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react_food_order_app's Introduction

Food order app with react

0. Set up

0-0. Install

You need to install depedencies both for the front end and for the dummy back end.

  • Backend: /backend$ npm install
  • Frontend: $ npm install

0-1. Run application

In order to run the application properly, you need to run both the backend.

  • Backend: /backend$ npm start
  • Frontend: $ npm run dev

1. Objectives

  • Add components for displaying products, the cart (in a modal) and a checkout form (in a modal)
  • Fetch the (dummy) meals data from the backend and show it on the screen (GET/meals)
  • Allow users to add & remove products to / from the cart
  • Send cart data along with user data (full name, email, street, postal code, city) to the backend (POST/orders)
  • Handle loading & error states

2. Planing

  1. Add the Header component
  2. Add the Meals-related components & the logic to fetch meals data from a backend
  3. Add Cart logic (add items to cart, edit cart items) & Checkout page logic

3. Creating the Header component

adding header component

import logoImg from "../../assets/logo.jpg"

export default function Header() {
  return (
    <header id="main-header">
      <div id="title">
        <img src={logoImg} alt="A restaurant" />
        <button>Cart (0)</button>

4. Creating the Meals & Meal component

4-0. Creat the Meals component with hard coded params

export default function Meals() {
  return (
    <ul id="meals">
        <li className="meal-item">
                <img src="./logo.jpg" />
                <h3>Mac & Cheese</h3>
                <div className="meal-item-price">€8.99</div>
                <div className="meal-item-description">
                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
                    eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus urna.
                <div className="meal-item-actions">
                    <button>Add to Cart</button>

        <li className="meal-item">
                <img src="./logo.jpg" />
                <h3>Margherita Pizza</h3>
                <div className="meal-item-price">€12.99</div>
                <div className="meal-item-description">
                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
                    eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus urna.
                <div className="meal-item-actions">
                    <button>Add to Cart</button>

        <li className="meal-item">
                <img src="./logo.jpg" />
                <h3>Ceasar Salad</h3>
                <div className="meal-item-price">€7.99</div>
                <div className="meal-item-description">
                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
                    eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus urna.
                <div className="meal-item-actions">
                    <button>Add to Cart</button>

4-1. Create the reuseable Meal component and replace contents


import Meal from "./Meal.jsx";

export default function Meals() {
  return (
    <ul id="meals">
        title="Mac & Cheese"
        description="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
        eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vitae
        proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus urna."

        title="Margherita Pizza"
        description="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
        eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vitae
        proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus urna."

        title="Ceasar Salad"
        description="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
        eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vitae
        proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus urna."


export default function Meal({ img, title, price, description }) {
  return (
    <li className="meal-item">
        <img src={img} />
        <div className="meal-item-price">€{price}</div>
        <div className="meal-item-description">{description}</div>
        <div className="meal-item-actions">
          <button>Add to Cart</button>

4-2. Replace hard coded data with the DUMMY array (Meals.jsx)

const DUMMY_MEALS = [
    "id": "m1",
    "name": "Mac & Cheese",
    "price": "8.99",
    "description": "Creamy cheddar cheese mixed with perfectly cooked macaroni, topped with crispy breadcrumbs. A classic comfort food.",
    "image": "images/mac-and-cheese.jpg"
    "id": "m2",
    "name": "Margherita Pizza",
    "price": "12.99",
    "description": "A classic pizza with fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil on a thin and crispy crust.",
    "image": "images/margherita-pizza.jpg"
    "id": "m3",
    "name": "Caesar Salad",
    "price": "7.99",
    "description": "Romaine lettuce tossed in Caesar dressing, topped with croutons and parmesan shavings.",
    "image": "images/caesar-salad.jpg"
    "id": "m4",
    "name": "Spaghetti Carbonara",
    "price": "10.99",
    "description": "Al dente spaghetti with a creamy sauce made from egg yolk, pecorino cheese, pancetta, and pepper.",
    "image": "images/spaghetti-carbonara.jpg"

