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se_assignment's Issues

print a few lines of code that says pass successfully extended and set end month...

print a few lines of code that says pass successfully extended and set end month of season pass according to input

// # TODO print a few lines of code that says pass successfully extended and set end month of season pass according to input

    //validstate class
    class ValidState : ISeasonPassState {
        private SeasonPass vsp;
        public ValidState(SeasonPass sp)
            vsp = sp;

        public void Renew()
            if(vsp.StartDate <= vsp.EndDate)
                // # TODO print a few lines of code that says pass successfully extended and set end month of season pass according to input
                // asssginees: yongfarm
                //dont have to set state to valid as it is already at valid state
            // implementation here


calculate the total amount for the month

calculate the total amount for the month

// code to generatereport function -- # TODO calculate the total amount for the month


        public void GenerateReport(List<CarPark> cpList)
            // code to generatereport function -- # TODO calculate the total amount for the month

            int currentMonth = DateTime.Now.Month; //set currentMonth as this month
            double totalAmount = 0;
            int totalVehicleEntry = 0;
            int countCars = 0;
            int countMotorBike = 0;
            int countLorry = 0;
            double ta = 0;

            // prompt user for what month should the report be generated
            Console.Write("Enter Month in numbers to Generate Report for: ");
            string month = Console.ReadLine();
            int months;
            bool c = Int32.TryParse(month, out months);
            if (!c)
                Console.WriteLine("Please Enter Interger Input only!");
            if (months < 0 || months > 12)
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid month between 1 - 12");

            //prompt user whether to generate report for all carparks or only 1 carpark
            Console.Write("Do you want to display ALL carpark generated revenue? [Y/N] ");
            string confirmation = Console.ReadLine();
            if (confirmation.ToUpper() == "N") //display one carpark only
                //list all carpark and prompt for user to select one carpark
                Console.WriteLine("======= Listing All Carparks =======");
                foreach (var cp in cpList)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}.  {1}", cp.CarParkID, cp.CarParkName);
                // prompt for input of carpark #
                Console.Write("Select Carpark: ");
                string cpNumber = Console.ReadLine();
                int cpn;
                c = Int32.TryParse(cpNumber, out cpn);
                if (!c)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please Enter an Interger Input only!");
                if (cpn < 0 || cpn > 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid Carpark number between 1 - 3");

                // code to generate report for one carpark

                // cast the carpark into a local object 
                CarPark currentCP = cpList[Convert.ToInt32(cpNumber) - 1];
                Console.WriteLine("Generating Financial Report...");
                Console.WriteLine("=========== " + DateTime.Now + " ===========");
                Console.WriteLine("Financial Report for the Month of {0} for {1}", currentCP.PastRevenue.ElementAt(months - 1).Key, currentCP.CarParkName);

                // if month entered is the same as the current month in the computer, the printed revenue will be for the current month as well
                // put the generatedrevenue into the current month
                if (currentMonth == months) // add to pastrevenue if month matches
                    string o_i = currentCP.PastRevenue.ElementAt(months - 1).Value;
                    // concatenate the year and value together
                    string amount = "," + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + ": $" + currentCP.GeneratedRevenue;
                    // concatenate the original input of the month with new generated revenue
                    currentCP.PastRevenue[currentCP.PastRevenue.ElementAt(months - 1).Key] = o_i + amount;

                // count the number of cars and motorcycle that entered the carpark
                List<ParkingSession> psList = currentCP.vehicleParkingList; // cast the parkingsession list into a ParkingSession object first
                foreach (var ps in psList)
                { // not efficient way to doing it but too bad!
                    if (ps.Vehicle.VehicleType == "Car") { countCars += 1; }
                    else if (ps.Vehicle.VehicleType == "Motorbike") { countMotorBike += 1; }
                    else if (ps.Vehicle.VehicleType == "Lorry") { countLorry += 1; }
                // print the number of vehicles that entered
                Console.WriteLine("No. of Vehicles entered to {0}: {1}", currentCP.carParkName, currentCP.vehicleParkingList.Count());
                // print number of vehicles that entered, split between the count of cars and motorbikes
                Console.WriteLine("No. of Cars: {0} | Number of Motorcycles: {1} | Number of Lorries: {2}", countCars, countMotorBike, countLorry);
                // print the carpark name and the generated revenue for the month of each year
                Console.WriteLine("Total amount of revenue generated from " + currentCP.CarParkName + " for the month of {0} is...", currentCP.pastRevenue.ElementAt(months - 1).Key);

