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Django-syntax like template-engine for Go

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template go django template-engine pongo2 templates template-language golang golang-library

pongo2's Issues

Cache template in memory

As far as I understand the source code, tags like extends and block only been handled in Execute time, which makes every request to load parent template html from file system. Do you have plan to have a cache in memory option, or I didn't understand right?


Reusable macros

in jinja2 you can do something like this:

{% from "helpers/macros.html" import my_reusable_macro, my_reusable_macro2 %}

{{ my_reusable_macro() }}

Would it make sense to implement so macros can be imported and reused instead of them having to be in the same template file as they're used in?

Template.Execute returns []byte

Can Template.Execute returns []byte type? When html is large, returns string will cause huge content copy, where []byte will just copy a pointer.

Allow function calls in {% if %} without returning *Value

If I do something like {% if page.PublishTime.IsZero %}, I get a panic "function return type of 'page.PublishTime.IsZero' must be of type *Value."

It would be very convenient if at least regular functions that return a boolean could be used in if blocks. This doesn't just apply to time.Time, but also any other struct type passed into templates.

What do you think?

Filter and multibyte characters


{{ "выход"|capfirst }} -> Ð�ыход

strings (t[0], t[1:]) is slicing the byte, use rune

func filterCapfirst2(in *pongo2.Value, param *pongo2.Value) (*pongo2.Value, error) {

    if in.Len() <= 0 {

        return pongo2.AsValue(""), nil

    t := in.String()

    r := []rune(t)

    return pongo2.AsValue(strings.ToUpper(string(r[0])) + string(r[1:])), nil

pongo2.RegisterFilter("capfirst2", filterCapfirst2)

{{ "выход"|capfirst2 }} -> Выход

but all the filters do not work with multibyte characters

Create more detailed documentation


  • Doc of pongo2 filters and tags (regular ones + pongo2-specific ones like set, import, ...); both from pongo2 and pongo2-
  • Macro imports/exports and macros calling macros.
  • Template sets
    • Sandboxing (directory patterns, banning of filters/tags)
  • ... (any other ideas?)

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How do you think, do pongo2 needs to have constants?
For me it looks like in templates

{# or expressions can be not allowed #}
{% const NAME = "any expression" %}

and in go code

const NAME = ""
context := pongo2.Context{
    "NAME": pongo2.AsConst(NAME), // or any expression

And of course nothing can't change it.

Base directory

I usually have my templates in a separate directory e.g. structures something like:


In user.html I'd like to do something like:

{% extends "base.html" %}

Currently having to reference it like {% extends "../base.html" %}. I'd prefer if I could specify a template root and then reference it like a sandbox. It would also let me render "user/index" within the sandbox instead of specifying the full path. Does this make sense? Thanks for a great project, it's looking very useful.

Unregister and/or Replace tag/filter

It would be great to be able to unregister or replace any of basic tag and filter. It's can be useful when I want change behavior of any tag without creating pull request to your master repository.

Error message missing file path

I have a lot of go-style template file,

However, the error information provided by missing pongo prompted for a file path.

When I have a lot of template files,

I find the error is very difficult,

Expect you to provide a modified version with a file path information as soon as possible.

This would be a great help.
Thank you.

Wrong associativity for infix operators.

The expression {{34/3*3}} should evaluate as (34/3)_3 ideally (assuming equal precedence for * and /, and left-associativity for /, as in C), but instead evaluates as 34/(3_3) and results in the value of 3 (=34/9) rather than 33 (=11*3).

Update Error object with location data when moving the stack up

When returning an Error object, it might have no location data (for example if it's returned by a filter). While moving the Error object the stack up it should be filled with location data if it's missing (at a place where the location data is available).

Struct's method calling not working

When we have to print the result of a strutc's method it doesn't show anything.


type Test struct {
    Child string

func (t *Test) MyFunc() string {
    return "My Func Result"

func main() {
    tpl, err := pongo2.FromString("Child: {{ Test.Child }} | MyFunc: {{ Test.MyFunc() }}")
    if err != nil {
    out, err := tpl.Execute(pongo2.Context{"Test":  &Test{ Child: "Test Child"} })
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Println(out) // Child: TestChild | MyFunc: 

What I could figure out is that when parsing Pongo2 knows that a function should be called, but when resolving, the function is not called and only the struct's properties is printed.

Data sql join query can not be displayed in the pongo2

sample database:

type Topic struct {
    Id                int64
    Uid               int64
    Pid               int64
        Title             string
    Content       string
        Created       time.Time

type User struct {
    Id             int64
    Content        string
        Created       time.Time

Real sql statement is executed:

SELECT * FROM `topic` LEFT JOIN user ON = topic.uid WHERE or ORDER BY DESC, topic.views DESC, topic.reply_count DESC, topic.created DESC LIMIT 25

pongo2 template:

{% if data.topics %}
                        {% for topic in data.topics %}
                            <a href="/topic/{{ topic.Id }}/">{{ topic.Title }}The title can be displayed as two tables only one table has a title field</a>
                        {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

For example,The title can be displayed as two tables only one table has a title field.
However topic.Id not be displayed, because the two tables contain the id field.

