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zsh-autopair's Introduction

Made with Doom Emacs MIT License ZSH 5.0.2+ Build Status


A simple plugin that auto-closes, deletes and skips over matching delimiters in zsh intelligently. Hopefully.

NOTE: zsh-autopair is untested for versions of Zsh below 5.0.2. Please report any issues you have in earlier versions!

Specifically, zsh-autopair does 5 things for you:

  1. It inserts matching pairs (by default, that means brackets, quotes and spaces):

    e.g. echo | => " => echo "|"

  2. It skips over matched pairs:

    e.g. cat ./*.{py,rb|} => } => cat ./*.{py,rb}|

  3. It auto-deletes pairs on backspace:

    e.g. git commit -m "|" => backspace => git commit -m |

  4. And does all of the above only when it makes sense to do so. e.g. when the pair is balanced and when the cursor isn't next to a boundary character:

    e.g. echo "|"" => backspace => echo |"" (doesn't aggressively eat up too many quotes)

  5. Spaces between brackets are expanded and contracted.

    e.g. echo [|] => space => echo [ | ] => backspace => echo [|]

Table of Contents


Download and source autopair.zsh

if [[ ! -d ~/.zsh-autopair ]]; then
  git clone ~/.zsh-autopair

source ~/.zsh-autopair/autopair.zsh


brew install zsh-autopair

# Add to .zshrc
source $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/share/zsh-autopair/autopair.zsh


antigen bundle hlissner/zsh-autopair


if ! zgen saved; then
    echo "Creating a zgen save"

    # ... other plugins
    zgen load hlissner/zsh-autopair

    zgen save


Load autopair after compinit, otherwise, the plugin won't work.

zplug "hlissner/zsh-autopair", defer:2


For Homebrew users, you can install it through the following command

brew install zsh-autopair

Then source it in your .zshrc

source $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh-autopair/autopair.zsh

Oh My Zsh

  1. Clone this repository into $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins (by default ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins)

    git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autopair
  2. Add the plugin to the list of plugins for Oh My Zsh to load (inside ~/.zshrc):

        # other plugins...
  3. Start a new terminal session.


zsh-autopair sets itself up. You can prevent this by setting AUTOPAIR_INHIBIT_INIT.


  • AUTOPAIR_BETWEEN_WHITESPACE (default: blank): if set, regardless of whether delimiters are unbalanced or do not meet a boundary check, pairs will be auto-closed if surrounded by whitespace, BOL or EOL.

  • AUTOPAIR_INHIBIT_INIT (default: blank): if set, autopair will not automatically set up keybinds. Check out the initialization code if you want to know what it does.

  • AUTOPAIR_PAIRS (default: ('`' '`' "'" "'" '"' '"' '{' '}' '[' ']' '(' ')' ' ' ' ')): An associative array that map pairs. Only one-character pairs are supported. To modify this, see the "Adding/Removing pairs" section.

  • AUTOPAIR_LBOUNDS/AUTOPAIR_RBOUNDS (default: see below): Associative lists of regex character groups dictating the 'boundaries' for autopairing depending on the delimiter. These are their default values:

    AUTOPAIR_LBOUNDS=(all '[.:/\!]')
    AUTOPAIR_LBOUNDS+=(quotes '[]})a-zA-Z0-9]')
    AUTOPAIR_LBOUNDS+=(spaces '[^{([]')
    AUTOPAIR_LBOUNDS+=(braces '')
    AUTOPAIR_LBOUNDS+=('`' '`')
    AUTOPAIR_LBOUNDS+=('"' '"')
    AUTOPAIR_LBOUNDS+=("'" "'")
    AUTOPAIR_RBOUNDS=(all '[[{(<,.:?/%$!a-zA-Z0-9]')
    AUTOPAIR_RBOUNDS+=(quotes '[a-zA-Z0-9]')
    AUTOPAIR_RBOUNDS+=(spaces '[^]})]')
    AUTOPAIR_RBOUNDS+=(braces '')

    For example, if $AUTOPAIR_LBOUNDS[braces]="[a-zA-Z]", then braces ({([) won't be autopaired if the cursor follows an alphabetical character.

