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smalidea's Issues

Smali evaluation not working

AWESOME tool, really awesome tool.
Don't know if this is a known limitation, but Smali evaluation does not work, while Java one does. It would be really helpful to get the Smali one working as well otherwise it's not possible to tamper with the registers on-the-fly.


Readme tutorial ("Debugging an application") not completely understandable

I understand that this section was written for Android Studio 3.2, not for the current version. I tried to follow but it was hardly possible.
to improve user experience of others some suggestions/additions for the readme

step 1: "baksmali" is to be used. If I use C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\plugins\android\lib\baksmali-2.2.4.jar like that I get "no main manifest attribut" error. Googeling for baksmali I found The latest release there is baksmali-2.0b6.jar - this does not have the "main missing in manifest"-issue, but it seems to work not on .apk, but on .dex (extracted from an apk, probably). finally I stumbled across where version 2.5.2 can be found and this version works. Later I noticed that of references the bitbucked. I think it would be good to mention the bitbucked in the smalidea readme and to create a pseudo-github-release or update the description of the last github-release to mention that newer und upcomming updates will be available in the bitbucket (and not as github-releases)

step 2: does not specify the directory (~/projects/myapp). Furthermore, there is only "Open" not "Open an existing Android Studio project"
setp 3: "Once the project has been created" - this is confusing. step 2 says, we just open an existing project, now you say we created one?!
step 4: android:debuggable="true" in the manifest is a parameter of the <application - XML-Tag in the Manifest. I think this should be mentioned before step 1, because if this is not set already then one needs to change the apk and extract the changed apk in step 1 again
step 8: new "Remote" debug configuration seems to be called "Remote JVM Debug" (now). If I debug, in Android studio in the "Debugger" tag in the "debug" section I do only see "Connecting to the target VM, address: 'localhost:8700', transport: 'socket'" - not "connected". Breakpoints do not seem to work either.

Run -> "Attach debugger to Android proceess" works and it does not need the adb forward part.

evaluate and log in breakpoint logs value only from first evaluation

My software setup:

Android Studio Bumblebee | 2021.1.1 Patch 1
Build #AI-211.7628.21.2111.8139111, built on February 1, 2022
Runtime version: 11.0.11+9-b60-7590822 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by Oracle Corporation
Windows 10 10.0
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 1280M
Cores: 8
Non-Bundled Plugins: com.github.beansoft.jadx.gui.idea (2021.2.1), org.jf.smalidea (0.06-dev), PythonCore (211.7628.24), org.jetbrains.kotlin (211-1.6.10-release-923-AS7442.40)

My problem

For debugged method below evaluate and log output is same for all calls.

Breakpoint configuration


Debugged method

.method public static a(I)I
    .registers 2

    .line 108
    sget-object v0, Lcom/badlogic/gdx/math/MathUtils;->a:Ljava/util/Random;

    add-int/lit8 p0, p0, 0x1

    invoke-virtual {v0, p0}, Ljava/util/Random;->nextInt(I)I #breakpoint evaluating p0

    move-result p0 

    return p0 #breakpoint evaluating p0
.end method


random 3
random_result 1
random 3
random_result 1
random 3
random_result 1
random 3
random_result 1

In watches I can see value correctly changing with each call.

Watches values:


When steping the code, nothing is shown on the variables view


when steping the code nothing is shown. I'm using a rooted phone with the wikipedia app to test.
What I do:

  1. put app in debuggable state and repack
  2. use developer mode to select app and tick "wait for debugger"
  3. Attach to the process using idea

Breakpoint are hit, and I can step put I get no info at all...
For example:

  new-instance v0, Lorg/wikipedia/main/MainActivity$Companion;

    const/4 v1, 0x0

When I step the new instance, I should see v0 in the variables.
Inside the variables, I see: "static members of MainActivity", then I click on it and I see: Collecting Data... and It never ends.
Is there a way to debug the plugin ?

Rename class function not working fully

When refactor-rename class it doesn't rename quoted string class names in the body of annotation,

 .annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Signature;
   value = {
 .end annotation

According to the instruction I downloaded from github, but when I choose Plugin->Install Plugin from Disk... and choose this file, it gives me an error: Fail to load plugin descriptor from file The problem occurs both in IDEA and AS. How to solve it?

