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Big Barnacle Crew's Big Wiki Crew

License: Apache License 2.0

IDL 0.01% Java 91.34% JavaScript 3.28% HTML 0.12% CSS 3.21% Kotlin 1.24% Shell 0.10% Python 0.70%
big barnacle crew wiki

big-wiki-crew's Issues

Selective translation

As a user, I would like to be able to selectively translate text when reading a Wikipedia article into multiple languages.

  • #16 : Implement translation service
  • #17 : Integrate translation by selection for articles
  • UI design

UI/Unit tests to be done.

[Story Points: 5]
[Priority: High]
[Risk: Low]


Test Input Expected Output Status
1. Text Selection Highlight a passage of text from an article. Context menu appears on top of highlighted text. PASS
2. Translate Option Click on the three dots of context menu to expand for more options. Additional context menu options (including translate) are displayed. PASS
3. Translate Text Click on the Translate button from context menu. Popup appears displaying the translations. PASS
4. Switch Between Translations Select another language among the options displayed at the top of the popup dialog. Text is translated to that corresponding language. PASS

Implement notes page layout

Task for Story #69

  • Implement note tab (as part of the saved section)
  • Implement page layout displaying all notes with their respective headline details
  • Integrate with the notes service to fetch user's notes
  • UI tests

[Story Points: 3]

Add TTS settings

Task for Issue #12

Allow user to alter TTS settings through a menu; modify pitch and speech rate.
Allow user to "listen to an example" from the menu of current TTS configuration.

  • Add pitch setting
  • Add speech rate setting
  • Add TTS output example
  • UI design for menu, labels, buttons/options/sliders
  • Acceptance tests

Implement Discover

Task for Story #30

  • Refactor randomizer to discover

Refactor "Randomizer" feature to "Discover". Functionality of the Randomizer will be reused.

  • Add a dropdown menu

  • Setup discover gestures

Gestures to be setup for a UX improvement:

  • Swipe up: View article.
  • Doubletap: Bookmark articles

Architecture extraction

Architecture extraction will only be done for Sprint 1, Release 1 of the project.

Overly detailed architecture extraction is not necessary. Focus on extracting the parts that will be touched by the features to be integrated.

Architecture extraction tasks should be created, and reference this issue along the way as the features are decided.

[Story Points: 3]
[Risk: Low]
[Priority: Medium]

Image search

As a user, I would like to search for Wikipedia articles by using images.

  • #7 : Integrate image analysis to article search
  • #8 : Add image selection for search by camera and storage
  • UI design for all tasks
  • Unit tests for all tasks

[Story Points: 8]
[Priority: High]
[Risk: Low]


Acceptance Test

Test Input Expected Output Status
1. Image Search Dropdown Click on camera icon in the search bar in MainFragment. Dropdown menu with "Take a photo" and "Choose from gallery" options is shown. PASS
2. Getting Photo Click on "Take a photo" to take a picture OR Click on "Choose from gallery" to import a photo from device storage. Return to Wikipedia's main page. PASS
3. Search on Photo Photo taken either from the camera or from the gallery. SearchActivity started with the string identified from photo. PASS

Chat Room

As a user, I want to be able to chat with other readers currently viewing the same article. I want to be able to discuss with others about the current article as an anonymous user.

  • Design chat room UX
  • Design chat room UI
  • #78 : Implement chat room button [4 pts]
  • #79 : Implement chat room box layout [5 pts] (2 assignees)
  • #80 : Implement chat service [5 pts] (2 assignees)
  • #81 : Implement user connections [3 pts]
  • #82 : Set up onboarding for chat [4 pts]
  • Add all relevant UI tests
  • Add all relevant unit tests

[Story Points: 21]
[Priority: High]
[Risk: High]


Test Input Expected Output Status
1. Article Page Chat room button in sight See updated count of users viewing the same article. PASS
2. Chat Room Button Click on button at the bottom right of the page Chat room dialog opens. PASS
3. Incoming Messages View chat room box Incoming messages from users have anonymous profile ids and icons. PASS
4. Input Box Click on chat room input box Keyboard appears to allow users to type in any input. PASS
5. Send Button Click on send button Outgoing message from input box is dispatched. Message can be seen in the chat room box by users in the room. PASS

Implement note data structure

Task for Story #69

A note must know about its text and related article. More TBD.

