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fvtt-token-action-hud-dnd5e's Issues

[BUG] As a player, the Token HUD is correctly displayed even without token present, but clicking the buttons does nothing

Describe the bug
Using the setting "Always Show HUD", the HUD is correctly displayed even if the player has no token on the scene. However, clicking any of the buttons does not result in a roll. Strangely, there is no error in the console.


  • Token Action HUD Core: 1.2.2
  • Token Action HUD System: dnd5e 1.2.1
  • System: dnd5e 2.1.4
  • Foundry VTT: 10.291
  • Browser: Google Chrome current

[FEATURE] Do not show categories or tabs that are empty

I noticed it shows tabs or categories that are empty.
A fighter shows the 'spells' tab button in the main HUD menu
A wizard has no at will, innate, or pact spells but those all show in the list still and take up space. And also spell levels they don't have yet lists still with nothing.

Not showing empty things just gives a cleaner usage experience.

[FEATURE] TAH not picking up Dfred CE's effects.

Describe the bug
Not applying or removing DFred's CE, like blindness, deafness, or invisible, via TAH

Steps to reproduce

  1. Using TAH and Dfred's in either Add or Replace mode, try to apply condition that affects the canvas, such as Blinded, Deafened, or Invisible.
  2. The visual effect doesn't happen.
  3. Use TAH to apply core Foundry effect for Blind, Deaf or Invisible.
  4. It works


  • Token Action HUD Core: 1.4.11
  • Token Action HUD System: token-action-hud-dnd5e 1.4.7
  • System: dnd5e 2.2.1
  • Foundry VTT: 11.304
  • Browser: Chrome

Additional context
Here are screen shots.

Blindess applied with Df CE panel with vision 5e active:

after clicking Blinded on TAH to remove it:

here's some additional context, maybe: DFreds/dfreds-convenient-effects#253

[BUG] Initiative for unliked token roll for all toknes from same type

Describe the bug
the multiple action of rolling initiative, if you used with unlinked tokens initiative is rolled for all tokens in the scene, not just selected ones.

Steps to reproduce
1 - place 5 unlinked tokens of the same type (unlinked tokens) in a scene.
2 - select 2 of them and roll initiative on the utility bar.
3 - the 5 tokens will have their initiative rolled instead of just the selected two.


  • Token Action HUD Core: 1.2.3
  • Token Action HUD System: 1.2.2
  • System: dnd5e 2.1.5
  • Foundry VTT: 10.291

[FEATURE] Option to have seperate saves vs checks for attributes

The original Token Action HUD has a seperate listing for attribute checks and saving throws. The new one combines them and pops up a box asking you to choose which roll type it is.

New feature = Add a setting to let you have both attribue checks and saving throws like the old module did. The reason why is that requires 1 click to do so is fast. Now you have to click another choice which takes longer and seems unnecessary. Adding an option lets people do it how they like, new or classic way. The one click ability is one of the wodnerful things about Token Action Hud.

[BUG] Conditions

Conditions are not displaying active status, and they don't apply effects either, like Dfred's. They are working fine on the tokenHUD.

[FEATURE] Looser filter for Reactions for Midiqol Users

Describe your idea
When you setup a group filter for Reactions, its only reading the core action type "Reaction". In Midiqol, theres 3 other reaction action types. I will share the image in the additional context. Right now we can manually add the others in as individual items but its non optimal. I guess we just need for the filter for that to search for anything in that category with the word "Reaction".


  • Token Action HUD System: dnd5e 1.4.1
  • System: dnd5e+midiqol

Additional context

[BUG] Minor spilling strings

This section must not have width due to missing elements, causing the subsections to wrap.


Add to Combat doesn't need to be limited width button, thus spills.


Normalization doesn't work too well for number-ending Exhaustion X conditions.


[BUG] Token hud does not appear for monsters with spells when "show uneqipped items" is selected

Describe the bug
When selecting a monster that has spells while the setting "show unequipped items" is selected, the token hud does not appear and an error is logged to the console:


Steps to reproduce

  1. Set "Show unequipped items" to true in the module settings.
  2. Put any monster with spells on the field (like the Acolyte from the compendium)
  3. Select the monster's token
  4. The token hud does not appear
  5. Open browser console for error.

This can easily be fixed by changing line 1219 of the action-handler.js file from "return" to "return spells".

