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data-munging-visualisation's Introduction

Data Munging

Creating, Reading and Writing

  • A DataFrame is a table. It contains an array of individual entries, each of which has a certain value. Each entry corresponds with a row (or record) and a column.
  • The dictionary-list constructor assigns values to the column labels, but just uses an ascending count from 0 (0, 1, 2, 3, ...) for the row labels. Sometimes this is OK, but oftentimes we will want to assign these labels ourselves. The list of row labels used in a DataFrame is known as an Index. We can assign values to it by using an index parameter in our constructor:
    pd.DataFrame({"Bob": ["I liked it.", "It was awful."], "Sue": ["Pretty good.", "Bland."]}, index=["Product A", "Product B"])
    pd.DataFrame([["I liked it.", "Pretty good."], ["It was awful.", "Bland."]], columns=["Bob", "Sue"], index=["Product A", "Product B"])
  • A Series, by contrast, is a sequence of data values. If a DataFrame is a table, a Series is a list. And in fact you can create one with nothing more than a list. A Series is, in essence, a single column of a DataFrame. So you can assign row labels to the Series the same way as before, using an index parameter. However, a Series do not have a column name, it only has one overall name.
  • Reading data:
    # Read from a CSV file
    data_csv = pd.read_csv(filepath, index_col=0)
    # Read from an Excel file
    data_excel = pd.read_excel(filepath, sheet_name="...")
    # Read from a SQL database
    # Kaggle only supports SQLite
    import sqlite3
    conn = sqlite3.connect("file_name.sqlite")
    data_sql = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * from table_name", conn)
  • Writing data:
    # Write a CSV file
    # Write an Excel file
    data_excel("file_name.xlsx", sheet_name="sheet_name")
    # Output to a SQL database
    conn = sqlite3.connect("file_name.sqlite")
    data_sql.to_sql("table_name", conn)

Indexing, Selecting and Assigning

  • To obtain a specific entry (corresponding to column column and row i) in a DataFrame table, we can call table.column.iloc[i]. Remember that Python indexing starts at 0.
  • To obtain a specific row of a DataFrame, we can use the iloc operator.
  • Select the records with index labels 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8, assigning the result to the variable sample_data.
    indices = [1, 2, 3, 5, 8]
    sample_data = df.loc[indices]
    sample_data = df.iloc[indices]
  • Create a variable df containing the country, province, region_1, and region_2 columns of the records with the index labels 0, 1, 10, and 100. iloc uses the Python stdlib indexing scheme, where the first element of the range is included and the last one excluded. So 0:10 will select entries 0,...,9. loc, meanwhile, indexes inclusively. So 0:10 will select entries 0,...,10
    cols = ['country', 'province', 'region_1', 'region_2']
    indices = [0, 1, 10, 100]
    df = reviews.loc[indices, cols]
  • Create a variable df containing the country and variety columns of the first 100 records.
    indices = range(100)
    df = reviews.loc[indices, ["country", "variety"]]
    cols = ['country', 'variety']
    df = reviews.loc[:99, cols]
    cols_idx = [0, 11]
    df = reviews.iloc[:100, cols_idx]
  • Create a DataFrame italian_wines containing reviews of wines made in Italy.
    italian_wines = reviews[reviews["country"] == "Italy"]
  • Create a DataFrame top_oceania_wines containing all reviews with at least 95 points (out of 100) for wines from Australia or New Zealand.
    top_oceania_wines = reviews.loc[(["Australia", "New Zealand"])) & (reviews.points >= 95)]