According to the instruction I downloaded smali-2.4.0.jar, but when I choose Plugin->Install Plugin from Disk... and choose this file, it gives me an error: Fail to load plugin descriptor from file smali-2.4.0.jar. The problem occurs both in IDEA and AS. How to solve it?

Edit variables and read-only files

Is there any option to edit watches?¿ I see I can edit the value in "this", but I cant figure out how to edit for example the v0 value while debugging.
Also, I tried to edit smali files but those appear as "read-only", is there any chance to modify those files and recompile app (I suppose this is harder than the other)

[Feature request] Side by side view with decompiled Java code

First of all I would like to thank the author for this great extension! This functionality really should be built into the IDE.

Would it be possible to implement a side by side view with decompiled Java code? Something similar to Ghidra, where you can see the Smali file in one window and an approximate Java equivalent (could be generated by JADX). It could look something like the split view with XML layout files in Android Studio, for example.

This feature would be really helpful when debugging an application. Unfortunately I don't have experience building IntelliJ plug-ins, so it would be great if someone can at least provide an overview of what would be required to implement this feature.

Error install plugin for IDEA/AS

According to the instruction I downloaded smali-2.4.0.jar, but when I choose Plugin->Install Plugin from Disk... and choose this file, it gives me an error: Fail to load plugin descriptor from file smali-2.4.0.jar. The problem occurs both in IDEA and AS. How to solve it?

MacBook M1 breakpoint not work.

MacBook M1
Android studio 4.0.2
already connect to pixel4 (Android 11)
but breakpoint not work.

win10 work well with pixel4(Android 11)

Can't Import into Android Studio

I'm using Android Studio 3.6.1 and getting the error

Fail to load plugin descriptor from file smali-2.4.0.jar

Any idea? Thanks

Error Encountered while Installing Smalidea Plugin on Android Studio 2022.2.1


I'm facing difficulties while attempting to use the Smalidea plugin on Android Studio 2022.2.1 (Build #AI-222.4459.24.2221.9862592, built on March 31, 2023, Runtime version: 17.0.6+0-b2043.56-9586694 amd64).

I keep encountering the following error message:
"Plugin 'Smalidea' is compatible with IntelliJ IDEA only because it doesn't define any explicit module dependencies."

I tried adding the following lines to the plugin.xml file:

However, this only worsened the situation.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance!

Cannot get local variables in a method

I have not been using smalidea for some time, but I remember when it hits the break points, I could see the value of local variables v0, v1.., p0, p1...
However, it says internal like this now:
螢幕快照 2020-04-18 下午1 14 20

It does work for objects, but not primitives.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/intellij/psi/PsiElementFinder Android Studio 4.1.2

Added "com.intellij.modules.androidstudio" to plugin.xml in and installed plugin into Android Studio 4.1.2, but found an error during smali open:

