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autoduty's Issues

[Bug] Stuck on menues

Since 7.0 the plugin isnt able to click through menues.
For example in the barracks its just stuck on the Menue where you would choose between Command or Squadron missions.
Did some dependency change that I need?

[Request] Stopping options introduced by Jigain

I'd like to see options for when to stop prematurely, including for instance

  • Reaching a specified level
  • Running out of rested XP
  • Having more than X number of boss tokens
  • Capping out on tomestones

Summoning pets after dying

Hi, I was wondering if its possible to make it so we can summon our carbuncle/fairy after dying? I was running the level 93 dungeon and one of the NPCs killed me (sad face) and when we restarted, my character instantly started running. I have another plugin that automatically summons my pet but since its a cast, my character interrupts it by immediately sprinting to the shortcut. I figured out how to add a 'wait' action for the beginning of the dungeon so my character can cast, but after dying and respawning, I am unable to re-summon. I hope this makes sense

Cannot end duty

I found this issue after 7.0 dalamud update
when i use Autoduty for leveling my charracter and setting the loop, its not exiting the duty even i have checked Auto Exit Duty on Completion of Dungeon

edit : plus im trying to edit the path with addition of StopForCombat = true and its still not working

[Path] Ihuykatumu and Worqor Zormor

I've been using these with Duty Support with good results.

In these dungeons the shortcut updates to just before the boss once it is pulled so it does not start at the previous arena on a wipe. As a result, I had to add a Boss|0,0,0| before each boss to act as a checkpoint. Unfortunately, that adds a delay while the Boss command is timing out but it doesn't break everything when you wipe on a boss with all the launch pads, ladders and ledges in these dungeons. Perhaps a Checkpoint action or an instant timeout option on the Boss action would be a good addition?

(1167) Ihuykatumu.json
["MoveTo|-69.48, -194.00, -32.38|","Wait|0, 0, 0|60000","MoveTo|-59.19, -194.17, -31.57|","ChatCommand|-59.19, -194.17, -31.57|/automove on boat","Wait|0, 0, 0|1000","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove off boat","Boss|0,0,0|","Boss|34.26, -203.00, -101.55|","MoveTo|149.89, -195.06, -20.28|","MoveTo|148.41, -195.49, -33.19|","MoveTo|150.75, -195.42, -30.44|","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove on l1","Wait|0, 0, 0|10000","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove off l1","MoveTo|203.19, -158.65, 116.40|","MoveTo|140.08, -155.07, 113.95|","MoveTo|149.45, -155.46, 114.70|","MoveTo|134.77, -154.87, 113.17|","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove on l2","Wait|0, 0, 0|10000","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove off l2","Boss|0,0,0|","Boss|79.96, -134.00, 48.86|","MoveTo|66.54, -134.00, 40.44|","MoveTo|39.96, -130.76, 37.28|","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove on l3","Wait|0, 0, 0|10000","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove off l3","MoveTo|11.17, -110.85, 149.02|","MoveTo|-97.40, -115.20, 336.53|","Boss|0,0,0|","Boss|-106.82, -118.00, 263.31|","MoveTo|-106.73, -118.00, 253.11|"]

(1193) Worqor Zormor.json
["MoveTo|-7.21, -2.81, 189.66|","MoveTo|-65.31, 1.12, 205.48|","Boss|0, 0, 0|","Boss|-108.32, 11.00, 118.76|","MoveTo|-108.02, 11.00, 102.98|","MoveTo|-144.25, 22.12, 76.17|","MoveTo|-68.00, 40.00, 53.93|","MoveTo|-65.51, 40.17, 53.33|","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove on jp1","Wait|0, 0, 0|6000","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove off jp1","MoveTo|-41.11, 55.08, 26.01|","Wait|0, 0, 0|6000","MoveTo|-46.11, 55.15, 20.30|","MoveTo|-46.98, 55.45, 19.27|","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove on jp2","Wait|0, 0, 0|6000","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove off jp2","MoveTo|-79.49, 85.08, 11.86|","MoveTo|-81.35, 85.13, 13.32|","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove on ledge","Wait|0, 0, 0|5000","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove off ledge","MoveTo|-94.76, 70.00, 48.33|","MoveTo|-99.78, 70.00, 42.46|","MoveTo|-101.68, 70.00, 42.62|","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove on jp3","Wait|0, 0, 0|6000","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove off jp3","MoveTo|-160.77, 80.03, 34.43|","MoveTo|-63.83, 101.63, -15.98|","MoveTo|-61.40, 102.66, -17.23|","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove on jp4","Wait|0, 0, 0|13000","ChatCommand|0, 0, 0|/automove off jp4","Boss|0, 0, 0|","Boss|-52.64, 323.00, -57.39|","MoveTo|-68.98, 323.00, -56.92|","MoveTo|-120.75, 328.00, -83.00|","MoveTo|-153.35, 334.71, 0.80|","MoveTo|-69.44, 358.07, -91.74|","Boss|0, 0, 0|","Boss|-53.54, 378.00, -195.05|","MoveTo|-54.01, 378.00, -213.26|"]

Path file detection

Currently the path file has to be named as (number) Duty Name.json format, but the Duty Name part is client-language specific. If I switch to JP client I will have to manually change all the filenames so the auto duty can find them.

