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peoplemath's Introduction



This is a web application designed to help managers plan how teams will spend their time, particularly in situations where there is an aim to split the team's resources between several independently-prioritised "buckets" of work in a certain ratio.

The fundamental entity in PeopleMath is the period, which can be any length of time you want to plan for your team. For each period, planners are expected to enter:

  • What objectives are you considering working on during this period, in each bucket?
  • How much (in whatever unit of resources you prefer to use) do you think each objective would require to complete?
  • What is the relative priority order of the objectives, within each bucket?
  • How much (of your resource units) do you expect each person on your team to have available during the period?
  • How much of each person's available resources do you intend to allocate to each objective?

The tool aims to make it easy for users to see how the team is expected to spend its time, the assumptions (e.g. priority stack-ranking) that led to that decision, and what level of confidence they should have in the completion of each objective.

This is not an officially supported Google product.


Commitment types

The tool supports a distinction between "committed" and "aspirational" objectives:

  • A committed objective is one which your team is making a firm promise to complete within the period; perhaps some other team or a customer is depending on it.
  • An aspirational objective is one you would like to achieve if possible, but something you would be willing to sacrifice for a committed objective if necessary.

It's generally a good idea to keep an eye on the fraction of your team's resources allocated to committed objectives. Too little, and your team is promising too little to its stakeholders; too much, and you are at risk of breaking your promises, as there is nothing you can safely drop if you find yourself behind on a committed objective. PeopleMath allows you to set a target "commit ratio", and tells you how your plan compares to that target.

Summary view

There is a read-only "period summary" view that shows which objectives are committed, aspirational and rejected in each bucket. This is useful for sharing with stakeholders, as it will always stay up-to-date with your plan.

Grouping and tagging

Sometimes it is helpful to work at a less granular level than individual objectives.

For example, when working with more senior stakeholders to prioritise work, it may be helpful to group objectives together, for example by project, so users can easily see how a team's resources are being split between projects, and discuss priorities at a higher level.

For this use case, PeopleMath supports arbitrary grouping for objectives. Each objective can be marked with a set of key-value pairs, e.g. project:X, program:Y. For each key, you will then get a breakdown of objectives by the values, both on the right-hand side of the main period view and in the "period summary" view. The latter allows the individual objectives to be toggled on and off, and also allows you to toggle between a stack-ranked per-bucket view and an aggregate view across all buckets (in descending order of resources allocated, since objectives from different buckets cannot be compared in priority by definition).

It is also useful to be able to mark objectives with particular themes. For this, PeopleMath supports tagging: each objective can be marked with a list of tags, e.g. KeepTheLightsOn, TechDebtReduction. For each tag, you get a breakdown of the objectives marked with that tag.

Groups are a mutually-exclusive concept: for a single grouping key, each objective is a member of at most one group. Tags, by contrast, have a free many-to-many relationship with objectives.

Reordering and objective blocks

PeopleMath allows you to easily drag objectives up and down to change the priority stack ranking within a bucket. To do this, click on the reordering icon which appears in the bottom right when you enter edit mode.

That same icon will then appear to the left of each objective. You can click and drag these icons to reorder objectives.

You can also reorder buckets in this mode, by clicking the up and down arrows which appear in the bucket header.

Sometimes there is a set of adjacent objectives which you always want to move together when reordering. Having to manually move each one individually can be very laborious. To help with this, PeopleMath supports the concept of a block of objectives, which are adjacent in the stack rank and always moved together.

Click the grouping icon in edit mode, and again, the same icon will appear to the left of each objective. Click the icon on the top item in your desired block, and a dialog will pop up allowing you to select how many of the items below you want in the block.

Once the block is created, it will appear collapsed as a single item in reordering mode; when you exit reordering mode, the individual objectives will reappear.

To split a block back into its original objectives, click on the grouping icon next to the block, and click the "split" button at the bottom of the dialog.


Thanks to contributions from Samrthi, it is possible to configure PeopleMath so that read and write access is limited to certain users.

Users are identified using Firebase Authentication. Currently, the only underlying authentication method supported is Google Sign-in.

Users can be granted permissions individually (e.g. "allow Alice to write team X") or by the domain of their verified email address (e.g. "let anyone with a verified email address read team Y").

