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groupeletters's Issues

False redirection to success page

When one submits registration form with email already registered earlier, the person would get redirected to 'SUCCESS page', though this is not the success case.

Problem is related to ELetters + FormIt use.

fatal error in plugin

After installation I have this error:

Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /web/htdocs/ on line 126

I can clear the cache but after that it happens again

CSV import/export

Just saw it during the translation, there are already strings for a CSV import/export...and this would really be what would come in very handy right now =P...any idea how to approach this, example csv or anything started?

Snippet trigger send to all

Does any one have an example or can point me in the direction of how to setup a snippet that will send an email to all users within a group?


CronManager does not return any snippet

Not sure if you can do something with that problem...
Using 2.2 Revo, CronManager does not return any snippet in the combo-box where you have to choose one (same on Revo2.3.0-dev from git)...
Cannont use your GroupEletters without CronManager ?

Another question what about protability on Revo 2.3 ?

Ganging group membership doesn't work.

I can't change the group membership of a subscriber. Although the system (back-end) saves the change is not accepted.

I tried to uncheck the checkbox in components --> eletters --> subscribers --> "edit subscriber x" --> group infos and pressed the save button. If I check back whether everything worked or not I'll see that the checkbox is still checked.

Swap &emailFromName &emailFrom values in GroupELetterSignup chunk

The values for those settings needs to be swapt.

&emailSubject=Newsletter confirmation
&emailFromName=[[++groupeletters.fromEmail]] <- THIS IS WRONG
&emailFrom=[[++groupeletters.fromName]] <- THIS IS WRONG

Not add a user to a distribution group

Hello i'm have a trouble!

MODX Revolution 2.4.3-pl
Eletters 1.1.0-pl

I assume that you can not add a user to a distribution group ...
If use TV eletterTestTo - email arrives
If use TV eletterToGroups - email does not come

Modx error log:
[2016-06-22 16:49:00](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/Update] ADD Subscriber(1) to group: 1
[2016-06-22 17:11:16](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/create()] add Subscriber for group (2) to GroupID: 1
[2016-06-22 17:34:53](ERROR @ /connectors/index.php) 0 is not a valid integer and may not be passed to makeUrl()
[2016-06-22 17:36:11](ERROR @ /index.php) 0 is not a valid integer and may not be passed to makeUrl()
[2016-06-22 17:38:07](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/Update] ADD Subscriber(2) to group: 2
[2016-06-22 17:38:20](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/Update] ADD Subscriber(1) to group: 2
[2016-06-22 17:40:37](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/Update] Subscriber(1) Exists for group: 2 ID: 4
[2016-06-22 17:40:37](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/Update] ADD Subscriber(1) to group: 3
[2016-06-22 17:40:43](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/Update] Subscriber(2) Exists for group: 2 ID: 3
[2016-06-22 17:40:43](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/Update] ADD Subscriber(2) to group: 3
[2016-06-22 17:51:42](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/Update] Subscriber(2) Exists for group: 2 ID: 3
[2016-06-22 17:51:42](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/Update] Subscriber(2) Exists for group: 3 ID: 6
[2016-06-22 17:51:50](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/Update] Subscriber(1) Exists for group: 2 ID: 4
[2016-06-22 17:51:50](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/Update] Subscriber(1) Exists for group: 3 ID: 5
[2016-06-22 20:41:30](ERROR @ /index.php) Eletters->setDebug()
[2016-06-22 20:41:40](ERROR @ /index.php) Eletters->setDebug()
[2016-06-22 20:41:41](ERROR @ /index.php) Eletters->setDebug()
[2016-06-22 20:49:17](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/create()] add Subscriber for group (3) to GroupID: 4
[2016-06-22 20:50:03](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/Update] ADD Subscriber(4) to group: 4
[2016-06-22 21:00:51](ERROR @ /index.php) Для отправки письма вы должны предоставить электронный почту получателя.
[2016-06-22 21:00:51](ERROR @ /index.php) Eletters->Signup() - An error occurred while trying to send the confirmation email to [email protected]
[2016-06-22 21:01:53](ERROR @ /index.php) Для отправки письма вы должны предоставить электронный почту получателя.
[2016-06-22 21:01:53](ERROR @ /index.php) Eletters->Signup() - An error occurred while trying to send the confirmation email to [email protected]
[2016-06-22 21:26:42](ERROR @ /index.php) Для отправки письма вы должны предоставить электронный почту получателя.
[2016-06-22 21:26:42](ERROR @ /index.php) Eletters->Signup() - An error occurred while trying to send the confirmation email to [email protected]
[2016-06-22 21:27:28](ERROR @ /assets/components/eletters/connector.php) [ELetters/Process/Update] Subscriber(6) Exists for group: 4 ID: 10

