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knobstuningea's Introduction

A Comprehensive Experimental Evaluation for Database Configuration Tuning

This is the source code to the paper "Facilitating Database Tuning with Hyper-ParameterOptimization: A Comprehensive Experimental Evaluation". Please refer to the paper for the experimental details.

Table of Content

An Efficient Database Configuration Tuning Benchmark via Surrogate

Through the benchmark, you can evaluate the tuning optimizers' performance with minimum overhead.

Quick installation & Run

  1. Preparations: Python == 3.7

  2. Install packages and download the surrogate model

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install .

The surrogate models can be found in the Google drive. To easily run the tuning benchmark, you can download the surrogate models and place them in the fold autotune/tuning_benchmark/surrogate.

  1. Run the benchmark for knob selection. We use selecting 5 knobs and tuning SYSBENCH via SMAC as an example.
bash experiment/ SYSBENCH SMAC 5
  1. Run the benchmark for optimizer. We use optimization over the configuration space of SYSBENCH as an example.
python --method=VBO --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/SYSBENCH_shap.json --knobs_num=5 --workload=sysbench  --lhs_log=result/sysbench_5knobs_vbo.res --model_path=../tuning_benchmark/surrogate/RF_SYSBENCH_5knob.joblib
python --method=MBO   --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/SYSBENCH_shap.json --knobs_num=5 --workload=sysbench --lhs_log=result/sysbench_5knobs_mbo.res --model_path=../tuning_benchmark/surrogate/RF_SYSBENCH_5knob.joblib
python --method=SMAC  --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/SYSBENCH_shap.json --knobs_num=5 --workload=sysbench   --lhs_log=result/sysbench_5knobs_smac.res --model_path=../tuning_benchmark/surrogate/RF_SYSBENCH_5knob.joblib
python --method=TPE --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/SYSBENCH_shap.json --knobs_num=5 --workload=sysbench  --lhs_log=result/sysbench_5knobs_tpe.res --model_path=../tuning_benchmark/surrogate/RF_SYSBENCH_5knob.joblib
python --method=TURBO --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/SYSBENCH_shap.json --knobs_num=5 --workload=sysbench --lhs_log=result/sysbench_5knobs_turbo.res --tr_init  --model_path=../tuning_benchmark/surrogate/RF_SYSBENCH_5knob.joblib
python --method=GA --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/SYSBENCH_shap.json --knobs_num=5 --workload=sysbench --lhs_log=result/sysbench_5knobs_ga.res --model_path=../tuning_benchmark/surrogate/RF_SYSBENCH_5knob.joblib

Data Description

You can find all the training data for the tuning benchmark in autotune/tuning_benchmark/data.

Experimental Evaluation

Environment Installation

In our experiments, the operating system is Linux 4.9. We conduct experimets on MySQL 5.7.19.

  1. Preparations: Python == 3.7

  2. Install packages

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install .
  3. Download and install MySQL 5.7.19 and boost

    sudo make -j 16;
    sudo make install;

Workload Preparation


Download and install

git clone
make && make install

Load data

sysbench --db-driver=mysql --mysql-host=$HOST --mysql-socket=$SOCK --mysql-port=$MYSQL_PORT --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=$PASSWD --mysql-db=sbtest --table_size=800000 --tables=150 --events=0 --threads=32 oltp_read_write prepare > sysbench_prepare.out


We install OLTP-Bench to use the following workload: TPC-C, SEATS, Smallbank, TATP, Voter, Twitter, SIBench.

  • Download
git clone
  • To run oltpbenchmark outside the folder, modify the following file:

    • ./src/com/oltpbenchmark/ (Line 85)

      pluginConfig = new XMLConfiguration("PATH_TO_OLTPBENCH/config/plugin.xml"); # modify this
    • ./oltpbenchmark

      java -Xmx8G -cp `$OLTPBENCH_HOME/ bin` -Dlog4j.configuration=$OLTPBENCH_HOME/ com.oltpbenchmark.DBWorkload $@
    • ./

      echo -ne "$OLTPBENCH_HOME/build"
      for i in `ls $OLTPBENCH_HOME/lib/*.jar`; do
          # IMPORTANT: Make sure that we do not include hsqldb v1
          if [[ $i =~ .*hsqldb-1.* ]]; then
          echo -ne ":$i"
  • Install

    ant bootstrap
    ant resolve
    ant build

Join-Order-Benchmark (JOB)

Download IMDB Data Set from

Follow the instructions of to load data into MySQL.

