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go2cs's Issues


Trying to use this but it appears to require a gopath to be set. On linux, I no longer use gopath in favor of using go modules which are now the default. It would be nice if go2cs could work in module mode and not require this (would also be nice if there were instructions for getting it to work on linux).

golib.csproj not compiling in the current version

The following methods in sstring.cs are preventing it from compiling:

public static implicit operator sstring(slice<byte> value) => new(value);

public static implicit operator sstring(slice<char> value) => new(value);

It gives two error messages:

  • "error CS8166: Cannot return a parameter by reference 'value' because it is not a ref parameter"
  • "error CS8347: Cannot use a result of 'sstring.sstring(in slice)' in this context because it may expose variables referenced by parameter 'value' outside of their declaration scope"

I've cloned the repo locally then opened cs2go.sln in Visual Studio Community (latest version). Since golib.cs does not compile, I'm really stuck! Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Visual Studio suggested the following fiz:

 public static implicit operator sstring(slice<byte> value) => new(value: value);

But it didn't work. So I removed the in clause in the constructors affected:

public sstring(in slice<char> value) : this(value.ToArray()) { }

But I don't know the performance implications of these changes...

error MSB4025: The project file could not be loaded

Hi everyone,

I have an Issue when i run deploy-gocore.bat.

error MSB4025: The project file could not be loaded. Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.

I am very thankful for all the help.
Best regards!

Unable to port to .NET

Even though I am 2 days into GO (golang), I've been able to download, build and run csvq, onto a Windows 10 PC. Works brilliantly.

So thought it would be awesome if I could port it from GO to C#, then I can roll a CsvDataReader similar to a SqlDataReader around the port and pull in the data directly into a DTO/POCO.

Upon running go2cs on the csvq => go2cs -o -i -s C:\Repo1\csvq I kept getting WARNING: Failed messages. So then I tried the -r option and nothing in terms of productive C# code was produced. See attached file for the command line output.
go2cs issue.txt

Documentation oopsie

Hey, interesting project - just had to point out that "human-readable byte-code" is a contradiction in terms though.

Unix path seperator

Hi, great project!

I have a full unix-workflow and so was trying to get this working end-to-end in unix, through Docker.

I finally got it working, but it required some patches:

cd go2cs/src/go2cs/ScannerBase && sed 's/"\\\\"/Char.ToString(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)/g' ScannerBase.cs
cd go2cs/src/go2cs && sed 's#\\\\#/#g' Options.cs (This one could be changed to use Path.DirectorySeparatorChar too)

Without these changes, it didn't work properly, since Unix uses exclusively forward slashes for the path, and it was not finding the files or outputting properly.

Сonvert error

I can't convert go file to C# with error at screenshot. Please help! What I do wrong?

Go to F#?

Great job developing this project, it is simply amazing🎉

What are your thoughts regarding transpiling Go to F#? Is this something that you have considered?

Experimental Release go2cs.exe file not worked.

I move go2cs.exe to bin folder
and extract to src folder.
and when i run go2cs.exe,
the console window showed up and closed immediately.
nothing showed up.
is there something i missed?

Issue with Creating a go2cs Executable to Convert my Golang Code

Hello @ritchiecarroll,

I have been struggling with trying to convert my go code using this go2cs converter. I attempted to run the deploy-gocore.bat script but am unsure where the go executable is located once I complete this script or if I am missing a step in creating the go2cs executable. Also, does it matter if my go2cs code is located in the go directory where the golang is stored on my PC or can it be in a separate directory on my local drive.

Linux installation

Hi, I was eager to see what go2cs can do on linux. The installation section of the readme references go2cs.exebut I can't find that anywhere in the repo or the release section, or information on source compilation.

Needed help on some issues faced after converting golang to c#


I am trying to convert an already existing go lang code to c#.
After converting the corresponding file to c#, there are some dependencies issue.

Even though I have downloaded the corresponding go standard libraries, I am still facing the issue saying that it cant find the standard libraries.


