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content-cards's Introduction

=== Content Cards ===

Contributors: ideag, khromov
Tags: opengraph, open graph, oembed, link cards, snippet, rich snippet, content card
Donate link:
Requires at least: 4.1.0
Tested up to: 4.9
Stable tag: 0.9.7
License: GPLv2
License URI:

Embed any link from the web easily as a beautiful Content Card.

== Description ==

Content Cards make ordinary web links great by making it possible to embed a beautiful Content Card to link to any web site.

By using OpenGraph data, Content Cards grabs the title, description and associated image to the links you embed - it's similar to how you can embed other websites, such as YouTube, Twitter, SoundCloud and more.

For individual links, You can insert a Content Card via shortcode `[contentcards url=""]`. If you often use Content Cards for some website, you can register the domain name (for example: ``) as an oEmbed provider via Plugin's Settings page and then it will behave the same way other oEmbed providers do - you will just have to paste plaintext link to a separate paragraph an Content Card will be generated automatically.

This plugin was built by [Arūnas Liuiza]( and [Stanislav Khromov]( It is being developed on [GitHub]( If you have any questions, issues, need support, or want to contribute, please let us know [here](

We are machines that convert coffee into code, so feel free to [buy us a cup]( Or two. Or ten.

Also, please check out our other plugins:

* Arūnas: [Gust](, [tinyCoffee](, [tinySocial](, [tinyTOC](, [tinyIP]( (premium) and [Post Section Voting](
* Stanislav: [WordPress Instant Articles](, [Content Template Widget for Toolset Views](, [Email Obfuscate Shortcode](, [English WordPress Admin](, [Distraction Free Writing mode Themes](, [Thumbnail Upscale](, [WP Users Media]( and [Views Output Formats](

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

There are two ways of inserting Content Cards into WordPress posts - shortcode and oEmbed.

= Shortcode =

Shortcode is the simplest way - You just put `[contentcards url=""]` into your post content and it gets replaced with a content card.
The shortcode accepts two attributes:

* `url` (requried) - link to the site you want to display Content Card for.
* `target` (optional) - if you want force links to open in new tab, use `target="_blank"` the same you would in actual links. This overrides the global option in Content Cards Settings page.

You can also insert the shortcode via a button in your visual editor. Start by pressing the Content Cards icon in WordPress visual editor's (TinyMCE) toolbar. If no other plugins are adding their buttons, our button should be the last one in the top toolbar.

= oEmbed =

If You find that you are adding a lot of Content Cards from some single domain, You can save yourself some work, by white-listing that website as oEmbed provider in Content Card Settings page.

White-listed sites work the same way any other oEmbed provider in WordPress (YouTube, Twitter, SoundCloud, etc.) - You just need to put a plaintext link in a separate line in the WordPress editor and it will be replaced with a Content Card.

In Content Cards Settings page you can provide a list of white-listed sites. Put only domain name (``), one domain per line.

= Skins =

Content Cards come with two default skins - `Default` and `Default Dark` - created by Stanislav Khromov. These skins are designed to provide minimal structural styling and blend in nicely with active theme by inheriting the font from the theme.

All skin template files can be found in `content-cards/skins/*` directory and they can be overwritten by providing the same template in active theme. For example, if you want to overwrite Content Cards stylesheet, You should add `content-cards.css` to Your theme directory.

Main skin template is `content-cards.php`. If no other skin templates are defined, Content Cards will fall back to this one, the same way WordPress falls back to `index.php`. If you want more granular templates, you can provide `content-cards-{$type}.php` templates, (`content-cards-website.php`, `content-cards-article.php`, etc.). `$type` is based on `og:type` meta data provided by website.

Content Cards provides five new template tags: `get_cc_data()`, `the_cc_data()` and `the_cc_target()`:

* `get_cc_data( $key, $sanitize = false )` - **returns** `$key` OpenGraph data field (i.e. 'title', 'description', etc.). If valid `$sanitize` function is provided, the data is escaped using it.
* `the_cc_data( $key, $sanitize = false )` - according to WordPress tradition, it **prints** the same data that `get_cc_data()` would return.
* `the_cc_target()` - a special helper function, that prints ` target="_blank"` to links if needed (according to plugin/shortcode settings). Usage: `<a href=""<?php the_cc_target() ?>>`.
* `get_cc_image( $size, $sanitize = false )` - *new in v0.9.1* - returns a link to image if there is one. Defaults to image, cached in Media Library, then to remote image. For cached images, you can use `$size` parameter to get specific WordPress image size.
* `the_cc_image( $size, $attrs = array() )` - *new in v0.9.1* - prints an image tag. Uses `get_cc_images()`.
* `the_cc_css_classes( $classes )` - *new in v0.9.4* - a filterable template tag to print out CSS classes for the main div of Content Card. Custom CSS classes can also be passed via `class` attribute in the shortcode

Also since `v0.9.1` you can use `'favicon'` key in `get_cc_data()/the_cc_data()` to display favicon if the remote site provides one.

