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ember-cli-less's Issues

Error when using mix function

I'm getting the following error when attempting to use the mix function ([email protected]):

@color-primary: "#2590AB";
@color-primary-light: mix(@color-primary, @light, 10%);
@color-primary-lighter: mix(@color-primary, @light, 20%);
@color-primary-dark: mix(@color-primary, @dark, 10%);
@color-primary-darker: mix(@color-primary, @dark, 10%);


file changed styles/variables.less
{ escaped: false,
  value: '#FFFFFF',
  quote: '"',
  index: 436,
   { relativeUrls: undefined,
     entryPath: '/Users/chris7519/Sites/example/tmp/tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-UuB6fAsl.tmp//app/styles/',
     rootpath: '',
     rootFilename: '/Users/chris7519/Sites/example/tmp/tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-UuB6fAsl.tmp//app/styles/app.less',
     currentDirectory: '/Users/chris7519/Sites/example/tmp/tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-UuB6fAsl.tmp/app/styles/',
     filename: '/Users/chris7519/Sites/example/tmp/tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-UuB6fAsl.tmp/app/styles/variables.less' } }
undefined_methodError: error evaluating function `mix`: Object [object Object] has no method 'toHSL' in /Users/chris7519/Sites/example/tmp/tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-UuB6fAsl.tmp/app/styles/variables.less on line 19, column 23:
18 @color-primary: "#2590AB";
19 @color-primary-light: mix(@color-primary, @light, 10%);
20 @color-primary-lighter: mix(@color-primary, @light, 20%);

error evaluating function `mix`: Object [object Object] has no method 'toHSL'

Semantic-UI LessCompiler Undefined Issues

So I have the following in my theme.config:


/* Path to theme packages */
@themesFolder : 'src/themes';

/* Path to site override folder */
@siteFolder  : 'app/styles/site';

         Import Theme

@import "app/styles/theme.less";

/* End Config */

If I copy the themes folder and put it in the app/styles directory and then change @themesFolder to point to app/styles/themes, I get this after doing ember server:

NameError: variable @positiveTextShadow is undefined in bower_components/semantic-ui/src/definitions/elements/button.less on line 3212, column 16:
3211   color: @positiveTextColor;
3212   text-shadow: @positiveTextShadow;
3213   background-image: @coloredBackgroundImage;

File: bower_components/semantic-ui/src/definitions/elements/button.less (3212)
The Broccoli Plugin: [LessCompiler] failed with:

So what am I doing wrong? I am using the ember-cli-less package. I have the following in my ember-cli-build.js file:

var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
        lessOptions: {
            paths: [
        outputPaths: {
            app: {
                css: {
                    app: "assets/css/project.css"
                js: "assets/js/project.js"
            vendor: {
                css: "assets/css/vendor.css",
                js: "assets/js/vendor.js"
        SemanticUI: {
            css: false,
            javascript: true,
            fonts: true,
            cssPath: "assets/css"

This happens only with @import "src/semantic" in the app.less file. If I remove that, the error doesn't occur, but then I loose my Semantic-UI definitions of course, so that isn't an option.

I tried getting this looked at on the Semantic-UI-ember repository, but they didn't help and said it sounds like a ember-cli compiler issue. What is the correct way to point to your own custom themes folder?

Ember Engines support

Currently neither sass or less support engines. This is a placeholder issue for when we know how to support them.

CSS not refreshed with ember server when children less are modified

My Ember2 project is configured to use pods.
So I have this structure:

├── ember-pod/
│ ├── app/
│ ├── adapters/
│ ├── models/
│ ├── pods/
│ │ ├── components/
│ │ │ ├── list-item/
│ │ │ │ ├── style.less
│ │ ├── route1/
│ ├── styles/
│ ├── app.less

In app.less I have:
@import app/pods/components/list-item/style

Then I run: ember server

When I modify the app.less file, the change is detected, the browser is refreshed, the CSS includes my change.
When I modify the style.less file, the change is detected, the browser is refreshed, the CSS does not includes my change. (I have to stop and restart ember server)

Is there something to do in the configuration?

Conflict w/ ember-cli-sass


I seem to have a conflict when using both ember-cli-less and ember-cli-sass. I have an app.scss file located under app/styles/app.css, but whenever I run ember server, I receive the following error:

Error: File not found: app/styles/app.scss
in any of the following include paths:
    at Object.findFileSync (/Users/jamesdixon/Projects/scout/platform/business/web/node_modules/ember-cli-sass/node_modules/broccoli-sass-source-maps/node_modules/include-path-searcher/index.js:12:9)
    at SassCompiler.<anonymous> (/Users/jamesdixon/Projects/scout/platform/business/web/node_modules/ember-cli-sass/node_modules/broccoli-sass-source-maps/index.js:51:33)
    at lib$rsvp$$internal$$initializePromise (/Users/jamesdixon/Projects/scout/platform/business/web/node_modules/ember-cli-sass/node_modules/broccoli-sass-source-maps/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:541:9)
    at new lib$rsvp$promise$$Promise (/Users/jamesdixon/Projects/scout/platform/business/web/node_modules/ember-cli-sass/node_modules/broccoli-sass-source-maps/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:757:9)
    at SassCompiler.updateCache (/Users/jamesdixon/Projects/scout/platform/business/web/node_modules/ember-cli-sass/node_modules/broccoli-sass-source-maps/index.js:42:10)
    at /Users/jamesdixon/Projects/scout/platform/business/web/node_modules/ember-cli-sass/node_modules/broccoli-sass-source-maps/node_modules/broccoli-caching-writer/index.js:96:34
    at lib$rsvp$$internal$$tryCatch (/Users/jamesdixon/Projects/scout/platform/business/web/node_modules/ember-cli-sass/node_modules/broccoli-sass-source-maps/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:493:16)
    at lib$rsvp$$internal$$invokeCallback (/Users/jamesdixon/Projects/scout/platform/business/web/node_modules/ember-cli-sass/node_modules/broccoli-sass-source-maps/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:505:17)
    at lib$rsvp$$internal$$publish (/Users/jamesdixon/Projects/scout/platform/business/web/node_modules/ember-cli-sass/node_modules/broccoli-sass-source-maps/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:476:11)
    at lib$rsvp$asap$$flush (/Users/jamesdixon/Projects/scout/platform/business/web/node_modules/ember-cli-sass/node_modules/broccoli-sass-source-maps/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:1198:9)
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11)

Removing ember-cli-less causes things to work once again. I tried setting the include paths of both addons to different directories, but unfortunately, I end up with a blank CSS file.

Here's my version info:

version: 1.13.8
node: 0.12.2
npm: 2.13.4
os: darwin x64

and my dependencies in package.json:

  "devDependencies": {
    "broccoli-asset-rev": "^2.1.2",
    "dotenv": "1.2.0",
    "ember-cli": "1.13.8",
    "ember-cli-app-version": "0.5.0",
    "ember-cli-babel": "^5.1.3",
    "ember-cli-content-security-policy": "0.4.0",
    "ember-cli-dependency-checker": "^1.0.1",
    "ember-cli-deploy": "^0.4.2",
    "ember-cli-deploy-azure": "0.0.11",
    "ember-cli-dotenv": "1.0.0",
    "ember-cli-flash": "1.3.1",
    "ember-cli-htmlbars": "0.7.9",
    "ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile": "^0.2.0",
    "ember-cli-ic-ajax": "0.2.1",
    "ember-cli-inject-live-reload": "^1.3.1",
    "ember-cli-less": "1.3.3",
    "ember-cli-mirage": "0.1.7",
    "ember-cli-mocha": "0.9.1",
    "ember-cli-release": "0.2.3",
    "ember-cli-sass": "4.1.0",
    "ember-cli-simple-auth": "0.8.0",
    "ember-cli-simple-auth-testing": "0.8.0",
    "ember-cli-simple-auth-token": "",
    "ember-cli-sri": "^1.0.3",
    "ember-cli-uglify": "^1.2.0",
    "ember-data": "1.13.8",
    "ember-deploy-redis": "0.0.6",
    "ember-disable-proxy-controllers": "^1.0.0",
    "ember-export-application-global": "^1.0.3",
    "ember-paper": "",
    "ember-validations": "2.0.0-alpha.3"

Appreciate your help!


Tests fail in Circle due to LESS compilation using Ember 2.10.0

Experiencing an issue running tests in Circle. Traced it down to LESS compilation. We are importing large less files which have compiled and worked across multiple versions of Ember CLI.

Ember CLI out-of-the-box passing:

Branch with subset creating failure:

Thank you!

Moderate security issue found in yarn audit

│ moderate      │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Patched in    │ > 4.2.0 < 5.0.0 || >= 5.0.3                                  │
│ Dependency of │ ember-cli-less                                               │
│ Path          │ ember-cli-less > broccoli-less-single > less > request >     │
│               │ hawk > cryptiles > boom > hoek                               │
│ More info     │                         │

LessCompiler runs for every build in watch mode

When running ember build --watch the LessCompiler task runs during every single build even when no changes have been made to any .less files. This significantly increases the total build time because the task takes 0.5-2.5 seconds and the rest of the build takes about 0.5-1.5 seconds.

I am not sure whether this is a problem with ember-cli, ember-cli-less or my config. Would appreciate some help on how I can debug this and figure out the issue.