However, it seems weird that "show unequipped items" is checked on that line in the first place.


  • Token Action HUD Core: 0 1.1
  • Token Action HUD System: token-action-hud-dnd5e 0.1.2
  • System: dnd5e 2.1.1
  • Foundry VTT: g. 10.291
  • Browser: MS Edge 109.0.1518.55

[BUG] deleted summoned token while selected, HUD stuck on hud menu of deleted token

Describe the bug
Not sure if this is 5e or core, so I'll start here. The player has a summon token, as created for example by midi-qol + warpgate spiritual weapon. The player has the summon selected and is seeing its actions in the HUD. If that token gets deleted by the DM removing the effect from the player's main character, then the player's hud remains stuck on the hud display of the now deleted token (summon) and it won't switch the HUD back to the player's own token even if they click on other selectable tokens or their own. Player has to refresh the foundry page for the HUD to revert.

This doesn't happen for a regular DM deleting a token a player has activated. In that case it reverts to their main character properly. So far I only see this happen with a summon deleted by removing an effect.

The midiqol + warpgate ,acro that created the summon looks like this

const version = "10.0.13"; try { const origin = args[0].itemUuid; if (origin) { const removeList = actor.effects.filter(ae => ae.origin === origin && getProperty(ae, "flags.dae.transfer") !== 3).map(ae=>; await actor.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("ActiveEffect", removeList) } const updates = { Item: { "Spiritual Weapon Attack": { "type": "weapon", "img": args[0].itemData.img, "system.actionType" : "msak", "": true, "system.attackBonus": ${Number(args[0].actor.system.abilities[args[0].actor.system.attributes.spellcasting]?.mod) + Number(args[0] + Number(args[0].actor.system.bonuses.msak.attack)}, "system.proficient": false, "":[[${1 + Math.floor((args[0].spellLevel-2)/2)}d8 + ${args[0].actor.system.abilities[args[0].actor.system.attributes.spellcasting]?.mod || ""}`,"force"]]
const result = await warpgate.spawn("Spiritual Weapon", {embedded: updates}, {}, {});
if (result.length !== 1) return;
const createdToken = game.canvas.tokens.get(result[0]);
await"Spiritual Weapon Attack").update({"data.proficient": false});
const targetUuid = createdToken.document.uuid;

await actor.createEmbeddedDocuments("ActiveEffect", [{
label: "Summon",
icon: args[0].item.img,
duration: {seconds: 60, rounds:10},
"flags.dae.stackable": false,
changes: [{key: "flags.dae.deleteUuid", mode: CONST.ACTIVE_EFFECT_MODES.ADD, value: [targetUuid]}]
} catch (err) {
console.error(${args[0]} - Spiritual Weapon ${version}, err);


  • Token Action HUD Core: 1.4.9
  • Token Action HUD System: dnd5e 1.4.4
  • System: dnd5e 2.2.1
  • Foundry VTT: 11.301
  • Browser: Google Chrome Version 114.0.5735.110 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    Other: midi-qol, midi srd 11.0.0, warpgate 1.17.2

Not seeing the HUD

I have Foundry v10 build 291.
I have hud-core and hud-5e installed and active, and no other mods but color picker.
I have checked "enable hud for current user."


[FEATURE] Allow GM to set hud default categories and subcategories for users? eg Magic Items

Describe the bug
Using Magic Items module, and with the previous token action hud module, character had scrolls and a magic staff (with spells) which used to show up in their own Magic Items category in the HUD. This category no longer shows in the newer core + dnd5e modules.

Token Action HUD Core v1.3.2
Token Action HUD D&D 5e v1.3.1
Magic Items v3.0.0

  • System: dnd5e 2.1.5
  • Foundry VTT: 10.291
  • Browser: Google Chrome Version 111.0.5563.146 (Official Build) (x86_64)

[BUG] Effect undefined was not found when selecting a condition

Describe the bug
When selecting any condition from the token HUD, I get the error "Effect undefined was not found"

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to token action HUD->Conditions
  2. Click on any condition
  3. Error "Effect undefined was not found" is displayed


  • Token Action HUD Core: [1.4.11]
  • Token Action HUD D&D 5e: [1.4.8]
  • System: [DnD5e 2.2.2]
  • Foundry VTT: [10.303]
  • Browser: [Google Chrome 114.0.5735.199]

[BUG] Missing Description of the Spells

Describe the bug
Spells Section is not correct. I think it shows the technical field.