My question is, how should I display topic.Id similar situations in the template?

Unimplemented filter usage gives not clear panic message

I got panic message while template execution:

2014/07/22 04:07:25 PANIC: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/src/pkg/runtime/panic.c:552 (0x10d2d)
    panicstring: runtime·panic(err);
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/src/pkg/runtime/os_darwin.c:454 (0xf9ce)
    sigpanic: runtime·panicstring("invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference");
/Users/vgarvardt/Sites/blogo/.godeps/src/ (0x126080)
    (*Template).execute: panic(string(tpl.size))
/Users/vgarvardt/Sites/blogo/.godeps/src/ (0x126474)
    (*Template).Execute: buffer, err := tpl.execute(context)

I found that panic occurs when I used join filter that is not implemented yet. It would be much easier to debug templates when panic can give more informative messages, e.g. "unknown filter found 'join'".

PS: btw, thanks for the project - even without lots of filters and tags implemented it makes my life much easier =)

Allow sandboxed mode

Sandbox mode includes:

  • Limited directory access
  • Restricted subset of tags/filters

Get value by key from map

I'm passing map[string]string to pongo2 context and want to verify if a key is set:

<div class="form-group {% if errors[`Path`] %}has-error{%endif%}">

This gives panic: 2014/07/26 21:56:39 PANIC: [Lexer Error in ./templates/grayscale/form.html (Line 70 Col 38)]: Unknown character: '[' (91)

Also tried errors.Path - does not panic, but does not check if the key is set. After key is checked and exists I want to print its value (does not work either).

Is it possible to do this with current pongo2 implementation or I need to implement filter, something like this: {{ errors|map_key:"Path" }}?

Nested {% block %}

I tried to set up my templates like this:

- skeleton.html (has basic HTML structure and {% block body %} under <body>)
    - base.html ({% extends "skeleton.html" %} and fills "body" with a header, footer etc, as well as {% block content %})
        - page.html (extends base.html and fills {% block content %}...{% endblock %})

This is valid in Django, and something I often do, but not currently possible with Pongo2:
The 'block' tag can only defined on root level (especially no nesting).

Error message missing file path(#2)

panic: open templates\header: The system cannot find the file specified.

Now I found another mistake information missing file path problem.
I know this error is due to the lack of HTML suffix caused.
But, I don't know who is calling this a line of code, I need to know who is calling.

Potential bug in the reflection system

Not sure how to word this without giving an example. I got a struct I'm trying to call from a template:

type Flash struct {
    Category string
    Message  string

func (this *Flash) BootstrapClass() string {
    ret := "notice"
    if this.Category == "error" {
        ret = "alert"

    return ret

Now in the template if I do:

{{ flash.BootstrapClass() }} 

The BootstrapClass() function doesn't get called, nothing happens. However if I change the BootstrapClass() signature's receiver to a non-pointer it works.

func (this Flash) BootstrapClass() string {
    ret := "notice"
    if this.Category == "error" {
        ret = "alert"

    return ret

Now it works fine. Shouldn't the reflection system be smart enough to implicitly convert it? In my opinion both signatures should work.

Implement caching

Would it make sense to have a built-in template cache which is enabled in production only (non debug)?. I can see you're currently doing this in where you're integrating pongo2 with a web framework. I think it would make sense to have the template cache in pongo2. Otherwise this work has to be redone when integrating with multiple frameworks which is a hassle.

Could be as simple as if the template is in cache and we're not in debug, load it from cache, otherwise reparse it.

[missing verbatim-tag] pongo2 and the css code in single line html file will cause error