  • Implement data structure for notes

[Story Points: 1]

Brainstorm features

Compiled list of brainstormed features can be found in a Google Sheet HERE


  • Leave details. It's hard to vote for a feature that's left too vague. Tell us what you have in mind.
  • Vote. We need to be able to collectively select features that we want THE TEAM to build. YES, WE CAN!
  • Keeping it real. Suggest feasible features. Are we trying to develop the new Tinder? Maybe. Are we trying to develop the new Pokemon Go? Maybe not.
  • Everyone must contribute to this. If you're waiting for the bus, think of brainstorming, If you're sitting in the metro, think of brainstorming. If you're brushing your teeth before going to bed, think of brainstorming. You get the gist.

[Story Points: 1]
[Risk: Low]
[Priority: High]

Sprint 3: Sign-off (Accepted)

Sprint 3 is now complete you can close any unclosed issues if there are any.

Well done on the work completed, keep up the good work in sprint 4.

Priority, risk, and points appear well distributed, overall good planning.
Mockups are good, keep making sure to have the plan and mockups ready in all future sign-offs as well.

Make sure to have running Espresso (UI) tests ready for sprint 4 sign-off so that you can show me that they work. Be sure to spend some time making good unit tests so that you can get decent code coverage, as well as show that you have thought about any edge cases.

Don't forget to plan out release 3 and have the plan ready (including mockups) for the sprint 4 sign-off.

Overall good work, keep it up.


As a user, I would like to have category features in Wikipedia. I want to be able to explore articles by categories and as well to search through categories.

  • Story #23 : Explore articles by categories [8 pts]
  • Story #24 : Search categories [5 pts]

[Story Points: 13]
[Priority: High]
[Risk: Medium]

Integrate TTS for articles

Task for Issue #12

Allow user to use TTS on the entirety of an article, a section of an article, a selection of an article and on a word definition.

  • Fully integrate TTS to articles using built-in library
  • UI design for TTS buttons, placement
  • UI tests
  • Unit tests

Add category recommendation

Task for Story #24

Add a "recommended" section in the categories activity, using Wikipedia's "because you read" articles.

  • Implement recommend category fetching
  • Add recommended categories display

Explore articles by categories

Story for Epic #22

As a user, I would like to use categories to explore articles in Wikipedia.

  • #25 : Setup category service to query for/by categories
  • #26 : Implement category page layout
  • #27 : Add category card to homepage
  • #43 : Integrate category service into category page and card
  • #44 : Implement category article results page
  • UI design for all tasks
  • UI / Unit tests for all tasks

[Story Points: 8]
[Priority: High]
[Risk: Medium]

paper soen 390 mockups 5 1

Test Input Expected Output Status
1. Categories Feed Card Click on the Categories feed card in the main feed. Categories page launches and shows the top categories. PASS
2. Explore on Category Click on any top category card (e.g. Culture) Display of a list of articles belonging to the selected category. PASS
3. Opening Article Click on article result in list. Page article is launched. PASS

Note Taking

As a user, I want to be able to take notes in Wikipedia. I want to be able to highlight sections in an article to note down in the application. I want to be able to refer to my notes while on the article, and also to be able to refer back to all my notes in a dedicated section of Wikipedia. I want my notes to be organized by their respective articles.

  • Design note taking UX
  • Design note taking UI
  • #71 : Implement note taking layout [2 pts]
  • #72 : Implement notes page layout [3 pts]
  • #73 : Implement note data structure [1 pt]
  • #74 : Implement note taking service [5 pts] (2 assignees)
  • #75 : Add note-to-article link [2 pts]
  • #76 : Add article-to-note link [4 pts]
  • #115 : Implement note view layout [2 pts]
  • #125 : Implement notes list sorting [2 pts]
  • Add all relevant UI tests
  • Add all relevant unit tests

[Story Points: 21]
[Priority: High]
[Risk: High]