Permissions to read the list of teams, or add a new team, are app-wide and live in the GeneralPermissions on the stored Settings object. Permissions to read and write data associated with specific teams are stored in each Team object under Permissions.

This feature is not yet quite complete: we do not yet have any functionality in the user interface to edit permissions. The only way to do this currently is by editing the settings or the team JSON manually.

The authentication functionality is disabled by default. To turn it on:

  • Create a Firebase project in the Firebase console and register your web app in it
  • Add your web application's domain to the OAuth redirect domains list in the Firebase console (to get there: Firebase Console -> Authentication section -> Sign in method tab)
  • Download your Firebase config and copy the configuration object into src/environments/firebaseConfig.ts
  • Set requireAuth to true in src/environments/
  • Download your Firebase credentials and export them via export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/path/to/your/credentials.json" (do NOT check these into version control)
  • Run the backend with --authmode firebase


The front end was built using Angular and Angular Material. The API server in the backend directory was written in Go.

The whole application was designed to run on Google App Engine, using Google Cloud Datastore for persistence, though the front-end could be deployed with a back-end that used an entirely different persistence mechanism or runtime platform.

Storage functionality is abstracted in the backend using the StorageService interface.

The permissions functionality uses Firebase Authentication. This is abstracted in the back-end using the Auth interface, but substituting a different authentication system into the front-end would be more difficult.


This section has information on how to work with this codebase.

If you intend to submit contributions to this repository, please also read first.

Local machine

The easiest way to work on the front end is to use the Angular CLI (npx ng serve, npx ng test etc), after an npm install to install the dependencies.

In development mode, the CLI will proxy API requests to a backend running on localhost:8080.

To run the backend server locally, install the Go toolchain, and run go run . --inmemstore in the backend directory. The --inmemstore argument will make the backend use a simple in-memory implementation of the API. This has no external dependencies, but data written will not survive a restart of the API server.

To persist the API data and exercise the Cloud Datastore persistence layer, the Cloud Datastore emulator can be used: install and start the emulator, then set the environment variables according to the instructions, set the GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variable, and start the backend server by running go run . with no arguments.

The front-end tests can be run via npx ng test, and the back-end tests via go test ./... in the backend directory.

By default, the permissions functionality is turned off. If you would like to test it using the in-memory datastore, follow the general instructions for turning on authentication above, and use the --inmemstore flag along with --defaultdomain your.domain. This defaultdomain will be granted both read and write access to all parts of the application, while users from other domains will be denied.

Using Docker

An alternative way of running PeopleMath using Docker Compose has been contributed by GitHub user vavilen84 (thank you!). This will benefit developers who like to use Docker tooling. This is community-supported and not actively maintained by anyone at Google.

Configuration for this lives in the docker folder. Currently, there is no configuration here suitable for production use, as the frontend container uses the Angular CLI, which is not designed to be a production-quality web server.

In order to use this workflow for development, you must first install Docker and Docker Compose.

Then, you can run PeopleMath by cding into the project's docker/dev folder and running docker-compose up. You should then be able to access PeopleMath on localhost:4200.

To stop the project, run docker-compose down.

Continuous build

The project has a continuous build that uses GitHub Actions. Pull requests will not be accepted until this continuous build passes.

Running the commands in these Actions manually (see the .github/workflows directory) should give a pretty good sense of whether the build is likely to pass or not.

Deployment to App Engine

The primary supported way of running PeopleMath in a staging or production configuration is on Google App Engine. To deploy the app to App Engine:

  • Create a Google Cloud project as described in the quickstart guide
  • Run gcloud config set project [YOUR_PROJECT_ID]
  • Run or equivalent commands to build the front-end and generate the appengine_dist directory
  • cd appengine_dist and gcloud app deploy

peoplemath's People


amdw avatar dakshub avatar dependabot[bot] avatar guiseek avatar r-sreesaran avatar rojandinc avatar samrthi avatar sttrinh avatar vavilen84 avatar


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peoplemath's Issues

Fix flaky Angular tests

After setting up the continuous build, I noticed a few unrepeatable failures in the Angular tests. In a typical failed build, a single test would fail, with a stack trace like this:

Chrome Headless 85.0.4183.102 (Linux x86_64) ERROR
  An error was thrown in afterAll
  TypeError: is not a function
      at <Jasmine>
      at PeriodComponent.performSave (http://localhost:9876/_karma_webpack_/src/app/period/period.component.ts:333:18)
      at SafeSubscriber._next (http://localhost:9876/_karma_webpack_/src/app/period/period.component.ts:67:75)
      at SafeSubscriber.__tryOrUnsub (http://localhost:9876/_karma_webpack_/node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/Subscriber.js:183:1)
      at (http://localhost:9876/_karma_webpack_/node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/Subscriber.js:122:1)
      at Subscriber._next (http://localhost:9876/_karma_webpack_/node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/Subscriber.js:72:1)
      at (http://localhost:9876/_karma_webpack_/node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/Subscriber.js:49:1)
      at DebounceTimeSubscriber.debouncedNext (http://localhost:9876/_karma_webpack_/node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/debounceTime.js:40:1)
      at AsyncAction.dispatchNext (http://localhost:9876/_karma_webpack_/node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/debounceTime.js:53:1)
      at AsyncAction._execute (http://localhost:9876/_karma_webpack_/node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/scheduler/AsyncAction.js:51:1)
      at AsyncAction.execute (http://localhost:9876/_karma_webpack_/node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/scheduler/AsyncAction.js:39:1)

I'm not sure exactly what's going on here, but this feels like it might be a race condition of some kind.

Add keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts could make several user journeys quite a bit easier, especially in the Period view when editing. A particular example would be adding a new objective, but editing, deleting and reordering objectives would also be worth considering.

Add read and write access control lists for teams

Currently, period models can be edited by anyone able to make an HTTP request to the application backend. The application performs no authentication or authorization checks of its own, relying on a proxy server to apply such checks before requests reach it.

This makes it cumbersome to apply more sophisticated access controls, such as "group A may read and write periods for team X, while group B may only read them; group C may read and write periods for team Y".

The best solution I currently see would be to add fields like "readACL" and "readWriteACL" to the Team entity, indicating the lists of users (or groups) that can perform those actions to entities belonging to that team. Then, the application itself would need to perform authentication on all requests for those entities, checking that the requesting user is authorised before proceeding to serve the request.

To protect users from locking themselves out accidentally, an empty ACL (the default) should probably mean access is unrestricted. The UI should also probably warn the user if they are about to perform an action that would restrict their own access in some way.

The specific authentication mechanism used should be "pluggable", with the details hidden behind a Go interface, similar to the way the data storage mechanism is currently.

The ability to control access to the list of teams, and to the ability to add new teams, may also be useful.

Enable secondary resource units

In some cases it may be useful to have additional resource units for a period, convertible to or from the primary unit using a fixed conversion factor.

For example, the main unit for a period might be person weeks, but it might also be interesting in places like the summary report to see figures in headcount, assuming one headcount is assumed to be a fixed number of person weeks.

Performance analysis and optimisation

On the main period view, I see signs of unnecessary change detections making the app a little sluggish when there are lots of objectives.

For example, I see the "C" badges on committed objectives flashing when you press a key in the edit dialogs, and typing into text fields feels a bit sluggish.

There should be no need for change detection to run in these cases. We need to profile to check what's going on, then consider techniques for reducing the triggering of change detection and/or reducing DOM manipulation.

"Improve this" link target should be overridable

It should be possible to override the target of the "improve this" link via an environment property. This is so that teams can point it to internal resources with information about that specific instance.

Add new storage type models logic to work with SQL server

You have relations in your models. Why did you choose NoSQL? Dont you want to create SQL store type just to try? I can do it also. I have created today docker env #42 so I can add PostgreSQL container with adminer.

@amdw reply
Regarding the choice of data store: a NoSQL database seemed like a good fit because the Period data structure is quite deeply nested (not having to do joins potentially brings some performance gains), and we have quite simple querying needs. The lack of schema makes it very easy to add new fields - you just modify the Go structs and everything just works.

The nice thing about Cloud Datastore specifically is that there is quite a generous free tier, meaning that you can run small instances on App Engine without paying anything, which is not the case even for the smallest SQL database (as Cloud SQL instances require a dedicated VM).

That said, I can well imagine that some users would prefer to use a SQL data store, and I'm quite happy to accept a new version of the StorageService that uses a SQL database instead, perhaps using Gorm or similar. The only thing is that I'm not likely to use it myself, so I can't promise to invest time in maintaining it.