Build fail without app.less

Using the config:

  var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
    // Add options here
    outputPaths: {
      app: {
        css: {
          'theme': '/assets/theme.css'

The build fails with this message:

Build failed.
File not found: /app/styles/app.less
in any of the following include paths:
Error: File not found: /app/styles/app.less
in any of the following include paths:

Project not compiling lessOptions

Just added someone new to our dev team. She installed Yosemite, while I have Mavericks. We are using the ember-cli-less to compile our less, using the lessOptions hash inside of our brocfile to specify the order of compilation. Anyway, when my app builds, I see this output:

Slowest Trees                  | Total
Concat: Vendor                 | 2829ms
Babel                          | 1167ms
ES3SafeFilter                  | 925ms
LessCompiler                   | 885ms
JSHint app- QUnit              | 632ms
ES6: App Tree                  | 498ms

whereas when she runs it, she sees:

Slowest Trees                                 | Total
Concat: Vendor                                | 2744ms
Babel                                         | 1337ms
ES3SafeFilter                                 | 687ms
JSHint app- QUnit                             | 616ms

Slowest Trees (cumulative)                    | Total (avg)
Concat: Vendor (1)                            | 2744ms
Babel (2)                                     | 1358ms (679 ms)
ES3SafeFilter (1)                             | 687ms
JSHint app- QUnit (1)                         | 616ms

which is clearly missing the less compilation step and explains why she doesn't have the app_name.css file in here dist/assets folder. Not sure that the OS.X versions are the culprit, but I do not know what else could be the issue? Both of us are running Ember Cli version: 0.2.0-beta.1

Only recompile, when LESS files has changed

The LESS compiler runs each time a file has changed, even if no LESS files have been touched:

file changed templates\admin\index.hbs

Build successful - 11018ms.

Slowest Trees                  | Total
LessCompiler                   | 2218ms
Funnel: App JS Files           | 1117ms
Concat: Vendor                 | 1057ms
SourcemapConcat                | 703ms
SourcemapConcat                | 645ms
Concat: Test Support JS        | 637ms
TreeMerger (vendor)            | 602ms
ES6Modules                     | 578ms

Is it possible to only run LESS recompile, when a LESS file has been edited? That would save a lot of time.

Can't specify lessOptions.paths in addon

We're having a bit of a weird issue with getting ember-cli-less to respect the lessOptions.paths setting in our ember-cli addon. We're simply trying to bundle all of our common stylesheets (in Less format) into a private Bower module, and then expose that module via the paths configuration option.

We're on an older version of ember-cli (0.2.7), but what we're doing is pretty straightforward. In fact, the following is the entire body of our Brocfile:

var EmberAddon = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-addon');

var app = new EmberAddon({
    loader: 'vendor/loader.js',

    lessOptions: {
        paths: ['bower_components/our-custom-css-component/']

module.exports = app.toTree();

Tried running this on several versions of ember-cli-less, including 1.4.0, and have gotten several different error messages. The most recent one stems from app.options not existing, and seemingly containing the data that's expected to be found on app.options. We made a one-line change to index.js that fixes the issue, but it feels a bit kludgy, and likely doesn't address the root cause.

  lessOptions: function() {
    var env = process.env.EMBER_ENV;
    var app =;
    if (!app.options) app =; // <- this is the fix we added
    var options = (app && app.options && app.options.lessOptions) || {};

    if ((options.sourceMap === undefined) && (env === 'development')) {
      options.sourceMap = true;

    return options;

It looks like other addons have experienced similar problems, for what it's worth: ef4/ember-browserify#29

Any help you could provide would be much appreciated. Happy to offer additional details as needed, or submit this as a PR if you'd like to merge it. Thanks!

Build failed after reinstall dependencies

All worked fine untill I try reninstall dependencies. I got

version: 1.13.13
Building..Error: Invalid mapping: {"generated":{"line":186,"column":2},"source":"/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/tmp/less_compiler-input_base_path-2LBrHOGg.tmp/0/app/styles/mixins.less","original":{"line":1,"column":null},"name":null}
    at SourceMapGenerator_validateMapping [as _validateMapping] (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/node_modules/source-map/lib/source-map-generator.js:277:13)
    at SourceMapGenerator_addMapping [as addMapping] (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/node_modules/source-map/lib/source-map-generator.js:101:12)
    at SourceMapOutput.add (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/source-map-output.js:88:42)
    at Element.genCSS (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/element.js:42:12)
    at Selector.genCSS (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/selector.js:104:21)
    at Ruleset.genCSS (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/ruleset.js:389:21)
    at Directive.outputRuleset (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/directive.js:124:18)
    at Media.genCSS (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/media.js:34:10)
    at Ruleset.genCSS (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/ruleset.js:414:18)
    at SourceMapOutput.toCSS (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/source-map-output.js:126:24)
Build failed.
Invalid mapping: {"generated":{"line":186,"column":2},"source":"/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/tmp/less_compiler-input_base_path-2LBrHOGg.tmp/0/app/styles/mixins.less","original":{"line":1,"column":null},"name":null}
Error: Invalid mapping: {"generated":{"line":186,"column":2},"source":"/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/tmp/less_compiler-input_base_path-2LBrHOGg.tmp/0/app/styles/mixins.less","original":{"line":1,"column":null},"name":null}
    at SourceMapGenerator_validateMapping [as _validateMapping] (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/node_modules/source-map/lib/source-map-generator.js:277:13)
    at SourceMapGenerator_addMapping [as addMapping] (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/node_modules/source-map/lib/source-map-generator.js:101:12)
    at SourceMapOutput.add (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/source-map-output.js:88:42)
    at Element.genCSS (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/element.js:42:12)
    at Selector.genCSS (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/selector.js:104:21)
    at Ruleset.genCSS (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/ruleset.js:389:21)
    at Directive.outputRuleset (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/directive.js:124:18)
    at Media.genCSS (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/media.js:34:10)
    at Ruleset.genCSS (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/ruleset.js:414:18)
    at SourceMapOutput.toCSS (/Users/vvs/repo/apollo/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/less/lib/less/source-map-output.js:126:24)

