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devfest-theme-hugo's Introduction

DevFest Theme Hugo

DevFest Theme Hugo is a theme for conferences/events.

It's developed for the 2019 version of Devfest Toulouse.

See a real usage here:

Building my conference site from scratch

Note that requires the Node toolchains

  1. Install Hugo
  2. Create a new site by running:
hugo new site my-conf
cd my-conf
mkdir themes
git submodule add themes/devfest-theme-hugo

pushd themes/devfest-theme-hugo
npm install
npm run build
  1. Then edit your config.toml file with
# ...
theme = "devfest-theme-hugo"
# ...
  1. It's done. Just start Hugo server to see it live!
hugo server

Customizing the site

yarn to install the dependency

Run npm start to watch Sass changes.

When you are happy with the result run npm run build to build the minified version

Site params


enableEmoji = true
enableRobotsTXT = true
enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders = true

googleAnalytics = "UA-XXXXXXXX-X"

    title = "DevFest Toulouse 2019"
    date = "2019-10-03"
    description = "The DevFest, or 'Developers Festival', is a technical conference for developers. It is aimed at students, professionals or simply curious technophiles."
    images = ["/images/social-share.jpg"]
    email = "[email protected]"
    keywords = "event, gdg, gde, devfest, google, programming, android, chrome, developers, web, cloud, androiddev"
    copyright = "We :heart:️ chocolatines"
    cfpUrl = ""
    subscriptionUrl = ""
    appleTouchIcon = "/apple-touch-icon.png"
    favicon32 = "/favicon-32x32.png"
    favicon16 = "/favicon-16x16.png"
    manifest = "/manifest.json"
    safariPinnedTab = "/safari-pinned-tab.svg"
    themeColor = "#673ab7"
    googleWebmasterKey = "googleXXXXXXX" #

    jumbo = "/images/logos/devfest_color_text.png"
    header = "/images/logos/devfest_color_text.png"
    footer = "/images/logos/devfest_gray_text.png"

#    identifier = "jobs"
#    name = "Jobs"
#    url = ""
#    weight = 200
#    external = true

    weight = 1
    languageName = "gb"

    weight = 2
    languageName = "fr"

    description = "Le DevFest, ou 'Developers Festival', est une conférence technique destinée aux développeurs. Elle s'adresse aussi bien aux étudiants, aux professionnels ou tout simplement aux curieux technophiles."

  tag = "tags"


The top navigation bar is build with

  • Site title
  • Site parameter logos.header for the logo
  • Site languages if you need a multilingual site
  • Menu main


The footer is build with

  • Site title
  • Site params email, subscriptionUrl, logos.footer, copyright
  • data from data/footer.yml
  - name: facebook
  - name: twitter

  - name: facebook
  - name: twitter
  - name: linkedin
  - name: youtube

  - title: footer_about
      - name: GDG Toulouse
        newTab: true
      - name: Google Developers Group
        newTab: true
      - nameKey: footer_coc
        url: /code-of-conduct/
        newTab: false

  - title: footer_previous_edition
      - name: DevFest Toulouse 2018
        newTab: true
      - name: DevFest Toulouse 2017
        newTab: true
      - name: DevFest Toulouse 2016
        newTab: true


The Home page is build with markdown and calling some shortcodes.

Jumbo bloc

{{% jumbo img="/images/backgrounds/back-0.jpg" imgLabel="DevFest Toulouse 2019" %}}


## October 3rd, 2019
### Pierre Baudis congress center

{{% /jumbo %}}

Info block

With main description and key figures.

{{% home-info what="Participants:900,Day:1,Sessions:36,Parallel Tracks:4" class="primary" %}}
## What is DevFest Toulouse?

The DevFest, or 'Developers Festival', is a technical conference for developers.
It is aimed at students, professionals or simply curious technophiles.
{{% /home-info %}}

Feature speakers block

Just present your feature speakers

{{% home-speakers %}}
## Featured Speakers

{{< button-link label="Submit a presentation"
                icon="cfp" >}}

{{< button-link label="See all speakers"
                icon="right" >}}

{{% /home-speakers %}}

Subscription block

Call to subscribe

Use the site param subscriptionUrl.

{{% home-subscribe  class="primary" %}}

## Get notified about the important conference updates

{{% /home-subscribe %}}

Ticket block

Display ticket information.

{{% home-tickets %}}
# Tickets

<li>{{< ticket name="Blind Birds"
           price="40 €"
           info="50 first places"
           url="" >}}</li>
<li>{{< ticket name="Early Birds"
           price="60 €"
           info="70 first places"
           url="" >}}</li>
<li>{{< ticket name="Normal"
           price="80 €"
           info="250 last places"
           url="" >}}</li>

\* Your ticket gives you access to all conferences, coffee breaks, and lunch. Accommodation is NOT included in this price.

{{% /home-tickets %}}

Location block

Show conference location.

