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ES2015 [ES6] cheatsheet containing tips, tricks, best practices and code snippets

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es6-cheatsheet's Introduction


A cheatsheet containing ES2015 [ES6] tips, tricks, best practices and code snippet examples for your day to day workflow. Contributions are welcome!

Table of Contents

Initalization and Execution

There are 2 stages that Javascript code goes through when it is run. Initalization and execution. When code inside of a specific scope (Any {} block), it goes through both stages sequentially. This could be a recursive process, as during execution of a block of code, another initalization might occur for nested code.


When code inside a {} is run, JavaScript will perform memory allocation. Variables will be initalized to undefined until they hit a line of code that sets that variable's value.


The code is executed. Variables within a closure ({}) will have their references determine based on what each variable is set to in it's closest lexical scope. Eg; if a variable is not explicitly defined in this scope, we check it's outerscope for any definitions of that same variable.

Any variable defined with var within a nested block of code will be initalized based on it's function scope instead of it's lexical scope. This can lead to unexpected behaviour with regards to scoping, as highlighted here:

    const a = 5;
        // a is not explicitly defined in this scope. Hence, this references a in the outer scope
        // logs 5

    const a = 5;
        // Scope B
        // Due to the let statement within Scope B, when Scope B is initalized, memory for variable a is assigned and set to undefined
        // logs undefined
        let a = 3;

    // Scope A
    const a = 5;
        // Scope B
        // The let statement in Scope C does not initalize the memory for nested variable a until scope C is initalized
        // Hence, this references a in the outer scope
        // logs 5
            // Scope C            
            // Same concept as before, when Scope C is initalized, memory for variable a is assigned and set to undefined
            // logs undefined
            let a = 3;

    // Scope A
    const a = 5;
        // Scope B
        // Due to the var (not let) statement in scope C, when scope B is initalized, memory for variable a is assigned and set to undefined
        // logs undefined
            // Scope C
            var a = 3;

Prototypal inheritance

JavaScript makes use of Prototypal inheritance, rather than Classical inheritance.

When searching for Object attributes, it checks if they are on the current object. If not, they check it's prototype. If it's not there, JavaScript keeps going up the prototype chain

this value

When a function is called, this is set to the value of the object that this function was an attribute of. This is set to be the value of the object this executable code is a part of.

`, ...args)` - set this to thisValue and call the function with args
`func.bind(thisValue)` - set this to thisValue (The first call of bind takes precedence)

Arrow functions set the value of this to match the outer lexical value of this and cannot be changed using .call() or .bind()

Basic logic constructs


if(a === 1){
    // code
    // code


  // code
  break // Break out of the loop and continue code execution
  continue // Go back to the condition


Standard loop - (initalize, condition, increment)

for(let i = 0; i<10; i++){
  // code executes 10 times

Note: When you have a loop with a let i and the code inside updates the value of i, the time i is updated will only sometimes affect the value of i in future iterations. when i is updated before the loop ends, the value of future iterations of i will be affected. When i is updated after the loop ends, that does not affect future iteration values of i.


for-of will use an object specific iterator. This works on any object with the Symbol.iterator generator function defined or is itself a generator function. (Eg; this works on Arrays, since they have a defined Symbol.iterator generator function). (Reccomended for most JavaScript objects)

obj[Symbol.iterator] = generatorFunction

for(let i of obj){
    // Iterate over this object's iterables
    // Throws an error if this object has no iterator


For-in returns the enumerable attribute names of an object. This includes any properties defined up the prototype chain too.

for(let i in obj){
    attribute = obj[i]
    // more code
obj= {
  "a": 'aa',

obj.__proto__ = {

for (let o in obj) {
  // logs 'aa','bb','cc'

var versus let / const

var - function scoped

let - lexically scoped (nearest enclosing {})

const - lexically scoped and immutable (The refernce is immutable, the object itself can be modified)

Implicit definitions - Dangerous - A variable refernced, but not explictly defined anywhere will become part of the global execution scope.

Besides var, we now have access to two new identifiers for storing values โ€”let and const. Unlike var, let and const statements are not hoisted to the top of their enclosing scope.

An example of using var:

var snack = 'Meow Mix';

function getFood(food) {
    if (food) {
        var snack = 'Friskies';
        return snack;
    return snack;

getFood(false); // undefined

However, observe what happens when we replace var using let:

let snack = 'Meow Mix';

function getFood(food) {
    if (food) {
        let snack = 'Friskies';
        return snack;
    return snack;

getFood(false); // 'Meow Mix'

This change in behavior highlights that we need to be careful when refactoring legacy code which uses var. Blindly replacing instances of var with let may lead to unexpected behavior.