It would be more convent if the path file detection can only based on the "(number)" part, nor the duty name. O>

[Request] Option to automatically log out or kill game

I'm not sure how difficult this would be to implement, but it'd be great to have the option to have the game automatically log out or kill the game when X amount of repetitions are done. Or the option to automatically leave the duty and stop the plugin itself if there hasn't been any combat in X amount of minutes, to avoid having the character run into a wall for too long - an issue I found happens often in dungeons that have area changes.

[Request] Enable Autoduty path creation for variant dungeons

It is not currently possible to build paths for variant dungeons. The Build tab displays the following message when in a variant dungeon: "You must enter a dungeon to Build a Path".

I recommend enabling this feature for variant dungeons. With the aid of variant actions, these are soloable, and can be ground for tomestones and cosmetics.

[Request] Add GoTo and TurnIn buttons to the Mini tab

Those two buttons on the mini version would be great as a QoL thing, especially when running the same loop. It would also be helpful to hit Start from that tab to start whatever loop you already have set up in the Main tab.

ClickLib fork needs an update

My logs are getting spammed with this error:

2024-07-06 19:10:24.911 +02:00 [ERR] [AddonLifecycle] Exception in OnAddonUpdate during PostUpdate invoke.
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Component.GUI.AtkStage* FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Component.GUI.AtkStage.GetSingleton()'.
   at ClickLib.Bases.ClickBase`2.ClickAddonStage(UInt32 which, EventType type)
   at Dalamud.Game.Addon.Lifecycle.AddonLifecycle.InvokeListenersSafely(AddonEvent eventType, AddonArgs args, String blame) in C:\goatsoft\companysecrets\dalamud\Game\Addon\Lifecycle\AddonLifecycle.cs:line 165

Your fork of ClientLib needs an update, the original repo already has a new commit.

[Bug] cannot run for ARR duties

Hi, i found another bug after 7.0 release

if u want to queue ARR dg for duty support its unexpectedly select the DT dungeon, and we cannot enter the duty

checked the other expansion duty are fine (or maybe u can double check it)

`Help please

Hey, this isn't much of an issue, but as my name suggests, i'm new to this all, and im wondering, my path folder didn't have anything when I downloaded all the thingys, and only one of the paths which is the stone vigil, can I please have some help?
The dream would be to be able to do all of the duty roulettes automatically, or the squad ones atleast.
Niche would be all the ones for the HW relic (since ive already done 3 of them, the 11 dungeons is a hassle.

Request: Option to pace/delay command inputs

Sometimes I see my catboy inhumanly spamming commands on my hotbar and I have reason to believe that autoclick/rapid-fire is one of the few things that SQEnix can detect. I understand if this isnt related to your specific code (i know this plugin relies on a few others) or if its too annoying to put in, just thought id ask.

[Bug] Moving identical entries in the Build tab does not work

If one has several identical entries in the Build tab, e.g. "Interactable|0, 0, 0|Security Terminal", it does not seem to be possible to move them with the mouse cursor. Even in other cases, the move function of the GUI is janky. Perhaps "move up"/"move down" buttons would help, as well as a "delete" button?

[Bug] Repeating duties is broken

As of, whenever AutoDuty is set to more than 1 run, after the first run completes, AutoDuty starts the second run, then after the duty is loaded immediately quits out of the duty and does nothing. It must be manually stopped and restarted.


Melee range issue

When melee characters move out of range during fights to avoid a mechanic it doesn’t move back into melee range after the mechanic is avoided. It makes the character stand in the same spot and use its ranged ability. I’d the target is out of range of ranged attacks the character idles until the enemy moves back into range or the character has to avoid another mechanic.

Bug: Stuck on looting treasure

On occasion, about once every two runs, AutoDuty gets stuck after looting a treasure chest. The character is just standing there staring at the disappeared chest, while "Step: Looting Treasure" is displayed. As far it can tell, this bug occurs randomly. The hangup can be cured manually by moving the character away a bit, stopping and restarting the path.

[Path] 1144 Doma Castle

I submit the following path for Doma Castle for inclusion in the plugin. I've tested it on repeat with a lv 67 ilv 270 WHM and it works. The character will eat several boss AOEs, but this is survivable with level-appropriate gear.

