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enforce-sonarqube-plugin's Issues

Check with id A1022 (testMethods should be in test classes) shows the wrong class name

The check shows its message

"The method "[methodName]" is marked as a testMethod but it is not in a test class, move it to a proper class or add the "@istest" annotation to the class "[className]".

But for some cases it displays the wrong "className" and in others it incorrectly marks some methods as invalid when they are actually in proper test classes.

It was noticeable that the incorrect className it displays was always the one of the first class analyzed, so it probably has something to do with the lazy loading character of the check's implementation.

Implement Check rules for "Not bulkifying apex methods"

Implement the necessary rules to validate Not bulkifying apex methods statements

  • The plugin should mark issues over DML statements


sObject sObj = New sObject{};
insert sObj;

the suggested way would be:

sObject[] objList = New sObject[]{};
sObject sObj = New sObject{};

insert objList;

Implement Check rules for "Async (@future) methods inside loops"

Implement the necessary rules to validate Async (@future) methods statements inside loops

  • The plugin should mark issues over Async (@future) methods statements inside loops


trigger accountAsyncTrigger on Account (after insert, after update) {
for(Account a: {

global class asyncApex {
public static void processAccount(Id accountId) { ... }

Test methods must have no arguments

SFDC issue

"Test methods must have no arguments"


public static testMethod void fillInFirstName(List<Contact> contacts) {}

no error:

public static testMethod void fillInFirstName() {}

Implement Check rules for "SOQL inside loops"

Implement the necessary rules to validate SOQL statements inside loops

  • The plugin should mark issues over SOQL statement inside loops


for(...) {
List availableAccountList = [SELECT ID FROM Account LIMIT 2000];

for(...) {
List availableAccountList = Database.query('SELECT ID FROM Account LIMIT 2000');

The parser should not crash when it stumbles into a parsing error

The parser should not crash when it stumbles into a parsing error; instead, it should be able to skip it and keep parsing, and later on log it and report it. For this, a new rule should be created, one that is inserted in the AST anytime the parser can't find a rule syntax that matches any of the existing rules, this way the application will not crash at the moment of creating the AST.

After that, a visitor must be subscribed to this special node and with the information it provides it should log it and report it.

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JUnit assertions should not be used in "run" methods

JUnit assertions should not be made from the run method of a Runnable, because failed assertions result in AssertionErrors being thrown. If the error is thrown from a thread other than the one that ran the test, the thread will exit but the test won't fail.

Noncompliant Code Example

public void run() {
// ...
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); // Noncompliant

Test methods may call both "test.startTest" and "test.stopTest" methods only once

Noncompliant Code Example

static testMethod void myTest {
  .... // variable initializations
  .....// test code
  .....// test code

Compliant Solution

static testMethod void myTest {
  .... // variable initializations
  .....// test code

Integrate APEX Trigger syntax

  • Create a Merge Request with the branchwhich contains Apex Trigger changes with the current develop branch
  • Test the integration
  • Validate SOQL statements
  • Fix broken UT if they are

Method System.runAs() must be used only in a test method

Noncompliant Code Example

public static void testRunAs() { // missing keyword testMethod

Compliant Solution

public static testMethod void myTestRunAs {
    System.runAs(u) {    //it is possible to have nested more than one runAs method

POC: Dependency tree

Find and implement a way to analyze code even among other classes, apex plugin should generate a symbol table and then it can be used to do so.

Getting Unable to Parse file error

Stacktrace error is "Type has not been loaded occurred while retrieving component type of array."

on Console I get below

Parse error at line 23 column 102:

20: ;
21: startDate=strstartDate;
22: endDate=strendDate;
--> objCase = [SELECT id,Subject,Description,Target_Group_HF__c,Type,Sub_Type__c FROM Case WHERE id=caseID];
24: } catch(Exception e) {
25: ErrorLogUtility_HF.processErrorGeneric(null,'', '', 'parseCampaignExcel_HF', 'parseCampaignExcel_HF', e);
26: }
27: }
36: global Iterable

assertions should receive boolean expressions

assertions should receive a boolean parameter that may be a boolean expression.

Noncompliant Code Examples

System.assert((4 + 3)/n); // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

System.assert(cond1 || cond2 || (cond3&cond4));
System.assert(a boolean boo = x/y >= 2;

Test methods should be defined using the testMethod keyword.

To define an Apex method as a 'test method', simply define the method as static and add the keyword testMethod. A test method can be defined in any Apex class. A test method can not be defined in an Apex trigger. (Note: Testmethods cannot be called outside of a test context.)

Noncompliant Code Example

public class myClass {
static void myTest(){} // missing testMethod keyword.

Compliant Solution

Defining a Test Method using the testMethod keyword

public class myClass {
    static testMethod void myTest() {
    // Add test method logic using System.assert(), System.assertEquals()
    // and System.assertNotEquals() here.
    testMethod void myTest() {

Setting properties values causes 'parse error message'

The following code example:

ChartSettingBars.XAxis = m.APropValue

seems to generate a parsing error, at first it was thought it was an issue of all instances of properties being set, but looking into it more deeply we realized it was caused by the tokenization of the word 'XAxis'; apparently it is mistaken for an Hexadecimal string. For this reason, it will be necessary to review the Lexer and make sure this doesn't happen.

SOQL-related checks aren't recognized in "Database.query('')" format

The node visitor isn't able to recognize SOQL statements when they are invoked by Database.query('...') because the content of the query is tokenized as a String before the parser has a chance to relate it to the SOQL_EXPRESSION rule, so the checks related to SOQL won't pop-up.