export default function Meals() {
  return (
    <ul id="meals">
      { => (

4-3. Refactor the components (Meals.jsx, Meal.jsx)


const DUMMY_MEALS = [
    "id": "m1",
    "name": "Mac & Cheese",
    "price": "8.99",
    "description": "Creamy cheddar cheese mixed with perfectly cooked macaroni, topped with crispy breadcrumbs. A classic comfort food.",
    "image": "images/mac-and-cheese.jpg"
    "id": "m2",
    "name": "Margherita Pizza",
    "price": "12.99",
    "description": "A classic pizza with fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil on a thin and crispy crust.",
    "image": "images/margherita-pizza.jpg"
    "id": "m3",
    "name": "Caesar Salad",
    "price": "7.99",
    "description": "Romaine lettuce tossed in Caesar dressing, topped with croutons and parmesan shavings.",
    "image": "images/caesar-salad.jpg"
    "id": "m4",
    "name": "Spaghetti Carbonara",
    "price": "10.99",
    "description": "Al dente spaghetti with a creamy sauce made from egg yolk, pecorino cheese, pancetta, and pepper.",
    "image": "images/spaghetti-carbonara.jpg"

export default function Meals() {
  return (
    <ul id="meals">
      { => (
        <Meal key={} meal={meal} />


export default function Meal({ meal }) {
  return (
    <li className="meal-item">
        <img src={meal.image} alt={} />
          <p className="meal-item-price">€{meal.price}</p>
          <p className="meal-item-description">{meal.description}</p>
        <p className="meal-item-actions">
          <button>Add to Cart</button>

5. Add fetch meals data logic

fetching data from backend

5-0. Fetch data from backend (Meals.jsx)

export default function Meals() {
  const [meals, setMeals] = useState([]);

  useEffect(() => {
    async function fetchMeals() {
      const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/meals");
      const resData = await response.json();


  }, []);

  return (
    <ul id="meals">
      { => (
        <Meal key={} meal={meal} />

5-1. Fix the image url (Meal.jsx)

If you don't specified the path, the image url is set to the relative path (localhost:5137) but actual images are stored in public which can be accessed with localhost:3000 path. Thus, you need to change the image paths to this ones.

export default function Meal({ meal }) {
  return (
    <li className="meal-item">
        <img src={`http://localhost:3000/${meal.image}`} alt={} />
          <p className="meal-item-price">€{meal.price}</p>
          <p className="meal-item-description">{meal.description}</p>
        <p className="meal-item-actions">
          <button>Add to Cart</button>

6. Formatting & Outputting numbers as currency

6-0. Create the reusable formatter

Create a reusable currency formatter inside newly created "src > util" folder. In order to do so, employ the Intl.NumberFormat object and set the belgium country code (sfb) to put before the number.

export const currencyFormatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("sfb", {
  style: "currency",
  currency: "EUR",

6-1. Use it inside the component

To use the formatter, employ the format method.

import { currencyFormatter } from "../../util/formatting";

export default function Meal({ meal }) {
  return (
    <li className="meal-item">


          <p className="meal-item-price">{currencyFormatter.format(meal.price)}</p>



7. Creating a configurable & flexible custom button component

reusable button component

To create reusable button component, you need to;

  • Enable to wrap the element via children prop
  • Enable to add classNames flexibly with textOnly prop
  • Enable to inherit the className which the wrapped component already has
  • Enable to use default button properties, use the spread operator (...)
export default function Button({ children, textOnly, className, ...props }) {
  const cssClasses = textOnly ? `text-button ${className}` : "button";

  return (
    <button className={cssClasses} {...props}>

8. Cart context & reducer (store > CartContext.jsx)

Cart items and related actions such as adding items, removing items, should be shared and accessed from multiple components, so better not to use props to pass values. Instead, using "context API".