Environment Variables

Before running the experiments, the following environment variables require to be set.

export SYSBENCH_BIN=PATH_TO_sysbench/src/sysbench
export OLTPBENCH_BIN=PATH_TO_oltpbench/oltpbenchmark
export MYSQLD=PATH_TO_mysqlInstall/bin/mysqld
export MYSQL_SOCK=PATH_TO_mysql/base/mysql.sock
export MYCNF=PATH_TO_autotune/template/experiment_normandy.cnf
export DATADST=PATH_TO_mysql/data
export DATASRC=PATH_TO_mysql/data_copy

Experiments Design

All optimization methods are listed as follows:

Method String of ${METHOD}
Vanilla BO VBO
Mixed-Kernel BO MBO
Sequential Model-based Algorithm Configuration SMAC
Tree-structured Parzen Estimator TPE
Trust-Region BO TURBO
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient DDPG
Genetic Algorithm GA

Exp.1: Tuning improvement over knob set generated by different important measurements.

Compared importance measurements: lasso, gini, fanova, ablation, shap.

To conduct the experiment shown in Figure 3(a), the script is as follows. Please specify ${lhs_log}.

python --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_lasso.json    --knobs_num=5 --method=VBO --workload=job --dbname=imdboload --y_variable=lat --lhs_num=10 --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_gini.json     --knobs_num=5 --method=VBO --workload=job --dbname=imdboload --y_variable=lat --lhs_num=10 --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_fanova.json   --knobs_num=5 --method=VBO --workload=job --dbname=imdboload --y_variable=lat --lhs_num=10 --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_ablation.json --knobs_num=5 --method=VBO --workload=job --dbname=imdboload --y_variable=lat --lhs_num=10 --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_shap.jso      --knobs_num=5 --method=VBO --workload=job --dbname=imdboload --y_variable=lat --lhs_num=10 --lhs_log=${lhs_log}

python --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_lasso.json    --knobs_num=20 --method=VBO --workload=job --dbname=imdboload --y_variable=lat --lhs_num=10 --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_gini.json     --knobs_num=20 --method=VBO --workload=job --dbname=imdboload --y_variable=lat --lhs_num=10 --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_fanova.json   --knobs_num=20 --method=VBO --workload=job --dbname=imdboload --y_variable=lat --lhs_num=10 --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_ablation.json --knobs_num=20 --method=VBO --workload=job --dbname=imdboload --y_variable=lat --lhs_num=10 --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_shap.jso      --knobs_num=20 --method=VBO --workload=job --dbname=imdboload --y_variable=lat --lhs_num=10 --lhs_log=${lhs_log}

To conduct the experiments in (b), (c), and (d), modify ${knobs_num},${method},${workload}, ${dbname}, and ${y_variable}, where

  • ${knobs_num} = 5, 20

  • ${method} = VBO, DDPG

  • ${workload} = job, sysbench

    • if ${workload} == job, then ${dbname} = imdbload, ${y_variable}=lat
    • if ${workload} == sysbench, then ${dbname} =sbtest , ${y_variable}=tps

Note${knobs_config} indicates the configuration file where knobs are ranked by importance.

  • We provide the configuration file generated on our VM: experiment/gen_knobs/${workload}_${measure}.json.
  • You can also generate new configuration file with samples in your environment.

Exp.2: Performance improvement and tuning cost when increasing the number of tuned knobs.

To conduct the experiment shown in Figure 5 (a) and 5 (b), the script is as follows.

python --method=VBO --workload=job --dbname=imdbload --y_variable=lat --lhs_num=10 --knobs_num=${knobs_num} --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_shap.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --method=VBO --workload=sysbench --dbname=sbtest --y_variable=tps --lhs_num=10 --knobs_num=${knobs_num} --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/SYSBENCH_shap.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log}

Please specify ${knobs_num} and ${lhs_log}, where

  • ${knobs_num} = 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 70, 90, 197

Exp.3: Incremental Knob Selection.

Compared methods: 5 Knobs, 20 Knobs, increase, decrease.