  • Token Action HUD Core: 1.2.3
  • Token Action HUD System: DnD5e 1.2.2
  • System: DnD 2.1.5
  • Foundry VTT: 10.291
  • Browser:


Describe the bug
Nothing happens why I try to roll a saving throw using the HUD.

Steps to reproduce

  1. select token
  2. attributes -> strength -> saving throw
  3. no dice rolled


  • Token Action HUD Core: 1.4.6
  • Token Action HUD System: token-action-hud-dnd5e 1.4.4
  • System: dnd5e 2.2.1
  • Foundry VTT: 10.291
  • Browser: client

Additional context
See image
Screenshot 2023-05-27 at 8 13 33 PM

[BUG] Effects disappear from HUD when effects are added to or removed from character sheet

Describe the bug
When I add an effect to a character sheet, the buttons in the effect category are removed from the token action hud

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add an effect to a character
  2. Select that characters token
  3. Click on the effect tab of the action hud
  4. See no buttons for the effects available to the character


  • Token Action HUD Core: 1.4.16
  • Token Action HUD System: token-action-hud-dnd5e 1.4.9
  • System: dnd5e 2.2.2
  • Foundry VTT: 10.303
  • Browser: Google Chrome 115.0.5790.99

Additional context
Reloading the application makes the effect buttons reappear.
Adding a new category to the hud that includes the effects groups does not act differently than the standard effects category, and if the game is on a load that is corrupted in this way, the new category maintains that corruption.

[FEATURE] Ability to turn off Passive effects showing in the ability tab.

Describe your idea
Ability to turn off Passive effects showing in the ability tab. Basically, since all class and race features show under the passive ability section in the hud it gets kinda cluttered, especially since i would only like ability to show they're relevant for combat or so. Especially for the ranger in the group, it shows like 2 active ability and like 20 passives.


I think showing stuff like (Additional Ranger spells, Ranger archetype spellcasting and so on) basically all stuff that is unimportant tho display there should be able to be toggled off in the settings. to be honest, the passive effect section is a bit redundant anyway as most features there shouldn't show in the quick action menu but only on the chars' sheet in case it gets referenced in game.

At-will and innate spells do not display [BUG]

Describe the bug
Innate Spells do not appear as options for a token with innate spells.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Click on a token on the canvas with innate spells.


  • Token Action HUD Core: 0 1.1
  • Token Action HUD System: token-action-hud-dnd5e 0.1.2
  • System: dnd5e 2.1.2
  • Foundry VTT: 10.291
  • Browser: Google Chrome 108.0.5359.125

Additional context
Cantrips and leveled spells display normally but at-will and innate spells do not appear at all. However, If I edit a leveled at-will spell to be an at-will cantrip, it will display alongside my known cantrips.

Add common actions disengage, dodge, ready and hide

Please consider adding the other common actions: disengage, dodge, ready and hide. Not sure if "dash" and "use item" are appropriate buttons, since dash is a token movement and using an item is a separate trigger. Thanks.

[FEATURE] Extending actions and groups in other plugins


I'm currently developing a foundry plugin for mystics UA that utilizes PSI points for casting,
And as part of this plugin I'm adding their abilities into a distinct categories (Disciplines, Psionics, PSI 1, PSI 2...) as shown on the screenshot
It's currently implemented in a very hacky way, and I wonder could token action hud be extended in a way to simplify custom categories management for other plugins.

Im thinking of exposing some Hook + some of the private methods such as tooltip and item to action, etc...

What are your thoughts ?

Here is my hacky way of achieving it


  • Token Action HUD System: [e.g. token-action-hud-dnd5e]
  • System: [e.g. dnd5e]

Additional context
Any additional context.

[BUG] Inconsistent Zero Value Bonus Formatting for Skills, Abilities, and Saving Throws

When the bonus for skills, abilities, and saving throw is 0 (zero), the formatting is inconsistent across Player and NPC tokens.

For PCs, zero value Group: Skills displays '+0'
For PCs, zero value Group: Saving Throws displays nothing'
For PCs, zero value Group: Abilities displays '0'

For NPCs, zero value Group: Skills displays nothing.
For NPCs, zero value Group: Saving Throws displays nothing.
For NPCs, zero value Group: Abilities displays '0'

Although this is a very minor 'issue', I assume you would like them to be consistent. I would think most would prefer '+0'.


