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🛻 LaraDumps is a friendly app designed to boost your Laravel PHP coding and debugging experience.

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License: MIT License

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laradumps's Issues

Laradumps don´t work in Laragon?

Laradumps don´t work in Laragon?

I did several tests and the desktop app cannot detect the log

My .env


Melhorar a visualização de json

Fala Luan, procurei na documentação mas não encontrei nada parecido, tem hora que temos que usar mais de 1 endpoint de uma API utilizando o JSON do endpoint anterior, ao dar um dd no POSTMAN eu consigo pegar o JSON em string e jogar ele para o próximo endpoint, tentei a mesma coisa com o LARADUMPS mas a string se perde de vista ficando em uma só linha, tem algum comando para dar uma especie de beautfy no json para melhor leitura?

OBS, ds($json)->isJson() não serve pois este mostra o json como objeto.

OBS2, muito top o Laradumps, parabéns...

Error running artisan ds:check on my pipeline

I can't run ds:check on my pipeline because composer doesn't include --dev dependencies.

I get the following error: There are no commands defined in the "ds" namespace

Creating another step to include --dev just to check ds:check, remove vendor and re-create without --dev is impracticable and a waste of build time.

So, I suggest to include ds() to the requirements and ignore the function call if production environment, just like Ray. Also a config flag to allow ds() in production would be nice.

LaraDumps For JS Environment

🛻 LaraDumps Feature Request


Extend LaraDumps functionality to support JavaScript/Node.js development environments like Node.js, Vue, React, etc., similar to the Spatie Ray tool

Why is this needed?

LaraDumps is a great tool for debugging and inspecting data in Laravel applications. However, as the web development landscape evolves, more and more applications are built using JavaScript frameworks and libraries like Vue, React, and Node.js. Developers working with these technologies would greatly benefit from having a tool similar to LaraDumps that allows them to easily inspect and debug their code during development.


From 1.6.0 I always have the query display enabled, why? the configuration is right and in the previous version it was fine

Error to connect Homestead and Laradumps

🛻 LaraDumps Bug Report



Have you searched through other issues to see if your problem is already reported or has been fixed?

  • Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Did you read the documentation?

  • Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Have you tried to reconfigure LaraDumps?

To configure LaraDumps, run: php artisan ds:init.

  • Yes - I didn't work.
  • No, I believe this error is not related the configuration.

Software Version

Software Version (exactly)
LaraDumps App 3.2.1
LaraDumps package 3.1.0
Laravel 10.48.10
Operating System Ubuntu 22.04.4

What is your project Environment?

  • Laravel Valet
  • Laravel Sail
  • Docker
  • Laragon
  • Other - please specify: Homestead Virtualbox

Describe the bug

What happened?

I am trying to configure laradump with laravel homestead, I have multiple virtualhost running on homestead with ip, for example http://mylaravel1.test http://mylaravel2.test but none of them can communicate with Laradumps application.
in my /etc/hosts file is configured as follows: http://mylaravel1.test http://mylaravel2.test

I tried to configure in laradumps.yaml the primary_host field with,, and but none of them works.

What is the correct configuration for laravel homestead?

Steps to Reproduce the problem

Install and configure Laravel Homstead with multiple virtualhost, install Laradumps app and Laradumps package


I think a correct configuration wor Laradumps.yaml could correct the problem

Extra information

laradumps.yaml generated by command php artisan ds:init $(pwd)

    secondary_host: host.docker.internal
    port: 9191
    workdir: /var/www/html/
    project_path: /home/vagrant/sagicorwebhook/
    wsl_config: wsl+Ubuntu/
    sleep: 0
    auto_invoke_app: false
    enabled_in_testing: false
    dump: false
    original_dump: true
    queries: false
    slow_queries: false
    mail: false
    logs: false
    http: false
    jobs: false
    commands: false
    scheduled_commands: false
    gate: false
    info: false
    warning: false
    emergency: false
    alert: false
    debug: false
    error: true
    critical: true
    notice: true
    vendor: false
    deprecated_message: false
    threshold_in_ms: 500

Automatic Log Clearing Configuration

🛻 LaraDumps Feature Request


I'm interested in whether there is a feature to automatically clear logs after each request to maintain a clean development environment.

Why is this needed?

During development, logs can quickly accumulate and clutter the logging output, making it difficult to track recent and relevant entries. Having a way to automatically clear logs after each request would help in maintaining a clean log state, improving the readability and manageability of log data.

