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kiwi's Issues

Inconsistent instance variable specification in KWExampleGroup.m

I just added Kiwi to a project, created a sample spec, and tried to run the tests. The build failed with the following error:

"Inconsistent instance variable specification"

The problem is happening in this code:

@implementation KWExampleGroup { NSArray *contextNodeStack; id<KWExampleNode> exampleNode; BOOL passed; }

What can I do to resolve this? I'm using Xcode 4.1 with iOS SDK 4.3 and the LLVM GCC 4.2 compiler.

Split Kiwi into Kiwi-Core, Kiwi-iOS and Kiwi-Cocoa

I'd like to move towards a structure similar to the RSpec project, with a core version that depends on nothing but Foundation, a Kiwi-iOS package that adds UIKit support (and eventually some nice UIKit-specific matchers?) and the same for Cocoa.

'shouldNot' should handle nil subjects in some cases

In some cases, it makes sense for Kiwi to handle a nil subject. Here's an example:

[[ shouldNot] equal:baz];

If foo is nil and baz is not nil, this should pass. When I ran this and foo was nil, I received the error message: "expected subject not to be nil."

Kiwi Specs don't run if the filename contains a +

I was testing a category method, and I had named my class something like UIColor+MyAdditionsSpec.m. The file was not picked up by the test runner.

I'm not sure if this is a bug in Xcode 4.2 , SenTestingKit, or Kiwi, unfortunately.

Removing the + character from the spec filename made it work again.

Stubs in different it() blocks should be independent.

When I comment out the first describe block, I don't get any errors. Weird.

Errors on lines 33 & 34, 65 & 68, respectively:

file://localhost/Users/matt/Projects/My/MySDK/MySpecs/MyClientSpecs.m: error: runSpec (MyClientSpecs) failed: "MyClient -viewControllerWithTransaction:forceWeb: sets the returned MyViewController's transactionURL" FAILED, expected subject to be identical to (0x867d080), got,mattdipasquale (0x867d6e0)

file://localhost/Users/matt/Projects/My/MySDK/MySpecs/MyClientSpecs.m: error: runSpec (MyClientSpecs) failed: "MyClient -viewControllerWithTransaction:forceWeb: sets the returned MyViewController's transactionURL" FAILED, expected subject to receive -safariURLWithPath: exactly 1 time, but received it 0 times

file://localhost/Users/matt/Projects/My/MySDK/MySpecs/MyClientSpecs.m: error: runSpec (MyClientSpecs) failed: "MyClient -viewControllerWithTransaction:forceWeb: sets the returned MyViewController's transactionURL" FAILED, expected subject to be identical to (0x867d080), got,mattdipasquale (0x867d6e0)

file://localhost/Users/matt/Projects/My/MySDK/MySpecs/MyClientSpecs.m: error: runSpec (MyClientSpecs) failed: "MyClient -viewControllerWithTransaction:forceWeb: sets the returned MyViewController's transactionURL" FAILED, expected subject to receive -safariURLWithPath: exactly 1 time, but received it 0 times

__block MyClient *client;
__block NSString *URLPath;
__block MyTransaction *transaction;

    client = [[MyClient alloc] initWithAppId:@"your_app_id" secret:@"your_app_secret"];
    URLPath = @"/?key=value";
    transaction = [[MyTransaction alloc] init];
    transaction.type = MyTransactionTypePay;
    transaction.amount = 3.45f;
    transaction.note = @"hello world";
    transaction.recipients = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"dudeyo", @"mattdipasquale", nil];

describe(@"-viewControllerWithTransaction:", ^{
    it(@"calls -viewControllerWithTransaction:forceWeb:NO", ^{
        [[client should] receive:@selector(viewControllerWithTransaction:forceWeb:)
                   withArguments:transaction, theValue(NO)];
        [client viewControllerWithTransaction:transaction];

describe(@"-viewControllerWithTransaction:forceWeb:", ^{
    __block UIApplication *app;

        app = [UIApplication sharedApplication];

    context(@"forceWeb:NO", ^{
        it(@"checks if app canOpenURL:transactionURL", ^{
            NSURL *myURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
            [[client should] receive:@selector(myURLWithPath:) andReturn:myURL];
            [[app should] receive:@selector(canOpenURL:) withArguments:myURL];
            [client viewControllerWithTransaction:transaction forceWeb:NO];

