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sharpvk's Issues

GLFW should be extended

I think even tough GLFW is here used for Vulkan that it would be nice to complete it.
For example I'm using it for Vulkan and would like to use it for OpenGL too. However in the current state this wouldn't be possible.

I'll extend the glfw3.cs file to be capable of using OpenGL too.

I also would suggest to integrate this existing library (which is maybe outdated).
It's licensed under MIT too:

Struct marshalling under Mono

Output from the validation layers suggests that one of the MemUtil WriteToPointer methods is mangling data when run on Linux; if the implementation of TypedReference is different on Mono this may be the cause. Portable library targets are also missing a set of the dynamic method & reflection functions used by current marshalling code, so these need rewritten.

SigSegV on linux

Pls help, I actually cant trace the problem with the tools I have available. I keep getting a segmentation fault on Device.CreateRenderPass(). I can send you a code sample of how I am using it if needed. It worked earlier, idk why its doing this.

Add static bool32 members

during my work with SharpVK I noticed that I need to apply every time casts to my bool values etc.

Instead of conversions I would like to see additional static members e.g.

partial class Bool32 {
   public static bool True = Bool32(true);
   public static bool False = Bool32(false);

Generate Engine & API Version

When submitting the Vulkan API & SharpVK version values to Instance.Create, the Version object must be constructed and updated manually. API version is available in the Spec macros, and SharpVK version can be calculated from the current assembly file version.

VK API Commands should be correctly generated, compiled & executed

These commands are successfully generated but need exercising in sample code:

  • Device initialization
  • vkCreateInstance
  • vkDestroyInstance
  • vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices
  • vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures
  • vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties
  • vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties
  • vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties
  • vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties
  • vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties
  • vkGetInstanceProcAddr
  • vkGetDeviceProcAddr
  • Device commands
    • vkCreateDevice
    • vkDestroyDevice
  • Extension discovery commands
    • vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties
    • vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties
  • Layer discovery commands
    • vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties
    • vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties
  • Queue commands
    • vkGetDeviceQueue
    • vkQueueSubmit
    • vkQueueWaitIdle
    • vkDeviceWaitIdle
  • Memory commands
    • vkAllocateMemory
    • vkFreeMemory
    • vkMapMemory
    • vkUnmapMemory
    • vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges
    • vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges
    • vkGetDeviceMemoryCommitment
  • Memory management API commands
    • vkBindBufferMemory
    • vkBindImageMemory
    • vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements
    • vkGetImageMemoryRequirements
  • Sparse resource memory management API commands
    • vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements
    • vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties
    • vkQueueBindSparse
  • Fence commands
    • vkCreateFence
    • vkDestroyFence
    • vkResetFences
    • vkGetFenceStatus
    • vkWaitForFences
  • Queue semaphore commands
    • vkCreateSemaphore
    • vkDestroySemaphore
  • Event commands
    • vkCreateEvent
    • vkDestroyEvent
    • vkGetEventStatus
    • vkSetEvent
    • vkResetEvent
  • Query commands
    • vkCreateQueryPool
    • vkDestroyQueryPool
    • vkGetQueryPoolResults
  • Buffer commands
    • vkCreateBuffer
    • vkDestroyBuffer
  • Buffer view commands
    • vkCreateBufferView
    • vkDestroyBufferView
  • Image commands
    • vkCreateImage
    • vkDestroyImage
    • vkGetImageSubresourceLayout
  • Image view commands
    • vkCreateImageView
    • vkDestroyImageView
  • Shader commands
    • vkCreateShaderModule
    • vkDestroyShaderModule
  • Pipeline Cache commands
    • vkCreatePipelineCache
    • vkDestroyPipelineCache
    • vkGetPipelineCacheData
    • vkMergePipelineCaches
  • Pipeline commands
    • vkCreateGraphicsPipelines
    • vkCreateComputePipelines
    • vkDestroyPipeline
  • Pipeline layout commands
    • vkCreatePipelineLayout
    • vkDestroyPipelineLayout
  • Sampler commands
    • vkCreateSampler
    • vkDestroySampler
  • Descriptor set commands
    • vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout
    • vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout
    • vkCreateDescriptorPool
    • vkDestroyDescriptorPool
    • vkResetDescriptorPool
    • vkAllocateDescriptorSets
    • vkFreeDescriptorSets
    • vkUpdateDescriptorSets
  • Pass commands
    • vkCreateFramebuffer
    • vkDestroyFramebuffer
    • vkCreateRenderPass
    • vkDestroyRenderPass
    • vkGetRenderAreaGranularity
  • Command pool commands
    • vkCreateCommandPool
    • vkDestroyCommandPool
    • vkResetCommandPool
  • Command buffer commands
    • vkAllocateCommandBuffers
    • vkFreeCommandBuffers
    • vkBeginCommandBuffer
    • vkEndCommandBuffer
    • vkResetCommandBuffer
  • Command buffer building commands
    • vkCmdBindPipeline
    • vkCmdSetViewport
    • vkCmdSetScissor
    • vkCmdSetLineWidth
    • vkCmdSetDepthBias
    • vkCmdSetBlendConstants
    • vkCmdSetDepthBounds
    • vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask
    • vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask
    • vkCmdSetStencilReference
    • vkCmdBindDescriptorSets
    • vkCmdBindIndexBuffer
    • vkCmdBindVertexBuffers
    • vkCmdDraw
    • vkCmdDrawIndexed
    • vkCmdDrawIndirect
    • vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect
    • vkCmdDispatch
    • vkCmdDispatchIndirect
    • vkCmdCopyBuffer
    • vkCmdCopyImage
    • vkCmdBlitImage
    • vkCmdCopyBufferToImage
    • vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer
    • vkCmdUpdateBuffer
    • vkCmdFillBuffer
    • vkCmdClearColorImage
    • vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage
    • vkCmdClearAttachments
    • vkCmdResolveImage
    • vkCmdSetEvent
    • vkCmdResetEvent
    • vkCmdWaitEvents
    • vkCmdPipelineBarrier
    • vkCmdBeginQuery
    • vkCmdEndQuery
    • vkCmdResetQueryPool
    • vkCmdWriteTimestamp
    • vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults
    • vkCmdPushConstants
    • vkCmdBeginRenderPass
    • vkCmdNextSubpass
    • vkCmdEndRenderPass
    • vkCmdExecuteCommands

