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Grijjy Foundation

This repository contains foundation classes and utilities that are used throughout the other Grijjy Repositories.

Grijjy Blog

Take a look at our Grijjy Blog for discussions of our source code. In particular, these posts apply the the code in this repository:

API Documentation

The API documentation for this repository can be found at

It is automatically generated from the source code using a custom version of PasDoc.


You can install Delphinus package manager and then install our foundation package there. (Delphinus-Support)

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grijjyfoundation's Issues

Grijjy.Http.pas: Compatibility with OSX, Android, IOS

according to Delphinus.Info.json, these platforms are supported: "Win32;Win64;OSX32;Android;iOSDevice32;iOSDevice64;Linux64", but Grijjy.Http.pas can be compiled under Windows and Linux only.

workaround: replace {$IFDEF LINUX} with {$IFDEF POSIX}

D12 Athens gives compiler hint(s)

[dcc32 Hint] Grijjy.Collections.pas(909): H2077 Value assigned to 'TgoReadOnlySet.Contains' never used


[dcc32 Hint] Grijjy.Collections.pas(1807): H2077 Value assigned to 'TgoValueDictionary<TKey,TValue>.ContainsKey' never used

Propose changing them into:

function TgoReadOnlySet.Contains(const AItem: T): Boolean;
Mask, Index, HashCode, HC: Integer;
Result := False;

if FCount = 0 then

HashCode := FComparer.GetHashCode(AItem) and $7FFFFFFF;
Mask := Length(FItems) - 1;
Index := HashCode and Mask;

while True do
HC := FItems[Index].HashCode;
if (HC = EMPTY_HASH) then

if (HC = HashCode) and FComparer.Equals(FItems[Index].Item, AItem) then

Index := (Index + 1) and Mask;



function TgoValueDictionary<TKey, TValue>.ContainsKey(
const AKey: TKey): Boolean;
Mask, Index, HashCode, HC: Integer;
Result := False;

if FCount = 0 then

HashCode := FComparer.GetHashCode(AKey) and $7FFFFFFF;
Mask := Length(FItems) - 1;
Index := HashCode and Mask;

while True do
HC := FItems[Index].HashCode;
if (HC = EMPTY_HASH) then

if (HC = HashCode) and FComparer.Equals(FItems[Index].Key, AKey) then

Index := (Index + 1) and Mask;



TgoBsonArray in Record type but TgoBsonSerializer.Serialize not parse?

Hello team Grijjy,

I create record type with TgoBsonArray but TgoBsonSerializer.Serialize not parse it. Please fix it for me?

My code here:

procedure TestJson;
  TMyType = record
    values: TgoBsonArray;
  T, T2: TMyType;
  E: TgoBsonArray;
  Json: string;
  T.values := TgoBsonArray.Create;
  E := TgoBsonArray.Create(['A', 1]);
  E := TgoBsonArray.Create(['B', 2]);

  TgoBsonSerializer.Serialize(T, Json);
  //Value of T is '{ "values" : { } }' . Not parse TgoBsonArray?
  TgoBsonSerializer.Deserialize(Json, T2);

Thank you!

Update function GetProc in unit Grijjy.OpenSSL.API to include the full name of the DLL when an exception is raised

Current code in Grijjy.OpenSSL.API does not include the name of the DLL:

function GetProc(AModule: HMODULE; const AProcName: String): Pointer;
  Result := GetProcAddress(AModule, PChar(AProcName));
  if (Result = nil) then
    raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s is not found', [AProcName]);

Even the short name of the DLL will make it hard to find why it fails: only the full name will give enough context on why it does not load.

(I will make a pull request for this later)

ship TgoLogging

it will be usable for debugging.

it can be something like

unit Grijjy.System.Logging;


  TgoLog = (ToFile, ToConsole, ToDefault);
  TgoLogs = set of TgoLog;

  TgoLogging = class
    constructor Create(aMode: TgoLogs; aName: String);
    procedure Send(aMessage: String);


constructor TgoLogging.Create(aMode: TgoLogs; aName: String);

procedure TgoLogging.Send(aMessage: String);


Add release / version tag


I got a bit bored and I consider adding Your ZeroMQ wrapper as another Delphinus package but... add "Grijjy foundation" as a dependency it have to contain at least one revision marked as "release" ( 😛

It's not any crucial issue but could You guys add some tag / tags for current / future releases in this repository?


