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codetester's Introduction

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Simple App (Windows > 10, 64 bit only) to quickly test an Autohotkey script (called "CUT" = "Code under test").
I use it to quickly tryout code or parts of code.

Needs an installed Autohotkey version 1+ and/or version 2+!

Writes the code to the temporary file "_tmp.ahk" and executes it via Autohotkey.
The code is saved as "_codetester.txt" and restored on restart.

Special features of Codetester are:

  • Can observe variable content via the "showvar()" function *1),
  • Automatically switches to AHK2 if "#Requires AutoHotkey v2" is found,
  • Copy code to the clipboard (from a webpage etc.) and press [F7]-Key or ([F8]-Key to run it as an AHK1- or AHK2-Script,
  • CUT is interruptible by pressing the [Escape]-key,
  • Store the code to one of three files (1, 2, 3).
  • Quick exchange the code with one of three (a, b, c) "shadowareas"

If you need a good editor to be used with autohotkey-scripts, give SciTE4AutoHotkey a try!

Uses the Scintilla Textcontrol (Scintilla.dll).
Block move with tab: Indentation is 2 spaces (fixed).

Code based on:

Codetester uses the clipboard, clipboard-content is not saved!

*1) Codetester does not support breakpoints,
use SciTE4AutoHotkey, if breakpoints are required.
"showvar()": run Codetester.exe, mark a variable, press [Ctrl] + [c] and then the Insert: [Showvari]-button.

Download via Updater (preferred method)

Portable, run from any directory, but running from a subdirectory of the windows programm-directories
(C:\Program Files, C:\Program Files (x86) etc.)
requires admin-rights and is not recommended!
Installation-directory (is created by the Updater) must be writable by the app!

To download codetester.exe 64 bit Windows from Github please use:

updater.exe 64bit

(Updater viruscheck please look at the Updater repository)

  • From time to time there are some false positiv virus detections
    Virusscan at Virustotal see below.


  • Run "updater.exe", example: "C:\jvrks\codetester\updater.exe" once to download/update Codetester.
  • Then start "codetester.exe", example: "C:\jvrks\codetester\codetester.exe" !
    (Create a dektop-icon or a taskbar entry).
    If your Autohotkey is not installed in the default directories,
    change the entries:
    Configuration-file -> [setup] -> ahk1exepath="C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe"
    Configuration-file -> [setup] -> ahk2exepath="C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\v2\AutoHotkey64.exe"
    accordingly (A restart of Codetester is required).

Example (AHK 1/2):

; Example AHK1 / 2

#Warn All, Off

a := "test finished"

loop 3 {
  s := A_Index . " hello ๐Ÿ˜ƒ "
  showvari("i",  s ) 
  sleep 1000

showvari("A_AhkVersion",  A_AhkVersion ) 

version := A_AhkVersion

toDisplay := a . " ๐Ÿšด"

if (!InStr(version,"1."))
  msgbox toDisplay
  ;not valid in AHK 2, so use #Warn All, Off
  msgbox test finished  ๐Ÿšด


Codetester itself uses "UTF-8-RAW" file encoding.
The CUT uses "UTF-8-RAW" as default file encoding also! (v 0.168+),
set by Configuration-file -> cutFileEncoding.

Codetester Hotkeys

Are defined in the Configuration-file.

Hotkey Operation Remarks
[CTRL] + [u] test selected-code-only Testing selected-code-only
[ESC] stop the script under test unnecessary if the script under test has an "exitApp"-command.
[F7] run the current content of the clipboard as AHK v1 script *1)
[F8] run the current content of the clipboard as AHK v2 script *1)
[F1] if UnicodeList is active only: show quick-help
[F2] if UnicodeList is active only: show clipboard contents as UTF-8 and copies it to the clipboard
[F3] if UnicodeList is active only: show clipboard contents as URI and copies it to the clipboard


  • Codetester must be running,
  • directives are used,
  • no codemodifications are made (Codetester builtin functions are not usable),
  • "#Requires AutoHotkey vX" is prepended.
  • code can be inspected, toggle-button: "Controlarea" -> "Show: _tmp.ahk".