8-0. Create the cart context

First you need to create the context with createContext method and prepare resuable Provider wrapper component.

import { createContext } from "react";

const CartContext = createContext({
  items: [],
  addItem: (item) => {},
  removeItem: (id) => {},

export function CartContextProvider({ children }) {

  return <CartContext.Provider>{children}</CartContext.Provider>;

export default CartContext;

8-1. With useReducer for the additioanl logics

You can use useState to manage states, but with useReducer you can manage more complex state logics and the good point of implementing useReducer is that it enables to export the function outside the component.

import { createContext, useReducer } from "react";

const CartContext = createContext({
  items: [],
  addItem: (item) => {},
  removeItem: (id) => {},

function cartReducer(state, action) {
  if (action.type === "ADD_ITEM") {
    // ..... add an item

  if (action.type === "REMOVE_ITEM") {
    // ..... remove an item from the state

  return state; // if nothing changed, return the original state

export function CartContextProvider({ children }) {
  useReducer(cartReducer, { items: [] });

  return <CartContext.Provider>{children}</CartContext.Provider>;

export default CartContext;

8-2. Add item logic

function cartReducer(state, action) {

  if (action.type === "ADD_ITEM") {
    // Check if the added item already exists (A) in the cart or not (B)
    const existingCartItemIndex = state.items.findIndex(
      (item) => ===

    // Copy the cart items
    const updatedItems = [...state.items];

    // findIndex() returns "-1" when it couldn't find one
    if (existingCartItemIndex > -1) {
      // if the item exists ------------------------(A)
      const existingItem = state.items[existingCartItemIndex];

      const updatedItem = {
        quantity: existingItem.quantity + 1,

      updatedItems[existingCartItemIndex] = updatedItem;
    } else {
      // if the item doesn't exist  ------------------------(B)
        quantity: 1,

    // Copy the whole state and only update the "items" array
    return { ...state, items: updatedItems };


  return state; // if nothing changed, return the original state

8-3. Remove item logic

function cartReducer(state, action) {


  if (action.type === "REMOVE_ITEM") {
    // Find the targent item
    const existingCartItemIndex = state.items.findIndex((item) => { ===;

    // Copy the cart items
    const updatedItems = [...state.items];

    // The existing cart item
    const existingItem = state.items[existingCartItemIndex];

    // Check the target item quality is 1 or not
    if (existingItem.quantity === 1) {
      updatedItems.splice(existingCartItemIndex, 1);
    } else {
      const updatedItem = {
        quantity: existingItem.quantity - 1,

      updatedItems[existingCartItemIndex] = updatedItem;

    return { ...state, items: updatedItems };

  return state; // if nothing changed, return the original state

8-4. Make the cart item logics ready to be used


export function CartContextProvider({ children }) {
  // Set up reducer
  const [cart, dispatchCartAction] = useReducer(cartReducer, { items: [] });

  // The add & remove item functions
  function addItem(item) {
    dispatchCartAction({ type: "ADD_ITEM", item: item });
  function removeItem(id) {
    dispatchCartAction({ type: "REMOVE_ITEM", id: id });

  // Cart context values
  const cartContext = {
    items: cart.items,
    addItem: addItem,
    removeItem: removeItem,

  return (
    <CartContext.Provider value={cartContext}>{children}</CartContext.Provider>


function App() {
  return (
      <Header />
      <Meals />

export default App;

8-5. Use the cart context in Meal.jsx

use context in meal component


import { useContext } from "react";
import CartContext from "../../store/CartContext.jsx";

export default function Meal({ meal }) {
  const cartCtx = useContext(CartContext);

  function handleAddMealToCart() {

  return (
    <li className="meal-item">


          <Button onClick={handleAddMealToCart}>Add to Cart</Button>



8-6. Use the cart context in Header.jsx

use context in header component


import { useContext } from "react";
import CartContext from "../../store/CartContext.jsx";

export default function Header() {
  const cartCtx = useContext(CartContext);

  // reduce function reduces values in the array to a single value
  const totalCartItems = cartCtx.items.reduce((totalNumberOfItems, item) => {
    return totalNumberOfItems + item.quantity
  }, 0);

  return (
    <header id="main-header">
      <div id="title">
        <img src={logoImg} alt="A restaurant" />
        <Button textOnly>Cart ({totalCartItems})</Button>