Thanks again for a fantastic module!

[BUG] Conditions & DFred's Displaying incorrectly

Describe the bug
Conditions listed in the Conditions tab display incorrectly and show as 'Undefined' and do not respect the grid selection for the category.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install the TAH modules listed below as well as Dfreds Conventient Effects 5.0.3
  2. Click on the 'Conditions' tab of TAH
  3. See error


  • Token Action HUD Core: 1.4.10
  • Token Action HUD System: token-action-hud-dnd5e 1.4.6
  • System: dnd5e 2.2.1
  • Foundry VTT: 11.304
  • Browser: Google Chrome 114.0.5735.199

Additional context

Any additional context.
I am pretty sure this worked properly before yesterday's release. Without DFred's CE the default Conditions display correctly.

[FEATURE] The single branch of TAH's Character Action List module integeration

Describe your idea
I currently can't use your new TAH 2 module setup because the dnd5e version lacks the original's collaboration with the module Character Action List module. I want the action economy sorting in TAH that the original had. My players need it to play. So far original TAH is still somewhat functional but its starting to have some minor issues so I was wondering when the new supported dnd5e TAH will integrate Character Action List Module again?


  • Token Action HUD System: [e.g. token-action-hud-dnd5e]
  • System: [e.g. dnd5e]

Additional context
Any additional context.

[FEATURE] feature subcategories

Add optionnal subcategories for Features. Would be helpfull to group maneuvers together for example. Same for Channel Divinity, Arcane Archer Arrows, etc.


Add support to "Group by action type" from old module

Describe your idea
Add support to "Group by action type" from old module


  • Token Action HUD System: latest
  • System: dnd5e

Additional context
The old module had an integration with character actions 5e module and showed the HUD grouped by action types which was super useful, this new module needs that as well please!!!

Installing on The Forge

This might be a Forge issue, but prior to the update a had this module installed. Now it appears to be uninstalled and any time I try to install this version or an older version I get this message.:

Failed to install module: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/forge-vtt/bazaar/modules/token-action-hud-dnd5e/1.4.1/languages'

[BUG] Condition Images Still Displayed when 'Display Icons' is Unchecked

Describe the bug
Condition action images are still displayed when the 'Display Icons' module setting is unchecked.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Uncheck the 'Display Icons' module setting.
  2. View the 'Conditions' subcategory.


  • Token Action HUD Core: 1.1.1
  • Token Action HUD System: token-action-hud-dnd5e 1.1.0
  • System: dnd5e 2.1.4
  • Foundry VTT: 10.291

[BUG] legendary actions not populating in the hud

Describe the bug
Legendary actions are not populating in the HUD, also they can't be added manually as far as I can tell.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Import a Kraken from the SRD compendium
  2. Drag a kraken onto the canvas
  3. Edit the hud and add "Group: Legendary Actions" to a chosen tab group
  4. Note that Legendary Actions group heading appears (while in hud edit) but with no actions under it
  5. right click the legendary actions group in the menu while in edit mode
  6. try to add (for example) the Ink Cloud action, but it won't show up in search


  • Token Action HUD Core: 1.4.4
  • Token Action HUD System: token-action-hud-dnd5e 1.4.2
  • System: dnd5e 2.1.5
  • Foundry VTT: 10.291
  • Browser: Google Chrome Version 113.0.5672.93 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional context
Any additional context.

[FEATURE] Equip/Unequip Items

Describe your idea
Add button and/or hotkey to equip/unequip items directly from the HUD.

Additional context
Include a module setting for users that don't want to clutter the HUD with more buttons.

[BUG] The "Show Prepared Spells only" setting blocks spells that are "always prepared" (e.g. Bards).

I have a bard in my party and the DnD5e module for Token Action HUD has the really terrific feature to not show unprepared spells by unchecking the box. Unfortunately, when I opt for it, then the Bard's entire spell list is removed from the HUD because their spells are "Always Prepared". Hence that module feature treats those spell like they are unprepared and removes them from the HUD.

The problem is that to get the Bard's spells to show up, I have to check the box, forcing the Cleric to have a massive wall of spells appear in his HUD, most of which are unprepared and cannot be used.