        it(@"returns nil if canOpenURL:transactionURL", ^{
            [[app should] receive:@selector(canOpenURL:) andReturn:theValue(YES)];
            [[app should] receive:@selector(openURL:)];            
            [[client viewControllerWithTransaction:transaction forceWeb:NO] shouldBeNil];

        it(@"returns a new MyViewController if not canOpenURL:transactionURL", ^{
            [[app should] receive:@selector(canOpenURL:) andReturn:theValue(NO)];
            [[[client viewControllerWithTransaction:transaction forceWeb:NO] should]
             beKindOfClass:[MyViewController class]];

    context(@"forceWeb:YES", ^{
        it(@"bypasses canOpenURL:transactionURL check", ^{
            [[app shouldNot] receive:@selector(canOpenURL:)];
            [client viewControllerWithTransaction:transaction forceWeb:YES];

        it(@"always returns a new MyViewController", ^{
            [[[client viewControllerWithTransaction:transaction forceWeb:YES] should]
             beKindOfClass:[MyViewController class]];

    it(@"sets the returned MyViewController's transactionURL", ^{
        NSURL *safariURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
        [[client should] receive:@selector(safariURLWithPath:) andReturn:safariURL];
        MyViewController *myController = [client viewControllerWithTransaction:transaction
        [[myController.transactionURL should] beIdenticalTo:safariURL];

Proper SenTestObserver log output

Please provide proper test log output (expect a pull request if I come around to it) where every example gets its own log string, regardless of success or failure. Currently, only failures are reported.

should receive with arguments passed by reference?

I tried to do should receive with arguments and one of the arguments is &error. I even wrapped it in theValue(), and that still didn't work.

The error just said something like, "expected blah blah 1 time, but received it 0 times." It'd be nice if Kiwi showed you what it did receive (even if it received the same message with different arguments).

Problem with [[theObject(..) shouldEventually] beNonNil]

Hello, I'm testing my code that publishes a new object to the server with RestKit and expects that a serverID should be assigned in the background. Each objects starts with serverID == 0 and I'm checking that after a call to publish serverID was assigned a non-zero value.

it(@"should be able to retrieve previously saved objects from server", ^{ = @"Retrieved from server";
    NSManagedObjectID *newTripID = [newTrip objectID];
    [newTrip save];
    NSUInteger originalServerID = [newTrip.serverID intValue];
    [[theValue(originalServerID) should] equal:theValue(0)];

    // Publishing newTrip to the server; an assigment to newTrip.serverID should happen in the
    // background but will not be propagated to current NSManagedObjectContext
    [newTrip publish];

    // Wait till we get a server id from server
    __block Trip* serverTrip = nil;
                   dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0), ^{
                       NSManagedObjectContext *newContext = getContext();
                       serverTrip = (Trip *)[newContext objectWithID:newTripID];
    [[theObject(&serverTrip) shouldEventually] beNonNil];
    NSUInteger tripServerID = [[serverTrip serverID] intValue];
    NSLog(@"Got server id for server trip: %u %@", tripServerID, serverTrip);
    [[theValue(tripServerID) should] beGreaterThan:theValue(0)];

    // Now that we have a Server ID, we can post a new request
    __block Trip* anotherServerTrip = nil;
    loadRequestAtPath([NSString stringWithFormat:@"/trip/%u",tripServerID],
                      ^(id result, NSError *error) {
        anotherServerTrip = (Trip *)result;
    [[theObject(&anotherServerTrip) shouldEventually] beNonNil];
    [[anotherServerTrip.serverID should] equal:theValue(tripServerID)];
    [[ should] equal:[newTrip name]];

My problem is that Kiwi fails on both of the [[theObject(..) shouldEventually] beNonNil] calls, while the consecutive tests succeed and NSLog confirms that serverTrip object is in fact not nil:

2011-09-20 14:32:31.730 TripPlanner iPhone[91803:11c03] Got server id for server trip: 35 <Trip: 0x71427b0> (entity: Trip; id: 0x74c4d40 <x-coredata://B2A3F8CC-0F1B-49A9-A9B8-C8195CAE063E/Trip/p144> ; data: {
    name = "Retrieved from server";
    picture = nil;
    pointsOfInterest = "<relationship fault: 0xbc93c30 'pointsOfInterest'>";
    serverID = 35;
    timeStamp = nil;

I could be missing something simple, as I tried to get the correct shouldEventually usage from the Examples, but it looks like some kind of Kiwi-related issue to me.