                //split the string by comma and print it out line by line for better visibility
                string[] yearofRevenue = currentCP.PastRevenue.ElementAt(months - 1).Value.Split(",");
                foreach (var x in yearofRevenue)
                    string y = x.Substring(7);
                    double amount = Convert.ToDouble(y);
                    totalAmount = amount + totalAmount;
                Console.WriteLine("The total amount of revenue generated over the years are {0}", Math.Round(totalAmount, 2));

            // code to generate report for ALL carpark
                Console.WriteLine("Generating Financial Report...");
                Console.WriteLine("=========== " + DateTime.Now + " ===========");
                Console.WriteLine("Financial Report for the Month of {0} for all carparks", cpList[0].PastRevenue.ElementAt(months - 1).Key);

                // print the carpark name and the generated revenue for the month of each year
                Console.WriteLine("Total amount of revenue generated for all carparks are for the month of {0} is...", cpList[0].pastRevenue.ElementAt(months - 1).Key);
                // Calculate the parking charges for ALL carparks. 
                // Calculate and print carpark by carpark
                foreach (var ccp in cpList)
                    countLorry = 0;
                    countCars = 0;
                    countMotorBike = 0;
                    totalVehicleEntry = 0;
                    ta = 0;
                    // if month entered is the same as the current month in the computer, the printed revenue will be for the current month as well
                    // put the generatedrevenue into the current month, add to past revenue for current month if the revenue matches
                    if (currentMonth == months)
                        string o_i = ccp.PastRevenue.ElementAt(months - 1).Value;
                        // concatenate the year and value together
                        string amount = "," + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + ": $" + ccp.GeneratedRevenue;
                        // concatenate the original input of the month with new generated revenue
                        ccp.PastRevenue[ccp.PastRevenue.ElementAt(months - 1).Key] = o_i + amount;

                    //get the year's revenue in double datatype
                    string[] yearofRevenue = ccp.PastRevenue.ElementAt(months - 1).Value.Split(",");
                    foreach (var x in yearofRevenue)
                        string y = x.Substring(7);
                        double amount = Convert.ToDouble(y);
                        totalAmount = amount + totalAmount;
                        ta = amount + ta;

                    totalVehicleEntry = ccp.vehicleParkingList.Count() + totalVehicleEntry;
                    Console.WriteLine("============================ " + ccp.CarParkName + " ============================");
                    Console.WriteLine("No. of Vehicles entered: {0}", ccp.vehicleParkingList.Count());
                    // count the number of cars and motorcycle that entered the carpark
                    List<ParkingSession> psList = ccp.vehicleParkingList; // cast the parkingsession list into a ParkingSession object first
                    foreach (var ps in psList)
                    { // not efficient way to doing it but too bad!
                        if (ps.Vehicle.VehicleType == "Car") { countCars += 1; }
                        else if (ps.Vehicle.VehicleType == "Motorbike") { countMotorBike += 1; }
                        else if (ps.Vehicle.VehicleType == "Lorry") { countLorry += 1; }
                    Console.WriteLine("No. of Cars: {0} | Number of Motorcycles: {1} | Number of Lorries: {2}", countCars, countMotorBike, countLorry);
                    Console.WriteLine("The total number of Vehicle entered across all carparks are {0}", totalVehicleEntry);
                    //print the amount generated in total for all Carparks
                    Console.WriteLine("Total Generated Revenue: {0}", Math.Round(ta, 2)); 
                Console.WriteLine("Total Generated Revenue for all carparks: ${0}", Math.Round(totalAmount, 2));

        public void ShowCarParkFares() { //print parking charges
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++ b/Program.cs


calculate the total amount for the month

calculate the total amount for the month

// code to generatereport function -- # TODO calculate the total amount for the month

            // ====================================================================
            // ======================= End of Main Program ========================
            // ====================================================================           

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------

            // ====================================================================
            // ============================= Menus ================================
            // ====================================================================
            void StudentMenu()
                bool condition = true;
                while (condition)
                    Console.WriteLine("=== Student Landing Page ===");
                    Console.WriteLine("1) View Season Parking Pass");
                    Console.WriteLine("2) Renew Season Parking Pass");
                    Console.WriteLine("3) Terminate Season Parking Pass");
                    Console.WriteLine("4) Transfer Season Parking Pass");
                    Console.WriteLine("5) Logout");

