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mantra's Issues

Documentation Hosting

Once we have the spec finalized do we have plans for how we're going to host the documentation? Is it going to stay on github, or do we want something more oriented towards documentation?

I'd suggest going with something like, which offers free hosting for open source projects, but I'd be interested to hear if others have better solutions.

add a Head tag?

How do I set up the head tag.. for example..

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="description" content="webkid react starterkit">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>webkid react starterkit</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css">

Server Side Rendering (SSR)

Currently, we don't have support for SSR.
Also our directory layout does not support it.
We need to work on it.

This is because of current state of Meteor 1.3
I didn't wanted to put code into imports directory and but we can't put them into a common place because, there might be some modules (code) available only for client.

Then even the user don't wanna use SSR, he'll has to face issues of SSR.

May be we need to put the app into the imports directory anyway

Dependency Injeciton and function scope

I have a simple container to manage the state of my Nav bar.

import TopNav from '../components/nav/topNav/index.jsx';
import {useDeps} from 'react-simple-di';
import {composeWithTracker, composeAll} from 'react-komposer';

export const composer = ({context}, onData) => {
  const {LocalState} = context();
  const navOpen = LocalState.get('TOPNAV_OPEN');
  onData(null, {navOpen});

export const topNavDepsMapper = (context, actions) => ({
  openNav: actions.topNav.openTheSideNav,
  closeNav: actions.topNav.closeTheSideNav,
  context: () => context

export default composeAll(

composer manages the state
topNavDepsMapper exposes (injects) the functions

this is my component

import React from 'react';
import Sticky from 'react-sticky';

import LeftNav from 'material-ui/lib/left-nav';
import MenuItem from 'material-ui/lib/menus/menu-item';
import RaisedButton from 'material-ui/lib/raised-button';

class TopNav extends React.Component {

  handleToggle() {
    const {openNav} = this.props;

    const {navOpen} = this.props;

    return (
          <LeftNav open={false}>
            <MenuItem>Menu Item</MenuItem>
          <Sticky className="topNav mobile hidden" topOffset={542}>
                <li><a onTouchTap={this.handleToggle.bind(this)}>MENU Item</a></li>


export default TopNav;

but for some reason my props is empty in the TopNav Component... What am i missing here?


Brad Frost's Atomic Design


I was thinking if it is better to use atomic design as one way to structure Mantra's React UI components:

I am going to try to create my own Mantra like structure with Atomic Design (and might use Redux + RXJS). Will let you know what I'll learn

It seems it doesn't use Redux?

Why is that? Not that I am pushing for Redux... but I really like your way of handling and building things and I have been following you ever since. I have a small hobby project (my website) and would like to use Mantra architecture to test it out... but I really like Redux as well... what's your opinion about it?

Base my new app on kickstarter

I am not as familiar with Github as I should be, I apologize. If I base my new app on this kickstarter; what is the best way to sync new changes that happen to this repository? As I build up my app and I start adding new custom files; what is the best way to stay in sync with the architecture of this starter project? Is there an easy way to find out what changed from the time I cloned this repository? Or is there a way to merge the changes to my app?

Best regards,

the testing structure

First of all, thank you for putting so much love in this project. It seems very promising and exciting so far!

I am posting here to start the discussion on the testing structure and guidelines.

By now I am following the xolvio's recommendations for testing and I am pretty satisfied with it. Those guys have a lot of experience on Meteor testing and I assume the community would agree that it is by far the best testing structure for Meteor, so let's use their work as comparison here.

Given that, the questions that come to my mind are:

  • Are xolvio's practices in general compatible with Mantra's vision?
  • If yes, should we port them to Mantra or start something Mantra-specific?
  • If not, what is the Mantra's vision for testing?
  • How can Mantra contribute to Meteor testing it in order to make it even better?

[Question] Why the restriction on client-side

I understand that mantra is mainly a spec for client side, but isn't leaving out the server side killing the idea of: "so it’s very important to have a common standard everyone follows. That’s what this specification does."

