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kanagame_r3f_charactercontrol's Introduction

Kana Game with React Three Fiber & React Three Rapier

Credit I followed one of the Wawa Sensei's tutorial series, "How to Create a 3D game with React Three Fiber" to create this app, although I made a tiny changes to the codes. Thanks for the amazing lessons.

0. Troubleshoot

"Rendered more hooks than during the previous render"

It happened in the Kicker component when tried to call the if statement before useFrame function.

What causd this kind of error

  • if statements called before a hook
  • A hook is invoked inside the body of an if, else, for or while statement

1. Material GUI trick (KanaSpots.jsx)

glass like sphere material gui

const config = useControls({
    meshPhysicalMaterial: false,
    transmissionSampler: false,
    backside: false,
    samples: { value: 10, min: 1, max: 32, step: 1 },
    resolution: { value: 1024, min: 256, max: 2048, step: 256 },
    transmission: { value: 1, min: 0, max: 1 },
    roughness: { value: 0.0, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01 },
    thickness: { value: 0, min: 0, max: 10, step: 0.01 },
    ior: { value: 1, min: 1, max: 5, step: 0.01 },
    chromaticAberration: { value: 0, min: 0, max: 1 },
    anisotropy: { value: 0, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01 },
    distortion: { value: 0.0, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01 },
    distortionScale: { value: 0, min: 0.01, max: 1, step: 0.01 },
    temporalDistortion: { value: 0, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01 },
    clearcoat: { value: 1, min: 0, max: 1 },
    attenuationDistance: { value: 1, min: 0, max: 10, step: 0.01 },
    attenuationColor: "#ffffff",
    color: "#efbeff",
    bg: "#ffffff",


        <meshPhysicalMaterial {...config} />


2. How to spawn the character and make it move

2-0. Find the one at pmndrs market and download it

pmndrs market
You can find free 3D models at pmndrs market. Once you find one, click "Download Model" to download the model. The file format is automatically set to gltf, which is convenient for the next step.

2-1. Run "gltfjsx" to create the Character component

You can automatically convert the downloaded gltf model to the React component with gltfjsx. Run the following command. (Assume that the model is located inside models > female-cyborg folder.)

npx gltfjsx public/models/female-cyborg/model.gltf

And then copy all the code inside the auto generated Model.jsx file, create the Character.jsx component and paste the code inside of it. Also the link to the gltf model should be fixed properly.

import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { useGLTF } from "@react-three/drei";

export default function Character(props) {
  const group = useRef();
  const { nodes, materials } = useGLTF("./models/female-cyborg/model.gltf");
  return (
    <group ref={group} {...props} dispose={null}>
      <group scale={0.64}>
        <primitive object={nodes.LeftFootCtrl} />
        <primitive object={nodes.RightFootCtrl} />
        <primitive object={nodes.HipsCtrl} />


cf. An alternative to create the Character component

online gltf conveter
An alternative way to create the model component from the model is using online gltf conveter offered by pmndrs. Just drop the gltf file and it automatically generates the jsx code for you.

2-2. Import KeyboardControls and set up

In order to make the character move with the keyboard, use KeyboardControls from @react-three/drei. It's recommended to implement it outside <Canvas> so that non-three.js components can access keyboard inputs.


export const Controls = {
  forward: "forward",
  backward: "backward",
  leftward: "leftward",
  rightward: "rightward",
  jump: "jump",

function App() {
  const map = useMemo(
    () => [
      { name: Controls.forward, keys: ["ArrowUp", "KeyW"] },
      { name: Controls.backward, keys: ["ArrowDown", "KeyS"] },
      { name: Controls.leftward, keys: ["ArrowLeft", "KeyA"] },
      { name: Controls.rightward, keys: ["ArrowRight", "KeyD"] },
      { name: Controls.jump, keys: ["Space"] },

  return (
      <KeyboardControls map={map}>

        <Canvas .... >
            <Physics debug>
              <Experience />



export default App;

2-3. Create the CharacterController component

First you need to create the CharacterController component and wrap Character component with RigidBody.