Consider using an expandable tree to show objectives in period summary

Currently, there is a "show objectives" toggle in the group summary pane(s) in the period summary view, to allow the specific objectives to be displayed underneath each group.

It would be possible to use a tree for this instead, so that the user could expand individual groups to see the objectives. Angular Material has a tree component:

The advantage of this would be that the user could easily open and close individual groups of interest. Currently, it's easy to lose your scroll position when you turn on the "show objectives" toggle, especially if there are a lot of groups and/or objectives.

The disadvantage of using the standard Angular Material tree component would be that the view would become much less information-dense: each tree node is much taller than an individual list item.

Consistently use server-side logic to determine permissions in the front-end

There are some places in the UI where we determine whether the current user has edit permissions, based on the contents of the teamPermissions. Examples:

// TODO Replace this logic with something determined by the server, like CanAddTeam

// TODO Replace this logic with something determined by the server, like CanAddTeam

This duplicates logic on the server side. For example, we need to look at environment.requireAuth to decide whether the server will even try to do any authentication at all.

There are places where we do make this kind of determination based on server-side logic, such as canAddTeam on the team list:

userCanAddTeam := s.auth.CanActOnTeamList(user, permissions, auth.ActionWrite)

We should use this technique consistently.

This may require backwards-incompatible changes to the JSON API, namely adding a wrapper object that contains the permissions and the team itself. But this is fine, as the backend is tightly coupled to the frontend at the moment (there is no mobile app whose versions can skew). We already made such a change to the team list.

Distinguish unassigned objectives from zero-effort ones

Currently, objectives show in grey if they are unassigned. This is intended to emphasize that these objectives will not be worked on during the period.

An objective with zero as its resource estimate is one which does not require any effort in the period; such an objective can never have any assignments and will always show in grey.

It would be good to distinguish these two types of objectives. Perhaps an even lighter shade of grey for zero-estimate objectives?

Add location column to people table

For teams split across multiple locations or timezones, it may be helpful to have that information in the people table, so for example you can sort by it.

Show cumulative sum of estimates within bucket

It would be useful to see the cumulative sum of the effort estimates for each objective, in descending priority order within each bucket.

This would give a sense of which objectives it's likely to be possible to work on during the period, based on the resource limits for each bucket, without actually assigning the objectives.

The numbers could be shown on the right of each bucket, perhaps colour coded to show when the cumulative sum rises above the resource limit.

Redesign assignment dialog

The design of the dialog to assign people to objectives needs a bit of a rethink.

A few ideas:

  • The "all" and "remaining" buttons are a bit confusing, and should probably be merged into a single button, which reassigns all the unassigned work to a given person (up to the maximum they have available).
  • Buttons should be consistently greyed out when pressing them makes no sense. For example, it shouldn't be possible to press "+1" when an objective is fully assigned.
  • We should consider not showing people who don't have any resources available, as it's not possible to usefully interact with these, and they just clutter the view.
  • We should consider a way to get to the assignment dialog from the edit-objective dialog. For example currently, when an objective has an estimate of zero and you want to change that and then assign it, you have to click to edit the objective, change the estimate, then close the dialog (and save) and then press assign.

Authentication and authorization support

Currently, PeopleMath has no support for authenticating users, or for restricting read or write access to any part of the application to certain groups of users.

I suspect many teams who might consider deploying this application outside Google would find this useful. Few would want the entire world to be able to read, let alone modify, all their data.

Many users would probably benefit from a more sophisticated access control scheme, where different teams have different groups of users who are able to read and write data associated with those teams.

Ideally the application should support a pluggable authentication scheme. The Google App Engine documentation suggests several options, but the implementation should not assume the application is running in Google App Engine; authentication should be abstracted such that you can drop in another mechanism if you want to without changing anything else.

Authorization should also be pluggable. The simplest implementation on App Engine would probably be to represent user groups as objects in Cloud Datastore, on a global and per-team basis (so a user would have access to a team if they are in either the relevant (read or write) global group, or the team-specific group). However, again, it should be possible to substitute another implementation for those not using App Engine. Some users, for example, may want to integrate with a role-based access control system inside their organisation.

Make HTTP errors more noticeable

A couple of times I've accidentally dismissed the snackbar that tells you a concurrent edit has been made.

This error should be made more noticeable - perhaps a modal that can only be dismissed by clicking a certain button, and/or maybe pressing the escape key?