Summary Function and Map

  • Dataset: winemag-data-130k-v2.csv
  • What is the median of the points column in the reviews DataFrame?
    median_points = reviews.points.median()
  • What countries are represented in the dataset?
    countries =
  • How often does each country appear in the dataset?
    reviews_per_country =
  • Create variable centered_price containing a version of the price column with the mean price subtracted. This centering transformation is a common preprocessing step before applying various machine learning algorithms.
    centered_price = reviews.price - reviews.price.mean()
  • Create a variable bargain_wine with the title of the wine with the highest points-to-price ratio in the dataset.
    # Method 1
    reviews.points_to_price = reviews.points / reviews.price
    best_bargain = reviews.points_to_price.max()
    bargain_wine = reviews.loc[reviews.points_to_price == best_bargain].title.iloc[0]
    # Method 2
    bargain_idx = (reviews.points / reviews.price).idmax()
    bargain_wine = reviews.loc[bargain.idx, "title"]
  • There are only so many words you can use when describing a bottle of wine. Is a wine more likely to be "tropical" or "fruity"? Create a Series descriptor_counts counting how many times each of these two words appears in the description column in the dataset.
    n_trop = desc: "tropical" in desc).sum()
    n_fruity = desc:: "fruity" in desc).sum()
    descriptor_counts = pd.Series([n_trop, n_fruity], index=["tropical", "fruity"])
  • We'd like to host these wine reviews on our website, but a rating system ranging from 80 to 100 points is too hard to understand - we'd like to translate them into simple star ratings. A score of 95 or higher counts as 3 stars, a score of at least 85 but less than 95 is 2 stars. Any other score is 1 star. Also, the Canadian Vintners Association bought a lot of ads on the site, so any wines from Canada should automatically get 3 stars, regardless of points. Create a series star_ratings with the number of stars corresponding to each review in the dataset.
    def star_ratings_of_row(row):
      stars = 3
      if != "Canada": 
          if (85 <= row.points < 95): stars = 2
          else: stars = 3
      return stars
    star_ratings = reviews.apply(star_ratings_of_row, axis=1)

Grouping and Sorting

  • Who are the most common wine reviewers in the dataset? Create a Series whose index is the taster_twitter_handle category from the dataset, and whose values count how many reviews each person wrote.
    # Method 1
    reviews_written = reviews.groupby(["taster_twitter_handle"]).size()
    # Method 2
    reviews_written = reviews.groupby(["taster_twitter_handle"]).taster_twitter_handle.count()
  • What is the best wine I can buy for a given amount of money? Create a Series whose index is wine prices and whose values is the maximum number of points a wine costing that much was given in a review. Sort the values by price, ascending (so that 4.0 dollars is at the top and 3300.0 dollars is at the bottom).
    best_rating_per_price = reviews.groupby(["price"]).points.max().sort_index(ascending=True)
  • What are the minimum and maximum prices for each variety of wine? Create a DataFrame whose index is the variety category from the dataset and whose values are the min and max values thereof.
    price_extremes = reviews.groupby("variety").price.agg(["min", "max"])
  • What are the most expensive wine varieties? Create a variable sorted_varieties containing a copy of the dataframe from the previous question where varieties are sorted in descending order based on minimum price, then on maximum price (to break ties).
    sorted_varieties = price_extremes.sort_values(by=["min", "max"], ascending=False)
  • Create a Series whose index is reviewers and whose values is the average review score given out by that reviewer. Hint: you will need the taster_name and points columns.
    reviewer_mean_ratings = reviews.groupby(["taster_name"]).points.mean()
  • What combination of countries and varieties are most common? Create a Series whose index is a MultiIndexof {country, variety} pairs. For example, a pinot noir produced in the US should map to {"US", "Pinot Noir"}. Sort the values in the Series in descending order based on wine count.
    country_variety_counts = reviews.groupby(["country", "variety"]).size().sort_values(ascending=False)

