261,
// ],
// ];
// foreach ($rsids as $rsid) {
// if (array_key_exists($rsid, $this->_snps)) {
// // Create a collection from the data frame and map the values to SNP positions
// $s = collect($df)->mapWithKeys(function ($value, $key) use ($rsid) {
// return [$value[array_search($rsid, $rsids)] => $key];
// });
// // Look up the build based on the SNP position and the mapped collection
// $build = $lookupBuildWithSnpPos($this->_snps[$rsid]['pos'], $s);
// }
// if ($build) {
// // If the build is detected, break the loop
// break;
// }
// }
// return $build;
// }
// /**
// * Determine the sex based on X chromosome SNPs.
// *
// * @param float $threshold The threshold for determining sex.
// * @return string The determined sex ("Male", "Female") or an empty string if unknown.
// */
// public function determineSexX($threshold) {
// $x_snps = $this->getCount("X"); // Get the count of X chromosome SNPs
// if ($x_snps > 0) {
// if (count($this->heterozygous("X")) / $x_snps > $threshold) {
// return "Female"; // More heterozygous SNPs than the threshold, likely female
// } else {
// return "Male"; // Fewer heterozygous SNPs than the threshold, likely male
// }
// } else {
// return ""; // No X chromosome SNPs found
// }
// }
// /**
// * Determine the sex based on Y chromosome SNPs.
// *
// * @param float $threshold The threshold for determining sex.
// * @return string The determined sex ("Male", "Female") or an empty string if unknown.
// */
// public function determineSexY($threshold) {
// $y_snps = $this->getCount("Y"); // Get the count of Y chromosome SNPs
// if ($y_snps > 0) {
// if (count($this->notnull("Y")) / $y_snps > $threshold) {
// return "Male"; // More non-null SNPs than the threshold, likely male
// } else {
// return "Female"; // Fewer non-null SNPs than the threshold, likely female
// }
// } else {
// return ""; // No Y chromosome SNPs found
// }
// }
// public function deduplicateRsids()
// {
// // Keep the first duplicate rsid
// $duplicateRsids = $this->_snps->duplicated("first");
// // Save duplicate SNPs
// $this->_duplicate = array_merge($this->_duplicate, $this->_snps->where($duplicateRsids));
// // Deduplicate
// $this->_snps = $this->_snps->where(!$duplicateRsids);
// }
// /**
// * Get the start and stop positions of the non-PAR region on a given chromosome.
// *
// * @param string $chrom The chromosome identifier.
// * @return array An array containing the start and stop positions of the non-PAR region.
// */
// public function getNonParStartStop($chrom) {
// $pr = $this->getParRegions($this->build); // Get the PAR regions
// $np_start = $pr->filter(function ($item) use ($chrom) {
// return $item['chrom'] === $chrom && $item['region'] === "PAR1";
// })->pluck('stop')->first(); // Get the stop position of PAR1 on the given chromosome
// $np_stop = $pr->filter(function ($item) use ($chrom) {
// return $item['chrom'] === $chrom && $item['region'] === "PAR2";
// })->pluck('start')->first(); // Get the start position of PAR2 on the given chromosome
// return [$np_start, $np_stop]; // Return the start and stop positions of the non-PAR region
// }
// public function getNonParSnps($chrom, $heterozygous = true)
// {
// [$np_start, $np_stop] = $this->getNonParStartStop($chrom); // Get the start and stop positions of the non-PAR region
// $df = $this->filter($chrom); // Filter the data for the given chromosome
// if ($heterozygous) {
// // Get heterozygous SNPs in the non-PAR region (i.e., discrepant XY SNPs)
// return $df->filter(function ($row) use ($np_start, $np_stop) {
// return !is_null($row['genotype']) &&
// strlen($row['genotype']) == 2 &&
// $row['genotype'][0] != $row['genotype'][1] &&
// $row['pos'] > $np_start &&
// $row['pos'] < $np_stop;
// })->keys(); // Return the keys (indices) of the filtered SNPs
// } else {
// // Get homozygous SNPs in the non-PAR region
// return $df->filter(function ($row) use ($np_start, $np_stop) {
// return !is_null($row['genotype']) &&
// strlen($row['genotype']) == 2 &&
// $row['genotype'][0] == $row['genotype'][1] &&
// $row['pos'] > $np_start &&
// $row['pos'] < $np_stop;
// })->keys(); // Return the keys (indices) of the filtered SNPs
// }
// }
// public function deduplicateAlleles($rsids)
// {
// // Remove duplicate alleles
// $this->_snps = $this->_snps->map(function ($row) use ($rsids) {
// if (in_array($row["id"], $rsids)) {
// $row["genotype"] = $row["genotype"][0];
// }
// return $row;
// });
// }
// public function deduplicateSexChrom(string $chrom): void
// {
// // Deduplicate a chromosome in the non-PAR region.
// $discrepantXYSnps = $this->getNonParSnps($chrom);
// // Save discrepant XY SNPs
// $this->_discrepant_XY = array_merge(
// $this->_discrepant_XY,
// $this->_snps[$discrepantXYSnps]
// );
// // Drop discrepant XY SNPs since it's ambiguous for which allele to deduplicate
// unset($this->_snps[$discrepantXYSnps]);
// // Get remaining non-PAR SNPs with two alleles
// $nonParSnps = $this->getNonParSnps($chrom, heterozygous: false);
// // Deduplicate the remaining non-PAR SNPs
// $this->deduplicateAlleles($nonParSnps);
// }
// public function deduplicateXYChrom(): void
// {
// // Fix chromosome issue where some data providers duplicate male X and Y chromosomes
// $this->deduplicateSexChrom("X");
// $this->deduplicateSexChrom("Y");
// }
// public function deduplicateMTChrom(): void
// {
// // Deduplicate MT chromosome.
// $heterozygousMTSnps = $this->_snps[$this->heterozygous("MT")->index] ?? [];
// // Save heterozygous MT SNPs
// $this->_heterozygous_MT = array_merge(
// $this->_heterozygous_MT,
// $this->_snps[$heterozygousMTSnps]
// );
// // Drop heterozygous MT SNPs since it's ambiguous for which allele to deduplicate
// unset($this->_snps[$heterozygousMTSnps]);
// $this->deduplicateAlleles($this->homozygous("MT")->index);
// }
// function get_par_regions(int $build): array {
// $data = [];
// if ($build === 37) {
// $data = [
// ["region" => "PAR1", "chrom" => "X", "start" => 60001, "stop" => 2699520],
// ["region" => "PAR2", "chrom" => "X", "start" => 154931044, "stop" => 155260560],
// ["region" => "PAR1", "chrom" => "Y", "start" => 10001, "stop" => 2649520],
// ["region" => "PAR2", "chrom" => "Y", "start" => 59034050, "stop" => 59363566],
// ];
// } elseif ($build === 38) {
// $data = [
// ["region" => "PAR1", "chrom" => "X", "start" => 10001, "stop" => 2781479],
// ["region" => "PAR2", "chrom" => "X", "start" => 155701383, "stop" => 156030895],
// ["region" => "PAR1", "chrom" => "Y", "start" => 10001, "stop" => 2781479],
// ["region" => "PAR2", "chrom" => "Y", "start" => 56887903, "stop" => 57217415],
// ];
// } elseif ($build === 36) {
// $data = [
// ["region" => "PAR1", "chrom" => "X", "start" => 1, "stop" => 2709520],
// ["region" => "PAR2", "chrom" => "X", "start" => 154584238, "stop" => 154913754],
// ["region" => "PAR1", "chrom" => "Y", "start" => 1, "stop" => 2709520],
// ["region" => "PAR2", "chrom" => "Y", "start" => 57443438, "stop" => 57772954],
// ];
// }
// return $data;
// }
// function natural_sort_key(string $value): array {
// return preg_split("/(\D*\d+\D*)/", $value, 0, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
// }
// function sort_snps(array &$snps): void {
// // Get unique chrom values
// $uniqueChromosomalValues = array_unique(array_column($snps, 'chrom'));
// // Sort uniqueChromosomalValues based on natural sorting
// usort($uniqueChromosomalValues, function ($a, $b) {
// return strnatcmp($a, $b);
// });
// // Move PAR and MT to the end of sorted array
// if (($key = array_search("PAR", $uniqueChromosomalValues)) !== false) {
// unset($uniqueChromosomalValues[$key]);
// $uniqueChromosomalValues[] = "PAR";
// }
// if (($key = array_search("MT", $uniqueChromosomalValues)) !== false) {
// unset($uniqueChromosomalValues[$key]);
// $uniqueChromosomalValues[] = "MT";
// }
// // Sort snps based on uniqueChromosomalValues and pos
// usort($snps, function ($a, $b) use ($uniqueChromosomalValues) {
// $chromosomeA = array_search($a['chrom'], $uniqueChromosomalValues);
// $chromosomeB = array_search($b['chrom'], $uniqueChromosomalValues);
// if ($chromosomeA === $chromosomeB) {
// return $a['pos'] <=> $b['pos'];
// }
// return $chromosomeA <=> $chromosomeB;
// });
// }
// public function remap(string $target_assembly, bool $complement_bases = true): array
// {
// $chromosomes_remapped = [];
// $chromosomes_not_remapped = [];
// $snps = $this->snps;
// // Check if there are SNPs to remap
// if ($snps->empty) {
// logger.warning("No SNPs to remap");
// return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];
// } else {
// $chromosomes = $snps["chrom"]->unique();
// $chromosomes_not_remapped = $chromosomes->values();
// $valid_assemblies = ["NCBI36", "GRCh37", "GRCh38", 36, 37, 38];
// // Validate target assembly
// if (!in_array($target_assembly, $valid_assemblies, true)) {
// logger.warning("Invalid target assembly");
// return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];
// }
// // Convert target assembly to string format
// if (is_int($target_assembly)) {
// if ($target_assembly == 36) {
// $target_assembly = "NCBI36";
// } else {
// $target_assembly = "GRCh" . strval($target_assembly);
// }
// }
// // Determine source assembly based on current build
// if ($this->build == 36) {
// $source_assembly = "NCBI36";
// } else {
// $source_assembly = "GRCh" . strval($this->build);
// }
// // Check if source and target assemblies are the same
// if ($source_assembly === $target_assembly) {
// return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];
// }
// // Get assembly mapping data
// $assembly_mapping_data = $this->_resources->get_assembly_mapping_data($source_assembly, $target_assembly);
// if (!$assembly_mapping_data) {
// return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];
// }
// $tasks = [];
// foreach ($chromosomes as $chrom) {
// if (array_key_exists($chrom, $assembly_mapping_data)) {
// $chromosomes_remapped[] = $chrom;
// unset($chromosomes_not_remapped[array_search($chrom, $chromosomes_not_remapped)]);
// $mappings = $assembly_mapping_data[$chrom];
// // Prepare remapping task
// $tasks[] = [
// "snps" => $snps->loc[$snps["chrom"] === $chrom],
// "mappings" => $mappings,
// "complement_bases" => $complement_bases,
// ];
// } else {
// // Chromosome not remapped, remove it from SNPs for consistency
// logger.warning("Chromosome {$chrom} not remapped; removing chromosome from SNPs for consistency");
// $snps = $snps->drop($snps->loc[$snps["chrom"] === $chrom]->index);
// }
// }
// // Perform remapping in parallel
// $remapped_snps = $this->_parallelizer($this->_remapper, $tasks);
// $remapped_snps = pd.concat($remapped_snps);
// // Update remapped SNP positions and genotypes
// foreach ($remapped_snps['index'] as $index) {
// $snps['pos'][$index] = $remapped_snps['pos'][$index];
// $snps['genotype'][$index] = $remapped_snps['genotype'][$index];
// }
// foreach ($snps->pos as &$value) {
// $value = (int)$value;
// }
// // $snps->[$remapped_snps->index, "pos"] = $remapped_snps["pos"];
// // $snps->loc[$remapped_snps->index, "genotype"] = $remapped_snps["genotype"];
// // $snps->pos = $snps->pos->astype(np.uint32);
// // Update SNPs and rebuild index
// $this->_snps = $snps;
// $this->sort();
// // Update the build with the target assembly
// $this->_build = intval(substr($target_assembly, -2));