I don't know if this counts for a lot of companies, but at least "we" did mainly server side testing till now and client-side was more like "monkeytesting(" without automation. Now when following mantra for the next projects we have client side testing but have to find our own solution for server side testing again. That's kind of confusing as mantra tries to be "a common standard everyone follows".

So why the restriction? Just waiting for meteor 1.3s built in testing or is this a long term decision?

Support for wallaby.js

Dears, this project looks very nice. I am a bit struggling with configuring wallaby.js with the demo app. Wallaby was mentioned also in #15 and it is one great testing tool. Have you had a chance to configure it? I got this so far, but no luck as I am receiving many errors:

var babel = require('babel-core');

module.exports = function (wallaby) {
  return {
    files: [

    tests: [

    compilers: {
      '**/*.js': wallaby.compilers.babel({
        babel: babel,
        presets: ['es2015', 'react']
        // babel options
        // like `stage: n` for Babel 5.x or `presets: [...]` for Babel 6

    // preprocessors: {
    //   // NOTE: If you're using Babel 6, you should also add `presets: ['es2015']`.
    //   // You will also need to
    //   // npm install babel-core (and require it instead of babel)
    //   // and
    //   // npm install babel-preset-es2015
    //   // See
    //   '**/*.js': file => require('babel').transform(file.content, {sourceMap: true, presets: ['es2015'] })
    // },

    testFramework: 'mocha'

I receive very basic errors such as Can't find variable: exports.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Mantra Yeoman Generator?

According to Roadmap, code generator might be available on the 4th week of January.

Please update information about it.

Babel in package.json

Wondering about the relationship between the Babel support that seems to be built-in to 1.3 (escmscript) and the Babel packages in package.json. Is Babel in package.json for testing or does it override the Babel that seems to come with escmscript or is it something else altogether?


Are method stubs needed?

I saw this in the sample app, it doesn't seem like a very clean isomorphic solution. I understand for latency compensation it's nice to have the "saving: true" attribute. I'm wondering if there's a better way to achieve this that doesn't require duplicating all the code.

container components vs composers...

@arunoda so I have been thinking about the container components approach and realized that sometimes the containers could be abstracted to more universal composer functions and later combined in a more 'on demand' manner.

Take a look at the _colors module

I have the following structure:

  • components/collection.jsx - a wrapper component rendered by router to lists all colors
  • components/single.jsx - a wrapper component rendered by router to show a single color
  • components/add.jsx - a wrapper component rendered by router to add a new color
  • components/edit.jsx - a wrapper component rendered by router to edit a single color

I also have the data rendering / functional components:

  • components/_collection.jsx - renders collection of colors
  • components/_single.jsx - displays the color data
  • components/_form.jsx - a universal form

and instead of using containers I have a abstract list of composers function:

  • composers/collection.jsx - retrieves collection of colors
  • composers/single.jsx - retrieves a single color
  • composers/add.jsx - delivers a submit action for update operation
  • composers/edit.jsx - delivers a submit action for add operation, and combines the composers/single.jsx to provide initial data


import {useDeps} from 'react-simple-di';
import {composeWithTracker, composeAll} from 'react-komposer';

import {singleComposer} from './single.jsx';

export const editComposer = ({context, clearErrors}, onData) => {
  const {LocalState} = context();
  const error = LocalState.get('_colors.SAVING_ERROR');
  onData(null, {error});

  // clearErrors when unmounting the component
  return clearErrors;

export const depsMapper = (context, actions) => ({
  submitAction: actions._colors.update,
  clearErrors: actions._colors.clearErrors,
  context: () => context

export default (component) => composeAll(


import React from 'react';
import Sidebar from './_sidebar.jsx';

// import Container from '../../containers/colors/edit.jsx';
import dataComposer from '../../composers/colors/edit.jsx';
import Component from './_form.jsx';
const Container = dataComposer(Component);

export default class extends React.Component {

  render() {
    const {_id} = this.props;
    return (
      <div className="bs-docs-section clearfix">
        <div className="row">
          <div className="col-md-3">
            <Sidebar />
          <div className="col-md-9">
            <Container _id={_id}/>

view / composer collection single add edit
collection X
single X X
add X
edit X

Of course if you want ready to use container components nothing is stopping you and they will be even simpler to write given a set of well designed composer functions.


import dataComposer from '../../composers/colors/edit.jsx';
import Component from '../../components/colors/_form.jsx';
export default dataComposer(Component);


  • DRY, you write a single data fetching composer function and employ it multiple places, eg in single view operation and edit operations
  • I also have an auth composer which empowers some of the user related functionality, so If I need to display the user's first, last name all I need to do is use the composer function in a wrapper

What do you think?

advanced composeAll

@arunoda I am having some issues with composeAll. I seems that it is not passing all predefined in composer functions properties to the final component.

