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fbshipit's Issues

hhvm 3.24 needs call-time pass-by-reference fixes

Using composer with HHVM 3.24 needs fixes to fbshipit that are not present in the released version in packagist. Will it be possible to release another version to packagist that is compatible with HHVM 3.24.

Example fixes: c242594

Short of releasing a new version, I think the instructions in the README can be updated to include the correct repository to be used with composer.

Add consistency check option

This can currently be done manually by:

. Using --special-create-new-repo to create a new repo with just 'initial commit'

. Adding the current repository as a remote,

. Fetching the remote

. Running git diff between the new repo and the remote. If things are consistent, there will be no diff

Normalize hashes, throw exception on things that aren't hashes

  • normalize to the full commit hashes
  • hg can be extended to support custom commit identifiers - subversion IDs, differential, etc. These should be banned: some are ambiguous, others may be local-only. Generally, there's a risk of users depending on behavior that is out of our control. Possible fix: assert that original hash is a substring of the normalized hash.

Support proxies

  • proxy settings should be in ShipItBaseConfig
  • it should be possible to use the proxy for just source, just destination, or both

ImportIt does not preserve Unicode correctly

Importing facebook/sapling#573 replaces the "🐛" in commit title with "�":

[sapling][PR] �(chg): don't crash when user has more than 16 groups on macOS

and it seems various Unicode characters were not handled properly. For example, "👍🏻" got imported as "👍�", and the author name "Max 👨🏽‍💻 Coplan" was imported as "Max 👨�‍💻 Coplan".


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Clarify "linear histories" limitation

I would really appreciate seeing this limitation documented a little further.

Specifically I would like to understand the issue with merge commits and know if there is a migration path from a codebase with a long history of these to one which would be ready to use fbshipit.

Raise a clear error if target branch does not exist

eg if target repo is a brand new GitHub repo with no branches.

Current behavior is a failing git checkout master, something about master not being a valid path. We can check for this and give a clearer message (maybe suggesting --create-new-repo)

Add interactive consistency fix option

Depends on #3

If repos are inconsistent, a patch could be generated, then used with git add --patch or similar. This should be interactive because it can not know which version is correct (see for details)

Improve support for releasing additional files

Current process is:

  • locally creating a branch just before the commit that does not apply
  • run with --create-fixup-patch --source-repo-dir=PATH_TO_REPO_WHERE_YOU_MADE_THE_BRANCH --source-branch=BRANCH_YOU_JUST_CREATED
  • apply it to the git dir with patch
  • review the changes to make sure there's nothing fbonly
  • commit the result and push directly to github


  • add support for specifying an initial revision so the branch doesn't need to be created
  • add an option to automatically apply the patch, and dump people into git add --patch for review

Optional full automation will not be accepted.

Question: does this work Sapling?

So I'm playing around with Sapling and while I really like the interface, there are times when having tools like lazygit or gitui is a plus. So I found this tool. I was wondering if it has support for .sl :-)

Build fails

I cannot build fbshipit because of the following error:

Composer version 1.8.4 2019-02-11 10:52:10
fbshipit: master
hhvm: 4.0.3-1~bionic

hhvm /usr/local/bin/composer require facebook/fbshipit

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'array_pop() expects parameter 1 by reference, but the call was not annotated with '&'' in phar://composer.phar/bin/../src/../src/Composer/Util/Silencer.php:51
Stack trace:
#0 phar://composer.phar/bin/../src/../src/Composer/Util/Silencer.php(74): Composer\Util\Silencer::restore()
#1 phar://composer.phar/bin/../src/../src/Composer/Console/Application.php(73): Composer\Util\Silencer::call()
#2 phar://composer.phar/bin/composer(55): Composer\Console\Application->__construct()
#3 /usr/local/bin/composer(24): include()
#4 {main}

Will this be fixed? Or is there a solution for this problem? Or is fbshipit dead?

Import Bot?

So, we have our internal monorepo syncing out to our different OSS projects -- yay! It's working great.

Now, the question of course is how do we accept PR's? It seems to be that most, if not all, of the fbshipit tooling could be used to build functionality like "@facebook-github-bot import".

I'm curious about two things:

  1. is the fbshipit code used internally to build the import/shipit bots?

  2. Do you have any thoughts on how we might handle the case where we've moved files from an internal __github__ folder into the root directory of the external repo during the outward sync, but on the inward sync those files need to be reconciled back to their proper place internally? An example of this in fb OSS seems like it would be the Relay repo. There's a moveDirectories filter that does self::RELAY_ROOT.'/__github__/' => ''. What way have you guys found to reconcile that when doing an import and generating a diff for Phabricator?

Curious to hear your thoughts. I want to build this! Manually building patches from PR's is for the birds :-)


/cc @fredemmott

Problem when using fbshipit from Composer

On a new project, where I intend to use fbshipit, I get the following error when I run hhvm /path/to/composer require facebook/fbshipit:

  Could not find package facebook/fbshipit at any version for your minimum-stability (stable). Check the package spelling or your minimum-stability

After updating my minimum-stability to "dev", it installs fine.

We should either 1) publish with a "stable" stability, or 2) note this in the installation documentation.

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