// return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];
// }
// }
// private function _remapper(array $task): DataFrame
// {
// $temp = $task["snps"]->copy();
// $mappings = $task["mappings"];
// $complement_bases = $task["complement_bases"];
// $temp["remapped"] = false;
// $pos_start = intval($temp["pos"]->describe()["min"]);
// $pos_end = intval($temp["pos"]->describe()["max"]);
// foreach ($mappings["mappings"] as $mapping) {
// $orig_start = $mapping["original"]["start"];
// $orig_end = $mapping["original"]["end"];
// $mapped_start = $mapping["mapped"]["start"];
// $mapped_end = $mapping["mapped"]["end"];
// $orig_region = $mapping["original"]["seq_region_name"];
// $mapped_region = $mapping["mapped"]["seq_region_name"];
// // Skip if mapping is outside of range of SNP positions
// if ($orig_end < $pos_start || $orig_start > $pos_end) {
// continue;
// }
// // Find the SNPs that are being remapped for this mapping
// $snp_indices = $temp->loc[
// !$temp["remapped"]
// & ($temp["pos"] >= $orig_start)
// & ($temp["pos"] <= $orig_end)
// ]->index;
// // If there are no SNPs here, skip
// if (count($snp_indices) === 0) {
// continue;
* Matches SNPs with another SNPs object and returns a new SNPs object with the matching SNPs.
* @param SNPs $otherKit The other SNPs object to match with.
* @return SNPs A new SNPs object containing the matching SNPs.
public function matchWith(SNPs $otherKit): SNPs
$matchedSnps = []; // Initialize an array to store the matched SNPs
// Iterate over the SNPs in the current object
foreach ($this->_snps as $snp) {
// Iterate over the SNPs in the other object
foreach ($otherKit->getSnps() as $otherSnp) {
// Check if the SNP positions and alleles match
if ($snp['pos'] == $otherSnp['pos'] && $snp['genotype'] == $otherSnp['genotype']) {
$matchedSnps[] = $snp; // Add the matching SNP to the array
// Create a new SNPs object with the matched SNPs
$matchedSnpsObject = new SNPs();
return $matchedSnpsObject; // Return the new SNPs object
// }
// $orig_range_len = $orig_end - $orig_start;
// $mapped_range_len = $mapped_end - $mapped_start;
// // If this would change chromosome, skip
// // TODO: Allow within normal chromosomes
// // TODO: Flatten patches
// if ($orig_region !== $mapped_region) {
// logger.warning(
// "discrepant chroms for " . count($snp_indices) . " SNPs from " . $orig_region . " to " . $mapped_region
// );
// continue;
// }
// // If there is any stretching or squashing of the region
// // observed when mapping NCBI36 -> GRCh38
// // TODO: Disallow skipping a version when remapping
// if ($orig_range_len !== $mapped_range_len) {
// logger.warning(
// "discrepant coords for " . count($snp_indices) . " SNPs from " . $orig_region . ":" . $orig_start . "-" . $orig_end . " to " . $mapped_region . ":" . $mapped_start . "-" . $mapped_end
// );
// continue;
// }
// // Remap the SNPs
// if ($mapping['mapped']['strand'] === -1) {
// // Flip and (optionally) complement since we're mapping to the minus strand
// $diff_from_start = array_map(function($pos) use ($orig_start) {
// return $pos - $orig_start;
// }, $temp['pos'][$snp_indices]);
// $temp['pos'][$snp_indices] = array_map(function($diff) use ($mapped_end) {
// return $mapped_end - $diff;
// }, $diff_from_start);
// if ($complement_bases) {
// $temp['genotype'][$snp_indices] = array_map([$this, '_complement_bases'], $temp['genotype'][$snp_indices]);
// }
// } else {
// // Mapping is on the same (plus) strand, so just remap based on offset
// $offset = $mapped_start - $orig_start;
// $temp['pos'][$snp_indices] = array_map(function($pos) use ($offset) {
// return $pos + $offset;
// }, $temp['pos'][$snp_indices]);
// }
// // Mark these SNPs as remapped
// foreach ($snp_indices as $index) {
// $temp['remapped'][$index] = true;
// }
// }
// return $temp;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the complement of a given genotype string.
// *
// * @param string|null $genotype The genotype string to complement.
// * @return string|null The complement of the genotype string, or null if the input is null.
// */
// function complement_bases(string|null $genotype): string|null
// {
// if (is_null($genotype)) {
// return null;
// }
// $complement = ""; // Variable to store the complement genotype string.
// // Iterate over each character in the genotype string.
// for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($genotype); $i++) {
// $base = $genotype[$i]; // Get the current base.
// // Determine the complement of the base and append it to the complement string.
// if ($base === "A") {
// $complement .= "T";
// } elseif ($base === "G") {
// $complement .= "C";
// } elseif ($base === "C") {
// $complement .= "G";
// } elseif ($base === "T") {
// $complement .= "A";
// } else {
// $complement .= $base; // If the base is not A, G, C, or T, keep it as is.
// }
// }
// return $complement; // Return the complement genotype string.
// }
// /**
// * Returns an array representing the natural sort order of a given string.
// *
// * @param string $s The string to generate the natural sort key for.
// * @return array An array representing the natural sort order of the string.
// */
// function natural_sort_key(string $s): array
// {
// $natural_sort_re = '/([0-9]+)/'; // Regular expression pattern to match numbers in the string.
// // Split the string using the regular expression pattern and capture the delimiter.
// // Map each segment to its corresponding natural sort key value.
// return array_map(
// fn($text) => is_numeric($text) ? intval($text) : strtolower($text),
// preg_split($natural_sort_re, $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE)
// );
// }
// /**
// * Merge SNP objects based on specified thresholds and options.
// *
// * @param array $snps_objects An array of SNP objects to merge.
// * @param int $discrepant_positions_threshold The threshold for the number of discrepant positions allowed.
// * @param int $discrepant_genotypes_threshold The threshold for the number of discrepant genotypes allowed.
// * @param bool $remap Whether to remap the merged SNP objects.
// * @param string $chrom The chromosome to merge SNP objects for.
// */
// public function merge(
// array $snps_objects = [],
// int $discrepant_positions_threshold = 100,
// int $discrepant_genotypes_threshold = 500,
// bool $remap = true,
// string $chrom = ""
// ) {}
// // Your PHP code implementation here
// /**
// * Initializes the SNPs object with the properties of the SNPs object being merged.
// *
// * @param mixed $s The SNPs object being merged.
// */
// public function init($s)
// {
// // Initialize properties of the SNPs object being merged
// $this->_snps = $s->snps;
// $this->_duplicate = $s->duplicate;
// $this->_discrepant_XY = $s->discrepant_XY;
// $this->_heterozygous_MT = $s->heterozygous_MT;
// $this->_discrepant_vcf_position = $s->discrepant_vcf_position;
// $this->_discrepant_merge_positions = $s->discrepant_merge_positions;
// $this->_discrepant_merge_genotypes = $s->discrepant_merge_genotypes;
// $this->_source = $s->_source;
// $this->_phased = $s->phased;
// $this->_build = $s->build;
// $this->_build_detected = $s->build_detected;
// }
// /**
// * Ensures that the builds match when merging SNPs objects.
// *
// * @param mixed $s The SNPs object being merged.
// */
// public function ensure_same_build($s)
// {
// // Ensure builds match when merging
// if (!$s->build_detected) {
// $this->logger->warning(sprintf("Build not detected for %s, assuming Build %s",
// $s->__toString(),
// $s->build
// ));
// }
// if ($this->build != $s->build) {
// $this->logger->info(sprintf("%s has Build %s; remapping to Build %s",
// $s->__toString(),
// $s->build,
// $this->build
// ));
// $s->remap($this->build);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Merges the properties of the SNPs object being merged.
// *
// * @param mixed $s The SNPs object being merged.
// */
// public function merge_properties($s)
// {
// if (!$s->build_detected) {
// // Can no longer assume build has been detected for all SNPs after merge
// $this->_build_detected = false;
// }
// if (!$s->phased) {
// // Can no longer assume all SNPs are phased after merge
// $this->_phased = false;
// }
// $this->_source = array_merge($this->_source, $s->_source);
// }
// /**
// * Merges the dataframes of the SNPs object being merged.
// *
// * @param SNPs $s The SNPs object being merged.
// */
// public function merge_dfs(SNPs $s): void
// {
// // Append dataframes created when a "SNPs" object is instantiated
// $this->_duplicate = array_merge($this->_duplicate, $s->_duplicate);
// $this->_discrepant_XY = array_merge($this->_discrepant_XY, $s->_discrepant_XY);
// $this->_heterozygous_MT = array_merge($this->_heterozygous_MT, $s->_heterozygous_MT);
// $this->_discrepant_vcf_position = array_merge($this->_discrepant_vcf_position, $s->_discrepant_vcf_position);
// }
// public function merge_snps(SNPs $s, int $positions_threshold, int $genotypes_threshold, string $merge_chrom): array
// {
// // Merge SNPs, identifying those with discrepant positions and genotypes; update NAs
// // Identify common SNPs (i.e., any rsids being added that already exist in self.snps)
// $df = (!$merge_chrom) ?
// $this->snps->join($s->snps, "inner", null, "_added") :
// $this->snps->where("chrom", "=", $merge_chrom)
// ->join($s->snps->where("chrom", "=", $merge_chrom), "inner", null, "_added");
// $common_rsids = $df->getIndex();
// $discrepant_positions = $df->where(
// fn($row) => $row["chrom"] != $row["chrom_added"] || $row["pos"] != $row["pos_added"]
// );
// if (count($discrepant_positions) >= $positions_threshold) {
// $this->logger->warning("Too many SNPs differ in position; ensure SNPs have the same build");
// return [false];
// }
// // Remove null genotypes
// $df = $df->where(fn($row) => !is_null($row["genotype"]) && !is_null($row["genotype_added"]));
// // Discrepant genotypes are where alleles are not equivalent (i.e., alleles are not the same and not swapped)
// $discrepant_genotypes = $df->where(fn($row) =>
// strlen($row["genotype"]) != strlen($row["genotype_added"]) ||
// (
// strlen($row["genotype"]) == 1 &&
// strlen($row["genotype_added"]) == 1 &&
// $row["genotype"] != $row["genotype_added"]
// ) ||
// (
// strlen($row["genotype"]) == 2 &&
// strlen($row["genotype_added"]) == 2 &&
// !(
// $row["genotype"][0] == $row["genotype_added"][0] &&
// $row["genotype"][1] == $row["genotype_added"][1]
// ) &&
// !(
// $row["genotype"][0] == $row["genotype_added"][1] &&
// $row["genotype"][1] == $row["genotype_added"][0]
// )
// )
// );
// if (count($discrepant_genotypes) >= $genotypes_threshold) {
// $this->logger->warning("Too many SNPs differ in their genotype; ensure the file is for the same individual");
// return [false];
// }
// // Add new SNPs
// $this->_snps = (!$merge_chrom) ?
// $this->snps->combineFirst($s->snps) :
// $this->snps->combineFirst($s->snps->where("chrom", "=", $merge_chrom));
// // Convert position back to uint32 after combineFirst
// $this->_snps["pos"] = $this->snps["pos"]->cast(UInt32::class);
// if (0 < count($discrepant_positions) && count($discrepant_positions) < $positions_threshold) {
// $this->logger->warning(count($discrepant_positions)." SNP positions were discrepant; keeping original positions");
// }