["MoveTo|297.25, 24.75, 57.42|","MoveTo|308.59, 25.05, -6.38|","MoveTo|203.70, 32.75, -17.67|","MoveTo|195.53, 36.75, 33.30|","Boss|126.05, 40.57, 17.44|","MoveTo|65.68, 40.00, 3.91|","MoveTo|14.77, 40.00, 123.26|","MoveTo|-25.23, 42.00, 86.06|","MoveTo|-66.32, 42.00, 125.34|","MoveTo|-109.06, 44.15, 106.72|","MoveTo|-148.55, 44.00, 110.31|","MoveTo|-189.95, 45.81, 123.85|","Boss|-233.89, 45.49, 130.58|","MoveTo|-240.75, 48.00, 25.44|","MoveTo|-208.28, 56.00, -38.75|","MoveTo|-240.22, 64.00, -85.45|","Boss|-239.86, 67, -196.72|"]

Character isn't moving

so i got all the required plugin's and the path's but my character isn't moving are there any instructions?

Treasure Coffer Looting Stuck

If I'm finishing the boss at the treasure Coffer position. (Lapis Manalis . Haven't test on others)
I'll automatically open the loot and will stucking at Looting for Coffer Phase
have to manually turn it off and on to reset.

Choosing companions in trust dungeons

Hey! I love the plugon. I was just curious on if there is a way to choose the characters you take with you on the trust dungeons? I could very well be missing something but help would be super appreciated! Thanks again for your very valuable tool! :)

[Path] 1065 The Aery

What follows is a path for The Aery that I've had success with looping using an appropriately geared AST. Because Bossmod doesn't support the fights yet, the player may die on occasion to boss mechanics, but in the majority of runs it works. There are a lot of gotos because vnavmesh seems to have navigation difficulties in some places.

["MoveTo|186.27, 60.94, 174.34|","MoveTo|259.34, 58.98, 131.90|","MoveTo|241.66, 64.96, 57.96|","MoveTo|304.08, 65.91, 22.43|","MoveTo|317.23, 70.47, -16.17|","MoveTo|300.48, 76.60, -63.65|","MoveTo|357.50, 80.94, -111.49|","MoveTo|369.42, 86.70, -147.33|","Boss|335.50, 94.00, -202.75|","MoveTo|313.35, 94.00, -177.20|","MoveTo|200.31, 10.72, -155.47|","MoveTo|228.93, -3.83, -55.05|","MoveTo|177.19, 1.13, -66.26|","MoveTo|182.26, 1.17, -79.02|","MoveTo|138.11, 5.87, -109.61|","MoveTo|116.74, 23.46, -30.08|","MoveTo|155.04, 37.62, 10.06|","MoveTo|50.52, 56.08, 63.46|","Boss|14.47, 60.00, 66.94|","MoveTo|-58.47, 82.01, 29.47|","MoveTo|-87.77, 93.08, -12.14|","MoveTo|-34.12, 108.28, -42.15|","MoveTo|10.12, 108.25, -28.72|","MoveTo|34.28, 108.07, -70.79|","MoveTo|76.85, 108.25, -29.69|","MoveTo|82.39, 107.70, -46.28|","MoveTo|100.80, 123.34, -90.10|","MoveTo|89.71, 123.27, -106.34|","MoveTo|34.86, 123.55, -87.75|","MoveTo|35.14, 130.09, -183.78|","Boss|35.49, 148.40, -262.59|"]

Stuck at LV91 dungeon

Pathing sometimes is not waiting for the raft to stop and the door to open, so it walks into the wall and get stucks in the raft corner for the whole lockout duration.
Seems to be happening about 50% of the time, autoduty just waits for lockout to end and then starts again.

Auto Food

Would be cool to have an auto food option for those sweet 3% extra exp :D

[Bug] Plugin starts wrong duty

Since 13/07/2024, the plugin doesn't start the selected duty in some occasions.

Based on what I've tried, pre-Shadowbringers duties launch instead the previous one on the list, and the character doesn't start moving when the duty commences. What I've tried to start and what starts instead.

Snowcloak -> The Porta Decumana
The Sirensong sea -> Baelsar's wall
Bardam's mettle -> The sirensong sea
Doma castle -> Bardam's mettle

It is possibly an indexing issue?

Not moving at all in dungeon


I have vnavmesh, RS, vbm and AutoDuty (36). However, despite loading into the dungeons, it seems to fail already at the first node.