    Individual delimiters can be used too. Setting $AUTOPAIR_RBOUNDS['{']="[0-9]" will cause { specifically to not be autopaired when the cursor precedes a number.

Adding/Removing pairs

You can change the designated pairs in zsh-autopair by modifying the AUTOPAIR_PAIRS envvar. This can be done before initialization like so:


Or after initialization; however, you'll have to bind keys to autopair-insert manually:

bindkey "<" autopair-insert
# prevents breakage in isearch
bindkey -M isearch "<" self-insert

To remove pairs, use unset 'AUTOPAIR_PAIRS[<]'. Unbinding is optional.

Troubleshooting & compatibility issues

zgen & prezto compatibility

Prezto's Editor module is known to reset autopair's bindings. A workaround is to defer autopair from initializing (by setting AUTOPAIR_INHIBIT_INIT=1) and initialize it manually (by calling autopair-init):

source "$HOME/.zgen/zgen.zsh"

# Add this

if ! zgen saved; then
    zgen prezto
    # ...
    zgen load hlissner/zsh-autopair 'autopair.zsh'
    zgen save

# And this

text on right-side of cursor interfere with completion

Bind Tab to expand-or-complete-prefix and completion will ignore what's to the right of cursor:

bindkey '^I' expand-or-complete-prefix

This has the unfortunate side-effect of overwriting whatever's right of the cursor, however.

zsh-autopair & isearch?

zsh-autopair silently disables itself in isearch, as the two are incompatible.

Midnight Commander

MC hangs when zsh-autopair tries to bind the space key. This also breaks the MC subshell.

Disable space expansion to work around this: unset 'AUTOPAIR_PAIRS[ ]'

Other resources

  • Works wonderfully with [zsh-syntax-highlight] and ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS+=brackets, but zsh-syntax-highlight must be loaded after zsh-autopair.
  • Mixes well with these vi-mode zsh modules: surround, select-quoted, and select-bracketed (they're built into zsh as of zsh-5.0.8)
  • Other relevant repositories of mine:

zsh-autopair's People


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zsh-autopair's Issues

Text following cursor Interferes with autocompletion

Assuming | is the cursor position:

echo $AUTOPAIR_PAIRS[|] => Tab


  • autocompletes hash table keys.

Hash completion


Trailing ] interferes with completion and no completion is done.


This allows completion to work regardless of what's in front of the cursor:

bindkey '^I' expand-or-complete-prefix

I want a better solution though. Perhaps a combination of setopt COMPLETE_IN_WORD and _prefix completion...?

Improve backwards compatibility

zsh-autopair chokes on zsh 5.0.2 and causes a bad time, something to do with how it reads the array of delimiters during initialization (I wasn't able to note it down at the time). I'll post more about it once I find time to look into it (or fix it).

For now, autopair will disable itself in zsh < 5.0.8 with a message. That message can be disabled for now with: AUTOPAIR_INHIBIT_INIT=1

Feature request: add a function to advance cursor past all end brackets?

In some other autopairs plugins (I use, there is a shortcut to exit out of all matched scopes.

e.g. if you had this function mapped to Ctrl-L:
cat ./{staging,prod{A,B|}}.{txt,zip} => Ctrl-L => cat ./{staging,prod{A,B}}|.{txt,zip}
but if you used similar to the above (adding quotes for example; now Ctrl-L would move the cursor outside the quotes):
cat "./{staging,prod{A,B|}}.{txt,zip}" => Ctrl-L => cat "./{staging,prod{A,B}}.{txt,zip}"|

So it just places the cursor just to the right of all matching brackets, however deeply nested.

