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keda-olm-operator's Issues

TLS and Cert rotation errors.

When installing the keda operator I am seeing a large number of TLS handshake error on the admission pod. Currently around 175k log entries in 24 hours.

2023/11/16 16:30:15 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
2023/11/16 16:30:16 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
2023/11/16 16:30:18 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
2023/11/16 16:30:18 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
2023/11/16 16:30:19 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
2023/11/16 16:30:21 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
2023/11/16 16:30:21 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
2023/11/16 16:30:22 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate

In the operator controller pod we're also getting spammed with logs like;

2023-11-16T16:32:52Z ERROR cert-rotation Error updating webhook with certificate {"name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration", "error": "Operation cannot be fulfilled on \"keda-admission\": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again"}*ReconcileWH).ensureCerts
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService", "name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z ERROR Reconciler error {"controller": "cert-rotator", "object": {"name":"kedaorg-certs","namespace":"kube-keda"}, "namespace": "kube-keda", "name": "kedaorg-certs", "reconcileID": "5e6b9054-5ab9-4932-ab3a-98b8b7a1c3d8", "error": "Operation cannot be fulfilled on \"keda-admission\": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again"}*Controller).reconcileHandler
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration", "name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService", "name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration", "name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService", "name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration", "name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService", "name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration", "name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService", "name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration", "name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService", "name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration", "name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService", "name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration", "name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService", "name": "", "gvk": ", Kind=APIService"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z INFO cert-rotation Ensuring CA cert {"name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration", "name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration"}
2023-11-16T16:32:52Z ERROR cert-rotation Error updating webhook with certificate {"name": "keda-admission", "gvk": ", Kind=ValidatingWebhookConfiguration", "error": "Operation cannot be fulfilled on \"keda-admission\": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again"}*ReconcileWH).ensureCerts

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Install Keda OLM via OperatorHub
  2. Create a KubeController
  3. Check logs on keda operator and admission pods.


  • KEDKEDA OLM Operator VersionA OLM Operator Version
  • KEDA Version: 2.11.2
  • Platform & Version: OKD 4.12.0-0.okd-2023-04-01-051724
  • Kubernetes Version: 1.25

Keda Operator marked as Depricated in OKD 4.X


we want to use Keda and have noticed that in OKD over the operator HUB it has been marked depricated ๐Ÿ˜ž

2.7.1 provided by KEDA Community is also a little out of date. Are there any plans to update to current Release?

We do not want to use the redhat auto Scaler operator.

Regards Philipp

Sync `KedaController` resource to contain up-to-date options

There are new configuraiton options in KEDA Helm Charts and to KEDA in general that haven't been added to KedaController.

We should identify missing options and try to add as much as possible to this operator, preferrably for the upcoming 2.13 release:, KEDA 2.13 has been released today:

Some things from the top of my head:

  • certificates and CA management
  • possiblilty to specify arbitrary arguments to binaries both in all containers
  • possibility to disable validation webhooks
  • clusterDomain
  • ...

Allow configuring audit logs in KedaController

tl;dr: KEDA 2.5.0 will have options to configure audit logs for its metrics server, so it would be great to make them customizable by the OCP users

The KedaController custom resource currently only allows configuring Keda's log level, which will not be very helpful when trying to understand where an autoscaling request is coming from. This is key information when backends are getting overloaded by autoscaling requests made by user applications and we are trying to figure out who is the rogue application. To make that possible the custom-metrics-apiserver library added the capacity to configure audit logs to the generic apiserver that is serving the Kubernetes metrics API. This feature is only available starting from v1.22 of the library which is what KEDA's main branch is using, but it isn't in any official release of the project yet. Once a new official release is cut and brought downstream, I think we should make it possible for the users to enable audit logs since this information can be extremely valuable for debugging purposes.


