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ts-to-jsdoc's Issues


ts-to-jsdoc is painfully slow

running the 2 small tests from #6 takes 40 seconds on my quad-core laptop

im aware that this is a limitation of the upstream ts-morph which uses typescript under the hood

maybe we can disable type checking?
maybe we can use swc?

the whole library is broken

when trying to run the command i get dozens of javascript errors, most of them telling that the property?. notation is invalid, so i'm spending all my time now to fix those javascript errors.

use strict: not found

/var/Discord/gcomponents/node_modules/.bin/ts-to-jsdoc: 1: use strict: not found
: not foundd/gcomponents/node_modules/.bin/ts-to-jsdoc: 1:
/var/Discord/gcomponents/node_modules/.bin/ts-to-jsdoc: 2: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

System: Windows Linux Subsystem Ubuntu

Arrow functions are not supported

Type info of parameters of arrow functions are stripped.

type Video = {
  id: string;
  // more fields

type Playlist = {
  videos: Video[];

const fetchPlaylist = async (
  playlistId: string,
): Promise<Playlist> => {
  // some code

will just be converted to

const fetchPlaylist = async (playlistId) => { /* code */}

However, if refactor fetchPlaylist to async function fetchPlaylist(),
ts-to-jsdoc will convert type infos to JSDoc successfully.

Open to making it work in the browser?

First off, this is incredible. Thank you so much for the hard work put into this!

I have made a quick browser prototype that allows users to generate the types in the browser.

I would love to use ts-to-jsdoc directly, but had to make two adjustments to get it to work in the browser:

  • Add the config option useInMemoryFileSystem: true to the project
  • Remove the node 'path' dependency

Would you be open to a PR to add a browser based version alongside the node one?

the tool does nothing

When try to use it, it does not output anything

OS: Windows 11
Node: 20.16.0
NPM: 10.8.1

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new ts project
  2. try to transpile it

Expected result:
get vanilla js files

Actual result:
no output

Missing param when using default value

Hey! I tested it on itself and this is a mistake in transpilation process:


(it drops the @param including the description)

Another case:


(missing filename and debug)

Question about namespaces for ts-to-jsdoc

Hey again,

I have a few projects that use namespaces in JSDoc. Are you open to the idea of generating namespaces in JSDoc?

For example:

/** Namespace description */
export namespace Example {
  /** Type description */
  export type SubType = {
    /** Property description */
    name: string

  /** Interface description */
  export interface SubInterface {
    /** Property description */
    label: string;

would become:

 * Namespace description
 * @namespace Example
 * Type description
 * @typedef {Object} Example.SubType
 * @property {string} name Property description
 * Interface description
 * @typedef {Object} Example.SubInterface
 * @property {string} label Property description

Missing type definition for variable declaration

Type definition are not keeped for exported variable, for example:

export const type: string = null;

 * Size.
export let size: "small"|"medium" = null;

should be transpiled to :

/** @type {string} */
export const type = null;

 * Size.
 * @type {"small"|"medium"}
export let size = null;

Context: I'm trying to integrate this lib to transpile a svelte component!

Bug: Invalid comma between two @typedef's

Version: 1.2.0

I have multiple interfaces and functions to export from one file.

As I do that I find that the generated .js file has lines that contain invalid comma _betweeen two @typedefs.

A minimal example:

Input: tests.ts

export interface One {
    foo1: string;
    bar1: string;
    baz1: number;

export interface Two {
    foo2: string;
    bar2: string;
    baz2: string;

export function test(one: One, two: Two) {
        one.foo1 + two.foo2,
        one.bar1 + two.bar2,
        one.baz1 + two.baz2

Use these commands to generate a test.js output file:


CURDIR="$(dirname "$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"


npx ts-to-jsdoc -f "$INPUT_FILE" -o "$OUTPUT_DIR"

What I got as output:

Output: test.js

/** @param {One} one
 * @param {Two} two
 * @returns {void}
export function test(one, two) {
    console.log(one.foo1 + two.foo2, one.bar1 + two.bar2, one.baz1 + two.baz2);

/** @typedef {Object} One
 * @property {string} foo1
 * @property {string} bar1
 * @property {number} baz1 
 */,/** @typedef {Object} Two
 * @property {string} foo2
 * @property {string} bar2
 * @property {string} baz2 

You can see that between the two @typedefs, a weird comma shows up, which is invalid JavaScript syntax.

Thank you

Just wanted to thank you, i can now say fuck to any anti-typescript people without problems and really quickly. Ima write an article on that ahahah

Online playground

Hey There 👋

I've seen @smacpherson64 created an online playground at typescript-to-jsdoc and it really helps understanding what the library does, and allows us the check out what the generated jsdoc looks like.

