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The front end of the treetracker web map app.

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License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

Shell 0.03% JavaScript 99.51% CSS 0.37% Dockerfile 0.03% HTML 0.06%
javascript reactjs gis leafletjs non-profit climate-change reforestation hacktoberfest

treetracker-web-map-client's Introduction

Table of Contents

Treetracker Web Map

Project Description

Displays location and details of all trees that have been tracked in Greenstand.

Live site is at

Live dev env site for the new beta version is at:


For the new web map beta development, we are working on the branch: beta, now we have set it as default branch.

The current version online is still deployed from master.

So, for issues, the issue for the new web map, should use the branch: main, the issue for the current version online, like fix bug, add tiny features, should use master, generally, we will freeze new big features on the master branch.

Development Environment Quick Start

This project must be installed and used with Node v16. Node Version Manager is an excellent tool for quickly installing and selecting Node releases.

  1. Make sure all npm modules are installed for client.

    npm i
  2. Start the client

    npm run dev
  3. Open the web map in the browser with URL: http://localhost:3000

Setup for WSL users

In order to launch Cypress in WSL you will need to have an X-Server running on Windows. This guide outlines the steps necessary to configure your WSL shell to work with an X-server. If this still isn't working try launching vcxsrv.exe from the command line like this:


start "" "C:\Program Files\VcXsrv\vcxsrv.exe" :0 -multiwindow -clipboard -wgl`


start "" "C:\Program Files\VcXsrv\vcxsrv.exe" :0 -multiwindow -clipboard -wgl -ac`

Test Driven Development

We encourage Test Driven Development, with tool like Cypress, especially the component tool of Cypress, and the intercept API, it's been pretty easy to mock and build the case for tests, so we can write the test case first, let the case fail and then implement the real code.


  • Unit test: tests against a single class, object, function or file, covering the most small unit in codebase. It's good practice to code in TDD, but we don't enforce writing a unit test for every unit. Use Cypress component-testing to cover component units and Jest test to cover model file and utility functions.

  • Integration test: test a single piece of functionality in the app, like: a page, a module, an API endpoint. We require an integration test for every page. Use Cypress for page integration tests

  • End to End test: test the real app like a human being, against real app/environment. We will implement few a E2E tests to cover the most basic workflow, like: visit the root of the website, then jump into the detailed pages. Use Cypress to cover E2E tests.

Test File Naming Conventions

  • Component test files should be in the same directory as the test target and have the same name as the test target file with the suffix: .cy.js.

  • Unit test files should be in the same directory as the test target and have the same name as the test target file with the suffix: .test.js.

  • Put all integration tests into /cypress/tests/integration directory with suffix: .cy.js;

  • Put all e2e tests into /cypress/tests/e2e/ directory with suffix: .cy.js;

How to Build Components

We recommend using Cypress's component testing tool to build components in isolation:

To run Cypress unit/component tests:

npm run cypress:open

Video tutorial for building component

NOTE if you met : not test found problem, check this issue for fixing: issue229

What's need to test in a component unit test

  1. We require that the component should be correctly mount and present in there there enviroments:
  • Normal, the default desktop enviroments.
  • The mobile viewer enviroments with screen size: 390*844
  • The dark theme enviroment on descktop
  1. We require to take a picture for every three seneriors above. ( cy.screenshot() )

Adding Material UI Theme to Component Tests

When developing component tests use the custom mountWithTheme function found in src/models/test-utils.js instead of the mount function in the @cypress/react library. This will include the material-ui theme configuration when rendering your test component in cypress.

Our Theme System

We heavely use the MaterialUI theme as the source of style, including: color, font, background. And the theme dynamically change when changing the dark/light mode.

The color system defined several named color as the brand color on Greenstand, check code in the theme file and in the pallete section, these color is also defined in our Figma file, check link below to find the design file.

For convenience, run npm run cyu and find the page of DesignSandbox, you can directly check the theme settings, and pick appropriate ones for your coding.


Using Correct Link Component

Do not use next/link or @mui/material/Link. Instead use the custom Link component in src/components/Link. This component will ensure that an anchor tag is created with the appropriate href value for SEO purposes. If your component uses this Link component then you will need to include router mocking for component tests to pass.

CSS/Material-UI Guideline

Material UI styles

Use Material UI's sx prop to style your components. tss-react is included for maintaining backwards compatibility with the legacy code base.

Mocking NextJs Router in Component Tests

Use the custom mountWithThemeAndRouter function found in src/models/test-utils.js instead of the mountWithTheme function. This will include a basic router context mock to allow component tests to pass.