I'm on Xcode 4.2 / iOS 5.0 b7 if that matters, and I've added Kiwi as a static library following guidance in #42.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

rspec -c -f doc

Is it possible to enable --format doc to output even tests that pass? and -c to print them in color?

warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame.

Sometimes when using -receive:andReturn:, I get warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame., and I have to press Command-. to stop the test.


// warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame.
specify(@"base64DecodedString", ^{
    NSString *string = @"hello world";
    NSData *data = [@"hellow world" dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
    [[string should] receive:@selector(base64DecodedData) andReturn:data];
    [[[string base64DecodedString] should] equal:@"hello world"];


@implementation NSString (VenmoBase64)

- (NSString *)base64DecodedString {
    return [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[self base64DecodedData] encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];

- (NSData *)base64DecodedData {
    const char *string = [self cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
    NSInteger inputLength = self.length;

    if (string == NULL/* || inputLength % 4 != 0*/) {
        return nil;

    while (inputLength > 0 && string[inputLength - 1] == '=') {

    NSInteger outputLength = inputLength * 3 / 4;
    NSMutableData* data = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:outputLength];
    uint8_t *output = data.mutableBytes;

    NSInteger inputPoint = 0;
    NSInteger outputPoint = 0;
    while (inputPoint < inputLength) {
        char i0 = string[inputPoint++];
        char i1 = string[inputPoint++];
        char i2 = inputPoint < inputLength ? string[inputPoint++] : 'A'; /* 'A' will decode to \0 */
        char i3 = inputPoint < inputLength ? string[inputPoint++] : 'A';

        output[outputPoint++] = (_base64DecodingTable[i0] << 2) | (_base64DecodingTable[i1] >> 4);
        if (outputPoint < outputLength) {
            output[outputPoint++] = ((_base64DecodingTable[i1] & 0xf) << 4) | (_base64DecodingTable[i2] >> 2);
        if (outputPoint < outputLength) {
            output[outputPoint++] = ((_base64DecodingTable[i2] & 0x3) << 6) | _base64DecodingTable[i3];

    return data;


Spec-wide variables.

Is there any way to create instance variables inside the SPEC_BEGIN block? From the look of the macro, it looks like there isn't, but the beforeAll methods would imply that there must be such a way. Or must I forego the SPEC_BEGIN block and do an actual class declaration?

Core Data Stack in iOS Sim

Anyone have a demo of a functioning core data stack running on kiwi? For whatever reason, attempting this with the iOS Simulator confuses the hell out of the directory paths when it tries to put a persistent store in the appropriate app folder. Can't tell if this is specific to Kiwi yet, the debugging process is inconclusive so far. thought I'd see if anyone has a working rig already.

Unbeknownst to @MattDiPasquale, he helped me with this from a post on StackOverflow, suggesting folks use NSLibraryDirectory instead of NSDocumentDirectory. This worked like a charm. However, I'll be damned if I can figure out where he has a switch for that in CocoaPlant's specs ... To me it looks like it doesn't ever try to create a persistent store in the library directory at all, and it just works ... weird.

Add the ability to stub methods in the AppDelegate

I'd like to be able to stub methods in the AppDelegate.

I'm attempting to stub a method in the AppDelegate like this:

[FooAppDelegate stub:@selector(bar)];

And it's failing with the following message:

"cannot stub -bar because no such method exists"

I've triple-checked, and -bar most definitely does exist.

To do or not yet implemented

I apologize if this isn't clearly expressed but ...

I don't know if this exists yet and I just don't see how to do it, but it would be nice to have a way to indicate a test and the corresponding functionality has not yet been implemented.

When I use Kiwi I often will stub out several it's at once and then go back and write each test and make them pass. But while I'm first approaching a new feature I might think of many things that I want to be true in a particular context.

I don't know the syntax but something like

    it(@"should default to the system sounds folder", ^{
        [self todo];

And this would count as an unimplemented test and not be reflected in the pass or fail but probably still in the total.