                    //validation to ensure the input are NUMBERS ONLY
                    int stud_choice;
                    Console.Write("Enter choice: ");
                    string choice = Console.ReadLine();
                    bool success = Int32.TryParse(choice, out stud_choice);

                    if (!success) //checks if 'choice' input is valid
                        Console.WriteLine("Please Enter Interger Input only!");

                    switch (stud_choice)
                        case 1: // view season parking pass
                            Console.WriteLine("Viewing Your Season Parking Pass");


                        case 2: //renew season parking pass

                        case 3: // terminate season parking pass

                        case 4: // transfer season parking pass

                        case 5: //log out of student
                            Console.WriteLine("Logging out...");
                            condition = false;

                        default: // if wrong option is entered
                            Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid option!!");


            void LecturerMenu()
                bool condition = true;
                while (condition)
                    Console.WriteLine("===Lecturer Landing Page===");
                    Console.WriteLine("1) View Season Parking Pass");
                    Console.WriteLine("2) Renew Season Parking Pass");
                    Console.WriteLine("3) Terminate Season Parking Pass");
                    Console.WriteLine("4) Transfer Season Parking Pass");
                    Console.WriteLine("5) Logout");

                    int lecturer_choice;
                    Console.Write("Enter choice: ");
                    string choice = Console.ReadLine();
                    bool success = Int32.TryParse(choice, out lecturer_choice);

                    if (!success)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please Enter an Interger Input only!");

                    switch (lecturer_choice)
                        case 1: // view season parking pass
                            Console.WriteLine("Viewing Your Season Parking Pass");


                        case 2: //renew season parking pass

                        case 3: // terminate season parking pass

                        case 4: // transfer season parking pass

                        case 5: //log out of lecturer
                            Console.WriteLine("Logging out...");
                            condition = false;

                        default: // if wrong option is entered
                            Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid option!!");

            void ManagerMenu()
                bool condition = true;
                while (condition)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Testing something");
                    Console.WriteLine("=== Manager Landing Page ===");
                    Console.WriteLine("1) Process Season Parking Pass");
                    Console.WriteLine("2) Generate Report for Specific Car Park");
                    Console.WriteLine("3) Logout");

                    int manager_choice;
                    Console.Write("Enter choice: ");
                    string choice = Console.ReadLine();
                    bool success = Int32.TryParse(choice, out manager_choice);

                    if (!success)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please Enter Interger Input only!");

                    switch (manager_choice)
                        case 1: // process season parking pass

                        case 2: // generate report for specific car park
                            // Retrieve list of Carparks 
                            Console.WriteLine("======= Listing All Carparks =======");
                            foreach (var cp in cpList) {
                                Console.WriteLine("{0}.  {1}", cp.CarParkID, cp.CarParkName);
                            // prompt for input of carpark #
                            Console.Write("Select Carpark: ");
                            string cpNumber = Console.ReadLine();
                            int cpn;
                            bool c = Int32.TryParse(cpNumber, out cpn);
                            if (!c)
                                Console.WriteLine("Please Enter an Interger Input only!");
                            if (cpn < 0 || cpn > 3)
                                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid Carpark number between 1 - 3");

                            // code to generatereport function -- # TODO calculate the total amount for the month
                            Console.Write("Enter Month in numbers to Generate Report for: ");
                            string month = Console.ReadLine();
                            int months;
                            c = Int32.TryParse(month, out months);
                            if (!c)
                                Console.WriteLine("Please Enter Interger Input only!");
                            if (months < 0 || months > 12) {
                                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid month between 1 - 12");

                            switch (cpn) { //execute according to carpark number - probably the wrong way to do this but idrc
                                case 1:
                                case 2:
                                case 3:
                            break; //finish generating report

                        case 3: // log out of manager
                            Console.WriteLine("Logging out...");
                            condition = false;

                        default: // if wrong option is entered
                            Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid option!!");



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check with Mr Victor whether getter setter is needed for this

check with Mr Victor whether getter setter is needed for this

// # TODO check with Mr Victor whether getter setter is needed for this


        // may not need getter and setter for vehicle and vehiclecarpark - idk see how for now 
        // # TODO check with Mr Victor whether getter setter is needed for this
        // # labels: check-with-teacher
        public Vehicle Vehicle
            get { return vehicle; }
            set { vehicle = value; }

        public CarPark VehicleCarPark
            get { return vehicleCarPark; }
            set { vehicleCarPark = value; }

        public ParkingSession(int sid, DateTime cd, DateTime co, Vehicle v, CarPark vcp) {
            sessionID = sid;
            checkInDate = cd;
            checkOutDate = co;
            vehicle = v;
            vehicleCarPark = vcp;
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++ b/Program.cs


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