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cellscopes.jl's Introduction


CellScopes.jl is a toolkit built using the Julia programming language, designed for the analysis of single cell and spatial transcriptomic data. It offers a range of functionalities including data normalization, dimensional reduction, cell clustering and visualization, all tailored to various types of data generated by scRNA-seq, Visium, Xenium and Cartana. The current version of CellScopes.jl is structured as follows:

1. Installation

To install CellScopes.jl, you will need to have Julia 1.6 or higher installed. It is recommended to use Julia 1.7.3 or higher to avoid issues with dependencies. To install all of the necessary dependencies, run the following command line in Julia. Note that this will not install the unregisterd package Leiden.jl, which you may need to install manually from the GitHub repository first.

using Pkg;
Pkg.add(url="") # Install the unregistered dependency Leiden.jl
Pkg.add(url="") # Install CellScopes.jl

2. Tutorials

On this markdown page, we will demonstrate how to use CellScopes.jl to analyze a kidney dRNA HybISS dataset generated by Cartana (Similar to 10x Xenium). CellScopes also supports analysis for single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), Visium and Xenium datasets. For more information, please refer to the tutorials provided below.
a. scRNA-seq:
b. 10x Visium:
c. 10x Xenium:

3. Analysis of imaging-based spatial transcriptomic data (dRNA HybISS by Cartana)

The tutorial below used the spatial data from CARTANA for demo but basically it can process any FISH-based methods (such as Xenium and MERFISH) after slight data formatting. If you find CellScopes.jl useful to your research, please cite our paper or this github page. Below is the overall design for the spatial data analysis with CellScopes.jl.

3.1. Example data for a test?

If you don't have sample data at hands, you can download our data from GEO (GSE227044) to test the functionality of CellScopes.jl. If you're using your own data, please complete cell segmentation with other tools (we recommend Baysor) before running any downstream analysis. To start the analysis, you'll need three files generated by most cell segmentation tools as data inputs: 1) a metadata file with spatial coordinates of each detected transcript, 2) a metadata file with spatial coordinates of each individual segmented cell, and 3) a gene-by-cell matrix to quantify transcript counts for each gene in each cell, with gene names as rows and cell names as columns.

3.2. What is CartanaObject?

CartanaObject is a data type we constructed in Julia to store the original and processed data generated by Cartana, including the 2D spatial coordinates, gene and cell annotations, raw and normalized count matrices, and the results produced during the analysis. We have implemented a variety of computational methods to process the CartanaObject, which results in a wide range of high-quality plots for data visualization.

3.3. How to construct a CartanaObject?

a. Read the spatial data into Julia. You will need three files in DataFrame format as input: the Molecule file, which includes spatial coordinates for the detected transcripts; the Cell file, which contains spatial coordinates after cell segmentation; and the Count file, which provides the gene-by-cell count matrix resulting from cell segmentation.

import CellScopes as cs
using CSV, DataFrames
using SparseArrays
molecules =  DataFrame(CSV.File("/mnt/sdc/cartana_weekend/Day2_Jia/segmentation.csv"));
count_df =  DataFrame(CSV.File("/mnt/sdc/cartana_weekend/Day2_Jia/segmentation_counts.tsv"));
cells =  DataFrame(CSV.File("/mnt/sdc/cartana_weekend/Day2_Jia/segmentation_cell_stats.csv"));

b. Construct a CartanaObject using the count data, the cell and molecules coordinates data. .

gene_name = count_df.gene
cell_name = string.(names(count_df)[2:end])
count_df = count_df[!, 2:end]
count_df = convert(SparseMatrixCSC{Int64, Int64},Matrix(count_df))
raw_count = cs.RawCountObject(count_df, cell_name, gene_name)
molecules.cell = string.(molecules.cell)
cells.cell = string.(cells.cell)
kidney = cs.CartanaObject(molecules, cells, raw_count;
    prefix = "kidney", min_gene = 0, min_cell = 3)

c. Normalize the raw count data

kidney = cs.normalize_object(kidney)

3.4. CellScopes file I/O

We used the JLD2.jl package to save and load the CellScopes objects. Here are some example lines:

### save CartanaObject to disk.; filename = "kidney_SpaObj.jld2") 
### read SpaObj object from disk.
kidney = cs.load(filename="kidney_SpaObj.jld2")

3.5. Data processing and analysis

a. Cell clustering

We provide codes to run cell clustering using pure Julia language ( Additionally, we also offer the option to run clustering using popular sc tools (such as SpaGCN, Seurat, and Scanpy) via the RCall.jl and PyCall.jl packages, which seamlessly bridge R and Python with Julia. If your data has already been completed cell clustering using other tools (such as Baysor), this step can be skipped.

i. SpaGCN: Please refer to the original tutorial to select the paramenters. Below are some example codes (Clustering results will be stored in the cell metadata of the CartanaObject):

kidney = cs.run_SpaGCN(kidney, "count_data.csv", "/home/users/haojiawu/anaconda3/bin/python")

ii. Here is how to run Scanpy in CellScopes:

adata = cs.run_scanpy(kidney.rawCount.count)

iii. To run Seurat:

seu_obj = cs.run_seurat(kidney.rawCount.count)

b. Cell polygons and mapping

We used Baysor to create a polygon object and store it in CellScopes for cell drawing. Baysor is required to install before running this step. For more information, please visit the original repo here:

import Baysor as B
min_pixels_per_cell = 15
grid_step = scale / min_pixels_per_cell
bandwidth= scale / 10
polygons = B.boundary_polygons(molecules, molecules.cell, grid_step=grid_step, bandwidth=bandwidth)
kidney.polygons = polygons

Then the gene expression can be mapped to the cell polygons by approximation based on the Elucidean distance between the original cell coordinate and the center of the ploygons. This can be done with the polygons_cell_mapping function.

kidney = cs.polygons_cell_mapping(kidney)

Based on the cell mapping results, we can obtain a polygons count matrix. this count matrix can be used for ploting gene expression directly on cell polygons (see the Visualization section).

kidney = cs.generate_polygon_counts(kidney)

c. Calculate cell-cell distance

To reveal the phycical cell-cell contact, we provided two functions to calculate the distance of any given cell populations depending on their cell distribution patterns.

i. When the cells are confined to some specific regions (such as the glomerular cell types in the kidney), we take a cell-centric approach to calculate the cell-cell distance. We take each cell from the cell population of interest, and compute the distance between this cell and the cells from other cell types. This process will be iteratively repeated until all cells from the cell type of interest are done. An example of measuring the proximity of an EC subtype to a podocyte within a specified search radius can be achieved by following the step below:

cell_dist = cs.compare_cell_distances(kidney, :celltype, "Podo", "gEC", "vEC", 50)

ii. When the cell distribution is very diffusive (such as the immune cells or fibroblasts), we use a cell-enrichment approach to compute the patial proximity of pairs of cell types as reported by Lu et al. We calculate the probability of cell type pairs in a neighborhood within a given searching area (e.g. radius =50). We then compute the enrichment of cell type pairs in spatial proximity after normalized to the control probability based on random pairing.

cell_dist = cs.run_cell_pairing(kidney.cells, :cell2, :celltype, 50)

d. Convert the xy coordinates to kidney coordinates

In CellScopes.jl, we created a new coordinate system, namely kidney coordinate system, to precisely depict the position of every single cell in the kidney. In this system, the position of a cell is defined by the kidney depth, and the kidney angle. To transform the xy coordinate system to kidney coordinate system, we first define the origin of the coordinate by finding the center point in the papilla. For each cell, we compute the kidney depth by calculating the distance of the cell to the kidney boundary, and divided by the distance of the kidney boundary to the origin of the coordinate. We can define the kidney angle of the cells by measuring the angle of the slope and the new x coordinate (in tangent value). The schematic below explains the coordinate transformation.