Suggested Solution(s)

I suggest implementing a configurable option in the LaraDumps settings that allows developers to enable or disable automatic log clearing after each request. This could be a simple boolean configuration in the LaraDumps config file.

Related issue(s)/PR(s)

As of now, I am not aware of any related issues or pull requests. This feature request could serve as a starting point for further discussion and implementation.

Laradumps and WSL2

Hello guys,

how do you run Laradumps with WSL2?

I am using a testproject on WSL2 and run it through php artisan serve but anything is beeing dumped in the app.

Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance

Tests run extremely slowly when Laradumps App is closed and Send Queries is Enabled

Software Version

Software Version (exactly)
LaraDumps App v1.5.1
LaraDumps package v1.7.0
Laravel v8.83.27
Operating System Win 11

What is your project Environment?

  • Other - Running tests from command line

Describe the bug

What happened?

My tests were taking incredibly long to execute. After a long day of debugging, I realised that because events are dispatched synchronously, the test RefreshDatabase trait migrations were triggering "Illuminate\Database\Events\QueryExecuted" events. These in turn would trigger Laradumps to send the queries (DS_SEND_QUERIES=true) to the Laradumps App.

But, since Laradumps was not running, the SendPayload has to timeout on its curl requests 3 times per migration-related query (CREATE TABLE; INSERT INTO migrations; CREATE INDEX). Each table migration was thus taking 2 seconds to execute, cumulatively 60 seconds per test.

Steps to Reproduce the problem

  • Enable DS_SEND_QUERIES=true
  • Close the Laradumps App
  • Run a test using the RefreshDatabase trait

I assume the same problem would occur with DS_SEND_LOGS=true as well.


Improve the developer experience by providing a warning on repeat curl failures.

  • Print out on the console if running a test/command line
  • Notice if running on web (requests also take very long if Laradumps App is closed and DS_SEND_QUERIES=true)
  • Circuit breaker in production
  • Wake up Laradumps App if it is not running (Would be great, but probably not easy to implement)

v3 - Pest tests


Have you searched through other issues to see if your problem is already reported or has been fixed?

  • [X ] Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Did you read the documentation?

  • [ X] Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Have you tried to reconfigure LaraDumps?

To configure LaraDumps, run: php artisan ds:init.

  • [X ] Yes - I didn't work.
  • No, I believe this error is not related the configuration.

Software Version

You can run composer show -i and npm list to list installed package with their versions.

Software Version (exactly)
LaraDumps App v3.0.2
LaraDumps v3.0.0
LaraDumps core v2.0.0
Laravel 10.48.4
Operating System Sonoma 14.4.1

What is your project Environment?

  • Laravel Valet
  • Laravel Sail
  • Docker
  • Laragon
  • [X ] Other - please specify: HERD

Describe the bug

What happened?

After installing v3 is impossible to debug PEST tests even with dd or dump. Also with ds.

Steps to Reproduce the problem

Create a test. For example:

it('test is not dumping', function () {
    dd('no output');

Fire the test: ./vendor/bin/pest.

You will see how the test goes out but without output. Just finishes the test.

Remove the package: composer remove laradumps/laradumps --dev ^3.0 -W. Remove the ds call from test and run again.

it('test is not dumping', function () {
    dd('no output');

Fire the test: ./vendor/bin/pest and you will see your dumps on terminal.

Downgrading to v2 fixed the problem

Suporte ao Livewire

Gostaria de saber se tem previsão e se faz parte do backlog voltar a debugar o Livewire?

Estou parado na versão 1.7.2 por conta do Livewire que é um fator importante pra mim

Blade helper

🛻 LaraDumps Feature Request


A blade helper to replace dd and dump to use Laradumps exclusively for dumping data

Why is this needed?

Summary pretty much explains it.

Suggested Solution(s)

A blade helper to replace dd and dump to use Laradumps exclusively for dumping data

Related issue(s)/PR(s)

Let us know if this is related to any issue/request

Please make a option to disable switching focus to laradumps

🛻 LaraDumps Feature Request


When I run my app, laradumps app focuses to the forefront. Can an option be added to disable it?

Why is this needed?

Laradumps gets focused to the front of other apps

Suggested Solution(s)

Add a option to prevent this from happening.

