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Sweep: Refactor about php-dna HOT 1 CLOSED

curtisdelicata avatar curtisdelicata commented on June 6, 2024 2
Sweep: Refactor

from php-dna.

Comments (1)

sweep-ai avatar sweep-ai commented on June 6, 2024

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Step 1: 🔎 Searching

I found the following snippets in your repository. I will now analyze these snippets and come up with a plan.

Some code snippets I think are relevant in decreasing order of relevance (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.

namespace Dna\Snps;
use Countable;
use Dna\Resources;
use Dna\Snps\IO\IO;
use Dna\Snps\IO\Reader;
use Dna\Snps\IO\Writer;
use Iterator;
// You may need to find alternative libraries for numpy, pandas, and snps in PHP, as these libraries are specific to Python
// For numpy, consider using a library such as MathPHP:
// For pandas, you can use DataFrame from, though it is not as feature-rich as pandas
// For snps, you'll need to find a suitable PHP alternative or adapt the Python code to PHP
// import copy // In PHP, you don't need to import the 'copy' module, as objects are automatically copied when assigned to variables
// from itertools import groupby, count // PHP has built-in support for array functions that can handle these operations natively
// import logging // For logging in PHP, you can use Monolog:
// use Monolog\Logger;
// use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
// import os, re, warnings
// PHP has built-in support for file operations, regex, and error handling, so no need to import these modules
// import numpy as np // See the note above about using MathPHP or another PHP library for numerical operations
// import pandas as pd // See the note above about using php-dataframe or another PHP library for data manipulation
// from pandas.api.types import CategoricalDtype // If using php-dataframe, check documentation for similar functionality
// For snps.ensembl, snps.resources,, and snps.utils, you'll need to find suitable PHP alternatives or adapt the Python code
use Dna\Snps\Ensembl;
// from snps.resources import Resources
// from import Reader, Writer, get_empty_snps_dataframe
// from snps.utils import Parallelizer
// Set up logging
// $logger = new Logger('my_logger');
// $logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('php://stderr', Logger::DEBUG));
class SNPs implements Countable, Iterator
private array $_source = [];
private array $_snps = [];
private int $_build = 0;
private ?bool $_phased = null;
private ?bool $_build_detected = null;
private ?Resources $_resources = null;
private ?string $_chip = null;
private ?string $_chip_version = null;
private ?string $_cluster = null;
private int $_position = 0;
private array $_keys = [];
private array $_duplicate;
private array $_discrepant_XY;
private array $_heterozygous_MT;
private $_chip;
private $_chip_version;
private $_cluster;
* SNPs constructor.
* @param string $file Input file path
* @param bool $only_detect_source Flag to indicate whether to only detect the source
* @param bool $assign_par_snps Flag to indicate whether to assign par_snps
* @param string $output_dir Output directory path
* @param string $resources_dir Resources directory path
* @param bool $deduplicate Flag to indicate whether to deduplicate
* @param bool $deduplicate_XY_chrom Flag to indicate whether to deduplicate XY chromosome
* @param bool $deduplicate_MT_chrom Flag to indicate whether to deduplicate MT chromosome
* @param bool $parallelize Flag to indicate whether to parallelize
* @param int $processes Number of processes to use for parallelization
* @param array $rsids Array of rsids
public function __construct(
private $file = "",
private bool $only_detect_source = False,
private bool $assign_par_snps = False,
private string $output_dir = "output",
private string $resources_dir = "resources",
private bool $deduplicate = True,
private bool $deduplicate_XY_chrom = True,
private bool $deduplicate_MT_chrom = True,
private bool $parallelize = False,
private int $processes = 1, // cpu count
private array $rsids = [],
private $ensemblRestClient = null,
) //, $only_detect_source, $output_dir, $resources_dir, $parallelize, $processes)
// $this->_only_detect_source = $only_detect_source;
$this->_duplicate = IO::get_empty_snps_dataframe();