I checked in the source code of react-komposer and it appears that there are no limits on the number of composers functions within composeAll method.

So I just wanted to confirm with you that writing a method like this is fine?:

export default (component) => composeAll(


If I'm accessing a different app from the client of this Mantra app (as per, say BulletProof Meteor). Where do I expose the other app/service? In initContext()?

ReactNative support

Great timing @arunoda, I was beginning to worry about the state of Meteor.

Do you have plans to support React Native with Mantra? Any idea what that might look like?


mup / mupx deployment

I know this is an early draft but I am always concerned with deployments. So far I tried both mup and mupx. Both failed with various erros. I have a fresh droplet and am testing it on two laptops. Currently mup consistently fails with the following:

=> Archiving failed: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/var/folders/d4/1q4nn2cx65zgq1766v00kvyc0000gn/T/c0c22722-5274-467c-82e8-f5884d88bb56/bundle/programs/server/npm/react-runtime-prod/node_modules/react/node_modules/envify/node_modules/jstransform/node_modules/esprima-fb/

naming convention

There is a part written about naming convention for publications:

When naming publications and methods, they should follow this naming convention:


For example, if we need to create a method called create inside the posts file, we name it posts.create.

Looking at the sample-blog-app, I can find the publications: posts.list, posts.single and posts.comments. All pretty obvious. But what will the naming convention be for more specific actions. Like publish all posts for one author?

  • posts.list-by-author
  • posts.list_by_author
  • posts.listByAuthor
  • posts.forAuthor

Is there a suggestion for this edge-case? I think my favorite would be posts.list-by-author. (Only not sure if we should do list-by-author or list-for-author. But that's more a grammar thing).

Actions documentation

In the documentation it says in Section

This directory contains all actions in the app. Here’s a sample directory layout inside it

But I think this is now module specific, right?

So it should say:

This direction contains all actions in the module

Or am I missing something?

Transition from existing Meteor app in to Mantra

@arunoda I am assuming there will be lot of existing apps that would like to transition in to Mantra specified architecture. Most of the refactoring of the apps usually happen in a phased manner to reduce the risk. I was wondering will there be guidelines or spec details as how the existing app can take different refactoring paths in to Mantra?

Async load components

I could be wrong but by default Meteor loads everything from the client folder to the client.

Could mantra possibly be a place to define a spec to async load components?

With or similar to Webpack's code splitting?

or would this be something that shouldn't be in the spec?

duplicate validation-code between action and method?

When I'm looking at the latest code samples, I can see that validation code is written at multiple places. Is there really no better solution for this?

  // in the action
  create({Meteor, LocalState, FlowRouter}, title, content) {
    if (!title || !content) {
      return LocalState.set('SAVING_ERROR', 'Title & Content are required!');
    // .. cut for clarity'posts.create', id, title, content, (err) => {
      if (err) {
        return LocalState.set('SAVING_ERROR', err.message);
    // .. cut for clarity
  // in the methods
  'posts.create'(_id, title, content) {
    check(_id, String);
    check(title, String);
    check(content, String);
    // .. cut for clarity

I think there must be a better solution for this, by using aldeed:simple-scheme and mdg:validated-method?

