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deploy's Introduction

Disclaimer -- Use at your own risk

These deployment scripts are meant as examples of how to deploy the Formio servers into your environment. They should be carefully reviewed and modified accordingly to ensure they meet any specific deployment and/or security requirements

Deployment strategies for Enterprise platform

This repo contains all of the deployment strategies for the Enterprise Platform. These deployments contain the following strategies.

  • Docker Compose
  • Terraform (coming soon)
  • Kubernetes


To run this tool, you'll need NodeJS v16 or higher.


To install this library, you can type the following in your terminal.

npm install -g @formio/deploy


You'll need NodeJS >= 18.


You can now use this CLI to create deployment packages.

formio-deploy package --license=YOURLICENSE

This will then create a series of deployments within a "deployments" folder that you can use to deploy Enterprise within your environment.


The following commands are supported.


Create new deployment packages provided certain arguments.

โžœ  ~ formio-deploy package --help
Usage: formio-deploy package|p [options] [path]

Create a new deployment package.

  --license [LICENSE_KEY]  Your deployment license.
  --server [server]        The Enterprise Server Docker repo
  --version [version]      The Enterprise Server version.
  --pdf-version [version]  The PDF Server version.
  --sub-version [version]  The Submission Server version.
  --db-secret [secret]     The Database Secret.
  --jwt-secret [secret]    The JWT Token Secret
  --admin-email [email]    The default root admin email address
  --admin-pass [password]  The default root admin password
  --ssl-cert [cert]        File path to the SSL Certificate for the deployment to enable SSL.
  --ssl-key [key]          File path to the SSL Certificate Key for the deployment to enable SSL.
  -h, --help               display help for command

The following will create a new multi-container deployment package for AWS, with version 7.3.0 Server Version and 3.3.1 PDF Server Version.

formio-deploy package compose/aws/ --license=YOURLICENSE --version=7.3.0 --pdf-version=3.3.1

Once this is done, it will generate a new ZIP file within the deployments folder for compose/aws/ as well as place the deployment in the deployments/current folder. You can now use the ZIP file to deploy to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

Local Example

You can also use this command to create a local deployment on your local machine by first typing the following.

formio-deploy package compose/ --license=YOURLICENSE --version=7.3.0 --pdf-version=3.3.1

and then type the following to run.

docker-compose -f ~/deployments/current/docker-compose.yml up

CLI Variables

PROVIDER = aws | azure
API_NAMESPACE = formio-dev | formio-staging | formio-prod
PDF_NAMESPACE = formio-pdf
LICENSE_KEY = your_formio_license_key

API Server (Portal Enabled)


echo ""
echo "Provider: $PROVIDER"
echo "Namespace API: $API_NAMESPACE"
echo "Namespace PDF: $PDF_NAMESPACE"
echo "License Key: $LICENSE_KEY"
echo ""

# Create helm deployment zip
formio-deploy package helm/$PROVIDER/ \
--license=$LICENSE_KEY \
--version=8.4.1 \
--admin-email='[email protected]' \
--admin-pass='CHANGEME' \
--db-secret='CHANGEME' \
--jwt-secret='CHANGEME' \
--pdf-server-url="http://pdf-server.$PDF_NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local:4005" \
--base-url="$" # dev.<your-domain>.com | authoring.<your-domain>.com

# Unzip helm deployment
cd ~/deployments/helm/$PROVIDER
unzip -d . && mv helm api-server

# Change to directory
cd api-server

# View current .env (This should be edited before continuing)
cat .env

# Deploy
bash scripts/ --namespace $API_NAMESPACE --path ./deployment

Remote API Server


echo ""
echo "Provider: $PROVIDER"
echo "Namespace API: $API_NAMESPACE"
echo "Namespace PDF: $PDF_NAMESPACE"
echo "License Key: $LICENSE_KEY"

# Create helm deployment zip
formio-deploy package helm/$PROVIDER/ \
--no-portal \
--license=$LICENSE_KEY \
--version=8.4.1 \
--admin-email='[email protected]' \
--admin-pass='CHANGEME' \
--db-secret='CHANGEME' \
--jwt-secret='CHANGEME' \
--portal-secret='CHANGEME' \
--pdf-server-url="http://pdf-server.$PDF_NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local:4005" \
--base-url="$" # staging.<your-domain>.com | uat.<your-domain>.com | live.<your-domain>.com

# Unzip helm deployment
cd ~/deployments/helm/$PROVIDER
unzip -d . && mv helm remote-server

# Change to directory
cd remote-server

# View current .env (This should be edited before continuing)
cat .env

# Deploy
bash scripts/ --namespace $API_NAMESPACE --path ./deployment

PDF Server


echo ""
echo "Provider: $PROVIDER"
echo "Namespace PDF: $PDF_NAMESPACE"
echo "License Key: $LICENSE_KEY"

# Create helm deployment zip
formio-deploy package helm/$PROVIDER/ \
--license=$LICENSE_KEY \

# Unzip helm deployment
cd ~/deployments/helm/$PROVIDER
unzip -d . && mv helm pdf-server

# Change to directory
cd pdf-server

# View current .env (This should be edited before continuing)
cat .env

# Deploy
bash scripts/ --namespace $PDF_NAMESPACE --path ./deployment

echo ""
echo "Provider: $PROVIDER"
echo "Namespace API: $API_NAMESPACE"
echo "License Key: $LICENSE_KEY"

# Create helm deployment zip
formio-deploy package helm/$PROVIDER/ \
--license=$LICENSE_KEY \
--version=8.4.1 \
--pdf-version=5.4.2 \
--pdf-server-url="http://pdf-server:4005" \
--admin-email='[email protected]' \
--admin-pass='CHANGEME' \
--db-secret='CHANGEME' \
--jwt-secret='CHANGEME' \

# Unzip helm deployment
cd ~/deployments/helm/$PROVIDER
unzip -d . && mv helm multicontainer

# Change to directory
cd multicontainer

# View current .env (This should be edited before continuing)
cat .env

# Deploy
bash scripts/ --namespace  $API_NAMESPACE --path ./deployment

deploy's People


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