What do you think about linking it in the README, or directly adding it to the repo (if @smacpherson64 is okay with it)? It could be even used later for bug reproductions by adding a code sharing functionality to it, like what has.

error transpiling

I checked out at version 0034b4e8a7d2efd90ac1056a145865725f869b56 and ran:

silverbullet> ts-to-jsdoc.cmd .\common\
ManipulationError: Manipulation error: A syntax error was inserted.

manifest.ts-to-jsdoc.ts:73:2 - error TS1109: Expression expected.

73  *   syntax?: { [key: string]: NodeDef };
... and more error output

I imagine this could be newer TypeScript. silverbullet uses deno which uses typescript 5.2.2 in latest version while ts-to-jsdoc seems to use ^4.9.4

Generic variables need a typedef so that they they can be used to create .d.ts file

When defining a type using generics, the generic variables need a typedef. Other

typescript source:

export type NeverType<T, Type> = T extends Type ? never : T;

javascript input:

/** @typedef {T extends Type ? never : T} NeverType */  // No typedef for T or Type causes an error when generate ts from js 

typescript definition re-generated (using allowJs) to .d.ts

export type NeverType = T extends Type ? never : T;

Adding the following to the javascript output solves the error (there may be other ways, not a JSDoc expert)

/** @typedef {any} T */
/** @typedef {any} Type */

Careful with class property declarations - diverging behaviour

Given TS code:

class Frame {
  bias: number;
  constructor() {
    this.bias = 0.001;
class Multiframe extends Frame {
  bias: number;
const frame = new Frame();
const multiframe = new Multiframe();
console.log('frame.bias', frame.bias);
console.log('multiframe.bias', multiframe.bias);

And tsc compiles into this JS:

"use strict";
class Frame {
    constructor() {
        this.bias = 0.001;
class Multiframe extends Frame {
const frame = new Frame();
const multiframe = new Multiframe();
console.log('frame.bias', frame.bias);
console.log('multiframe.bias', multiframe.bias);



However, ts-to-jsdoc transpiles into:

class Frame {
    bias = undefined;
    constructor() {
        this.bias = 0.001;
/** @extends Frame */
class Multiframe extends Frame {
    bias = undefined;
const frame = new Frame();
const multiframe = new Multiframe();
console.log('frame.bias', frame.bias);
console.log('multiframe.bias', multiframe.bias);



For a single input .ts file, imports in the .ts file cause an error, which does indicate what to do

Not a showstopper, but would be helpful for new users.

Use case: I was generating .js file from a single .ts file. It failed with an ambiguous error. The file had imports, and I presumed that was the issue. The directory was self-containing i.e. .ts in this directory only imported from themselves or from node. So I used the directory option and that worked.

Fix suggested:

  • Provide a more intuitive error message
  • or Convert imports as well (or handle in some way)

Error ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT: Directory import x is not supported resolving ES modules

typescript input

import { SomeThing } from './some-dir';

actual javascript output: in ESM, this throws ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT

import { SomeThing } from './some-dir';

expected javascript output: resolve directory import to file import

import { SomeThing } from './some-dir/index.js';

in commonjs, the directory import would work

const { SomeThing } = require ('./some-dir');

ideally, ts-to-jsdoc would support converting an input directory, so it can resolve file paths

related issues

possible solutions

  • resolveFullPaths option of tsc-alias
  • add { module: "nodenext" } to compilerOptions to generate ESM javascript, then typescript requires file import and throws error TS2834: Relative import paths need explicit file extensions in EcmaScript imports when '--moduleResolution' is 'node16' or 'nodenext'. Consider adding an extension to the import path.

Support Javascript as input

Allow to use Javascript files as input, filling JsDoc comments with types inferred from their dependencies. I'm not worried too much about having a lot of any types as far as it generates the JsDoc comments with all parameters and return type, so later I can keep improving them by hand. If possible, do it replacing the actual files in place. Is that possible? Does it falls on scope of this project? If not, is there any one that can do this? I would not like to move to Typescript just for typing, and creating all the JsDoc comments by hand is tyring...

param is too verbose. should use only simple param names


function f({
}: {
  a: string,
  b: number,
}, arg2: string) {
  return a + arg2


 * @param {{
 *   a: string,
 *   b: number,
 * }} {
 *   a,
 *   b,
 * }
 * @param {string} arg2
 * @returns {string}
function f({ a, b, }, arg2) {
    return a + arg2;

expected: remove the { a, b }

 * @param {{
 *   a: string,
 *   b: number,
 * }}
 * @param {string} arg2
 * @returns {string}
function f({ a, b, }, arg2) {
    return a + arg2;

javascript has only positional arguments (compared to python's kwargs)
so it's safe to skip the variable name if its too complex

Using relative paths for imported types

Nice project!

Is there any way of making it use relative paths instead of absolute ones for imported types when using the project option? Absolute paths makes a project mostly unable to collaborate to together with others with different setups.

There doesn't seem to be any disadvantage in using e.g.