$this->_discrepant_XY = IO::get_empty_snps_dataframe();
$this->_heterozygous_MT = IO::get_empty_snps_dataframe();
// $this->_discrepant_vcf_position = $this->get_empty_snps_dataframe();
// $this->_low_quality = $this->_snps->index;
// $this->_discrepant_merge_positions = new DataFrame();
// $this->_discrepant_merge_genotypes = new DataFrame();
$this->_source = [];
// $this->_phased = false;
$this->_build = 0;
$this->_build_detected = false;
// $this->_output_dir = $output_dir;
$this->_resources = new Resources($resources_dir);
// $this->_parallelizer = new Parallelizer($parallelize, $processes);
$this->_cluster = "";
$this->_chip = "";
$this->_chip_version = "";
$this->ensemblRestClient = $ensemblRestClient ?? new Ensembl("", 1);
if (!empty($file)) {
public function count(): int
return $this->get_count();
public function current(): SNPs
return $this->_snps[$this->_position];
public function key(): int
return $this->_position;
public function next(): void
public function rewind(): void
$this->_position = 0;
public function valid(): bool
return isset($this->_snps[$this->_position]);
* Get the SNPs as a DataFrame.
* @return SNPs[] The SNPs array
public function filter(callable $callback)
return array_filter($this->_snps, $callback);
* Get the value of the source property.
* @return string
* Data source(s) for this `SNPs` object, separated by ", ".
public function getSource(): string
return implode(", ", $this->_source);
public function getAllSources(): array
return $this->_source;
* Magic method to handle property access.
* @param string $name
* The name of the property.
* @return mixed
* The value of the property.
public function __get(string $name)
$getter = 'get' . ucfirst($name);
if (method_exists($this, $getter)) {
return $this->$getter();
return null; // Or throw an exception for undefined properties
public function setSNPs(array $snps)
$this->_snps = $snps;
$this->_keys = array_keys($snps);
protected function readFile()
// print_r($this->file);
$d = $this->readRawData($this->file, $this->only_detect_source, $this->rsids);
$this->_source = (strpos($d["source"], ", ") !== false) ? explode(", ", $d["source"]) : [$d["source"]];
$this->_phased = $d["phased"];
$this->_build = $d["build"] ?? null;
$this->_build_detected = !empty($d["build"]);
// echo "HERE\n";
// var_dump($d["build"]);
// var_dump($this->_build_detected);
// $this->_cluster = $d["cluster"];
// if not self._snps.empty:
// self.sort()
// if deduplicate:
// self._deduplicate_rsids()
// # use build detected from `read` method or comments, if any
// # otherwise use SNP positions to detect build
// if not self._build_detected:
// self._build = self.detect_build()
// self._build_detected = True if self._build else False
// if not self._build:
// self._build = 37 # assume Build 37 / GRCh37 if not detected
// else:
// self._build_detected = True
if (!empty($this->_snps)) {
if ($this->deduplicate)
// use build detected from `read` method or comments, if any
// otherwise use SNP positions to detect build
if (!$this->_build_detected) {
$this->_build = $this->detect_build();
$this->_build_detected = $this->_build ? true : false;
if (!$this->_build) {
$this->_build = 37; // assume Build 37 / GRCh37 if not detected
} else {
$this->_build_detected = true;
// if ($this->assign_par_snps) {
// $this->assignParSnps();
// $this->sort();
// }
// if ($this->deduplicate_XY_chrom) {
// if (
// ($this->deduplicate_XY_chrom === true && $this->determine_sex() == "Male")
// || ($this->determine_sex(chrom: $this->deduplicate_XY_chrom) == "Male")
// ) {
// $this->deduplicate_XY_chrom();
// }
// }
// if ($this->deduplicate_MT_chrom) {
// echo "deduping yo...\n";
// $this->deduplicate_MT_chrom();
// }
protected function readRawData($file, $only_detect_source, $rsids = [])
$r = new Reader($file, $only_detect_source, $this->_resources, $rsids);
return $r->read();
* Get the SNPs as an array.
* @return array The SNPs array
public function getSnps(): array
return $this->_snps;
* Status indicating if build of SNPs was detected.
* @return bool True if the build was detected, False otherwise
public function isBuildDetected(): bool
return $this->_build_detected;
* Get the build number associated with the data.
* @return mixed The build number
public function getBuild()
return $this->_build;
public function setBuild($build)
$this->_build = $build;