com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: While loading class org.jf.smalidea.psi.index.SmaliClassFinder: com/intellij/psi/PsiElementFinder [Plugin: org.jf.smalidea]
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
	at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
	at java.lang.Class.forName(
	at com.intellij.openapi.extensions.impl.ExtensionComponentAdapter.getImplementationClass(
	at com.intellij.openapi.extensions.impl.ExtensionComponentAdapter.createInstance(
	at com.intellij.openapi.extensions.impl.XmlExtensionAdapter.createInstance(
	at com.intellij.openapi.extensions.impl.ExtensionPointImpl.processAdapter(
	at com.intellij.openapi.extensions.impl.ExtensionPointImpl.processAdapters(
	at com.intellij.openapi.extensions.impl.ExtensionPointImpl.getExtensionList(
	at com.intellij.psi.impl.JavaPsiFacadeImpl.finders(
	at com.intellij.psi.impl.JavaPsiFacadeImpl.filteredFinders(
	at com.intellij.psi.impl.JavaPsiFacadeImpl.findPackage(
	at com.intellij.psi.impl.file.JavaDirectoryServiceImpl.getPackage(
	at com.intellij.ide.projectView.impl.JavaProjectViewDirectoryHelper.getNodeName(
	at com.intellij.ide.projectView.impl.nodes.PsiDirectoryNode.updateImpl(
	at com.intellij.ide.projectView.impl.nodes.AbstractPsiBasedNode.lambda$doUpdate$1(
	at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.runReadAction(
	at com.intellij.ide.projectView.impl.nodes.AbstractPsiBasedNode.doUpdate(
	at com.intellij.ide.projectView.impl.nodes.AbstractPsiBasedNode.lambda$update$0(
	at com.intellij.util.AstLoadingFilter.lambda$toComputable$2(
	at com.intellij.util.AstLoadingFilter.disallowTreeLoading(
	at com.intellij.util.AstLoadingFilter.disallowTreeLoading(
	at com.intellij.util.AstLoadingFilter.disallowTreeLoading(
	at com.intellij.ide.projectView.impl.nodes.AbstractPsiBasedNode.update(
	at com.intellij.ide.util.treeView.PresentableNodeDescriptor.getUpdatedPresentation(
	at com.intellij.ide.util.treeView.PresentableNodeDescriptor.update(
	at com.intellij.ui.tree.StructureTreeModel$Node.update(
	at com.intellij.ui.tree.StructureTreeModel$Node.<init>(
	at com.intellij.ui.tree.StructureTreeModel$Node.<init>(
	at com.intellij.ui.tree.StructureTreeModel$Node.<init>(
	at com.intellij.ui.tree.StructureTreeModel.getValidChildren(
	at com.intellij.ui.tree.StructureTreeModel.validateChildren(
	at com.intellij.ui.tree.StructureTreeModel.getNode(
	at com.intellij.ui.tree.StructureTreeModel.getChildren(
	at com.intellij.ui.tree.AsyncTreeModel$CmdGetChildren.getNode(
	at com.intellij.ui.tree.AsyncTreeModel$ObsolescentCommand.get(
	at com.intellij.ui.tree.AsyncTreeModel$ObsolescentCommand.get(
	at com.intellij.util.concurrency.Invoker$
	at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.tryRunReadAction(
	at com.intellij.openapi.progress.util.ProgressIndicatorUtils.lambda$runInReadActionWithWriteActionPriority$0(
	at com.intellij.openapi.progress.util.ProgressIndicatorUtils.lambda$runWithWriteActionPriority$1(
	at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.CoreProgressManager.lambda$runProcess$2(
	at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.CoreProgressManager.registerIndicatorAndRun(
	at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.CoreProgressManager.executeProcessUnderProgress(
	at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.ProgressManagerImpl.executeProcessUnderProgress(
	at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.CoreProgressManager.runProcess(
	at com.intellij.openapi.progress.util.ProgressIndicatorUtils.runWithWriteActionPriority(
	at com.intellij.openapi.progress.util.ProgressIndicatorUtils.runInReadActionWithWriteActionPriority(
	at com.intellij.util.concurrency.Invoker.invokeSafely(
	at com.intellij.util.concurrency.Invoker.lambda$offerSafely$0(
	at com.intellij.util.concurrency.Invoker$Background.lambda$offer$0(
	at com.intellij.util.concurrency.BoundedTaskExecutor.doRun(
	at com.intellij.util.concurrency.BoundedTaskExecutor.access$200(
	at com.intellij.util.concurrency.BoundedTaskExecutor$1.execute(
	at com.intellij.util.ConcurrencyUtil.runUnderThreadName(
	at com.intellij.util.concurrency.BoundedTaskExecutor$
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/intellij/psi/PsiElementFinder
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
	at com.intellij.util.lang.UrlClassLoader._defineClass(
	at com.intellij.util.lang.UrlClassLoader.defineClass(
	at com.intellij.util.lang.UrlClassLoader._findClass(
	... 61 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.intellij.psi.PsiElementFinder PluginClassLoader[org.jf.smalidea, 0.05]
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
	... 68 more

Release new version

I see a lot of changes since 31 March 2017. Could you please make a release for this one if these changes are significant enough?

[BUG] after installing studio fails to launch

Internal error. Please refer to

com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore$EssentialPluginMissingException: Missing essential plugins:,
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore.checkEssentialPluginsAreAvailable(
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore.initializePlugins(
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore.initializeAndSetPlugins(
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginDescriptorLoader$scheduleLoading$pluginSetDeferred$1.invokeSuspend(PluginDescriptorLoader.kt:397)
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:570)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:750)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:677)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$

Your JRE: 17.0.7+0-17.0.7b829.16-10353782 aarch64 (JetBrains s.r.o.)
/Applications/Android Studio

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