Note: let and const are block scoped. Therefore, referencing block-scoped identifiers before they are defined will produce a ReferenceError.

console.log(x); // ReferenceError: x is not defined

let x = 'hi';

Best Practice: Leave var declarations inside of legacy code to denote that it needs to be carefully refactored. When working on a new codebase, use let for variables that will change their value over time, and const for variables which cannot be reassigned.

(back to table of contents)

Replacing IIFEs with Blocks

A common use of Immediately Invoked Function Expressions is to enclose values within its scope. In ES6, we now have the ability to create block-based scopes and therefore are not limited purely to function-based scope.

(function () {
    var food = 'Meow Mix';

console.log(food); // Reference Error

Using ES6 Blocks:

    let food = 'Meow Mix';

console.log(food); // Reference Error

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Arrow Functions

Often times we have nested functions in which we would like to preserve the context of this from its lexical scope. An example is shown below:

function Person(name) { = name;

Person.prototype.prefixName = function (arr) {
    return (character) {
        return + character; // Cannot read property 'name' of undefined

One common solution to this problem is to store the context of this using a variable:

function Person(name) { = name;

Person.prototype.prefixName = function (arr) {
    var that = this; // Store the context of this
    return (character) {
        return + character;

We can also pass in the proper context of this:

function Person(name) { = name;

Person.prototype.prefixName = function (arr) {
    return (character) {
        return + character;
    }, this);

As well as bind the context:

function Person(name) { = name;

Person.prototype.prefixName = function (arr) {
    return (character) {
        return + character;

Using Arrow Functions, the lexical value of this isn't shadowed and we can re-write the above as shown:

function Person(name) { = name;

Person.prototype.prefixName = function (arr) {
    return => + character);

Best Practice: Use Arrow Functions whenever you need to preserve the lexical value of this.

Arrow Functions are also more concise when used in function expressions which simply return a value:

var squares = (x) { return x * x }); // Function Expression
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const squares = => x * x); // Arrow Function for terser implementation

Best Practice: Use Arrow Functions in place of function expressions when possible.

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With ES6, the standard library has grown immensely. Along with these changes are new methods which can be used on strings, such as .includes() and .repeat().

.includes( )

var string = 'food';
var substring = 'foo';

console.log(string.indexOf(substring) > -1);

Instead of checking for a return value > -1 to denote string containment, we can simply use .includes() which will return a boolean:

const string = 'food';
const substring = 'foo';

console.log(string.includes(substring)); // true

.repeat( )

function repeat(string, count) {
    var strings = [];
    while(strings.length < count) {
    return strings.join('');

In ES6, we now have access to a terser implementation:

// String.repeat(numberOfRepetitions)
'meow'.repeat(3); // 'meowmeowmeow'

Template Literals

Using Template Literals, we can now construct strings that have special characters in them without needing to escape them explicitly.

var text = "This string contains \"double quotes\" which are escaped.";
let text = `This string contains "double quotes" which don't need to be escaped anymore.`;

Template Literals also support interpolation, which makes the task of concatenating strings and values:

var name = 'Tiger';
var age = 13;

console.log('My cat is named ' + name + ' and is ' + age + ' years old.');

Much simpler:

const name = 'Tiger';
const age = 13;

console.log(`My cat is named ${name} and is ${age} years old.`);

In ES5, we handled new lines as follows:

var text = (
    'cat\n' +
    'dog\n' +


var text = [

Template Literals will preserve new lines for us without having to explicitly place them in:

let text = ( `cat

Template Literals can accept expressions, as well:

let today = new Date();
let text = `The time and date is ${today.toLocaleString()}`;

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Destructuring allows us to extract values from arrays and objects (even deeply nested) and store them in variables with a more convenient syntax.

Destructured assignments are simultaneous, allowing you to write clean code.