= Adding CSS classes to the content card container

**Filter** Adding a class is easy thanks to the `content_cards_css_classes` filter.

    add_filter('content_cards_css_classes', function($classes) {
        $classes[] = 'my_class';
        return $classes;

**Shortcode** You can also add custom CSS classes on card-by-card basis using `class` attribute in the shortcode:

`[contentcards url="" class="my_class"]`

= Requirements =

This plugin requires WP_Cron to be in proper working order.

= Override the default options =

If you are running this plugin on a multisite, you may wish to set site-wide settings and disable the Content Cards settings page on each separate blog.

To do this, you can use the `content_cards_options` hook, like this:

    add_filter('content_cards_options', function($data) {

        //Disable admin page
        $data['enable_admin_page'] = false;

        return $data;

You can also override a number of other options using this hook. For example, here we set the theme to "default-dark":

    add_filter('content_cards_options', function($data) {

        //Disable admin page
        $data['skin'] = 'default-dark';

        return $data;

== Installation ==

* Go to your admin area and select Plugins -> Add new from the menu.
* Search for "Content Cards".
* Click install.
* Click activate.

== Screenshots ==

1. A Content Card embedded in post content
2. Content-cards are fully integrated with the visual editor
3. The dialog to insert Content Cards shortcode into post content
4. The Content Cards settings page
5. The Content Cards appearance on the official "Twenty" family of WordPress themes

== Changelog ==

= 0.9.7 =

* added sanitization for OpenGraph data to prevent possible XSS attack (reported by Vahid Nameni)
* added some fixes for WordPress autopeeing on our snippet code.

= 0.9.6 =

* add textdomain
* fix [] not supported on strings error

= 0.9.5 =

* improved handling of non UTF-8 encoded websites

= 0.9.4 =

* bugfix - WordPress 4.4 breaks relative requires/includes, so converted them to absolute ones
* enhanced OpenGrahp image detection - uses first image if more than one is available
* cached images are now removed on plugin deactivation/removal
* added a toggle to disable local image caching

= 0.9.3 =

* bugfix 'undefined' `download_url()` function.
* bugfix `force_absolute_url()` method to work correctly with protocol-agnostic (// URIs.
* enhanced favicon detection mechanism.

= 0.9.2 =

* fixes a bug where `wp-admin` became unaccessible due to 'undefined' `get_current_screen()` function

= 0.9.1 =

* New feature - Content Card images are now cached in Media Library.
* Added `'favicon'` key to display site icon.
* Content Cards' `max-width` limited to 600px via CSS.
* Added an option to limit how many words should be displayed in `'description'`.
* Fixed a bug where non absolute URIs were provided for favicon and/or image in OG:data
* Added an icon for TinyMCE editor button.
* Shortcode loading screen now is configurable via Skins.

= 0.9.0 =

* initial release to ``

content-cards's People


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content-cards's Issues

HTTPS URLs don't work


first of all, thank you for your plugin :)
I'm trying to use it on my personal blog but seems it doesn't work for any HTTPS urls.
HTTP version of the same URL is ok. No errors on error log.

I use PHP 7 over nginx with PHP-fpm.

Any idea about the problem?

OpenGraph data storage

Better OpenGraph data storage.

To Do:

  • store OG data in postmeta
  • update OG data via WP_Cron
  • add an option to Plugin Settings UI for update interval.
  • cleanup postmeta fields if link gets removed from post
  • ? add a cool down interval before retrying to get initial OG data if first attempt was unsuccessful


Optional expiration time for the opengraph oembeds and refresh them in the background. (Maybe possible to piggyback on core WP functions.) via @khromov

save the og data as a custom field into postmeta. That way it minimizes delays due to link rot and page load times waiting for embeds. via @lincourtl

Grab data parsed and generate custom post with metadata?

Hi all,
What if the parser already being used could populate a wp_post and its metadata? The way it would work would be the same as now: a button in tinymce where user can put an url. But after url is passed, the content, description and metadata could be populated with the data grabbed. So we would not have a simple card, but a full post.