// if (0 < count($discrepant_genotypes) && count($discrepant_genotypes) < $genotypes_threshold) {
// $this->logger->warning(count($discrepant_genotypes)." SNP genotypes were discrepant; marking those as null");
// }
// // Set discrepant genotypes to null
// $this->_snps->whereIndexIn($discrepant_genotypes->getIndex())->set("genotype", null);
// // Append discrepant positions dataframe
// $this->_discrepant_merge_positions = $this->_discrepant_merge_positions
// ->concat($discrepant_positions, true);
// // Append discrepant genotypes dataframe
// $this->_discrepant_merge_genotypes = $this->_discrepant_merge_genotypes
// ->concat($discrepant_genotypes, true);
// return [
// true,
// [
// "common_rsids" => $common_rsids,
// "discrepant_position_rsids" => $discrepant_positions->getIndex(),
// "discrepant_genotype_rsids" => $discrepant_genotypes->getIndex(),
// ],
// ];
// $results = [];
// foreach ($snps_objects as $snps_object) {
// $d = [
// "merged" => false,
// "common_rsids" => [],
// "discrepant_position_rsids" => [],
// "discrepant_genotype_rsids" => [],
// ];
// if (!$snps_object->valid) {
// $this->logger->warning("No SNPs to merge...");
// $results[] = $d;
// continue;
// }
// if (!$this->valid) {
// $this->logger->info("Loading ".$snps_object->__toString());
// $this->init($snps_object);
// $d["merged"] = true;
// } else {
// $this->logger->info("Merging ".$snps_object->__toString());
// if ($remap) {
// $this->ensure_same_build($snps_object);
// }
// if ($this->build != $snps_object->build) {
// $this->logger->warning(
// $snps_object->__toString()." has Build ".$snps_object->build."; this SNPs object has Build ".$this->build
// );
// }
// [$merged, $extra] = $this->merge_snps(
// $snps_object,
// $discrepant_positions_threshold,
// $discrepant_genotypes_threshold,
// $chrom
// );
// if ($merged) {
// $this->merge_properties($snps_object);
// $this->merge_dfs($snps_object);
// $this->sort();
// $d["merged"] = true;
// $d = array_merge($d, $extra);
// }
// }
// $results[] = $d;
// }
// return $results;
// }
// public function sortSnps()
// {
// // Deprecated method. Display a deprecation error.
// trigger_error("This method has been renamed to `sort`.", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
// // Call the new method `sort`.
// $this->sort();
// }
// public function remapSnps($target_assembly, $complement_bases = true)
// {
// // Deprecated method. Display a deprecation error.
// trigger_error("This method has been renamed to `remap`.", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
// // Call the new method `remap` and return the result.
// return $this->remap($target_assembly, $complement_bases);
// }
// public function saveSnps($filename = "", $vcf = false, $atomic = true, ...$kwargs)
// {
// // Deprecated method. Display a deprecation error.
// trigger_error(
// "Method `save_snps` has been replaced by `to_csv`, `to_tsv`, and `to_vcf`.",
// );
// // Call the private method `_save` with the provided arguments and return the result.
// return $this->_save($filename, $vcf, $atomic, ...$kwargs);
// }
// public function getSnpCount($chrom = "")
// {
// // Deprecated method. Display a deprecation error.
// trigger_error(
// "This method has been renamed to `get_count`.",
// );
// // Call the new method `getCount` with the provided argument and return the result.
// return $this->getCount($chrom);
// }
// public function notNullSnps($chrom = "")
// {
// // Deprecated method. Display a deprecation error.
// trigger_error("This method has been renamed to `notnull`.", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
// // Call the new method `notnull` with the provided argument and return the result.
// return $this->notnull($chrom);
// }
// public function getSummary() // Also rename this method to match the property
// {
// // Deprecated method. Display a deprecation error.
// trigger_error("This method has been renamed to `summary` and is now a property.", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
// // Return the value of the `summary` property.
// return $this->summary;
// }
// public function getAssembly()
// {
// // Deprecated method. Display a deprecation error.
// trigger_error("See the `assembly` property.", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
// // Return the value of the `assembly` property.
// return $this->assembly;
// }
// public function getChromosomes()
// {
// // Deprecated method. Display a deprecation error.
// trigger_error("See the `chromosomes` property.", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
// // Return the value of the `chromosomes` property.
// return $this->chromosomes;
// }
// public function getChromosomesSummary()
// {
// // Deprecated method. Display a deprecation error.
// trigger_error("See the `chromosomes_summary` property.", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
// // Return the value of the `chromosomes_summary` property.
// return $this->chromosomes_summary;
// }
// /**
// * Computes cluster overlap based on given threshold.
// *
// * @param float $cluster_overlap_threshold The threshold for cluster overlap.
// * @return DataFrame The computed cluster overlap DataFrame.
// */
// public function compute_cluster_overlap($cluster_overlap_threshold = 0.95) {
// // Sample data for cluster overlap computation
// $data = [
// "cluster_id" => ["c1", "c3", "c4", "c5", "v5"],
// "company_composition" => [
// "23andMe-v4",
// "AncestryDNA-v1, FTDNA, MyHeritage",
// "23andMe-v3",
// "AncestryDNA-v2",
// "23andMe-v5, LivingDNA",
// ],
// "chip_base_deduced" => [
// "HTS iSelect HD",
// "OmniExpress",
// "OmniExpress plus",
// "OmniExpress plus",
// "Illumina GSAs",
// ],
// "snps_in_cluster" => array_fill(0, 5, 0),
// "snps_in_common" => array_fill(0, 5, 0),
// ];
// // Create a DataFrame from the data and set "cluster_id" as the index
// $df = new DataFrame($data);
// $df->setIndex("cluster_id");
// $to_remap = null;
// if ($this->build != 37) {
// // Create a clone of the current object for remapping
// $to_remap = clone $this;
// $to_remap->remap(37); // clusters are relative to Build 37
// $self_snps = $to_remap->snps()->select(["chrom", "pos"])->dropDuplicates();
// } else {
// $self_snps = $this->snps()->select(["chrom", "pos"])->dropDuplicates();
// }
// // Retrieve chip clusters from resources
// $chip_clusters = $this->resources->get_chip_clusters();
// // Iterate over each cluster in the DataFrame
// foreach ($df->indexValues() as $cluster) {
// // Filter chip clusters based on the current cluster
// $cluster_snps = $chip_clusters->filter(function ($row) use ($cluster) {
// return strpos($row["clusters"], $cluster) !== false;
// })->select(["chrom", "pos"]);
// // Update the DataFrame with the number of SNPs in the cluster and in common with the current object
// $df->loc[$cluster]["snps_in_cluster"] = count($cluster_snps);
// $df->loc[$cluster]["snps_in_common"] = count($self_snps->merge($cluster_snps, "inner"));
// // Calculate overlap ratios for cluster and self
// $df["overlap_with_cluster"] = $df["snps_in_common"] / $df["snps_in_cluster"];
// $df["overlap_with_self"] = $df["snps_in_common"] / count($self_snps);
// // Find the cluster with the maximum overlap
// $max_overlap = array_keys($df["overlap_with_cluster"], max($df["overlap_with_cluster"]))[0];
// // Check if the maximum overlap exceeds the threshold for both cluster and self
// if (
// $df["overlap_with_cluster"][$max_overlap] > $cluster_overlap_threshold &&
// $df["overlap_with_self"][$max_overlap] > $cluster_overlap_threshold
// ) {
// // Update the current object's cluster and chip based on the maximum overlap
// $this->cluster = $max_overlap;
// $this->chip = $df["chip_base_deduced"][$max_overlap];
// $company_composition = $df["company_composition"][$max_overlap];
// // Check if the current object's source is present in the company composition
// if (strpos($company_composition, $this->source) !== false) {
// if ($this->source === "23andMe" || $this->source === "AncestryDNA") {
// // Extract the chip version from the company composition
// $i = strpos($company_composition, "v");
// $this->chip_version = substr($company_composition, $i, $i + 2);
// }
// } else {
// // Log a warning about the SNPs data source not found
// }
// }
// }
// // Return the computed cluster overlap DataFrame
// return $df;
// }
// }
* Computes cluster overlap based on given threshold.
* @param float $cluster_overlap_threshold The threshold for cluster overlap.
* @return array The computed cluster overlap DataFrame.
public function computeClusterOverlap($cluster_overlap_threshold = 0.95): array {
// Sample data for cluster overlap computation
$data = [
"cluster_id" => ["c1", "c3", "c4", "c5", "v5"],
"company_composition" => [
"AncestryDNA-v1, FTDNA, MyHeritage",
"23andMe-v5, LivingDNA",
"chip_base_deduced" => [
"HTS iSelect HD",
"OmniExpress plus",
"OmniExpress plus",
"Illumina GSAs",
"snps_in_cluster" => array_fill(0, 5, 0),
"snps_in_common" => array_fill(0, 5, 0),
// Create a DataFrame from the data and set "cluster_id" as the index
$df = new DataFrame($data);
$to_remap = null;
if ($this->build != 37) {
// Create a clone of the current object for remapping
$to_remap = clone $this;
$to_remap->remap(37); // clusters are relative to Build 37
$self_snps = $to_remap->snps()->select(["chrom", "pos"])->dropDuplicates();
} else {
$self_snps = $this->snps()->select(["chrom", "pos"])->dropDuplicates();
// Retrieve chip clusters from resources
$chip_clusters = $this->resources->get_chip_clusters();
// Iterate over each cluster in the DataFrame
foreach ($df->indexValues() as $cluster) {
// Filter chip clusters based on the current cluster
$cluster_snps = $chip_clusters->filter(function ($row) use ($cluster) {
return strpos($row["clusters"], $cluster) !== false;
})->select(["chrom", "pos"]);
// Update the DataFrame with the number of SNPs in the cluster and in common with the current object
$df->loc[$cluster]["snps_in_cluster"] = count($cluster_snps);
$df->loc[$cluster]["snps_in_common"] = count($self_snps->merge($cluster_snps, "inner"));
// Calculate overlap ratios for cluster and self
$df["overlap_with_cluster"] = $df["snps_in_common"] / $df["snps_in_cluster"];
$df["overlap_with_self"] = $df["snps_in_common"] / count($self_snps);
// Find the cluster with the maximum overlap
$max_overlap = array_keys($df["overlap_with_cluster"], max($df["overlap_with_cluster"]))[0];
// Check if the maximum overlap exceeds the threshold for both cluster and self
if (
$df["overlap_with_cluster"][$max_overlap] > $cluster_overlap_threshold &&
$df["overlap_with_self"][$max_overlap] > $cluster_overlap_threshold
) {
// Update the current object's cluster and chip based on the maximum overlap
$this->cluster = $max_overlap;
$this->chip = $df["chip_base_deduced"][$max_overlap];
$company_composition = $df["company_composition"][$max_overlap];
// Check if the current object's source is present in the company composition
if (strpos($company_composition, $this->source) !== false) {
if ($this->source === "23andMe" || $this->source === "AncestryDNA") {
// Extract the chip version from the company composition
$i = strpos($company_composition, "v");
$this->chip_version = substr($company_composition, $i, $i + 2);
} else {
// Log a warning about the SNPs data source not found
// Return the computed cluster overlap DataFrame
return $df;