9. Reusable modal component (UI > Modal.jsx)

9-0. Create the Modal component

For the modal, dialog tag is suitable for handling such multiple purposes (like open, close the modal) and use createPortal to show the modal outside root id.

import { createPortal } from "react-dom";

export default function Modal({ children, open }) {
  return createPortal(

9-1. Adding the logic to control from outside the modal

Let outside components to control dialog object built-in method, showModal() through open prop.

import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { createPortal } from "react-dom";

export default function Modal({ children, open }) {
  const dialog = useRef();

  useEffect(() => {

  }, [open])

  return createPortal(
    <dialog ref={dialog} className="modal">{children}</dialog>,

9-2. Flexible className

By passing className through props and using template literals to define the class name, make the style of dialog object flexible. Note that you need to set the default className prop value otherwise it will cause error.

import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { createPortal } from "react-dom";

export default function Modal({ children, open, className = "" }) {
  const dialog = useRef();

  useEffect(() => {
    if (open) {
  }, [open]);

  return createPortal(
    <dialog ref={dialog} className={`modal ${className}`}>

10. The cart modal component

10-0. Create the Cart component with the Modal component

import Modal from "../UI/Modal.jsx";

export default function Cart() {
  return (
    <Modal className="cart">
      <h2>Your Cart</h2>

10-1. Accessing the cart context for showing the cart items

import { createContext } from "react";
import Modal from "../UI/Modal.jsx";
import CartContext from "../../store/CartContext.jsx";
import { currencyFormatter } from "../../util/formatting.js";
import Button from "../UI/Button.jsx";

export default function Cart() {
  // Fetch the cart context data
  const cartCtx = createContext(CartContext);

  // Calculate the cart total price
  const cartTotal = cartCtx.items.reduce((totalPrice, item) => {
    return totalPrice + item.price * item.price;
  }, 0);

  return (
    <Modal className="cart">
      {/* TITLE */}
      <h2>Your Cart</h2>

      {/* MEALS */}
        { => (
          <li key={}>
            {} - {item.quantity}

      {/* TOTAL PRICE */}
      <p className="cart-total">{currencyFormatter.format(cartTotal)}</p>

      {/* ACTION BUTTONS */}
      <p className="modal-actions">
        <Button textOnly>Close</Button>
        <Button>Go to Checkout</Button>

10-2. Create a new context for managing the modal states

This time the context is simple, so use useState() instead of useReducer().

import { createContext, useState } from "react";

const UserProgressContext = createContext({
  progress: "", // 'cart', 'checkout'
  showCart: () => {},
  hideCart: () => {},
  showCheckout: () => {},
  hideCheckout: () => {},

export function UserProgressContextProvider({ children }) {
  const [userProgress, setUserProgress] = useState("");

  function showCart() {

  function hideCart() {

  function showCheckout() {

  function hideCheckout() {

  const userProgressCxt = {
    progress: userProgress,
    showCart: showCart,
    hideCart: hideCart,
    showCheckout: showCheckout,
    hideCheckout: hideCheckout,

  return (
    <UserProgressContext.Provider value={userProgressCxt}>

export default UserProgressContext;

10-3. Make the modal open by clicking the cart button

open cart modal

To make the modal open on request of button clicking, you need to set up the multiple components properly.

  1. Header component - handle showing the cart modal with button
  2. Cart component - receiving progress state from UserProgressContext for open attribute
  3. App component - wrap the related component with UserProgressContextProvider and added Cart component

10-3-0. Header component

export default function Header() {


  const userProgressCtx = useContext(UserProgressContext);


  function handleShowCart() {

  return (
    <header id="main-header">


        <Button textOnly onClick={handleShowCart}>
          Cart ({totalCartItems})



10-3-1. Cart component

export default function Cart() {


  const userProgressCtx = useContext(UserProgressContext);


  return (
    <Modal className="cart" open={userProgressCtx.progress === "cart"}>



10-3-2. App component

function App() {
  return (
        <Header />
        <Meals />
        <Cart />

10-4. Make the modal close by clicking the close button

To make the modal close on request of button clicking, you need to set up the multiple components properly.