    <Character />

2-4. Set up

In order to make the character move with keyboard inputs, first you need to set up useKeyboardControls from @react-three/drei.

const [subscribeKeys, getKeys] = useKeyboardControls();

2-5. Link ref to RigidBody

Making the character move involves the physics, thus you need to reference the character via <RigidBody>.

const body = useRef();


    <RigidBody ref={body} .... >
        <Character />

2-6. Apply forces to make the character move

Using "getter" of useKeyboardControls to fetch keyboard input states, then apply forces to the model with applyImpulse. It's important to use and tweak "one vector" to apply forces otherwise unwanted forces could be applied to the character leading to unpredictable character movements. Applying forces needs to be done inside useFrame. For provide the same user experience regardless of device, the amount of applied force should be optimized through delta. The second boolean parameter of applyImpulse is to wake up the character (react three rapier system automatically sets objects sleep after several seconds).

useFrame((state, delta) => {
    // Get input key states
    const { forward, backward, leftward, rightward } = getKeys();

    // One vector for handling all applied forces
    const impluse = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };

    // Move forward, backward, leftward, rightward
    if (forward) {
        impluse.z -= 3 * delta;
    if (backward) {
        impluse.z += 3 * delta;
    if (leftward ) {
        impluse.x -= 3 * delta;
    if (rightward) {
        impluse.x += 3 * delta;

    // Apply forces to the rigid body
    body.current.applyImpulse(impluse, true);

2-7. Use CapsuleCollider instead of default collider

character CapsuleCollider
For better and optimized physicall simulations, implement CapsuleCollider.

<RigidBody .... colliders={false} >
    <Character />
    <CapsuleCollider .... />

2-8. Prevent the character to fall on the ground

character fall on the ground
When the force is applied to the character, it will fall on the ground. To prevent it, tweak the enabledRotations attribute of RigidBody.

<RigidBody .... enabledRotations={[false, false, false]} >
    <Character />
    <CapsuleCollider .... />

2-9. Control the character movement speed to make it more natural

In order to create natural character movements, you need to limit its speed by accessing its movement speed via linvel() method. And also set linearDamping of RigidBody to automatically diminish applied forces.

useFrame((state, delta) => {
    // Get input key states
    const { forward, backward, leftward, rightward } = getKeys();

    // One vector for handling all applied forces
    const impluse = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };

    // Access the character linear velocity
    const linvel = body.current.linvel();

    // Move forward, backward, leftward, rightward
    if (forward && linvel.z > -3) {
        impluse.z -= 3 * delta;
    if (backward && linvel.z < 3) {
        impluse.z += 3 * delta;
    if (leftward && linvel.x > -3) {
        impluse.x -= 3 * delta;
    if (rightward && linvel.x < 3) {
        impluse.x += 3 * delta;

    // Apply forces to the rigid body
    body.current.applyImpulse(impluse, true);


    <RigidBody .... linearDamping={0.5} >
        <Character />
        <CapsuleCollider .... />

2-10. Face the character towards movement directions

character face directions
It looks more natural if the character face the direction in which it moves. It can be done through accessing the character mesh and tweaking its rotation (since it doesn't have to be related to the physic simulation in this game).

const character = useRef();

useFrame((state, delta) => {
    // Get input key states
    const { forward, backward, leftward, rightward } = getKeys();

    // One vector for handling all applied forces
    const impluse = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };

    // Access the character linear velocity
    const linvel = body.current.linvel();

    // Control the character mesh rotation
    let changeRotation = false;

    // Move forward, backward, leftward, rightward
    if (forward && linvel.z > -3) {
        impluse.z -= 3 * delta;
        changeRotation = true;
    if (backward && linvel.z < 3) {
        impluse.z += 3 * delta;
        changeRotation = true;
    if (leftward && linvel.x > -3) {
        impluse.x -= 3 * delta;
        changeRotation = true;
    if (rightward && linvel.x < 3) {
        impluse.x += 3 * delta;
        changeRotation = true;