Related issue(s)/PR(s)

Let us know if this is related to any issue/request

[BUG] dsd(123) renders an array like dump on app



Have you searched through other issues to see if your problem is already reported or has been fixed?

  • Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Did you read the documentation?

  • Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Have you tried to reconfigure LaraDumps?

To configure LaraDumps, run: php artisan ds:init.

  • Yes - I didn't work.
  • No, I believe this error is not related the configuration.

Software Version

You can run composer show -i and npm list to list installed package with their versions.

Software Version (exactly)
LaraDumps App 2.3.3
LaraDumps package 2.2.0
Operating System WSL2 & php-fpm docker

What is your project Environment?

  • Laravel Valet
  • Laravel Sail
  • Docker
  • Laragon
  • Other - please specify: Bagisto

Describe the bug

What happened?

I've treid to test a dump using dsd(123) on Artisan tinker but it printed a dump log as if like an array with a single value "123"

Steps to Reproduce the problem

php artisan tinker
type dsd(123) and enter
see the log output on desktop app

Extra information



🛻 LaraDumps Bug Report

❗ You MUST use this template to submit an issue or it will be CLOSED. ❗

Thank you for reporting a bug and helping us to improve our software!


🐛 We use GitHub Issues EXCLUSIVELY for tracking bugs and unexpected software behavior.

🙏 Questions like "How to...", "how can I...", "I would like to..." should be posted in the LaraDumps Discussions tab.

✍️ Give this report a short but meaningful title. Make it easy to spot for others who might be facing the same issue.

⚠️ Issues that do not describe a bug will be closed.



Have you searched through other issues to see if your problem is already reported or has been fixed?

  • [x ] Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Did you read the documentation?

  • [x ] Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Have you tried to reconfigure LaraDumps?

To configure LaraDumps, run: php artisan ds:init.

  • [x ] Yes - I didn't work.
  • No, I believe this error is not related the configuration.

Software Version

You can run composer show -i and npm list to list installed package with their versions.

Software Version (exactly)
LaraDumps App 1.7.2
LaraDumps package newest
Laravel v9.40.1
Operating System windows 10

What is your project Environment?

  • Laravel Valet
  • Laravel Sail
  • Docker
  • Laragon
  • [ x] Other - please specify: ________Laravel Homestead

Describe the bug

What happened?

I tried multiple addresses in .env but I never received anything when using ds(); on 'welcome' route as in an example. I am using simple Laravel Homestead implementation.

Steps to Reproduce the problem

First click on "FOO" then....


(Do you have any idea how we can fix it?)

Extra information


Broken Installer for Windows 1.50

Describe the bug

What happened?

The latest installer for Windows ver 1.50 has an extraction error during the installation. I downloaded it thrice and had the problem repeat itself. The first time was automated from within Laradumps, the other 2 times were manual browser downloads.

Steps to Reproduce the problem



Re-build the installer

Extra information



essa msg não sai da tela, ja fiz a atualização do package mas agora toda request abre esse modal:

Define project path when using docker

🛻 LaraDumps Feature Request


When clicking a path, it tries to open the file with the docker internal path. It would be nice if we could somehow specify the local project path in, for example, the .env

Why is this needed?

Cannot open file from the desktop app when using docker.

Suggested Solution(s)

Adding a configuration option to set a local project path like:

Or am I missing something?

Suporte ao PHP 7.3

Primeiro quero parabenizá-los pelo projeto, está muito bom, mas muito bom mesmo.
Queria muito usar a ferramenta mas por N motivos preciso usar o PHP 7.3 e a versão atual da ferramenta necessita do PHP 8.
Para usar fiz um fork do repositório aqui e estou usando aqui no meu projeto laravel. Falei com o Tio Jobs via coments do Youtube sobre isso.
Não sei se pretendem manter uma versão com suporte a versões anteriores ao PHP8 mas fica a minha contribuição.
Se desejarem manter uma tag para, por exemplo, faço um pr no repositório do que tenho aqui :)

Segue uma imagem dessa maravilha rodando

[BUG] Upgrade V3 huge slowdown in tests execution


Have you searched through other issues to see if your problem is already reported or has been fixed?

  • Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Did you read the documentation?

  • Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Have you tried to reconfigure LaraDumps?

To configure LaraDumps, run: php artisan ds:init.

  • Yes - I didn't work.
  • No, I believe this error is not related the configuration.

Software Version

You can run composer show -i and npm list to list installed package with their versions.