This kidney coordinate system can help define the kidney compartment where the cell resides, how the cell type and transcript distribution changes from outer cortex to papilla, and how the gene expression changes in different condiitons. Here are some steps to complete the transformation.

cs.plot_fov(kidney, 40,40; group_label="celltype", cell_highlight="CD-PC", shield=true) ### use grid to find the papilla area
cell_sub=cs.subset_fov(kidney, [661,671,941,951], 40,40); ### select the papilla area
cell_sub=filter(:celltype => x -> x =="CD-PC", cell_sub); ### select the PC cells in the papilla
center=[mean(cell_sub.x),mean(cell_sub.y)]; ### find the center point as origin
kidney = cs.compute_kidney_coordinates(kidney, center)

e. Integrating scRNA-seq for gene imputation

Since most of the imaging-based spatial techniques only allow for detection of several hundreds genes, it is important to employ data integration approaches to infer the expression of the genes not included in the gene panel, by using the corresponding scRNA-seq dataset as reference. CellScopes.jl provides julia functions to run SpaGE, gimVI and Tangram for gene imputation. Please refer to the github repos for more detail. The codes below show you how to run these tools conveniently. CellScopes.jl also provides functions to plot the results (See the Visualization session).

data_path = "/mnt/sdc/new_analysis_cellscopes/for_imputate/IRI_2d/"
### SpaGE
spaGE_path = "/mnt/sdc/new_analysis_cellscopes/SpaGE"
@time kidney = cs.run_spaGE(kidney, data_path, spaGE_path);
### gimVI
kidney = cs.run_gimVI(kidney, data_path)
### Tangram
kidney = cs.run_tangram(kidney, data_path)

Some tools, like tangram, may take a considerable amount of time to run. It's important to ensure that sufficient time is allowed for the tool to complete its execution. The resulting imputed gene counts will be saved within the spImputedObject of the CartanaObject.

3.6. Visualization

We provided a number of functions to visualize the results from the above analysis.

a. Plot gene expression on segmented cells.

The sp_feature_plot function is for visualizing spatial expression pattern of the selected genes on the segmented cells.

cs.sp_feature_plot(kidney, "Umod"; color_keys=["gray94", "dodgerblue1", "blue"], height=1000, width=800, marker_size = 4)
cs.sp_feature_plot(kidney, "Aqp2"; color_keys=["gray94", "dodgerblue1", "blue"], height=1000, width=800, marker_size = 4)
cs.sp_feature_plot(kidney, "Eln"; color_keys=["gray94", "dodgerblue1", "blue"], height=1000, width=800, marker_size = 4)

Usually it's hard to see the delicate tructure when ploting gene on the whole kidney. To examine gene expression in a specific region of interest, we can set the values for x_lims and y_lims.

cmap=ColorSchemes.ColorScheme([colorant"gray98",colorant"red", colorant"red4"])
p2=cs.plot_gene_polygons(kidney, "Havcr1",cmap; x_lims=(16000,19000), y_lims=(3000,24000),
    width = 1200, height = 200,stroke_width=0.2)

CellScopes.jl actually provide three ways to plot gene expression in a selected field of view.

##i.plot gene on cells as data points
p1=cs.sp_feature_plot(kidney, ["Podxl"]; 
    layer="molecules",molecule_colors=["red"], x_lims=(21600,24400), y_lims=(4200,6200),order=true,
    pt_size=20,fig_width=600, fig_height=500)
##ii. plot gene on cells as segmented polygons
cmap=ColorSchemes.ColorScheme([colorant"gray98",colorant"red", colorant"red4"])

##iii. plot transcripts on cells as segmented polygons
anno2 = Dict("Podo" => ("fuchsia",alpha_trans), "HealthyPT"=>("green",alpha_trans),"InjPT"=>("lime",alpha_trans),"TAL"=>("cyan4",alpha_trans),"DCT"=>("yellow",alpha_trans),"CD-PC"=>("gray95",alpha_trans),
@time cs.plot_transcript_polygons(kidney; 
    genes=["Podxl","Ehd3","Ren1"], colors=["fuchsia","blue","coral"],width = 600, height = 600,
    markersize=2,annotation=:celltype, ann_colors=anno2, is_noise=:is_noise,noise_kwargs=(markersize=0, color="transparent"),
    show_legend=false,bg_color="transparent",x_lims=(17600,20000), y_lims=(7700,10000),segline_size=1, transparency=0.3