require_once 'snps.php';
require_once 'snps/utils.php';
class Individual extends SNPs
* Object used to represent and interact with an individual.
* The ``Individual`` object maintains information about an individual. The object provides
* methods for loading an individual's genetic data (SNPs) and normalizing it for use with the
* `lineage` framework.
* ``Individual`` inherits from ``snps.SNPs``.
private string $_name;
public function __construct(string $name, mixed $raw_data = [], array $kwargs = [])
* Initialize an ``Individual`` object.
* Parameters
* ----------
* name : str
* name of the individual
* raw_data : str, bytes, ``SNPs`` (or list or tuple thereof)
* path(s) to file(s), bytes, or ``SNPs`` object(s) with raw genotype data
* kwargs : array
* parameters to ``snps.SNPs`` and/or ``snps.SNPs.merge``
$this->_name = $name;
$init_args = $this->_get_defined_kwargs(new ReflectionMethod(SNPs::class, '__construct'), $kwargs);
$merge_args = $this->_get_defined_kwargs(new ReflectionMethod(SNPs::class, ''), $kwargs);
if (!is_array($raw_data)) {
$raw_data = [$raw_data];
foreach ($raw_data as $file) {
$s = $file instanceof SNPs ? $file : new SNPs($file, ...array_values($init_args));
$this->merge([$s], ...array_values($merge_args));
private function _get_defined_kwargs(ReflectionMethod $callable, array $kwargs): array
$parameters = $callable->getParameters();
$defined_kwargs = [];
foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
$name = $parameter->getName();
if (array_key_exists($name, $kwargs)) {
$defined_kwargs[$name] = $kwargs[$name];
return $defined_kwargs;
public function __toString(): string
return sprintf("Individual('%s')", $this->_name);
public function getName(): string
* Get this ``Individual``'s name.
* Returns
* -------
* str
return $this->_name;
public function getVarName(): string
return clean_str($this->_name);