Example show current AHK version (AHK version independant):

DllCall("MessageBox", "Uint", 0, "Str", A_AhkVersion, "Str", "Current used Autohotkey version", "Uint", "0x0000000")

Build-in functions

Description Operation Usage
showvari("Variable-name", variable) Displayed in Debug-window To generate the code mark a variable, then press the button "showvari" *2)

If a "showvari" function is used, the codetester-gui stays in front!
"showvari" logs to the file "debug.log" too.
You may run the script (AHK 1 or 2) "_tmp.ahk" by doubleclicking on the file.
If "showvari()" is used, leave the Codetester window open to receive debugging messages!


The Configuration-file ("codetester_<ComputerName>.ini") is generated automatically, if it does not exist already.
There is a menu-button to edit the Configuration-file.
Hotkeys can be set to "off" by adding the word "off" to the definition.

Sourecode at Github, "codetester.ahk" an Autohotkey script.

Put your test-code in the box (via the clipboardor or the [Get code from Notepad++] button).
Then click the Button or the hotkey to execute your test-code.

Click on the End-Button or use the hotkey to stop execution of your test-code.
You can also mark a part of your test-code with the mouse to execute this part only.
Use the hotkey to start in case of selected test-code.

You can put any function as an ahk-file in the Lib subdirectory,
(it's the Autohotkey mechanismen for ahk-files with function-names),
or us the standard #Include mechanism.

Configuration-file backup / autorestore

If the directory "C:\Users&lt;UserName>\AppData\Roaming\codetester" is usable, the app saves a copy of the Configuration-file to this backup-directory.
If the Configuration-file is missing,
an attempt is made to restore the file from the backup directory.
Otherwise a new Configuration-file is created, containing default-values.

Configuration-file empty directives-entries

If a configuration parameter is not contained in the Configuration-file
or is contained but has a blank value, a default value is used.

To force directives-entries to become empty, use the value "#empty!".


Can be used as usual and/or set in the Configuration-file -> [directives] -> directive1= ... directive6=
(6 max.).
If Authokey 2 is selected (the code contains "#Requires AutoHotkey v2 ..."),
Configuration-file -> [directives2] are used.
Directives defined in the Configuration-file are prepended to directives contained in the code,
hence those contained in the code take precedence.

Configuration-file setting:

directive1="#SingleInstance Force"
directive2="#Warn, All, MsgBox"  

directive21="#SingleInstance Force"

Button "Show: _tmp.ahk"

Use the button "Show: _tmp.ahk" / "Close: _tmp.ahk"
to show the content of the file "_tmp.ahk".
This file is executed, if a run-button is pressed (or F7/F8).
Changes to the content are not saved, the file is overwritten by any Run-command.

Get from NP++ / Copy to NP++

The "Get from NP++"-button selects *3) the complete text of the topmost Notepad++ window
an overwrites the Codetester content,
"Copy to NP++"-button inserts the text from the Codetester window at the current cursor (caret) position,
or replaces the currently seleted text (uses the clipboard and a "Ctrl + v" command).

*3) The selection keeps activated so that the next "Copy to NP++" operation
is not an insert but an overwrite operation (a desired behavior).

Disable code mods

If checked the following code modifications are disabled during a test run:

  • no additional code to use the "showvari-function" is included,
  • replacing "exitApp" by sendInput,{ESCAPE} is disabled,
  • FileEncoding is not set to "UTF-16" (keeping default fileencoding),
  • Debug Area is not auto-shown if code contains a "showvari-function".
  • Including directives from the Configuration-file is NOT disabled.

Reserved names

The following limitations apply with the code-under-test (CUT):

Name remarks
_codetester* some variable-names reserved by Codetester
showvari reserved by Codetester

Msgboxes are automatically moved

All msgboxes are moved to the top left, to prevent them to be hidden by the Codetester Controlbox!
Repetive msgboxes are shifted a little bit right-down.

EXCH buttons

By pressing one of the EXCH-buttons, the current content is exchanged with a second content-storage,
(Using the file "_saved__codetester_exchNUMBER.ahk.txt", NUMBER = 1,2 or 3),
independantly from the other Read1...3/Save1...3 buttons.
(Code text must contain at least one newline character!)
Only one EXCH can be active at a time.
On closing the app, the EXCH status is reset.

Codetester Controlarea

Press "Escape" to show the Controlarea (if hidden).

AOT button

If enabled the Codetester Controlarea stays Always On Top.
If the Codetester code-edit-area is hidden, press the ESCAPE key.