Test Input Expected Output Status
1. Article Page Highlight text by selection Save Note menu option appears PASS
2. Text Selection Menu Option Click on Save Note option "Note saved" confirmation dialog pops up from the bottom. PASS
3. Article Menu Tab Click on notes icon at the 6th position Notes viewer dialog opens up from the bottom with the respective notes for the current article. PASS
4. Notes Viewer Dialog Long press on a note A context menu opens up for the respective note. PASS
5. Note Context Menu Click on Copy option Note is copied to user's clipboard. PASS
6. Note Context Menu Click on Delete option Note is deleted and disappears from the view. PASS
7. Saved Tab Click on Saved tab from main application menu Page for saved lists opens up. PASS
8. Saved Notes Tab Click on Notes tab from the Saved page Page view switches to list of notes. PASS
9. Notes Menu Click on three-dot menu for Notes Option to sort notes appear. PASS
10. Sort by Option Click on a sorting option List of notes are sorted in the selected option. PASS
11. Note Item Click on an item in the notes list view Page view of the respective note opens up. PASS
12. View Article Click on View Article from the note view User is lead to the article page from which the note was taken. PASS

Add subjects to discover

Task for Story #30

Allow user to discover by recommended articles.

  • Implement discover by trending articles
  • Add 'trending' option to discover activity

Note: Wikipedia already offers trending and recommended ("because you read") articles.

Search categories

Story for Epic #22

As a user, I would like to search for categories in Wikipedia.

  • #28 : Implement category search service
  • #29 : Integrate category search into category activity
  • #64 : Implement display for category searching
  • #65 : Add category recommendation
  • UI design for all tasks
  • UI / Unit tests for all tasks

[Story Points: 8]
[Priority: High]
[Risk: Medium]

paper soen 390 mockups 6

Test Input Expected Output Status
1. Categories Feed Card Click on the Categories feed card in the main feed. Categories page launches and shows the top categories. PASS
2. Search for Category Enter category search term in the search bar at the top of the screen. Display list of category results matching the searched term. PASS
3. Explore on Category Click on a single category search result from list. Display list of articles belonging to the selected category. PASS
4. Opening Article Click on article result in list. Page article is launched. PASS

Implement no history

Task for Issue #19

Allow user to browse without keeping track of the history of articles viewed. When a user checks out the History tab, the user should see the following message:

History is turned off. Turn it on in the settings to keep track of what you've read.

  • Implement no history service
  • Unit tests

Implement translation service

Task for Issue #15

  • Select translation API that allows translation for at least 30 (?) languages (Google Cloud Translation API?)
  • Document API limitations, if any
  • Implement translation service

Integrate word cloud generation for articles

Task for Issue #9

  • Determine word cloud API / NLP libraries for this
  • Document API limitations, if any
  • Integrate word cloud API to an article view
  • UI design for 'generate' button, displaying word cloud, hiding word cloud (?)
  • Unit tests

Integrate translation by selection for articles

Task for Issue #15

Allow user to translate selected phrases into different languages. The article itself remains as is. but user should see a 'bubble' (?) of the translated phrase.

  • Integrate translation service to articles on selection highlight
  • UI design for button to translate, choosing languages, placement

Implement display for category searching

Task for Story #24

Category results should dynamically show up (searched for), similarly to how Wikipedia has implemented their search feature.

  • Implement UI display of the search results
  • UI tests

Sprint 2: Sign-off (Accepted)

Sprint 2 is complete and the feature/planning for Sprint 3 has been accepted.

You seem to have a good handle on the App and your plan for the future sprints seems good and scalable. Your current work is good, keep it up.

Keep putting emphasis on planning and review activities, they will still be worth a decent amount in future releases.

Keep on making sure that every commit has an issue linked, so far it looks alright, with a few commits with an issue here and there.

If you end up needing to carry over stories/issues to future sprints and some work has been done, try to separate out the tasks so you can close completed parts as tasks/stories. This should be done to allow the story points to display in which sprint a task was completed and where it will be continued.

Make sure to keep producing mockups as needed (really good work there).

Make sure everyone has code to their name (both test code and implementation code), this will become more strict now that we are entering release 2 and we expect more code and less planning overhead.