How to serialize UTF-8 strings

While testing json/bson library with records for serialize/de-serialize I noticed that any non-US characters are converted to their binary representations.

For example "Yazılım" text contain some national characters (small i letters without dot at top) converted as "Yaz\u0131l\u0131m"

There is no problem that library de-serialize this representation. I also tested that initial text "Yazılım" is also successfully being de-serialized.

My question is: Is it possible to serialize the text as it is?


(ProtocolBuffers) Improve extensibility with pointers to records

Allow serializing not only nested records, but also nested pointers to records (which are interpreted as normal records) to allow flexible internal structure changes.
This may allow support of class se/de-realization with just one additional "content" record.

TgoBsonDocument to TValue


Is there a possibility to create a Tvalue from a TgoBsonDocument?

This one is not working and results in a empty TgoBsonDocument record:

The other way is working:

Best regards

AV in TgoHttpClient.Close

if you call this method just after creation this component, you will receive AV at FConnection.Disconnect; line because FConnection is nil here

workaround - just add simple checking like:

procedure TgoHttpClient.Close;
  FRecvAbort := True;
  if FConnection <> nil then FConnection.Disconnect;

Linux: Add Send(Pointer, Integer) method to TgoSocketConnection

Nowadays Grijjy.SocketPool.Win.TgoSocketConnection has 2 Send methods:

    { Sends the bytes to the socket }
    function Send(const ABuffer: Pointer; const ASize: Integer): Boolean; overload;
    function Send(const ABytes: TBytes): Boolean; overload;

but Grijjy.SocketPool.Linux.TgoSocketConnection has one Send method:

function Send(const ABytes: TBytes): Boolean;

his implementation is

function TgoSocketConnection.Send(const ABytes: TBytes): Boolean;
  Result := Write(ABytes, Length(ABytes));

Nowadays for sending data via linux version you have to create TBytes and move your data to it.
it is bottleneck if you pass big-size data

TDateTime Serialization

I'm unable to serialize TDateTime member. The deserialization works fine i.e if I try to deserialize a value like this one "createTime": "2017-09-05T15:58:39.286+02:00" create a correct DateTime value.

But, when I try to serialize a TDateTime member then the result is something like this : {createDate":{"$date" : 150465600000}}
I'm doing something wrongs ?

Serialize of TArray<Byte> is wrong

using TgoBsonSerializer.Serialize into the following record:
RInfo = record Usages: TArray<Byte>; end;

Will serialize into:

instead of:

if i switch to shortint the result will output correctly.

Thank you

How to serialize TStringList using TgoBsonSerializer?

If I have a property of TStringList or TStrings type I got an exception
If I decorated with [BsonIgnore] attribute nothing happen, serialization dont work.
If I remove this TStringList property all work as expected.

TgoOpenSSL/TgoSocketConnection: Possibility to specify password via event in runtime

nowadays, it is accepted only as property:

  • TgoOpenSSL:
    { Password for private key }
    property Password: UnicodeString read FPassword write FPassword;
  • TgoSocketConnection:
    { Password for private key }
    property Password: String read GetPassword write SetPassword;
function TgoSocketConnection.GetPassword: String;
  Result := OpenSSL.Password;
procedure TgoSocketConnection.SetPassword(const Value: String);
  OpenSSL.Password := Value;

Memory leak when using TgoBsonSerializer.Deserialize with an invalid json string

There is a memory leak when using TgoBsonSerializer.Deserialize (AJson, AValue) and AJosn has invalid or badly formatted json content.

I realize this when using:

ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown: = True;

at application startup,

call the procedure Deserialize with an invalid string.

