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DB errors? about xowa HOT 25 CLOSED

MDE186 avatar MDE186 commented on September 16, 2024
DB errors?

from xowa.

Comments (25)

gnosygnu avatar gnosygnu commented on September 16, 2024

Hi! Thanks for the console output. However, I was unable to reproduce this. I list my steps below.

When you get a chance, please let me know the following:

  • Do all pages fail? I'm guessing that you were able to reach the Main Page since there is a Time Warner Cable link on it. If so, I don't know why Time Warner Cable would fail but not the others. Can you try 3 others, preferably: Earth, Motor, 1800
  • Can you try the Time Warner Cable link through the GUI?
  • Would you post the latest log from /xowa/user/anonymous/app/tmp/log

Also, just so you know, the "wiki.db:missing db" errors are benign. They refer to cached html dbs which I'm uploading this week. You don't need to have them on your system, and XOWA is just being vocal in warning you.

My steps in trying to reproduce:

  • Start HTTP Server with java -jar xowa_windows.jar --app_mode http_server
  • Open Firefox and go to http://localhost:8080/
  • Click on the link in the sidebar. Alternatively, you can go to http://localhost:8080/
  • Click on the Time Warner Cable link in the "In the news" box. Page loads without error.

from xowa.

MDE186 avatar MDE186 commented on September 16, 2024


All pages load fine. I wonder if it's because I use a non standard port. I use 8282 as WAMP is using port 80.

Is it possible that XOWA first looks at 8080, fails then picks up 8282?

from xowa.

gnosygnu avatar gnosygnu commented on September 16, 2024

I wonder if it's because I use a non standard port. I use 8282 as WAMP is using port 80.
Is it possible that XOWA first looks at 8080, fails then picks up 8282?

Nope. It only uses the port specified by the command line arg. ("--http_server_port 8282")
Also, I tried just now for 8282 and didn't run into issues.(http://localhost:8282/

All pages load fine.

Hmm... So, just to be specific, the following all load fine:

But this doesn't?

Also, did you try loading from within the GUI? I'm curious if that also fails.

If you want, we can chat on this over IRC: I'll be around for another hour or so. You can also pick a time slot tomorrow, and I'll try to be available

from xowa.

MDE186 avatar MDE186 commented on September 16, 2024

Hey. gone away at the moment. will check everything when I get back and let you know.


from xowa.

MDE186 avatar MDE186 commented on September 16, 2024


So tried the three pages, motor, earth and 1800 via http server and all load fine.
Then tried all three again and Time Warner via the gui and all loaded fine.

One more thing, the site is hosted on a community network of around 1800 people ( so the majority of people accessing the site will be by ip ( and not localhost, so im not sure if that would be the cause?

from xowa.

gnosygnu avatar gnosygnu commented on September 16, 2024

So tried the three pages, motor, earth and 1800 via http server and all load fine.
Then tried all three again and Time Warner via the gui and all loaded fine.

Cool. Thanks. So just to make sure, the only thing that fails is http://localhost:8282/ ?

I'll put in some debug code for tonight's release. I'm hoping to get a better error message than NullPointerException

One more thing, the site is hosted on a community network of around 1800 people ( so the majority of people accessing the site will be by ip ( and not localhost, so im not sure if that would be the cause?

Nope. The error is server-side so it would fail regardless of whether or not the client is localhost or some other ip address. I just need to find out why Time Warner Cable is failing on your server instance (and not mine)

Let me work on adding some other debug statements for tonight's release. I'll post again here with more instructions when done. Thanks.

from xowa.

MDE186 avatar MDE186 commented on September 16, 2024

Cool. Thanks. Well Time Warner Cable loads fine...on both http and gui. not sure on the null pointer error.

from xowa.

gnosygnu avatar gnosygnu commented on September 16, 2024

Hmm... Okay, so it looks like it failed once, but it is no longer reproducible?

I'll still add some more debugging code for tonight's release. I'll keep this issue open for a few more days, and then close it if I don't hear anything else.


from xowa.

gnosygnu avatar gnosygnu commented on September 16, 2024

I just realized that the console log shows that the error occurs somewhere in the Java stack (in the Socket class). I think this is just a random connection interruption issue. However, if it does return, v2.6.5 should have more error information.

I'm going to mark this closed for now. If it returns, feel free to post again, and I'll reopen.


from xowa.