Data Types and Missing Data

  • The data type for a column in a DataFrame or a Series is known as the dtype. dtype property can be used to grab the type of a specific column.
  • The dtypes property returns the dtype of every column in the dataset.
  • Note that there isn't a dtype specific for strings; they instead have the object type. It's possible to convert a column type with the astype function. For example, we may transform the points column from its existing int64 data type into a float64 data type.
  • A DataFrame or Series index has its own dtype.
  • Missing values are shown as NaN, short for "Not a Number". These NaN values are always of the float64 dtype. pandas provides some methods specific to missing data. To select NaN entreis you can use pd.isnull (or its companion pd.notnull).
  • Sometimes the price column is null. How many reviews in the dataset are missing a price?
    missing_price_reviews = reviews[reviews.price.isnull()]
    n_missing_prices = len(missing_price_reviews)
    # Cute alternative solution: if we sum a boolean series, True is treated as 1 and False as 0
    n_missing_prices = reviews.price.isnull().sum()
    # or equivalently:
    n_missing_prices = pd.isnull(reviews.price).sum()
  • Replacing missing values is a common operation. pandas provides a really handy method for this problem: fillna. fillna provides a few different strategies for mitigating such data. For example, we can simply replace each NaN with an "Unknown". fillna supports a few strategies for imputing missing values.
  • The replace method is worth mentioning here because it's handy for replacing missing data which is given some kind of sentinel value in the dataset: things like "Unknown", "Undisclosed", "Invalid", and so on.
    reviews.taster_twitter_handle.replace("@kerinokeefe", "@kerino")

Renaming and Combining

  • Data can come with crazy column names or conventions. You'll use pandas renaming utility functions to change the names of the offending entries to something better. You can do this with the rename method. For example, you can change the points column to score like this.
    reviews.rename(columns={"points": "score"})
  • rename lets you rename index or column values by specifying a index or column keyword parameter, respectively. Python dict appears to be the most convenient one.
    reviews.rename(index=dict(0: "first", 1: "second"))
  • Renaming columns is very common, but renaming index values is very rarely. set_index is usually more convenient. Both the row index and the column index can have their own name attribute. The complimentary rename_axis method may be used to change these names.
    reviews.rename_axis("wines", axis='rows').rename_axis("fields", axis='columns')
  • When performing operations on a dataset we will sometimes need to combine different DataFrame and/or Series in non-trivial ways. There are three core methods for doing this. In order of increasing complexity, these are concat, join, and merge.'
  • The simplest combining method is concat. Given a list of elements, it will smashes those elements together along an axis.
    canadian_youtube = pd.read_csv("../input/youtube-new/CAvideos.csv")
    british_youtube = pd.read_csv("../input/youtube-new/GBvideos.csv")
    pd.concat([canadian_youtube, british_youtube])
  • The join function combines DataFrame objects with a common index. For example, to pull down videos that happened to be trending on the same day in both Canada and the UK, you would write. The lsuffix and rsuffix parameters are necessary here because the data has the same column names in both British and Canadian datasets. If this wasn't true (because, say, we'd renamed them beforehand) we wouldn't need them.
    left = canadian_youtube.set_index(['title', 'trending_date'])
    right = british_youtube.set_index(['title', 'trending_date'])
    left.join(right, lsuffix='_CAN', rsuffix='_UK')
  • It's a good practice to clean column names. By convention, the names should be converted to lower case. pandas is case sensitive, so future calls to all of the columns will need to be updated.
    df.columns = [col.replace(" ", "_").lower() for col in df.columns]
  • Select a subset of the data. Logical operators: ~ replaces not, | replaces or, and & replaces and. Multiple arguments should be wrapped in parentheses.
    df[df.state == "UT"] # 1 condition
    df[(df.latitude > 50) | (df.acres > 10**6)].head() # Multiple conditions
    df[df.park_name.str.split().apply(lambda x: len(x)==3)].head() # Complicated expressions
  • Key companion methods: isin and isnull. These methods make it much easier and faster to perform some very common tasks. Suppose we wanted to find all parks on the West coast. isin makes that simple.
    df[df.state.isin(["WA", "OR", "CA"])].head()
  • Less common methods: pandas offers many more indexing methods. You should probably stick to a few of them for the sake of keeping your code readable, but it's worth knowing they exist in case you need to read other people's code or have an unusual use case.
    • There are other ways to slice data with brackets. For the sake of readability, please don't use of them.
    • .at and .iat: like .loc and .iloc but much faster in exchange for only working on a single column and only returning a single result.
    • .eval: fast evaluation of a limited set of simple operators. .query works by calling this.
    • .ix: deprecated method that tried to determine if an index should be evaluated with .loc or .iloc. This led to a lot of subtle bugs! If you see this, you're looking at old code that won't work any more.
    • .get: like .loc, but will return a default value if the key doesn't exist in the index. Only works on a single column/series.
    • .lookup: Not recommended. It's in the documentation, but it's unclear if this is actually still supported.
    • .mask: like boolean indexing, but returns a dataframe/series of the same size as the original and anywhere that the boolean evaluates to True is set to nan.
    • .query: similar to boolean indexing. Faster for large dataframes. Only supports a restricted set of operations; don't use if you need isnull() or other dataframe methods.
    • .take: equivalent to .iloc, but can operate on either rows or columns.
    • .where: like boolean indexing, but returns a dataframe/series of the same size as the original and anywhere that the boolean evaluates to False is set to nan.
    • Multi-indexing: potentially useful for small to mid sized heirarchical datasets. Slow on larger datasets.