b. Plot cell annotation

Cell type annotations can be easily visualized using the plot_cell_polygons function. Here's an example of how to plot the entire kidney:

anno2 = Dict("Podo" => ("magenta1",alpha_trans), "HealthyPT"=>("green3",alpha_trans), "InjPT"=>("#f92874",alpha_trans),"TAL"=>("lightslateblue",alpha_trans),"DCT"=>("blue",alpha_trans),"CD-PC"=>("turquoise1",alpha_trans),"CD-IC"=>("#924cfa",alpha_trans),"vEC"=>("firebrick",alpha_trans),"gEC"=>("dodgerblue",alpha_trans),"Fib"=>("#edff4d",alpha_trans),"JGA"=>("sienna2",alpha_trans),"Immune"=>("darkgreen",alpha_trans),"Uro"=>("black",alpha_trans));
p3=cs.plot_cell_polygons(kidney, "celltype"; 
    y_lims=(0,40000),width = 5000, height = 6000,

Here are some examples demonstrating how to visualize the structure of the kidney in various regions.

### tubule
anno2 = Dict("Podo" => ("magenta1",alpha_trans), "HealthyPT"=>("green3",alpha_trans),"InjPT"=>("#f92874",alpha_trans),"TAL"=>("lightslateblue",alpha_trans),"DCT"=>("blue",alpha_trans),"CD-PC"=>("turquoise1",alpha_trans),"CD-IC"=>("#924cfa",alpha_trans),"vEC"=>("firebrick",alpha_trans),"gEC"=>("dodgerblue",alpha_trans),"Fib"=>("#edff4d",0.5),"JGA"=>("sienna2",alpha_trans),"Immune"=>("darkgreen",alpha_trans),"Uro"=>("black",alpha_trans));
cs.plot_cell_polygons(kidney, "celltype"; 
    anno_color=anno2, x_lims=(18300,19800), y_lims=(10700,14000), 
    width = 300, height = 600, stroke_color="gray80")

### renal artery
anno2 = Dict("Podo" => ("white",alpha_trans), "HealthyPT"=>("white",alpha_trans),"InjPT"=>("white",alpha_trans),"TAL"=>("white",alpha_trans),"DCT"=>("white",alpha_trans),"CD-PC"=>("white",alpha_trans),"CD-IC"=>("white",alpha_trans),"vEC"=>("firebrick",alpha_trans),"gEC"=>("white",alpha_trans),"Fib"=>("#edff4d",alpha_trans),"JGA"=>("white",alpha_trans),"Immune"=>("white",alpha_trans),"Uro"=>("white",alpha_trans));
cs.plot_cell_polygons(kidney, "celltype"; 
    anno_color=anno2, x_lims=(21900,24500), y_lims=(11500,19500),
    width = 300, height = 900,stroke_color="gray80")

### renal cortex
anno2 = Dict("Podo" => ("magenta1",alpha_trans), "HealthyPT"=>("green3",alpha_trans),"InjPT"=>("#f92874",alpha_trans),"TAL"=>("lightslateblue",alpha_trans),"DCT"=>("blue",alpha_trans),"CD-PC"=>("turquoise1",alpha_trans),"CD-IC"=>("#924cfa",alpha_trans),"vEC"=>("firebrick",alpha_trans),"gEC"=>("dodgerblue",alpha_trans),"Fib"=>("#edff4d",0.5),"JGA"=>("sienna2",alpha_trans),"Immune"=>("darkgreen",alpha_trans),"Uro"=>("black",alpha_trans));
cs.plot_cell_polygons(kidney, "celltype"; 
    anno_color=anno2, x_lims=(23000,24800), y_lims=(7400,9000), 
    width = 450, height = 400,stroke_color="gray80")

c. Plot gene expression across clusters.

We provide a gene ranking function that helps identify marker genes for each cluster. If cell types have been annotated, the sp_dot_plot function can be used to visualize gene expression across these cell types.

i. plot gene rank

cs.plot_marker_rank(kidney, "celltype","vEC"; num_gene=20)

ii. Plot gene expression in dotplot format

cell_order=["Podo", "HealthyPT", "InjPT","TAL","DCT","CD-PC","CD-IC","Uro","gEC","aEC","MC","Fib","Immune"];
cs.sp_dot_plot(kidney, genes, :celltype; cell_order=cell_order, expr_cutoff=0.1,fontsize=16,fig_height=500, fig_width=300)

d. Plot cell fraction.