When closing the application I receive the message:

Unexpected Memory Leak

An unexpected memory leak has occurred. The unexpected small block leaks are:

37 - 44 bytes: UnicodeString x 1
53 - 60 bytes: UnicodeString x 1
61 - 68 bytes: UnicodeString x 2
69 - 76 bytes: UnicodeString x 1
77 - 84 bytes: UnicodeString x 2
109 - 116 bytes: UnicodeString x 2
117 - 124 bytes: Unknown x 1

Range error in DeserializeRecord

When you have record as

TTest = record
  [Serialize(01)] Array: TArray<anytype>;  

If Array item is nil (empty) then code in Grijjy.ProtocolBuffers at line 1090 crashes due to Range Check Error because RecBytes has no [0] item.

Correct implementation should be

if (Len > 0) then begin
  AReader.ReadBytes(RecBytes[0], Len);
  RecReader := TReader.Create(@RecBytes[0], Len);
    Info.Deserialize(RecReader, P);

Raw bytes of serialized protobuffers are not valid

I'm currently trying to implement the ProtocolBuffer classes to serialize objects as protobuffers in Delphi. When comparing the byte results to the same protobuffer in .NET Core, I noticed that the raw bytes are not the same when serializing the same object in .NET Core.


Person record

  TPerson = record
    [Serialize(1)] Id: Integer;

Raw bytes

SerializedData		(8, 242, 192, 1)
	[0]	8
	[1]	242
	[2]	192
	[3]	1

.NET Core 3.1 (C#)

Person class

    class Person
        public int Id { get; set; }

Raw bytes

SerializedData		(8, 185, 96)
	[0]	8
	[1]	185
	[2]	96

Versions of the used libraries in .NET Core:

  • protobuf-net (2.4.4)


Due to differences in the raw byte structure of the serialized data of the object, it's not possible to serialize an object in Delphi and deserialize it in .NET Core.
It would be nice if you could provide additional information about the version of the protobuffer standard you implemented, so I could make tests myself. The best option would be an update to the newest standard of protobuffers.

Thank you in advance,


Implement TgoHttpClient.OnSent event

this event can be implemented like:

TOnSent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const ABuffer: Pointer; const ASize: Integer) of object;
  TgoHttpClient = class(TObject)
   { Fired when the data has been sent by the socket }
    property OnSent: TOnSent read FOnSent write FOnSent;
        FConnection := _HttpClientSocketManager.Request(FURI.Host, FURI.Port);
        FConnection.OnSent := OnSocketSent; // <<< added
        FConnection.OnRecv := OnSocketRecv;
procedure TgoHttpClient.OnSocketSent(const ABuffer: Pointer;
  const ASize: Integer);
  FLastSent := Now;
  if Assigned(FOnSent) then FOnSent(Self, ABuffer, ASize); //added

Missing "grpc-status" header

I am using TgoHttpClient with http2 as a client to connect to a gRPC server.
The connection works fine, but if I do a a bad request there is no error. The statuscode is still 200.
gRPC uses a grpc-status and grpc-message header, but I am not able to use this header since it is filtered out for some reason.

I found that if I change = NGHTTP2_HCAT_RESPONSE to ( in [NGHTTP2_HCAT_RESPONSE,3]) I do get the correct headers. on I found what 3 means and
on I found there is constant declared for this.

function TgoHttpClient.nghttp2_on_header_callback(session: pnghttp2_session; const frame: pnghttp2_frame;
  const name: puint8; namelen: size_t; const value: puint8; valuelen: size_t;
  flags: uint8; user_data: Pointer): Integer;
  AName, AValue: String;
  Index: Integer;
  if frame.hd.&type = _NGHTTP2_HEADERS then
    if ( in [NGHTTP2_HCAT_RESPONSE,3]) then

Example from

:status = 200
grpc-encoding = gzip
content-type = application/grpc+proto

<Length-Prefixed Message>

grpc-status = 0 # OK
trace-proto-bin = jher831yy13JHy3hc

Is the solution to update with and use NGHTTP2_HCAT_HEADERS instead of the hardcoded 3 ?

Delete in TThreadSafeBuffer.Read

In unit Grijjy.Http; TThreadSafeBuffer.Read Line #684 I found;
Move(FBuffer[Size], FBuffer[0], FSize - ALength);
obviously this reads behind Buffer Size. Should be:
Move(FBuffer[ALength], FBuffer[0], FSize - ALength);

"Three state" values

In some REST API (i.e. Activiti) there are cases in witch a boolean value is used as a three state value.
I.e. in Activiti there are some boolean values used as a query criteria with this behavior (i.e the "suspended" parameter) :

  • if the value is true then only the suspended process instances are returned
  • if the value is false only the not suspended process instances are returned
  • if non value is specified all instances are returned.