Pressing the ESCAPE key

  • stops any running code.
  • reactivates the Codetester code-edit-area.


Overview of all default Hotkeys used by my Autohotkey "tools"

Hotkey Converter button

Simple tool to get the hotkey from pressed keys.


A basic UnicodeTable using UTF-16 row and column indexes, but each characters is UTF-8 encoded,
UTF-8 support must be enabled -> "Enable Unicode UTF-8" below.
Use [Alt] + [Down] or [Alt] + [Up] to scroll the pages, and
[Alt] + [Enter] to close the table or the "Controlarea" buttons.


  • Non-Breaking-Space character is displayed as a blank,
    but is NBSP (UTF-8: 0xC2 0xA0) UTF-16: 0x00A0, i. e. row 0000A0, column 00

Enable Unicode UTF-8

Windows uses Unicode UTF-16 as the default,
but the Scintilla control uses UTF-8.
To use the full Unicode characterset, enable UTF-8 support in Windows:
Enable Unicode UTF-8 (Windows 10)


Maximum size of code is 60 MB!


Default is "Consolas" but I prefer "Source Code Pro"
Configuration-file -> [config]
fontSCI="Source Code Pro"

Make *.exe

A standard Autohotkey (64 bit) installation is required (C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey ...).
The code is used to create an executable-file named "_codeToExe.exe" (64 bit) or "_codeToExe32.exe" (32 bit).

  • Functions supplied by Codetester are not usable (besides the directives-mechanism),
    "showvari()" is automatically commented out therefor.
  • "sendInput,{ESCAPE}" is replaced by "exitApp".

The sourcecode can be inspected in the file "_codeToExe.ahk"!
Feel free to rename the executable-file to any name you want ... :-)
Hint: use UPX to compress the EXE-file!

Using Scintilla

Codetester Scintilla.dll may be used in CUT with:
AHK 1 (turn off warnings, i.e. set Config-file -> [directives1] -> directive2 to "#empty!"):
#include, codetesterLib\codetesterLib_SCI.ahk
AHK 2:

  • "scintilla.dll",
  • "scintilla.ahk" and
  • "CustomLexer.dll",
    from AHK v2 Script Converter
    to the "_sci2Lib/..." directory!

Example (AHK 2):

; is supplied by codetester config #SingleInstance Force
; is supplied by codetester config #Warn  
#Requires AutoHotKey v2.0+

#Include _sci2Lib/scintilla.ahk

FileEncoding "UTF-8-RAW"

guiMain := Gui("+Resize")
guiMain.Title := "Test Scintilla AHK V2"
guiMain.MarginX := "0", guiMain.MarginY := "0"

SB := guiMain.Add("StatusBar")
SB.SetParts(300, 300)

edit1 := guiMain.AddScintilla("x10 y10 w800 h600 VtheCode DefaultOpt LightTheme")
edit1.callback := sci_Change
edit1.Doc.ptr := edit1.Doc.Create(500000+100)

edit1.Tab.Use := false
edit1.Tab.Width := 2


;-------------------------------- sci_Change --------------------------------
  global guiMain, SB, edit1

  guiCtrlObj := guiMain.FocusedCtrl
  if (IsObject(guiCtrlObj)){
    CurrentCol := EditGetCurrentCol(guiCtrlObj)
    CurrentLine := EditGetCurrentLine(guiCtrlObj)
    oSaved := guiMain.Submit(0)
    currentLineContent := edit1.Text
    tooltip currentLineContent
    SB.SetText("Line: " CurrentLine " Column: " CurrentCol , 2, 1)

Menu -> Allfiles -> Update Allfiles

Generates a single file including all sources found in the "saved" directory by using "allfilesBetter.exe"
from the github project AllfilesBetter.
If Codetester is installed via Updater "allfilesBetter.exe" is already downloaded.

Menu -> Allfiles -> Open Allfiles

Uses the default editor associated with *.txt-files or
the app defined in Configuration-file -> [setup] -> texteditorpath="<path to the editor.exe>"
to open the file generated by Update Allfiles (= allfilesBetter.exe).
The benefits are:

  • Easy search of code fragments
  • A kind of "backup"

"allfilesBetter.exe" needs an installed Java (> 8) runtime!

