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jg4-dev's Issues

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() when creating new Configuration set

User is in Configuration Manager
Error Reporting is set to Maximum
User clicks NEW button
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/siristru/public_html/j4/administrator/components/com_joomgallery/src/Model/ConfigModel.php on line 124 is displayed
No warning should be displayed.


Test Env:

PHP Built On: Linux 4.18.0-348.12.2.lve.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 24 07:29:58 EST 2022 x86_64
Database Version: 10.3.34-MariaDB
PHP Version: 7.4.28
Web Server: Apache
Joomla! Version: Joomla! 4.1.2 Stable [ Kuamini ] 30-March-2022 16:00 GMT
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0

Error while creating image

User is in Image Manager
User is clicking NEW button
Enters title for image
Select category Uncategorized
Go to Images tab
Selects image from hard drive
Click SAVE button
Error is displayed: Return value of Joomgallery\Component\Joomgallery\Administrator\Service\Filesystem\Filesystem::cleanFilename() must be an instance of Joomgallery\Component\Joomgallery\Administrator\Service\Filesystem\mixed, string returned
Image should be uploaded and created


Test Env:

PHP Built On: Linux 4.18.0-348.12.2.lve.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 24 07:29:58 EST 2022 x86_64
Database Version: 10.3.34-MariaDB
PHP Version: 7.4.28
Web Server: Apache
Joomla! Version: Joomla! 4.1.2 Stable [ Kuamini ] 30-March-2022 16:00 GMT
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0

Tested on PHP 8 and issue do not persist. Seems to be related with PHP 7.4.x only

[All content types] Titles are not sanitationed

When creating new records of any content type (image, category, config set, tag) you need to enter something in the title field. But the value you eneter is not checked neighter sanitationed. This leads to strange titles when you eneter for example

  • " " (only a space)
  • "<" (smaller than symbol)
  • ...

This could be solved by creating a sanitation of the title field value in the Table::bind() method. Similar as we do for aliases.

How does this sanitation should be like?
What do we wanna allow and what should be corrected/cleaned up?

Images - Edit Image - Image Metadata missing

On the way to reconstructing issue #68, I proceeded as follows:
Upload a large image.
Processing successful.

Screenshot 2023-01-19 165419
Screenshot 2023-01-19 165419

Screenshot 2023-01-19 165449
Screenshot 2023-01-19 165449

Screenshot 2023-01-19 171042
Screenshot 2023-01-19 171042

Copy of the same image using Microsoft File Explorer, Detail View, Detail Area in properties (tags, titles, authors, comments, subject) modified.

Screenshot 2023-01-19 181313
Screenshot 2023-01-19 181313

Modified image uploaded.

Processing complete, but image metadata data is missing.

Screenshot 2023-01-19 170734
Screenshot 2023-01-19 170734

Image metadata controlled with XnViewMP.

Screenshot 2023-01-19 181313
Screenshot 2023-01-19 181313

Screenshot 2023-01-19 172326
Screenshot 2023-01-19 172326

Screenshot 2023-01-19 172755
Screenshot 2023-01-19 172755

Screenshot 2023-01-19 172949
Screenshot 2023-01-19 172949

Screenshot 2023-01-19 173127
Screenshot 2023-01-19 173127

After saving the mentioned properties, Microsoft reduces the file size?!.
The EXIF ​​tool provides two warnings (screenshot 2023-01-19 172755).
All characteristics are still present, but not in JG4.
I can imagine that the error in issue #68 is a subsequent error, which unfortunately I can't reconstruct until now. Therefor I opened this new issue.
My original image for testing? Sorry, more than 10 MB.

Better metadata support

It would be huge if JoomGallery could add better support for image metadata. Currently JoomGallery uses the built in function exif_read_data() and iptcparse( from the GD library to read metadata.
In most of the cases this is good enough.

But with an external tool we could improve the functionality and compatibility of metadata handling like we do with the external tool ImageMagick for image manipulation.
Advantage: More functionality.
Disadvantage: Tool has to be installed on the server.

One of the two tools I could think of using:

Does anyone would have time to test these two tools?

When joomgallery for joomla4?

When joomgallery for joomla 4? I want to migrate joomla 3 to joomla 4 and I can't because the gallery breaks. I have over 300 categories and I don't want to lose it.