This behavior cannot be obtained using a record like this :
MyRecord = record
suspended: boolean;

I've solved declaring suspended as string and using the [BsonIgnoreIfDefault] but this not the right way to solve the problem.

There should be a specific type to support this use case (quite frequent). Or, as alternative, add support for the Variant type which can handle null values


Hello everyone AddRJavaToClassesDex returns an error:
[Exec Error] The command "D:\Delphi\Isxodniki\Android\Gocha\NewVersion\Client\Enigma\Components\DelphiSocialFrameworks\trunk\LoginWithFacebook\Resources\Android\AddRJavaToClassesDex.bat D:\Delphi\Isxodniki\Android\Gocha\NewVersion\Client\Enigma\Components\DelphiSocialFrameworks\trunk\LoginWithFacebook Debug "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidSDK-2525-21.0.38860.1461\build-tools\29.0.3\Aapt.exe" "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidSDK-2525-21.0.38860.1461\platforms\android-29\android.jar" "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidSDK-2525-21.0.38860.1461\build-tools\29.0.3\dx.bat"" exited with code 1.

how to fix it? thanks in advance

Json de-serialization execute without exception for completely different two json strings

I might have missed an option to set. If that is the case, just let me know what I should do, please.

Assume that you have following record definition:

  TSubReturn = record
    code: Integer;
    desc: string;

  TReturn = record
    code: Integer;
    desc: string;
    subReturn: TSubReturn;

  TEODBatchUploadResponse = record
    &message: string;
    requiredFileSequence: Integer;
    ret: TReturn;

My regular json string is:

However, from time to time, server returns following response:

Both of these example json strings are parsed as OK. Meaning, no exception during de-serialization operation raised.

I do not need to parse second example. On the other hand, I would like an exception or a reference like json is not parsed because none of the record fields exists in it.

Let me know if this is a feature, of Grijjy, please.

TgoHttpClient: Possibility to specify password for private key in PEM format

nowadays TgoHttpClient has

    { Certificate in PEM format }
    property Certificate: TBytes read FCertificate write FCertificate;
    { Private key in PEM format }
    property PrivateKey: TBytes read FPrivateKey write FPrivateKey;

but hasn't

    { Password for private key }
    property Password: String read GetPassword write SetPassword;

add this property to TgoHttpClient or give access to FConnection: TgoSocketConnection;

TgoBsonSerializer can not serialize tkmrecord type records

I noticed that I get an error that serializer can serialize only class and records,.
The problem is found in Grijjy.Bson.Serialization file and it is caused by the ATypeInfo.Kind that returns the record I am using as tkmrecord.
This record is show as tkmrecord because I am using a "class operator Initialize(out rec: Depvis);". I remove it, it is again a tkrecord.
I add tkmrecord in every "case of" that tkrecord existed, and it works. Is this a problem?

uses Grijjy.CloudLogging gives [DCC Error] E2597 arm-linux-androideabi-ld.exe: error: cannot find -lgnustl_static

when adding
uses Grijjy.CloudLogging;
in blank multi-device application on Delphi 11.3, compiling for android-32, i get an error

[DCC Error] E2597 C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidNDK-21-22.0.48361.3236\android-ndk-r21\toolchains\arm-linux-androideabi-4.9\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\arm-linux-androideabi-ld.exe: error: cannot find -lgnustl_static
C:/Grijjy/Projects/ThirdParty/ZeroMQ/Android/zmq//jni/../../zeromq/src/zmq.cpp:163: error: undefined reference to 'operator new(unsigned int, std::nothrow_t const&)'
C:/Grijjy/Projects/ThirdParty/ZeroMQ/Android/zmq//jni/../../zeromq/src/zmq.cpp:166: error: undefined reference to 'std::nothrow'

Any Idea how to fix this?
Thanks a lot

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