Tests don't run on Xcode 4.1 (OS X Lion)

I'm getting a bunch of errors in runtime.h like the following when I try to run my unit tests (which include Kiwi) on Xcode 4.1 on OS X Lion. The tests ran fine on previous versions of Xcode and even work on the Xcode 4.2 Developer Preview. Here's one of the errors I'm seeing:

/usr/include/objc/runtime.h:86: error: expected declaration specifiers before 'OBJC_ARC_UNAVAILABLE'

There are a whole lot more - 590 errors in my project. Below are some more examples - I'm not sure of the best way to report this.

/usr/include/objc/runtime.h:89: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'OBJC_ARC_UNAVAILABLE'

/usr/include/objc/runtime.h:92: error: storage class specified for parameter 'object_getClass'

/Users/josh/Code/goodmeasures/iphone/Kiwi/Kiwi/KWFormatter.h:9: error: expected declaration specifiers before 'interface'

I should also mention that I created a new project with Xcode 4.1 that included unit tests (but no Kiwi) and the tests ran fine.

Merge Kiwi & Cedar

cd ~/Projects/iOS/Kiwi
git merge pivotal/Cedar master


Seriously though. Have you heard of Cedar?

Looks like both Cedar & Kiwi share a common interest: Bringing RSpec to Objective-C.

Is it possible we could join forces? Take the best of both worlds?


stub return value with NSNumber causes SIGKILL

I'm not sure if I'm doing it right but I'm trying to stub an NSNumber property on a core data object.

Here's my test example:

   it(@"should say 1 / ? with 1 point", ^{
            mockCard = [KWMock nullMockForClass:[Card class]];
            [mockCard stub:@selector(points) andReturn:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1]];
            controller.card = mockCard;
            [[controller.lblCount.text should] equal:@"1 / ?"];     

And my source code:

 -(void)setCard:(Card *)aCard{
     if ([card.points intValue] == 1) {
          lblCount.text = @"1 / ?";

Running this causes a SIGKIL error in the writeObjectValueToInvocationReturnValue method.

Am I missing something?

Getting started questions

Step 2 of setup says to change the compiler from GCC to:
LLVM compiler 1.x

It seems that these instructions may be slightly outdated because they seem to be for XCode 3, and also, LLVM compiler 2.0 is now the option... So, I'm wondering... what about LLVM GCC 4.2? That's what Xcode 4 had preselected. Is that good now? Maybe for Xcode 4, we should keep LLVM GCC 4.2? Or, should we still change it to LLVM compiler 2.0?

Line references inside block

When something goes wrong, I get a line reference to the start of the block. It'd be nice to get a line reference to the actual line of code within the block.

Improve Test Fail Message

When I test:

[[userId should] equal:[request objectForKey:@"user_id"]];

I get:

"VenmoClient -decodeSignedRequest: " FAILED, expected subject to equal (null), got "514417"

But, when I test:

[[[request objectForKey:@"user_id"] should] equal:userId];

I get:

failed: "VenmoClient -decodeSignedRequest: " FAILED, expected subject not to be nil

In the second case (where subject is nil), Kiwi should give a similar error to the first case so that I know what the subject was expected to equal.

Also, there's an extra space after -decodeSignedRequest:.

Kiwi is dope as S#*T!!!

Kiwi is too good.

Yes, that's the issue...

No, the issue is... why doesn't anyone know about this lib!?

What are you doing hiding this from everyone, sir? :P

Let's tell the world!


P.S. I just spent a few hours mocking (Yes, I mocked alloc, :)), stubbing, expecting... Wow... It's awesome! A breeze to set up. Man...

Thank you.

Keep it up! :)

Thread halts on [[UILabel alloc] init]

I added a UILabel to one of my views and although it worked in the iPhone simulator it blew up in kiwi halting the thread. It happened on the line:

UILabel *label = [[[UILabel alloc] init] autorelease];

I narrowed it down to the init, as [UILabel alloc] did not cause the app to crash.

Is this a bug in kiwi or is there something I've failed to load? As far as I know it did not crash on init of other UIKit objects.


How do I stub dynamic properties?

In my NSManagedObject subclasses, I typically declare @properties from the header as @dynamic in the implementation. I've tried stubbing these properties with Kiwi, but it just crashes, so it would seem as though stubbing dynamic properties is not supported. Is there any way to stub them?

speccing code inside a dispatch_async block?