Swapping variables:


Destructuring Arrays

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var a = arr[0];
var b = arr[1];
var c = arr[2];
var d = arr[3];
let [a, b, c, d] = [1, 2, 3, 4];

console.log(a); // 1
console.log(b); // 2

Destructuring Objects

var luke = { occupation: 'jedi', father: 'anakin' };
var occupation = luke.occupation; // 'jedi'
var father = luke.father; // 'anakin'
let luke = { occupation: 'jedi', father: 'anakin' };
let {occupation, father='anakin'} = luke;

console.log(occupation); // 'jedi'
console.log(father); // 'anakin'

Default assignments

let luke = { occupation: 'jedi' };
// If father is not defined in luke, father is set to anakin
let {occupation, father = 'anakin'} = luke;

console.log(occupation); // 'jedi'
console.log(father); // 'anakin'

Note: Destructured assignments are particularly useful for use as function parameters

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Prior to ES6, we used libraries such as Browserify to create modules on the client-side, and require in Node.js. With ES6, we can now directly use modules of all types (AMD and CommonJS).

Exporting in CommonJS

module.exports = 1;
module.exports = { foo: 'bar' };
module.exports = ['foo', 'bar'];
module.exports = function bar () {};

Exporting in ES6

With ES6, we have various flavors of exporting. We can perform Named Exports:

export let name = 'David';
export let age  = 25;โ€‹โ€‹

As well as exporting a list of objects:

function sumTwo(a, b) {
    return a + b;

function sumThree(a, b, c) {
    return a + b + c;

export { sumTwo, sumThree };

We can also export functions, objects and values (etc.) simply by using the export keyword:

export function sumTwo(a, b) {
    return a + b;

export function sumThree(a, b, c) {
    return a + b + c;

And lastly, we can export default bindings:

function sumTwo(a, b) {
    return a + b;

function sumThree(a, b, c) {
    return a + b + c;

let api = {

export default api;

/* Which is the same as
 * export { api as default };

Best Practices: Always use the export default method at the end of the module. It makes it clear what is being exported, and saves time by having to figure out what name a value was exported as. More so, the common practice in CommonJS modules is to export a single value or object. By sticking to this paradigm, we make our code easily readable and allow ourselves to interpolate between CommonJS and ES6 modules.

Importing in ES6

By default, import will import the object named "default", which is set by the exporting program export default <<blah>>;

ES6 provides us with various flavors of importing. We can import an entire file:

import 'underscore';

It is important to note that simply importing an entire file will execute all code at the top level of that file.

Similar to Python, we have named imports:

import { sumTwo, sumThree } from 'math/addition';

We can also rename the named imports:

import {
    sumTwo as addTwoNumbers,
    sumThree as sumThreeNumbers
} from 'math/addition';

In addition, we can import all the things (also called namespace import):

import * as util from 'math/addition';

Lastly, we can import a list of values from a module:

import * as additionUtil from 'math/addition';
const { sumTwo, sumThree } = additionUtil;

Importing from the default binding like this:

import api from 'math/addition';
// Same as: import { default as api } from 'math/addition';

While it is better to keep the exports simple, but we can sometimes mix default import and mixed import if needed. When we are exporting like this:

// foos.js
export { foo as default, foo1, foo2 };

We can import them like the following:

import foo, { foo1, foo2 } from 'foos';

When importing a module exported using commonjs syntax (such as React) we can do:

import React from 'react';
const { Component, PropTypes } = React;

This can also be simplified further, using:

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';

Note: Values that are exported are bindings, not references. Therefore, changing the binding of a variable in one module will affect the value within the exported module. Avoid changing the public interface of these exported values.

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In ES5, we had varying ways to handle functions which needed default values, indefinite arguments, and named parameters. With ES6, we can accomplish all of this and more using more concise syntax.

Default Parameters

function addTwoNumbers(x, y) {
    x = x || 0;
    y = y || 0;
    return x + y;

In ES6, we can simply supply default values for parameters in a function:

function addTwoNumbers(x=0, y=0) {
    return x + y;
addTwoNumbers(2, 4); // 6
addTwoNumbers(2); // 2
addTwoNumbers(); // 0

Rest Parameters

In ES5, we handled an indefinite number of arguments with the arguments object:

function logArguments() {
    for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) {

Using the rest operator, we can pass in an indefinite amount of arguments:

function logArguments(...args) {
    for (let arg of args) {

Named Parameters

One of the patterns in ES5 to handle named parameters was to use the options object pattern, adopted from jQuery.

function initializeCanvas(options) {
    var height = options.height || 600;
    var width  = options.width  || 400;
    var lineStroke = options.lineStroke || 'black';

We can achieve the same functionality using destructuring as a formal parameter to a function:

function initializeCanvas(
    { height=600, width=400, lineStroke='black'}) {
        // Use variables height, width, lineStroke here

If we want to make the entire value optional, we can do so by destructuring an empty object:

function initializeCanvas(
    { height=600, width=400, lineStroke='black'} = {}) {
        // ...

