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baseballtour's Issues

#2 As a baseball fan I want to be able to plan a trip starting at any team so that I can know distance I will have to travel.

a. Provide the capability for a user to visit all the teams the user chooses to visit starting at the team they choose and find the shortest route. Display the distance traveled.

a Read in the teams they wish to visit and the starting team. Use an algorithm to find the shortest route between them. Display the total distance traveled.

a. Is the distance correct for the teams entered? If the user enters a team that doesn't exist or isn't in the system will it handle it correctly?



a. The user is able to plan a trip to different baseball teams and get the total distance they will need to travel.

As a baseball fan, I would like to be able to perform a depth first search (starting at Oracle Park) that chooses the shortest distance for each decision

a. The program will be able to plan a trip starting at Oracle Park and perform a depth-first search to choose the shortest trip. The program will also display the total mileage of the trip

a. Design a menu for trip planning
b. Create a function to perform a depth-first search for all of the stadiums, choosing the shortest distance at each decision
c. Create a function to calculate the total mileage for the trip and output the distance

a. Calculate the shortest trip possible at Oracle Park and select the option to plan a trip starting at Oracle Park and verify that the calculation matches the output for the total mileage


a. Trip menu is already designed and implemented


a. When DFS starting at Oracle Park option is selected in the trip menu, the correct total mileage of the shortest trip starting at Oracle Park is displayed and the planner is able to purchase souvenirs at any of the stadiums

As a baseball fan I am able to view stadiums by park typology

a. As a baseball fan I am able to view the list of stadiums (and team name) sorted by park typology.

a. Interface and retrieve data from database
b. Build UI to display data as an ordered list

a. Test that data is displayed (correct team name and park typology)
b. Test that data is in correct order (sorted by typology)


a. Database has been created
b. Main UI to navigate to/access page is done

a. A list with all the stadiums can be viewed in the UI
b. Code pushed to repository
c. Product manager approved and merged to master branch
d. Code commented and documented with Doxygen style comments

As a baseball fan, I want to see the stadiums and its team name that has the smallest distance to center field.

a. A baseball fan would be able to see which stadium and its corresponding team has the least distance to the center of the field.

a. Create a method to find the least distance in each stadium.
b. Create a window/scroll window that can show the stadium and team after the baseball fan selects this option.

a. Pull information from the database to obtain the distance of each stadium to the center field to see if the least distance is shown in the window.


a. The database is set up and ready to be queried.
b. The baseball fan has the option to select this option from a menu.


a. The baseball fan is visibly able to see which stadium has the least distance to the center field.

#4 As a baseball fan I want to plan out a trip and choose all the teams I want to visit

a. Provide the capability for a user to visit all the teams the user chooses to visit starting at the team they choose and find the shortest route. Display the distance traveled.

a Read in the teams they wish to visit and the starting team. Use an algorithm to find the shortest route between them. Display the total distance traveled.

a. Is the distance correct for the teams entered? If the user enters a team that doesn't exist or isn't in the system will it handle it correctly?




a. The user is able to plan a trip to different baseball teams and get the total distance they will need to travel.

As a baseball fan, I want to view all National League teams and their stadiums

a. The program will display a list of National League team names and their corresponding stadiums, sorted by stadium name.

a. Implement a form to view each National League team and their corresponding stadium
b. Sort each row (team name + stadium) alphabetically by stadium name
c. Label the data in a way that is clear to the user

a. Verify that each American team and their stadiums are displayed correctly.
b. Verify that the rows are sorted by stadium name.
c. Verify that all the data is paired correctly.
d. Verify that national league team names are not displayed.


a. Each team will have a corresponding stadium
b. The database of team data will not be empty
c. Each team will be a National league team


a. Team names and stadiums are displayed, sorted, and paired correctly.
b. No error or garbage values are displayed.
c. All data is formatted and labelled correctly.
d. American League teams are NOT displayed.