Improve comment parsing

  • Normalise latexmath expressions to a simple text representation
  • Map token references (e.g. pname:codeSize) to SharpVk C# names
  • Investigate documentation lookups for extension types
  • Remove asciidoc macros and markup

Tidy NuGet package frameworks

The current SharpVk NuGet package framework is .Net4.6, but it should be compatible with earlier framework versions.

Debug callback: convert uint64 to c# object

May it would be good to get a "real" object or null instead of the ulong @object.
Is this possible?

public unsafe delegate Bool32 DebugReportCallbackDelegate(DebugReportFlags flags, ortObjectType objectType, ulong @object, Size location, int messageCode, string layerPrefix, string message, IntPtr userData);

`SharpVk.Instance.Create` overload parameter disparity with debugging

The .gen version of SharpVk.Instance.Create has the following prototype:

        public static unsafe SharpVk.Instance Create(CommandCache commandCache, ArrayProxy<string>? enabledLayerNames, ArrayProxy<string>? enabledExtensionNames, SharpVk.InstanceCreateFlags? flags = default(SharpVk.InstanceCreateFlags?), SharpVk.ApplicationInfo? applicationInfo = default(SharpVk.ApplicationInfo?), SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportCallbackCreateInfo? debugReportCallbackCreateInfoExt = null, SharpVk.Multivendor.ValidationFlags? validationFlagsExt = null, SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfo? debugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoExt = null, SharpVk.AllocationCallbacks? allocator = default(SharpVk.AllocationCallbacks?))

But the .partial version has:

        public static unsafe SharpVk.Instance Create(ArrayProxy<string>? enabledLayerNames, ArrayProxy<string>? enabledExtensionNames, SharpVk.InstanceCreateFlags? flags = null, SharpVk.ApplicationInfo? applicationInfo = null, SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportCallbackCreateInfo? debugReportCallbackCreateInfoExt = null, SharpVk.Multivendor.ValidationFlags? validationFlagsExt = null, AllocationCallbacks? allocator = null)

I would expect the only difference to be the presence of CommandCache, but the former also has:

SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfo? debugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoExt = null

While the latter doesn't. This means you can't, using that factory, create an instance with the new debugging framework rather than then old one.

Outstanding 0.4.0 tasks

  • Namespaces for extended enumerations
  • Extension name as constants
  • Capitalisation for alphanumeric enumeration names
  • ComponentMapping.Identity
  • Dispose pattern
  • Remove Union interops
  • Check Linux & mono compatibility

PCL support

Hi, is possible to add support for Portable class library support, similar to Mono VulkanSharp, otherwise I wont be able to compile it under Android.