Destructured function

You can use destructuring, in conjunction with default values to define different functions succinctly

function funcName({destructured = 'optional default value'}, inputVar = 'default value'){
  if(destructured === 'optional default value'){
    console.log("you passed in an object of the form {destructured: 'something'} as the first parameter");
    console.log("you did not pass in an object with the destructured value set");
    // or you might have passed in exactly {destructured = 'optional default value', blah, blah, blah}

Spread Operator

In ES5, we could find the max of values in an array by using the apply method on Math.max like this:

Math.max.apply(null, [-1, 100, 9001, -32]); // 9001

In ES6, we can now use the spread operator to pass an array of values to be used as parameters to a function:

Math.max(...[-1, 100, 9001, -32]); // 9001

We can concat array literals easily with this intuitive syntax:

let cities = ['San Francisco', 'Los Angeles'];
let places = ['Miami', ...cities, 'Chicago']; // ['Miami', 'San Francisco', 'Los Angeles', 'Chicago']

(back to table of contents)


Conceptual note: ES6 classes still use prototypal inheritance under the hood. Classes in ES6 do NOT work like classical classes (eg; java classes).

The new keyword is applied to a function and binds a new empty object {} to the function, replacing it's return type with this new object.

Hence, functions that modify attributes of the this object act like constructors when paired with the new keyword. A JavaScript class is just a function that sets it's own variables. The traditional ES5 object was a function with attributes of the prototype set to be the object functions.

All functions in the es6 class are attributes of the functionName.prototype, which becomes the __proto__ of all objects created by this constructor. All static functions in the es6 class are simply placed on the __proto__ of the constructor functions.

To reiterate: Do not think that ES6 classes are any different from ES5 classes. They just look like they use classical inheritance.

Prior to ES6, we implemented Classes by creating a constructor function and adding properties by extending the prototype:

function Person(name, age, gender) {   = name;
    this.age    = age;
    this.gender = gender;

Person.prototype.incrementAge = function () {
    return this.age += 1;

And created extended classes by the following:

function Personal(name, age, gender, occupation, hobby) {, name, age, gender);
    this.occupation = occupation;
    this.hobby = hobby;

Personal.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype);
Personal.prototype.constructor = Personal;
Personal.prototype.incrementAge = function () {;
    this.age += 20;

ES6 provides much needed syntactic sugar for doing this under the hood. We can create Classes directly:

class Person {
    constructor(name, age, gender) {   = name;
        this.age    = age;
        this.gender = gender;

    incrementAge() {
      this.age += 1;

And extend them using the extends keyword:

class Personal extends Person {
    constructor(name, age, gender, occupation, hobby) {
        super(name, age, gender);
        this.occupation = occupation;
        this.hobby = hobby;

    incrementAge() {
        this.age += 20;

Best Practice: While the syntax for creating classes in ES6 obscures how implementation and prototypes work under the hood, it allows us to write cleaner code.

Note: Private variables are not easily defined in ES6 class constructors. The only way to create a private variable is to define any functions that use the private variables in the constructor. However, this pattern comes with a significant memory tradeoff, since you redefine the function every time you create an object of that class.

class Personal extends Person {
    constructor(name, age, gender, occupation, hobby) {
        super(name, age, gender);
        this.hobby = hobby;
        // Occupation is kept private, but this function is re-defined in every child object
        this.getOccupation = ()=>occupation;

(back to table of contents)


Even after the outer scope has finished execution, the inner scope can still access the outer scope's variables Note: this is especially relavent to functions, allowing you to create psuedo "private" variables

    // outer scope
        // inner scope A

        // inner scope B

Advanced concept: Memory management with closures

In JavaScript, accessible memory outside of a block ({}) is represented by a dictionary-like refrence object, which will contain a subset of the variables within it's outer lexical scope. JavaScript's dictionary-like scope reference object does not contain a reference to any variables that are NOT used within the inner scope. Hence, even with closures, this allows JavaScript to perform garbage collection on variables in the outer scope once outer scope execution has completed, even if the inner scopes are still referenced in executing code, but the inner scope do not make use of a variable in the outer scope.