To conduct the experiment shown in Figure 6(a), the script is as follows. Please specify ${lhs_log}.

python --method=VBO       --knobs_num=5  --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=imdbload --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_shap.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --method=VBO       --knobs_num=20 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=imdbload --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_shap.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --method=increase --knobs_num=-1 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=imdbload --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_shap.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --method=decrease   --knobs_num=-1 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=imdbload --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_shap.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log}

To conduct the experiment shown in (b), you can

  • replace --workload=JOB --y_variable=lat with --workload=sysbench --y_variable=tps

Exp.4: Optimizer comparision on different configuration space.

Compared optimizers: VBO, MBO, SMAC, TPE, TURBO, DDPG, GA.

To conduct the experiment shown in Figure 7(a), the script is as follows. Please specify ${lhs_log}.

python --method=VBO   --knobs_num=5 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=imdbload --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_shap.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --method=MBO   --knobs_num=5 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=imdbload --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_shap.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --method=SMAC  --knobs_num=5 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=imdbload --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_shap.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --method=TPE   --knobs_num=5 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=imdbload --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_shap.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --method=TURBO --knobs_num=5 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=imdbload --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_shap.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --method=DDPG  --knobs_num=5 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=imdbload --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_shap.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log}
python --method=GA    --knobs_num=5 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=imdbload --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_shap.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log}

To conduct the experiment shown in (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g), you can

  • replace --knobs_num=5 with--knobs_num=20 or --knobs_num=197
  • replace --workload=JOB --y_variable=lat --dbname=imdbload with --workload=sysbench --y_variable=tps --dbname=sbtest

Exp.5: Comparison experiment for knobs heterogeneity.

Compared optimizers: VBO, MBO, SMAC, DDPG.

To conduct the experiment shown in Figure 8(a) and (b), the script is as follows.

python --method=${method} --knobs_num=20 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=${dbname}   --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_continuous.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log} --lhs_num=10
python --method=${method} --knobs_num=20 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=${dbname}   --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/JOB_heterogeneous.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log} --lhs_num=10

Please specify ${method}, ${dbname} and ${lhs_log}, where

  • ${method} is one of VBO, MBO, SMAC, DDPG.

Exp.6: Algorithm overhead comparison.

Compared optimizers: MBO, SMAC, TPE, TURBO, DDPG, GA.

To conduct the experiment shown in Figure 8(a) and (b), the script is as follows.

python --method=${method} --knobs_num=20 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=${dbname}   --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/job_shap.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log} --lhs_num=10

Please specify ${method}, ${dbname} and ${lhs_log}, where

  • ${method} is one of MBO, SMAC, TPE, TURBO, DDPG, GA.

Note if you have already done Exp.4, you can skip running the above script and analyze log files in script/log/.

Exp.7: Transfering methods comparison.

Compared methods: RGPE-MBO, RGPE-SMAC, MAP-MBO, MAP-SMAC, FineTune-DDPG

To conduct the experiment shown in Table 9, there are two steps:

  • Pre-train on source workloads (Smallbank, SIBench, Voter, Seats, TATP);
  • Validate on target workloads (TPCC, SYSBENCH, Twitter).

Scripts for pre-trains is similar to the ones for Exp.4

To validate on target workloads, the scripts are as follows.

python --method=MBO  --RGPE --source_repo=${repo}         --knobs_num=20 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=tpcc   --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/oltp.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log} --lhs_num=10 
python --method=SMAC --RGPE --source_repo=${repo}         --knobs_num=20 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=tpcc   --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/oltp.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log} --lhs_num=10  
python --method=MBO  --workload_map --source_repo=${repo} --knobs_num=20 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=tpcc   --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/oltp.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log} --lhs_num=10 
python --method=SMAC --workload_map --source_repo=${repo} --knobs_num=20 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=tpcc   --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/oltp.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log} --lhs_num=10 
python --method=DDPG --params=model_params/${ddpg_params} --knobs_num=20 --workload=job --y_variable=lat --dbname=tpcc   --knobs_config=experiment/gen_knobs/oltp.json --lhs_log=${lhs_log} --lhs_num=10 

Note that

  • for RGPE- methods, you should specify --RGPE --source_repo=${repo}
  • for MAP- methods, you should specify --workload_map --source_repo=${repo}
  • for FineTune-DDPG, you should specify --params=model_params/${ddpg_params}

Project Code Overview

  • autotune/ : the implemented optimization methods.
  • autotune/ : the interacting functions with database.
  • script/ : the python script to start an experiment.
  • script/experiment/gen_knob : the knob importance ranking files generated by different methods.

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