Error notification for PHP 7.2.x contains %s

PHP version 7.2 on server
Trying to install JoomGallery 4
Installation is stopped but error notice contains %s "JoomGallery 4.x is only compatible to PHP versions greater than %s"
Installation is stopped and error notice contains meaningful information


PHP Built On: Linux 4.18.0-348.12.2.lve.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 24 07:29:58 EST 2022 x86_64
Database Version: 10.3.34-MariaDB
PHP Version: 7.2.34
Web Server: Apache
Joomla! Version: Joomla! 4.1.2 Stable [ Kuamini ] 30-March-2022 16:00 GMT
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0

[Frontend] Masonry or mosaic style for JoomlaGallery

Hello, dear JoomlaGallery developers, I really love JoomGallery, but I don’t understand why JG still does not know how to show horizontal and vertical photos in "masonry" or "mosaic" style like any gallery can do it now? Please devote time to this topic.

And the second, please make possibility to move the photos in the necessary order by mouse.

Thank you.

Examples of styles:

This is an image
This is an image
This is an image
This is an image

[All content types] Titles containing only spaces should result in an error

In PR #86 I noticed that:
If I use an image or a category or a tag with only one or more spaces as a title, it saves it, but I can never edit the image again. Saving a e.g. Image with only one space should show an error from my point of view! / when I save a second image with one or more spaces, the system automatically adds a "(2)" and so it's clickable...

Package with plugins and module folder

Just for info (to be checked)

it may be feasible to add all plugins and modules into the component xml file

Still in boilerplate two paths are used additionally for packages


Also a separate intall script is there each
Sorry i don't know it more specific

[LANG] Language constants without translation in category creation/editing form

Browse to Category Manager
Clicking New button
Clicking category name to edit
In tabs Options, Publishing are language constants without translations

In Options tab - untranslated constant: COM_JOOMGALLERY_FIELDSET_IMAGES

In Publishing tab - untranslated constant: JGLOBAL_FIELDSET_METADATA


In Parameters tab - I'm not sure here. There is "Use Global (%s)" . Is (%s) spare in this case?

[ConfigManager] Path too long when changing watermark file in configuration

Steps to reproduce the issue

  • Select a new image in Configuration Manager >> General Settings >> Image Processing >> Watermark
  • Klick save

Expected result

The configuration should be saved without error

Actual result

Error Message:
Save failed with the following error: Data too long for column 'jg_wmfile' at row 1

System information

Joomla 4.2.2
JoomGallery 4 actual main branch
PHP 8.1

The reason is the new long image path when using the Joomla Media Manager. More info:

Either only the pure path without additions must be stored in the database or the length of the database field must be increased (to 255 Chars?).

[ConfigManager] Use image metadata - Source Metadata Field not saved

The selected Values in 'Source Metadata Field' in Configuration Manager >> General Settings >> Uploads are not saved.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  • Add row by clicking on '+' in General settings >> Uploads
  • Change Source Metadata Field to a value other than 'No Replacement' and 'Comment'
  • Klick save

Expected result

The value in Source Metadata Field should be maintained

Actual result

The saved values are no longer available
The selection list only contains the values 'No Replacement' and 'Comment'

System information

Joomla 4.2.2
JoomGallery 4 actual main branch
PHP 8.1

[IMGtools service]: Watermarking incorrect

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Activate watermarking in the Global configuration set for detail image
  2. Select a watermark image file
  3. Save Global configuration set
  4. Add a new image (jpg)

Expected result

Detail image created with correct watermark applied

Actual result

Detail image created without watermark

Test Messenger

I installed the .zip from the PR ( but I can't find any of the JoomGallery in the email templates :(

[LANG] Lack of translations in Image Manager - Image Details

Editing created image in Image Manager
Viewing Images tab
Untranslated language constants are displayed
Correct translation should be displayed

List of untranslated constants:







[Tag manager]: Not consisting with core tags


We don't need Type as only images have tags (or we plan this for categories as well?)

We don't need Select Max Levels as we have only one level of tags (or we plan to provide assigning parents for tags?)

As for statuses I wonder do we need Trash and Archive features.

What about feature for hiding columns?

"Error uninstalling" displayed along with "Uninstalling the component was successful."

Need to have JoomGallery 4 installed with no errors
Uninstall JoomGallery 4 along with all additional extensions in Joomla! Extensions Manager
"Error uninstalling" displayed along with "Uninstalling the component was successful."
Uninstalling the component was successful. is displayed no "Error uninstalling" should be displayed as well

Uninstallation is successful:

  • tables in DB are removed
  • any related records in #_assets table are removed
  • folders in images folder are removed
  • plugins folders are removed
  • component folder are removed

But somehow this "Error uninstalling" is displayed.


Test env

PHP Built On Linux 4.18.0-348.12.2.lve.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 24 07:29:58 EST 2022 x86_64
Database Version 10.3.34-MariaDB
PHP Version 8.0.16 OR 7.4.x
Web Server Apache
Joomla! Version Joomla! 4.1.2 Stable [ Kuamini ] 30-March-2022 16:00 GMT
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0

[Filesystem service] Issue with the DPMedia FTP filesystem plugin

My settings:
Joomla 4.3.0
PHP 8.0
Windows 10

I tried to test the FTP filesystem plugin from Digital Peek:
I installed the DP Media Package and the FTP filesystem plugin. These are available for free download.