    // Rotate the character according to move directions
    if (changeRotation) {
      const angle = Math.atan2(linvel.x, linvel.z);
      character.current.rotation.y = angle;

    // Apply forces to the rigid body
    body.current.applyImpulse(impluse, true);


    <RigidBody .... >

        <group ref={character}>
          <Character />

        <CapsuleCollider .... />


2-11. Make the character jump

character jump
Jump logic should be triggered based on the keyboard input "state changes", not "state" (otherwise the jump forces keep applied and the character fly away). In order to listen "state changes", you need to "subscribe" the keyboard input.

  const jump = () => {
    body.current.applyImpulse({ x: 0, y: JUMP_FORCE, z: 0 }, true);

  // Listen to the "jump state" change for trigger jump Fn
  useEffect(() => {
    const unsubscribeKeys = subscribeKeys(
      (state) => state.jump,
      (value) => value && jump()

    return () => {
  }, []);

2-12. Limit the jump activation according to the height

Without limitations, the character jumps endlessly (and could fly to the moon) and that's not ideal user experience. So set the jump height limit with rapier.Ray. To do so, useRapier should be properly imported from @react-three/rapier.

const { rapier, world } = useRapier();

  const jump = () => {
    const origin = body.current.translation();
    origin.y -= 1.25 / 2; // Move origin to the touch ground
    const direction = { x: 0, y: -1, z: 0 };
    const ray = new rapier.Ray(origin, direction);
    const hit = world.castRay(ray, 20, true);

    if (hit.toi < 3) {
      body.current.applyImpulse({ x: 0, y: JUMP_FORCE, z: 0 }, true);

  // Listen to the "jump state" change for trigger jump Fn
  useEffect(() => {
    const unsubscribeKeys = subscribeKeys(
      (state) => state.jump,
      (value) => value && jump()

    return () => {
  }, []);

3. Reset the character position when it falls outside the stage

character fall outside the stage

3-0. Objectives

  • Add the sensor attribute to the specific Collider
  • Create the reset function of the character position & velocity

3-1. Sensors

A Collider can be set to be "a sensor", which means that it will not generate any contact points, and will not be affected by forces. This is useful for detecting when a collider enters or leaves another collider, without affecting the other collider.

To detect when a collider enters or leaves another collider, you can use the onIntersectionEnter and onIntersectionExit events on the collider.

3-2. Add the sensor attribute to the floor

In this game, there's the floor outside the stage, so set the sensor attribute to that collider.

<RigidBody colliders={false} type="fixed" name="void">
    <mesh .... />
    <CuboidCollider .... sensor />

3-3. Create reset function and add it through onIntersectionEnter attribute

onIntersectionEnter callbacks when this collider, or another collider starts intersecting, and at least one of them is a sensor. So create the reset function and set to the CharacterController component through the onIntersectionEnter attribute.

const resetPosition = () => {
    body.current.setTranslation({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 });
    body.current.setLinvel({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 });
    body.current.setAngvel({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 });


        onIntersectionEnter={({ other }) => {
            if ( === "void") {

        <group ref={character}>
          <Character />

        <CapsuleCollider .... />


4. Let the camera follow the character

camera follow character
To let the camera follow the character movements, access its position through getWorldPosition of the character mesh (in this case, it's done with its mesh ref, character) and synchronize the both movements with adjusting the camera position & target (where the camera looks at).