Terminates zsh when typing space

I just updated to a01f074 and now every time I type a space the current shell exits. Both when space is the first character and when it follows after any other.

I update every couple of days so it should be from a recent commit. I have disabled all other zplug plugins but it still occurs. I do have a rather large .zshrc, so let me know if I should try again with a minimal config file.

$ zplug --version
$ zsh --version
zsh 5.4.2 (x86_64-apple-darwin17.0.0)
$ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.13
BuildVersion:   17A365

As an aside: zplug's nice has been deprecated, so I'm using
zplug "hlissner/zsh-autopair", defer:2 instead. I can send you a pull request if you'd like to change it.


b0a995a is the last commit that's working fine for me, so the bug was introduced in e3f9e30:
"Refactor & more generalized widget fallthrough #14"

For now I have pinned that commit with:
zplug "hlissner/zsh-autopair", defer:2, at:b0a995a

Dashes in _autopair-count cause fgrep to freak out

command -t "|" => Backspace causes:

$ git -t "fgrep: invalid option -- t                                                             ~
usage: fgrep [-abcDEFGHhIiJLlmnOoqRSsUVvwxZ] [-A num] [-B num] [-C[num]]
    [-e pattern] [-f file] [--binary-files=value] [--color=when]
    [--context[=num]] [--directories=action] [--label] [--line-buffered]
    [--null] [pattern] [file ...]

Note to self: escape them!

autopair-close doesn't work

I am running zsh 5.3, and can't seem to get the behavior in the example. When I type a quote, bracket or parenthesis by itself, a matching one appears at the end of the line. However, if I try to encapsulate existing text, nothing happens. I deleted everything from my .zshrc except zsh-autopair, and it still does not work.

Brackets added to pasted input

What would you like to know?

If i were to paste something like

if [[ -z "${DEPLOY_ENV}" ]]; then
  MY_SCRIPT_VARIABLE="Some default value because DEPLOY_ENV is undefined"

the output ends up as

if [[ -z "${DEPLOY_ENV}" ]]; then ]]
  MY_SCRIPT_VARIABLE="Some default value because DEPLOY_ENV is undefined"

Autopair seems to add additional brackets to what I'm pasting. Is there away curtail this behavior. I don't generally paste a lot of code snippets like that into my terminal to begin with, so it's not a big deal so I thought I'd ask. I'm not sure how terminal emulators handle pasting, but I've seen the same behavior in kitty and wezterm.

don't collapse ` | ` by itself

[ | ] and then pressing <bs> should result in [] but this is | i a test and then pressing <bs> should not result in this isa test but this is a test instead.

Invalid local array initialization

I am using zsh 5.0.8 (x86_64-apple-darwin15.0) and load zsh-auto-pair with zplug.

The error message is,

/Users/1ambda/.zplug/repos/hlissner/zsh-autopair/autopair.zsh:150: unknown file attribute: )

The code in autopair.zsh line #150 should be

// before
local l=(')', '}', ']', '>')

// should be:
local -a l
l=(')', '}', ']', '>')

Also, autopair.zsh line #40 should be modified, otherwise it will throw the ap-next-to-boundary-p:1: number expected error

// before
local groups=(all)

// should be: 
local -a groups

Thanks for making the great terminal tool :)

Autopairing of `<`


I find the autopairing of < an inconvenience. Every time I try to do input redirection, I automatically get <> in my terminal, which is not what I want.

What's the usecase for autopairing < anyway?

