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knut's Introduction


GitHub branch status License: GPL v3 MkDocs

Knut is an automation tool for code transformation using scripts. The main use case is for migration, but it could be used elsewhere.

The scripts are written either in javascript or QML languages, the latter being able to display a user interface to customize some parts of the application. The script API is available in this documentation, and ranges from normal text transformations (find and replace) to getting contextual information based on the file language (using TreeSitter.

Knut can be used via a command line interface or a user interface.


Knut is using Language Server Protocol servers for the GUI. It is not used for the scripts, so if you are using Knut with the command line interface, you don't need it.

For C++, if you are using clangd, note that some tests are disabled for clangd version < 13.


Knut is © Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB) and is licensed according to the terms of GPL 3.0.

Contact KDAB at [email protected] to inquire about licensing options.

Knut includes different 3rd party software, you can find the list and licenses for them in the 3RDPARTY document.


To build Knut, you will need an up-to-date C++ & Qt toolchain. This includes:

Download Knut

To clone the code, simply run:

git clone && cd knut

If you are a member of KDAB and have access to our private repositories, you may then simply run:

git submodule update --init --recursive

To download all dependencies.

If you are a contributor outside KDAB, you will need to download all submodules in the 3rdparty/ folder, without the private dependencies in the 3rdparty-kdab/ folder.

git submodule update --init --recursive -- 3rdparty/*

Running CMake

After that you can build Knut with CMake via one of the presets. E.g.:

cmake --preset=release
cmake --build --preset=release

Take a look at CMakePreset.json for a list of available presets.

Running Knut

After building with CMake, run the knut binary from the bin folder within your build directory.




Visit our comprehensive documentation here:


For information about contributing to Knut, see the "Contributing guide" in our documentation.

About KDAB

Knut is written and maintained by Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB).

The KDAB Group is the global No.1 software consultancy for Qt, C++ and OpenGL applications across desktop, embedded and mobile platforms.

The KDAB Group provides consulting and mentoring for developing Qt applications from scratch and in porting from all popular and legacy frameworks to Qt. We continue to help develop parts of Qt and are one of the major contributors to the Qt Project. We can give advanced or standard training anywhere around the globe on Qt as well as C++, OpenGL, 3D and more.

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knut's Issues

Create an "installer" from CI

It would be nice to be able to produce a zip with knut and all the libs it's using when creating a release. I don't think we need a real installer with auto-updates...

  • Windows zip (using windeployqt
  • Linux ?
  • MacOS ?

Optimize cpp2doc

As we are re-adding it, it would be nice to optimize it a bit:

  • run a profiler, maybe there's something that could be optimized
  • check if the md file timestamp is later than the cpp one, and if so do not update the documentation for this particular C++ file.

See #59 for discussion on the documentation generation.

Reduce LSP dependencies

  • Extract the LSP helpers in their own file (they could be made free methods, no need for a class):

    • TextLocation::fromLsp
    • CodeDocument::toPos
    • CodeDocument::fromPos
    • CodeDocument::toRange
    • CodeDocument::toUri
  • Remove Lsp dependencies in Symbol

    • We could reduce the enum to what is supported, see TreeSitterHelper

Add a removeLines method in CppDocument

We sometimes want to remove a line (most likely based on a QueryMatch).

Would be nice to have a removeLines(RangeMark) method, that removes the query as well as all comments attached to it (either // or /* */).
Also remove the comment on the same line.

Something like that:

// This should stay

RemoveThisLine(); // <- only this line

// This should be removed
RemoveThisOtherLine(); // <- this line + the comment above

RemoveAnotherLine(); // Also remove this comment

Add a find in files API to Project

Would be nice to have a way to find something in multiple files.
The API should return a list of document + position of the find items.

  • Add unit-tests

We may want to use something like silver searcher - we don't want to open all files inside Knut, would be a waste of memory.

Improve search in document

In the GUI, create an API for generic search. Right now we can only search (Ctrl+F) in TextDocument.
It would be good to have the same search line showing up on the different document, with an API to integrate depending on the view:

  • Search in QtUiDocument
  • Search in QtTsDocument
  • Search in the text view of RcDocument
  • Search in the left tree of RcDocument
  • Search in the central view of RcDocument (dialog/strings/menus/...)

Handle `QTextEdit` in the `ScriptDialogItem`

ScriptDialogItem supports a log of different base widgets, but QTextEdit and QPlainTextEdit are missing.
Would be nice to have them working, shouldn't be too difficult as we want to focus only on the text property.

Also allow syntax highlighting: add a property objectNameSyntax to set the syntax used ("cpp", "js"...), and add syntaxHighlighting if it's set (don't if not).

Add an example in the ex_script_dialog.qml

Create a JsonDocument/View

Have a way to see/edit a Json document.