When I run my spec for the method that calls the dispatch_async block, any expectation I have set on the code inside that dispatch_async block is never met. This makes sense, since it is spun off on to a background thread, but I am wondering how to spec code like this?

something like:

      dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
           NSInteger result = [self.object bigLongTask]; 
           dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                [self.delegate messenger:self completedWithResult:result];

// spec
describe(@"-foo", ^{
    it(@"informs the delegate when complete", ^{
        id delegateMock = [KWMock mockForProtocol:@protocol(MessengerDelegate)];
        [[messenger should] receive:@selector(delegate) andReturn:delegateMock];
       [[delegateMock should] receive:@selector(messenger:completedWithResult:)];
       [messenger foo];

This is a simple example, but I still want to have test coverage. Any ideas?


Luke, do you have a preference for where the website is located? I would like feedback on whether to move it to github, or simply to get rid of the page altogether and use the wiki on github for all documentation. This would also make it easier for everyone involved to edit it, including updating it with contributors and status. If you would prefer, I can look into setting up access for you on dream host where the actual site is located too. (

Let me know what you think, and anyone else can chime in as well.

Possible to define tests at runtime?

Say that I had a file with a bunch of test data in it (inputs and expected results). Something like the test vectors for SHA1, or, say, Is it possible to write something like:

context(@"file test cases", ^{
  for( id input in [testData inputs] ) {
    it([NSString stringWithFormat:@"should process %@", input], ^{
      // ...

My quick test suggests that it's not (I never see these tests in the logs), and the mentions of "callsite" in the macro definitions for context and it make me kind of think it's not expecting to find these in a loop.

Warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame

Given the implementation below:

// NSMutableDictionary+Additions.h

@interface NSMutableDictionary (Additions)

- (void)setOrRemoveObject:(id)anObject forKey:(id)aKey;


// NSMutableDictionary+Additions.m
#import "NSMutableDictionary+Additions.h"

@implementation NSMutableDictionary (Additions)

- (void)setOrRemoveObject:(id)anObject forKey:(id)aKey {
    if (anObject) {
        [self setObject:anObject forKey:aKey];
    } else {
        [self removeObjectForKey:aKey];


When I run the following spec:

// NSMutableDictionary+AdditionsSpec.m
#import "NSMutableDictionary+Additions.h"
#import "Kiwi.h"


describe(@"NSMutableDictionary+Additions", ^{
    describe(@"-setOrRemoveObject", ^{
        __block NSMutableDictionary *aDict = nil;

            aDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:@"object", @"key", nil];

            [aDict release];

        it(@"sets object if not nil", ^{
            id anObject = @"non-nil object";
            id aKey = @"non-nil key";
            [[aDict should] receive:@selector(setObject:forKey:) withArguments:anObject, aKey];
            [aDict setOrRemoveObject:anObject forKey:aKey];


Then, I get Warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame
And, the test execution hangs & loops and my computer over-heats until I stop them from running.

I initially tried to make aDict a mock, but I was getting an error like setOrRemoveObject:forKey called but not expected, and I didn't feel like setting that expectation explicitly, but maybe I'll go back and do that instead. What do you recommend I do here?

Drop Xc < 4

Do you think it makes sense to drop support for Xc3.x? Seems like most people have moved on to 4, which has test runners set up differently, so the reference to the 'on device' testing in the project and KiwiDriver project don't make sense anymore.

All beforeAll() calls are called before every "it"block no matter which context it was defined in

According to the documentation beforeAll is "is run once before all the inner contexts and it blocks of the context it is in". However, it appears to be running all beforeAll blocks before every "it" block no matter which context it is in. The following code produces the output shown.


describe(@"Testing", ^{  
        NSLog(@"Running before all 1"); 

    it(@"example 1", ^{
        NSLog(@"Running example 1");

    context(@"Context 1", ^{
            NSLog(@"Running before all 1.1"); 

        it(@"example 2", ^{
            NSLog(@"Running example 1.1");

        context(@"Context 1.1", ^{            
                NSLog(@"Running before all 1.1.1"); 

            it(@"example 3", ^{
                NSLog(@"Running example 1.1.1");

            context(@"Context 1.1.1", ^{
                it(@"example 4", ^{
                    NSLog(@"Running example");

    context(@"Context 2", ^{
            NSLog(@"Running before all 2"); 

        it(@"example 2", ^{
            NSLog(@"Running example 2");

        context(@"Context 2.1", ^{            
                NSLog(@"Running before all 2.1"); 

            it(@"example 3", ^{
                NSLog(@"Running example 2.1.1");

            context(@"Context 2.1.1", ^{
                it(@"example 4", ^{
                    NSLog(@"Running example");