Software Version (exactly)
LaraDumps App 3.0.2
LaraDumps package v3.0.0
Laravel v10.48.4
Operating System Macbook Pro M1 Sonoma 14.3

What is your project Environment?

  • Laravel Valet
  • Laravel Sail
  • Docker
  • Laragon
  • Other - please specify:
    Github Action CI: debian:11 (php-8.2-fpm)
    Local: php:8.2-fpm-alpine

Describe the bug

What happened?

We've decided to use Laradump rather than Laravel Ray at work, and we're very happy with it. A little problem: I upgraded the package (dev) to V3 on our API, no problem locally, but our CI (tests) went from 10mn to 35mn. I tried to identify the source, but nothing could be done. I also noticed this latency in local, I've had to downgrade it for now.

Steps to Reproduce the problem

  • Prepare some huge tests
  • Run your tests (observe time)
  • Upgrade to V3
  • Run your tests (observe time)


  • Not sure, I have the impression that the ones most affected are feature tests with http requests.

EDIT: Not really good long term solution, but for the moment we remove the package in our CI

Extra information

Sorry, it's private information, I can't give more detail...

After the upgrade

After the revert

Send Queries to defined screen

🛻 LaraDumps Feature Request


It would be really nice to send the queries to a defined sreen.

Why is this needed?

It would help to organize the output of the queries.

Suggested Solution(s)

ds()->toScreen('LaraDumps')->queriesOn('Check user query');

Related issue(s)/PR(s)

Queries are always sent to "screen 1".

There are no commands defined in the "ds" namespace

I installed laradumps by composer on my laravel project and installed windows app on my system. then i ran "php artisan ds:init" but this message back to me:
ERROR There are no commands defined in the "ds" namespace.
how can I fix that? please guide me.

[BUG] Permission denied

🛻 LaraDumps Bug Report

❗ You MUST use this template to submit an issue or it will be CLOSED. ❗

Thank you for reporting a bug and helping us to improve our software!


🐛 We use GitHub Issues EXCLUSIVELY for tracking bugs and unexpected software behavior.

🙏 Questions like "How to...", "how can I...", "I would like to..." should be posted in the LaraDumps Discussions tab.

✍️ Give this report a short but meaningful title. Make it easy to spot for others who might be facing the same issue.

⚠️ Issues that do not describe a bug will be closed.



Have you searched through other issues to see if your problem is already reported or has been fixed?

  • [X ] Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Did you read the documentation?

  • [ X] Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Have you tried to reconfigure LaraDumps?

To configure LaraDumps, run: php artisan ds:init.

  • Yes - I didn't work.
  • [ X] No, I believe this error is not related the configuration.

Software Version

You can run composer show -i and npm list to list installed package with their versions.

Software Version (exactly)
LaraDumps App 1.7.2
LaraDumps package 1.11.1
Laravel 10.9.0
Operating System Windows 11 x64

What is your project Environment?

  • Laravel Valet
  • Laravel Sail
  • Docker
  • Laragon
  • [X ] Other - please specify: PHP CLI

Describe the bug

What happened?

I'm having an error whenever I try to do any action related to laradumps, in a Laravel project:

In LaraDumpsServiceProvider.php line 52:

require_once(<path to my project>\vendor\laradumps\laradumps\src./functions.php): Failed to open stream: Permission denied

Steps to Reproduce the problem

Install the package in a Laravel app.


Extra information


[BUG] Trait "LaraDumps\LaraDumpsCore\Concerns\Traceable" not found

🛻 LaraDumps Bug Report



Have you searched through other issues to see if your problem is already reported or has been fixed?

  • Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Did you read the documentation?

  • Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Have you tried to reconfigure LaraDumps?

To configure LaraDumps, run: php artisan ds:init.

  • Yes - I didn't work. I received the same error
  • No, I believe this error is not related the configuration.

Software Version

You can run composer show -i and npm list to list installed package with their versions.

Software Version (exactly)
LaraDumps App 2.4.3
LaraDumps package v2.3.1
Laravel 9.52.16
Operating System MacOS

What is your project Environment?

  • Laravel Valet
  • Laravel Sail
  • Docker
  • Laragon
  • Other - please specify: ________

Describe the bug

What happened?

I received "Trait "LaraDumps\LaraDumpsCore\Concerns\Traceable" not found" when trying to install LaraDumps. How to fix this?