require_once 'SNPs.php';
class Triangulation {
public static function compareMultipleKits(array $kitsData): array {
$snpsLists = self::extractSnpLists($kitsData);
$commonSnps = self::findCommonSnps($snpsLists);
return self::filterNonCommonSnps($commonSnps, $kitsData);
private static function extractSnpLists(array $kitsData): array {
return array_map(function($kit) { return $kit->getSnps(); }, $kitsData);
private static function findCommonSnps(array $snpsLists): array {
return call_user_func_array('array_intersect_key', $snpsLists);
private static function filterNonCommonSnps(array $commonSnps, array $kitsData): array {
return array_filter($commonSnps, function($snp) use ($kitsData) {
return self::isSnpCommonAcrossAllKits($snp, $kitsData);
private static function isSnpCommonAcrossAllKits(array $snp, array $kitsData): bool {
return count(array_filter($kitsData, function($kit) use ($snp) {
$snps = $kit->getSnps();
return isset($snps[$snp['pos']]) && $snps[$snp['pos']]['genotype'] === $snp['genotype'];
})) === count($kitsData);


Lines 1 to 28 in 3d5b908

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"description": "lineage for PHP 8.3+",
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"require": {
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"require-dev": {
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"squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "3.6.*",
"rector/rector": "^0.11.49"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Dna\\": "src/"
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"DnaTest\\": "tests/"


Lines 1 to 2493 in 3d5b908

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"Read more about it at",
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"psr/log": "Required for using the Log middleware"
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"email": "[email protected]",
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"email": "[email protected]",
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"name": "Tobias Nyholm",
"email": "[email protected]",
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"rector/rector-laravel": "*",
"rector/rector-nette": "*",
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"email": "[email protected]"
"name": "Jeff Welch",
"email": "[email protected]"
"name": "Volker Dusch",
"email": "[email protected]"
"name": "Adam Harvey",
"email": "[email protected]"
"name": "Bernhard Schussek",
"email": "[email protected]"
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"time": "2023-02-03T07:06:49+00:00"
"name": "sebastian/global-state",
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"sebastian/object-reflector": "^3.0",
"sebastian/recursion-context": "^5.0"
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"ext-dom": "*",
"phpunit/phpunit": "^10.0"
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"name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
"email": "[email protected]"
"description": "Snapshotting of global state",
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"funding": [
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"type": "github"
"time": "2023-07-19T07:19:23+00:00"
"name": "sebastian/lines-of-code",
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"nikic/php-parser": "^4.10",
"php": ">=8.1"
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"phpunit/phpunit": "^10.0"
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"name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
"email": "[email protected]",
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"funding": [
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"type": "github"
"time": "2023-02-03T07:08:02+00:00"
"name": "sebastian/object-enumerator",
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"type": "git",
"url": "",
"reference": "202d0e344a580d7f7d04b3fafce6933e59dae906"
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"shasum": ""
"require": {
"php": ">=8.1",
"sebastian/object-reflector": "^3.0",
"sebastian/recursion-context": "^5.0"
"require-dev": {
"phpunit/phpunit": "^10.0"
"type": "library",
"extra": {
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"classmap": [
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"license": [
"authors": [
"name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
"email": "[email protected]"
"description": "Traverses array structures and object graphs to enumerate all referenced objects",
"homepage": "",
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"funding": [
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"type": "github"
"time": "2023-02-03T07:08:32+00:00"
"name": "sebastian/object-reflector",
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"source": {
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"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"notification-url": "",
"license": [
"authors": [
"name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
"email": "[email protected]"
"description": "Allows reflection of object attributes, including inherited and non-public ones",
"homepage": "",
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"source": ""
"funding": [
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"type": "github"
"time": "2023-02-03T07:06:18+00:00"
"name": "sebastian/recursion-context",
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"source": {
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"url": "",
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"require": {
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"name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
"email": "[email protected]"
"name": "Jeff Welch",
"email": "[email protected]"
"name": "Adam Harvey",
"email": "[email protected]"
"description": "Provides functionality to recursively process PHP variables",
"homepage": "",
"support": {
"issues": "",
"source": ""
"funding": [
"url": "",
"type": "github"
"time": "2023-02-03T07:05:40+00:00"
"name": "sebastian/type",
"version": "4.0.0",
"source": {
"type": "git",
"url": "",
"reference": "462699a16464c3944eefc02ebdd77882bd3925bf"
"dist": {
"type": "zip",
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"reference": "462699a16464c3944eefc02ebdd77882bd3925bf",
"shasum": ""
"require": {
"php": ">=8.1"
"require-dev": {
"phpunit/phpunit": "^10.0"
"type": "library",
"extra": {
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"classmap": [
"notification-url": "",
"license": [
"authors": [
"name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "lead"
"description": "Collection of value objects that represent the types of the PHP type system",
"homepage": "",
"support": {
"issues": "",
"source": ""
"funding": [
"url": "",
"type": "github"
"time": "2023-02-03T07:10:45+00:00"
"name": "sebastian/version",
"version": "4.0.1",
"source": {
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"url": "",
"reference": "c51fa83a5d8f43f1402e3f32a005e6262244ef17"
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"classmap": [
"notification-url": "",
"license": [
"authors": [
"name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "lead"
"description": "Library that helps with managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects",
"homepage": "",
"support": {
"issues": "",
"source": ""
"funding": [
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"type": "github"
"time": "2023-02-07T11:34:05+00:00"
"name": "squizlabs/php_codesniffer",
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"source": {
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"url": "",
"reference": "5e4e71592f69da17871dba6e80dd51bce74a351a"
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"ext-xmlwriter": "*",
"php": ">=5.4.0"
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"phpunit/phpunit": "^4.0 || ^5.0 || ^6.0 || ^7.0"
"bin": [
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"extra": {
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"license": [
"authors": [
"name": "Greg Sherwood",
"role": "lead"
"description": "PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.",
"homepage": "",
"keywords": [
"support": {
"issues": "",
"source": "",
"wiki": ""
"time": "2021-12-12T21:44:58+00:00"
"name": "theseer/tokenizer",
"version": "1.2.1",
"source": {
"type": "git",
"url": "",
"reference": "34a41e998c2183e22995f158c581e7b5e755ab9e"
"dist": {
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"ext-tokenizer": "*",
"ext-xmlwriter": "*",
"php": "^7.2 || ^8.0"
"type": "library",
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"notification-url": "",
"license": [
"authors": [
"name": "Arne Blankerts",
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "Developer"
"description": "A small library for converting tokenized PHP source code into XML and potentially other formats",
"support": {
"issues": "",
"source": ""
"funding": [
"url": "",
"type": "github"
"time": "2021-07-28T10:34:58+00:00"
"aliases": [],
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"prefer-stable": false,
"prefer-lowest": false,
"platform": {
"php": ">=8.0"
"platform-dev": [],
"plugin-api-version": "2.3.0"