MDE186 avatar MDE186 commented on September 16, 2024

version:; build date: 2015-06-29 03:03
Starting the server I get this error:

Request: GET / HTTP/1.1 Connection reset by peer: socket write error
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at gplx.xowa.servers.http.HttpRequest.sendBytes(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)

Searching for Motor I get this error: G:\XOWA\user\anonymous\app\img\window\paging\go_fwd.png (Th
e system cannot find the path specified)
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source) G:\XOWA\user\anonymous\app\img\window\menu\file\cancel.png
(The system cannot find the file specified)
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
error retrieving page. Please make sure your url is of the form: http://localhost:8080/hom
e/wiki/Main_Page; err_msg=java.lang.NullPointerException err_line=04
at Source)
at Source)
error retrieving page. Please make sure your url is of the form: http://localhost:8080/hom
e/wiki/Main_Page; err_msg=java.lang.NullPointerException err_line=04
at Source)
at Source)
error retrieving page. Please make sure your url is of the form: http://localhost:8080/hom
e/wiki/Main_Page; err_msg=java.lang.NullPointerException err_line=04
at Source)
at Source)

from xowa.

MDE186 avatar MDE186 commented on September 16, 2024

Request: GET / HTTP/1.1 G:\XOWA\user\anonymous\app\img\window\paging\go_fwd.png (Th
e system cannot find the path specified)
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source) G:\XOWA\user\anonymous\app\img\window\menu\file\cancel.png
(The system cannot find the file specified)
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
loading categories: count=14Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
loading categories: count=14error retrieving page. Please make sure your url is of the for
m: http://localhost:8080/home/wiki/Main_Page; err_msg=java.lang.NullPointerException err_l
at Source)
at Source)
Request: GET / HTTP/1.1 G:\XOWA\user\anonymous\app\img\window\paging\go_fwd.png (Th
e system cannot find the path specified)
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
Request: GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1
Request: GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1

from xowa.

gnosygnu avatar gnosygnu commented on September 16, 2024

Thanks again for the console logs. There seem to be two separate issues, though unfortunately, I can't reproduce either.

First: "Connection reset by peer: socket write error"

This seems to be caused by the client closing the connection. For example, see

XOWA should handle this exception more gracefully. However, I don't think it should cause page loads to fail. That said, here are two questions:

  • Does this happen only on the first load / start of the server? Or does it happen after the server started?
  • If yes to above, does it always happen for the first page whenever the server starts? In other words, is it consistently reproducible?

Second: G:\XOWA\user\anonymous\app\img\window\paging\go_fwd.png

I'm puzzled by this one because it literally means the file is not there. Can you check your file system and verify if the file exists or not? It is part of the xowa_app package, so it's possible you missed it if you were jumping between updates. I'd download an xowa_app package and unzip it again over your base installation.

Also, for Search on the HTTP Server, you should turn off background search. XOWA will load results partially for the GUI client, but this won't work well for the HTTP Server. Go to home/wiki/Help:Options/Search and uncheck Run database search in background

from xowa.

MDE186 avatar MDE186 commented on September 16, 2024

I downloaded the full app and everything is working as it should for the image errors. Seems they weren't in the folder.

I have also disabled the search in background feature as suggested.

I haven't received the first error yet so...I would say this thread can be closed.

Thanks for the help and patience.

from xowa.

gnosygnu avatar gnosygnu commented on September 16, 2024

Cool! Thanks for the confirmation.

from xowa.

MDE186 avatar MDE186 commented on September 16, 2024

Running the latest version.

Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
downloading images: 1Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
loading categories: count=13Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
loading categories: count=11Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
error retrieving page. Please make sure your url is of the form: http://localhost:8080/hom
e/wiki/Main_Page; err_msg=java.lang.NullPointerException err_line=04
at Source)
at Source)
error retrieving page. Please make sure your url is of the form: http://localhost:8080/hom
e/wiki/Main_Page; err_msg=java.lang.NullPointerException err_line=04
at Source)
at Source)
error retrieving page. Please make sure your url is of the form: http://localhost:8080/hom
e/wiki/Main_Page; err_msg=java.lang.NullPointerException err_line=04
at Source)
at Source)
error retrieving page. Please make sure your url is of the form: http://localhost:8080/hom
e/wiki/Main_Page; err_msg=java.lang.NullPointerException err_line=04
at Source)
at Source)
Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
error retrieving page. Please make sure your url is of the form: http://localhost:8080/hom
e/wiki/Main_Page; err_msg=java.lang.NullPointerException err_line=04
at Source)
at Source)
error retrieving page. Please make sure your url is of the form: http://localhost:8080/hom
e/wiki/Main_Page; err_msg=java.lang.NullPointerException err_line=04
at Source)
error retrieving page. Please make sure your url is of the form: http://localhost:8080/hom
e/wiki/Main_Page; err_msg=java.lang.NullPointerException err_line=04 at java.lang.Threa Source)

error retrieving page. Please make sure your url is of the form: http://localhost:8080/hom
e/wiki/Main_Page; err_msg=java.lang.NullPointerException err_line=04
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)

Any issues?

from xowa.

gnosygnu avatar gnosygnu commented on September 16, 2024

Hey, v2.7.1 hasn't changed any of this code directly. Also, I couldn't reproduce it on my side. Here are my steps:

  • Start HTTP Server with java -jar xowa_windows.jar --app_mode http_server
  • Open Firefox and go to http://localhost:8080/
  • Click on the link in the sidebar.
  • Click on the "saiga antelopes" link in the "In the news" box
  • Click on the "Mammalia" link in the Infobox
  • No error.