An openshift customer opens a Bugzilla saying that Prometheus has a constant 100% CPU usage. After investigating we know that the application making the most consuming requests to Prometheus is KEDA. However, we don't know which application is making the requests to KEDA. With audit logs, we could track down where the autoscaling request is coming from and identify the rogue application that is behind the requests.

A similar effort is in progress to have audit logs for the resource metrics API:

Phone now

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Steps to Reproduce the Problem


  • KEDA OLM Operator Version
  • KEDA Version: Please elaborate
  • Platform & Version: Please elaborate
  • Kubernetes Version: Please elaborate
  • OLM Version: Please elaborate

Fluentd config for processing keda logs

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

I am using Fluentd to send logs to ELK and multiline KEDA logs are not handled properly.


Obviously, it is possible to create a regex definition to handle multiline logs but
the ideal option will be if KEDA logs will be in Json format to make it easier to work with.


To be more specific - here is the example - by default call stack details are processed as single-line log entries

2021-03-27T11:24:07.220Z ERROR controller Reconciler error {"reconcilerGroup": "", "reconcilerKind": "ScaledObject", "controller": "scaledobject", "name": "function-eventhub-processing", "namespace": "default", "error": "Operation cannot be fulfilled on "function-eventhub-processing": StorageError: invalid object, Code: 4, Key: /registry/, ResourceVersion: 0, AdditionalErrorMsg: Precondition failed: UID in precondition: fb1508ea-aa4d-4cfb-90c5-5acf5b383beb, UID in object meta: "}*zapLogger).Error /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/zapr.go:128*Controller).reconcileHandler /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:237*Controller).processNextWorkItem /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:209*Controller).worker /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:188 /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:155 /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:156 /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:133 /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:90

  • Demand #1

logTimeFormat is not present in KEDA v2, encoder is

logTimeFormat was removed but zap-encoder was added:

We should modify the KedaController resource, the property for zap-encoder should be probably named logEncoder

LogTimeFormat string `json:"logTimeFormat,omitempty"`

Don't forget to update Readme and samples in config/samples

Manifestival repo changed

Change manifestival repo reference and update neccessary functions to comply with the latest version.

Move from ->


A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Steps to Reproduce the Problem


  • KEDA OLM Operator Version
  • KEDA Version: Please elaborate
  • Platform & Version: Please elaborate
  • Kubernetes Version: Please elaborate
  • OLM Version: Please elaborate

keda-olm-operator gets OOMKilled


we have installed KEDA through the operator in one of our environments, as soon as it gets installed it crashes with OOMKilled error

Expected Behavior

Should be up and running

Actual Behavior


Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Install through KEDA operator

Logs from KEDA operator

"level":"info","ts":1627725081.8786712,"logger":"setup","msg":"Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64"}
{"level":"info","ts":1627725081.8789783,"logger":"controller-runtime.manager","msg":"starting metrics server","path":"/metrics"}
{"level":"info","ts":1627725081.8790333,"logger":"controller","msg":"Starting EventSource","reconcilerGroup":"","reconcilerKind":"Secret","controller":"secret","source":"kind source: /, Kind="}
{"level":"info","ts":1627725081.8790953,"logger":"controller","msg":"Starting EventSource","reconcilerGroup":"","reconcilerKind":"ConfigMap","controller":"configmap","source":"kind source: /, Kind="}
{"level":"info","ts":1627725081.8791132,"logger":"controller","msg":"Starting EventSource","reconcilerGroup":"","reconcilerKind":"KedaController","controller":"kedacontroller","source":"kind source: /, Kind="}
{"level":"info","ts":1627725081.9794464,"logger":"controller","msg":"Starting EventSource","reconcilerGroup":"","reconcilerKind":"KedaController","controller":"kedacontroller","source":"kind source: /, Kind="}
{"level":"info","ts":1627725082.1797862,"logger":"controller","msg":"Starting Controller","reconcilerGroup":"","reconcilerKind":"KedaController","controller":"kedacontroller"}
{"level":"info","ts":1627725083.8492484,"logger":"controller","msg":"Starting [Controller","reconcilerGroup":"","reconcilerKind":"ConfigMap","controller":"configmap"}](url)


KEDA Version


Kubernetes Version



Red Hat OpenShift

Scaler Details

No response

Anything else?