Mocking Static Images

If your component uses a static image file then you will need to mock it in your component tests. Place the following code in your test file. Replace the fixture value with the path to an example image in the cypress/fixtures directory.

beforeEach(() => {
  cy.intercept('/_next/**', {
    fixture: 'images/greenstand_logo_full.png',

How to Build Pages/Routes


  • Page/Route: every unique path of url on the app is a page or route, like a single tree page: http://map.treetracker/trees/123.

Integration Tests

We need to build Cypress integration tests for every page/route. The integration tests will be run in CI when merging code and deploying to protect the app from breaking.

Also, integration tests bring some benefits for the development workflow - by mocking API requests we can separately develop every single page. If you'd like to practice Test Driven Development, you can mock the API and write the tests first, then implement the real page later.

To run Cypress integration tests:

Nextjs dev server + Cypress test viewer + nock

npm run cy

Nextjs dev server + Cypress test viewer without nock

npm run cy:nockless

Run cypress tests headless

npm run cypress:run

Nextjs dev server + Cypress run headless + nock + skip video recording

npm run cypress:run:fast


Cypress Integration testing also includes the cypress-watch-and-reload plugin which will restart any loaded tests when you save any changes inside the src directory.

How to mock the API

Video tutorial for mock the API

Mocking API calls in cypress tests

NextJS deploys with a nodejs server and API calls can be made from this server or from the client viewing the webpage. Client-side API calls can be mocked by Cypress normally with the cy.intercept() method like this:

cy.intercept('GET', '**/countries/**', {
  statusCode: 200,
  body: leaders,

Server-side API calls in NextJs must occur within a getServerSideProps() page function or from files in the pages/api/ folder. These API calls can be mocked with the nock task we have added to cypress. The following example provides a mock response at the address being fetched during SSR.


Cypress must start a custom Nextjs server to mock SSR functions. Use cypress open --env nock=true or npm run cy:nock to start cypress with a Nextjs server (this means you do not need to use npm run dev or npm start). You can use Cypress.env('nock') in your test files to check if the cypress nextjs server is active.

import tree from '../../fixtures/tree186734.json';

beforeEach(() => {
  // This will clear any mocks that have been set
  Cypress.env('nock') && cy.task('clearNock');

it('getServerSideProps returns mock', () => {
  const path = `/trees/${}`;

  Cypress.env('nock') &&
    cy.task('nock', {
      hostname: Cypress.env('NEXT_PUBLIC_API')
      method: 'GET',
      statusCode: 200,
      body: tree,



The current map API

Mocking the API in development

Start the dev server with msw enabled:

npm run dev:mock

msw is used for mocking API calls during development and for jest tests. To enable it use the following env var NEXT_PUBLIC_API_MOCKING=enabled or use the dev:mock script. If a new API route needs to be added use the src/mocks/handlers.js file.

The route/URL spec

For convenience, we also use openAPI protocol to present the URL spec:


Please import to to view it.

UI design resource

Our Figma design resource is here:

Make sure you are logged in to Figma so that you can inspect the style details in Figma's editor.

Design Sandbox

To access the projects design sandbox, please run Cypress unit/component tests:

npm run cyu

Open test file in the component test browser. located in the DesignSandbox folder. This component will have a color swatch, background swatch, and all the necessary typography information that matches the project's design file.

As we now have a dark theme, when working with text colors use the correct ones. We have colors that are dynamic based on the theme, and we have colors that are NOT dynamic that can be used for components with a background that does not change based on the theme.

Please use colors from MUI's theme when working on the style of the project for better maintainability, at readability. DO NOT write colors manually!

Code style guide

We use Prettier, Eslint along with husky to style our code.


Prettier reformats the code, but does not do code rule checking. If you are using VSCode as your IDE, please follow this guide to set up Prettier and automatically format your code on file save.

You can find the Prettier rules in the .prettierrc file.


To check the coding rules we use Eslint. To validate the rules manually, you must run:

npm run lint

To fix automatic rules run:

npm run lint:fix

In .eslintrc.js, there is a set of rules with status off or warn. Whenever you are developing a new file or an existing file try to correct some warnings, because in the future the rules will be activated.

Once the rules are activated, you can't make a commit until you fix the lint errors!

You can find the Eslint rules in the .eslintrc.js file.