2024-04-14 01:12:03.464 +02:00 [INF] [AutoDuty] Running Copperbell Mines 1 Times
2024-04-14 01:12:03.464 +02:00 [INF] [AutoDuty] Queueing Duty Support: Copperbell Mines
2024-04-14 01:12:06.796 +02:00 [INF] [vnavmesh] Starting transition from 'ffxiv/fst_f1/twn/f1ti/level/f1ti//118BD//' to ''
2024-04-14 01:12:07.113 +02:00 [INF] [vnavmesh] Starting transition from '' to 'ffxiv/wil_w1/dun/w1d1/level/w1d1//4092F//'
2024-04-14 01:12:07.130 +02:00 [INF] [vnavmesh] Finishing transition to 'ffxiv/wil_w1/dun/w1d1/level/w1d1//4092F//'
2024-04-14 01:12:12.845 +02:00 [INF] [Collections] InstanceTab->OnDutyStarted: Received DutyStarted event
2024-04-14 01:12:12.953 +02:00 [INF] [AutoDuty] Starting Navigation
2024-04-14 01:12:12.953 +02:00 [INF] [vnavmesh] Queueing move-to <-22218,000. 2385,000. -20819,000>
2024-04-14 01:12:12.953 +02:00 [ERR] [vnavmesh] Failed to find a path from <-254,4203. 23,845118. -170,7458> (100000040011F) to <-22218. 2385. -20819> (0): failed to find polygon on a mesh
2024-04-14 01:12:12.979 +02:00 [INF] [vnavmesh] Pathfinding complete
2024-04-14 01:12:18.312 +02:00 [INF] [vnavmesh] Queueing move-to <-22218,000. 2385,000. -20819,000>
2024-04-14 01:12:18.312 +02:00 [ERR] [vnavmesh] Failed to find a path from <-254,4203. 23,845118. -170,7458> (100000040011F) to <-22218. 2385. -20819> (0): failed to find polygon on a mesh
2024-04-14 01:12:18.323 +02:00 [INF] [vnavmesh] Pathfinding complete
2024-04-14 01:12:29.008 +02:00 [INF] [vnavmesh] Queueing move-to <-20630,000. 2347,000. -20846,000>
2024-04-14 01:12:29.008 +02:00 [ERR] [vnavmesh] Failed to find a path from <-254,4203. 23,845118. -170,7458> (100000040011F) to <-20630. 2347. -20846> (0): failed to find polygon on a mesh

Adding MBT follow In AutoDuty

Isit Possible to Add MBT Follow On/Off in Autoduty
Trying to use it to solve boss mechanic by following npc in certain duty.

In last version (Before in 4/18) I'm able to turn on MBT with lower than distance 3 and It will still Go for AutoDuty Path first and following NPC when in Battle .
But In current version (updated in 4/18) The priority for MBT follow is above AutoDuty. It will track NPC 24/7 instead of going to path

[Feature] Force movement even if in combat

Trying to farm "The Wanderer's Palace" there is an un-targetable enemy that will continue attacking you until you are away from it. I'd like to know if there is a way for AutoDuty to not wait until combat is over and just continue moving so it can deal with the targetable threats somewhere else and continue its course.

I'd really appreciate this feature

Uldah Repair Pathing

When running from the barracks to the inn for repairs, the pathing chooses to go to the large/main city aetheryte rather than walk to the inn. Gets stuck running at crystal forever rather than using crystal.

Support for Trust

It would be nice to have support for Trust.
Currently the plugin only supports Duty Support, which is nice, but Trust would be helpful to automate leveling the characters.

[Requests] Purchase Ventures after Expert Delivery / Next Dungeon based on level / Extract Materia

Hey, these features would be very handy for Autoduty,

  1. handing in non armoury chest items for seals and then trading them for ventures.
  2. being able to switch dungeons automatically based on level
    i.e I set all items to go to my armoury chest, i hit the level threshhold, autoduty will equip recommended and then move to the next duty in the list.
  3. Check extract status between dungeons and extract materia if possible

Auto Desynthesis is not working

The setting is grayed out, I can't interact with it in any way. All settings work except this one. I thought the problem might be conflicting plugins, so I disabled any that might be interfering. It still doesn't help.

Unable to set paths with windows restricted characters in duty name

Due to Windows being unable to use ":" in any file names, paths cannot be made for any of the "Minstrel's Ballad: ..." trials or any of the Shadowbringers or Endwalker raid series (Eden's x: ...) (Asphodelos/Abyssos/Anabesios: ...).

When the plugin attempts to write the path to file it truncates it at the ":", making it unable to be loaded.

As per Vera, if you change the filetype to .json and ignore the truncated text in the paths folder it will show in the trial path menu, but it will ONLY queue for Garuda Ex.

Possibly fixed by adding another String replace method in the Content Helper to substitute a ":" for another character?
Also noticed that there is a typo in the RegularDutyManager.cs IndexMod where the name in case 4 is spelled "The Minstrel's Balad" instead of "The Minstrel's Ballad."

Request Remembers trust selection

If possible can you make it remember the trust members i pick as it would be handy to level them up currently it just defaults them to the first ones it can pick after each round

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