Test Suite 'TestSpec' started at 2011-10-15 04:56:19 +0000
Test Case '-[TestSpec example]' started.
2011-10-14 21:56:19.748 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.749 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running example 1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.749 MyTestApp[42950:207] + 'Testing example 1' [PASSED]
2011-10-14 21:56:19.750 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.758 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1.1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.759 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 2
2011-10-14 21:56:19.760 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 2.1
Test Case '-[TestSpec example]' passed (0.012 seconds).
Test Case '-[TestSpec example]' started.
2011-10-14 21:56:19.761 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.761 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.762 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running example 1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.762 MyTestApp[42950:207] + 'Testing In Context 1 example 2' [PASSED]
2011-10-14 21:56:19.763 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1.1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.763 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 2
2011-10-14 21:56:19.764 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 2.1
Test Case '-[TestSpec example]' passed (0.004 seconds).
Test Case '-[TestSpec example]' started.
2011-10-14 21:56:19.765 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.796 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.797 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1.1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.798 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running example 1.1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.799 MyTestApp[42950:207] + 'Testing In Context 1 Context 1.1 example 3' [PASSED]
2011-10-14 21:56:19.800 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 2
2011-10-14 21:56:19.800 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 2.1
Test Case '-[TestSpec example]' passed (0.036 seconds).
Test Case '-[TestSpec example]' started.
2011-10-14 21:56:19.801 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.802 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.803 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1.1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.803 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running example
2011-10-14 21:56:19.804 MyTestApp[42950:207] + 'Testing In Context 1 Context 1.1 Context 1.1.1 example 4' [PASSED]
2011-10-14 21:56:19.805 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 2
2011-10-14 21:56:19.818 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 2.1
Test Case '-[TestSpec example]' passed (0.018 seconds).
Test Case '-[TestSpec example]' started.
2011-10-14 21:56:19.819 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.820 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.821 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1.1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.822 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 2
2011-10-14 21:56:19.822 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running example 2
2011-10-14 21:56:19.823 MyTestApp[42950:207] + 'Testing In Context 2 example 2' [PASSED]
2011-10-14 21:56:19.824 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 2.1
Test Case '-[TestSpec example]' passed (0.005 seconds).
Test Case '-[TestSpec example]' started.
2011-10-14 21:56:19.824 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.825 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.826 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1.1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.826 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 2
2011-10-14 21:56:19.827 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 2.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.827 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running example 2.1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.828 MyTestApp[42950:207] + 'Testing In Context 2 Context 2.1 example 3' [PASSED]
Test Case '-[TestSpec example]' passed (0.005 seconds).
Test Case '-[TestSpec example]' started.
2011-10-14 21:56:19.829 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.830 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.830 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 1.1.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.831 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 2
2011-10-14 21:56:19.831 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running before all 2.1
2011-10-14 21:56:19.832 MyTestApp[42950:207] Running example
2011-10-14 21:56:19.832 MyTestApp[42950:207] + 'Testing In Context 2 Context 2.1 Context 2.1.1 example 4' [PASSED]
Test Case '-[TestSpec example]' passed (0.005 seconds).
Test Suite 'TestSpec' finished at 2011-10-15 04:56:19 +0000.
Executed 7 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.086 (0.086) seconds

How would I mock a network response like Artifice does?

Have you seen Artifice? It's so cool.


I think we could make something similar using objective-c categories. Although, I'm not sure. It may take more trickery and changing some of the implementation details.

Anyway, how should I mock network stuff for NSURLConnection. Also, I'm working on a project that uses ASIHTTP. Although I prefer NSURLConnection, I'd still like to know how to mock ASIHTTP responses as well.

numbers are hard to compare

If I do something like this:

// controller has "NSInteger offset;"
[[[controller valueForKey: @"offset"] should] equal: theValue(3)];

This fails because the returned offset is wrapped in an NSNumber, not in theValue. I have to do:

[[[controller valueForKey: @"offset"] should] equal: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 3]];

It would be better if it worked like this:

[[[controller valueForKey: @"offset"] should] equal: theValue(3)];  // -> returns true
[[[controller valueForKey: @"offset"] should] equalValue: 3];  // -> less to type

It would be great if this matcher worked for theValue's too:

[[theValue(controller.offset) should] equalValue: 3];

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