As a baseball fan view team names that have an open roof type

a. As a baseball fan I want to view the list of team names that have an open roof type (sorted by team name).

a. Build UI to display list view of
b. Build UI to display number of teams with an open roof type.
c. Interface with database

a. Test that all team names with open roof type are displayed
b. Test that number of teams with open roof type is correct
c. Test that list is sorted in order of team name


a. Main UI is completed
b. Database is populated and functional

a. All teams that have an open roof type can be viewed
b. Number of teams with an open roof type can be viewed
c. Code pushed to repository
d. Product manager approved and merged to master branch
e. Code commented and documented with Doxygen style comments

As an administrator, I would like to be able to modify the information of a stadium

a. An administrator will be able to change the capacity, stadium name, playing surface, roof type, ballpark
typology, date opened, distance to center field, and location in case a team moves stadiums

a. Design a menu option in the administrator menu for modifying stadium info
b. Create a function to write and replace the information of a stadium (if stadium entered was found)

a. Input a stadium with new info and verify that the new info entered is changed throughout the program and in the database


a. Administrator menu options are already implemented
b. Stadium info is all properly stored in the database


a. Administrator can choose the option to modify stadium info and can enter any stadium name and input new info for the stadium specified
b. If the stadium is not found, an error message is displayed and input is cleared
c. If stadium is found, the information of the stadium is updated and displayed throughout the program and in the database

As a baseball fan, I want to see the stadiums and its team name that has the greatest distance to center field.

a. A user would be able to see which stadium and its corresponding team has the furthest distance to the center of the field.

a. Create a method to find the greatest distance in each stadium.
b. Create a window/scroll window that can show the stadium and team after the user selects this option.

a. Pull information from the database to obtain the distance of each stadium to the center field to see if the greatest distance is shown in the window.


a. The database is set up and ready to be queried.
b. The user has the option to select this option from a menu.


a. The user is visibly able to see which stadium has the greatest distance to the center field.

#1 As a baseball fan I want to be able to plan a trip starting at Dodger stadium so that I can know distance I will have to travel.

a. Provide the capability for a user to visit any other team of their choice starting at Dodger Stadium and find the shortest route. Display the distance traveled.

a Read in the teams they wish to visit. Use an algorithm to find the shortest route between them. Display the total distance traveled.

a. Is the distance correct for the teams entered? If the user enters a team that doesn't exist or isn't in the system will it handle it correctly?



a. The user is able to plan a trip to different baseball stadiums and get the total distance they will need to travel.

As a an administrator, I would like to be able to add/delete souvenirs

a. The program will have the capability for the administrator to input the information of a souvenir and delete the specific souvenir from the stadium

a. Design an administrator menu option for add and deleting souvenirs
b. Create a function to write a new souvenir to the database from the input by the administrator
c. Create a function to write delete a souvenir from the database

a. Verify that when a souvenir is input, all of the information for the souvenir is properly added to the database
b. Verify that when a souvenir is deleted, it no longer appears in any of the souvenir displays
c. Verify that when a souvenir is added, it appears in all of the souvenir displays


a. The database will have all of the input given
b. The program properly displays the stadium data including their associated souvenirs


a. Once a souvenir is deleted it no longer appears in the database and the souvenir displays throughout the program
b. Once a souvenir is deleted it is written to the database and is displayed in the souvenir displays throughout the program

As a baseball fan, I want to be able to view all American teams and their stadiums sorted by team name.

a. The program will display a list of American team names and their corresponding stadiums, sorted by team name.

a. Implement a form to view each American team and their corresponding stadium
b. Sort each row (team name + stadium) alphabetically by team name
c. Label the data in a way that is clear to the user

a. Verify that each American team and their stadiums are displayed correctly.
b. Verify that the rows are sorted by team name.
c. Verify that all the data is paired correctly.
d. Verify that national league team names are not displayed.


a. Each team will have a corresponding stadium
b. The database of team data will not be empty
c. Each team will be either an American league team or National league team


a. Team names and stadiums are displayed, sorted, and paired correctly.
b. No error or garbage values are displayed.
c. All data is formatted and labelled correctly.
d. National League teams are NOT displayed.