[BUG] HUD isn't updated after deleting an Item from an actor programmatically

Describe the bug
After deleting an item programmatically using midi-qol OnUse macros (eg await args[0].workflow.item.delete();), the item is deleted from the actor's inventory but still shows in the HUD.

Steps to reproduce

  1. create item with an onUse Macro
  2. delete item using midi-qol workflow
  3. check actor inventory and observe that the item has been deleted
  4. open the HUD and see that the item is still listed.
  5. deselect the actor's token
  6. reselect the actor's token
  7. observe that the item has been removed from the HUD


  • Token Action HUD Core: 1.2.3
  • Token Action HUD System: token-action-hud-dnd5e 1.2.2
  • System: dnd5e 2.1.5
  • Foundry VTT: 10.291
  • Browser: foundry native app - mac

Additional context
I don't believe this is due to midi-qol as the item is being removed from actor inventory.

[FEATURE] Suggested starting layout for Dnd5e

Describe your idea
I was wondering if it'd be possible to have the default layout for the dnd5e be more friendly/organized. I'll share an image and my config file. The Generic Actions category I am using is actually a cool lil hack I employed that integrates the module Chris' Premades with Token Action Hud so is only meant for users of that module(and midiqol) so probably leave that out of the config. It also requires some setup. I'll leave that setup here below as well if you are curious what i did to make it.


  • Token Action HUD System: Core=1.4.6/Dnd5e=1.4.4
  • System: Dnd5e 2.2.1(made it in 2.1.5 though)

Additional context
Here is a gif of my layout as it appears:
Here is a link to my lil hack for Chris' Premades Generic Actions in your module: (Purely just incase you are curious how it was done)

Here is the code in my User Folder:

{"actions":{"id":"actions","name":"Actions","isSelected":true,"level":1,"order":0,"settings":{"characterCount":null,"customWidth":null,"grid":true,"image":"","showTitle":true,"style":"tab"},"type":"custom"},"bonus-actions":{"id":"bonus-actions","name":"Bonus Actions","isSelected":true,"level":1,"order":1,"settings":{"characterCount":null,"customWidth":null,"grid":true,"image":"","showTitle":true,"style":"tab"},"type":"custom"},"reactions":{"id":"reactions","name":"Reactions","isSelected":true,"level":1,"order":2,"settings":{"characterCount":null,"customWidth":null,"grid":true,"image":"","showTitle":true,"style":"tab"},"type":"custom"},"special-actions":{"id":"special-actions","name":"Special Actions","isSelected":true,"level":1,"order":3,"settings":{"characterCount":null,"customWidth":null,"grid":true,"image":"","showTitle":true,"style":"tab"},"type":"custom"},"generic-actions":{"id":"generic-actions","name":"Generic Actions","isSelected":true,"level":1,"order":4,"settings":{"characterCount":null,"customWidth":null,"grid":true,"image":"","showTitle":true,"style":"tab"},"type":"custom"},"attributes":{"id":"attributes","name":"Attributes","isSelected":true,"level":1,"order":5,"settings":{"showTitle":true,"style":"tab"},"type":"custom"},"conditions":{"id":"conditions","name":"Conditions","isSelected":true,"level":1,"order":6,"settings":{"showTitle":true,"style":"tab"},"type":"custom"},"utility":{"id":"utility","name":"Utility","isSelected":true,"level":1,"order":7,"settings":{"showTitle":true,"style":"tab"},"type":"custom"},"actions_actions":{"id":"actions","name":"Actions","listName":"Group: Actions","isSelected":true,"level":2,"order":0,"settings":{"characterCount":null,"collapse":false,"grid":true,"showTitle":true,"sort":false,"style":"list"},"type":"system"},"bonus-actions_bonus-actions":{"id":"bonus-actions","name":"Bonus Actions","listName":"Group: Bonus Actions","isSelected":true,"level":2,"order":0,"settings":{"characterCount":null,"collapse":false,"grid":true,"showTitle":true,"sort":false,"style":"list"},"type":"system"},"reactions_reactions":{"id":"reactions","name":"Reactions","listName":"Group: Reactions","isSelected":true,"level":2,"order":0,"settings":{"characterCount":null,"collapse":false,"grid":true,"showTitle":true,"sort":false,"style":"list"},"type":"system"},"generic-actions_world-generic-actions":{"id":"world-generic-actions","name":"Generic Actions","listName":"Generic Actions","isSelected":true,"level":2,"order":0,"settings":{"characterCount":null,"collapse":false,"grid":true,"showTitle":true,"sort":false,"style":"list"},"type":"core"},"special-actions_other-actions":{"id":"other-actions","name":"Other Actions","listName":"Group: Other Actions","isSelected":true,"level":2,"order":0,"settings":{"characterCount":null,"collapse":false,"grid":true,"showTitle":true,"sort":false,"style":"list"},"type":"system"},"attributes_abilities":{"id":"abilities","name":"Abilities","isSelected":true,"level":2,"order":1,"settings":{"showTitle":true,"style":"list"},"type":"system"},"conditions_conditions":{"id":"conditions","name":"Conditions","isSelected":true,"level":2,"order":1,"settings":{"showTitle":true,"style":"list"},"type":"system"},"utility_combat":{"id":"combat","name":"Combat","isSelected":true,"level":2,"order":1,"settings":{"showTitle":true,"style":"list"},"type":"system"},"attributes_skills":{"id":"skills","name":"Skills","isSelected":true,"level":2,"order":2,"settings":{"showTitle":true,"style":"list"},"type":"system"},"utility_token":{"id":"token","name":"Token","isSelected":true,"level":2,"order":2,"settings":{"showTitle":true,"style":"list"},"type":"system"},"utility_rests":{"id":"rests","name":"Rests","isSelected":true,"level":2,"order":3,"settings":{"showTitle":true,"style":"list"},"type":"system"},"utility_utility":{"id":"utility","name":"Utility","isSelected":true,"level":2,"order":4,"settings":{"showTitle":true,"style":"list"},"type":"system"}}