Data Visualization:

  • Trends - A trend is defined as a pattern of change.
    • sns.lineplot - Line charts are best to show trends over a period of time, and multiple lines can be used to show trends in more than one group.
  • Relationship - There are many different chart types that you can use to understand relationships between variables in your data.
    • sns.barplot - Bar charts are useful for comparing quantities corresponding to different groups.
    • sns.heatmap - Heatmaps can be used to find colour-coded patterns in tables of numbers.
    • sns.scatterplot - Scatter plots show the relationship between 2 continuous variables; if colour-coded, we can also show the relationship with a third categorical variable.
    • sns.regplot - Including a regression line in the scatter plot makes it easier to see any linear relationship between 2 variables.
    • sns.lmplot - This command is useful for drawing multiple regression lines, if the scatter plot contains multiple colour-coded groups.
    • sns.swarmplot - Categorical scatter plot show the relationship between a continuous variable and a categorical variable. Data points are separated in the chart.
    • sns.stripplot - Similar to sns.swarmplot. Data points can overlap in the chart.
  • Distribution - We visualise distributions to show the possible values that we can expect to see in a varible, along with how likely they are.
    • sns.distplot - Histograms show the distribution of a single numerical variable.
    • sns.kdeplot - KDE plots (Kernel Density Estimation) (or 2D KDE plots) show an estimated, smooth distribution of a single numerical variable (or two numerical variables).
    • sns.jointplot - This command is useful for simultaneously displaying a 2D KDE plot with the corresponding KDE plots for each individual variable.

Univariate plotting with pandas

  • Basic chart types: # Bar Chart
    df.plot.line() # Line Chart
    df.plot.area() # Area Chart
    df.plot.hist() # Histogram
    df.plot.pie() # Pie Chart
  • Wine-producing provinces of the world (category) to the number of labels of wines they produce (number).
    reviews.province.value_counts().head(10) # Top 10 wine-producing provinces (absolute numbers)
    (reviews.province.value_counts().head(10) / len(reviews)) # Top 10 wine-produing provinces (%)
    (reviews.province.value_counts().head(10) / len(reviews)).plot.pie() # Top 10 wine-produing provinces (%)
  • The number of reviews of a certain score allotted by Wine Magazine.

Bivariate plotting with pandas

  • Scatter plot and Hex plot: Good for interval and some nominal categorical data.
  • Stacked bar chart: Good for nominal and ordinal categorical data.
  • Bivariate line chart: Good for ordinal categorical and interval data.
    df.plot.scatter() # Scatter plot
    df.plot.hexbin() # Hex plot # Stacked bar chart
    df.plot.line() # Bivariate line chart
  • A simple scatter plot simply maps each variable of interest to a point in two-dimensional space. Note that in order to make effective use of this plot, we had to downsample our data, taking just 100 points from the full set. This is because naive scatter plots do not effectively treat points which map to the same place. For example, if two wines, both costing 100 dollars, get a rating of 90, then the second one is overplotted onto the first one, and we add just one point to the plot.
    reviews[reviews.price < 100].sample(100).plot.scatter(x="price", y="points")
    reviews[reviews.price < 100].plot.scatter(x="price", y="points") # shapeless blob
  • Due to its weakness to overplotting, scatter plot works best with relatively small datasets, and with variables which have a large number of unique values.
  • Ways to deal with overplotting.
    • Sampling the points.
    • Hexplot.
  • A hex plot aggregates points in space into hexagons, and then colors those hexagons based on the values within them.
    reviews[reviews["price"] < 100].plot.hexbin(x="price", y="points", gridsize=15)

