Cozy Trainline Konnector
Cozy is a platform that brings all your web services in the same private space. With it, your webapps and your devices can share data easily, providing you with a new experience. You can install Cozy on your own hardware where no one's tracking you.
This is a cozy konnector which fetch trainline travels bills and bills data
If you want to work on this konnector and submit code modifications, feel free to open pull-requests! See the [contributing guide][contribute] for more information about how to properly open pull-requests.
If you have a running accessible cozy-stack you can test your the konnector without installing and/or updating the konnector in the cozy-stack :
You first need an installed nodejs (LTS version is fine)
Then just run (but you have to have proper COZY_CREDENTIALS, COZY_URL and COZY_FIELDS environment variables):
npm install
npm start
If you do not want to have to install the konnector on a cozy v3 to test it, you can register the konnector as an OAuth application with the following commands :
npm install
npm run dev
This command will register your konnector as an OAuth application to the cozy-stack. By default, the cozy-stack is supposed to be located in If this is not your case, just update the COZY_URL field in ./data/env.js.
After that, your konnector is run but should not work since you did not specify an credentials to the target service. You can also do this in ./data/env.js by modifying the COZY_FIELDS attribute which is a JSON string.
Now run npm run dev one more time, you dont have to do the Oauth thing now, and it should be ok
If you do not want to need to have an accessible cozy-stack, just run :
npm install
npm run standalone
The requests to the cozy stack will be stubbed using the ./data/fixture.json file as source of data and when cozy-client-js is asked to create or update data, the data will be output to the console. The bills (or any file) will be saved in the ./data directory
The lead maintainers for this konnector is
You can reach the Cozy Community by:
- Chatting with us on IRC #cozycloud on Freenode
- Posting on our Forum
- Posting issues on the Github repos
- Say Hi! on Twitter
Trainline Konnector is developed by and distributed under the AGPL v3 license.
cozy-konnector-trainline's People
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