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This project forked from wikia/app

0.0 1.0 0.0 798.39 MB

Wikia Application Code

Home Page:

License: Other

PHP 82.91% Shell 0.04% CSS 1.12% PLpgSQL 0.03% JavaScript 13.18% R 0.01% Perl 0.12% Turing 0.01% Makefile 0.01% Python 0.05% HTML 2.09% Lua 0.32% OCaml 0.06% C 0.04% Ruby 0.01% PLSQL 0.03% Terra 0.01% M4 0.01% Dockerfile 0.01% Hack 0.01%

fandom-legacy's Introduction

Wikia MediaWiki app Build Status

About this repository

This is the source code of FANDOM's custom MediaWiki 1.19 installation, including extensions. As it is not designed to be portable, it is not considered to be suitable for external use, and we cannot offer support for such use cases. If you are looking to install MediaWiki for yourself, you can grab the latest version from their official website, and extend it with third-party extensions.

Contribution guidelines

Contributions are welcome! Please note that all external contributions are governed by our Pull Request Policy, which means only fixes for reported bugs can be accepted—feature implementations and other changes will be rejected.

Licensing information

MediaWiki is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Copyright 2001 - 2020. A list of authors can be found here; authors of changes made in this repository are listed in the commit history.

Extensions and skins may be released under different licenses than MediaWiki itself. Most of them are usually distributed with a copy of their respective licenses and copyright notices.

Additional Notes

Wikia uses BrowserStack to assist with our automated testing efforts.

fandom-legacy's People


adamkarminski avatar bartek-wikia avatar bkoval avatar bognix avatar btongminh avatar dianafa avatar dymsza avatar fraszczakszymon avatar grunny avatar hakubo avatar harnash avatar inez avatar kamilkoterba avatar kflorence avatar krinkle avatar kvas-damian avatar latata avatar lizlux avatar ludwikkazmierczak avatar lukaszkonieczny avatar macbre avatar moliwikia avatar mszabo-wikia avatar nmonterroso avatar psychonaut avatar reedy avatar rybmat avatar slayful avatar themech avatar vforge avatar



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