No response

It is not possible to add valid triggers when creating ScaledObject from the OCP Console

When creating ScaledObject from the OCP Console, it is not possible to specify trigger-specific fields such as the serverAddress and the metricName for the Prometheus scaler. As such, it is not possible to create a valid ScaledObject from the Console without having to modify the resource afterward.

Expected Behavior

I would have expected to be able to configure a valid Prometheus trigger from the OCP Console.

Actual Behavior

These were the only fields I was able to configure:


From a UX perspective, I would've expected the type field to be a drop-down list where I could have chosen the type I wanted to use, and then it would have displayed the scaler-specific fields for me to configure.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Install Keda via OLM
  2. Create ScaledObject from the Console


  • KEDA OLM Operator Version: latest
  • KEDA Version: 2.4.0
  • Platform & Version: 4.10
  • Kubernetes Version: 1.22
  • OLM Version:

Change the way resources yaml file is being loaded

At the moment the resources file is being loaded into the operator during the startup:

resourcesManifest, err := resources.GetResourcesManifest()
if err != nil {
return err
manifestGeneral, manifestController, manifestMetrics, err := parseManifestsFromFile(resourcesManifest, r.Client)
if err != nil {
return err

It would be better to use go embed feature introduced in Go 1.16:

Release 2.10.2

Release 2.10.2 to incorporate changes in OLM operator that has been introduced after 2.10.1 but are still relevant to this release. The operator should work on plain k8s as well (certs rotation).

Images not being pushed to docker registry

According to Git should automatically build images based upon the release and push them to DockerHub. It appears that this is not working as DockerHub doesn't show any releases after 2.5.0:

Expected Behavior

New releases should appear on DockerHub

Actual Behavior

New releases do not appear on DockerHub

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Look at current releases:
  2. Look at DockerHub tags:
  3. Notice that newer releases do not have a corresponding tag on DockerHub.


  • KEDA OLM Operator Version: 2.10.1
  • KEDA Version: Please elaborate: 2.10.1
  • Platform & Version: Please elaborate: linux/amd64
  • Kubernetes Version: Please elaborate: Any
  • OLM Version: Please elaborate: Any

Openshift is stuck with KEDA v2.7.1

This isn't a feature request but neither is an actual bug report, at least not with the operator itself.

Currently observing that Openshift instances on IBM Cloud and on AWS are pretty much stuck with KEDA v2.7.1, if operator is installed from the Hub.
On a different cluster (on-prem) we deployed KEDA using helm, it's running KEDA 2.12.1 as expected.
Perhaps some note is needed in the readme to raise awareness that Hub installation can be problematic. Message on Hub does say (Depricated) but it was working just fine until the semi-recent kubernetes upgrade on the openshift.

With a manual install one needs to be aware that KEDA version have to be matched with a proper kubernetes versions, to avoid this:

xxxxx INFO setup Running on Kubernetes 1.25 {"version": "v1.25.16+a4e782e"}
xxxxx INFO setup WARNING: KEDA 2.12.1 hasn't been tested on Kubernetes v1.25.16+a4e782e

Found the link to the mapping:

edit: we used helm for the on-prem deployment, not the operator

Refactor KedaController CRD to contain subsections on `operator` and `metricsServer`

Currently the CR looks like this:

kind: KedaController
  name: keda
  namespace: keda

  ## Namespace that should be watched by KEDA Controller,
  # omit or set empty to watch all namespaces (default setting)
  watchNamespace: ""

  ## Logging level for KEDA Operator
  # allowed values: 'debug', 'info', 'error', or an integer value greater than 0, specified as string
  # default value: info
  logLevel: info

  ## Logging format for KEDA Operator
  # allowed values are json and console
  # default value: console
  logEncoder: console