Kindly let me know how to resolve this issue.


Nice work!

I am pleasantly impressed by all your work on this effort. Let me know if there is anything I can help with.

C# to Golang

Is it possible to do it in reverse to convert C# to Golang

Attempting to execute deploy-gocore results in build failures

Output from the console output...

C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\GoFunc.cs(505,24): warning CS8600: Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type. [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj]
C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\GoFunc.cs(421,24): warning CS8600: Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type. [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj]
C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\GoFunc.cs(337,24): warning CS8600: Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type. [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj]
C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\GoFunc.cs(547,24): warning CS8600: Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type. [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj]
C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\GoFunc.cs(589,24): warning CS8600: Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type. [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj]
C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\GoFunc.cs(631,24): warning CS8600: Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type. [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj]
C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\GoFunc.cs(799,24): warning CS8600: Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type. [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj]
C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\GoFunc.cs(757,24): warning CS8600: Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type. [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj]
C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\GoFunc.cs(715,24): warning CS8600: Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type. [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj]
C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\GoFunc.cs(673,24): warning CS8600: Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type. [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj]
C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\TypeExtensions.cs(198,36): error CS8598: The suppression operator is not allowed in this context [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj]
C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\TypeExtensions.cs(313,33): error CS8598: The suppression operator is not allowed in this context [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj]
C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\TypeExtensions.cs(198,36): error CS8598: The suppression operator is not allowed in this context [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj]
C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\TypeExtensions.cs(313,33): error CS8598: The suppression operator is not allowed in this context [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj]
    39 Warning(s)
    4 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:01.21

The warnings I'm not worried about, but it's the last few "error CS8598: The suppression operator is not allowed in this context" that brings it all to a halt.

I'll use C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\TypeExtensions.cs(198,36): error CS8598: The suppression operator is not allowed in this context [C:\Users\willi\go\src\go2cs\golib\golib.csproj] as the example here...

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if <paramref name="targetType"/> implements specified <paramref name="interfaceType"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetType">Target type to test.</param>
        /// <param name="interfaceType">Interface to search.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <c>true</c> if <paramref name="targetType"/> implements specified <paramref name="interfaceType"/>;
        /// otherwise, <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        public static bool ImplementsInterface(this Type targetType, Type interfaceType)
            if (!interfaceType.IsInterface)
                return false;

            while (!(targetType is null!))
                if (targetType.GetInterfaces().Any(targetInterface => targetInterface == interfaceType || targetInterface.ImplementsInterface(interfaceType)))
                    return true;

                targetType = targetType.BaseType!;

            return false;

It's failing the build due to the trailing ! on null in the where clause. I think this would be fine if an actual type is described in that spot, but with null it may be problematic.

how to get go2cs.exe?

please help me bro, my problem is in the go2cs.exe file, how can i get that file?

Can't convert Go version 1.12.3 standard library

Step to reproduce

  1. Delete previous version of Golang by uninstalling it
  2. Download Go version 1.12.3
  3. Install it
  4. Download go2cs and extract it
  5. Install .NET 4.7.1 Dev Pack
  6. Open go2cs solution on VS
  7. Compile and successfully build go2cs.exe
  8. Issue command :
    go2cs -s -r C:\Go\src\
  9. go2cs throws exception but there is no log, in console shows

Starting Go code pre-scan to update metadata...

Starting pre-scan of "C:\Go\src\archive\tar\common.go"...

Starting pre-scan of "C:\Go\src\errors\errors.go"...

Starting pre-scan of "C:\Go\src\fmt\doc.go"...

Starting pre-scan of "C:\Go\src\math\abs.go"...

Starting pre-scan of "C:\Go\src\os\dir.go"...