Should be fairly easily to do, see how the QtTsDocument has been integrated:

  • create a JSonDocument (from TextDocument for now)
  • add the type in core/settings.json
  • add the type in the Type enum of Document, and the NLOHMANN_JSON_SERIALIZE_ENUM at the bottom
  • update the createDocument method in project.cpp
  • update widgetForDocument from mainwindow.cpp

Refactor doc generation

Refactor the way we are generating the documentation. Right now, cpp2doc is called at every compilation, which is a waste of time, specially if there are no changes.

What we would like is:

  • remove cpp2doc from the ALL target (need explicit call)
  • only call cpp2doc during a release, to ensure everything is up to date (doesn't prevent from updating the doc manually)

I wonder what would be the best way to handle that, but surely running cpp2doc every time is a waste of resources.

RcFile: simplify creation of UI files

The current implementation expect to be able to change to something else, but that's not really true...

So go back to the original implementation:

  • handle frame conversion directly
  • remove the rc2ui.js file
  • use pugixml for writing the ui file

Add a find in files panel on the GUI

This is the next step after #21.

The idea is to have a special panel for find in files, with the list of results displayed. Clicking on a result will open the document and select the word.

Note that results won't be updated if a document is changed after the find (for now).

Should be something like we have in VSCode... if we use rg for finding in files, we could display a bit of context.

Add a way to display log in a ScriptDialog

Currently, scripts report their output through logging.
However, the log output doesn't render whilst the script is running.

This could be a good first step to indicate how far along a script is and to show the user that it's indeed doing something.

We could imagine adding a QPlainTextEdit with a particular name LogOutput or something like that. In the ScriptDialogItem, if we find such QPlainTextEdit, we initalize it in readonly log mode, and redirect the logging output to it.
Hint: there's a small syntaxhilighting in GUI that could be used, see LogHighlighter

Improve property detection in the logger

Right now we need to call addProperties in ScriptRunner to find out if the API is a property or a method... this is error prone (like forgetting to add the addProperty).

It would be better to do that automatically. One idea would be to do that during the LOG macro, as we have access to all information (and even an instance of the class maybe to get the metaObject).

Another option would be to do that during the compilation, but it may be more complex...

Add some more API to JsonDocument

This is a follow-up of #20.

Add some API to get or set a value from a JsonDocument. There are more likely some code that could be stolen from Settings, as it's doing exactly that (see hasValue/vlaue/setValue method). Ideally, consolidate those methods, so the code is shared between the 2 classes.

Add tests too.

QML: Rename `Scripts` module

The Scripts name is somewhat nondescript.

We should rename this to Knut, or com.kdab.knut before releasing v1.0.
The exact name still needs to be chosen.

Improve the Tree-Sitter inspector

More discussion, quite some changes as we did a 180° turn.

  • we keep the inspector as a second window
  • we add a button for the code views to open the inspector (for better discoverability)
  • improvement on the query editor
    • better syntax highlighting (use scm for that)
    • load/save queries (using scm extension for that)
    • wiggle on error line

RcFile: create unique ID

There could be multiple ID_STATIC in a dialog, which is an issue to find the right translation.
Fix that by incrementing the ID directly when converting the data, so at least it will be consistent dialog after dialog.

Take a look at convertDialog method in rc_convert.cpp

Note: most likely requires to change all the test data verification files for RC...

Add a way to initialize script dialog from command line

Nowadays, we can run or test a script from the command line using –run or –test.

The one missing piece would be to be able to initialize the dialog from the command line, particularly useful for testing.

Script Dialog use widget name to access data from QML, for example a QLineEdit named fileName will be accessed using data.fileName from QML. We could use a similar mechanism to initialize data. I'm thinking of something like that:

knut --test Script.qml --data `{ fileName:"myfilename"; checkBox: true }`

ie passing either a json fileName or a string that can be interpreted as a json file.

That would mean:

  • adding a new data option in KnutCore
  • loading the json file or interpreting the string (using nlohman/json
  • saving that to initialize the script (most likely needs to be saved in ScriptRunner)
  • create method ScriptDialogItem::initialize(json) to initialize the dialog from a json
  • in ScriptRunner::runQml if it's a ScriptDialog, pass the json to it

Finally, once everything is done, add a test:

  • create a small dialog script with some different widgets (lineedit, checkbox, spinbox, combo...) - see #28
  • create a test method that check the data values are not the ones initialized in the designer
  • create a test in tst_knut and pass the data so it works fine

Implement incremental parsing for TreeSitter

TreeSitter is able to update the tree based on incremental changes, would be nice to implement that for performances.
It's not critical though...

See CodeDocument::changeContentTreeSitter

CI ToDo List

As mentioned in #1, apart from setting up the initial CI for testing, there's a few more ToDos:

  • enable cached builds
  • Add tests for mfc-utils and photonwidgets
  • Clazy check
  • pre-commit checks (including clang-format)
  • clang-tidy check

Additional automations:

  • Release-please
  • Automatic documentation deployment?