{{% home-location
    address="11 Espl. Compans Caffarelli, 31000 Toulouse"
    longitude="1.4332799" %}}

## The venue

### Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis

The Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis is a modern place of exchange,
located on a privileged location,
in the immediate vicinity of the centre of Toulouse and in a green environment.

{{% /home-location %}}

Partners block

Show your partners

{{% partners categories="platinium,gold,soutien,media,communautes" %}}
# Partners
{{% /partners %}}

Album block

{{% album images="/images/album/2018/_25A9313.jpg,/images/album/2018/_25A9386.jpg,/images/album/2018/_25A9671.jpg,/images/album/2018/_25A9334.jpg,/images/album/2018/_25A9282.jpg,/images/album/2018/_25A9612.jpg,/images/album/2018/_25A9452.jpg,/images/album/2018/_25A9628.jpg" %}}

### Some pictures of the **DevFest Toulouse 2018** with the 👾 _retro-gaming_ theme.

<a class="btn primary" target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">
    See all photos
    {{% icon "right" %}}

{{% /album  %}}


A partner should have these params :

title: NAME
type: partner
category: soutien
website: ''
logo: /images/partners/partner.jpg
socials: []


A speaker should have these params :

id: jane_doe
name: Mme Jane Doe
company: Super Company
feature: false
photoURL: /images/speakers/jane_doe.jpg
  - icon: twitter
    link: ''
    name: '@jane_doe'
  - icon: github
    link: ''
    name: jane_doe
shortBio: "Short bio"
companyLogo: /images/speakers/company/company.jpg
country: 'City, Country'

The body of the file is used as long bio.


<!> this is not yet stable

A session should have these params :

id: an_id
title: Super mega title
language: Français
level: Beginner
  - Category
presentation: URL of slides
videoId: Youtube video id
  - speaker id
format: Keynote

The body of the file is used as description.


A team member should have these params:

title: Name
type: core
subtitle: ''
photo: photo.jpg
  - link: ''
    name: Twitter
  - link: ''
    name: LinkedIn


A blog should have these params:

title: Title
brief: Short brief
image: /images/blog/photo.jpeg
date: 2019-01-20
draft: false

And of course, the body is the blog post.

TODO Schedule

Development scheduled to summer 2019.

FAQ, Code of Conduct, ...

just classique markdown file, this the menu.main.weight: 80 to be displayed into the navbar.


  • We focus on English and French in this theme, so with other language, you should add months into the layouts/partials/date-short.html



devfest-theme-hugo's People


cschaffner avatar dependabot[bot] avatar dhairyamajmudar avatar emmanuelvinas avatar githubmonkey avatar ilaborie avatar linkid avatar lostinbrittany avatar lporcheron avatar matrixise avatar shprink avatar


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devfest-theme-hugo's Issues

Speaker Detail Page

Clicking on a speaker while browsing on mobile takes you to an awkwardly truncated page

Unable to run NPM run build

Hi! PopOS user here with hugo installed. When running through the install process for this theme I get the following error after running npm run build Pop!_OS 21.04

at /themes/devfest-theme-hugo/static/theme.css:1:41771
    at Parser.error (/home/ceegee/Dev/ben/
    at Parser.operator (/home/ceegee/Dev/ben/
    at Parser.parseTokens (/home/ceegee/Dev/ben/
    at Parser.loop (/home/ceegee/Dev/ben/
    at Parser.parse (/home/ceegee/Dev/ben/
    at parse (/home/ceegee/Dev/ben/
    at /home/ceegee/Dev/ben/
    at /home/ceegee/Dev/ben/
    at /home/ceegee/Dev/ben/
    at Rule.each (/home/ceegee/Dev/ben/ {
  postcssNode: Declaration {
    raws: { before: '', between: ':' },
    type: 'decl',
    parent: Rule {
      raws: [Object],
      type: 'rule',
      nodes: [Array],
      parent: [AtRule],
      source: [Object],
      selector: '.section.schedule main>section.schedule .day',
      lastEach: 1,
      indexes: [Object]
    source: { start: [Object], input: [Input], end: [Object] },
    prop: '-ms-grid-rows',
    value: '4em (4.5em)[calc(var(--end) - 1)]'
ERROR: "build:style" exited with 1.

readme says "featured" but it is "feature" instead

First, thanks a lot for this awesome theme, it is indeed perfect for a conference and I plan to use it!