* Detected deduced genotype / chip array, if any, per computeClusterOverlap.
* @return string Detected chip array, else an empty string.
public function getChip()
if (empty($this->_chip)) {
return $this->_chip;
* Detected genotype / chip array version, if any, per
* computeClusterOverlap.
* Chip array version is only applicable to 23andMe (v3, v4, v5) and AncestryDNA (v1, v2) files.
* @return string Detected chip array version, e.g., 'v4', else an empty string.
public function getChipVersion()
if (!$this->_chip_version) {
return $this->_chip_version;
* Compute overlap with chip clusters.
* Chip clusters, which are defined in [1]_, are associated with deduced genotype /
* chip arrays and DTC companies.
* This method also sets the values returned by the `cluster`, `chip`, and
* `chip_version` properties, based on max overlap, if the specified threshold is
* satisfied.
* @param float $clusterOverlapThreshold
* Threshold for cluster to overlap this SNPs object, and vice versa, to set
* values returned by the `cluster`, `chip`, and `chip_version` properties.
* @return array
* Associative array with the following keys:
* - `companyComposition`: DTC company composition of associated cluster from [1]_
* - `chipBaseDeduced`: Deduced genotype / chip array of associated cluster from [1]_
* - `snpsInCluster`: Count of SNPs in cluster
* - `snpsInCommon`: Count of SNPs in common with cluster (inner merge with cluster)
* - `overlapWithCluster`: Percentage overlap of `snpsInCommon` with cluster
* - `overlapWithSelf`: Percentage overlap of `snpsInCommon` with this SNPs object
* @see
* Chang Lu, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Julian Gough, A survey of
* direct-to-consumer genotype data, and quality control tool
* (GenomePrep) for research, Computational and Structural
* Biotechnology Journal, Volume 19, 2021, Pages 3747-3754, ISSN
* 2001-0370.
public function computeClusterOverlap($cluster_overlap_threshold = 0.95)
$data = [
"cluster_id" => ["c1", "c3", "c4", "c5", "v5"],
"company_composition" => [
"AncestryDNA-v1, FTDNA, MyHeritage",
"23andMe-v5, LivingDNA",
"chip_base_deduced" => [
"HTS iSelect HD",
"OmniExpress plus",
"OmniExpress plus",
"Illumina GSAs",
"snps_in_cluster" => [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
"snps_in_common" => [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
$keys = array_keys($data);
$df = [];
foreach ($data['cluster_id'] as $index => $cluster_id) {
$entry = ['cluster_id' => $cluster_id];
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$entry[$key] = $data[$key][$index];
$df[] = $entry;
if ($this->build != 37) {
// Create a deep copy of the current object
$toRemap = clone $this;
// Call the remap method on the copied object
$toRemap->remap(37); // clusters are relative to Build 37
// Extract "chrom" and "pos" values from snps and remove duplicates
$selfSnps = [];
foreach ($toRemap->snps as $snp) {
if (
!in_array($snp["chrom"], array_column($selfSnps, "chrom")) ||
!in_array($snp["pos"], array_column($selfSnps, "pos"))
) {
$selfSnps[] = $snp;
} else {
// Extract "chrom" and "pos" values from snps and remove duplicates
$selfSnps = [];
foreach ($this->snps as $snp) {
if (
!in_array($snp["chrom"], array_column($selfSnps, "chrom")) ||
!in_array($snp["pos"], array_column($selfSnps, "pos"))
) {
$selfSnps[] = $snp;
$chip_clusters = $this->_resources->get_chip_clusters();
foreach ($df as $cluster => $row) {
$cluster_snps = array_filter($chip_clusters, function ($chip_cluster) use ($cluster) {
return strpos($chip_cluster['clusters'], $cluster) !== false;
$df[$cluster]["snps_in_cluster"] = count($cluster_snps);
$df[$cluster]["snps_in_common"] = count(array_uintersect($selfSnps, $cluster_snps, function ($a, $b) {
return $a["chrom"] == $b["chrom"] && $a["pos"] == $b["pos"] ? 0 : 1;
foreach ($df as &$row) {
$row["overlap_with_cluster"] = $row["snps_in_common"] / $row["snps_in_cluster"];
$row["overlap_with_self"] = $row["snps_in_common"] / count($selfSnps);
$max_overlap = array_keys($df, max($df))[0];
if (
$df["overlap_with_cluster"][$max_overlap] > $cluster_overlap_threshold
&& $df["overlap_with_self"][$max_overlap] > $cluster_overlap_threshold
) {
$this->_cluster = $max_overlap;
$this->_chip = $df["chip_base_deduced"][$max_overlap];
$company_composition = $df["company_composition"][$max_overlap];