[BUG] Conflict with MIDI

Describe the bug
With the midi active and having it control the "unconscious" condition. If I have the HUD Active, it conflicts, always removing the unconscious condition

Steps to reproduce
have the midi with the option to add the condition "unconscious" automatically (or not the error happens the same way but with this option there is one more way to apply the condition).
apply the unconscious condition in any way (by hud, token or even by convenient effect, or zeroing the token's HP)
the unconscious condition is removed once applied.

having the convenient effect installed or not doesn't matter. the conflict is even with MIDI


  • Token Action HUD Core: last
  • Token Action HUD System: last
  • System: last
  • Foundry VTT: last
  • Browser: last

[BUG] Console log Error CONFIG.DND5E.abilities

Upon updating to the latest version of DnD5e 2.3, I noticed a high volume of Error flags being generated when going to the Action HUD for any actor. Repeatable each time. Does not break any features we've been able to identify with very minimal interaction, just providing details here.

Error details:
Error: The value of CONFIG.DND5E.abilities has been changed to an object. The former value can be accessed from .label.
Deprecated since Version 2.2
Backwards-compatible support will be removed in Version 2.4
at Object.logCompatibilityWarning (commons.js:1692:19)
at Object.toString (config.mjs:1905:19)
at token-action-hud-dnd5e.min.js:1:15078
at ()
at #p (token-action-hud-dnd5e.min.js:1:14824)
at #i (token-action-hud-dnd5e.min.js:1:14228)
at async ActionHandler.buildSystemActions (token-action-hud-dnd5e.min.js:1:13981)
at async #h (action-handler.js:206:72)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
at async ActionHandler.buildHud (action-handler.js:96:31)
at async #Ct (token-action-hud.js:1056:14)
at async TokenActionHud.update (token-action-hud.js:992:20)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Update DnD 5e 2.3
  2. Load and select actor, go to overlay


  • Token Action HUD Core: [1.4.18]
  • Token Action HUD System: [D&D 5e 1.4.10]
  • System: [e.g. dnd5e 2.4]
  • Foundry VTT: [e.g. V10 Build 303
  • Browser: [e.g. Google Chrome 115.0.5790.171]

Additional context
Any additional context.

[BUG] Tooltip Element Not Formatted

Describe the bug

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error


  • Token Action HUD Core: [1.4.11]
  • Token Action HUD System: [token-action-hud-dnd5e 1.4.8]
  • System: [e.g. dnd5e 2.2.2]
  • Foundry VTT: [e.g. 11.305]

[BUG] New conditions added via Combat Utility Belt's Condition Lab are not sorted automatically

Describe the bug
After adding a new condition via Combat Utility Belt's Condition Lab, the new condition is not automatically sorted alphabetically in the token action hud.