Potential Marshaling issue in ImageBlit

I've believe I've found the source of the problem at

internal unsafe void MarshalTo(SharpVk.Interop.ImageBlit* pointer)

While writing an app I got this error;

[Warning]       vkCmdBlitImage: pRegions[0].srcOffsets specify a zero-volume area.

[Warning]       vkCmdBlitImage: pRegions[0].dstOffsets specify a zero-volume area.

[Error] vkCmdBlitImage: region [0], source image of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D or VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D with srcOffset[].z values of (0, 0). These must be (0, 1).
The spec valid usage text states 'If the calling command's srcImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D or VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, then srcOffset[0].z must be 0 and srcOffset[1].z must be 1.'

[Error] vkCmdBlitImage: region [0], dest image of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D or VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D with dstOffset[].z values of (0, 0). These must be (0, 1).
The spec valid usage text states 'If the calling command's dstImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D or VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, then dstOffset[0].z must be 0 and dstOffset[1].z must be 1.'

Using the debugger I have determined that this is not in fact true, as the values are {{0, 0, 0}, {401, 377, 1}} and {{0, 0, 0}, {401, 377, 1}} respectively.
Perhaps I am misinterpreting things, but the code at

internal unsafe void MarshalTo(SharpVk.Interop.ImageBlit* pointer)
does not appear to marshal the srcOffset or dstOffset values.

CommandCaches confusion

After updating my version of sharpvk I found a whole bunch of new function overloads that include 'CommandCaches' as arguments, a quick look at the object browser and source would seem to indicate that it is an internal object used to store vulkan commands, and that it cannot be created by external code.

ex. public static ExtensionProperties[] EnumerateExtensionProperties(CommandCache commandCache, string layerName)

Is CommandCache meant to be visible from calling code? If so, it needs some work, as there doesn't currently seem to be any way to create or even acquire one. If not, the functions that include it should probably be set to internal, or otherwise hidden to avoid confusion.

Simplify by-reference interop types

Struct-category types which are passed by reference currently wrap a pointer to an interop struct in unmanaged memory - this is over-complicated and prone to memory leaks. Switch the design to keep public API state in managed memory and have methods to marshal to/from interop structs when needed in native methods.

Prettify Public API Methods

Public methods on Handles currently use the default JoinNameParts logic (e.g. VkCreateInstance -> Instance.CreateInstance); instead, method name formatting should skip the containing Handle name where present (e.g. Instance.Create).

Premature gabrage collection of DebugReportCallback delegate

I've found a rather odd bug in which the delegate used for DebugReportCallback is garbage collected, thus causing a random crash when the native handler calls it during the next vulkan call.
Fortunately, I believe this should be easily fixed by simply adding the delegate as a member to DebugReportCallback
My temporary solution was to simply preserve the delegate by keeping a reference to it bound to my window. It works well enough.

Device.DebugMarkerSetObjectName unusable because it needs a raw handle (ulong)

It seems to be impossible to use vkDebugMarkerSetObjectNameEXT. The info-struct expects the handle to the object casted to an uint64_t. This does not seem to be possible with SharpVk, because the library never exposes the raw handles. See at the bottom of this bug report for the XML definition.

I suggest to expose the raw handles to all Vulkan resources via a property, for example RawHandle. This is not a very elegant solution for this problem, but I think the raw handles should be exposed anyway, in case someone has to interact with native code or manually loaded extensions.

If you want to I can take a look at this and provide a pull request.

<type category="struct" name="VkDebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT">
<member values="VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEBUG_MARKER_OBJECT_NAME_INFO_EXT"><type>VkStructureType</type> <name>sType</name></member>
<member>const <type>void</type>*                      <name>pNext</name></member>                    <!-- Pointer to next structure -->
<member><type>VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT</type>       <name>objectType</name></member>               <!-- The type of the object -->
<member><type>uint64_t</type>                         <name>object</name></member>                   <!-- The handle of the object, cast to uint64_t -->
<member len="null-terminated">const <type>char</type>* <name>pObjectName</name></member>             <!-- Name to apply to the object -->

Interpret len attribute

The len attribute of member fields can be used to translate pointers in Interop struct members or command parameters into arrays or null-terminated strings.

Unused presentQueue in HelloTriangle

Am gonna move it here to clean StackOverflow comments.

In the HelloTriangle (UWP version at least) the presentQueue is unused. The graphicsQueue is used instead.