Do not forget to produce UI tests when appropriate.
If you have any problems let me know as early as possible (especially with Espresso) and I will try to find solutions with you.

Implement category search service

Task for Story #24

Implement service to search through Wikipedia categories and obtain categories from articles.

  • Implement category search
  • Implement category retrieval from article
  • Unit tests

Implement note taking layout

Task for Story #69

  • Implement highlight menu option for note taking
  • Implement note confirmation view (?)
  • Integrate with the notes service to save highlighted note
  • UI tests

[Story Points: 2]

Setup discover gestures

Task for Story #30

Gestures to be setup for a UX improvement:

  • Swipe up: View article.
  • Swipe right: Bookmark article into a "Discover" saved section.
  • Swipe left: View next article.

Swipe left gesture can be reused from the randomizer feature.

Git hook to check for commit message

As a developer, I want to safely follow commit conventions. I want to abort my commit if my commit message does not contain an issue number or the Merge keyword.

[Story Points: 1]
[Priority: Low]
[Risk: Low]

Test Input Expected Output Status
1. Incorrect commit message User enters an invalid git commit message The git commit aborts and a print error returns PASS
2. Correct commit message User enters a valid git commit message The git commit does not abort PASS
3. Run setup script User runs the setup script The git hook is setup properly PASS

Word cloud

As a user, I would like to be able to see a word cloud of a Wikipedia article that I am reading.

  • #10 : Integrate word cloud generation for articles (TBD points)
  • #11 : Add interactions to article word cloud (?) (TBD points)
  • UI design for all tasks
  • Unit tests for all tasks

[Story Points: TBD]
[Priority: High]
[Risk: Low]


As a user, I would like to be able to discover articles randomly more effectively and efficiently than what the current randomizer can offer.

I would like to discover more recommended and trending articles.
I want to use gestures to discover new Wikipedia articles.

  • #31 : Implement Discover
  • #34 : Add subjects for Discover
  • #35 : Add UI tests for Discover
  • UI design for all tasks

[Story Points: 5]
[Priority: High]
[Risk: Low]


Test Input Expected Output Status
1. Discover Feed Card Restyle the user interface Functionality remains the same PASS
2. New gestures User swipes up or double tap Redirected to the article or bookmark an article PASS
3. Different card feeds User selects dropdown value Users sees different feed based off the selected value PASS

Add interactions to article word cloud

Task for Issue #9

Allow user to select words from the word cloud, and search with the words within the word cloud.

  • Implement word selection in word cloud
  • Add implementation to search for selected words in page ("find in page")
  • UI design for word selection + search
  • Unit tests


As a user, I would like to be able to use text-to-speech (TTS) to listen to a complete Wikipedia article, a section of an article, or a selection of an article that I've highlighted. I would also like to use TTS when defining a word.

  • #13 : Integrate TTS for articles
  • #14 : Add TTS settings
  • UI design for all tasks
  • Unit tests for all tasks

[Story Points: 5]
[Priority: High]
[Risk: Low]

paper soen 390 mockups 1

Set up continuous integration

  • Determine free CI platform for private repos (Jenkins? Needs to be hosted...)
  • Set up CI platform
  • Set up notification integration (email/slack)

[Story Points: 3]
[Risk: Low]
[Priority: Medium]

No history

As a user, I would like to be able to browse Wikipedia articles without being tracked of what I have read after toggling a "Turn off history" option in the settings.

  • #20 : Add no history setting option
  • #21 : Implement no history
  • UI design
  • Unit tests

[Story Points: 3]
[Priority: High]
[Risk: Low]


Acceptance Test

Test Input Expected Output Status
1. Toggle button Click on the toggle "turn off history" switch button. The value of the button will switch to True or False. PASS
2. Turn off history is enabled Toggle the switch button to True. Cannot search or see any browse articles in the history tab. PASS
3. Turn off history is disabled Toggle the switch button to False. Able to search and see browse articles in the history tab. PASS

Setup discover tab

Task for Story #30

Setup discover tab in the bottom navigation menu. Discover activity should be reusing the randomizer activity.

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