Styling your plots

  • Under the hood, pandas data visualization tools are built on top of another, lower-level graphics library called matplotlib. Anything that you build in pandas can be built using matplotlib directly. pandas merely make it easier to get that work done. matplotlib does provide a way of adjusting the title size. Let's go ahead and do it that way, and see what's different.
    fig = reviews.points.value_counts().sort_index()
      figsize=(12, 6), # Change figure size
      color='mediumvioletred', # Change color
      fontsize=16 # Change font size
    fig.set_title("Rankings Given by Wine Magazine", fontsize=20) # Add chart title
    sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) # Remove chart borders


  • Subplotting is a technique for creating multiple plots that live side-by-side in one overall figure. We can use the subplots method to create a figure with multiple subplots. subplots takes two arguments. The first one controls the number of rows, the second one the number of columns.
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fig, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(12, 8))
  • When pandas generates a bar chart, behind the scenes here is what it actually does:
    • Generate a new matplotlib Figure object.
    • Create a new matplotlib AxesSubplot object, and assign it to the Figure.
    • Use AxesSubplot methods to draw the information on the screen.
    • Return the result to the user.
  • In a similar way, our subplots operation above created one overall Figure with two AxesSubplots vertically nested inside of it. subplots returns two things, a figure (which we assigned to fig) and an array of the axes contained therein (which we assigned to axarr).
  • To tell pandas which subplot we want a new plot to go in - the first one or the second one - we need to grab the proper axis out of the list and pass it into pandas via the ax parameter.
    fig, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(12,8))
    # Drawing with pandas
    # Drawing with seaborn
    sns.countplot(reviews.points, ax=axarr[0])
    df = pd.DataFrame(reviews.groupby(["province"]).size().sort_values(ascending=False).head(20), columns=["count_province"])
    sns.barplot(y=df.index, x=df.count_province, data=df, ax=axarr[1])
  • Why are subplots useful?
    • Create a large number of smaller charts probing one or a few specific aspects of the data.
    • Make attractive and informative panel displays.
    • Subplots are critically useful because they enable faceting, which is the act of breaking data variables up across multiple subplots, and combining those subplots into a single figure.

Plotting with seaborn

  • seaborn Example Gallery
  • seaborn is a standalone data visualization package that provides many extremely valuable data visualizations in a single package. It is generally a much more powerful tool than pandas.
  • The pandas bar chart becomes a seaborn countplot.
  • KDE, short for "kernel density estimate", is a statistical technique for smoothing out data noise. It addresses an important fundamental weakness of a line chart: it will buff out outlier or "in-betweener" values which would cause a line chart to suddenly dip.
  • KDE plots can also be used in 2 dimensions.
    sns.kdeplot(reviews[reviews.price < 200].loc[:, ["price", "points"]].dropna().sample(5000))
  • Bivariate KDE plots like this one are a great alternative to scatter plots and hex plots. They solve the same data overplotting issue that scatter plots suffer from and hex plots address, in a different but similarly visually appealing. However, note that bivariate KDE plots are very computationally intensive.
  • The seaborn equivalent to a pandas histogram is the distplot.
    sns.distplot(reviews['points'], bins=10, kde=False)
  • To plot two variables against one another in seaborn, we use jointplot.
    sns.jointplot(x="price", y="points", data=reviews[reviews.price < 100]) # Scatter plot
    sns.jointplot(x="price", y="points", data=reviews[reviews.price < 100], kind="hex", gridsize = 20) # Hex plot
  • seaborn provides a boxplot and violinplot function. The center of the distributions shown above is the "box" in boxplot. The top of the box is the 75th percentile, while the bottom is the 25th percentile. The other part of the plot, the "whiskers", shows the extent of the points beyond the center of the distribution. Individual circles beyond that are outliers.
    df = reviews[reviews.variety.isin(reviews.variety.value_counts().head().index)]
    sns.boxplot(x="variety", y="points", data=df)
  • Boxplots are great for summarizing the shape of many datasets. They also don't have a limit in terms of numeracy: you can place as many boxes in the plot as you feel comfortable squeezing onto the page. Nonetheless, they only work for interval and nominal variables with a large number of possible values; they assume your data is roughly normally distributed (otherwise, their design doesn't make much sense); and they don't carry any information about individual values, only treating the distribution as a whole.
    df = reviews[reviews.variety.isin(reviews.variety.value_counts().head().index)]
    sns.violinplot(x="variety", y="points", data=df)
  • A violinplot cleverly replaces the box in the boxplot with a kernel density estimate for the data. It shows basically the same data, but is harder to misinterpret and much prettier than the utilitarian boxplot.