Starting pre-scan of "C:\Go\src\path\example_test.go"...

example_test.go:5:0: Defined package clause "path_test" does not match file
path "C:\Go\src\path\example_test.go"

Starting pre-scan of "C:\Go\src\reflect\all_test.go"...
Unhandled Exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given
key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at go2cs.ScannerBase.ExitExpression(ExpressionContext context) in D:\jkenedy
Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase_Expression.cs:line 68
at GolangParser.ExpressionContext.ExitRule(IParseTreeListener listener) in D:
ne 6146
at Antlr4.Runtime.Tree.ParseTreeWalker.ExitRule(IParseTreeListener listener,
IRuleNode r) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-master\src\Utilities\Ant
lr4.Runtime\Tree\ParseTreeWalker.cs:line 55
at Antlr4.Runtime.Tree.ParseTreeWalker.Walk(IParseTreeListener listener, IPar
seTree t) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-master\src\Utilities\Antlr4
.Runtime\Tree\ParseTreeWalker.cs:line 34
at Antlr4.Runtime.Tree.ParseTreeWalker.Walk(IParseTreeListener listener, IPar
seTree t) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-master\src\Utilities\Antlr4
.Runtime\Tree\ParseTreeWalker.cs:line 32
at Antlr4.Runtime.Tree.ParseTreeWalker.Walk(IParseTreeListener listener, IPar
seTree t) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-master\src\Utilities\Antlr4
.Runtime\Tree\ParseTreeWalker.cs:line 32
at Antlr4.Runtime.Tree.ParseTreeWalker.Walk(IParseTreeListener listener, IPar
seTree t) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-master\src\Utilities\Antlr4
.Runtime\Tree\ParseTreeWalker.cs:line 32
at Antlr4.Runtime.Tree.ParseTreeWalker.Walk(IParseTreeListener listener, IPar
seTree t) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-master\src\Utilities\Antlr4
.Runtime\Tree\ParseTreeWalker.cs:line 32
at Antlr4.Runtime.Tree.ParseTreeWalker.Walk(IParseTreeListener listener, IPar
seTree t) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-master\src\Utilities\Antlr4
.Runtime\Tree\ParseTreeWalker.cs:line 32
at Antlr4.Runtime.Tree.ParseTreeWalker.Walk(IParseTreeListener listener, IPar
seTree t) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-master\src\Utilities\Antlr4
.Runtime\Tree\ParseTreeWalker.cs:line 32
at Antlr4.Runtime.Tree.ParseTreeWalker.Walk(IParseTreeListener listener, IPar
seTree t) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-master\src\Utilities\Antlr4
.Runtime\Tree\ParseTreeWalker.cs:line 32
at Antlr4.Runtime.Tree.ParseTreeWalker.Walk(IParseTreeListener listener, IPar
seTree t) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-master\src\Utilities\Antlr4
.Runtime\Tree\ParseTreeWalker.cs:line 32
at go2cs.ScannerBase.Scan(Boolean showParseTree) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2c
s-master\go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 125
at go2cs.PreScanner.Scan(Boolean _) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2c
s-master\src\go2cs\PreScanner.cs:line 60
at go2cs.ScannerBase.ScanFile(Options options, String fileName, Boolean showP
arseTree, CreateNewScannerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileN
eedsScan, SkippedFileScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2
cs-master\go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 288
at go2cs.ScannerBase.Scan(Options options, Boolean showParseTree, CreateNewSc
annerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan, SkippedFile
ScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-maste
r\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 233
at go2cs.ScannerBase.ScanImports(ScannerBase scanner, Boolean showParseTree,
CreateNewScannerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan,
SkippedFileScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master
go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 340
at go2cs.ScannerBase.ScanFile(Options options, String fileName, Boolean showP
arseTree, CreateNewScannerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileN
eedsScan, SkippedFileScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2
cs-master\go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 314
at go2cs.ScannerBase.Scan(Options options, Boolean showParseTree, CreateNewSc
annerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan, SkippedFile
ScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-maste
r\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 233
at go2cs.ScannerBase.ScanImports(ScannerBase scanner, Boolean showParseTree,
CreateNewScannerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan,
SkippedFileScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master
go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 340
at go2cs.ScannerBase.ScanFile(Options options, String fileName, Boolean showP
arseTree, CreateNewScannerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileN
eedsScan, SkippedFileScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2
cs-master\go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 314
at go2cs.ScannerBase.Scan(Options options, Boolean showParseTree, CreateNewSc
annerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan, SkippedFile
ScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-maste