@returns {import("./file").File}


@returns {import("C:/path/to/file").File}

Not generating imports for externally defined typedefs

typedefs were properly generated from a source file. Another .ts source refers to those types, and to make it work I had to add typedefs to import those in the target .js

For example:


  • @typedef {import('./log-interface').TreatmentName} TreatmentName

not generating JSDoc for constructors and getters/setters

The ts-to-jsdoc complier (as of v2.0.0) does not seem to generate jsdoc type annotations for constructors, getters or setters. In this (contrived, for the purpose of demonstration) example I would expect type annotations for the constructor and the getters and setters but none are generated:


represents a point in 2d space
class Point {
	#x: number
	y: number
	/** creates a new point */
	constructor(x: number,y: number) {
		this.x = x
		this.y = y
	/** adds another point to this one and returns the result */
	add(p : Point) : Point {
		return new Point(this.x + p.x, this.y + p.y)
	/** gets the value of X */
	get x(): number {
		return this.#x
	/** sets the value of x */
	set x(arg: number) {
		this.#x = arg

I would expect the output to contain jsdoc @param for the getter, setter and constructor, but it only has it for the add method, with the type information for the getters and setters just stripped:

represents a point in 2d space
class Point {
    /** creates a new point */
    constructor(x, y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
     * adds another point to this one and returns the result
     * @param {Point} p
     * @returns {Point}
    add(p) {
        return new Point(this.x + p.x, this.y + p.y);
    /** gets the value of X */
    get x() {
        return this.#x;
    /** sets the value of x */
    set x(arg) {
        this.#x = arg;

jsdoc returns type is imported from absolute path

typescript input

export interface SomeType {
  someKey: string;

export function someFunction(someString: string): SomeType {
    return { someKey: someString };

actual javascript output

/** @param {string} someString
 * @returns {import("/absolute/path/to/workdir/input-file-basename.ts-to-jsdoc").SomeType}
export function someFunction(someString) {
    return { someKey: someString };

/** @typedef {Object} SomeType
 * @property {string} someKey

expected jsdoc comment: no type import

/** @param {string} someString
 * @returns {SomeType}

/usr/bin/env: ‘node\r’: No such file or directory

the \r\n line ends break the binary on linux
this only appears when i install with yarn (yarn@1)

cd $(mktemp -d)
yarn init -y
yarn add ts-to-jsdoc
jq -r .version node_modules/ts-to-jsdoc/package.json 
# 1.1.2
npx ts-to-jsdoc
# /usr/bin/env: ‘node\r’: No such file or directory
# /usr/bin/env: use -[v]S to pass options in shebang lines
hexdump -C node_modules/.bin/ts-to-jsdoc | head -n2
# 00000000  23 21 2f 75 73 72 2f 62  69 6e 2f 65 6e 76 20 6e  |#!/usr/bin/env n|
# 00000010  6f 64 65 0d 0a 22 75 73  65 20 73 74 72 69 63 74  |ode.."use strict|
printf '\r\n' | hexdump -C
# 00000000  0d 0a                                             |..|
# 00000002
tar xf ts-to-jsdoc-1.1.2.tgz
hexdump -C package/bin/ts-to-jsdoc | head -n2
# 00000000  23 21 2f 75 73 72 2f 62  69 6e 2f 65 6e 76 20 6e  |#!/usr/bin/env n|
# 00000010  6f 64 65 0d 0a 22 75 73  65 20 73 74 72 69 63 74  |ode.."use strict|
# same


node node_modules/.bin/ts-to-jsdoc

the \r is not in the source code,
so i guess you edited the bin/ts-to-jsdoc file manually before publish
fix: add a build script tsc --build which runs on npm publish

next error

npx ts-to-jsdoc -o src-jsdoc src/

# Error: Cannot find module '../index'


sed -i 's,"../index","ts-to-jsdoc/index.js",' node_modules/.bin/ts-to-jsdoc

next error

npx ts-to-jsdoc -o src-jsdoc/ src/

# [ERROR] Output directory /tmp/src-jsdoc does not exist.


mkdir src-jsdoc

TSX transpiles into chaos

Test code:

import React from 'react';
import { InfoBox } from 'pcui';
import { ObserverData } from '../types';

// InfoBox that shows an error
const ErrorBox = (props: { observerData: ObserverData }) => {
    return <InfoBox class="pcui-error" title='Error' hidden={!props.observerData.ui.error} text={props.observerData.ui.error} icon='E218'/>;

export default ErrorBox;


// InfoBox that shows an error
 * @param {{ observerData: ObserverData }} props
 * @returns {InfoBox}
 * @type {{ props: any; "": any; }}
const ErrorBox = (props) => {
    return class {
    title = 'Error';
    hidden = {};
}, text = { props, : .observerData.ui.error }, icon = 'E218' /  > ;

export default ErrorBox;

Type is not being imported

The output in jsdoc has not the type import.

desired file "example.ts":

import { ParamType } from "./example2";

function someFunction(param: ParamType) {}

file "example2.ts" where the type is located:

export type ParamType = string;

Output JS:

 * @param {ParamType} param
 * @returns {void}
function someFunction(param) { }
export {};

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