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blog-forum's Introduction


Medium clone with ElasticSearch indexing and Memcache

Tech stack

  • Java 8+
  • Spring boot
  • Lombok
  • Restful API
    • API version
    • API error handling
    • Pagination
    • Sorting
    • Hateoas
  • Memcache
  • MySQL - with Flyway migration
  • REST doc : Swagger (docs, UI)
  • ElasticSearch - Kibana (visualize ElasticSearch)
  • JPA - Hibernate
  • Docker - Docker-compose
  • Logback - LogStash
  • Messaging : RabbitMQ
  • Spring Batch
  • Spring Integration
  • AOP - Aspect in Spring framework
  • Audit entity
  • Testing : JUnit, Selenium , Robot Framework
  • Spring Scheduling

Features of the project

  • Database schema as part of Continuous Delivery
  • Database migration tool - stored in the version control system
  • Docker image to start MySQL database

Set up docker-compose

  • pack application : mvn package
  • start docker-compose : docker-compose up
  • Run RabbitMQ server with

Set up RabbitMQ with Vagrant

  • vagrant up : start the RabbitMQ with Vagrant box
  • vagrant halt: stop the RabbitMQ with Vagrant box
  • Go to : http://localhost:15672


  • Integrate ElasticSearch with Spring
    • Spring data elasticsearch
    • Native Elasticsearch Java API
    • Elasticsearch Rest API
    • Lightweight Jest client with ElasticSearch
  • Scale ElasticSearch cluster (production)
  • Secure ElasticSearch cluster
  • ElasticSearch data back up
  • Config ElasticSearch
    • Install ES plugins
  • ES term
    • Node : single instance of ES running on machine
    • Cluster : Single name under which one or more nodes/ instances are connected
    • Document : JSON (data in key value pair)
    • Doc type :
    • Index : index using shards and replicas
    • Shard : containers that can be stored on a single node or multiple nodes are composed of Lucene segments
    • Replica : duplicate copy of the data living in a shard of high availability
  • ES document analysis and creating mappings
    • Full text search and inverted indices
    • Document analysis
    • Lucene analyzers
    • Create custom analyzers
    • ES mappings
  • Query DSL
  • Search requests
  • Sort Data
  • Document routing
  • ES aggregation framework: metrics and memory pressure and implications
  • ES bulk operations
  • Multi search API
  • Data pagination and re index
  • Bulk processing
  • Install ES plugin
  • View mappings
    • curl –XGET localhost:9200/index_name/_mapping?pretty
    • curl –XGET localhost:9200/index_name/type_name/_mapping?pretty
  • ES performance tuning

Flyway migration

  • mvn flyway:info
  • mvn compile flyway:migrate
  • location : <location>filesystem:${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/db/migration</location>


  • Load sample data

  • Group result (aggregate function)

  • Create user and grant privileges/ access

    • CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'company_read_only'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'company_pass' WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 500 MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR 100;
    • Grant privileges GRANT SELECT ON company.* TO 'company_read_only'@'localhost'; GRANT INSERT ON company.* TO 'company_insert_only'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxxx'; GRANT INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE ON company.* TO 'company_write'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password AS '*EBD9E3BFD1489CA1EB0D2B4F29F6665F321E8C18';
    • Create role for user : CREATE ROLE 'app_read_only', 'app_writes', 'app_developer';
  • Select data into a file and table

  • Load data into a table

  • Join table

    • Identify duplicate using self join
    • using sub queries
    • finding mismatched rows between tables
  • Stored procedured

  • Functions

  • Triggers

  • Views / Materialized View

  • Events

    • SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON;
  • Getting information about databases and table

    • Column: SELECT * FROM COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='forumblog'\G
    • Files
    • InnoDB : SELECT * FROM INNODB_TABLESPACES WHERE NAME='employees/forumblog'\G
    • Process list : SELECT * FROM PROCESSLIST\G
  • Dump data

  • Binary log

    • Replication
    • Point in time recovery
    • Enable binary logs - expire binary log
  • Back up database project

    • Logical back up
    • Physical back up
  • Replication

    • Master-master replication
    • Multi source replication
    • Master-slave replication
  • Security :

    • Secure installation
    • Restrict networks and users
    • Password-less authentication using mysql_config_editor
    • Reset the root password
    • Set up encrypted connections using X509
    • Set up SSL replication
  • Performance tuning