Extra information


Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 5 15 25 PM

[BUG]Click on the Filename Lines No. refresh the laradumps windows

🛻 LaraDumps Bug Report

❗ You MUST use this template to submit an issue or it will be CLOSED. ❗

Thank you for reporting a bug and helping us to improve our software!


🐛 We use GitHub Issues EXCLUSIVELY for tracking bugs and unexpected software behavior.

🙏 Questions like "How to...", "how can I...", "I would like to..." should be posted in the LaraDumps Discussions tab.

✍️ Give this report a short but meaningful title. Make it easy to spot for others who might be facing the same issue.

⚠️ Issues that do not describe a bug will be closed.



Have you searched through other issues to see if your problem is already reported or has been fixed?

  • Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Did you read the documentation?

  • Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Have you tried to reconfigure LaraDumps?

To configure LaraDumps, run: php artisan ds:init.

  • Yes - I didn't work.
  • No, I believe this error is not related the configuration.

Software Version

You can run composer show -i and npm list to list installed package with their versions.

Software Version (exactly)
LaraDumps App v2.1.0
LaraDumps package v.2.1.0
Laravel v10.14.1
Operating System macOS v13.4 (22F66)

What is your project Environment?

  • Laravel Valet
  • Laravel Sail
  • Docker
  • Laragon
  • Other - please specify: ________

Describe the bug

When I click on the Filename Lines No. refresh the laradumps windows. Previous logs all gone.

What happened?

I did click the filename:line_no expecting Go to Phpstorm as a result. However, I received the laradumps windows refresh.

Steps to Reproduce the problem

First click on "filename:line" then it happen


No idea

Extra information


This is the output when I runvendor/bin/laradumps configure


When I click Save. It show

[BUG] Erro ao rodar o configure

Erro na atualização do laradumps quando tento rodar o configure parece que não esta identificando o APP como aberto e não prossegue a configuração


[BUG] Empty values are not being displayed

Have you searched through other issues to see if your problem is already reported or has been fixed?

  • Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Did you read the documentation?

  • Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Have you tried to reconfigure LaraDumps?

To configure LaraDumps, run: php artisan ds:init.

  • Yes - I didn't work.
  • No, I believe this error is not related the configuration.

What is your project Environment?

  • Laravel Valet
  • Laravel Sail
  • Docker
  • Laragon
  • Other - please specify: ________

Describe the bug

What happened?

Null and "empty" values are not displayed on Laradumps

Steps to Reproduce the problem


Cmd+Shift+X is used in vscode to open extensions and it gets hijacked by Laradumps

🛻 LaraDumps Feature Request


Cmd+Shift+X is used in vscode to open extensions and it gets hijacked by Laradumps.

Brief description of what is at stake.

Can't open extensions with default hotkey

Why is this needed?

A clear and concise description of the problem.

Suggested Solution(s)

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Related issue(s)/PR(s)

Let us know if this is related to any issue/request

Só vim elogiar! PERFEITO!

Caraca que massa isso que vocês fizeram, eu tava atraz de algo assim, eu não consegui colocar o xdebug, isso facilitou minha vida! parabéns a todos envolvidos!

[BUG] Mailable dump with raw data fails

🛻 LaraDumps Bug Report



Have you searched through other issues to see if your problem is already reported or has been fixed?

  • [ X] Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Did you read the documentation?

  • [X ] Yes - I did not find it.
  • No

Have you tried to reconfigure LaraDumps?

To configure LaraDumps, run: vendor/bin/laradumps configure.

  • [ X] Yes - I didn't work.
  • No, I believe this error is not related the configuration.

Software Version

You can run composer show -i and npm list to list installed package with their versions.

Software Version (exactly)
LaraDumps App v2.1.0
LaraDumps package v2.1.0
LaraDumps core v0.2.0
Laravel 9.52.10
Operating System MAC

What is your project Environment?

  • [X ] Laravel Valet
  • Laravel Sail
  • Docker
  • Laragon
  • Other - please specify: ________

Describe the bug

What happened?

When sending and email with Raw data throws an error on laradump:

ERROR  Call to a member function getPath() on string in vendor/laradumps/laradumps/src/Payloads/MailPayload.php on line 36.

Steps to Reproduce the problem

Create a Mailable and add an attachment using fromData. For example:

public function attachments()
    return [
        Attachment::fromData(fn () => $this->csv, 'export.csv')


Change the MailPayload class to handle raw data,

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