    <style type="text/css" id="adhoccss-responsive-design">#weather .ttip{width:114px;white-space:nowrap}.dailyBuzz .photo-link{float:left}.dailyBuzz .videobutton,.dailyBuzz .videobutton-bg{margin-top:-5px}#dl_v2 .dllabel,#dl_v2 #advertad1 .dllabel,#dl_v2.dl #mkplace1 .dllabel{top:0}.slideshow h3 a{font-size:15px}@media only screen and (max-width:767px){#dl_v2 .dllabel,#dl_v2 #advertad1 .dllabel,#dl_v2.dl #mkplace1 .dllabel{display:none}.sprite-down-arrow-dark,#usrMnu .userOptions:after{display:none}}@media only screen and (max-width:479px){#aol-header{min-height:82px}#aol-header-search{display:block!important}.quicknav{display:none}.quicknav .mobile-search img{display:none}.SAF .quicknav{width:auto}}        #gravitymodarticle{clear:both}@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (min-width:1024px){#dl_v2 h2{font-size:28px}#dl_v2 h2 a{font-size:28px}}#msg-ol-mtmhp .promo a.btnlbl{top:150px}#msg-ol-mtmhp .promo .promo-txt{font-size:16px}#msg-ol-mtmhp .header{padding:7px 0 7px 15px}.msgolmtmhpWr #cboxClose{top:12px}#dl_v2 .sublede-section{padding-top:9px}.rnd .aslide .logo-overlay{height:auto}.respSlideshow a.hero-slide-container .gradient{background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,.8) 100%);background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0%,rgba(0,0,0,0)),color-stop(100%,rgba(0,0,0,.8)));background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,.8) 100%);background:-o-linear-gradient(top,rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,.8) 100%);background:-ms-linear-gradient(top,rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,.8) 100%);background:linear-gradient(to bottom,rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,.8) 100%);filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#00000000', endColorstr='#80000000', GradientType=0);position:absolute;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:45%}#network-banner #banner-close{margin-left:0;right:10px;width:12px}#network-banner .banner-inner{width:100%}#rr-search-tn .trending-now{width:100%!important}#rr-search-tn .trending-now li{width:49.5%;float:left;padding:5px 0 5px 0}#rr-search-tn .trending-now ol{font-size:12px;list-style-type:none;width:100%!important;margin-top:10px}#rr-search-tn .trending-now .down,.trending-now .up{background-image:url("/img/xsprite.png.pagespeed.ic.BV9PsbFClJ.png");background-repeat:no-repeat;height:16px;position:relative;width:20px;padding-left:14px}#rr-search-tn .trending-now .down{background-position:0 -2657px}#rr-search-tn .trending-now .up{background-position:0 -1305px}#rr-search-tn .trending-now .down img,.trending-now .up img{display:none}#rr-search-tn .trending-now ol.nrml{font-weight:normal}#rr-search-tn .trending-now li a.num,#rr-search-tn .trending-now li a.noicon,#rr-search-tn .trending-now li a.down,#hotsearchmod .trending-now li a.up{float:left;padding-top:4px;padding-bottom:4px}#rr-search-tn .trending-now a.up,#hotsearchmod .trending-now a.down{display:list-item}#rr-search-tn .trending-now li a{padding-left:16px}#rr-search-tn .trending-now a .sprite{overflow:hidden;top:0;position:relative;display:block;width:16px;height:10px;float:left;margin-left:-16px}#rr-search-tn .trending-now a .sprite img{position:relative}#rr-search-tn .trending-now a .down img{left:0;top:-716px}#rr-search-tn .trending-now a .up img{left:0;top:-677px}#rr-search-tn .trending-now a.num .sprite,#rr-search-tn .trending-now a.bullet .sprite,#rr-search-tn .trending-now a.noicon .sprite{display:none}#rr-search-tn .trending-now a.bullet::before{content:"\2022";padding-right:5px;margin-left:-15px}#rr-search-tn .trending-now a.noicon{padding-left:0}#rr-search-tn .trending-now a.bullet,#rr-search-tn .trending-now a.num{display:list-item}#rr-search-tn .trending-now a.num i{font-style:normal;width:15px;display:inline-block;text-align:right;margin-left:-19px}#rr-search-tn .trending-now a.num:hover i{color:#000}@media only screen and (max-width:480px){#dl_v2 h2,#dl_v2 h2 a{width:105%}}#aol-standalonesearch-query{width:72%;padding:5px 0 5px 9px;line-height:12px;font-size:12px;height:18px}#aol-standalonesearch-search-button{border:medium none;color:#fff;font-size:13px;font-weight:400;line-height:12px;margin:0;height:32px;width:22%}#aol-standalonesearch-search{margin-bottom:30px}
    <style type="text/css" id="cobrandadhoccss-with-inheritance"></style>
    <link rel="canonical" href="index.html"/>
panic: [Lexer Error in templates\head.html (Line 8 Col 356)]: Newline not permitted in a single-line comment.

Pongo comment tags and CSS named ID style conflict, lead to match error, and behind all the HTML tags are comment code.

Pointer to Context not needed?

I was playing around with creating a small helper to use Pongo2 with Beego, and came up with this:

While trying to find a clean way to allow users of beego-pongo2 to use pongo2 without importing it to their own code, I got some input from #go-nuts. @dominikh pointed out that there is no reason to need a pointer to Context in template.Execute(RW) as it is just a map.

Is there a reason behind this? If not, maybe it's better to change the API now that it's still in beta.

Thanks for all your work on pongo(2)!

  • Olav.

The truncatewords tag does not support Chinese

case 1:
{{ "中文字符"|truncatewords:1|safe }}
The expected output a character (中), but in fact, if there is no space, then is unable to determine, so lead to dividing Chinese characters. Because the Chinese character do not need to rely on a space character segmentation.

case 2:
{{ "中文 字符"|truncatewords:1|safe }}
Expected output a character (中), but in fact the output two characters(中文).

Error page

Is there any way of baking in a simple error page which shows where the error is, what line and the parsed template next to it with line numbers and highlight where the error is. Wondering how hard it would be to implement.

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