The same for 1.3.3. ( which we use before today ) and at the newest 1.5.3

Running the dummy app in an Ember addon project can't find app/styles/app.less

I'm trying to test an Ember addon project by running ember server inside an addon project. This runs the dummy app. However I am not getting my less files automatically being build with the ember-cli-less functionality (expecting /app/styles/app.less):

Some files I have:


However I am getting an error when I run ember server:

version: 0.1.15
Could not find watchman, falling back to NodeWatcher for file system events

Livereload server on port 35730
Serving on
File not found: /app/styles/app.less
in any of the following include paths:
Error: File not found: /app/styles/app.less

EEXIST, file already exists, constantly with ember serve

I pretty much can't use ember serve as a result because it dies constantly due to this. Anyone else seeing this? I've already tried clearing out everything etc. and it keeps popping up

EEXIST, file already exists '/Users/a564226/highlander/tmp/less_compiler-tmp_cache_dir-bcsFvQXG.tmp'
Error: EEXIST, file already exists '/Users/a564226/highlander/tmp/less_compiler-tmp_cache_dir-bcsFvQXG.tmp'
    at Object.fs.symlinkSync (fs.js:742:18)
    at symlink (/Users/a564226/highlander/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/broccoli-caching-writer/node_modules/symlink-or-copy/index.js:82:14)
    at Function.symlinkOrCopySync [as sync] (/Users/a564226/highlander/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/broccoli-caching-writer/node_modules/symlink-or-copy/index.js:58:5)
    at /Users/a564226/highlander/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/broccoli-caching-writer/index.js:103:21
    at lib$rsvp$$internal$$tryCatch (/Users/a564226/highlander/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:489:16)
    at lib$rsvp$$internal$$invokeCallback (/Users/a564226/highlander/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:501:17)
    at lib$rsvp$$internal$$publish (/Users/a564226/highlander/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:472:11)
    at Object.lib$rsvp$asap$$flush [as _onImmediate] (/Users/a564226/highlander/node_modules/ember-cli-less/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:1290:9)
    at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:354:15)

Bootstrap panel.less not found issue

I am using "ember-cli-less": "^1.5.7" - for my ember app and I get the panel.less not found issue because of the path problem (I guess). But it works fine when I lock the version to just use 1.5.7 instead of ^1.5.7.

Could you please check?

error: FileError: '../../../node_modules/bootstrap/less/panels.less' wasn't found. Tried - /codebuild/output/src527386755/src/,/codebuild/output/src527386755/src/,/codebuild/output/src527386755/src/,../../../node_modules/bootstrap/less/panels.less in /codebuild/output/src527386755/src/… Show more

sourceMaps don't seem to work

running version 1.3.2 on node v0.12. Sourcemaps aren't being generated. config:

var EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');

var app = new EmberApp({
  lessOptions: {
    paths: [
    sourceMap: true

Release new version to npm


There has not been a new release of ember-cli-less to npm since #59 was merged in. Would it be possible for a new version to be updated and published?


Adding additional outputPaths throws merge-trees error

outputPaths: {
      app: {
        css: {
          'activate': '/assets/activate.css'

Returns the following error:

Merge error: file assets/ exists in /Users/iradchenko/workspace/dashboard/tmp/broccoli_merge_trees-input_base_path-Li6gifv7.tmp/0 and /Users/iradchenko/workspace/mapgeo2/dashboard/tmp/broccoli_merge_trees-input_base_path-Li6gifv7.tmp/1
Pass option { overwrite: true } to mergeTrees in order to have the latter file win.

And adding the overwrite to the merge trees in my ember-cli-build.js file doesn't do anything. Note, I do have an app.less.

Issue generating source maps

If I leave sourceMaps enabled in lessOptions, I end up with an error like this:

Invalid mapping: {"generated":{"line":4391,"column":2},"source":"../bittitan-css/lib/bootstrap/3.3.5/type.less","original":{"line":1,"column":null},"name":null}

When I narrow down the issue, it seems that it breaks when I have a media query nested inside a selector. Example:

.my-selector {
    @media (max-width: @screen-sm) {
        // styles

So, I could either refactor any instances of nested media queries or set sourceMap to equal false.

ember-cli-less 1.5.6 does not find function less.writeError

I am using ember-cli 2.18.2 on a windows x64 pc with node v8.9.3.

