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react-haskell's Issues

Signals delayed until first animation frame [question]

Hi @joelburget , it's me again. sorry to be a pain on here! At the moment, the signals appear to get queued when they are triggered, and they are evaluated at the next animation frame, rather than being evaluated instantly. Is there a reason for doing that? Am I likely to trigger all hell to break loose if I change it?

todomvc example is broken

~/react-haskell/example/todomvc$ hastec todomvc.hs

Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘StatefulReact’

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘getState’
Perhaps you meant ‘getStyle’ (imported from Haste)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘StatefulReact’

Not in scope: ‘getState’
Perhaps you meant ‘getStyle’ (imported from Haste)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘StatefulReact’

Not in scope: ‘getState’
Perhaps you meant ‘getStyle’ (imported from Haste)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘StatefulReact’

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘getState’
Perhaps you meant ‘getStyle’ (imported from Haste)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘StatefulReact’

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘StatefulReact’

Not in scope: ‘getState’
Perhaps you meant ‘getStyle’ (imported from Haste)

Not in scope: ‘<!’
Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘!’ (imported from Haste.JSON), ‘<’ (imported from Prelude),
‘$!’ (imported from Prelude)

first class classes

It's currently impossible to render a class from a ReactT. This should be possible with locally or something.

In the best of all worlds you could do something like:

div_ $ do
    span_ "this is not a class"

There are a few problems though...

  • someClass is not ReactT so we can't use do notation here. Okay, we could use RebindableSyntax to make this possible, but I think that's a bad idea. Instead, why not extend locally to take either a ReactT or a ReactClass.
  • The meaning of a class is not super clear. In the current formulation it's where state is stored in an IORef, but that's an implementation detail, not a means of abstraction. Maybe we don't need classes. Maybe we can figure out a clearer meaning for them. createClass also feels really weird. It's stateful in an unclear way and lives in the IO monad.

native class interop

I want to use JS-defined react classes. Once imported they should behave exactly the same as react-haskell classes.

Also see issue #8 for more on classes.

Cannot install from hackage

Using hackage version of Haste

~/react-haskell/example/todomvc$ haste-inst install react-haskell
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring Cabal-
Failed to install Cabal-
Build log ( /home/maks/react-haskell/example/todomvc/.cabal-sandbox/logs/Cabal- ):
Installed text-
Downloading hashable-
Configuring hashable-
Building hashable-
Failed to install hashable-
Build log ( /home/maks/react-haskell/example/todomvc/.cabal-sandbox/logs/hashable- ):
Configuring hashable-
Building hashable-
Preprocessing library hashable-

Constructor ‘J#’ should have 1 argument, but has been given 2
In the pattern: J# size# byteArray
In an equation for ‘hashWithSalt’:
hashWithSalt salt n@(J# size# byteArray)
| n >= minInt && n <= maxInt
= hashWithSalt salt (fromInteger n :: Int)
| otherwise
= let
size = I# size#
numBytes = 4 * abs size
hashByteArrayWithSalt byteArray 0 numBytes salt hashWithSalt size
minInt = fromIntegral (minBound :: Int)
maxInt = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)
In the instance declaration for ‘Hashable Integer’
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
Cabal- failed during the configure step. The exception was:
user error ('/usr/local/bin/hastec' exited with an error:

No instance for (Data Version)
arising from the first field of ‘ThisVersion’ (type ‘Version’)
Possible fix:
use a standalone 'deriving instance' declaration,
so you can specify the instance context yourself
When deriving the instance for (Data VersionRange)
hashable- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
nats-1 depends on hashable- which failed to install.
react-haskell- depends on hashable- which failed to install.
semigroups- depends on hashable- which failed to install.
unordered-containers- depends on hashable- which failed to
void-0.7 depends on hashable- which failed to install.

Fix hackage build

The hackage build is currently broken, presumably because haste-specific stuff breaks haddock. I think this can be fixed with liberal use of CPP macros.