  1. Cart component - add the logic to trigger the hideCart method
  2. Modal component - properly set up the cleaning up step of useEffect hook

10-4-0. Cart component

export default function Cart() {


  const userProgressCtx = useContext(UserProgressContext);


  function handleCloseCart() {

  return (
    <Modal className="cart" open={userProgressCtx.progress === "cart"}>


      {/* ACTION BUTTONS */}
      <p className="modal-actions">
        <Button textOnly onClick={handleCloseCart}>Close</Button>
        <Button onClick={handleCloseCart}>Go to Checkout</Button>


10-4-1. Modal component

export default function Modal({ children, open, className = "" }) {


  useEffect(() => {
    const modal = dialog.current;

    if (open) {

    return () => modal.close();
  }, [open]);



11. The cart item component

cart item component

11-0. Create the cart item component

import { currencyFormatter } from "../../util/formatting";

export default function CartItem({ name, quantity, price }) {
  return (
    <li className="cart-item">
        {name} - {quantity} x {currencyFormatter.format(price)}
      <p className="cart-item-actions">

11-1. Use it inside the Cart component

  { => (

11-2. Change quantities of items inside the cart

  • CartItem component - receiving onIncrease & onDecrease props
  • Cart component - handling the quantity change logics with the cart context


export default function CartItem({
}) {
  return (
    <li className="cart-item">


      <p className="cart-item-actions">
        <button onClick={onDecrease}>-</button>
        <button onClick={onIncrease}>+</button>


{/* MEALS */}
  { => (


      onIncrease={() => cartCtx.addItem(item)}
      onDecrease={() => cartCtx.removeItem(}

12. The checkout modal component

checkout modal component

12-0. Create the Checkout component with the Modal component

import { useContext } from "react";
import Modal from "../UI/Modal.jsx";
import CartContext from "../../store/CartContext.jsx";
import { currencyFormatter } from "../../util/formatting.js";

export default function Checkout() {
  const cartCtx = useContext(CartContext);

  const cartTotal = cartCtx.items.reduce((totalPrice, item) => {
    return totalPrice + item.price * item.quantity;
  }, 0);

  return (
        <p>Total Amount: {currencyFormatter.format(cartTotal)}</p>

12-1. Create a reusable Input component and use it inside Checkout component


export default function Input({ label, id, ...props }) {
  return (
    <p className="control">
      <label htmlFor={id}>{label}</label>
      <input id={id} name={id} required {...props} />


    <p>Total Amount: {currencyFormatter.format(cartTotal)}</p>

    <Input label="Full Name" type="text" id="full-name" />
    <Input label="E-Mail Address" type="email" id="email" />
    <Input label="Street" type="text" id="street" />

    <div className="control-row">
      <Input label="Postal Code" type="text" id="postal-code" />
      <Input label="City" type="text" id="city" />

12-2. Add "Close" and "Submit Order" buttons

Because buttons are inside the form object, as default, every button clicks trigger the form submission. To prevent this behaviour, set button type property to "button" to let it use for closing modal logic.



  <p className="modal-actions">
    <Button type="button" textOnly>Close</Button>
    <Button>Submit Order</Button>

12-3. Open and close the checkout modal logics

  1. Checkout component - receive progress state for opening the modal, implement hideCheckout method for closing the modal from UserProgressContext
  2. Cart component - implement showCheckout method for showing the checkout modal from UserProgressContext
  3. App component - add the Checkout component

12-3-0. Checkout component

export default function Checkout() {


  const userProgressCtx = useContext(UserProgressContext);


  function handleClose() {

  return (
    <Modal open={userProgressCtx.progress === "checkout"}>


        <p className="modal-actions">
          <Button type="button" textOnly onClick={handleClose}>
          <Button>Submit Order</Button>

12-3-1. Cart component

function handleGoToCheckout(){

return (
  <Modal className="cart" open={userProgressCtx.progress === "cart"}>


      {cartCtx.items.length > 0 && (
        <Button onClick={handleGoToCheckout}>Go to Checkout</Button>



12-3-2. App component



    <Checkout />


13. Fixing the escape key bug of Modal component

13-0. What the problem?