It should prompt the user to copy any unsaved work and then reload the page.

Set up an automated continuous build

We would benefit from a continuous build for this project, which:

  • Runs an Angular build (npx ng build --prod) to ensure there are no errors (and ideally warnings)
  • Runs the Angular tests (npx ng test --browsers ChromeHeadless)
  • Runs the Go backend tests (cd backend && go test ./...)

Ideally this would run automatically on every pull request.

Printing only results in a single page

When you try to print either the period or period-summary view, you only get a single page, regardless of how much content there is.

The page you get aligns with the current browser view - in other words, if you're scrolled to the top of the page, you get what you'd normally expect to be the first page, but if you're scrolled further down, you'll get a single-page "window" on the middle of the document.

A little searching suggests this seems to be quite a common issue in Angular applications, and might be possible to fix with a few CSS changes. For example: angular/components#8378

Printing would be particularly valuable for the period summary view, as it would allow you to take a snapshot of that page, say in PDF format. However, hopefully fixing the underlying issue will make printing "just work" for all views.

Use smaller more consistent badge for committed objectives

The Angular Material purple "C" badge currently used to mark committed objectives is offset to the top left of each objective. This is how badges currently work in Angular Material.

Because of this, badges can overlap each other unless each objective is in a box with a lot of padding, such as a mat-list-item. This happens for example in the breakdowns by person, group and tag in the main period view, which is quite ugly. Because of this, a text "[C]" was used in the summary view.

What I'd prefer is to use a consistent marker for this throughout the app, something that is smaller and in line with the text. I think something like the badge in Bootstrap would work well:

I don't believe Angular Material supports anything like this right now, so would have to give some consideration to how best to implement it.

Create new 'controllers' package

Create new package "controllers" and create 2 controllers files in it: team.go period.go. Inside controllers we can put handlers like Get() Post() Put() - i think it could be cool.
What do you think about it?

@amdw reply
Splitting the team-related and period-related controllers into separate files sounds reasonable to me if we can make it work. There may be some code shared between those controllers, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

Replace "see server log" in error messages

This assumes users will have access to the server logs, which won't be true in all cases.

We should consider other ideas, e.g. putting a UUID in the error message which the user can supply to the administrator of their instance, making it easy for them to find the right log entry.

Add Gorilla Web Toolkit

Docs .

This is flexible tool, this will allow us to create a separate route for each method (GET, POST) so we dont need to use if/else condition.

@amdw reply
Sounds good - the Gorilla libraries seem quite well-regarded, so if this simplifies the code then I'm all for it!

Incorporate notes and action items

Some users would like to be able to associate notes and action items with their period models. Sometimes this information may be more confidential than the model itself, such as notes on team members' skills and abilities which led to the choice of assignments.

The simplest way to implement this would be to allow a link to be specified, that would create a "notes" or "action items" button in the period view that would open that URL in a new window. That link could be for example a Google Doc, which would provide access to all the features of G Suite, such as access controls and comments.

An alternative would be to add a "notes" field to each objective, and allow notes to be switched on and off in the view. The problem with this is that it would be another view "mode" that needs testing, and could lead to a more cluttered UI. The need for additional access controls would also make things more complex, both in the UI and the backend.

It is also not necessarily the case that all notes map directly to objectives: they may apply to groups of objectives or to the model as a whole. At the moment I favour adding a simple "notes" link to the period model as an easy-to-implement compromise.

Concurrent modification check should take place inside a database transaction

The check of the LastUpdateUUID currently performed by the ensureNoConcurrentMod function in main.go should be performed in the same database transaction as the actual write of the Period. The transaction should be committed only if the UUID on the incoming object matches the one in the database.

Under the current implementation, the check is performed outside the database write transaction. That means there is still a race condition whereby two updates to the same Period take place concurrently, both having a correct LastUpdateUUID. If both updates pass the ensureNoConcurrentMod check before either is written to the database, both write transactions will succeed, and both update requests should receive a successful HTTP response code, when in fact one write has stomped over the other one.

The same is true of the checks in ensureTeamExistence and ensurePeriodExistence as well, though race conditions here are not as harmful, as these checks are repeated (in the current google_cds_store.go) inside the database transaction. The same thing could be done for the UUID check (i.e. verifying it both in main.go and a database transaction), though it would be better to simply perform all the checks once in the database layer where possible, and make this part of the semantics of the StorageService.