After configuring and creating the paths, you can select the FTP plugin in the JoomGallery configuration. 👍
I then created a new category. This category is actually visible in the external FTP filesystem. 👍
If this category is then opened and closed with "Save & Close", the following error occurs:

When uploading a image, the same error occurs:

However, I am wondering why Filesystem->createFolder() is called here?

Maybe it's also an error in the Digital Peek FTP plugin? because:

  • No files and folders from the external FTP file system are displayed in the Joomla Media Manager.
  • Uploads of images and creation of folders in the Joomla Media Manager are possible despite error messages, but are not displayed.

Image & Category management in the backend

Implement the basic management functionalities for images and categories:


  • Create new image (inc. image upload and imagetypes generation)
  • Edit single image (inc. exchange or reupload of imagetypes)
  • Delete one or more images (inc. deletion of imagetypes)
  • Publish/Unpublish images (from images list view)
  • Move images to another category (inc. move of the imagetypes)


  • Create new category (inc. folder in filesystem)
  • Edit single category (inc. update folders in filesystem)
  • Delete one or more categories (inc. deletion of files and folders in the filesystem)
  • Publish/Unpublish categories (from categories list view)

[FileManager service] Wrong path after moving category

Steps to reproduce the issue

Create two main categories: Cat-A and Cat-B
Create new images in Cat-B
Move Cat-B as subcategory under Cat-A
Check file structure ->Here is all ok
Create new image in Cat-B
Check file structure

Expected result

The new images should be stored in the folder xxx\cat-a\cat-b
The path entry in the database table should be \cat-a\cat-b

Actual result

The images are stored in (an automatically created) folder \cat-b.
This directory is not created as a subcategory under Cat-A but as a new main category.
The path entry in the database category table is incorrect: \cat-b instead \cat-a\cat-b


System information

Joomla 4.2.3
JoomGallery 4 actual main branch
PHP 8.1

List sorting issue when item access is different than Public

User is in Image Manager
Have few images with different access value for each one of them (at least one has Public access)
Changing sorting
All items that have access set to different value than Public, are hidden on the list
Normal sorting should be applied and all items should be visible

Demonstration video:

So it looks like when having those different access values and sorting - filtering is jumping in with default access value "Public".

System information:

Error when editing already existing tag

User has already created tag
Trying to edit existing tag
Clicking Save button
Error appears: Save failed with the following error: Incorrect integer value: '' for column siristru_j4.o984f_joomgallery_tags.checked_out at row 1
Changes are not saved
There should be no error and changes should be saved.


Records in DB


System information:


[Message handling]: Confusing messaging when upload unsupported image (e.g WEBP)

When uploading an unsupported image file type like WEBP. The upload fails and it creates several messages:

This messages are confusing in several ways:

  • Debug information says that image is successfully created
  • A success message tells that the image is saved
  • Image record is created without image file in the filesystem -> will lead to problems later...

[lang] language files are not installed

The xml file refers to some language files but the are not installed

The layout recommended in astridX boilerplate is to just include the folders as reference
Same for admin or site or plugin or module

<files folder="administrator/components/com_foos"> <filename>access.xml</filename> .... <folder>language</folder> .... <folder>tmpl</folder> </files>

Action buttons should be grupped under "Actions" button dropdown (Image, Category, Tags and Configuration Manager)

Test Env:

PHP Built On: Linux 4.18.0-348.12.2.lve.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 24 07:29:58 EST 2022 x86_64
Database Version: 10.3.34-MariaDB
PHP Version: 7.4.28
Web Server: Apache
Joomla! Version: Joomla! 4.1.2 Stable [ Kuamini ] 30-March-2022 16:00 GMT
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0

Current view in JoomGallery:

View in Joomla categories:

I guess this discrepancy will be part of functional buttons revamp in future, so this ticket could be expanded with full discrepancies description.

What should happen when changing the storage location of imagetypes?

The storage location of an image in the filesystem is derived based on two settings in the config manager:

  • General Settings/Common Settings/Filesystem --> root of the filesystem
  • Image Processing/Static images/Root path --> path to imagetype folder

Now if you change one of these settings after you already uploaded some images or created some categories, JoomGallery will create a mess.

  • The path to images uploaded before the change will not be created correcty and the images will not be shown anymore.
  • New uploaded images will be threatened correctly.

As a result, changing one of these settings requires many operations to bring everything back into line especially for large galleries. Changing this settings and start this operations could cause many problems if some of the operations fail for some reason.