    • explain plan
    • benchmarking queries and the server
      • Time query report
      • mysqlslap utility
      • run multiple sqls in a file
      • emulate client load using mysqlslap
    • add index
    • invisible index
    • descending index
    • analyzing slow queries using pt-query-digest
      • slow query log
      • general query log
      • process list
      • binary log
      • TCP dump
    • optimizing data type
      • procedure analyzer
    • check index usage
      • pt-index-usage
      • sys schema
    • query optimizer
      • passing hints to the query / or by adjust
    • index hint
    • index for json
    • resource group
    • performance_schema
    • sys schema
    • remove redundant index
      • tool: pt-duplicate-key-checker, mysqlindexcheck, sys schema
  • Managing logs

    • Error log
      • SELECT @@global.log_error_services;
      • Config error log
      • Rotate the log - write a bash script to automate - put into cron
      • Error log in JSON format
    • Query log
      • Specify the file for logging
      • Enable general query log
        • SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON';
    • Binary log
      • Check fot the slave servers in binary log
      • Connect to any of the servers and execute the mysqlbinlogpurge script:
    • Relay log
    • DDL log
  • Table maintainance +

  • Index data with high performance data

    • Index structure: Bitmap, Sparse, Dense, B Tree, Hash index
    • Index JSON data
      • Virtual generaated column
      • Stored generated columns
  • Full text search index

  • Natural language fulltext search on InnoDB and MyISAM

  • Spartial index

    • geo data
    • multidimensional data
  • Using memcached with Mysql

    • Set up Memcached
      • Install Memcache plugin : daemon_memcached
      • Config script : source <MYSQL_HOME>/share/innodb_memcached_config.sql (execute script)
      • Activate daemon_memcached plugin : INSTALL PLUGIN daemon_memcached soname "";
    • Analyze data stored in memcached
      • check telnet 11211
    • Memcached replication config
      • Enable binary log replication
      • Edit the config file
      • Set the replication master and slave
      • Take a backup of the master database and restore it in all of the slave server
      • Obtain master binary log
      • Start slave server
  • Partitioning data

    • Horizontal partitioning
      • Each partition of the table contains the same number of columns
      • Range partitioning
      • List partitioning
        • PARTITION BY LIST(website_id) ( PARTITION PartitionNorth VALUES IN (1,2), PARTITION PartitionSouth VALUES IN (3,4), PARTITION PartitionWest VALUES IN (5,6), PARTITION PartitionEast VALUES IN (7,8) );
      • Hash partitioning
        • PARTITION BY HASH(website_id) PARTITIONS 4;
      • Columns partitioning
        • Range column partition
        • List column partition
      • Key partitioning
      • Sub partitioning
    • Vertical partitioning
      • Normalize the table
    • Pruning partitioning
    • Query on partitioned data +
  • Replication

  • Mysql benchmark and configuration

  • Resource utilization : IO, CPU

  • Set up MySQL metrics : sysbench

  • Concurrency

  • Optimizer

  • Fetch all table / column name from InnoDB table

    • SELECT t.table_schema, t.table_name, c.column_name FROM information_schema.tables t, information_schema.columns c WHERE t.table_schema = c.table_schema AND t.table_name = c.table_name AND t.engine='InnoDB';
  • Best practice for queries :

    • Data type
    • Not null
    • Index
    • Compound index
    • Do not use fetch all select *
    • Analyze slow query
    • Using explain for query explain
    • Backlog queue limit
    • Large page support
    • Infrastructure sizing
    • Write scalability
      • Multi master to distribute load
  • Replication

    • High availability
    • Replication
    • Group replication
    • Master-slave replication
    • MySLQ cluster
    • MySQL with Solaris cluster
    • Data replication
    • Clustered and virtualized system
    • Replication : master-slave
      • Write : master
      • Read : slave
      • Sync between master and slave through configuration
    • Scalable system :
  • Security : back up MySQL database

  • Method for replication

    • Read the binary logs : sync between master - slave
    • Replication using global transaction identifiers
    • Replication configuration
    • Replication master config - replication for
  • GTID replication - transaction-base

  • MySQL multisource replication

  • Group replication

    • Transaction
    • Server commit files
    • Group replication diagram
    • Group repication config
    • Group replication settings
    • Choose single master or multi-master
    • Host-specific configuration
    • Config replication user and enable group replication plugin
    • Start group replication
  • Multi-source replication

  • Globalization in MySQL

    • Character sets
    • Language selection
  • Server SQL mode +

  • Scalability and high availability

    • Replication
      • Master-slave
    • Cluster : automate sharing
  • Scaling MySQL 8

    • Scaling using cluster
      • Client node
      • Application node
      • Management node
      • Data node
        • Data storage and management of disk based and in memory data
        • Partitioning of tables or sharding of tables
        • Sync data replication between data nodes
        • Data retrieve and transaction
        • Re sync
        • Scale memcached
  • High availability