Once you press the escape key to close the cart modal or checkout modal, you cannot open these modals again. This is because they open based on the progress state from UserProgressContext and if you close the modals with the escape key, that doesn't trigger to change the progress state, so the state remains the same (meaning the state remains "cart" or "checkout" even though visually the modals close).

13-1. Fix the Modal component

In order to fix this bug, set onClose attribute of dialog object.

export default function Modal({ .... onClose }) {


  return createPortal(
    <dialog ref={dialog} className={`modal ${className}`} onClose={onClose}>

13-2. Fix the Cart component

You need to pass handleCloseCart function "conditionally" to the onClose Modal (to be passed to dialog object) attribute otherwise the function also gets triggered when the user presses "Go to Checkout" button. (Because theonClose dialog attribute is listening the window opening state).


function handleCloseCart() {


  <Modal .... onClose={userProgressCtx.progress === "cart" ? handleCloseCart : null}>



13-3. Fix the Checkout component


function handleCloseCart() {


  <Modal .... onClose={handleCloseCart}>



14. Handling the form submission and validation (Checkout.jsx)

function handleSubmit(event) {
  event.preventDefault();   // Cancel the default webpage submission behaviour

    * Handle the input data
  const fd = new FormData(;
  const customerData = Object.fromEntries(fd.entries());  // Returns key-value pairs

return (
  <Modal open={userProgressCtx.progress === "checkout"} onClose={handleClose}>
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>



15. Sending a POST request with the order data (Checkout.jsx)

send post http request

function handleSubmit(event) {


    * Send POST http request
  fetch("http://localhost:3000/orders", {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
    body: JSON.stringify({
      order: {
        items: cartCtx.items,
        customer: customerData,

16. Create the custom hook for sending http request

16-0. Create useHttp hook (hook > useHttp.js)

  • sendHttpRequest is the support function of the custom hook body
  • useHttp must handle three states - "response data" (data) & "loading state" (isLoading) & "error message" (error)
  • sendRequest must be used with useCallback because it's one of the dependencies of useEffect
  • sendRequest is exposed to outside the hook in case of "POST" request which is needed to be executed manually ("GET" request is automatically executed).
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";

async function sendHttpRequest(url, config) {
  const response = await fetch(url, config);

  const resData = await response.json();

  // Error handling (*some error message responses are slready defined in backend)
  if (!response.ok) {
    throw new Error(
      resData.message || "Something went wrong, failed to send request."

  return resData;

export default function useHttp(url, config, initialData) {
  // Response data
  const [data, setData] = useState(initialData);

  // Loading state
  const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);

  // Error message
  const [error, setError] = useState();

   * Define the send request function
  const sendRequest = useCallback(
    async function sendRequest() {
      setIsLoading(true); // Send the signal of "start loading"

      try {
        const resData = await sendHttpRequest(url, config);
      } catch (error) {
        setError(error.message || "Something went wrong!");

      setIsLoading(false); // Send the signal of "finish loading"
    [url, config]

  useEffect(() => {
    if ((config && (config.method === "GET" || !config.method)) || !config) {
  }, [sendRequest, config]);

   * Expose the related data
  return {
    data: data,
    isLoading: isLoading,
    error: error,
    sendRequest: sendRequest

16-1. Use it inside the Meals component

import Meal from "./Meal.jsx";
import useHttp from "../../hook/useHttp.js";

 * If "requestConfig" is created inside the component,
 * even thought it's an empty object,
 * it's newly created everytime the component re-rendered.
 * This cause an infinite loop,
 * because it's one of the depedencies of useCallback in the useHttp hook.
 * Thus, it's needed to be defined outside the component.
const requestConfig = {};

export default function Meals() {

  // Fetch meals data
  const {
    data: loadedMeals,
  } = useHttp("http://localhost:3000/meals", requestConfig, []);

  // Loading message
  if (isLoading){
    return <p style={{textAlign: "center"}}>Fetching meals ...</p>

  return (
    <ul id="meals">
      { => (
        <Meal key={} meal={meal} />

16-2. Error handling inside the Meals component

error fetching meals

For the styling reason, create the Error component.

export default function Error({ title, message }) {
  return (
    <div className="error-message">

Then, implement it inside the Meals component for error handling.