Faceting with seaborn

  • Facet Grid: Good for data with at least 2 categorical variables.
  • Pair Plot: Good for exploring most kinds of data.
  • Faceting is the act of breaking data variables up across multiple subplots, and combining those subplots into a single figure.
  • The core seaborn utility for faceting is the FacetGrid. A FacetGrid is an object which stores some information on how you want to break up your data visualization.
  • For example, suppose that we're interested in (as in the previous notebook) comparing strikers and goalkeepers in some way. To do this, we can create a FacetGrid with our data, telling it that we want to break the Position variable down by col (column). From there, we use the map object method to plot the data into the laid-out grid.
    df = footballers[footballers.Position.isin(["ST", "GK"])]
    g = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="Position"), "Overall")
  • FacetGrid comes equipped with a col_wrap parameter to control the maximum number of graphs appearing in any particular row.
    g = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="Position", col_wrap=6), "Overall)
  • So far we've been dealing exclusively with one col (column) of data. The "grid" in FacetGrid, however, refers to the ability to lay data out by row and column. For example, suppose we're interested in comparing the talent distribution for (goalkeepers and strikers specifically, to keep things succinct) across rival clubs Real Madrid, Atlético Madrid, and FC Barcelona. As the plot below demonstrates, we can achieve this by passing row=Position and col=Club parameters into the plot.
    df = footballers[footballers.Position.isin(["ST", "GK"])]
    df = df[df.Club.isin(["Real Madrid CF", "FC Barcelona", "Atlético Madrid"])]
    g = sns.FacetGrid(df, row="Position", col="Club"), "Overall")
  • FacetGrid orders the subplots effectively arbitrarily by default. To specify your own ordering explicitly, pass the appropriate argument to the row_order and col_order parameters.
    g = sns.FacetGrid(df, row="Position", col="Club",
                      row_order=["GK", "SG"],
                      col_order=["Atlético Madrid", "FC Barcelona", "Real Madrid CF"]), "Overall")
  • In a nutshell, faceting is the easiest way to make your data visualization multivariate. Nonetheless, faceting does have some important limitations however. It can only be used to break data out across singular or paired categorical variables with very low numeracy - any more than five or so dimensions in the grid, and the plots become too small (or involve a lot of scrolling). Additionally it involves choosing (or letting Python) an order to plot in, but with nominal categorical variables that choice is distractingly arbitrary.
  • pairplot is a very useful and widely used seaborn method for faceting variables (as opposed to variable values). You pass it a pandas DataFrame in the right shape, and it returns you a gridded result of your variable values. By default pairplot will return scatter plots in the main entries and a histogram in the diagonal.
    sns.pairplot(footballers[["Overall, "Potential", "Value"]])
  • Pair Plots are most useful when just starting out with a dataset, because they help contextualise relationships within it.

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