In package.json using ember-cli-less ^1.5.5 installed the new ember-cli-less 1.5.6 today.
With version 1.5.6 I get the following error while running ember build:

cleaning up...
Build failed.
Build Error (LessCompiler)

less.writeError is not a function

.. and the build fails with exit code 1.

If I downgrade ember-cli-less to version 1.5.5 everything is fine.

I now also pinned broccoli-less-single to ^0.6.4 because broccoli-less-single 1.0.0 installs less v3.x instead of the former v2.x used by broccoli-less-single v<1.0.

module unification app with relative @import LESS files won't build

I recently ran the ember-module-migrator to migrate our app to the improved structure.
ember build fails because of a LESS Compiler error:

Build Canceled: Broccoli Builder ran into an error with `LessCompiler` plugin. 💥
'routes/some-route.less' wasn't found.

Our app uses relative LESS imports like so:

// line from src/ui/styles/app.less
// these files exist in src/ui/styles/routes
@import "routes/some-route.less";

This relates to emberjs/ember.js#16373

v2.0.0 - Cannot set property bytesRead of #<Socket> which has only a getter

$ ember -v
ember-cli: 3.2.0
node: 8.11.3
os: linux x64

This only happened to me when using version v2.0.0. Once I rolled back to v1.5.7 the error was gone.

Steps to reproduce error:

ember new ember-cli-less-test
cd ember-cli-less-test
ember install ember-cli-less
mv app/styles/app.css app/styles/app.less
ember s


Build Error (LessCompiler)

Cannot set property bytesRead of #<Socket> which has only a getter

Stack Trace and Error Report: /tmp/error.dump.abbfe53ad932dff8b89d3c69328a7696.log

ember build source map failure with [email protected]

Our project uses a custom command line flag to ember build which causes this stack trace.
We are using [email protected]

[email protected] start /myapp
> ember build --environment realprod

WARNING: Node v8.0.0 is not tested against Ember CLI on your platform. We recommend that you use the most-recent "Active LTS" version of Node.js.
DEPRECATION: Addon files were detected in `/myapp/node_modules/pagination-pager/addon`, but no JavaScript preprocessors were found for `pagination-pager`. Please make sure to add a preprocessor (most likely `ember-cli-babel`) to in `dependencies` (NOT `devDependencies`) in `pagination-pager`'s `package.json`.
DEPRECATION: Addon files were detected in `/myapp/node_modules/ember-cli-copyable/addon`, but no JavaScript preprocessors were found for `ember-cli-copyable`. Please make sure to add a preprocessor (most likely `ember-cli-babel`) to in `dependencies` (NOT `devDependencies`) in `ember-cli-copyable`'s `package.json`.
[WARN] (broccoli-uglify-sourcemap) Minifying: `assets/vendor.js` took: 22942ms (more than 20,000ms)
cleaning up...
Build failed.
Cannot set property stack of SyntaxError which has only a getter
TypeError: Cannot set property stack of SyntaxError which has only a getter
    at Class.buildError (/myapp/node_modules/ember-cli-less/index.js:82:19)
    at (/myapp/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/models/builder.js:139:34)
    at (native)
    at Builder.processAddonBuildSteps (/myapp/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/models/builder.js:137:43)
    at processAddonBuildSteps.then.then.then.then.then.then.catch.error (/myapp/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/models/builder.js:172:14)
    at tryCatch (/myapp/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:539:12)
    at invokeCallback (/myapp/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:554:13)
    at publish (/myapp/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:522:7)
    at publishRejection (/myapp/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:457:3)
    at flush (/myapp/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:2414:5)

This is in a private app; I will try to update later with a test app.

Can't manage to make it working :(


I'm totally noob at Ember & Ember-cli, I'm trying to use Less instead of the default css file.
I did install your package with npm install (it's now in my node_modules dir) I did create a less file in app/styles/app.less then.. nothing. when my app builds, it doesn't create a css file in dist/assets/app.css and I style have the "old" webapp.css. It seems nothing is done.

Did I miss something ?

Latest version of ember-cli-less is failing my build

I have an app which use the latest ember-cli-less version.
In my app/styles/app.less file I have an import to ../../node_modules/my-addon/addon/styles/variables.less

The add-on also uses ember-cli-less and has a addon/styles/addon.less file.

Build is failing with the following error:

Build failed.
File: /Users/Github/app/tmp/less_compiler-input_base_path-FiJYp7d6.tmp/0/app/styles/app.less (47)
'../../node_modules/my-addon/addon/styles/variables.less' wasn't found.
  "type": "File",
  "filename": "/Users/Github/app/tmp/less_compiler-input_base_path-FiJYp7d6.tmp/0/app/styles/app.less",
  "index": 1978,
  "line": 47,
  "callLine": null,
  "column": 0,
  "extract": [
    "@import \"../../node_modules/my-addon/addon/styles/variables.less\";",

It used to work previously.

