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ggyuhh's Introduction

var TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api');

var fs = require("fs");

var red=fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/admin.json") var json =JSON.parse(red);

var idcha=json.idcha var msgcha=json.msgcha var limkcha=json.linkmcha var groub = [ '-1001397606503', '-1001493717914' ]

var keko = [ 'عير', 'Sex', 'SEX', 'sex', 'كس', 'كحبه', 'كساسه', 'مناويج', 'تنيجون', 'سكسي', 'xxnx', 'xnxx', 'XXNX', 'xxxn', 'XXXN', 'كوسي', 'عيري', 'موجب', 'سالب', 'بلاع العير', 'بلاع الكس', 'مصاص الخصوه', 'ابن الكس', 'ابن العار', 'ابن العاهره', 'عاهره', 'منيوج', 'فرخ', 'فروخ', 'بلاع', 'كواد', 'كواده', 'منيوجه', 'سكس', 'نجتهم', 'بعصته', 'بعصتهم', 'ناجني', 'نجته', 'بعصني', 'عيري', 'عيرك', 'كسك', 'fuck', 'FUCK', 'Fuck', 'sexy', 'Sexy', 'SEXY', 'Xnxx', 'طيز', 'نيج', 'ناجونه', 'نجناهم', 'بعصناهم', 'خصاوي', 'عيوره', 'كساسه', 'طيزك', 'طيزي', 'كيري كن امك', 'كيرى', 'كيرى كن امك', 'تنيج', 'ناجوك', 'بی ناموس', 'کسکش', 'كير خوار', 'كسليس', 'ننه گوزو', 'ننه كسكش', 'بی پدر', 'پدر کونی', 'كسننه', 'جنده', 'مادره جنده', 'بي ناموس', 'بي شرف', 'كسننت', 'بي پدر ومادر', 'خواهر جنده', 'ننه كونى', 'پسر کونی', 'کیرم تو مادرت', 'کیرم تو خانوادت', 'پدر سگ', 'پدر کونی', 'خواهرت گاییدم', 'مادرت گاییدم' ]

// replace the value below with the Telegram token you receive from @BotFather

//توكن بوتك var token = '1405713733:AAFnH_CLJF9IuayeSHQFVfQUgSvp13NtxCI';

// Create a bot that uses 'polling' to fetch new updates var bot = new TelegramBot(token, {polling: true}); var admin_users = ['@alis219'] var admin_links = [''] bot.on('new_chat_member', (async function new_chat_members(msg) { try { bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id) } catch (error) {} }));

bot.on('left_chat_member', (async function left_chat_member(msg) { try { bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id) } catch (error) {} }));

function checker(value) { for (var i = 0; i < keko.length; i++) { if (value.indexOf(keko[i]) > -1) { return true; } } return false; }


var  myadmin = "["+'مطور بوت'+"]("+('AliS219')+")"

var mention = ""+msg.from.first_name+""


bot.sendMessage(,mention+'\n بوت يعمل'+' \n Bot By '+myadmin,{



if (msg.text.includes('/msg') &&{ var str =msg.text.replace('/msg','') json.msgcha[0]=str fs.writeFileSync(__dirname+"admin.json",JSON.stringify(json.msgcha))
bot.sendMessage(,json.msgcha[0]); } //id المجوعه

console.log(msg) var cha = -1001164776903 //idالقناة

//الاشتراك الاجباري
if( msg.text){ console.log(msg) bot.getChatMember(cha,
.then(res=>{ //في حالة عدم وجود العضو في القناة left if(res.status==="left"){ bot.deleteMessage(,msg.message_id) bot.sendMessage(,mention+'\n '+msgcha+"\n \n Bot By "+myadmin, { 'parse_mode':'Markdown', 'reply_markup':{

