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poptrayu's Issues

App doesn't recreate data folder if missing

Moodolf reports:

Bug1: I had renamed the "AppData\Roaming\PopTrayU" folder to "PopTrayU-Old". The program started without error but on exit:
""Cannot create file "C:\Users\profilename\AppData\Roaming\PopTrayU\PopTray.ini". The System can not find the path""
I expect that the program should create its own setting folder if it does not exist, like any other program does.

Changing Languages with Customized Toolbars

when you customize the toolbars (definitely on the preview window, possibly on all windows), it saves your customizations to a text file WITH the translated buttons. Changing the language later does not change the buttons text to the current language.

Reply to HTML Selection

Reply to selection only in HTML preview: When replying to a message in HTML preview, it would be nice if it would behave more like the plaintext tab and PopTray classic and reply only to the selected text when a selection exists.

Language Translate/Untranslate does not handle duplicates well

Language change and revert changes some labels incorrectly. Changing the language and then changing back to English may sometimes result in the wrong string being loaded if the second language uses identical phrases for multiple English phrases.

May have to upgrade the translation engine to use a more robust translation format (that indicates context and not just phrases) to do this?

IMAP Push Support

Add IMAP Push notification support for instant updates when new messages update.

EInvalidOperation creating rule

Moodolf reports:
Then I created that folder myself. After the program saved a new INI file, to speed up the configuration, I have copy pasted the [Account1-9] sections from the old INI to the new and changed the "NumAccounts" setting. No problem.
Bug2: Then I wanted to create a new rule and I get the error:
executable : PopTrayU.exe
exec. date/time : 2015-04-08 02:06
version :
exception number : 1
exception class : EInvalidOperation
exception message : Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window.
main thread ($2954):
006a0656 +06e PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Forms TCustomForm.SetActiveControl
006a075f +053 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Forms TCustomForm.FocusControl
005be726 +012 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TWinControl.SetFocus
00894fc4 +0c4 PopTrayU.exe uRulesForm 444 +17 TRulesForm.actRuleAddExecute
0053e6df +00f PopTrayU.exe System.Classes TBasicAction.Execute
0059a76b +093 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.ActnList TCustomAction.Execute
0053e57f +013 PopTrayU.exe System.Classes TBasicActionLink.Execute
006e173b +057 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.ActnMan TCustomActionControl.Click
006c10dd +011 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.ActnCtrls TCustomButtonControl.Click
006c14c0 +134 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.ActnCtrls TCustomButtonControl.MouseUp
005b782c +038 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TControl.DoMouseUp
005b78a8 +070 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TControl.WMLButtonUp
006a9573 +087 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.DispatchAction
005b6e9d +2bd PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TControl.WndProc
005b6ad8 +024 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TControl.Perform
005bb094 +0ac PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls GetControlAtPos
005bb15e +0a6 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TWinControl.ControlAtPos
005b6ad8 +024 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TControl.Perform
005bb228 +0ac PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg
005bb7d5 +441 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TWinControl.WndProc
005baf9c +02c PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
0053f3f0 +014 PopTrayU.exe System.Classes StdWndProc

Verify EIdReplyPOP3Error is handled on connection error

From old bug log. not sure if this is obsolete or note. investigate whether it's still an issue.

executable : PopTrayU.exe
exec. date/time : 2013-12-11 02:42
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE4
madExcept version : 4.0.7
contact name : Steve Pritchard
callstack crc : $8e26966d, $b1b88254, $b1b88254
exception number : 1
exception class : EIdReplyPOP3Error
exception message : (#AUTH701) Service is not available; please try again later.
main thread ($dac):
007184b6 +042 PopTrayU.exe IdReplyPOP3 337 +1 TIdReplyPOP3.RaiseReplyError
006ddc46 +012 PopTrayU.exe IdTCPConnection 600 +1 TIdTCPConnection.RaiseExceptionForLastCmdResult
006de57d +029 PopTrayU.exe IdTCPConnection 896 +3 TIdTCPConnection.CheckResponse
006de490 +04c PopTrayU.exe IdTCPConnection 880 +2 TIdTCPConnection.GetResponse
006de51f +067 PopTrayU.exe IdTCPConnection 889 +4 TIdTCPConnection.SendCmd
0071956e +1de PopTrayU.exe IdPOP3 333 +32 TIdPOP3.Login
0071a8f3 +16f PopTrayU.exe IdPOP3 611 +26 TIdPOP3.Connect
007a3b61 +145 PopTrayU.exe uPOP3 247 +27 TPluginPOP3.Connect
007a44f4 +154 PopTrayU.exe uPOP3 437 +26 TPluginPOP3.SetSSLOptions
0087e8ce +0fe PopTrayU.exe uMain 3826 +10 TfrmPopUMain.ConnectAccount
00875e28 +120 PopTrayU.exe uMain 1813 +17 TfrmPopUMain.Preview
0088480d +069 PopTrayU.exe uMain 5453 +4 TfrmPopUMain.actPreviewExecute
0053ebcf +00f PopTrayU.exe System.Classes TBasicAction.Execute
0058c983 +093 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.ActnList TCustomAction.Execute
00881326 +01a PopTrayU.exe uMain 4677 +1 TfrmPopUMain.lvMailDblClick
005a9351 +015 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TControl.DblClick
005a94cc +034 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TControl.WMLButtonDblClk
005a8ddd +2bd PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TControl.WndProc
005ad899 +5c5 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TWinControl.WndProc
0060baa3 +09f PopTrayU.exe Vcl.ComCtrls TCustomListView.WndProc
005acedc +02c PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
0053f8e0 +014 PopTrayU.exe System.Classes StdWndProc
76e5cc6b +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
0069a94b +0f3 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
0069a98e +00a PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
0069acc9 +0c9 PopTrayU.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.Run
00899104 +190 PopTrayU.exe PopTrayU 139 +53 initialization
7588ee1a +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