As a baseball fan, I would like to be able to perform a breadth-first search (starting at Target Field) that chooses the shortest distance for each decision

a. The program will be able to plan a trip starting at Target Field and perform a breadth-first search to choose the shortest trip. The program will also display the total mileage of the trip

a. Design a menu for trip planning
b. Create a function to perform a breadth-first search for all of the stadiums, choosing the shortest distance at each decision
c. Create a function to calculate the total mileage for the trip and output the distance

a. Calculate the shortest trip possible at Target Field and select the option to plan a trip starting at Target Field and verify that the calculation matches the output for the total mileage


a. Trip menu is already designed and implemented


a. When BFS starting at Target Field option is selected in the trip menu, the correct total mileage of the shortest trip starting at Target Field is displayed and the planner is able to purchase souvenirs at any of the stadiums

As a baseball fan, I want to view information about a baseball team.

a. The program should display all the information related to a selected baseball team.
b. Information required:
i. Stadium name
ii. Seating capacity
iii. Location
iv. Playing surface
v. Team Name
vi. League
vii. Date opened
viii. Distance to center field
ix. Ballpark Topology
x. Roof type

a. Implement a way to select a team to view their information
b. Implement a form to display the above information in an easily-readable model widget
c. Obtain the data from a SQLite database
d. Label the data with headers and other identifying information

a. Verify that only the selected team's information is displayed
b. Verify that the selected team's information is correct
c. Verify that the information displayed is labelled and formatted correctly
d. Verify that the user cannot try to view information if the database is empty.


a. Each team will have a value for each of the requested pieces of information above
b. Every team's information will be stored in a database prior to displaying information


a. Each team's information can be viewed by selecting the team with a widget.
b. Incorrect information (information from the wrong team, errors) is not displayed.
c. Each team's information is formatted correctly.

As a baseball fan I want to view all stadiums by seating capacity

a. As a baseball fan I want to view all stadiums sorted by seating capacity (smallest to largest).

a. Build UI to display list view of all stadiums (with team name and seating capacity) sorted by seating capacity.
b. Interface with database to retrieve all necessary data.

a. Test that all data in the list is present and displayed accurately (correct team name and seating capacity)
b. Test that data is sorted correctly in order in the list


a. Main menu UI is completed
b. Database is populated and functional


a. List sorted by seating capacity is available in the UI
b. Code pushed to repository
c. Product manager approved and merged to master branch
d. Code commented and documented with Doxygen style comments

As a an administrator, I would like to be able to change the prices of the traditional souvenirs

a. The program will allow the administrator to enter the information of a souvenir and a new price for the souvenir that was input and change the price in the database.

a. Implement the capability to view souvenirs for all the stadiums
b. Design an administrator menu for changing prices of souvenirs
c. Create a function to change the price of the souvenir if found in the database

a. Verify that when the correct souvenir info and a new price are input, the price is changed in the database and in the souvenir displays
b. Verify that when incorrect souvenir info is input, an error message is displayed


a. The database will have all of the input given
b. The program properly displays the stadium data including their associated souvenirs


a. The administrator can choose an option in the administrator menu to change prices and can input a souvenir and updated price
b. Once the administrator changes a price, the souvenir price is changed in the database and the new price is updated throughout the program

As a baseball fan, I want to be able to view the list of stadiums in order from smallest seating capacity to largest seating capacity.

a. As a baseball fan I want to view all stadiums sorted by seating capacity (smallest to largest).

a. Build UI to display list view of all stadiums (with team name and seating capacity) sorted by seating capacity.
b. Interface with database to retrieve all necessary data.

a. Test that all data in the list is present and displayed accurately (correct team name and seating capacity)
b. Test that data is sorted correctly in order in the list


a. Main menu UI is completed
b. Database is populated and functional


a. List sorted by seating capacity is available in the UI
b. Code pushed to repository
c. Product manager approved and merged to master branch
d. Code commented and documented with Doxygen style comments

#3 As a baseball fan I want to plan a trip from Marlins Park to visit every team so that I know the distance I will need to travel.

a. Provide the capability for a user to visit all the teams starting at Marlins Park using the shortest route. Display the distance traveled.

a Read in the teams they wish to visit and the starting team. Recursively finds the shortest route by traveling to the next closest team. Display the total distance traveled.

a. Is the distance correct for the teams entered? If the user enters a team that doesn't exist or isn't in the system will it handle it correctly?



a. The user is able to plan a trip to different baseball teams and get the total distance they will need to travel.