Please see this screenshot, where the condition "Starry Form" was recently added and is not sorted correctly.

The sorting works when deleting the conditions category from the hud and re-adding it, but this is very annoying to do every time.


Steps to reproduce

  1. Create condition in condition lab.
  2. Sort conditions alphabetically in condition lab.
  3. New condition will always be last in token action hud.

Current versions of Foundry, 5e system and all modules


Describe the bug
Error: An error occurred while rendering TokenActionHud 41. One of original or other are not Objects! (directly from the console)

Steps to reproduce

  1. New world, no other modules installed.
  2. Click on a token to see the error in the console.
  3. Hover on any of the HUD top-level menu items to see the dropdown menus stay open forever.


  • Token Action HUD Core: 0 1.4.13
  • Token Action HUD System: token-action-hud-dnd5e 0.4.9
  • System: dnd5e 2.2.2
  • Foundry VTT: 11.305
  • Browser: native app

Additional context


[BUG] Unable to Edit Group after 'Show Title' is Disabled

After disabling the title on the 'at-will spells' and 'innate spells' groups under 'Spells', the group can no longer be edited. A blank square remains, but no amount of right-clicking will find the sweet spot to trigger the edit screen.

Also tried to remove and re-add the 'at-will spells' and 'innate spells' from and to the Spell group. After making the changes, clicking accept did not close the window. Editing the Spell group again would show that the changes did take place in the 'Selected Items' section, although the blank buttons would remain visible in the HUD. It looks like removing the title breaks a reference between the config and the title-less/icon-less button.

Windows 10 / Microsoft Edge / Token Action Hud 5e / Foundry 11.307

Side Note: This module is freakin fantastic! Total Game Changer! Thank you for making it! !

[BUG] Can't Reorganize HUD Elements

When I try to reorganize the various Action lists within the module, it immediately reverts after I hit 'Save', Here are some screenshots of me trying to get the Spells in a specific order for a Warlock character. This was reproduced with no modules except TAHUD and its dependencies.

Disorganized HUD, with Consumables inbetween Spell tiers.

I reorganize and hit Accept

Some elements seem to move but others arbitrarily appear in strange places. When I check back in the organizing dialogue, it shows the bugged location too.

  • Token Action HUD Core 1.4.11
  • Token Action HUD dnd5e 1.4.8
  • System: dnd5e 2.2.2
  • Foundry VTT: 11.305
  • Browser: Opera GX

[BUG] Deselecting a condition under the "Effects" menu does deselect it on the PC, but it remains on the Effects menu

Describe the bug
If I add a condition to a PC using the Conditions tab, it adds fine, and appears in the "Effects" tab as expected.
If I remove the condition from the Conditions tab, it gets removed from the PC and no longer appears in the Effects tab, and is deselected in the Conditions tab, as expected.

However, if I remove the condition using the Effects tab, it doesn't work completely. It correctly removes the condition from the PC (removes the icon and the PC no longer has the condition), but the condition still appears (deselected) under the Effects tab, and remains selected in the conditions tab. If I then re-select it in Effects, it will re-apply the condition. If I re-select it in Conditions, it will do nothing to the PC, but will deselect the condition text in Conditions and remove it completely from Effects.

This doesn't seem to be correct, as it is confusing and inconsistent.

I used to use the older version of this module, under Foundry v10, and that would remove the condition correctly if selected from either the Condition tab or the Effects tab. I presume that is how this should work?

Steps to reproduce

  1. Select a player token
  2. In the Conditions tab, apply a condition (e.g. poisoned). Everything applied correctly
  3. In the Effects tab, deselect the poisoned condition. Poisoned condition correctly removed from the PC but poisoned text remains (deselected) in the Effects tab, and is still selected in the Conditions tab

Foundry v11.302
D.D 5e version v2.2.1
TA HUD Core version v1.4.9
TH HUD 5e version v1.4.5
Browser Chrome 114.0.5735.134 (Official Build) (64-bit)

[BUG] Magic Item spells not showing

There is an issue currently with spells on items from the Magic Items module not showing up in the HUD. This is because the old module seems to no longer be supported, and the new version has been worked on by a new dev and slightly renamed. It used to be "magicitems" and is now "magic-items-2". I have forked this branch and made some changes that seem to fix the issue. Will make a PR for that right after, but wanted to have the bug noted in dev notes.

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