Ability to set max width of Content Card

I tried this across some themes and some of them have very large columns, which means the content gets stretched to 1000px or more.

If we have an option for the max width of the content card and then center it, we would be able to let the user decide.

Validation and template functions

Right now we're using esc_url() for some variables in the template functions, I propose instead that we create dedicated functions that are escaped properly ahead of time:

the_cc_domain(); //New suggestion! Example:, like Facebook does it

These would also need to have versions starting with get_ as well.

It would imho simplify templating quite a bit.

Loading icon for dark theme

Right now, the light theme loading gif is always used. We need to make a separate dark gif that matches the dark color schemes, add in the proper filters etc.


It is way, way past time to release a new version. There are a couple of bugs that need to be fixed and some feature requests to be considered. I'll use this ticket to keep track of all the things that need to be done for the next release.

  • #83 Caching setting (PR #88)
  • #82 Optimize for AMP (PR #90)
  • #86 Conflict with other plugin due to OpenGraph class (PR #91)
  • #85 Custom themes for specific shortcodes (PR #95)
  • #84 Linkedin links
  • #89 Check compatibility with Twenty Seventeen

Are Content Cards Tagable? (ifSoHow?)

Hello! I was wondering if it's possible to categorize a content card by tags so a user could pull up all cards under whatever category tag they may be interested in?

Thank you!

Damon K.

WP Site Images displaying too large next to site names

Wow, this plugin has come so far in so short a time! Thanks for all your work on Content Cards. I can't believe nobody hasn't done this before now.

Just a note that it seems the new WordPress site images are being shown at too large a size next to content_cards_site_name.

You can see an example here:

The regular news sites, and the one WP site which isn't using the new site images, display at icon size. Meanwhile the two WP sites using the new site images are being displayed too large.

<div class="content_cards_site_name">
  <img scale="0" src="//" alt="Subsequent Panda Creation" class="content_cards_favicon">
  Subsequent Panda Creation

TinyMCE button

TinyMCE button that prints a shortcode to to embed an url

Button - done
To Do: localize dialog strings

Rename repository

Before this moves much forward, I'd like to rename the repo to ideag/content-cards to mirror the name on the repo.

Uninstall hook

Add an uninstall hook to cleanup postmeta if plugin is deleted.

Create multiple skins

So, the skins are now PHP-enabled. You can use get_cc_data($key) and the_cc_data($key) to get OpenGraph data and the_cc_target() to insert target="_blank" if it was turned on via settings / shortcode arguments.

Also, the skins are now autodetected via a header in the CSS file (not unlike plugins/themes in WordPress). The only required and used value at the moment is Skin Name.


  • Generic Light
  • Generic Dark

Future releases

  • Twenty Sixteen
  • Twenty Fifteen
  • Twenty Fourteen
  • Twenty Thirteen
  • Twenty Twelve
  • Twenty Eleven
  • Twenty Ten

Bug with non-absolute image paths

To reproduce:

Embed the following URL via shortcode:

Result: The image is broken and links to:

Here is that meta property:

<meta property="og:image" content="/Global/Repertoar/Beckomberga/BOB_lans_P_940X608b.jpg" />

If we find a non-absolute path, we need to prepend the domain to it.

PHP support in templates

Allow PHP in templates, making them more in WordPress style and flexible.
Instead of file_get_contents(), use includes and output buffering.
Instead of %%title%% use <?php the_og_value('title'); ?> to insert OpenGraph data.

Add max number of links processed per batch and add a weekly schedule

We're going to be rolling this out on a WP network where thousands of content cards will be inserted, processing all of them every day would take a really long time. So I suggest we set a max number of links to be checked every time the cron job runs, something like 30 (can be user configurable).

A "Weekly" schedule would also be nice.

Finally, if the OG is working fine, but on the next check-up, the site is down, we still keep the old data, right @ideag ?

Critical issue with image caching

After updating to 0.9.1 and trying to add a content card, it went into an infinite loop and started downloading images infinitely. It created 1000 images before I managed to manually stop the web server.

Aside from that, these images were not properly hidden from the media library.

Here's an example:
screen shot 2015-09-08 at 10 24 21

I suggest retracting the 0.9.1 upgrade for now. @ideag

Optimize rendering on AMP pages

Great work on the plugin! There is one thing that bothers me a bit though. I've recently installed the AMP plugin and since the AMP standard features a very limited subset of HTML/CSS, cards look suboptimal on my AMP pages.