Extend Shanq capabilities

  • Matrix type support
    • Matrix type declaration
    • Matrix types in Uniform Buffers
      • Generalise to all structs containing matrices
    • Matrix constants
  • Array type support
  • Core Maths functions
  • Builtin property inputs
  • Uniform Buffer Objects
    • Binding declaration
    • Specify binding & descriptor set indices
  • Texture samplimg

Dependency clean-up

  • ClearColorValue needs 4-vector support for floats, ints & uints, and is currently using types from GlmSharp; this dependency causes portability issues (e.g. GlmSharp is not compatible as-is with UWP). Unions needs reworking to be easily compatible with whatever vector library the client code is using.
  • The NuGet package for Remotion.Linq drags in several "dependencies" which are only needed for .NET Core, and these are inherited by SharpVk.Shanq. Either a workaround is needed in the NuGet package build for Shanq to exclude the unneeded dependencies, Shanq should roll back to an earlier version of Relinq or the library should be replaced entirely.

[Question] GlmSharp dependency

First of all, great job with SharpVk! So far it seems to provide the most pleasant C# Vulkan API to work with and it's nice to have a Windows sample working out of the box.

I noticed SharpVk has a dependency to GlmSharp. Is this something that is set-in-stone or are there any future plans on this matter?

Here are my thoughts:

  • A graphics/compute API could be completely independent of any external Math library and provide bare interop vector types on its own (like SharpDX does with its raw types). There's a downside to this as if I were to use, let's say GlmSharp, there would be no implicit way to cast between a type from GlmSharp to its raw type from the SharpVk API. Requiring explicit conversions would hurt the API usage, in my opinion.
  • Alternatively, a graphics/compute API could have a dependency to System.Numerics.Vectors which is now part of the base class library in .NET Core. On first thought, its vector types should cover all the needs for Vulkan interop.

ArgumentNullException CreateDebugReportCallback

When calling the CreateDebugReportCallback I get
"System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: ptr
I am following the Vulkan Tutorial and using the samples as a guide. I am also using GLFW.NET instead of the built in GLFW.
Here is my full code:

In the Vulkan Tutorial I was following the debug callback extension used was "VK_EXT_debug_utils" switching it to "VK_EXT_debug_report" as the samples use fixed the issue.

Generate SPIR-V Binaries from Linq queries

Output SPIR-V binary files for Vertex & Fragment shaders compiled from LINQ expressions for simple struct-to-struct mappings.

  • Compile SPIR-V statements to binary format
  • Support simple (float/int) & vector types & element accesses
  • Support builtin output parameters
  • Generate basic arithmetic operations for scalar and vector types

Generator Syntax Error



Have it remove the uint to int conversion, its really not needed anyway.
It does need it, sorry, but it isnt accepting the conversion either because the conversion would make it "non-constant".

Improve performance of umanaged functions call

I have some performance improvments:

  1. Use IL injection instead of GetDelegateForFunctionPointer

The function GetDelegateForFunctionPointer is really slow compared to a PInvoke or a Calli instruction injection into the IL .dll.

    public static unsafe void Variant(Int32 id, Int16* addr)
        Silk.Cil.Calli(System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.StdCall, typeof(void), typeof(UInt32), typeof(Int16*));

In OpenTK there is an il rewriter (example above). It injects the calli instruction into the IL. A similiar Approach was done in SharpDx.
There is also a proposal dotnet/roslyn#11475

  1. Use SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity Attribute for pinvoke

Use the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity Attribute for Releases increases the performance and should be not a problem in the use case.

Fixed length fields of input structs are not marshalled

  • DebugMarkerMarkerInfo.Color
  • ImageBlit.SourceOffsets
  • ImageBlit.DestinationOffsets
  • PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo.BlendConstants

There's no marshal step from the fixed-length public to interop fields generated for input structures; as these are all 2-4 items in length, it may be worth revisiting generic Vector types instead of array-to-fixed-buffer marshalling.

The Triangle example for UWP?

I tried other Vulkan c# at github, SharpVK is the only one that make the sample run in windows 10

Request for an UWP app sample :-)

`...Info` structures not unmarshaled.