Can't seem to get Meteor.user() to work in komposer

I have require-login container here:

import RequireLogin from '../components/require-login/index.jsx';
import {useDeps} from 'react-simple-di';
import {composeWithTracker, composeAll} from 'react-komposer';

export const composer = ({context}, onData) => {
  const {Meteor} = context();
  const currentUser = !!Meteor.user();
  const loggingIn = Meteor.loggingIn();
  onData(null, {currentUser, loggingIn});

export default composeAll(

and require-login component here:

import React from 'react';

class RequireLogin extends React.Component {
  notLoggedIn() {
    // Do something if user is not logged in
    return <p>Not Authorized to see this</p>;

  getContent() {
    const {currentUser} = this.props;

    console.log('currentUser', currentUser);  // returns undefined <========

    return currentUser ? this.props.children : this.notLoggedIn();

  render() {
    const {loggingIn} = this.props;

    console.log('loggingIn', loggingIn);      // returns undefined <========

    return (
        <div className="require-login">
          {loggingIn ? <p>Logging in</p> : this.getContent()}

RequireLogin.propTypes = {
  children: React.PropTypes.element.isRequired

export default RequireLogin;

Any ideas why currentUser and loggingIn return undefined? Thank you.

[Question] Why is imports directory not used?

In the current implementation of mantra (before modules), why is imports not used? That means that all the js code are eagerly evaluated. Does that have any gotchas that we need to be aware of?

Related issues


Server side utility functions

Where would server side helpers go? On the client side, utility functions can live under /client/libraries as explained here. What about on the server side?

Kickstart Template

Will there be or is there already a current kickstarter template for those of us wanting to convert an existing monolith meteor application or start a new one?

react component lifecycle

@arunoda I am looking extensively into react-komposer and shifting my thinking to Mantra architecture ( ) and I still have questions with regards to the standard react component lifecycle.

Your container + ui component approach suggests that logic is to be kept in the container and actions. Considering the "state" is to be avoided, are we also supposed stay away from componentWillMount / Unmount, getDefaultProps/ defaultProps, etc?

How to handle i18n

I'm publishing my helper, T, in the context. My components should be translated using that.
But I came to this problem:

A component has no access to context, since that's the function of actions and containers.
But making an object of translated strings on the context and then accessing them with this.props doesn't feels right. It's too troublesome.

How would you solve this? Creating a global object of translations? Passing T over with onData? Creating an action to translate the strings?

[Directory Structure] What about pages?

This is kind of a general question and maybe there's no real answer, but I've been struggling with how to manage pages in my React directory structure.

What I mean by "page" is a top-level component called by a route, that may also handle the layout (assuming it's not handled at the router level). The issue is that pages can sometimes be containers (i.e. they load data and then pass it on to a "dumb" component), or sometimes be dumb component themselves (they're just static pages).

And on the other hand, not all containers are pages. Sometimes a smaller component embedded in your UI will need its own data, too, even though it's not a top-level page.

So giving pages their own directory makes the smart/dumb component distinction less clear. On the other hand, splitting components by smart/dumb is less intuitive and makes it harder to find pages…

Any thoughts?

Will Mantra have an opinion about styling React Components using Inline, Sass, LESS, or Post CSS?

I feel there are two camps with React. People who want to use inline styling and people who want to use some form of CSS whether it's SCSS, LESS, or Post CSS. How will Mantra address styling design patterns while keeping in mind the modularized design principles of React?

There's a interesting read about styling React Components in Sass here...

Also another good article in favor of inline styles...

Another Good Read about different styling patterns with React...

also add a coding style standard?

Besides a directory layout and such things, I think it's also pretty convinient to have some linter configurations inside this repo?

Something like a .jscsrc, .jshintrc, .eslintrc ? I think we can use the file in the sample-blog-app to get started:

Container subscription

What is the best way to handle multiple subscriptions inside a container including case where a subscription depends on the result of another one.
In our mantra demo lets say we want to subscribe to a post, postComments
and lets say the overall total comments each user that left a comment have.

Mantra Discuss app

Let's create an an open source app we can actually use, with mantra. This would be better than using Discourse: we discuss, learn, and do QA testing all at the same time.

My idea is not so much a reference app, but an app we can use for experimentation. And importantly something that we keep in a working state.

I'd be willing to set it up on modulus and host it out of my pocket at least for a few months.

How to use componentDidMount

I need to use some of the React lifecycle functions such as componentDidMount.
For example to initialise semantic ui components such as tabs.

What is the recommended way of doing this?

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