With husky we can use any git hook. Git Hooks are actions that can be executed if a certain Git event occurs. For example when a developer makes a 'git commit' or a 'git push'. Pre-commit hooks are listed in .husky/pre-commit


Lint-staged is used with husky to run actions exclusively on staged files. This allows us to lint staged files and automatically add fixes to the commit.

Commit Message and PR Title Format

We use commitlint, to format our commit messages. Commitlint checks if your commit messages meet the conventional commit format.

You need to use a proper commit message format or you will not be able to commit your changes! husky checks your commit messages before every commit.

Your commit messages will need to follow the Conventional Commits format, for example:

feat: add new button
chore: run tests on travis ci
fix(server): send cors headers


Can not install Cypress in some area.

In some area like China, there might be some problem with installing the Cypress, throws error log like this:

npm ERR! URL:
npm ERR! Error: read ECONNRESET

To sole this problem, download the zip file directly from Cypress CDN following guide here:

Then install the project with a env variable:

CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=[path/to/Cypress/zip/file] npm ci

Other resource from Greenstand

We have more tech guides and handbook here:

Greenstand engineer handbook

Workflow with Github

  1. Feel free to pick tasks that interests you in the issue page, and leave some comment on it if you are going to work on it.

  2. We tag issues with:

    • good first issue: easy and good for getting started.
    • medium: medium difficulty or needs more work.
    • challenge: hardest or big tasks, or needs some special skill or tricky or even hack in some way.
    • documentation: writing job, sometimes it's good for new dev to learn and do some simple job.
    • bug: just bug.
    • wontfix: some issue still in discussion, or can not be implemented at current stage, or just outdated problem.
    • high-priority: urgent problem, like some crucial bug or feature.
    • We also tag issue with other aspects like the skill needed, the device related and so on.
  3. Fork the repo.

  4. Coding (In the process, you can rebase/merge the newest code from the main working branch online to get the new changes, check below link to get tutorial on how to update code from upstream)

  5. Raise the PR, if possible, add resolves #xx in the description to link the PR with the issue, in this way, Github will automatically close that issue for us.

  6. Optional, if you aren't fully confident about your code, it's always a good idea to create a PR in draft status as early as possible, so you can draw others attention on it and give you suggestions. (to do it, just expand the PR button, there is a draft selection)

  7. If necessary, add some screenshot or video record to show the work, especial when you are doing some UI work, like build a component.

More resource is here:


How to connect to production data locally

Sometimes we need to connect production data (map, tree) to debug, to do so, copy the settings in .env.production and put them into the .env.local so next.js will load them as high priority.

How to run cypress in a docker container on Max/Linux/Windows

  • Install XQuartz

  • Install docker

  • cd to/project

  • Run command

    docker run -it \
    --rm \
    -v $PWD:/e2e \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -w /e2e \
    -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0 \
    --entrypoint cypress \
    cypress/included:latest open --project .

    mode details is here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

treetracker-web-map-client's People


adriana-carmo avatar ar563 avatar arcadioramos avatar cavesdev avatar cpaule1811 avatar dadiorchen avatar dylanjg01 avatar emmanue avatar harshalyadav avatar henlam1 avatar jeremydthomas avatar jwgatt avatar keyy123 avatar khalatevarun avatar mmayeda avatar mohmn avatar muhon9 avatar ojafero avatar okdv avatar pierrelstan avatar pratikmdhr avatar quaidbartolomei avatar rubensmn avatar semantic-release-bot avatar suokn avatar tanguyen1893 avatar theyass1n avatar tranquanghuy0801 avatar vwroli avatar zavenarra avatar


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treetracker-web-map-client's Issues

Invalid pointer to a tree (zoomed in)

Upon completely zoom in on one tree (number 1 in a circle, not map pointer yet) sometimes user can see an arrow pointing/suggesting to move to left/right but in fact the tree is already presented on the screen.

iPhone 12, Chrome

Screenshot 2021-06-25 at 17 15 36

Tree sponsor info panel

Marked as (2) on the above mockup. Should be a small panel showing the name and logo of the sponsor. We are waiting on a way to upload sponsor logos, placeholders can be used until then. see Ezra's comment below! Feel free to ask me if you would like to tackle this issue or need any help.

Treetracker timeline not properly exposed

Timeline icon is hard to spot on page load. This functionality should be more visible to the user. Maybe this was already fixed by our DEVs but listing it just to be sure. Feel free to close if not valid anymore.