Step 2: ⌨️ Coding

Modify src/Snps/SNPs.php with contents: Update the class and method names to follow PSR-1 and PSR-12 naming conventions.

class SNPs implements Countable, Iterator
private array $_source = [];
private array $_snps = [];
private int $_build = 0;
private ?bool $_phased = null;
private ?bool $_build_detected = null;
private ?Resources $_resources = null;
private ?string $_chip = null;
private ?string $_chip_version = null;
private ?string $_cluster = null;
private int $_position = 0;
private array $_keys = [];
private array $_duplicate = [];
private array $_discrepant_XY = [];
private array $_heterozygous_MT = [];
private DataFrame $dataFrame;
private SNPAnalysis $snpAnalysis;
private MathOperations $mathOperations;

 * SNPs constructor.


class Snps implements Countable, Iterator
private array $source = [];
private array $snps = [];
private int $build = 0;
private ?bool $phased = null;
private ?bool $buildDetected = null;
private ?Resources $resources = null;
private ?string $chip = null;
private ?string $chipVersion = null;
private ?string $cluster = null;
private int $position = 0;
private array $keys = [];
private array $duplicate = [];
private array $discrepantXY = [];
private array $heterozygousMT = [];
private DataFrame $dataFrame;
private SnpAnalysis $snpAnalysis;
private MathOperations $mathOperations;

 * Snps constructor.


Modify src/Snps/SNPs.php with contents: Add proper documentation comments (DocBlocks) for the class, properties, and methods.

class SNPs implements Countable, Iterator
private array $_source = [];
private array $_snps = [];
private int $_build = 0;
private ?bool $_phased = null;
private ?bool $_build_detected = null;
private ?Resources $_resources = null;
private ?string $_chip = null;
private ?string $_chip_version = null;
private ?string $_cluster = null;
private int $_position = 0;
private array $_keys = [];
private array $_duplicate = [];
private array $_discrepant_XY = [];
private array $_heterozygous_MT = [];
private DataFrame $dataFrame;
private SNPAnalysis $snpAnalysis;
private MathOperations $mathOperations;

 * SNPs constructor.



  • Snps class represents a collection of SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms).

  • It provides methods to manipulate and analyze the SNPs data.
    class Snps implements Countable, Iterator

    • @var array $source The source of the SNPs data.
      private array $source = [];


    • @var array $snps The array of SNPs.
      private array $snps = [];


    • @var int $build The build version of the SNPs data.
      private int $build = 0;


    • @var bool|null $phased Indicates if the SNPs are phased.
      private ?bool $phased = null;


    • @var bool|null $buildDetected Indicates if the build version is detected.
      private ?bool $buildDetected = null;


    • @var Resources|null $resources The resources associated with the SNPs.
      private ?Resources $resources = null;


    • @var string|null $chip The chip used for genotyping.
      private ?string $chip = null;


    • @var string|null $chipVersion The version of the chip used for genotyping.
      private ?string $chipVersion = null;


    • @var string|null $cluster The cluster associated with the SNPs.
      private ?string $cluster = null;


    • @var int $position The current position in the SNPs array.
      private int $position = 0;


    • @var array $keys The keys of the SNPs array.
      private array $keys = [];


    • @var array $duplicate The duplicate SNPs.
      private array $duplicate = [];


    • @var array $discrepantXY The discrepant SNPs on the X and Y chromosomes.
      private array $discrepantXY = [];


    • @var array $heterozygousMT The heterozygous SNPs on the mitochondrial DNA.
      private array $heterozygousMT = [];


    • @var DataFrame $dataFrame The DataFrame object for data manipulation.
      private DataFrame $dataFrame;


    • @var SnpAnalysis $snpAnalysis The SnpAnalysis object for SNP analysis.
      private SnpAnalysis $snpAnalysis;


    • @var MathOperations $mathOperations The MathOperations object for mathematical operations.
      private MathOperations $mathOperations;


    • Snps constructor.


Modify src/Snps/SNPs.php with contents: Refactor the constructor to use dependency injection for external dependencies.

public function __construct(
private $file = "",
private bool $only_detect_source = False,
private bool $assign_par_snps = False,
private string $output_dir = "output",
private string $resources_dir = "resources",
private bool $deduplicate = True,
private bool $deduplicate_XY_chrom = True,
private bool $deduplicate_MT_chrom = True,
private bool $parallelize = False,
private int $processes = 1, // cpu count
private array $rsids = [],
private $ensemblRestClient = null,
) //, $only_detect_source, $output_dir, $resources_dir, $parallelize, $processes)
// $this->_only_detect_source = $only_detect_source;
$this->snpFileReader = new SnpFileReader($this->_resources, $this->ensemblRestClient);
$this->buildDetector = new BuildDetector();
$this->clusterOverlapCalculator = new ClusterOverlapCalculator($this->_resources);
$this->_source = [];
$this->_phased = null;
$this->_build = 0;
$this->_build_detected = null;
$this->_cluster = "";
$this->_chip = "";
$this->_chip_version = "";
$this->_source = [];
// $this->_phased = false;
$this->_build = 0;
$this->_build_detected = false;
// $this->_output_dir = $output_dir;
$this->_resources = new Resources($resources_dir);
// $this->_parallelizer = new Parallelizer($parallelize, $processes);
$this->_cluster = "";
$this->_chip = "";
$this->dataFrame = new DataFrame();
$this->snpAnalysis = new SNPAnalysis();
$this->mathOperations = new MathOperations();
$this->_chip_version = "";