  • Camera position: synchronize xz-axis, but y-axis is fixed
  • Camera target: synchronize xyz-axis

useFrame((state, delta) => {
    // Get the character position
    const characterWorldPosition = character.current.getWorldPosition(
        new THREE.Vector3()

    // Set the camera position = characterWorldPosition.x; = characterWorldPosition.z + 10;

    // Set the camera target
    const cameraTarget = new THREE.Vector3();

5. Animate the character

5-0. Steps

  • Prepare the model as the format of "fbx"
  • Upload to Mixamo
  • Find an animation and download it
  • Attach the imported animation to the model in blender
  • Export as "gltf" file

5-1. Import the gltf model into blender and exported as the fbx file

import to blender
export as fbx

5-2. Upload the fbx model to mixamo

upload fbx to mixamo 01
upload fbx to mixamo 02
upload fbx to mixamo 03

5-3. Select an animation and download it

upload fbx to mixamo 04
upload fbx to mixamo 05

Don't forget to check "In Place".

5-4. Import the animation (fbx) to blender

import fbx animation

5-5. Change "Editor Type" to "Dope Sheet", open "Action Editor" and rename the animation

dope sheet action editor

5-6. Rename the original model, pose mode, open animation in action editor, hit "Push Down"

rename the original model
open pose mode
action editor select animation
action editor hit push down

5-7. Change "Editor Type" to "Nonlinear Animation", rename, delete the animation model from Mixamo

nonlinear animation
rename nla track 1
rename nla track 2
delete imported animation model

5-8. Export the model as the format of gltf

export animated gltf character

5-9. Switch the model with animated one

Run gltfjsx again to generate the code, and switch the model with the animation one.

npx gltfjsx public/models/female-cyborg/model.gltf

5-10. Create a state and set function for the character (store.js)

export const useGameStore = create(
  subscribeWithSelector((set, get) => ({


    characterState: "Idle",
    setCharacterState: (characterState) => {
      set({ characterState: characterState });

5-11. Set the character animation trigger logic (CharacterController.jsx)

useFrame((state, delta) => {


  if (Math.abs(linvel.x) > RUN_VEL || Math.abs(linvel.z) > RUN_VEL) {
    if (characterState === "Idle" || characterState !== "JumpAnimation") {
  } else if (
    (Math.abs(linvel.x) === 0 || Math.abs(linvel.z) === 0) &&
    Math.abs(linvel.y) === 0
  ) {
    if (characterState !== "Idle") {



const jump = () => {

  if (hit.toi < JUMP_ACTIVATE_HIGHT) {

    body.current.applyImpulse({ x: 0, y: JUMP_FORCE, z: 0 }, true);

    if (characterState !== "JumpAnimation") {


5-12. Set character animation play logic (Character.jsx)

const characterState = useGameStore((state) => state.characterState);

useEffect(() => {

  return () => {

}, [characterState])

cf. Manually rig a custom character (in Blender)

cf-0. Activate the "rigify" addon

blender rigify addon

cf-1. Add the "Armature - Basic - Basic Human" to the scene

Once you add the armature to the scene, scale it up to roughly fit the character.

blender armature basic human
blender scale up armature

cf-2. Check "In Front" of viewport display

Go to "metarig > metarig > Viewport Display > Show" and check "In Front", then the rig is always visible and not get hidden inside the character mesh.

blender armature in front

cf-3. Adjust metarig

Select the rig, go to "Edit" mode and adjust bones to roughly fit inside the character mesh.

blender adjust metarig

cf-4. Apply "all transform" of the rig

Select the rig and apply "all transform".

blender armature apply all transform 01
blender armature apply all transform 02

cf-5. Generate the rig

Go to "metarig > metarig > Rigify" and press "Generate Rig" button.

blender armature generate rig 01
blender armature generate rig 02

cf-6. Link the rig to the character mesh

  1. Select a character mesh & the auto generated rig
  2. Press Ctr + p to select "Set Parent To > Armature Deform > With Automatic Weights"
  3. Wait a bit
  4. The rig and the mesh are connected

blender armature link to mesh 01
blender armature link to mesh 02

cf-7. Check if the rig is correctly connected

Go to "Pose Mode" and check whether the rig is properly functioned.

blender armature pose mode 01
blender armature pose mode 02

kanagame_r3f_charactercontrol's People


gentlehorse avatar



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