if ($this->source === "23andMe" || $this->source === "AncestryDNA") {
$i = strpos($company_composition, "v");
if ($i !== false) {
$this->_chip_version = substr($company_composition, $i, 2);
} else {
error_log("Detected SNPs data source not found in cluster's company composition");
return $df;
* Discrepant XY SNPs.
* Discrepant XY SNPs are SNPs that are assigned to both the X and Y chromosomes.
* @return array Discrepant XY SNPs
public function getDiscrepantXY()
return $this->_discrepant_XY;
* Get the duplicate SNPs.
* A duplicate SNP has the same RSID as another SNP. The first occurrence
* of the RSID is not considered a duplicate SNP.
* @return SNPs[] Duplicate SNPs
public function getDuplicate()
return $this->_duplicate;
* Count of SNPs.
* @param string $chrom (optional) Chromosome (e.g., "1", "X", "MT")
* @return int The count of SNPs for the given chromosome
public function get_count($chrom = "")
return count($this->_filter($chrom));
protected function _filter($chrom = "")
if (!empty($chrom)) {
$filteredSnps = array_filter($this->_snps, function ($snp) use ($chrom) {
return $snp['chrom'] === $chrom;
return $filteredSnps;
} else {
return $this->_snps;
* Detect build of SNPs.
* Use the coordinates of common SNPs to identify the build / assembly of a genotype file
* that is being loaded.
* Notes:
* - rs3094315 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38
* - rs11928389 : plus strand in 36, minus strand in 37 and 38
* - rs2500347 : plus strand in 36 and 37, minus strand in 38
* - rs964481 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38
* - rs2341354 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38
* - rs3850290 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38
* - rs1329546 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38
* Returns detected build of SNPs, else 0
* References:
* 1. Yates et. al. (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu613),
* <>
* 2. Zerbino et. al. (,
* 3. Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K.
* dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001
* Jan 1;29(1):308-11.
* 4. Database of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP). Bethesda (MD): National Center
* for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine. dbSNP accession: rs3094315,
* rs11928389, rs2500347, rs964481, rs2341354, rs3850290, and rs1329546
* (dbSNP Build ID: 151). Available from:
protected function detect_build(): int
// print_r($this->_snps);
$lookup_build_with_snp_pos = function ($pos, $s) {
foreach ($s as $index => $value) {
if ($value == $pos) {
return $index;
return 0;
$build = 0;
$rsids = [
$df = [
"rs3094315" => [36 => 742429, 37 => 752566, 38 => 817186],
"rs11928389" => [36 => 50908372, 37 => 50927009, 38 => 50889578],
"rs2500347" => [36 => 143649677, 37 => 144938320, 38 => 148946169],
"rs964481" => [36 => 27566744, 37 => 27656823, 38 => 27638706],
"rs2341354" => [36 => 908436, 37 => 918573, 38 => 983193],
"rs3850290" => [36 => 22315141, 37 => 23245301, 38 => 22776092],
"rs1329546" => [36 => 135302086, 37 => 135474420, 38 => 136392261]
foreach ($this->_snps as $snp) {
if (in_array($snp['rsid'], $rsids)) {
$build = $lookup_build_with_snp_pos($snp['pos'], $df[$snp['rsid']]);
if ($build) {
return $build;
* Convert the SNPs object to a string representation.
* @return string The string representation of the SNPs object
public function __toString()
if (is_string($this->file) && is_file($this->file)) {
// If the file path is a string, return SNPs with the basename of the file
return "SNPs('" . basename($this->file) . "')";
} else {
// If the file path is not a string, return SNPs with <bytes>
return "SNPs(<bytes>)";
* Get the assembly of the SNPs.
* @return string The assembly of the SNPs
public function getAssembly(): string
if ($this->_build === 37) {
return "GRCh37";
} elseif ($this->_build === 36) {
return "NCBI36";
} elseif ($this->_build === 38) {
return "GRCh38";
} else {
return "";
* Assign PAR SNPs to the X or Y chromosome using SNP position.
* References:
* 1. National Center for Biotechnology Information, Variation Services, RefSNP,
* 2. Yates et. al. (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu613),
* 3. Zerbino et. al. (,
* 4. Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K.
* dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001 Jan 1;
* 29(1):308-11.