Contextsensitiv Help

Removed from Codetester, please use the new
which has identical functionality!

Known issues / bugs

Issue / Bug Type fixed in version
Edit Configuration-file: empty entries are filled with default value bug 0.167
Scripts do not terminate bug 0.161
Builtin "editor" has no "Find"-function issue ---
The font "`Source Code Pro" fails with Codetester, but is ok with aottext, very strange! issue was just a typo
Showvari() does not support AHK 2 (besides view with Sysinternals debugview) issue 0.118
Showvari() cannot display unicode characters issue 0.118
Showvari() displays only a few characters issue 0.118
Line-numbers limited to 99 issue 0.109 (increased to 999)

Latest changes:

Version (>=) Change
0.195 Controlarea buttons rearranged
0.194 Contextsensitiv Help removed
0.190 Automatic insertion of "#Requires AutoHotkey v2" into a new file
0.189 Button "ext." to start Unicodetable.exe
0.188 Contextsensitiv Help (using "ContextSensitiveHelp2.exe" an AHK2 script)
0.183 Copy to/from SciTE
0.182 Button "Hotkey Converter", uses external "hotkeyConverter2.exe" from my simpletools repository.
0.181 Buttons "showvari" and "msgbox" fixed
0.171 Run code from any app (supporting the clipboard and copy via CTRL+c), default Hotkeys are F7 = run as AHK1 and F8 = run as AHK 2
0.170 Configuration-file -> [config] -> "clipboardKeep=0
0.169 Code under Test file encoding changed to UTF-8-RAW as default
0.168 AHK2 detection bug fixed
0.167 Configuration-file: empty entries behavior changed
0.166 If AOT is disabled, the Controlarea is shown in the tasklist
0.165 UnicodeTable: Navigation + Exit buttons, font fixed to "Consolas" (to keep the tabs-formatting)
0.164 forced use of non-proportional font (Consolas) in the unicode table
0.163 directives2 default values fixed, Requires AutoHotkey mechanism changed
0.158 maxDirectives fixed to 6, directives read from config precede others
0.157 Configuration-file -> "exeIgnore=" removed
0.147 Complete change of the Gui! (Please delete the section [Gui] in the Configuration-file!)
0.146 Fixes a bug introduced in the last version
0.142 Window postion etc. is now saved in the Configuration-file too.
0.140 Configuration-file changed! Delete the old one, a corrected new one will be created automatically!
0.125 Code unde test filename changed from "TempTestCode.ahk" to "_tmp.ahk"
0.124 Detached button panel "Controlbox"
0.123 Tagged version 123 (source codetester123.ahk)
0.120 Debugger removed, use build in showvari() function or AHK "OutputDebug" command
0.115 Experimental AHK 2 support, function showvari("a",a) not usable with AHK v2 (TODO)
0.108 "#" as WIN-key usable (interfered with "#"-directives before), using "Scintilla.dll" again
0.105 Width of Debug-Window fixed to 30% (Configuration-file -> [config] -> "widthDebugtext=" removed)
0.100 Code under Test uses UTF-16 LE-BOM as default (files: "TempTestCode.ahk" and "_codeToExe.ahk") Configuration-file -> cutFileEncoding.
0.094 showvari() sends to Debugger too, format is: Codetester (DATETIME): showvari-info
0.093 Generated *.exe-files -> showvari() is commented out, exch1..3 buttons behave like radio-buttons
0.091 Files to store Save1...3 renamed to "__codetester_save1...3.ahk.txt" (in the "_saved"-subdirectory)
0.090 During test-run "exitApp is automaticaly replaced by "sendInput,{ESCAPE}", so "exitApp" can be used as usual. Buttons changed accordingly.
0.088 The file "TempTestCode.ahk" holding the code-under-test is not deleted after a run, can be used for debugging.
0.072 Clear Button: the code is saved to "_codetester.tmp.txt" as a "last chance".
0.052 Scintilla Textcontrol usable, Scintilla Wrapper for AHK generates a lot of warnings, #Warn disabled.

License: MIT

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge,
to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction,
including without limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software,
and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
or substantial portions of the Software.


Copyright (c) 2020 J. v. Roos

Other parts License
"SCI.ahk" from:
Copyright by Isaias Baez
Has no License information!

Virusscan at Virustotal, codetester.exe 64bit-exe, Check here

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