After some analysis, we figured the best way to solve this issue could be by re-parsing the value of what is recognized as a STRING, and then we could apply the same checks to the new smaller "pseudo-tree" that will be the result of the new parse process.

Check for empty catch blocks

Check for empty catch statements:

Non complaint:

Try {
// do something
} catch (exception e) {
// do nothing with exception


Try {
// do something
} catch (exception e) {
// handle exception

Implement Check rules for SOQL statements without LIMIT clause

Implement the necessary rules to validate SOQL statements

  • The plugin should mark issues over SOQL statement without LIMIT clause


  • [SELECT ID FROM Account LIMIT 2000]
  • Database.query('SELECT ID FROM Account LIMIT 2000');

In addition:

  • A research/POC has to be performed in order to know if we are able to validate SOQL statements in variables, (not direct String)


SOQL grammar doesn't seem to be able to parse statements when they use a parameter with the 'colon' (':') symbol

The following error message:

Unable to parse file: [file path and name] ERROR: Parse error at line 48 column 111:

Is displayed when the parser runs into a SOQL statement which uses the format '[.... :somevariable]' (with colon before the variable name)
List<Relationship_Lookup__c> rlList = new List<Relationship_Lookup__c>(); StaticResource sr = [select body from StaticResource where Name = :RECIPROCAL_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_NAME];

Fixing this will require the SOQL part of the grammar to be enhanced to support this format.

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Hola! @JimmyRojas has created a ZenHub account for the fundacionjala organization. ZenHub is the only project management tool integrated natively in GitHub – created specifically for fast-moving, software-driven teams.

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ZenHub Board

Plugin not working : many parse error


Great projet! I thinks it's not easy to implement apex language.

i get a lot of parse error :(
Is this a working prototype? if yes please provide a simple apex class to parse as an example.


Implement Check rules for "Hardcoding IDs"

Implement the necessary rules to validate Hardcoding IDs statements

  • The plugin should mark issues over Hardcoding IDs clause


for (Account a: {
if (a.RecordTypeId=='012500000009WAr') {


ID recordId = '012500000009WAr';



Integrate SOSL syntax

  • Create a Merge Request with the branchwhich contains SOSL changes with the current develop branch
  • Test the integration
  • Validate SOQL statements
  • Fix broken UT if they are

Implement Check rules for "SOSL inside loops"

Implement the necessary rules to validate SOSL statements inside loops

  • The plugin should mark issues over SOSL statement inside loops


for(...) {
List<List> searchList = [FIND 'map*' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account (Id, Name), Contact, Opportunity, Lead];

for(...) {
Search.SearchResults searchResults = Search.find('FIND 'map' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING
Account (Id, Name), Contact, Opportunity, Lead');

@isTest annotation should only be used for proper test classes

The @istest class annotation defines classes that only contain code used for testing the application. Only classes can be annotated with @istest and they can be declared either as private or public.

Noncompliant Code Example

private class MyTest { // missing annotation @istest.
class MyTest { // missing modifier access.

public enum MyTest { //@istest annotation should not be used for enums

public interface MyTest { //@istest annotation should not be used for interfaces

Compliant solution

private class MyTest {

public class MyTest {
    public void testMyTest() {
      // some assertion.

Tests should include assertions

A test method should always have at least one assertion (System.assert, System.assertEquals, etc.) in it

Non Compilant

static testMethod void someTestMethod() {
//a block of code, without System.assert


static testMethod void someTestMethod() {


static testMethod void someTestMethod() {
System.assertEquals(something, otherThing, 'message');

Integrate SOQL syntax

  • Rebase the current "Added SOQL Syntax" with the current develop branch
  • Test the integration
  • Validate SOQL statements
  • Fix broken UT if they are

System.assert should only be passed boolean parameters

The parameters passed to the "System.assert" method in a test method should be a boolean variable that returns a boolean.

Noncompliant Code Examples

System.assert(myList.remove(3)); // Noncompliant
System.assert('some string'); // Noncompliant
AnObject someObject = new AnObject();
System.assert(someObject); // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution
boolean removed = myList.remove(myList.get(0));

The case where the expression passed is a method call, in which's return type can't be known, the rule will be ignored.


Check for empty if statements

Check for empty if statement:

Non compliant :

If (isChecked) {
// do nothing
} else {
// do something


If (!isChecked) {
// do something

JUnit assertions should include messages

Adding messages to JUnit assertions is an investment in your future productivity. Spend a few seconds writing them now, and you'll save a lot of time on the other end when either the tests fail and you need to quickly diagnose the problem, or when you need to maintain the tests and the assertion messages work as a sort of documentation.

Noncompliant Code Example

assertEquals(4, list.size()); // Noncompliant

try {
fail(); // Noncompliant
} catch (Exception e) {
assertThat(list.get(0)).isEqualTo("pear"); // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

assertEquals("There should have been 4 Fruits in the list", 4, list.size());

try {
fail("And exception is expected here");
} catch (Exception e) {
assertThat(list.get(0)).as("check first element").overridingErrorMessage("The first element should be a pear, not a %s", list.get(0)).isEqualTo("pear");

As a use i would like to create custom rules

  • create rules templates in code so users can use them to create their own rules
  • implement sslr toolkit for apex, so users can generate their own xpaths and create their own rules

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