This would likely require modifying the StorageService interface to return custom error codes, so that the different types of error can be distinguished in main.go and suitable HTTP status codes returned to the client in the different cases.

Treating multiple adjacent objectives as a single block (e.g. for bulk reordering)

Sometimes objectives belong together in the stack rank, e.g. when it makes no sense to complete one without the other during the period, but users prefer not to merge them into a single objective for clarity or brevity.

In such cases, the ability to combine adjacent objectives into a single "block" would be useful. E.g. if you want to move them together within the stack rank, it's inconvenient to do so by dragging them one at a time.

It's not immediately clear to me how this need could be addressed in the UI.

Add the ability to delete a bucket

This is quite a destructive operation, so careful verification would be needed before actually doing it (especially if there are actual objectives in the bucket). But it's still something that needs to be done sometimes.

Grouping and tagging system

It would be useful to be able to group and tag objectives, in order to provide views that aggregate objectives together.

For example, objectives could be grouped into projects or products, so it's possible to see how much of a team's resources are being spent on each, and get a sense of the stack ranking of these aggregates.

Also, tags would be useful to provide highlighting of objectives with certain themes.

Grouping would be a mutually-exclusive concept: each objective could be a member of at most one group of each "group type" (e.g. "project").

Tagging, by contrast, would be a many-to-many concept: each objective could have multiple tags, and each tag could be applied to multiple objectives.

Consider options for grouping and tagging objectives

Sometimes objectives belong together in the stack rank, e.g. when it makes no sense to complete one without the other during the period, but users prefer not to merge them into a single objective for clarity or brevity.

In such cases, the ability to group objectives together can be useful. E.g. if you want to move them in a block within the stack rank, it's inconvenient to do so by dragging them one at a time.

It's not immediately clear to me how this need could be addressed in the UI.

Improved means of reordering objectives

Currently, reordering objectives is done using up and down buttons. This makes it hard to move an objective a long way (e.g. from the top to the bottom). Also, with a long objective name, the buttons wrap and overlap in an ugly way.

There should be a better way of doing this, e.g. drag-and-drop.

Make all component inputs immutable

It would make data flow within the application easier to reason about if all component inputs were immutable.

This would also allow change detection optimisations such as OnPush to be used (article).

The best way to enforce this would be to use actual immutable datatypes (such as the ones provided by Immutable) for the types of the component inputs.

Consider ways to indicate that an objective depends on other teams

Some objectives can be completed with little or no assistance from other teams, but others cannot.

It would be good to think about whether there are some simple ways to model and show the extent to which an objective depends on other teams allocating people over the same period. Possibly just a boolean for "high" versus "low" external dependencies, displayed as a slightly different background colour?

Get rid of 'Server' struct

For now this entity contains store and defaultTimeout. defaultTimeout - I suggest to put it in "storage" package. StorageService can be placed globally as a variable in "storage" package. This improvement should give us "low-coupling", because storage and REST API actions are different abstractions in a programm.

Reply from @amdw
I'm open to suggestions on this, but I'm not generally a big fan of global variables. The fact that StorageService is behind an interface is already intended to provide loose coupling between the HTTP server and the storage implementation, and the storeTimeout (which determines how long the server is prepared to wait for the store to return a value) seems more a a concern of the HTTP server than the storage service. Having said that, I'm happy to look at what you have in mind.

Reading existing team without permissions results in nulls

Currently, when you run the app with existing teams in storage that don't have any permissions, you get an exception in the frontend here, because team.teamPermissions.write.allow is null:

team.teamPermissions.write.allow.forEach(permission => {

We need to scrub such periods here, to ensure the slice of matchers is never nil:

func scrubLoadedPeriod(period *models.Period) {

Support rich formatting (e.g. markdown) in objectives and their notes

There are occasions when it would be useful to have certain types of rich formatting, such as links or bold/italic text, in objectives and/or their notes.

This could be accomplished by supporting a markdown subset or some similar syntax. There is almost certainly already a suitable Javascript library for this.

Enable consistent renaming of groups and tags

Currently, if you want to rename a group or tag, the only way to do it is to open each objective with that group or tag and update the values one-by-one.

It would be good to have a way to consistently rename a group or tag across all objectives with a single action.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. ๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ“ˆ๐ŸŽ‰

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