Usage in Addon

I am new to this whole Ember Addon stuff, would it work with addon if we add list it as a devdependancy instead? Problem of it being a dependancy is that it will get linked in to the consuming app as a dependancy.

lessOptions is not working

On ember-cli 1.13.8 and ember-cli-lesss 1.4.0, lessOptions doesn't seem to be working. I verified it by creating a new app and trying to load bootstrap less such as the example on this repo:

    lessOptions: {
      path: ['bower_components/bootstrap/less']

and with error:

  "type": "File",
  "filename": "/Users/daniel.ochoa/Documents/projects/tests/test-less-options/tmp/broccoli_merge_trees-output_path-7PYkUtHU.tmp//app/styles/app.less",
  "index": 0,
  "line": 1,
  "callLine": null,
  "column": 0,
  "extract": [
    "@import 'bootstrap';",
  "message": "'bootstrap.less' wasn't found. Tried - /Users/daniel.ochoa/Documents/projects/tests/test-less-options/tmp/broccoli_merge_trees-output_path-7PYkUtHU.tmp/app/styles/bootstrap.less,/Users/daniel.ochoa/Documents/projects/tests/test-less-options/tmp/broccoli_merge_trees-output_path-7PYkUtHU.tmp/app/styles/bootstrap.less,/Users/daniel.ochoa/Documents/projects/tests/test-less-options/tmp/broccoli_merge_trees-output_path-7PYkUtHU.tmp/bootstrap.less,bootstrap.less"

when using @import 'bootstrap' on app.less.

Addon optionally bring in bower Less files

I'm wrapping a bootstrap library that has both CSS and Less files in its bower package. Do you know if it's possible for an addon to optionally use Less? It seems like you must define ember-cli-less as a dependency for an addon/styles/addon.less to be imported/compiled. But what I'd like to happen is, if the user has ember-cli-less installed into their project, have the addon.less file brought in, else fall back on the CSS files. (I know how to do the CSS part..)

ember-power-select is causing error after upgrading from 1.5.7 to 2.0.1

We're using the ember-power-select plugin and after upgrading to ember-cli-less 2.0.1 we're getting the following LessCompiler error:

SyntaxError: Cannot read property 'eval' of null in /var/folders/kb/cy0txbmx1g579kycjsyfl5q89dlr3b/T/broccoli-674726wFPAksadaZw/out-335-broccoli_merge_trees_full_application/app/styles/ember-power-select/variables.less on line 19, column 1:
18 @ember-power-select-border-color: #aaaaaa;
19 @ember-power-select-focus-border-color: @ember-power-select-border-color;
20 @ember-power-select-default-border: 1px solid @ember-power-select-border-color;

Syntax (LessCompiler)

Cannot read property 'eval' of null

Stack Trace and Error Report: /var/folders/kb/cy0txbmx1g579kycjsyfl5q89dlr3b/T/error.dump.f49937ceb098cb440848bb3d55b7d998.log

here's the error snippet from the error dump referenced above

ERROR Summary:

  • broccoliBuilderErrorStack: TypeError: Cannot read property 'eval' of null
    at Array. (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/variable.js:39:31)
    at Node.Variable.find (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/variable.js:55:17)
    at Node.Variable.eval (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/variable.js:27:21)
    at Node.Expression.eval (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/expression.js:39:37)
    at Node.Value.eval (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/value.js:23:30)
    at Node.Declaration.eval (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/declaration.js:62:33)
    at Node.Ruleset.eval (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/ruleset.js:181:50)
    at module.exports (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/transform-tree.js:76:22)
    at ParseTree.toCSS (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/parse-tree.js:14:25)
    at /Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/render.js:35:40
  • codeFrame: Cannot read property 'eval' of null
  • errorMessage: Cannot read property 'eval' of null
    at LessCompiler
    -- created here: --
    at LessCompiler.Plugin (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/broccoli-caching-writer/node_modules/broccoli-plugin/index.js:10:31)
    at LessCompiler.CachingWriter [as constructor] (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/broccoli-caching-writer/index.js:18:10)
    at new LessCompiler (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/index.js:19:17)
    at /Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli-less/index.js:30:12
    at (native)
    at LESSPlugin.toTree (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli-less/index.js:26:34)
    at /Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli-preprocess-registry/preprocessors.js:180:26
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at processPlugins (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli-preprocess-registry/preprocessors.js:178:11)
    at module.exports.preprocessCss (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli-preprocess-registry/preprocessors.js:148:10)
    -- (end) --
  • errorType: Syntax
  • location:
    • column: 0
    • file: [undefined]
    • line: 19
    • treeDir: [undefined]
  • message: Cannot read property 'eval' of null
    at LessCompiler
    -- created here: --
    at LessCompiler.Plugin (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/broccoli-caching-writer/node_modules/broccoli-plugin/index.js:10:31)
    at LessCompiler.CachingWriter [as constructor] (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/broccoli-caching-writer/index.js:18:10)
    at new LessCompiler (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/broccoli-less-single/index.js:19:17)
    at /Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli-less/index.js:30:12
    at (native)
    at LESSPlugin.toTree (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli-less/index.js:26:34)
    at /Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli-preprocess-registry/preprocessors.js:180:26
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at processPlugins (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli-preprocess-registry/preprocessors.js:178:11)
    at module.exports.preprocessCss (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli-preprocess-registry/preprocessors.js:148:10)
    -- (end) --
  • name: BuildError
  • nodeAnnotation: [undefined]
  • nodeName: LessCompiler
  • originalErrorMessage: Cannot read property 'eval' of null
  • stack: TypeError: Cannot read property 'eval' of null
    at Array. (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/variable.js:39:31)
    at Node.Variable.find (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/variable.js:55:17)
    at Node.Variable.eval (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/variable.js:27:21)
    at Node.Expression.eval (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/expression.js:39:37)
    at Node.Value.eval (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/value.js:23:30)
    at Node.Declaration.eval (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/declaration.js:62:33)
    at Node.Ruleset.eval (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/tree/ruleset.js:181:50)
    at module.exports (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/transform-tree.js:76:22)
    at ParseTree.toCSS (/Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/parse-tree.js:14:25)
    at /Users/vkazakov/dev/Mothership/frontend/node_modules/less/lib/less/render.js:35:40