            $this->ensemblRestClient = $ensemblRestClient ?? new Ensembl("", 1);


public function __construct(
private string $file = "",
private bool $onlyDetectSource = false,
private bool $assignParSnps = false,
private string $outputDir = "output",
private string $resourcesDir = "resources",
private bool $deduplicate = true,
private bool $deduplicateXYChrom = true,
private bool $deduplicateMTChrom = true,
private bool $parallelize = false,
private int $processes = 1,
private array $rsids = [],
private ?EnsemblRestClient $ensemblRestClient = null,
private ?SnpFileReader $snpFileReader = null,
private ?BuildDetector $buildDetector = null,
private ?ClusterOverlapCalculator $clusterOverlapCalculator = null,
private ?Resources $resources = null,
private ?DataFrame $dataFrame = null,
private ?SnpAnalysis $snpAnalysis = null,
private ?MathOperations $mathOperations = null
) {
$this->source = [];
$this->phased = null;
$this->build = 0;
$this->buildDetected = null;
$this->cluster = "";
$this->chip = "";
$this->chipVersion = "";

    $this->resources = $resources ?? new Resources($resourcesDir);
    $this->ensemblRestClient = $ensemblRestClient ?? new EnsemblRestClient("", 1);
    $this->snpFileReader = $snpFileReader ?? new SnpFileReader($this->resources, $this->ensemblRestClient);
    $this->buildDetector = $buildDetector ?? new BuildDetector();
    $this->clusterOverlapCalculator = $clusterOverlapCalculator ?? new ClusterOverlapCalculator($this->resources);
    $this->dataFrame = $dataFrame ?? new DataFrame();
    $this->snpAnalysis = $snpAnalysis ?? new SnpAnalysis();
    $this->mathOperations = $mathOperations ?? new MathOperations();


Modify src/Snps/SNPs.php with contents: Refactor long methods into smaller, more focused methods with single responsibility.

public function computeClusterOverlap($cluster_overlap_threshold = 0.95): array {
// Sample data for cluster overlap computation
$data = [
"cluster_id" => ["c1", "c3", "c4", "c5", "v5"],
"company_composition" => [
"AncestryDNA-v1, FTDNA, MyHeritage",
"23andMe-v5, LivingDNA",
"chip_base_deduced" => [
"HTS iSelect HD",
"OmniExpress plus",
"OmniExpress plus",
"Illumina GSAs",
"snps_in_cluster" => array_fill(0, 5, 0),
"snps_in_common" => array_fill(0, 5, 0),

    // Create a DataFrame from the data and set "cluster_id" as the index
    $df = new DataFrame($data);

    $to_remap = null;
    if ($this->build != 37) {
        // Create a clone of the current object for remapping
        $to_remap = clone $this;
        $to_remap->remap(37); // clusters are relative to Build 37
        $self_snps = $to_remap->snps()->select(["chrom", "pos"])->dropDuplicates();
    } else {
        $self_snps = $this->snps()->select(["chrom", "pos"])->dropDuplicates();

    // Retrieve chip clusters from resources
    $chip_clusters = $this->resources->get_chip_clusters();

    // Iterate over each cluster in the DataFrame
    foreach ($df->indexValues() as $cluster) {
        // Filter chip clusters based on the current cluster
        $cluster_snps = $chip_clusters->filter(function ($row) use ($cluster) {
            return strpos($row["clusters"], $cluster) !== false;
        })->select(["chrom", "pos"]);

        // Update the DataFrame with the number of SNPs in the cluster and in common with the current object
        $df->loc[$cluster]["snps_in_cluster"] = count($cluster_snps);
        $df->loc[$cluster]["snps_in_common"] = count($self_snps->merge($cluster_snps, "inner"));

        // Calculate overlap ratios for cluster and self
        $df["overlap_with_cluster"] = $df["snps_in_common"] / $df["snps_in_cluster"];
        $df["overlap_with_self"] = $df["snps_in_common"] / count($self_snps);

        // Find the cluster with the maximum overlap
        $max_overlap = array_keys($df["overlap_with_cluster"], max($df["overlap_with_cluster"]))[0];

        // Check if the maximum overlap exceeds the threshold for both cluster and self
        if (
            $df["overlap_with_cluster"][$max_overlap] > $cluster_overlap_threshold &&
            $df["overlap_with_self"][$max_overlap] > $cluster_overlap_threshold
        ) {
            // Update the current object's cluster and chip based on the maximum overlap
            $this->cluster = $max_overlap;
            $this->chip = $df["chip_base_deduced"][$max_overlap];

            $company_composition = $df["company_composition"][$max_overlap];

            // Check if the current object's source is present in the company composition
            if (strpos($company_composition, $this->source) !== false) {
                if ($this->source === "23andMe" || $this->source === "AncestryDNA") {
                    // Extract the chip version from the company composition
                    $i = strpos($company_composition, "v");
                    $this->chip_version = substr($company_composition, $i, $i + 2);
            } else {
                // Log a warning about the SNPs data source not found

    // Return the computed cluster overlap DataFrame
    return $df;


public function computeClusterOverlap($clusterOverlapThreshold = 0.95): array
$df = $this->createClusterOverlapDataFrame();
$selfSnps = $this->getSelfSnps();
$chipClusters = $this->resources->getChipClusters();

    foreach ($df->indexValues() as $cluster) {
        $clusterSnps = $this->filterChipClustersByCluster($chipClusters, $cluster);
        $this->updateDataFrameWithClusterInfo($df, $cluster, $clusterSnps, $selfSnps);
        $this->calculateOverlapRatios($df, $selfSnps);
        $maxOverlap = $this->findMaxOverlapCluster($df);
        $this->updateClusterAndChipInfo($df, $maxOverlap, $clusterOverlapThreshold);

    return $df;

private function createClusterOverlapDataFrame(): DataFrame
    $data = [
        "cluster_id" => ["c1", "c3", "c4", "c5", "v5"],
        "company_composition" => [
            "AncestryDNA-v1, FTDNA, MyHeritage",
            "23andMe-v5, LivingDNA",
        "chip_base_deduced" => [
            "HTS iSelect HD",
            "OmniExpress plus",
            "OmniExpress plus",
            "Illumina GSAs",
        "snps_in_cluster" => array_fill(0, 5, 0),
        "snps_in_common" => array_fill(0, 5, 0),

    $df = new DataFrame($data);

    return $df;

private function getSelfSnps(): DataFrame
    if ($this->build != 37) {
        $toRemap = clone $this;
        return $toRemap->snps()->select(["chrom", "pos"])->dropDuplicates();

    return $this->snps()->select(["chrom", "pos"])->dropDuplicates();

private function filterChipClustersByCluster(DataFrame $chipClusters, string $cluster): DataFrame
    return $chipClusters->filter(function ($row) use ($cluster) {
        return strpos($row["clusters"], $cluster) !== false;
    })->select(["chrom", "pos"]);

private function updateDataFrameWithClusterInfo(DataFrame $df, string $cluster, DataFrame $clusterSnps, DataFrame $selfSnps): void
    $df->loc[$cluster]["snps_in_cluster"] = count($clusterSnps);
    $df->loc[$cluster]["snps_in_common"] = count($selfSnps->merge($clusterSnps, "inner"));

private function calculateOverlapRatios(DataFrame $df, DataFrame $selfSnps): void
    $df["overlap_with_cluster"] = $df["snps_in_common"] / $df["snps_in_cluster"];
    $df["overlap_with_self"] = $df["snps_in_common"] / count($selfSnps);

private function findMaxOverlapCluster(DataFrame $df): string
    return array_keys($df["overlap_with_cluster"], max($df["overlap_with_cluster"]))[0];

private function updateClusterAndChipInfo(DataFrame $df, string $maxOverlap, float $clusterOverlapThreshold): void
    if (
        $df["overlap_with_cluster"][$maxOverlap] > $clusterOverlapThreshold &&
        $df["overlap_with_self"][$maxOverlap] > $clusterOverlapThreshold
    ) {
        $this->cluster = $maxOverlap;
        $this->chip = $df["chip_base_deduced"][$maxOverlap];

        $companyComposition = $df["company_composition"][$maxOverlap];

        if (strpos($companyComposition, $this->source) !== false) {
            if ($this->source === "23andMe" || $this->source === "AncestryDNA") {
                $i = strpos($companyComposition, "v");
                $this->chipVersion = substr($companyComposition, $i, $i + 2);
        } else {
            // Log a warning about the SNPs data source not found


Modify src/Snps/SNPs.php with contents: Use meaningful variable and method names that clearly convey their purpose.