Functor instance for ReactNode

It looks as though ReactNode admits a Functor instance, which would use LocalNode but pick the insig -> sig function at the use site, rather than a type-based default. Is there a reason this instance is not provided? Would you accept a PR?

The Functor laws aren't exactly obeyed, because you can count how many times fmap has been applied. I'm not sure this matters, since the constructors aren't exported. I'd be fine with some sigMap though, with the same type but without the laws.

figure out packaging

I always need to call hastec example/main.hs --with-js=lib/stubs.js. Would be really nice for end users to not have to locate these stubs.

Failed to install

Im just trying out ghcjs and came across these react bindings. When I install via cabal though I get the following error

[ 1 of 15] Compiling React.GHCJS      ( src/React/GHCJS.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-ce49f728/build/React/GHCJS.js_o )

    does not export
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
ghcjs-dom-hello- depends on react-haskell-2.0.1 which failed to

Am I missing something - I might be wrong but it looks like the function got renamed to getElementById?


How to run the examples?

After installing with haste-inst install,
I run: hastec --with-js=lib/stubs.js example/simple/simple.hs --out=example/simple/main.js from the root of the project
And then open the file in chrome.
And when I type in the input box, the texts doesn't change.

Does it depend on some fixed version of ghc? I use 7.6.3

how to run this example

is it needed to cabal install webkit to display the react native in web widget?
if it needed to display in web, why it is called react native?
how can it replace native apps such as gtk2hs?

Prelude> :l react2.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( react2.hs, interpreted )

react2.hs:10:21: parse error on input ‘=’
Failed, modules loaded: none.


What's our routing story? What does react-router do? What makes sense in Haskell vs JS?

Only one element rendering at each level in the DOM

Firstly, I think react-haskell is a really good idea, and I'm using it to build a web application even if I have to keep changing all my application code and getting out of various different manifestations of cabal hell.

Secondly, I think I've found a bug:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Haste.Prim
import Haste.DOM
import React

data ApplicationState = ApplicationState {
    foo :: JSString

transition :: JSString -> ApplicationState -> (ApplicationState, [AnimConfig JSString ()])
transition signal oldState = (oldState, [])

index :: ApplicationState -> React ApplicationState JSString () ()
index s = do
  h1_ "Render things"
  h1_ "Render moar things"

main = do
    mElem <- elemById "app"
    case mElem of
      Nothing -> putStrLn "not found"
      Just elem -> do
          render elem =<< createClass index transition (ApplicationState "") () []
          return ()

Only renders "Render things", but I would expect "Render things" then "Render moar things". In general, the only the first child of any element in the React declaration seems to be rendering.

finish event type definitions

What types of events are there? Currently mouse, keyboard, change, focus.

What properties do they all hold? How do properties map from js to haskell?

Failed to compile

$cabal install ./react-haskell
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring react-haskell-2.0.1...
Building react-haskell-2.0.1...
Failed to install react-haskell-2.0.1
Build log ( /home/mule/.cabal/logs/react-haskell-2.0.1.log ):
Configuring react-haskell-2.0.1...
Building react-haskell-2.0.1...
Preprocessing library react-haskell-2.0.1...
[14 of 15] Compiling React.Events ( src/React/Events.hs, dist/build/React/Events.o )

No instance for (Eq JSString) arising from the literal ‘"Enter"’
In the pattern: "Enter"
In the pattern: KeyboardEvent {key = "Enter"}
In an equation for ‘handler’:
handler (KeyboardEvent {key = "Enter"}) = Just s
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
react-haskell-2.0.1 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

Ghc version:

Cabal version:

Installed versions of packeges which react-haskell depends:

  • base
  • transformers
  • monads-tf
  • deepseq
  • lens-family 1.2.0
  • void 0.7, 0.7.1
  • aeson,
  • text
  • unordered-containers

Maybe this is the report from Cabal hell? I am trying different versions and the result is the same.

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