Need better documentation with more examples.


I would like some more examples/documentation on how to use the mergeTree and
outputPaths options, especially why/when do I have to use it and what the inputs are.

Before adding ember-cli-less all my 3rd party css libs landed in the vendor.css. Now vendor.css
is empty.

The dummy app in the tests folder is not very informative.

Compiles even if there is no change in any *.less file

Ember: 2.0.1
Ember-Cli: 1.13.8


@import "pod-styles";
@import 'bower_components/semantic/src/semantic';

Console output:

Livereload server on http://localhost:49152
Serving on http://localhost:4200/

Build successful - 18550ms.

Slowest Trees                                 | Total
LessCompiler                                  | 9885ms
Concat: Vendor                                | 3949ms

Slowest Trees (cumulative)                    | Total (avg)
LessCompiler (1)                              | 9885ms
Concat: Vendor (1)                            | 3949ms

file changed pods\index\template.hbs

Build successful - 12134ms.

Slowest Trees                                 | Total
LessCompiler                                  | 8297ms

Slowest Trees (cumulative)                    | Total (avg)
LessCompiler (1)                              | 8297ms

Include the complete stack trace in the browsers build error message

When there's an LESS parse error, the console shows the following:

ParseError: Unrecognised input in C:\app\tmp\tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-TgNLTjbg.tmp\app\styles\_general.less on line 348, column 9:
348         &.selected {
349             border: 2px solid @some-variable;

Unrecognised input

Which is very useful. However, the browser itself only shows the following:

Build error
Unrecognised input

Compare this to a failing template:

(Browser and console)

Build error

app/templates/components/component.hbs (in  C:\app\tmp\tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-3JBdsU4d.tmp)

each doesn't match if - 2:7
    at C:\app\bower_components\ember\ember-template-compiler.js:3440:27
    at requireModule (C:\app\bower_components\ember\ember-template-compiler.js:66:65)
    at requireModule (C:\app\bower_components\ember\ember-template-compiler.js:62:24)
    at requireModule (C:\app\bower_components\ember\ember-template-compiler.js:62:24)
    at requireModule (C:\app\bower_components\ember\ember-template-compiler.js:62:24)
    at requireModule (C:\app\bower_components\ember\ember-template-compiler.js:62:24)
    ... and so on

Windows 8.1., ember-cli-less v1.3.3, ember-cli 0.2.5.

High vulnerability in dependency (lodash.merge)

yarn audit output includes the following:

│ high          │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ lodash.merge                                                 │
│ Patched in    │ >=4.6.2                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ [other package]                                              │
│ Path          │ [other package] > ember-cli-less > lodash.merge              │
│ More info     │                        │

The package.json specifies "lodash.merge": "^3.3.2" so (assuming the updated version is compatible) a major version bump is required to overcome.

broccoli-less-single which itself relies on lodash.merge may also need to be updated (see also gabrielgrant/broccoli-less-single#47).

Release 1.4

Would do it myself, but I'm not a maintainer on npm.

bootstrap.less wasn't found

I have the following problem with using Bootstrap:

FileError: 'bootstrap.less' wasn't found. Tried - /Users/jehrhardt/code/github/bug-demo/tmp/tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-dENfKObT.tmp/app/styles/bootstrap.less,/Users/jehrhardt/code/github/bug-demo/tmp/tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-dENfKObT.tmp/app/styles/bootstrap.less,/Users/jehrhardt/code/github/bug-demo/tmp/tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-dENfKObT.tmp/bootstrap.less,bootstrap.less in /Users/jehrhardt/code/github/bug-demo/tmp/tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-dENfKObT.tmp//app/styles/app.less on line 1, column 1:
1 @import 'bootstrap';

I did the following steps:

  1. Create a new Ember application
  2. Install less support as documented
  3. Install bootstrap like in the examples
  4. Start the application: npm start

This results in the above error. I have put a demonstration of the problem on Github.