Thanks for a great plugin!

autopair doesn't work with prezto

Hi there,

I recently changed from oh-my-zsh to prezto, and noticed that autopair stops working. I use zgen to manage plugins. Below is a copy of my .zshrc

# load zgen
source "${HOME}/.zgen/zgen.zsh"

# check if there's no init script
if ! zgen saved; then
  echo "Creating a zgen save"

  # # theme
  zgen prezto prompt theme 'sorin'

  # # plugins
  zgen prezto
  zgen prezto git
  zgen prezto tmux
  zgen prezto homebrew

  zgen load hlissner/zsh-autopair 'autopair.zsh'
  zgen load zsh-users/zsh-completions
  zgen load felixr/docker-zsh-completion
  zgen load zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
  zgen load zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search

  zgen save

it works once after zgen reset and zgen save, but if i reload the shell or start another it stops working.
Seen no problems with oh-my-zsh

Hi! Not about zsh-autopair at all, but about the Equestria maps you made 11 years ago

Do you happen to have any of the older versions (specifically revision 6) on your computer still? I'm looking to archive all the versions of your map (in order to help preserve MLP fandom history) and currently I don't have version 6 (I have two versions of revision 5, as well as revision 7 and of course the public revisions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8, and so revision 6 is an annoying gap in the timeline.)

Add to Homebrew

would love to be able to install zsh-autopair with Homebrew

autopair don't work with vi-mode open

What did you expect to happen?

I'm using this script as a plugin of oh-my-zsh, but as long as I enable the vi-mode plugin, this plugin just stop working.

What actually happened?

as above

Describe your attempts to resolve the issue

No response

Steps to reproduce

  1. install oh-my-zsh
  2. install this project as plugin
  3. enable oh-my-zsh built-in plugin vi-mode

Package commit


System Information

No response

Any way to debug the plugin?

What would you like to know?


I've been using the plugin in Linux, and everything was working great. However, I recently switched to a Mac, and the auto-pair feature doesn't seem to be working, so I was wondering if there's a way to debug the behavior and see what's missing for my environment.

Thank you

Keymap conflicts with isearch

Bound keys cause isearch to abort. Applies to any rebound keys.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Invoke history-*-search-* (e.g. history-incremental-pattern-search-backward)
  2. Press any of the bound keys (e.g. ")

Expected: autopairing in isearch OR stock behavior (self-insert)

Result: isearch aborts prematurely

Delete automatically created closing character on backspace

Great plugin!

Would be nice if the automatically created closing character was deleted if the opening character is removed and they don't contain anything.

Ie, if i press ", immeditaly followed by backspace i would like both " to be removed.

EDIT: I just noticed normal backspace works just fine! but i always use Ctrl + H, which does not work.

Variable localization

I found some minor issue with autopair, it's using variable "i" for iterator, but it's not local. So it warns with WARN_CREATE_GLOBAL and may change global variable:

% setopt WARN_CREATE_GLOBAL; . ~/sh/zsh/autopair.zsh
autopair-init:5: scalar parameter i created globally in function autopair-init

If i define "local i" at line 143, it works perfectly

Not compatible with vi-mode

What did you expect to happen?

It should work with the jeffreytse/zsh-vi-mode plugin active

What actually happened?

When jeffreytse/zsh-vi-mode is active, autopairing doesn't work

Describe your attempts to resolve the issue

Removing jeffreytse/zsh-vi-mode makes autopairing work again

Steps to reproduce

I've basically copied this from your dotfiles, only with romkatv/powerlevel10k removed, so I'm not sure why it's not working

if ! zgenom saved; then
  zgenom load lukechilds/zsh-nvm
  zgenom load junegunn/fzf shell
  zgenom load jeffreytse/zsh-vi-mode
  zgenom load zdharma-continuum/fast-syntax-highlighting
  zgenom load zsh-users/zsh-completions src
  zgenom load zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
  zgenom load zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search
  # zgenom load romkatv/powerlevel10k powerlevel10k
  zgenom load hlissner/zsh-autopair autopair.zsh
  zgenom save

Package commit


System Information


Auto delete delimiters with Alt + Backspace

I love this plugin so much. But one thing that sorta bothers me is this:

Typing " once gives me this "|" (where | is the cursor).

Pressing Backspace once removes both quotes.

I feel like Alt + Backspace (for removing whole word) should have the same behviour as just Backspace, which it currently doesn't. Alt + Backspace currently only removes the left ".

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