"Show Notifications Only" Tray Icon Mode

investigate whether it's possible to fire a notification so that the tray icon on windows 7+ can be hidden unless there's new mail, using the "show notifications only" tray icon mode

Rule use tracking

"it would be useful if in the page for each rule the date of the latest hit, and possibly the number of hits since last reset (each a single internal updateable field, no need to open and check the rules log for these things), was shown." -Michael S.

Evaluate PopTray classic feature requests

Evaluate the following feature requests that were under consideration for PopTray 3.2 to see if any of them are worthwhile to implement for PopTrayU:

Multi-select area/account in rules.
Next/Previous buttons on Preview.
General Toolbar plugins.
One Tab all Accounts.
Better dialup support (Connect,Check Online,Hang-up).
Preview plugins.
Size rule criteria.
Age rule criteria.
Drag-n-drop attachments.
Rule Plugins.
Add "Open" to mouse actions.
Don't download bodies on viewed messages.
Customizable right-click menu.
WAV drop down
Rule action to hide messages.
Larger font in tray.
POP3 lite (
CheckBox selecting of messages.
View Log.
CharSet decode in Body (Indy?).
Color of account on tab.
Copy Sender to Clipboard.
Custom mail program for replies with commandline macros.
Get entire message from preview when only have top lines.
Password on startup only.
Rule Actions - Stop applying rules.
Sort Rules.
Older than rule criteria.
Add to White/BlackList rule action.
Mouse buttons for Info and Advanced info.
Play all account sounds.
Run message as MSG file.
Check on Resume (after suspend/hibernate).
Show mail headers as you download them.
Stop on popup menu or as mouse action
No password = ask for password
Don't switch off all columns and toolbars.
Relative paths on sound files?
No Sort in reverse order.
Bayesian Plugin.
PackRat customizable directory.
Sort white/black list by domain.
Windows XP un-read mail in registry.
Log Rule row.
Release directory after Preview -> Save.
Possibly save the headers to disk.

Reorder columns

this is a frequent request from users to rearrange the order of the listbox columns.

Notification Sounds Not Playing Correctly

Robo reports:

  1. PopTray don't play Notification Sound correctly. Mostly i have on mail accounts readed messages (less than 10), if PopTray start first check messages on account situations may arise:
  • 0 unread + many read messages = PopTray tray icon correctly don't display message (thank IMAP support), but i get sound warning to have new message!
  • many unread and read messages = PopTray display correctly number of unread messages on tray, but newer get sound warning to have new message!

Each additional PopTray message checks work in the same way as written above (display correct number of unread messages but newer play notification sound).

Do Testing on Start Minimized

Old bug: Start minimized is still showing icon on the taskbar Description XP SP3 User reports "in version 5 of PopTrayU the program starts with the tray icon (that's ok) and with a minimized window although I checked the options Start Minimized. In the previous version (v4) there was only the tray icon." Appears to show icon in the taskbar on startup in Win7 too, even if startup minimized is checked.

This area of the program behavior needs better testing to see if behavior in this area is as expected or not

Sound Suspended value available to notification plugins

sound suspended available to plugin interface: Author of a PopTray plugin requested a feature that PopTray expose whether sound is suspended to notification plugins so they can stop notifying with sounds when they shouldn't.

Combined Inbox

Highly requested feature: a combined inbox showing messages from all accounts

Threaded Networking

Add support for protocol connections to be in a background thread so the UI remains more responsive.