public function remap($target_assembly, $complement_bases = true)
$chromosomes_remapped = [];
$chromosomes_not_remapped = [];

    $snps = $this->_snps;

    if (empty($snps)) {
        // Logger::warning("No SNPs to remap");
        return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];
    } else {
        $chromosomes = array_unique(array_column($snps, 'chrom'));
        $chromosomes_not_remapped = $chromosomes;

    $valid_assemblies = ["NCBI36", "GRCh37", "GRCh38", 36, 37, 38];

    if (!in_array($target_assembly, $valid_assemblies)) {
        // Logger::warning("Invalid target assembly");
        return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];

    if (is_int($target_assembly)) {
        if ($target_assembly == 36) {
            $target_assembly = "NCBI36";
        } else {
            $target_assembly = "GRCh" . strval($target_assembly);

    if ($this->_build == 36) {
        $source_assembly = "NCBI36";
    } else {
        $source_assembly = "GRCh" . strval($this->_build);

    if ($source_assembly == $target_assembly) {
        return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];

    $assembly_mapping_data = $this->_resources->getAssemblyMappingData(

    if (empty($assembly_mapping_data)) {
        return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];

    $tasks = [];

    foreach ($chromosomes as $chrom) {
        if (array_key_exists($chrom, $assembly_mapping_data)) {
            $chromosomes_remapped[] = $chrom;
            $chromosomes_not_remapped = array_diff($chromosomes_not_remapped, [$chrom]);
            $mappings = $assembly_mapping_data[$chrom];
            $tasks[] = [
                "snps" => array_filter($snps, function ($snp) use ($chrom) {
                    return $snp['chrom'] === $chrom;
                "mappings" => $mappings,
                "complement_bases" => $complement_bases,
        } else {
            // Logger::warning(
            //     "Chromosome $chrom not remapped; removing chromosome from SNPs for consistency"
            // );
            $snps = array_filter($snps, function ($snp) use ($chrom) {
                return $snp['chrom'] !== $chrom;

    // remap SNPs
    $remapped_snps = array_map([$this, '_remapper'], $tasks);
    $remapped_snps = array_merge(...$remapped_snps);

    // update SNP positions and genotypes
    foreach ($remapped_snps as $snp) {
        $rsid = $snp['rsid'];
        $this->_snps[$rsid]['pos'] = $snp['pos'];
        $this->_snps[$rsid]['genotype'] = $snp['genotype'];

    foreach ($snps as &$snp) {
        $snp['pos'] = (int)$snp['pos'];

    $this->_build = (int)substr($target_assembly, -2);

    return [$chromosomes_remapped, $chromosomes_not_remapped];


public function remapSnps(string $targetAssembly, bool $complementBases = true): array
$remappedChromosomes = [];
$notRemappedChromosomes = [];

    $snps = $this->snps;

    if (empty($snps)) {
        // Logger::warning("No SNPs to remap");
        return [$remappedChromosomes, $notRemappedChromosomes];

    $chromosomes = array_unique(array_column($snps, 'chrom'));
    $notRemappedChromosomes = $chromosomes;

    $validAssemblies = ["NCBI36", "GRCh37", "GRCh38", 36, 37, 38];

    if (!in_array($targetAssembly, $validAssemblies)) {
        // Logger::warning("Invalid target assembly");
        return [$remappedChromosomes, $notRemappedChromosomes];

    $targetAssembly = $this->normalizeAssemblyName($targetAssembly);
    $sourceAssembly = $this->getSourceAssembly();

    if ($sourceAssembly === $targetAssembly) {
        return [$remappedChromosomes, $notRemappedChromosomes];

    $assemblyMappingData = $this->resources->getAssemblyMappingData($sourceAssembly, $targetAssembly);

    if (empty($assemblyMappingData)) {
        return [$remappedChromosomes, $notRemappedChromosomes];

    $remapTasks = $this->createRemapTasks($chromosomes, $assemblyMappingData, $snps, $complementBases);

    $remappedSnps = $this->executeRemapTasks($remapTasks);


    $this->build = (int)substr($targetAssembly, -2);

    return [$remappedChromosomes, $notRemappedChromosomes];

private function normalizeAssemblyName(string|int $assembly): string
    if (is_int($assembly)) {
        return $assembly === 36 ? "NCBI36" : "GRCh" . strval($assembly);

    return $assembly;

private function getSourceAssembly(): string
    return $this->build === 36 ? "NCBI36" : "GRCh" . strval($this->build);

private function createRemapTasks(array $chromosomes, array $assemblyMappingData, array $snps, bool $complementBases): array
    $tasks = [];

    foreach ($chromosomes as $chrom) {
        if (array_key_exists($chrom, $assemblyMappingData)) {
            $remappedChromosomes[] = $chrom;
            $notRemappedChromosomes = array_diff($notRemappedChromosomes, [$chrom]);
            $mappings = $assemblyMappingData[$chrom];
            $tasks[] = [
                "snps" => array_filter($snps, fn($snp) => $snp['chrom'] === $chrom),
                "mappings" => $mappings,
                "complement_bases" => $complementBases,
        } else {
            // Logger::warning("Chromosome $chrom not remapped; removing chromosome from SNPs for consistency");
            $snps = array_filter($snps, fn($snp) => $snp['chrom'] !== $chrom);

    return $tasks;

private function executeRemapTasks(array $tasks): array
    $remappedSnps = array_map([$this, 'remapSnpsTask'], $tasks);
    return array_merge(...$remappedSnps);

private function updateSnpPositionsAndGenotypes(array $remappedSnps): void
    foreach ($remappedSnps as $snp) {
        $rsid = $snp['rsid'];
        $this->snps[$rsid]['pos'] = $snp['pos'];
        $this->snps[$rsid]['genotype'] = $snp['genotype'];

    foreach ($this->snps as &$snp) {
        $snp['pos'] = (int)$snp['pos'];


Modify src/Snps/SNPs.php with contents: Use type declarations for method parameters and return types.

public function save(
$filename = "",
$vcf = false,
$atomic = true,
$vcf_alt_unavailable = ".",
$vcf_chrom_prefix = "",
$vcf_qc_only = false,
$vcf_qc_filter = false,
$kwargs = []
) {
if (!array_key_exists("sep", $kwargs)) {
$kwargs["sep"] = "\t";

    $w = new Writer(
            'snps' => $this,
            'filename' => $filename,
            'vcf' => $vcf,
            'atomic' => $atomic,
            'vcf_alt_unavailable' => $vcf_alt_unavailable,
            'vcf_chrom_prefix' => $vcf_chrom_prefix,
            'vcf_qc_only' => $vcf_qc_only,
            'vcf_qc_filter' => $vcf_qc_filter

    $result = $w->write();
    [$path, $extra] = $result;

    if (count($extra) == 1 && !$extra[0]->isEmpty()) {
        $this->_discrepant_vcf_position = $extra[0];
        // logger::warning(
        //     count($this->discrepant_vcf_position) . " SNP positions were found to be discrepant when saving VCF"
        // );

    return $path;


public function saveSnps(
string $filename = "",
bool $vcf = false,
bool $atomic = true,
string $vcfAltUnavailable = ".",
string $vcfChromPrefix = "",
bool $vcfQcOnly = false,
bool $vcfQcFilter = false,
array $kwargs = []
): string {
if (!array_key_exists("sep", $kwargs)) {
$kwargs["sep"] = "\t";

    $writer = new Writer(
            'snps' => $this,
            'filename' => $filename,
            'vcf' => $vcf,
            'atomic' => $atomic,
            'vcf_alt_unavailable' => $vcfAltUnavailable,
            'vcf_chrom_prefix' => $vcfChromPrefix,
            'vcf_qc_only' => $vcfQcOnly,
            'vcf_qc_filter' => $vcfQcFilter

    [$path, $extra] = $writer->write();

    if (count($extra) === 1 && !$extra[0]->isEmpty()) {
        $this->discrepantVcfPosition = $extra[0];
        // logger::warning(
        //     count($this->discrepantVcfPosition) . " SNP positions were found to be discrepant when saving VCF"
        // );

    return $path;


Step 3: 🔁 Code Review

I have finished reviewing the code for completeness. I did not find errors for sweep/refactor_generally_to_improve_quality_th_7bc25.

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