Limit is not working for the Queue

Fix the sendList() method to assign the $limit or batchsize. This is causing redundant sendings as the entire list is being sent on each call rather then the limit or batchsize.

CSV Import not working + Strange Stuff

Just tried out the beta4 with CSV import, but I couldn't import anything, there's just nothing happening, it seems to "save"/"upload" the csv then the overlay just closes and nothing happens and nothing is entered into the db. The error log just says 0 imported, 0 invalid, 0 already existing^^, happend with my own file and also with your demo.csv file in the docs folder which I tried out (this one is acually missing in the transport package, like the german lexicon folder (/lexicon/de/)...dunno what happened there bc in the repository here on github it is existing, but not in the package...

Edit: OK, could make it work, seems to be veeeery sensitive on character encoding or so, not sure, I saved from excel as MS-DOS comma separated, then opened it in sublime text 2, special characters fu**** up, reopened with encoding MS-DOS, spec. characters back, then save with encoding utf8 and copied the whole entries over to the example-import.csv from the repo here. Then the import worked, didn't try without coping to your file...

I would like to do that, but there is no option to delete multiple subscribers, I'll open a new feature request for this =)

Newsletters sent 3 times + Other issues

When incorporating the newest beta in a MODx 2.2.5 installation I couldn't get the extra to work right (had to switch over to mailchimp in the last second bc the client was killing me^^), everytime I sent the newsletter (luckily only to a testgroup (not the test feature...)) it landed three times in the inboxes...imagine a list of 1500 subscribers and everyone gets 3 times in a row the same newsletter... I didn't find out what is causing this strange behaviour (I also did set debug to on, but that gave me just a lot of other errors > the database seems to have problem with entering the data for the grid ie. changing for ex. the field "sent" to "1"...these information is also not reflected in the grid of the component, sure bc it isnt in the db =D).

I also had to comment out the Stattrack Plugin because it was filling up my errorlog in minutes^^...

Here's a list of what I have written down as bugs or improvements during the developement of the last site:

  • Tracking Plugin causes errors...disabled
  • Duplicate signup shows no error (shows confirmation) but doesnt work (luckily)
  • MakeELetter TV should have a value ie Yes==1||No==0
  • Subscriber search just doesn't do anything, subscriber list needs big improvement, with more than 1000 it's just a pain in the ass, how about alphabetical pagination like A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, is something like that possible in the manager?
  • How to handle multilanguage sites where subscribers can subscribe for the newsletter in their language, can we specify multiple confirm/unsubscribe pages?
  • Setting a subscriber to inactive doesnt work / does not save
  • Attachment TV not displayed and documented
  • [[+trackingImage]] not working, not documented and the documentation in the code doesn't work...
  • Handle URLs internally and make them absolute (when [[~id]] links are used)!
  • If possible, merge head css into the corresponding tags^^...probabply difficult > EmailResource >

Send mals with SMPT

The signin mail will not be sent. it seams to be a problem with the SMTP. My provider only allows sending emails with SMTP authentification. For my contact form I configured the SMTP in the MODx system settings, but I cannot set them for the ELetter signin mail. Is there a way to use the MODx system settings, or to configure SMTP settings for Eletter?

Auto conformation

Is there currently a way to auto confirm a users subscription?

If not, then this feature would be useful.

Component does not work

Does not work on MODX 2.5.1, PHP 7.0.8, MySQL 5.7. does not send a test email and there are no errors, the log is empty

Feature: Newsletter statistics

It would be very helpful to have some statistics built in the newsletter system, like Bounces or Newsletter opened (like 600 sent, 400 opened...). Some time ago I have purchased the newsletter system here: which does implement such things. It doesn't have to be very detailed or so, but people like stats, so let's giv'em some =)

If you would like to I can send you the script mentioned above for inspiration!