            [{text:"::تم الاشتراك ☑️::",callback_data:'2'}],

              ]}}).then((result) => { setTimeout(() => {
              bot.deleteMessage(, result.message_id)
              }, 18 * 1000)}).catch(err => console.log(err))
               //في حالة وجود العضوو بالقناة member
                if(res.status==="member"){ }


bot.on('callback_query',function (Q){

var ;

if(data=='2'  ){
} else{ }


//تحرير رساله

bot.on('edited_message', (async function editing(msg) { if ('caption' in msg) {

  var admin_ids = {}
  await bot.getChatAdministrators(
      .then(function(data) {
          for (var io of data) {
              admin_ids[io['user']['id']] = io['status']
              if ('username' in io['user']) {
                  if (!admin_users.includes('@' + io['user']['username'].toString().toLowerCase())) {
                      admin_users.push('@' + io['user']['username'].toString().toLowerCase())
  if ( in admin_ids) {
      return true
  if ('caption_entities' in msg) {
      for (let entity of msg.caption_entities) {
          if (entity['type'] == 'mention') {
              let cso = msg.caption.toString().substring(entity['offset'], entity['offset'] + entity['length'])
              if (admin_users.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) {
                  bot.deteMessage(, msg.message_id)
                  return true
          } else if (entity['type'] == 'url') {
              var cso = msg.caption.toString().substring(entity['offset'], entity['offset'] + entity['length'])
              if (!cso.toString().includes('//')) {
              if (!admin_links.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) {
                  bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
                  return true
      return true

} if ('text' in msg) { if (checker(msg.text.toString())) { bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id) return true } var admin_ids = {} await bot.getChatAdministrators( .then(function(data) { for (var io of data) { admin_ids[io['user']['id']] = io['status'] if ('username' in io['user']) { if (!admin_users.includes('@' + io['user']['username'].toString().toLowerCase())) { admin_users.push('@' + io['user']['username'].toString().toLowerCase()) } } } }); if ( in admin_ids) { return true } if ('entities' in msg) { for (let entity of msg.entities) { console.log(entity) if (entity['type'] == 'mention') { var cso = msg.text.toString().substring(entity['offset'], entity['offset'] + entity['length']) if (!admin_users.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) { bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id) return true } } else if (entity['type'] == 'url') { var cso = msg.text.toString().substring(entity['offset'], entity['offset'] + entity['length']) if (!cso.toString().includes('//')) { continue } if (!admin_links.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) { bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id) return true } } else if (entity['type'] == 'text_link') { var cso = entity['url'] if (!cso.toString().includes('//')) { continue } if (!admin_links.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) { bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id) return true } } } rrue }

} }));


function checkChanal(chatid) { if (groub.includes(chatid.toString())) { return true }else{ return false } }

bot.on('photo', (async function photo_send(msg) { try {

  if ('caption' in msg) {
      if (checker(msg.caption.toString())) {
          bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
          return true
  var admin_ids = {}
  await bot.getChatAdministrators(
      .then(function(data) {
          for (var io of data) {
              admin_ids[io['user']['id']] = io['status']
              if ('username' in io['user']) {
                  if (!admin_users.includes('@' + io['user']['username'].toString().toLowerCase())) {
                      admin_users.push('@' + io['user']['username'].toString().toLowerCase())
  if ( in admin_ids) {
      return true

  if ('caption' in msg) {
      if ('caption_entities' in msg) {
          for (let entity of msg.caption_entities) {
              if (entity['type'] == 'mention') {
                  var cso = msg.caption.toString().substring(entity['offset'], entity['offset'] + entity['length'])
                  if (!admin_users.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) {
                      bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
                      return true
              } else if (entity['type'] == 'url') {
                  var cso = msg.caption.toString().substring(entity['offset'], entity['offset'] + entity['length'])
                  if (!cso.toString().includes('//')) {
                  if (!admin_links.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) {
                      bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
                      return true
              } else if (entity['type'] == 'text_link') {
                  var cso = entity['url']
                  if (!cso.toString().includes('//')) {
                  if (!admin_links.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) {
                      bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
                      return true
          return true

} catch (error) {} }));

//رسايل ملف فايل

bot.on('document', (async function photo_send(msg) { try { if (!checkChanal( { return false } if ('caption' in msg) { if (checker(msg.caption.toString())) { bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id) return true } } var admin_ids = {} await bot.getChatAdministrators( .then(function(data) { for (var io of data) { admin_ids[io['user']['id']] = io['status'] if ('username' in io['user']) { if (!admin_users.includes('@' + io['user']['username'].toString().toLowerCase())) { admin_users.push('@' + io['user']['username'].toString().toLowerCase()) } } } });

  if ( in admin_ids) {
      return true

  if ('caption' in msg) {
      if ('caption_entities' in msg) {
          for (let entity of msg.caption_entities) {
              if (entity['type'] == 'mention') {
                  var cso = msg.caption.toString().substring(entity['offset'], entity['offset'] + entity['length'])
                  if (!admin_users.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) {
                      bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
                      return true
              } else if (entity['type'] == 'url') {
                  var cso = msg.caption.toString().substring(entity['offset'], entity['offset'] + entity['length'])
                  if (!cso.toString().includes('//')) {
                  if (!admin_links.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) {
                      bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
                      return true
              } else if (entity['type'] == 'text_link') {
                  var cso = entity['url']
                  if (!cso.toString().includes('//')) {
                  if (!admin_links.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) {
                      bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
                      return true
          return true