Create a `CppDocument::memberUnderSymbol()`

This should allow to get the member of a class under the symbol:

  • returns null if it's not a symbol
  • returns the Symbol (type Field)

To do that, you need to call CppDocument::queryMember in the header file, and then create the symbol based on the querymatch.
Make sure to go back to where the cursor was when the method was called.

Simplify API documentation

This is a follow up of #49

Now that we only have a Script module, it doesn't really make sense to explicitly says it's in this module.

  • Remove all \inqmlmodule Script in the code documentation
  • Change cpp2doc tool to always put in the Script module if there are no \inqmlmodule (we want to be able to use it, just in case for later)

Improve nextStep API in ScriptDialog

The nextStep API is good for big independent steps, but bad showing progress of one action (for example, the same action being done on 1000 items).

It would be good to improve the API:

  • if the string is empty (ie calling nextStep()), then repeat the previous string
  • don't update more than 5x times per seconds (meaning you need a timer to do the update).

Would be good to have some numbers to see how it impacts script with a before/after.

Create a symbols tree view

Would be nice to have a to have a view of the symbols in the current file, mostly for us developer to ensure we have everything right.

Maybe as an external window for now, make sure to:

  • delete the dialog on close (like the treesitter inspector)
  • make sure it works even if a non-code document is current

Review public API

For each API, ensure there is:

  • documentation (property or method)
  • ensure the documentation is properly rendered
  • proper LOG

List of API to review:

  • Document
  • Project
  • CodeDocument
    • CodeDocument
    • ClassSymbol
    • FunctionArgument
    • FunctionSymbol
    • QueryCapture
    • QueryMatch
    • Symbol
    • AstNode
  • CppDocument
    • CppDocument
    • DataExchange
    • DataExchangeEntry
    • MessageMap
    • MessageMapEntry
  • QtTsDocument
    • QtTsDocument
    • QtTsMessage
  • QtUiDocument
    • QtUiDocument
    • QtUiWidget
  • RcDocument
    • RcDocument
    • Action
    • Asset
    • Menu
    • MenuItem
    • Ribbon
    • RibbonCategory
    • RibbonContext
    • RibbonElement
    • RibbonMenu
    • RibbonPanel
    • Shortcut
    • String
    • ToolBar
    • ToolBarItem
    • Widget
  • TextDocument
    • TextDocument
    • Mark
    • RangeMark
    • TextLocation
    • TextRange
  • Items
    • Script
    • ScriptDialog
  • Utilities
    • Dir
    • File
    • FileInfo
    • Message
    • Settings
    • UserDialog
    • Utils
    • QDirValueType
    • QFileInfoValueType

Migrate QML integration to modern QML

This seems a not so easy tasks:

  • Remove code to integrate the singleton
  • Add necessary CMake Qt macros

But if I understand, it would remove some code, particularly in ScriptRunner, but also we won't have to handle Q_DECLARE_METATYPE...

Check symbols creation for C++

Make sure the symbols created by symbols() make sense, particularly that the types are good.
I think at least the members have an empty type.

QmlDocument: QML language support (like for C++)

It would be nice to be able to create Query and extract symbols from QML documents.

There are multiple steps for that:

  • Integrate QML parser for TreeSitter (most likely requires a 3rd party)
  • Make QmlDocument a CodeDocument sub-class
    => you should see symbols in Knut Gui
  • Add some specific API to extract an item with its properties
    => would be nice to easily do some introspection, without using TreeSitter query (they are used internally)

Refactor the text range/mark API

This is related to #54 , we currently have 4 different classes to handle position in text:

  • simple int: that's the general position in a TextDocument
  • TextRange: simple classes with start/end position
  • TextLocation: contains a TextRange + a document
    • use only for CodeDocument::references
    • shouldn't be documented as it's not even public API
  • Mark: position in a document, which is updated based on edits
  • RangeMark: as the name suggest, that's a range of 2 marks, for start/end
    • very similar of TextRange and TextLocation, except for the auto update

I would like to reduce to 3 different classes:

  • simple int: we keep this one for recording script, it's perfect
  • Cursor: position in a document (ex Mark)
  • CursorRange: range of cursor (ex RangeMark)

Cursor is a better term and more explicit, and I don't think we need the non-document aware version:

  • either you want it for reading something, and it's not a problem
  • or you want to keep it longer after edit, meaning you want updates.

Add ribbon to the RcViewer

Just add an entry for ribbons in the RcViewer, so we know it's there...


Just display the name of the ribbon, no need to show more details yet

Improve current documentation

There is a lot to do to improve the current documentation:

  • check the install doc now that it's on github
  • make a tour of the GUI
  • better document the CLI
  • explain how to create a non-GUI script
  • explain how to create a GUI script
  • explain how to do script testing
  • dive into the TreeSitter
  • create a small tutorial

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