How can we tackle this problem?
How can we realize a GUI which leads an administrator correctly through this procedure?
Do you think its even a good idea placing this settings in the config manager?

Thumbnail for category cannot be selected

While testing for PR #86, I noticed that I can't (yet) select a thumbnail for a category.

I can't select an image because it's set to "Not Approved" ...?

But under images I see all images as "Approved"

Language field - no ption All, default language selected

Language selector field in category creation form
Language selector field in category creation form

Having more than one content languages
User is in Category Manager
User is in Image Manager
Clicking New button
Viewing language selector field
Default language is selected
Option All should be selected by default




We should replicate how language selector field works in com_content:

Also in com_content language field appears after language plugin System - Language Filter is enabled.

Test Environments - Experiences

I need help. This is the second time I've run into an error starting XAMPP/MYSQL. The first time, my action with delete and replace of the *.MAI files still worked. Now it doesn't work. Does anyone have any ideas how to get out of there.

1364 Field 'description' doesn't have a default value error while creating new category

Browse to Backend -> Components -> JomGallery -> Category Manager
Clicking New button to create new category
Error is displayed: An error has occurred 1364 Field 'description' doesn't have a default value
Category creation form should be displayed


This issue apply to following columns in _joomgallery_categories table


It seems that those columns have default value set to None while they should rather have Null. So setting:

ALTER TABLE xxx_joomgallery_categoriesCHANGEmetakey metakeyTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL;

Fixed the issue on my installation.

Joomla version and settings:


JoomGallery version: #1

[Category manager] Error when hit button "Save & New"

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Category manager -> New category
  2. Fill in category title
  3. Click button "Save & New"

Expected result

Category gets saved and a new, empty category form view opens to create a next category

Actual result

results in "Field 'modified_time' doesn't have a default value"
CategorySpeichernUndNeu-Screenshot 2022-10-08 141435

Further info

If you modify an existing category and hit "Save & New" no such error happens.

[LANG] Aftrer deleting an element untranslated language constant is displayed

Steps to replicate:

Need to have any element created
Deleting an element
Notification message will show up: COM_JOOMGALLERY_N_ITEMS_DELETED
Instead language constant correct translation should show up.


The same apply to Configuration Manager and I presume that to Image Manager as well:


Test Env:

PHP Built On: Linux 4.18.0-348.12.2.lve.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 24 07:29:58 EST 2022 x86_64
Database Version: 10.3.34-MariaDB
PHP Version: 7.4.28
Web Server: Apache
Joomla! Version: Joomla! 4.1.2 Stable [ Kuamini ] 30-March-2022 16:00 GMT
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0

Uploading pictures as .jpeg does not work

I just noticed that uploading images with the extension .jpeg doesn't work.
Error message:

Speichern fehlgeschlagen. Fehler: Filename: blumen.jpeg
Upload complete (File-Size: 10.45 KB)

Imagetype: thumbnail
GD Library not found. Make sure GD is activated in your PHP settings (php.ini).
Auto-Orientation only possible for JPG files with EXIF orientation meta tag.
Resize is not necessary because the image is already small enough.
Problem when copying the following file: /xampp/lampp/htdocs/Joom4_Leer/images/joomgallery/thumbnails/erste-kategorie/kummershain1_20230303_1343411087.jpeg
Image-File (kummershain1_20230303_1343411087.jpeg) of type 'thumbnail' could not be created.

Imagetype: detail
GD Library not found. Make sure GD is activated in your PHP settings (php.ini).
Auto-Orientation only possible for JPG files with EXIF orientation meta tag.
Resize is not necessary because the image is already small enough.
Problem when copying the following file: /xampp/lampp/htdocs/Joom4_Leer/images/joomgallery/details/erste-kategorie/kummershain1_20230303_1343411087.jpeg
Image-File (kummershain1_20230303_1343411087.jpeg) of type 'detail' could not be created.

Imagetype: original
GD Library not found. Make sure GD is activated in your PHP settings (php.ini).
Problem when copying the following file: /xampp/lampp/htdocs/Joom4_Leer/images/joomgallery/originals/erste-kategorie/kummershain1_20230303_1343411087.jpeg
Image-File (kummershain1_20230303_1343411087.jpeg) of type 'original' could not be created.
There were some errors in the filesystem. Please check the image folders manually and resolve the problems.
Image-File (kummershain1_20230303_1343411087.jpeg) of type 'thumbnail' successfully deleted.
Image-File (kummershain1_20230303_1343411087.jpeg) of type 'detail' successfully deleted.
Image-File (kummershain1_20230303_1343411087.jpeg) of type 'original' successfully deleted.

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