I just struggled a little bit because featured speakers where not visible in the home page and I saw that the readme says to set the parameter featured to true but after digging into the code I saw that the correct parameter is feature

Error building site: failed to render pages

I'm following the "getting started" steps with hugo extended v0.83.1. I created a new site, added the submodule, and changed the theme in config.toml, and ran hugo serve. I'm getting the following error:

ERROR 2021/06/23 00:15:58 render of "home" failed: "/Users/jtatum/projects/website/themes/devfest-theme-hugo/layouts/_default/baseof.html:7:3": execute of template failed: template: index.html:7:3: executing "index.html" at <readFile "static/icons.svg">: error calling readFile: stat /Users/jtatum/projects/website/static/icons.svg: no such file or directory
ERROR 2021/06/23 00:15:58 render of "taxonomy" failed: "/Users/jtatum/projects/website/themes/devfest-theme-hugo/layouts/_default/baseof.html:7:3": execute of template failed: template: taxonomy/list.html:7:3: executing "taxonomy/list.html" at <readFile "static/icons.svg">: error calling readFile: stat /Users/jtatum/projects/website/static/icons.svg: no such file or directory

I fixed this by running cp themes/devfest-theme-hugo/static/* static/. Not sure if this is a misconfiguration on my part or something that needs to be in the instructions? Thanks for a cool theme.

fail to build site using hugo v0.88.1 - nil pointer evaluating navigation.Page.Params

I followed instructions in the readme and go the theme working on an older version of hugo. however I updated my hugo recently and the site won't build. Below is the error. it is a minimal hugo site with just the theme added. I updated because github actions use this version of hugo

hugo v0.88.1+extended darwin/amd64 BuildDate=unknown
WARN 2021/09/12 22:02:52 Page.URL is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use .Permalink or .RelPermalink. If what you want is the front matter URL value, use .Params.url
ERROR 2021/09/12 22:02:52 render of "page" failed: execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:10:3: executing "header" at <partial "header.html" .>: error calling partial: "/Users/maia/workspace/gdg/devfest-za/themes/devfest-theme-hugo/layouts/partials/header.html:27:27": execute of template failed: template: partials/header.html:27:27: executing "partials/header.html" at <.Page.Params>: nil pointer evaluating navigation.Page.Params
ERROR 2021/09/12 22:02:52 render of "page" failed: execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:10:3: executing "header" at <partial "header.html" .>: error calling partial: "/Users/maia/workspace/gdg/devfest-za/themes/devfest-theme-hugo/layouts/partials/header.html:27:27": execute of template failed: template: partials/header.html:27:27: executing "partials/header.html" at <.Page.Params>: nil pointer evaluating navigation.Page.Params
ERROR 2021/09/12 22:02:52 render of "section" failed: execute of template failed: template: team/list.html:10:3: executing "header" at <partial "header.html" .>: error calling partial: "/Users/maia/workspace/gdg/devfest-za/themes/devfest-theme-hugo/layouts/partials/header.html:27:27": execute of template failed: template: partials/header.html:27:27: executing "partials/header.html" at <.Page.Params>: nil pointer evaluating navigation.Page.Params
ERROR 2021/09/12 22:02:52 render of "taxonomy" failed: execute of template failed: template: taxonomy/list.html:10:3: executing "header" at <partial "header.html" .>: error calling partial: "/Users/maia/workspace/gdg/devfest-za/themes/devfest-theme-hugo/layouts/partials/header.html:27:27": execute of template failed: template: partials/header.html:27:27: executing "partials/header.html" at <.Page.Params>: nil pointer evaluating navigation.Page.Params
Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: render of "page" failed: execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:10:3: executing "header" at <partial "header.html" .>: error calling partial: "/Users/maia/workspace/gdg/devfest-za/themes/devfest-theme-hugo/layouts/partials/header.html:27:27": execute of template failed: template: partials/header.html:27:27: executing "partials/header.html" at <.Page.Params>: nil pointer evaluating navigation.Page.Params
Built in 30 ms

failed to render pages: render of "section" failed

Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: render of "section" failed: "master\themes\devfest-theme-hugo\layouts_default\list.html:10:14": execute of template failed: template: _default/list.html:10:14: executing "main" at <.URL>: can't evaluate field URL in type page.Page

Hugo Version:

Stable release?

I found this listed on the JAMstack Themes page and thought it looks pretty great!

I see it's under active development which is a definite plus, but seeing WIP commits on master makes me a little unsure whether it's safe to fork.

Is master more or less in a ready state?

Unable to show images

When I tried to show a background image in the settings, for example

{{% jumbo img="/images/screenshot.jpg" imgLabel="screen shot" %}}

I can't get the image show in the background. The image is at /content/images.

`{{ .URL }}` causing issues


Running hugo v0.94.2+extended gives the following error:

ERROR 2022/04/14 21:13:11 Failed to render pages: render of "page" failed: "/home/salahdin/.srcpkgs/site-devfest-2019/themes/devfest-theme-hugo/layouts/_default/baseof.html:5:38": execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:5:38: executing "_default/single.html" at <.URL>: can't evaluate field URL in type *hugolib.pageState

I tried removing the {{ anchorize .URL }} from the page, but this only moved the problem to other pages containing the same piece of code (speakers, partners, etc). It is possible to avoid this for pages other than baseof.html using {{ .Params.key }} since they all contain it while functioning the same as {{ .URL }}. However, I was not able to find any method to fix this issue for baseof.html; unfortunately, this snippet does affect the look of the website on certain sections. Thus, cannot be ignored.

Thanks for the time.

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