My system:

  • ember-cli: 0.2.1
  • node: 0.12.1
  • npm: 2.7.3

JavaScript Heap Out of Memory on Ember CLI Less after 'ember build'

I have been experiencing this issue since the last few days ever since I have upgraded my Ember App with all latest versions of dependencies.
Here is the configuration of the app I have upgraded:
node 6.11.0
npm 3.10.10
os Win 8 Pro win32 x64
ember-cli 2.11.0
ember 2.11.0
ember-data 2.11.0
ember-cli-less 1.5.3

Also included is the screenshot of the error on cmd

screenshot 6

Not respecting outputPaths config in Brocfile.js

i'm using ember-cli 0.1.5,

I'd like to build a css file for each 'skin-*.less' file in the app/styles folder. This works with plain CSS using the following config in my Brocfile.js:

var app = new EmberApp({
    outputPaths: {
        app: {
            css: {
                'skin-light': '/assets/skin-light.css',
                'skin-dark': '/assets/skin-dark.css'

After installing the LESS precompiler with 'ember install:addon ember-cli-less' this config is not respected and instead 'ember build' looks for app/styles/app.less.

Map file links to temp directory

Map file is linking to temp dist folder. This folder doesn't exist after build in ember cli example:


"Object.keys called on non-object" error on 'ember build' with v1.1.0

With v1.1.0, I'm getting the error below when I run ember build. If I downgrade the dependency to [email protected], the error does not happen.

Object.keys called on non-object
TypeError: Object.keys called on non-object
    at Function.keys (native)
    at LESSPlugin.toTree (/vagrant/www/client/node_modules/ember-cli-less/index.js:17:22)
    at /vagrant/www/client/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/preprocessors.js:99:26
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at processPlugins (/vagrant/www/client/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/preprocessors.js:98:11)
    at module.exports.preprocessCss (/vagrant/www/client/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/preprocessors.js:70:10)
    at EmberApp.styles (/vagrant/www/client/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app.js:693:25)
    at EmberApp.toArray (/vagrant/www/client/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app.js:878:10)
    at EmberApp.toTree (/vagrant/www/client/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app.js:896:30)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/vagrant/www/client/Brocfile.js:43:22)

changing less file does not force rebuild/reload with ember serve

I am using ember-cli for a new project and cannot get app.css rebuilt automatically when my app.less changes.

My environment includes:
node: v0.10.32
npm: 2.1.5
bower: 1.3.12
ember-cli: 0.1.2
ember-cli-less: 1.0.4

My Brocfile.js includes:

var app = new EmberApp({
    lessOptions: {
        inputFile: 'godeeptest.less',
        outputFile: 'godeeptest.css'

I have a godeeptest.less file in my styles directory, which looks like this:

@import "bower_components/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less";  // include bootstrap
.navbar-inverse {
  .navbar-textalt {
    color: green;

Whenever I change godeeptest.less, the output file godeeptest.css is not built automatically. BUT, when I restart the ember server on my terminal, the output file is built and the browser window updates with the new styles, as expected.

Maintainers Wanted

Looking for maintainers to add to the repo, or hand over to ember-cli itself, as I will no longer be providing updates.

The latest release is in full working order. Any breakage may be due to changes in ember-cli itself.

Cannot read property 'options' of undefined

ember-cli-less is used as a dependency in an addon my company uses, which is then used an an addon in an Ember app. With the release of 1.5.0 I am getting this error when running ember build:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'options' of undefined
  at Class.module.exports.lessOptions (/xxx/node_modules/yyy/node_modules/ember-cli-less/index.js:49:13)
  at LESSPlugin.toTree (/xxx/node_modules/yyy/node_modules/ember-cli-less/index.js:17:32)
  at /xxx/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/ember-cli-preprocess-registry/preprocessors.js:186:26
  at Array.forEach (native)
  at processPlugins (/xxx/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/ember-cli-preprocess-registry/preprocessors.js:184:11)
  at module.exports.preprocessCss (/xxx/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/ember-cli-preprocess-registry/preprocessors.js:154:10)
  at Class.Addon.compileStyles (/xxx/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/models/addon.js:416:12)
  at Class.Addon.treeForAddon (/xxx/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/models/addon.js:397:25)
  at Class._treeFor (/xxx/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/models/addon.js:330:31)
  at Class.treeFor (/xxx/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/models/addon.js:300:19)

I don't have any less options specified.

I think this stems from the fix added for #36

Add-ons do not generate source maps

I've created an add-on that uses ember-cli-less and addon.less file
I've added the add-on in my app (which also uses ember-cli-less with sourcemaps enabled)

I get the following not found issue:


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