An example of this would be in the case of a function that returns a function. Consider the following case:

function outer(){
    let a = 1;
    let b = new Array(1000000).join('*');
    return function inner(){
        debugger; // a can be referenced, but b cannot!
        return a;
let ref = outer();

In the outer() function, outer()'s execution environment will contain a reference to variables a and b. During outer's execution, a dictionary-like reference object will be created to allow nested code blocks inside of outer() (Eg; inner()) to access variables in outer. This keeps an in-memory reference to a subset of variables found in outer(), preventing garbage collection from deleting variables in the outer scope which we still want to access inside of nested scopes that may be executed later. This is what enables us to use JavaScript closures, accessing variables definined in outer() within inner(), even after outer() has finished executing.

However, consider the memory taken up by variable b. It is defined in outer(), but is not referenced anywhere within inner(). We would much prefer if JavaScript was intelligent enough to garbage collect this variable, which JavaScript does!

JavaScript does this by having the dictionary-like reference object only containing references to variables actually referenced by functions in the inner scopes. In this example, this reference object would contain a reference to a, but not to b, since b is not referenced in inner. You can actually verify this, using a debugger to step through the above code. When you add the line ref(); to call the inner() function on the debugger line, you will be able to access a, but not b. Hence, after the execution of outer(), there are no remaining references to b and it can be automatically garbage collected. (The tradeoff is that within an inner lexical scope, variables in the outer lexical scope are not accessible if they were not reference within the inner scope's code).

Here is when the memory leak occurs: in current JavaScript implementations, the dictionary-like reference object used to access variables in the outer scope is the same object for all inner scopes! Hence, consider the following example:

let theThing = null;

function replaceThing() {
    // Outer scope
    var originalThing = theThing;
    function unused() {
        // Inner scope 1
        if (originalThing)
    theThing = {
        // Inner scope 2
        longStr: new Array(1000000).join('*'),
        someMethod: function () {
setInterval(replaceThing, 1000);

Because the dictionary-like reference object is shared by all inner scopes, when replaceThing is executed, the code above will result in old theThing objects never being garbage collected and more and more memory being taken up every time that replaceThing is executed. Hopefully, you can analyse the code above for yourself and understand why this memory leak occurs, but if you get stuck, just keep reading this explaination.

To simplify the following explaination, I will refer to the dictionary-like reference object for inner scopes within replace thing as DictRef.

When replaceThing is executed, the unused() function results in originalThing being added to DictRef. The new object assigned to theThing is an object created within the lexical scope of replaceThing. Hence, it references the same DictRef object. After replaceThing has finished executing, the DictRef object maintains a reference to originalThing. Hence, despite the fact that it is not needed anymore, originalThing (The previous theThing object) cannot be garbage collected. The DictRef object will remain in memory for as long as a reference to the new theThing object exists. This repeats everytime replaceThing is called. Each theThing object will reference a DictRef object that references the previous version of theThing, resulting in an ever growing linked list of closures.

This might be fixed in a future version of JavaScript, but it's something to be aware of for now.

This blurb was inspired by section 4:Closures in this Medium article.

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Symbols have existed prior to ES6, but now we have a public interface to using them directly. Symbols are immutable and unique and can be used as keys in any hash.

Symbol( )

Calling Symbol() or Symbol(description) will create a unique symbol that cannot be looked up globally. A Use case for Symbol() is to patch objects or namespaces from third parties with your own logic, but be confident that you won't collide with updates to that library. For example, if you wanted to add a method refreshComponent to the React.Component class, and be certain that you didn't trample a method they add in a later update:

const refreshComponent = Symbol();

React.Component.prototype[refreshComponent] = () => {
    // do something


Symbol.for(key) will create a Symbol that is still immutable and unique, but can be looked up globally. Two identical calls to Symbol.for(key) will return the same Symbol instance. NOTE: This is not true for Symbol(description):

Symbol('foo') === Symbol('foo') // false
Symbol.for('foo') === Symbol('foo') // false
Symbol.for('foo') === Symbol.for('foo') // true

A common use case for Symbols, and in particular with Symbol.for(key) is for interoperability. This can be achieved by having your code look for a Symbol member on object arguments from third parties that contain some known interface. For example:

function reader(obj) {
    const specialRead = Symbol.for('specialRead');
    if (obj[specialRead]) {
        const reader = obj[specialRead]();
        // do something with reader
    } else {
        throw new TypeError('object cannot be read');

And then in another library:

const specialRead = Symbol.for('specialRead');

class SomeReadableType {
    [specialRead]() {
        const reader = createSomeReaderFrom(this);
        return reader;

A notable example of Symbol use for interoperability is Symbol.iterator which exists on all iterable types in ES6: Arrays, strings, generators, etc. When called as a method it returns an object with an Iterator interface.