r\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 233
at go2cs.ScannerBase.ScanImports(ScannerBase scanner, Boolean showParseTree,
CreateNewScannerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan,
SkippedFileScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master
go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 340
at go2cs.ScannerBase.ScanFile(Options options, String fileName, Boolean showP
arseTree, CreateNewScannerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileN
eedsScan, SkippedFileScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2
cs-master\go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 314
at go2cs.ScannerBase.Scan(Options options, Boolean showParseTree, CreateNewSc
annerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan, SkippedFile
ScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-maste
r\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 233
at go2cs.ScannerBase.ScanImports(ScannerBase scanner, Boolean showParseTree,
CreateNewScannerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan,
SkippedFileScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master
go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 340
at go2cs.ScannerBase.ScanFile(Options options, String fileName, Boolean showP
arseTree, CreateNewScannerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileN
eedsScan, SkippedFileScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2
cs-master\go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 314
at go2cs.ScannerBase.Scan(Options options, Boolean showParseTree, CreateNewSc
annerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan, SkippedFile
ScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-maste
r\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 233
at go2cs.ScannerBase.ScanImports(ScannerBase scanner, Boolean showParseTree,
CreateNewScannerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan,
SkippedFileScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master
go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 340
at go2cs.ScannerBase.ScanFile(Options options, String fileName, Boolean showP
arseTree, CreateNewScannerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileN
eedsScan, SkippedFileScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2
cs-master\go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 314
at go2cs.ScannerBase.Scan(Options options, Boolean showParseTree, CreateNewSc
annerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan, SkippedFile
ScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-maste
r\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 233
at go2cs.ScannerBase.ScanImports(ScannerBase scanner, Boolean showParseTree,
CreateNewScannerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan,
SkippedFileScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master
go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 340
at go2cs.ScannerBase.ScanFile(Options options, String fileName, Boolean showP
arseTree, CreateNewScannerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileN
eedsScan, SkippedFileScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2
cs-master\go2cs-master\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 314
at go2cs.ScannerBase.Scan(Options options, Boolean showParseTree, CreateNewSc
annerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan, SkippedFile
ScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-maste
r\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 233
at go2cs.ScannerBase.Scan(Options options, Boolean showParseTree, CreateNewSc
annerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan, SkippedFile
ScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-maste
r\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 245
at go2cs.ScannerBase.Scan(Options options, Boolean showParseTree, CreateNewSc
annerFunction createNewScanner, FileNeedsScanFunction fileNeedsScan, SkippedFile
ScanFunction handleSkippedScan) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2cs-maste
r\src\go2cs\ScannerBase.cs:line 245
at go2cs.PreScanner.Scan(Options options) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-maste
r\go2cs-master\src\go2cs\PreScanner.cs:line 107
at go2cs.Program.RunConversion(Options options) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs
-master\go2cs-master\src\go2cs\Program.cs:line 73
at go2cs.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\jkenedy\Downloads\go2cs-master\go2
cs-master\src\go2cs\Program.cs:line 38

Windows shows "go2cs Has Stopped Working"

Is it because Map/Channel is not yet implemented? But according to the doc it can compile Go standard library. May I know which version of Go can be successfully compiled it's Standard Library you tested?

Current version of SortArrayType doesn't fully build

Using VS 17.2.6, and .NET 6.0. After running batch file to get packages built, restarted Visual Studio.

Keep getting build breaks on SortArrayType.Main().

While I understood what the code was trying to do, I'm pretty certain it's invalid in C#: not sure why it's building for you, but it simply wasn't for me.

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