PS: Any timetable when the new beta will be available in the package manager?

Subscriber Management / Delete Multiple Subscribers at once

Would like to have the possibility to remove more than one subscriber at a time, so we would need something like a "Batch Processing" Select Menu like seen in Quip or so. Maybe an easier solution that would fit for me to (if the other one is to much time-consuming) is a button to just remove ALL subscribers (then we would have to import them new...).

The Batch processing could also be used to set more than one at the time to "active"...which would also come in handy sometimes

Don't work unsubscribe

When i add [[+unsubscribeUrl]] in subscribe letter, he don't return me link.
It's look like
"Hello user, you unsubscribe link [[+unsubscribeUrl]] "

Using Revolution 2.2.1-pl

Sign up form

No clear method of how to sign up to newsletter.

I.e. how do you specify which newsletter you want the user to be receive, using the sign up form?

Can't get Confirmation email to Display

I am testing out the newsletter sign up, and after the thank you page pops up and email is sent. However, the contents of the email do not display.

I have set everything up as best as I could using the information on the documentation page, and everything else seems to be working fine. Even when previewing the page I have set as the confirmation resource I can see the contents. However, when I actually sign up using an email address and details, the email confirmation I receive is blank.

Someone please help!

Update of groupEletters to Eletters on github...?

It seems that the version on github is not the one delivered with the Modx Package...
I suppose you don't want to put the last version on github but it's a little bit confusing...
as I wanted to propose some little fixes, don't know where to put them...

Am i at the wrong place here?
Is there another place to submit some fixes?

Dashboard Widget

It would be useful to have a dashboard widget to show the total number of subscribers at a glance.

The widget could also show other useful info such as recent subscribers and if they've confirmed their subscription or recently unsubscribed users.

The emailCC and emailBCC properties of 'FormIt' are not usable.


In first thank for your job in this module.
I try to use it (version 1.1.0 beta3 )with FormIt and the emailCC and emailBCC properties are not used when sending email confirmation.
There is also a strange behavior when the confirmation message is sent and the property 'emailFromName is filled with a character string containing spaces: it would look as it is an attempt to send as many email that words in the character string.


Missing fields in db

Not fully sure about it, but the docs mention fields/placeholders like "city" or "fullname" to use but I can't find the in the db table modx_eletter_subscriber, so it seems I can't fill the in and use them. Is this right or am I just looking at the wrong place?

Edit: And what is the system setting "groupeletters.manageSubscriptionsPageID" made for, I can't find this in the docs, I don't understand what type of page this would be (as far as I understand the subscribers are managed through the CMP)...

Once unsubscribed, can't resubscribe


I think I might have found a bug dealing with unsubscribing and then resubscribing. On the backend, removing a group from a given user works, but the change is not reflected in the GUI (If you actually go into the database, you can see that receive_email is set to an N. The GUI always says they are in the group). Because the GUI thinks the user is already in the group, they can't be added back into the group.

I've tested this on 2 different servers, both running Modx Revo 2.2.1 and RC3 of GroupEletters. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Plaintext multipart

referring to closed issue #18

so basicly its line 240, right?
$this->modx->mail->set(modMail::MAIL_BODY_TEXT, strip_tags($body));
how to replace strip_tags($body) with a seperately generated plaintextversion-chunk without running into any conflict. Would you recommend that. A proper plaintext version is the last issue that keeps me from using GroupEletters for projects.

Text version through mime

Would be great if GE could send the message in a mime enabled text version as well. Preferably by means of parsing and converting the content headers and paragraphs.

Is this an old repo?

We've loaded the 1.1.1 release which is dated Jan 2023, but this repo appears not to have been touched since 2016, is there somewhere better to report issues?

Although the new version is only a month old it doesn't appear to support Revo 3 which is nearly a year old. Have we missed something? On 3(.0.0) there is no "add group" button on the mailing group listing.


on save Resource
[2012-09-05 17:12:45](ERROR @ /connectors/resource/index.php) [GroupEletters] Do Something!
[2012-09-05 17:12:45](ERROR @ /connectors/resource/index.php) Could not load class: GroupEletters from groupeletters.
[2012-09-05 17:12:45](ERROR @ /connectors/resource/index.php) Problem getting service groupeletters, instance of class GroupEletters, from path /home/web/

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