h16nning / skola Goto Github PK
View Code? Open in Web Editor NEWA web based spaced repetition app
Home Page: https://skola.web.app
A web based spaced repetition app
Home Page: https://skola.web.app
@eMerzh can we have a way to add subdecks from the sidebar?
Maybe a little plus that appears if you hover over a deck?
Right now introducing a new cloze field in edit mode will not add another card.
There is no such check in place.
As we create 1 card pe cloze, then when editing them we probably don't check if we need to adapt...
After #67 local fonts aren't always loaded correctly and will resort to system default sans-serif / serif.
This doesn't always happen, actually quite inconsistently, usually after multiple page reloads after each other.
Reproced it in chromium-based, webkit-based and firefox browsers.
Console logs
I haven't figured out yet why it occurs. I suppose something with vites static imports?
It's probably not a priority... even for me :p
but I stumble upon this https://jessicalieb.itch.io/birdlingo ... and thought hey, but this (is nice) should be a flashcard deck 🤔 ...
and it seems anki as one 😲 ...
so why not have some sound support... this could be "easy" since we have attachments already ...
Adding cards is a pretty bare-bones experience right now, for several reasons. Plans to improve it:
If deleteDeck is called for a deck which has sub decks it won't remove the id of the deck itself from the parent's subdecks list.
Try solving this by using Promise.all.
As the workflow warns, maybe dangerouslySetInnerHTML is problematic...
I don't think it does matter so much right now but maybe DOMPurify is an option to be future-proof
Since upgrade to mantine 7
Create an app icon and show in the sidebar
Related cards will appear each on their own which can lead to duplicate entries seemingly appearing multiple times.
Relevant in spotlight search (#63) and notebook.
to json or compressed format
from settings / database
useful to backup if anything goes wrong
compressed format
select / preview on import
As discussed in #8 navigation is still limited without the sidebar, so a header of some sort is needed.
The option hard in learning does nearly exactly the same as the again option. The option hard shouldn't reset the interval to 0 if the card as already been repeated correctly for multiple times.
@eMerzh Now that we have an alternative way in place to access lower-order decks, the subdeck section could be moved. However, on smaller screen we still need some access to it. Do you have any idea where to put it?
Card status indicator overlaps the question, if the question has multiple lines
This is a big one.
The current implementation of learning and scheduling needs a complete rewrite because it is pretty messy and buggy.
Right now the SM2 algorithm is used. It is relatively old (I think 1987). Recently the free open-source algorithm Free Spaced Repetition Scheduler (FSRS) has been released. It is significantly more accurate than SM2 and based on scientific research. Ankis newest version offers a switch to this scheduler as well. There is already a JS implementation and another person is working on a Typescript version.
Additional explanation on the algorithm
I figured a rewrite would be a good opportunity to switch to FSRS.
On first update, only on mobile devices (not screen-size dependent):
React Router caught the following error during render Error: Should have a queue. This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.
For cards that reference a shared value:
show links to all other cards that reference it below the edit card section in CardManagerView
Show after which interval the card will be shown again
The button already exists.
As mentioned in #63, the cloze card preview does look a little ugly. I think we could just remove the {{::}} stuff
Hello @h16nning 👋
I see you are playing with combo; sorting & stuff in notebook view...
to takes from mochi :p
i kinda like the "options" there... allthough it's obviously "a lot" of options, maybe we don't need all that now
i was thinking for us, cool starting options could be:
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