As a baseball fan, I want to be able to purchase multiple souvenirs and view the total spent at each stadium and a grand total spent

a. On any trip, a baseball fan will be able to purchase any amount of souvenirs and view the amount spent per stadium, the grand total spent, and the number of souvenirs purchased

a. Implement an interface to display souvenir info for each stadium and to purchase souvenirs
b. Create a function to calculate and display the amount spent at a specific stadium
c. Create a function to calculate and display the grand total spent
d. Create a display for the total number of souvenirs purchased

a. Go to the trip menu and select any trip and purchase multiple souvenirs for different stadiums
b. Check the totals per stadium to verify that they are the correct amount spent
c. Check the grand total to verify that it is the correct number
d. Verify the number of souvenirs purchased is the correct value


a. Trip menu is implemented
b. Database contains all of the souvenir info for each stadium


a. The program allows any number of souvenirs to be purchased and properly tracks the amount spent at each college, the grand total, and the number of souvenirs purchased

As a baseball fan I want to view all stadiums in chronological order

a. As a baseball fan I want to view a list of stadiums (and team name) in chronological order (oldest to newest by date of opening).

a. Build UI to display ordered list view of stadiums (with team name and date opened)
b. Interface with database to retrieve data

a. Test that data and corresponding information are accurate
b. Test that list is in chronological order


a. Main UI has been created
b. Database is populated and functional

a. List of all stadiums in chronological order can be viewed in the UI
b. Code pushed to repository
c. Product manager approved and merged to master branch
d. Code commented and documented with Doxygen style comments

As a baseball fan, I want to view major league teams sorted by team name.

a. The program will display a list of team names and their corresponding stadiums, sorted by team name.

a. Implement a form to view each team and their corresponding stadium
b. Sort each row (team name + stadium) alphabetically by team name
c. Label the data in a way that is clear to the user

a. Verify that each team and their stadium are displayed correctly.
b. Verify that the rows are sorted by team name.
c. Verify that all the data is paired correctly.


a. Each team will have a corresponding stadium
b. The database of team data will not be empty


a. Team names and stadiums are displayed, sorted, and paired correctly.
b. No error or garbage values are displayed.
c. All data is formatted and labelled correctly.

As a baseball fan, I want to view major league teams sorted by stadium name.

a. The program will display a list of team names and their corresponding stadiums, sorted by stadium name.

a. Implement a form to view each team and their corresponding stadium
b. Sort each row (team name + stadium) alphabetically by stadium name
c. Label the data in a way that is clear to the user

a. Verify that each team and their stadium are displayed correctly.
b. Verify that the rows are sorted by stadium name.
c. Verify that all the data is paired correctly.


a. Each team will have a corresponding stadium
b. The database of team data will not be empty


a. Team names and stadiums are displayed, sorted, and paired correctly.
b. No error or garbage values are displayed.
c. All data is formatted and labelled correctly.

As an administrator, I want to log in so that I may make changes to the database.

a. Administrators should be allowed to log in using their credentials to perform administrative tasks on the database.

a. Create a form to prompt the administrator for their username and password.
b. Encrypt the password so that it is not visible in plaintext.
c. Store the login pairs in the database so they are not hardcoded in source.

a. Correct username and password combos give the administrator administrative access.
b. Incorrect login information is rejected.
c. Passwords are not stored in source code and are not stored in plaintext anywhere.


a. There will be at least one administrative user on each execution of the program.

a. Correct login combos are accepted, incorrect ones are rejected.
b. User is successfully given administrative privileges when the correct login is given.
c. Incorrect logins are rejected.

As a an administrator, I would like to be able to add a stadium and its souvenirs by having the program read from a given input file

a. After the administrator logs in, they will have an option to add stadiums and once the option is chosen, the program will read in the data and all of the displays will be updated in the main program to display the new data.

a. Create a password login for the administrator options menu
b. Create an option in the mun to add stadiums.

a. Choose the option to add colleges in the administrator menu
b. Exit the administrator menu
c. Check the initial display for new colleges and their associated souvenirs
d. Plan a trip including one of the new colleges added.


a. Administrator login works properly
b. The stadium info is being displayed in the main menu


a. The program properly updates all of the displays to include the new stadiums after the administrator chooses to add stadiums. A baseball fan must also be able to purchase souvenirs and plan trips for the new stadiums

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