  • Partitioning in MySQL

    • Range partition
      • CREATE TABLE employee ( employee_id INT NOT NULL, first_name VARCHAR(30), last_name VARCHAR(30), hired_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '1990-01-01', termination_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '9999-12-31', job_code INT NOT NULL, store_id INT NOT NULL ) PARTITION BY RANGE (store_id) ( PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN (6), PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (11), PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (16), PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (21), PARTITION p4 VALUES LESS THAN (26) );
    • List partition
      • CREATE TABLE tpl ( cl1 INT, cl2 INT ) PARTITION BY LIST (cl1) ( PARTITION p0 VALUES IN (1,3,4,5), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (2,6,7,8) );
    • Columns partition
      • Range column partition
      • List column partition
    • Hash partition
      • Hash partition
      • Linear hash partition
    • Key partition
    • Subpartitioning
    • Handle NULL in partition
    • Manage partition
      • Partition maintainance
      • Rebuild partitions
      • Optimize partitions
      • Analyze partition
      • Repair partitions
      • Check partition
      • Optain partition information : show create table <table-name>
    • Pruning partition +
  • Binary log Using binary logging + Enable binary log + Expire binary log Binary log format + Statement + Row + Mixed Extracting statements from a binary log + Use mysqlbinlog utility shiped with MySQL Ignoring databases to write to a binary log Relocating binary logs

  • Restore data


  • Install Docker (locally)
  • Usinng docker-compose
  • Using docker-swarm
  • docker images
  • docker run -p -d --name
  • View log : docker logs
  • View docker container : docker ps
  • Manage the container
    • docker stop ...
    • docker start ...

Messaging JMS - RabbitMQ

  • Fanout and Topic exchange
  • Message Type: BytesMessage, MapMessage, ObjectMessage, StreamMessage, TextMesage
  • Enable RabbitMQ plugin : sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
  • Async/Sync RabbitTemplate
  • Messaging type: Fanout, Header
  • Configuration file
    • auth_
    • default_user
    • default_pass
    • default_permission
    • disk_free_limit
    • heartbeat
    • hipe_compile
    • log_level
    • tcp_listener
    • ssl_
    • vm_memory_
    • Runtime parameters
  • Clustering RabbitMQ and high availability
  • Federation in RabbitMQ
  • Clustering settings
    • install federation plugin rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_federation
    • install management plugin rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_federation_management
    • Replicate data/states across all the nodes
    • Create cluster
    • Start each of server node : rabbitmq-server –detached
    • Check cluster status from management plugin : rabbitmqctl cluster_status
    • Instance name / port
  • Load balancing for queues
    • Load balancing system
      • TCP load balancer
      • HAProxy
  • Management RabbitMQ server
    • Send / receive message
    • JSON
    • Purging queue
    • Monitor queue length, message rate , connection
    • rabbitmqctl plugin
    • Enable web plugin : rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
    • Rest API : localhost:55672/api/overview and /api/queues, /connections, /channels,/bindings,
  • Security in rabbitmq
    • Access control
    • SASL authentication
    • SSL support
  • Monitor RabbitMQ
    • Command line tool
    • Web plugins
  • Available profiles
    • fanout
    • direct
    • topic


  • Install Memcached (locally)
  • Config Memcache config : locally

How to run the project

  • Initial installation

    • Flyway : brew install flyway
    • ElasticSearch : brew install elasticsearch
    • Memcache :
    • Redis : brew install redis
  • Flyway CLI Command

    • mvn flywayMigrate -i
    • /flyway
  • Start Elasticsearch server(local) : elasticsearch

  • Install and run memcache server(local)

    • brew installl memcache
  • Run with Docker

    • docker run --name user-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -d -p 3306:3306 mysql:5.7
    • To run the ElasticSearch and the application
      • docker-compose up
      • docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -v //c/Users/epiobob/Documents/Dev/elastic-spring/src/main/resources/c ustom_elasticsearch.yml:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml elasticsearch:2.4.6
  • Test when run with Docker

    • docker-machine ip <name>
    • http get ip:9200
  • Paging: ?page=0&size=2

  • Sorting: ?sort=title,asc&sort=id,desc

  • Run test mvn clean test

Target (TODO)

  • Sync data between MySQL and Solr

  • Performance tuning for MySQL

  • Performance tuning for ElasticSearch server

  • Import dump csv file to some table in MySQL database

  • Bulk insert in MySQL database

  • Full text index search in MySQL

  • Run ES cluster in Docker container while running integration test

  • Relational DB + ES

  • Database + Indice

  • Table + Type

  • Row + Document

  • Colume + Field

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