* 5. Database of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP). Bethesda (MD): National Center
* for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine. dbSNP accession:
* rs28736870, rs113313554, and rs758419898 (dbSNP Build ID: 151). Available from:
protected function assignParSnps()
$restClient = $this->ensemblRestClient;
$snps = $this->filter(function ($snps) {
return $snps["chrom"] === "PAR";
foreach ($snps as $snp) {
$rsid = $snp["rsid"];
echo "rsid: $rsid\n";
if (str_starts_with($rsid, "rs")) {
$response = $this->lookupRefsnpSnapshot($rsid, $restClient);
// print_r($response);
if ($response !== null) {
// print_r($response["primary_snapshot_data"]["placements_with_allele"]);
foreach ($response["primary_snapshot_data"]["placements_with_allele"] as $item) {
// print_r($item["seq_id"]);
// var_dump(str_starts_with($item["seq_id"], "NC_000023"));
// var_dump(str_starts_with($item["seq_id"], "NC_000024"));
if (str_starts_with($item["seq_id"], "NC_000023")) {
$assigned = $this->assignSnp($rsid, $item["alleles"], "X");
// var_dump($assigned);
} elseif (str_starts_with($item["seq_id"], "NC_000024")) {
$assigned = $this->assignSnp($rsid, $item["alleles"], "Y");
// var_dump($assigned);
} else {
$assigned = false;
if ($assigned) {
if (!$this->_build_detected) {
$this->_build = $this->extractBuild($item);
$this->_build_detected = true;
protected function extractBuild($item)
$assembly_name = $item["placement_annot"]["seq_id_traits_by_assembly"][0]["assembly_name"];
$assembly_name = explode(".", $assembly_name)[0];
return intval(substr($assembly_name, -2));
protected function assignSnp($rsid, $alleles, $chrom)
// only assign SNP if positions match (i.e., same build)
foreach ($alleles as $allele) {
$allele_pos = $allele["allele"]["spdi"]["position"];
// ref SNP positions seem to be 0-based...
// print_r($this->get($rsid)["pos"] - 1);
// echo "\n";
// print_r($allele_pos);
if ($allele_pos == $this->get($rsid)["pos"] - 1) {
$this->setValue($rsid, "chrom", $chrom);
return true;
return false;
public function get($rsid)
return $this->_snps[$rsid] ?? null;
public function setValue($rsid, $key, $value)
echo "Setting {$rsid} {$key} to {$value}\n";
$this->_snps[$rsid][$key] = $value;
private function lookupRefsnpSnapshot($rsid, $restClient)
$id = str_replace("rs", "", $rsid);
$response = $restClient->perform_rest_action("/variation/v0/refsnp/" . $id);
if (isset($response["merged_snapshot_data"])) {
// this RefSnp id was merged into another
// we'll pick the first one to decide which chromosome this PAR will be assigned to
$mergedId = "rs" . $response["merged_snapshot_data"]["merged_into"][0];
error_log("SNP id {$rsid} has been merged into id {$mergedId}"); // replace with your preferred logger
return $this->lookupRefsnpSnapshot($mergedId, $restClient);
} elseif (isset($response["nosnppos_snapshot_data"])) {
error_log("Unable to look up SNP id {$rsid}"); // replace with your preferred logger
return null;
} else {
return $response;
* Sex derived from SNPs.
* @return string 'Male' or 'Female' if detected, else empty string
public function getSex()
$sex = $this->determine_sex(chrom: "X");
if (empty($sex))
$sex = $this->determine_sex(chrom: "Y");
return $sex;
* Determine sex from SNPs using thresholds.
* @param float $heterozygous_x_snps_threshold percentage heterozygous X SNPs; above this threshold, Female is determined
* @param float $y_snps_not_null_threshold percentage Y SNPs that are not null; above this threshold, Male is determined
* @param string $chrom use X or Y chromosome SNPs to determine sex, default is "X"
* @return string 'Male' or 'Female' if detected, else empty string
public function determine_sex(
$heterozygous_x_snps_threshold = 0.03,
$y_snps_not_null_threshold = 0.3,
$chrom = "X"
) {
if (!empty($this->_snps)) {
if ($chrom === "X") {
return $this->_determine_sex_X($heterozygous_x_snps_threshold);
} elseif ($chrom === "Y") {
return $this->_determine_sex_Y($y_snps_not_null_threshold);
return "";
public function _determine_sex_X($threshold)
$x_snps = $this->get_count("X");
if ($x_snps > 0) {
if (count($this->heterozygous("X")) / $x_snps > $threshold) {
return "Female";
} else {
return "Male";
} else {
return "";
public function _determine_sex_Y($threshold)
$y_snps = $this->get_count("Y");
if ($y_snps > 0) {
if (count($this->notnull("Y")) / $y_snps > $threshold) {
return "Male";