Repeated new message notification

Moodolf reports:

I have 9 POP3-mail accounts configured:, gmx,
Account1 is checked every 3 minutes and the others every 15 minutes.
When a new message at i.E. Account2 arrives the PopTrayU notification window appears.
I click it and it disapears. After 3 minutes it is displayed again (when Account1 is checked).
This is repeated several times, every 3 minutes.
After some time it will not be displayed again.
Do you already know this?
What information do you need?
This bug exists since version 5.0 (maybe longer).
At the moment I have V5.1.5.
Thank you :-)"
I am seeing this kind of behavior on my machine as well with the deluxe notification window enabled when new mail is found on a different account.

Keep message list sorted while checking

When checking for new mail, and show messages while checking is selected, it currently displays the messages in server order and then sorts by desired column after all messages are downloaded. This is a bit strange looking when messages are sorted by date (newest first).

Delayed Attachment Downloading (IMAP)

In Gmail when you read a message it doesn't automatically download the attachments. Sometimes when you don't need all the attachments this is nice. The POP protocol gives no "nice" way to do this, but for IMAP, you can request to download only particular message part(s) and query the message parts about what part(s) exist, so in theory a quick preview mode could be done where it delays downloading the attachments until you are ready to view them should be possible

Option 1: only download attachments on request
Option 2: download attachments in the background while reading the message

Reset Mail Count in Tray Working Incorrectly

Robo reports:

  1. "Tray Icon" setting "Reset Mail Count in Tray when Viewing" dont work correct.
  • disabled = tray icon display all read and unread messages, after click on tray icon, messages reseted and not displayed on tray.
  • enabled = tray icon display only unread messages but after click don't reset tray icon and number off unread messages displayed.
    I think both behaviors are wrong.

Save Account not enabled

Robo reports:

  1. setting change on "IMAP Account Options" (and not only here) don't trigger "Save Account" Button.

Clarified as follows:

On Accounts page "IMAP Account Options" all settings ("Use Gmail IMAP Extensions", "Use Server Spam Folder...", "Use Server Trash Folder") don't trigger "Save Account" button (after change button stay gray).
On Options page setting "Advanced Options" -> "Communicate using MAPI instead mailto" (after change button "Save Options" stay gray).
Save all off this options is possible only if i change other option on page.

Create Rules based on Receive or Sent Date

0000074: Rules based on email receive or sent date. Right now there is no way to set rules to mark to delete messages older than xx days or mark bogus dates as spam.

Skinning breaks QuickHelp

After having customized the visual appearance of PopTrayU, version 5.0 beta 12, nothing happens if I click on the Quick Help button (?) and then on a given line of the different options. [Still exists in later versions..may be difficult or impossible to fix without upgrading RadStudio]

Keyboard Lights Broken?

Robo reports:

  1. Plugin NotifyKeyboardLights not work, it should be removed from the installation or repaired plugin interface.


User had requested having poptrayu save emails with MHT extension instead of EML so they could be loaded by a different client (firefox?). This was implemented as an "undocumented feature, however the GUI option to configure this was never added.

Show Labels in Message List (Gmail)

Currently you can add and remove messages, but not view the labels.

Possibilities of how this might be implemented:

  1. Have right click menu to display labels?
  2. Display in subject like gmail?
  3. Other?

certain accounts not checked

Robo reports:

  1. PopTray don't check mails on Account3 (Gmail), setting are same as Account2 (Gmail) only difference is Account3 used extra Password set for app on Google Account (Google 2-Step Verification set). "Test Account" on Accounts page of PopTray working and don't display errors, old stable versions work.

Integrated Spam Filtering

Do a feasibility assessment on integrating support for Spam Assassin

It has been frequently requested to have better spam filtering integration (such as DNS blocklists or Baysean Filtering). Currently some people use K9 as a filter (but development has long stopped on that product and it doesn't support SSL or IMAP so it's rather limiting featurewise. PopFile and Spamihilator are two other spam filtering apps that work with PopTrayU using a similar proxy technique.

It would be desirable to also have a hook in the application where you can pass the message to an external application to have it give a spam rating without requiring a proxy setup. Spam Assassin looks like a promising choice and the open source GPL license is well suited to the nature of this project.

Background Hyperlinks

User on poptray forum would like to have internet windows launch as a background window and poptray stay on top when they click a hyperlink.

POP deleting only every other message

Moodolf reports

Oh and deletion of messages on POP3 accounts does not work as it should.
I mark messages as "delete" and when I press "Check" it should delete EVERY marked messeage, but it will only delete every second message.
8 msgs marked to delete -> "check" -> 4 msgs marked -> "check" -> 2 msgs marked -> "check" -> 1 msg marked -> "check" -> 0 msg.

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