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Maps is a much needed data structure in JavaScript. Prior to ES6, we created hash maps through objects:

var map = new Object();
map[key1] = 'value1';
map[key2] = 'value2';

However, this does not protect us from accidentally overriding functions with specific property names:

> getOwnProperty({ hasOwnProperty: 'Hah, overwritten'}, 'Pwned');
> TypeError: Property 'hasOwnProperty' is not a function

Actual Maps allow us to set, get and search for values (and much more).

let map = new Map();
> map.set('name', 'david');
> map.get('name'); // david
> map.has('name'); // true

The most amazing part of Maps is that we are no longer limited to just using strings. We can now use any type as a key, and it will not be type-cast to a string.

let map = new Map([
    ['name', 'david'],
    [true, 'false'],
    [1, 'one'],
    [{}, 'object'],
    [function () {}, 'function']

for (let key of map.keys()) {
    console.log(typeof key);
    // > string, boolean, number, object, function

Note: Using non-primitive values such as functions or objects won't work when testing equality using methods such as map.get(). As such, stick to primitive values such as Strings, Booleans and Numbers.

We can also iterate over maps using .entries():

for (let [key, value] of map.entries()) {
    console.log(key, value);

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In order to store private data versions < ES6, we had various ways of doing this. One such method was using naming conventions:

class Person {
    constructor(age) {
        this._age = age;

    _incrementAge() {
        this._age += 1;

But naming conventions can cause confusion in a codebase and are not always going to be upheld. Instead, we can use WeakMaps to store our values:

let _age = new WeakMap();
class Person {
    constructor(age) {
        _age.set(this, age);

    incrementAge() {
        let age = _age.get(this) + 1;
        _age.set(this, age);
        if (age > 50) {
            console.log('Midlife crisis');

The cool thing about using WeakMaps to store our private data is that their keys do not give away the property names, which can be seen by using Reflect.ownKeys():

> const person = new Person(50);
> person.incrementAge(); // 'Midlife crisis'
> Reflect.ownKeys(person); // []

A more practical example of using WeakMaps is to store data which is associated to a DOM element without having to pollute the DOM itself:

let map = new WeakMap();
let el  = document.getElementById('someElement');

// Store a weak reference to the element with a key
map.set(el, 'reference');

// Access the value of the element
let value = map.get(el); // 'reference'

// Remove the reference
el = null;

// map is empty, since the element is destroyed

As shown above, once the object is destroyed by the garbage collector, the WeakMap will automatically remove the key-value pair which was identified by that object.

Note: To further illustrate the usefulness of this example, consider how jQuery stores a cache of objects corresponding to DOM elements which have references. Using WeakMaps, jQuery can automatically free up any memory that was associated with a particular DOM element once it has been removed from the document. In general, WeakMaps are very useful for any library that wraps DOM elements.

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Promises allow us to turn our horizontal code (callback hell):

func1(function (value1) {
    func2(value1, function (value2) {
        func3(value2, function (value3) {
            func4(value3, function (value4) {
                func5(value4, function (value5) {
                    // Do something with value 5

Into vertical code:

    .then(func5, value5 => {
        // Do something with value 5

Prior to ES6, we used bluebird or Q. Now we have Promises natively:

new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
    reject(new Error('Failed to fulfill Promise')))
        .catch(reason => console.log(reason));

Where we have two handlers, resolve (a function called when the Promise is fulfilled) and reject (a function called when the Promise is rejected).

Benefits of Promises: Error Handling using a bunch of nested callbacks can get chaotic. Using Promises, we have a clear path to bubbling errors up and handling them appropriately. Moreover, the value of a Promise after it has been resolved/rejected is immutable - it will never change.

Here is a practical example of using Promises:

var request = require('request');

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  request.get(url, (error, response, body) => {
    if (body) {
      } else {

We can also parallelize Promises to handle an array of asynchronous operations by using Promise.all():

let urls = [

let promises = => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    $.ajax({ url: url })
      .done((data) => {

  .then((results) => {
    // Do something with results of all our promises

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Similar to how Promises allow us to avoid callback hell, Generators allow us to flatten our code - giving our asynchronous code a synchronous feel. Generators are essentially functions which we can pause their execution and subsequently return the value of an expression.