} catch (error) {} }));

//رساله عاديه

bot.on('text', (async function new_chat_members(msg) { try { if (!checkChanal( { return false }

  if (checker(msg.text.toString())) {
      bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
      return true

  var admin_ids = {}
  await bot.getChatAdministrators(
      .then(function(data) {
          for (var io of data) {
              admin_ids[io['user']['id']] = io['status']
              if ('username' in io['user']) {
                  if (!admin_users.includes('@' + io['user']['username'].toString().toLowerCase())) {
                      admin_users.push('@' + io['user']['username'].toString().toLowerCase())

  if ( in admin_ids) {
      var te = msg.text;
      if (te.toString().includes('طرد') || te.toString().toLowerCase().includes('kick')) {
          if ('reply_to_message' in msg) {
              if (admin_ids[] == 'administrator') {
                  return true
              bot.sendMessage(, 'تم طرد العضو', { reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id })

      } else if (te.toString().includes('رفع ادمن') || te.toString().toLowerCase().includes('admin')) {
          if (admin_ids[] == 'administrator') {
              return true
          if ('reply_to_message' in msg) {
              if ( in admin_ids) {
                  bot.sendMessage(, 'العضو بالفعل ادمن', { reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id, })
                  return true
              bot.promoteChatMember(,, {
                  'can_change_info': true,
                  'can_delete_messages': true,
                  'can_pin_messages': true,
                  'can_invite_users': true,
                  'can_restrict_members': true
              bot.sendMessage(, 'تم رفع العضو الى ادمن', { reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id, })
      return true
  if ('entities' in msg) {
      for (let entity of msg.entities) {
          if (entity['type'] == 'mention') {
              var cso = msg.text.toString().substring(entity['offset'], entity['offset'] + entity['length'])
              if (!admin_users.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) {
                  bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
                  return true
          } else if (entity['type'] == 'url') {
              var cso = msg.text.toString().substring(entity['offset'], entity['offset'] + entity['length'])
              if (!cso.toString().includes('//')) {
              if (!admin_links.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) {
                  bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
                  return true
          } else if (entity['type'] == 'text_link') {
              var cso = entity['url']
              if (!cso.toString().includes('//')) {
              if (!admin_links.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) {
                  bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
                  return true
      return true

} catch (error) { console.error(error) } }));


bot.on('video', (async function photo_send(msg) { try { if (!checkChanal( { return false } if ('caption' in msg) { if (checker(msg.caption.toString())) { bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id) return true } } var admin_ids = {} await bot.getChatAdministrators( .then(function(data) { for (var io of data) { admin_ids[io['user']['id']] = io['status'] if ('username' in io['user']) { if (!admin_users.includes('@' + io['user']['username'].toString().toLowerCase())) { admin_users.push('@' + io['user']['username'].toString().toLowerCase()) } } } });

  if ( in admin_ids) {
      return true

  if ('caption' in msg) {
      if ('caption_entities' in msg) {
          for (let entity of msg.caption_entities) {
              if (entity['type'] == 'mention') {
                  var cso = msg.caption.toString().substring(entity['offset'], entity['offset'] + entity['length'])
                  if (!admin_users.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) {
                      bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
                      return true
              } else if (entity['type'] == 'url') {
                  var cso = msg.caption.toString().substring(entity['offset'], entity['offset'] + entity['length'])
                  if (!cso.toString().includes('//')) {
                  if (!admin_links.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) {
                      bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
                      return true
              }else if (entity['type'] == 'text_link') {
                  var cso = entity['url']
                  if (!cso.toString().includes('//')) {
                  if (!admin_links.includes(cso.toString().toLowerCase())) {
                      bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id)
                      return true
          return true

} catch (error) {} }));

ggyuhh's People


ggyuhh avatar





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