Screenshot 2021-06-25 at 16 30 25

Update URL with bounding box so that current location of the map can be shared

Similar to google maps, the URL of the treetracker map should contain the bounding box information for the location currently shown. This should change as the user navigates in the map. The user should be able to copy and paste this URL in order to share the current map view: when a URL with a bounding box query parameter is accessed, the map should move to the location of this bounding box.

For example, on we have:,-122.2524834,17.11z

Direct navigation to the tree details upon 1 tree

If there is only one tree in a circle, user should be able to navigate to the tree details directly. Now the user has to click sometimes even 7 times to get to the tree/user details. This takes quite a big amount of time to show the tree details.

All mobile devices and desktop

Simple "copy link" function on the share button

See screenshot. Adding a simple "copy link" would also be a great addition. This is a simple task for entry level contributors.
Screenshot 2021-06-25 at 07 26 34

Is there a way to add analytics to the share dialogue ?
We might also consider more than just "Share" (TBD)

Navigation on the map (Mobile devices)

When zoomed in (not fully) it is very hard to move on the map. The map sometimes doesn't react to the user fingers and only stays where is.

Samsung 10, iPhone SE (Chrome)

Quick wallet UX upgrade

Quick wallet UX upgrade

Want to show
Total number of tokens in wallet
Total number of planters connected to tokens in wallet
Total number different species connected to tokens in wallet

Show these each as changing graphs/charts over time, on a monthly basis
Implement as a bottom panel to the wallet map only (not the main maps)

Also include some basic information about the wallet.


Three graphs horizontally along the bottom

XML parsing error on page load

XML Parsing Error: not well-formed

Firefox browser

Screenshot 2021-06-25 at 16 42 11

Timeline icon problem.

timeline icon should not show when side panel is open
timeline icon should never show when viewing a single tree link (like ?treeid=12312 or ?tree_name=test-name)

The tree point marker is inaccurate.

The tree marker is inaccurate, the tip of the point is not pointing to the correct/accurate coordinate on the map:
We need to make some calibration to make it correct.

Web Map needs to open with left panel active with general information on what the map is about

The site should open up with the left panel active. We need UX UI help to define what to display there. A short introduction (if no cookies are present) of the project and what this is about. Maybe a bit of statistics ... Amount of total tree tracking events, mabye statistic by continent, once in continent by country, or markers such as how many FMNR trees, social impact counter etc.
Planter of the months, last active tracking, etc

Hide the timeline filter on:

Currently, the app has been handled with some case like:, in this case, the timeline filter will be hidden, we also need it be hidden in the case:

Implement 'next tree' feature on new version

Since the new version uses raster tiles to serve tree locations, we have to change our approach to the 'next tree' feature (arrows on the tree to photo to move show the next tree)

Suggested solution:
When a user first clicks on a tree and opens the side panel, load ~100 trees that are close to this tree. Keep these trees in a cache and use them to page through until the user selects a tree that is not nearby or moves the map.

To load trees:
First try a .01 degree by .01 degree bounding box around the selected tree using a bounding box query for tree points ( such as,-3.3264942011693543,37.41518600805022,-3.336982120489781). If there are no trees returned, try again with a .1 by .1 degree bounding box, then a 1 x 1 degree bounding box until trees are found within the shown bounding box to step through.

Frontend support for tree names

We will assign tree names to some trees

We want to show the single capture view using a URL like

Also change the left panel to show the tree name as well.

Zaven will update the backend API to support a query parameter to GET a single capture using the name

"Greenstand" logo - no link

"Greenstand" logo in the bottom right corner should have a link to the Greenstand website if possible. Most probably this is not a bug as such, just an improvement.

Screenshot 2021-06-25 at 16 35 28

Impact Panel Foldup

Be awesome and make this super Impact Panel design!

Impact planel Fold out

  • The data should be pulled from all trees belonging to a specific 'entity_id'

  • In the case of a master 'entity_id' it should contain all trees linked to that wallet and the sub-wallets of that entity.

  • Color codes should be used: Primary green #86c232, Secondary green #61892F, Orange #FFA500

  • Must be mobile friendly.

  • You will need the graphical arrow asset such as this
    next tree

  • You will need to figure out how to make this map (Note, it will be worth reading up on how we have done the clustering on the main map as a lot of this work will already have been completed)

Impact planel Fold out

Changes from design:

  • Name on top of panel should be changed to "Impact Panel"
  • Should only say "Impact panel" once. It should not be over the little map portion as well.
  • The time function (as shown by the "Last 7 days" need not be added. But it is cool so if you can add it cool.


Basic Styleguide V1

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