A simple example of using generators is shown below:

function* sillyGenerator() {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    yield 3;
    yield 4;

var generator = sillyGenerator();
> console.log(; // { value: 1, done: false }
> console.log(; // { value: 2, done: false }
> console.log(; // { value: 3, done: false }
> console.log(; // { value: 4, done: false }

Where next will allow us to push our generator forward and evaluate a new expression. While the above example is extremely contrived, we can utilize Generators to write asynchronous code in a synchronous manner:

// Hiding asynchronousity with Generators

function request(url) {
    getJSON(url, function(response) {;

And here we write a generator function that will return our data:

function* getData() {
    var entry1 = yield request('http://some_api/item1');
    var data1  = JSON.parse(entry1);
    var entry2 = yield request('http://some_api/item2');
    var data2  = JSON.parse(entry2);

By the power of yield, we are guaranteed that entry1 will have the data needed to be parsed and stored in data1.

While generators allow us to write asynchronous code in a synchronous manner, there is no clear and easy path for error propagation. As such, as we can augment our generator with Promises:

function request(url) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        getJSON(url, resolve);

And we write a function which will step through our generator using next which in turn will utilize our request method above to yield a Promise:

function iterateGenerator(gen) {
    var generator = gen();
    (function iterate(val) {
        var ret =;
        if(!ret.done) {

By augmenting our Generator with Promises, we have a clear way of propagating errors through the use of our Promise .catch and reject. To use our newly augmented Generator, it is as simple as before:

iterateGenerator(function* getData() {
    var entry1 = yield request('http://some_api/item1');
    var data1  = JSON.parse(entry1);
    var entry2 = yield request('http://some_api/item2');
    var data2  = JSON.parse(entry2);

We were able to reuse our implementation to use our Generator as before, which shows their power. While Generators and Promises allow us to write asynchronous code in a synchronous manner while retaining the ability to propagate errors in a nice way, we can actually begin to utilize a simpler construction that provides the same benefits: async-await.

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Async Await

While this is actually an upcoming ES2016 feature, async await allows us to perform the same thing we accomplished using Generators and Promises with less effort:

var request = require('request');

function getJSON(url) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    request(url, function(error, response, body) {

async function main() {
  var data = await getJSON();
  console.log(data); // NOT undefined!


Under the hood, it performs similarly to Generators. I highly recommend using them over Generators + Promises. A great resource for getting up and running with ES7 and Babel can be found here.

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Getter and setter functions

ES6 has started supporting getter and setter functions within classes. Using the following example:

class Employee {

    constructor(name) {
        this._name = name;

    get name() {
      if(this._name) {
        return 'Mr. ' + this._name.toUpperCase();  
      } else {
        return undefined;

    set name(newName) {
      if (newName == this._name) {
        console.log('I already have this name.');
      } else if (newName) {
        this._name = newName;
      } else {
        return false;

var emp = new Employee("James Bond");

// uses the get method in the background
if ( {
  console.log(;  // Mr. JAMES BOND

// uses the setter in the background = "Bond 007";
console.log(;  // Mr. BOND 007  

Latest browsers are also supporting getter/setter functions in Objects and we can use them for computed properties, adding listeners and preprocessing before setting/getting:

var person = {
  firstName: 'James',
  lastName: 'Bond',
  get fullName() {
      console.log('Getting FullName');
      return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
  set fullName (name) {
      console.log('Setting FullName');
      var words = name.toString().split(' ');
      this.firstName = words[0] || '';
      this.lastName = words[1] || '';

person.fullName; // James Bond
person.fullName = 'Bond 007';
person.fullName; // Bond 007

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/regex/ - matches any string containing 'regex' as a substring
/regex$/ - matches any string ending with 'regex'
/^regex/ - matches any string starting with regex
/r*egex/ - matches egex, preceded by any number of r characters
/r+egex/ - matches egex, preceded by any 1 or more x characters
/r?egex/ - matches egex or regex
/r{n,m}egex/ - n and m are numbers - matches egex, preceded by between n to m copies of r
/[^regex]/ - any string that does NOT contain regex
/reg|ex/ - matches any string containing either reg or ex

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The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 David Leonard

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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