This is mainly an issue for DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackData, which contains DebugUtilsObjectNameInfo[], and thus is transitively not unmarshalled for use in CreateDebugUtilsMessenger, I'm currently doing this:

using System;

namespace SharpVk.Multivendor
    public partial class DebugReportDelegate : IDisposable
        private readonly SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportCallback callback_;
        private readonly System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle gch_;

        internal DebugReportDelegate(System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle gch, SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportCallback callback)
            callback_ = callback;
            gch_ = gch;

        public void Dispose()

    public interface IDebugReportDelegate
        bool DebugReportDelegate(SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportFlags flags, SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportObjectType objectType, ulong @object, HostSize location, int messageCode, string pLayerPrefix, string pMessage);

    public partial class DebugUtilsDelegate : IDisposable
        private readonly SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessenger callback_;
        private readonly System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle gch_;

        internal DebugUtilsDelegate(System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle gch, SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessenger callback)
            callback_ = callback;
            gch_ = gch;

        public void Dispose()

    public interface IDebugUtilsDelegate
        bool DebugUtilsDelegate(SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlags messageSeverity, SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessageTypeFlags messageTypes, SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackData pCallbackDatas);

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public static class HLInstanceExtensions
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a debug report callback object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="extendedHandle">
        /// The Instance handle to extend.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="flags">
        /// flags indicate which event(s) will cause this callback to be
        /// called. Flags are interpreted as bitmasks and multiple may be set.
        /// Bits which can be set include: + --
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="allocator">
        /// An optional AllocationCallbacks instance that controls host memory
        /// allocation.
        /// </param>
        public static SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportDelegate CreateDebugReportDelegate(this SharpVk.Instance extendedHandle, SharpVk.Multivendor.IDebugReportDelegate callback, SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportFlags? flags = default(SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportFlags?), SharpVk.AllocationCallbacks? allocator = default(SharpVk.AllocationCallbacks?))
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle gch = System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
                SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportCallback result = extendedHandle.CreateDebugReportCallback(DebugReportDelegate, flags, System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.ToIntPtr(gch), allocator);
                return new SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportDelegate(gch, result);

        private static readonly SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportCallbackDelegate DebugReportDelegate = DebugReport;

        private static Bool32 DebugReport(SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportFlags flags, SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugReportObjectType objectType, ulong @object, HostSize location, int messageCode, string pLayerPrefix, string pMessage, IntPtr pUserData)
            if (pUserData == IntPtr.Zero)
                return false;
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle gch = System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.FromIntPtr(pUserData);
            IDebugReportDelegate idrd = (IDebugReportDelegate)gch.Target;
            if (idrd == null)
                return false;

            return idrd.DebugReportDelegate(flags, objectType, @object, location, messageCode, pLayerPrefix, pMessage);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a debug utils messenger object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="extendedHandle">
        /// The Instance handle to extend.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="flags">
        /// flags indicate which event(s) will cause this callback to be
        /// called. Flags are interpreted as bitmasks and multiple may be set.
        /// Bits which can be set include: + --
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="allocator">
        /// An optional AllocationCallbacks instance that controls host memory
        /// allocation.
        /// </param>
        public static SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsDelegate CreateDebugUtilsDelegate(this SharpVk.Instance extendedHandle, SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlags messageSeverity, SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessageTypeFlags messageType, SharpVk.Multivendor.IDebugUtilsDelegate callback, SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessengerCreateFlags? flags = default(SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessengerCreateFlags?), SharpVk.AllocationCallbacks? allocator = default(SharpVk.AllocationCallbacks?))
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle gch = System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
                SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessenger result = extendedHandle.CreateDebugUtilsMessenger(messageSeverity, messageType, DebugUtilsDelegate, flags, System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.ToIntPtr(gch), allocator);
                return new SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsDelegate(gch, result);

        private static readonly SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDelegate DebugUtilsDelegate = DebugUtils;

        private unsafe static SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsLabel MarshalFrom(SharpVk.Interop.Multivendor.DebugUtilsLabel* pointer)
            SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsLabel result = default(SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsLabel);
            result.LabelName = pointer->LabelName == null ? null : System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(new IntPtr(pointer->LabelName));
            result.Color = (pointer->Color[0], pointer->Color[1], pointer->Color[2], pointer->Color[3]);
            return result;

        private unsafe static SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsObjectNameInfo MarshalFrom(SharpVk.Interop.Multivendor.DebugUtilsObjectNameInfo* pointer)
            SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsObjectNameInfo result = default(SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsObjectNameInfo);
            result.ObjectType = pointer->ObjectType;
            result.ObjectHandle = pointer->ObjectHandle;
            result.ObjectName = pointer->ObjectName == null ? null : System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(new IntPtr(pointer->ObjectName));
            return result;