  ## Logging level for Metrics Server
  # allowed values: "0" for info, "4" for debug, or an integer value greater than 0, specified as string
  # default value: "0"
  logLevelMetrics: "0"

  ## Node selector for pod scheduling - both KEDA Operator and Metrics Server
  nodeSelector: linux


It would be better from UX point of veiw to refactor it to contain separate sections for operator and metricsServer, something like this:

kind: KedaController
  name: keda
  namespace: keda
  ## Namespace that should be watched by KEDA Controller,
  # omit or set empty to watch all namespaces (default setting)
  watchNamespace: ""

  ## KEDA Operator related config:
     logLevel: info
     logEncoder: console
     nodeSelector: linux

  ## KEDA Metrics Server related config:
     logLevel: "0"
     nodeSelector: linux


This way we can add a similar section for serviceAccount or any other resources.

To make the breaking change pleasant for users, temporarily we can support both options, with a warning message printed if a deprecated field is being used.

some mistakes in Kedacontoller spec examples in

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Expected Behavior

requests should be less or equal than limits in KedaConroller example.

Actual Behavior

requests are more that limits

  ## Manage resource requests & limits for KEDA Operator
  # resourcesKedaOperator:
  #   limits:
  #     cpu: 100m
  #     memory: 100Mi
  #   requests:
  #     cpu: 1000m
  #     memory: 1000Mi

  ## Manage resource requests & limits for KEDA Metrics Server
  # resourcesMetricsServer:
  #   limits:
  #     cpu: 100m
  #     memory: 100Mi
  #   requests:
  #     cpu: 1000m
  #     memory: 1000Mi

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. use example resource definition
  2. keda contoller installation failed


  • KEDA OLM Operator Version 2.4.0
  • KEDA Version: 2.4.0
  • Platform & Version: Openshft 4.7
  • Kubernetes Version: any
  • OLM Version: any

Post Operator SDK 1.0 migration fixes


  • replace$IMG
    cd config/manager && $(KUSTOMIZE) edit set image controller=${IMG}
  • remove this:
    # Image URL to use all building/pushing image targets
    IMG ?= controller:latest
    # Produce CRDs that work back to Kubernetes 1.11 (no version conversion)
    CRD_OPTIONS ?= "crd:trivialVersions=true"
  • replace $(CONTROLLER_GEN) $(CRD_OPTIONS) with $(CONTROLLER_GEN) crd:crdVersions=v1
    $(CONTROLLER_GEN) $(CRD_OPTIONS) rbac:roleName=manager-role webhook paths="./..." output:crd:artifacts:config=config/crd/bases

Add test coverage

  • test operator functionality
  • test OLM functionality - implement e2e tests

Keda external metrics endpoint breaks after OpenShift cert rotation

Expected Behavior

Keda's external metrics apiservice endpoint should continue to work on a long-running OpenShift cluster.

Actual Behavior

Keda's external metrics apiservice endpoint stops working as soon as OpenShift rotates certificates.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Install the KEDA operator
  2. oc get apiservice and verify Available is True.
  3. Wait for OpenShift to rotate certificates - 24 hours after creation of a brand new cluster, periodically after that
  4. oc get apiservice and see Available is now False.


  • KEDA OLM Operator Version 1.3.0
  • KEDA Version: (whatever's installed by 1.3.0 operator)
  • Platform & Version: Openshift Container Platform 4.3.8
  • Kubernetes Version: 1.16
  • OLM Version: OCP 4.3.8

Please remove this constraint: KedaController resource needs to be created in namespace keda with name keda, otherwise it will be ignored


I would like to use KEDA OLM Operator to deploy multiple KEDA controllers, each one monitoring one specific namespace.
However, when I tried it, it seems that it got ignored with the following error message in the OLM container logs:

The KedaController resource needs to be created in namespace keda with name keda, otherwise it will be ignored


It seems that KEDA itself allows deployment in namespaces other than keda.

  • Please remove the constraint if technically possible in order to allow having multiple KEDA controllers deployed in the same cluster.

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