// Error handling
if (error){
  return <Error title="Failed to fetch meals" message={error} />

16-3. Use it inside the Checkout component

For sending "POST" http request, you need to do it manually after implement the useHttp hook with sendRequest method. Like the Meals component, requestConfig should be defined outside the component for preventing an infinite loop and sendRequest method should be modified for accepting "request body" when sendRequest is called.

16-3-0. Modify useHttp.js

  • Set data to sendRequest function ----------------- (A)
  • Override config value ----------------- (B)
const sendRequest = useCallback(
  async function sendRequest(data) {                    ----------------- (A)
    setIsLoading(true); // Send the signal of "start loading"

    try {
      const resData = await sendHttpRequest(url, {      ----------------- (B)
        body: data,
    } catch (error) {
      setError(error.message || "Something went wrong!");

    setIsLoading(false); // Send the signal of "finish loading"
  [url, config]

16-3-1. Checkout.jsx

const requestConfig = {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",

export default function Checkout() {


  const { data, isLoading, error, sendRequest } = useHttp(

  function handleSubmit(event) {


     * Handle the input data
    const fd = new FormData(;
    const customerData = Object.fromEntries(fd.entries()); // Returns key-value pairs

     * Send POST http request
        order: {
          items: cartCtx.items,
          customer: customerData,



16-4. UI while sending data (Checkout.jsx)

sending order

let actions = (
    <Button type="button" textOnly onClick={handleClose}>
    <Button>Submit Order</Button>

if (isSending) {
  actions = <span>Sending order data .....</span>;

return (
  <Modal open={userProgressCtx.progress === "checkout"} onClose={handleClose}>


      <p className="modal-actions">{actions}</p>



16-5. Error handling (Checkout.jsx)

failed to submit order

{error && <Error title="Failed to submit order" message={error} />}

16-6. Show a success message (Checkout.jsx)

success message

if (data && !error) {
  return (
      open={userProgressCtx.progress === "checkout"}
      <p>Your order was submitted successfully.</p>
        We will get back to you with more details with email within the next
        few minutes.
      <p className="modal-actions">
        <Button onClick={handleClose}>Okay</Button>

16-7. Add clear inside the cart logic (CartContext.jsx)

import { createContext, useReducer } from "react";

const CartContext = createContext({

  clearCart: () => {},

function cartReducer(state, action) {

  if (action.type === "CLEAR_CART") {
    return { ...state, items: [] };


export function CartContextProvider({ children }) {

  function clearCart() {
    dispatchCartAction({ type: "CLEAR_CART" });

  // Cart context values
  const cartContext = {

    clearCart: clearCart,

  return (
    <CartContext.Provider value={cartContext}>{children}</CartContext.Provider>

export default CartContext;

16-8. Clear inside the cart after submission (Checkout.jsx)

function handleFinish() {


if (data && !error) {
  return (
      open={userProgressCtx.progress === "checkout"}

        <Button onClick={handleFinish}>Okay</Button>



16-9. Fix the submission bug (useHttp.js & Checkout.jsx)

16-9-0. What's the issue?

Once you submit the order, and then try to submit the new order, you cannot do this because "the order never get reset". Thus, we need to implement the way to reset it.

16-9-1. Solution


export default function useHttp(url, config, initialData) {
  // Response data
  const [data, setData] = useState(initialData);


   * Clear the order data
  function clearData() {


   * Expose the related data
  return {

    clearData: clearData


const {

} = useHttp("http://localhost:3000/orders", requestConfig);


function handleFinish() {


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