        private unsafe static SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackData MarshalFrom(SharpVk.Interop.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackData* pointer)
            SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackData result = default(SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackData);
            result.Flags = pointer->Flags;
            result.MessageIdName = pointer->MessageIdName == null ? null : System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(new IntPtr(pointer->MessageIdName));
            result.MessageIdNumber = pointer->MessageIdNumber;
            result.Message = pointer->Message == null ? null : System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(new IntPtr(pointer->Message));

            if (pointer->QueueLabels == null)
                result.QueueLabels = null;
                result.QueueLabels = new DebugUtilsLabel[pointer->QueueLabelCount];
                for (int index = 0; index < (uint)(result.QueueLabels.Length); index++)
                    result.QueueLabels[index] = MarshalFrom(&pointer->QueueLabels[index]);

            if (pointer->CommandBufLabels == null)
                result.CommandBufLabels = null;
                result.CommandBufLabels = new DebugUtilsLabel[pointer->CommandBufLabelCount];
                for (int index = 0; index < (uint)(result.CommandBufLabels.Length); index++)
                    result.CommandBufLabels[index] = MarshalFrom(&pointer->CommandBufLabels[index]);

            if (pointer->Objects == null)
                result.Objects = null;
                result.Objects = new DebugUtilsObjectNameInfo[pointer->ObjectCount];
                for (int index = 0; index < (uint)(result.Objects.Length); index++)
                    result.Objects[index] = MarshalFrom(&pointer->Objects[index]);

            return result;

        private static unsafe Bool32 DebugUtils(SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlags messageSeverity, SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessageTypeFlags messageTypes, IntPtr pCallbackData, IntPtr pUserData)
            if (pUserData == IntPtr.Zero)
                return false;
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle gch = System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.FromIntPtr(pUserData);
            IDebugUtilsDelegate idrd = (IDebugUtilsDelegate)gch.Target;
            if (idrd == null)
                return false;

            SharpVk.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackData userData = MarshalFrom((SharpVk.Interop.Multivendor.DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackData*)pCallbackData.ToPointer());
            return idrd.DebugUtilsDelegate(messageSeverity, messageTypes, userData);

I tried to match the generated code style as much as possible, but without being able to use any of the internal HeapUtil methods.

Shanq using non-GLM sharp vector and matrix types

As in the title, I was looking into using Shanq (It's pretty cool) but I don't like the fact that I'm essentially locked into using glmSharp, I am asking this as I would perfer to be able to use the System.Numerics.Vector library instead, as it is built into windows and mono and has hardware/non-hardware acceleration built into it. It can be used in Vulkan as shown by plenty of other librarys, will System.Numerics vectors see any support?

Next field not set to 0

I got the following warning from Vulkan:

ParameterValidation: vkCreateGraphicsPipelines: value of pCreateInfos[0].pStages[1].pNext must be NULL. This warning is based on the Valid Usage documentation for version 30 of the Vulkan header. It is possible that you are using a struct from a private extension or an extension that was added to a later version of the Vulkan header, in which case your use of pCreateInfos[0].pStages[1].pNext is perfectly valid but is not guaranteed to work correctly with validation enabled

Looking through your code, I saw that you did not explicitly set the Next field when you marshaled the structures. I fixed the warning by adding

    pointer->Next = null;

to PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo.MarshalTo to fix the issue I was having.

`layerName` isn't optional

Instance.EnumerateExtensionProperties and PhysicalDevice.EnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties take an optional pLayerName, but there's no default null on the parameter:

        public unsafe SharpVk.ExtensionProperties[] EnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties(string layerName)

Success VkResult codes

GetEventStatus, GetFenceStatus & WaitForFence return result as non-error VkResult codes - these need handling and returning

AddrOfPinnedObject on not pinned object.

var arrayValue = offsets.GetArrayValue();
offsetsHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(arrayValue.Array);
marshalledOffsets = (DeviceSize*)(offsetsHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject() + (int)(MemUtil.SizeOf<DeviceSize>() * arrayValue.Offset)).ToPointer();

Maybe I don't understand something, but here not pinned GCHandle calls AddOfPinnedObject() and I have exception throwing on that line.
With this its working fine
GCHandle.Alloc(arrayValue.Array, GCHandleType.Pinned);

Naming inconsistencies

vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties is in this library as PhysicalDevice.EnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties, duplicating the term Device. However, vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties is Instance.EnumerateExtensionProperties, the second Instance has been dropped. Same for Enumerate(Thing)LayerProperties.

Struct Clean-up Methods

Interop structs require a clean-up method to recursively free pointer-linked resources after Vulkan API calls complete.

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