Normal rendering

With AMP-restrictions turned on

I am raising this issue, looking for an advice, and potentially hoping to help you guys solve this issue. I think that eventually, card layout should simply fall back to a Blockquote style, similar to how Embedly cards get displayed, when JavaScript gets turned off

Skin detection system

Skin detection system, similar to Themes (based on a comment block in stylesheet)

Ideas for future features

  • multiple people have requested a skin where image is smaller and on the side of the text, not at the top.
  • allow people to choose the image if site provides several options
  • "Flush cache" button to flush all cached card data.
  • Cache favicon (Maybe? For consistency?)
  • #56 grid layout for cards - we decided to allow custom CSS classes via shortcode/filters, but not to implement grid layout ourselves.
  • #56 Filterable CSS classes
  • #55 Toggle for local image cache. I can imagine some sites don't want to cache OG images locally so being able to toggle it would be nice
  • Multisite support (in terms of access control. has to be discussed which was is the best to do this)

Coming from feedback on Facebook,, etc. Will be split to separate issues when/if we decide to pursue them.

fill and update `readme.txt`

Update readme.txt:

  • Add @khromov as contributor
  • Add links to other plugins
  • Add link to githb repo for issues
  • Update description
  • Create initial documentation
  • Add some screenshots to assets

Doesn't work with "umlaute" (in german)


obviously your plugin can't handle german sites with umlaute in the headlines. It stopps to read the headlines exactly at the umlaut.

That should be easy to fix, shouldn't it?


Better image handling

From AWP post:

Looks great guys, just put it to the test. One little request would be to limit the image size pulled from the OpenGraph data (or perhaps even give a choice). I just did a test and the site I pulled in had a HUGE image set as OpenGraph.

We really have to introduce some consistency here. Maybe even return to the idea of caching images in the Media Library.

Why does one url work but another one doesn't?

I used the following shortcodes with Content Cards. The first one embeds with no problem but the second is invalid. Can you decipher the reason why one would work but not the other? It's an https website: https//

[contentcards url=""]
[contentcards url=""]


Controlling og:description length

Saw some site with huge OG descriptions.
Would be great if we could have something like:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed enim augue, ullamcorper sed ornare vitae, porta vitae odio. Quisque porttitor ut ipsum id ornare. Praesent urna ipsum... (250 more words)

The setting could be controllable through the options page?

Use first og:image declaration if multiple are returned



<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />

Proposed roadmap


  • #19 rename GitHub repo to ideag/content-cards
  • #23 Fallback to <title> and <meta> if OG data not found
  • #9 A list of popular sites not currently having native oEmbed support in WP.
  • #15 add validation to template functions
  • #24 fill and update readme.txt
  • #6 Store OG data in postmeta, update via WP_Cron
  • #10 Create multiple skins: for Twenty* themes and some generic ones.
  • #17 Add uninstall hook for cleanup
  • #11 Skin detection system, similar to Themes (based on a comment block in stylesheet)
  • #5 TinyMCE button that prints a shortcode to to embed ANY url, not only whitelisted ones. (Right now, you'd have to add a regexp for each blog.) This is probably my most common use case, ie. wanting to link to a random blog that I'll probably never going to link to again.
  • #8 Allow PHP in templates. More WordPress like and more flexible.
  • #7 Simplified regexp rules. User would only need to enter a domain (ie. and the rest of the regexp rules get added internally.
  • Checkbox to disable the default styles, or look for opengraph-oembed.css in currently active theme and if it exists, load that instead of the default. Stylesheet now obbeys to the same logic as template files, can be overwritten in theme
  • Multiple templates and css skins, for example we could make nice looking themes for the official WP themes, and some basic one, like "Light background" and "black background". just pushed basic support for skins. Anybody care to do some actual design? ;)

Feel free to add more suggestions or discuss the existing ones.

Fallback to <title> and <meta> description

A proposal from #18

If the site does not have OG, maybe we should fall back to use the <title> tag and the name="description"> tag for description text if it exists? Would make this work fairly ok on most sites even if they don't implement OG.

Clean up cached images on plugin deactivation / uninstall

Right now cached images show up in the media library after the CC plugin has been disabled / uninstalled.

I think we should delete the images even on deactivation of the plugin, since the user expectation is not to have a "dirty" media library if they deactivate this plugin.

@ideag Thoughts?

New LinkedIn URLs not displaying as content cards

I have successfully added content cared from many different sources to my site However, the last couple of LinkedIn posts I have tried to add have simply displayed as a link with the text as just and the link itself going to the correct URL. Old cards are not affected.
I have tried making a new card with an older URL from May and the card works. Anything prior works. Anything from July onwards does not, which makes me think this is LinkedIn change.

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