Step 2: ⌨️ Coding

  • Create src/Snps/IO/SnpFileReader.php8bd4255 Edit
Create src/Snps/IO/SnpFileReader.php with contents:
• Create a new class `SnpFileReader` in `src/Snps/IO/SnpFileReader.php` that encapsulates the logic for reading SNP files, which is currently embedded within the `SNPs.php` file.
• This class should use the existing `Reader` class for file operations but provide a higher-level interface specific to SNP files.
• Implement methods such as `readRawData` and `readFile` from `SNPs.php` in this new class, adjusting them to be more generic and reusable.
  • Running GitHub Actions for src/Snps/IO/SnpFileReader.phpEdit
Check src/Snps/IO/SnpFileReader.php with contents:

Ran GitHub Actions for 8bd4255406e1deb295cdb0093f7b01618eb78dc3:

  • Create src/Snps/Analysis/BuildDetector.php2f1e204 Edit
Create src/Snps/Analysis/BuildDetector.php with contents:
• Create a new class `BuildDetector` in `src/Snps/Analysis/BuildDetector.php` to encapsulate the logic for detecting the build of SNPs, which is currently part of the `SNPs.php` file.
• Move the `detect_build` method from `SNPs.php` to this new class.
• Refactor the method to improve efficiency and readability, possibly by optimizing the data structures used for lookup operations.
  • Running GitHub Actions for src/Snps/Analysis/BuildDetector.phpEdit
Check src/Snps/Analysis/BuildDetector.php with contents:

Ran GitHub Actions for 2f1e204aeb5dd97d5495376f41ef9bc86b785499:

  • Create src/Snps/Analysis/ClusterOverlapCalculator.php61b745c Edit
Create src/Snps/Analysis/ClusterOverlapCalculator.php with contents:
• Create a new class `ClusterOverlapCalculator` in `src/Snps/Analysis/ClusterOverlapCalculator.php` to encapsulate the logic for computing cluster overlap, which is currently part of the `SNPs.php` file.
• Move the `computeClusterOverlap` method from `SNPs.php` to this new class.
• Refactor the method to improve efficiency, such as by optimizing the algorithm for computing overlaps and making better use of resources.
  • Running GitHub Actions for src/Snps/Analysis/ClusterOverlapCalculator.phpEdit
Check src/Snps/Analysis/ClusterOverlapCalculator.php with contents:

Ran GitHub Actions for 61b745ca7ead14941fb2c53759d90083cb61955c:

Modify src/Snps/SNPs.php with contents:
• Remove the `readFile`, `readRawData`, `detect_build`, and `computeClusterOverlap` methods from the `SNPs.php` file.
• Add `use` statements to import the newly created `SnpFileReader`, `BuildDetector`, and `ClusterOverlapCalculator` classes.
• Refactor the constructor and any methods that called the removed methods to use instances of the new classes instead. This may involve creating new instances of these classes within the `SNPs` class or passing them as dependencies.
• Ensure that all references to the removed methods are updated to call the corresponding methods on the new class instances.
• Review the remaining methods and properties in `SNPs.php` for further refactoring opportunities, such as extracting additional functionality into separate classes or improving the implementation of existing methods.
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 // For snps.ensembl, snps.resources,, and snps.utils, you'll need to find suitable PHP alternatives or adapt the Python code
 use Dna\Snps\Ensembl;
-// from snps.resources import Resources
-// from import Reader, Writer, get_empty_snps_dataframe
+use Dna\Snps\IO\SnpFileReader;
+use Dna\Snps\Analysis\BuildDetector;
+use Dna\Snps\Analysis\ClusterOverlapCalculator;
 // from snps.utils import Parallelizer
 // Set up logging
@@ -95,14 +96,16 @@
             ) //, $only_detect_source, $output_dir, $resources_dir, $parallelize, $processes)
                 // $this->_only_detect_source = $only_detect_source;
-                $this->setSNPs(IO::get_empty_snps_dataframe());
-                $this->_duplicate = IO::get_empty_snps_dataframe();
-                $this->_discrepant_XY = IO::get_empty_snps_dataframe();
-                $this->_heterozygous_MT = IO::get_empty_snps_dataframe();
-                // $this->_discrepant_vcf_position = $this->get_empty_snps_dataframe();
-                // $this->_low_quality = $this->_snps->index;
-                // $this->_discrepant_merge_positions = new DataFrame();
-                // $this->_discrepant_merge_genotypes = new DataFrame();
+        $this->snpFileReader = new SnpFileReader($this->_resources, $this->ensemblRestClient);
+        $this->buildDetector = new BuildDetector();
+        $this->clusterOverlapCalculator = new ClusterOverlapCalculator($this->_resources);
+        $this->_source = [];
+        $this->_phased = null;
+        $this->_build = 0;
+        $this->_build_detected = null;
+        $this->_cluster = "";
+        $this->_chip = "";
+        $this->_chip_version = "";
                 $this->_source = [];
                 // $this->_phased = false;
                 $this->_build = 0;
@@ -202,10 +205,7 @@
         $this->_keys = array_keys($snps);
-    protected function readFile()
-    {
-        // print_r($this->file);
-        $d = $this->readRawData($this->file, $this->only_detect_source, $this->rsids);
+    // Method readFile has been removed and its functionality is refactored with SnpFileReader class
         $this->_source = (strpos($d["source"], ", ") !== false) ? explode(", ", $d["source"]) : [$d["source"]];
         $this->_phased = $d["phased"];
@@ -274,10 +274,7 @@
-    protected function readRawData($file, $only_detect_source, $rsids = [])
-    {
-        $r = new Reader($file, $only_detect_source, $this->_resources, $rsids);
-        return $r->read();
+    // Method readRawData has been removed and its functionality is refactored with SnpFileReader class
@@ -374,26 +371,7 @@
      *   Biotechnology Journal, Volume 19, 2021, Pages 3747-3754, ISSN
      *   2001-0370.
-    public function computeClusterOverlap($cluster_overlap_threshold = 0.95)
-    {
-        $data = [
-            "cluster_id" => ["c1", "c3", "c4", "c5", "v5"],
-            "company_composition" => [
-                "23andMe-v4",
-                "AncestryDNA-v1, FTDNA, MyHeritage",
-                "23andMe-v3",
-                "AncestryDNA-v2",
-                "23andMe-v5, LivingDNA",
-            ],
-            "chip_base_deduced" => [
-                "HTS iSelect HD",
-                "OmniExpress",
-                "OmniExpress plus",
-                "OmniExpress plus",
-                "Illumina GSAs",
-            ],
-            "snps_in_cluster" => [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
-            "snps_in_common" => [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+    // Method computeClusterOverlap has been removed and its functionality is refactored with ClusterOverlapCalculator class
@@ -555,26 +533,7 @@
      *    rs11928389, rs2500347, rs964481, rs2341354, rs3850290, and rs1329546
      *    (dbSNP Build ID: 151). Available from:
-    protected function detect_build(): int
-    {
-        // print_r($this->_snps);
-        $lookup_build_with_snp_pos = function ($pos, $s) {
-            foreach ($s as $index => $value) {
-                if ($value == $pos) {
-                    return $index;
-                }
-            }
-            return 0;
-        };
-        $build = 0;
-        $rsids = [
-            "rs3094315",
-            "rs11928389",
-            "rs2500347",
-            "rs964481",
-            "rs2341354",
+    // Method detect_build has been removed and its functionality is refactored with BuildDetector class
  • Running GitHub Actions for src/Snps/SNPs.phpEdit
Check src/Snps/SNPs.php with contents:

Ran GitHub Actions for 9ed4e949ce9245883ba6c984c13e4d7a246e5766:

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