I looked at your log, and the problem is that somehow a "GET / HTTP/1.1" is sent right after clicking on the Mammalia link. Look at line 2 below

Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
downloading images: 1Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
loading categories: count=13Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
loading categories: count=11Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
error retrieving page. Please make sure your url is of the form: http://localhost:8080/hom
e/wiki/Main_Page; err_msg=java.lang.NullPointerException err_line=04

In contrast, I get this:

Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
downloading images: 1Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
loading categories: count=13Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
loading categories: count=11

This was actually the case from your first comment. I should have noticed it earlier, but I spent a lot more time with the HTTP server this past week, so it was pretty obvious now. Also, I still don't understand why "Request: GET / HTTP/1.1" is invalid on your side. You can see that the same request is valid earlier on in both your console output and mine.

So here are some questions:

  • What browser and OS are you on? I've tried Firefox 38 on both 32-bit Windows and 64-bit Linux (openSUSE)
  • Can you list what addons you have in your browser? If not, can you try relaunching with all addons disabled?
  • Does this happen consistently with v2.7.1? Or is it still intermittent?

Finally, I'm planning to rewrite the core part of the HTTP server piece for v2.7.2. I think I should be able to handle whatever bad request caused by "Request: GET / HTTP/1.1 error retrieving page...."

from xowa.

MDE186 avatar MDE186 commented on September 16, 2024

What browser and OS are you on?

  • Firefox 38
  • Windows Server 2012R2
  • WAMP 2.5 64BIT

Can you list what addons you have in your browser? If not, can you try relaunching with all addons disabled?

  • No add-ons installed

Does this happen consistently with v2.7.1? Or is it still intermittent?

  • Intermittent

Every page I click on still loads fine and nothing fails to load. I'm not sure what it could be...maybe something from WAMP?

from xowa.

gnosygnu avatar gnosygnu commented on September 16, 2024

Thanks for the details. Unfortunately, I'm out of ideas. I don't think it can be WAMP, as I can't see a way that MySQL / PHP (or anything else) can get in the way of XOWA.

Every page I click on still loads fine and nothing fails to load.

Cool. That's good to hear at least.

If you're interested I should have an early version of the rewrite done in the next day or two. I can put it on my google drive and you could give it a spin. Otherwise, it should be ready for v2.7.2 (or v2.7.3)

from xowa.

MDE186 avatar MDE186 commented on September 16, 2024

Yes would love to try out the new release :)

from xowa.

gnosygnu avatar gnosygnu commented on September 16, 2024

Cool. I uploaded a new jar to my google drive:

You should be able to just replace your copy.

There are still a number of changes that will happen for Monday's release, but this build should be stable. I did some further testing with it tonight

Let me know if there's anything else. Thanks!

from xowa.

MDE186 avatar MDE186 commented on September 16, 2024

Working so far...nice output on CMD. Makes things easier to see what's going on.

One thing that did catch my eye and cant remember which page I was looking at but Firefox stalled and popped a message saying a js script, time... something or other had stopped working and referred to line 41 of the script.

from xowa.

gnosygnu avatar gnosygnu commented on September 16, 2024

Working so far...nice output on CMD.

Great! Thanks for the follow-up

Makes things easier to see what's going on.

Yup. I wanted to add some more information, particularly for every request (including files). Errors should spit out information about the request headers as well.

One thing that did catch my eye and cant remember which page I was looking at but Firefox stalled and popped a message saying a js script, time... something or other had stopped working and referred to line 41 of the script.

Cool! Thanks! That was actually a bug with timeline.js . It was there in the old version of the HTTP server as well.

The regex on line 41 tries to remove perl comments. For some reason, it doesn't work on Firefox 38 / Chrome, even though it does work on XULRunner. I fixed this now and uploaded it to my google drive here:

Download the file to C:\xowa\bin\any\xowa\html\res\src\xowa\timeline\timeline.js (or wherever you installed XOWA)

Also, I like to credit users in the XOWA Change Log with discovering bugs. Right now, there's a line that says: "Do not freeze up Web Browser when viewing pages with timeline {detected by anonymous}" Let me know if you want to be cited by a specific nickname, or would rather remain "anonymous".

Thanks again!

from xowa.

MDE186 avatar MDE186 commented on September 16, 2024

Hey, thats nice of you. You can use just MDE.

from xowa.

gnosygnu avatar gnosygnu commented on September 16, 2024

Great! "MDE" it is.

from xowa.

gnosygnu avatar gnosygnu commented on September 16, 2024

I released v2.7.2 tonight and it has the new http server as well as the timeline fix. (BTW: you can check Solar_System as an example)

I'm marking this ticket closed for now. If you see the same error again, feel free to reopen.


from xowa.

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