We also offer a method for visualizing cell fraction across multiple conditions.

using VegaLite
sham_cell=cs.make_cell_proportion_df(sham.spmetaData.cell; nfeatures=0)
hour4_cell=cs.make_cell_proportion_df(hour4.spmetaData.cell; nfeatures=0)
hour12_cell=cs.make_cell_proportion_df(hour12.spmetaData.cell; nfeatures=0)
day2_cell=cs.make_cell_proportion_df(day2.spmetaData.cell; nfeatures=0)
week6_cell=cs.make_cell_proportion_df(week6.spmetaData.cell; nfeatures=0)
all_time=[sham_cell; hour4_cell; hour12_cell; day2_cell; week6_cell];
p=all_time |> @vlplot()+@vlplot(mark={:area, opacity=0.6}, x={"index", axis={grid=false} }, y={:fraction, stack=:zero, axis={grid=false}}, color={"celltype2:n",  scale={
        }},width=200,height=200) +
@vlplot(mark={:bar, width=1, opacity=1}, x={"index", title="Time point"}, y={:fraction, stack=:zero, title="Cell proportion"}, color={"celltype2:n",  scale={

e. Select and plot field of view (fov).

With CellScopes.jl, you can select the field of view to analyze further. The plot_fov is provided to draw a grid on the entire spatial graph. Then, you can select the area of interest by using the subset_fov function based on the coordinates of the four corners that define the rectangular region.

cs.plot_fov(kidney, 10,10; group_label="celltype", cell_highlight="CD-PC", shield=true)
cell_sub = cs.subset_fov(kidney, [47,48,57,58], 10,10);

f. Plot cell type/transcript distribution from cortex to papilla.

Once we transform the xy-coordinates to the kidney coordinates (as described in the Data Processing and Analysis section), we can generate plots showing the distribution of cell types and transcripts from the outer cortex to the papilla.

markers = ["Slc5a2","Slc12a3","Podxl","Slc26a4","Ehd3","Havcr1","Cd74","Ren1","Col1a1", "Eln","Umod","Krt19","Aqp2"]
markers = reverse(markers);
celltypes = ["HealthyPT","DCT","Podo","CD-IC","gEC","InjPT","Immune","gEC","Fib", "vEC","TAL","Uro","CD-PC"]
celltypes = reverse(celltypes)
cs.plot_depth(kidney, celltypes = celltypes, markers = markers)

We can make this into animation too.

cs.plot_depth_animation(kidney, celltypes = celltypes, markers = markers)

After the kidney coordinate transformation, we can create heatmaps that show changes in gene expression over time and space.

cs.plot_gene_group_spatial([sham, hour4, hour12, day2, week6], 100, ["Cxcl1", "Plin2", "Gsta1", "Mki67", "Apoe"], assay_use = "measured")

If gene imputation is done, this function can plot the imputed values of the selected genes by setting assay_use = "imputed".

g. Plot imputed gene expression in space and time.

After performing gene imputation, the expression values of the imputed genes can be visualized using the sp_feature_plot function by setting the parameters use_imputed=true and imp_type="SpaGE/gimVI/tangram". Here's an example code snippet:

cs.sp_feature_plot(kidney, "Wdr17"; use_imputed = true, imp_type = "SpaGE", color_keys = ["gray94", "lemonchiffon1", "red"])

Or plot multiple genes like this:

cs.sp_feature_plot(kidney,["Slc12a1","Sgcz", "Nox4"]; use_imputed=true, 
    bg_color ="black", imp_type = "SpaGE",

If timecourse data are available, sp_feature_plot_group allows you to plot the gene change across time points.

cs.sp_feature_plot_group([sham, day2,week6], ["Slc5a12","Umod","Havcr1"]; order=true,
    labels=["Sham", "Day2","Week6"], use_imputed=true, bg_color ="black", imp_type = "SpaGE",

cellscopes.jl's People


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