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eth-docker's Issues

Add shell script frontend

To make it even easier to bring the client up. Questionable whether and how desirable this is.

It could make .env shenanigans easier and also handle options better than it does now, by copying in the "right" docker-compose.yml rather than having everything in one.

ERROR: Service 'validator-import' failed to build: invalid reference format

I'm trying to get eth2-docker setup for pyrmont... I decided to start from scratch... I did a system update, wiped all the containers, images and volumes from Docker, created a new eth2-docker directory, did a new clone, and started the build, but got a
ERROR: Service 'validator-import' failed to build: invalid reference format
... I see some red lines in the build log that say
file (for module eth2deposit) not found
The last output of the build is:

Building beacon
Step 1/11 : ARG DOCKER_TAG
Step 2/11 : FROM sigp/lighthouse:${DOCKER_TAG}
ERROR: Service 'beacon' failed to build: invalid reference format

Any thoughts?

Lighthouse compose bug: error: 'mainnet' isn't a valid value for '--testnet <testnet>'

When building lighthouse with


I got the error of

error: 'mainnet' isn't a valid value for '--testnet <testnet>'
[possible values: altona, medalla, spadina, zinken]

The current yaml has --testnet hard coded.

- --testnet

I don't think we want to remove it, because we want backwards compatibility with Pyrmont. Maybe we could just do.


where, if set, it would have a value like
USETESTNET=--"testnet Pyrmont"

spadina support

Document steps to use this project to participate in spadina. May require ethdo unless eth2.0-deposit-cli gets updated to understand spadina.

existing-mnemonic option isn't available

After building per docs at the "Configure Wallet" step instructs to test the keys generated offline with sudo docker-compose run --rm deposit-cli existing-mnemonic but the option isn't available:

user@host:~/eth2-docker$ sudo docker-compose run --rm deposit-cli existing-mnemonic
[sudo] password for user: 
Please choose your mnemonic language (spanish, italian, czech, english, chinese_traditional, chinese_simplified, korean) [english]: 
Please choose how many validators you wish to run: 1
Type the password that secures your validator keystore(s): 
Repeat for confirmation: 
Usage: new-mnemonic [OPTIONS]
Try ' new-mnemonic --help' for help.

Error: Got unexpected extra argument (existing-mnemonic)
user@host:~/eth2-docker$ sudo docker-compose run --rm deposit-cli existing-mnemonic --help
Usage: new-mnemonic [OPTIONS]

  Generate a new mnemonic and keys

  --mnemonic_language [spanish|italian|czech|english|chinese_traditional|chinese_simplified|korean]
                                  The language that your mnemonic is in.
  --num_validators INTEGER RANGE  The number of validators keys you want to
                                  generate (you can always generate more
                                  later)  [required]

  --folder DIRECTORY              The folder to place the generated keystores
                                  and deposit_data.json in

  --chain [mainnet|witti|altona|medalla|spadina|zinken|pyrmont]
                                  The version of eth2 you are targeting. use
                                  "mainnet" if you are depositing ETH

  --keystore_password TEXT        The password that will secure your
                                  keystores. You will need to re-enter this to
                                  decrypt them when you setup your eth2
                                  validators. (It is reccomened not to use
                                  this argument, and wait for the CLI to ask
                                  you for your mnemonic as otherwise it will
                                  appear in your shell history.)

  --help                          Show this message and exit.

The option does work when I download the binary manually using instructions here:

Auto-update notices

Inform user when an update is available, handle client updates for them.

Here's @tjcim 's idea that we may want to pull from:

set -e


# Change this

populate_build_list () {
  for entry in ./Dockerfile.*
    IFS='.' read -ra docker_files <<< "$entry"

get_desired_build () {
  echo "${builds[@]}"
  echo -e "$GREEN[*] Available build options:$NC"
  for ((i=1; i<="${#builds[@]}"; i++));
    echo "$i: ${builds[$i-1]}"
  echo -ne "$ORANGE[+] Enter the number that you want to build:$NC "
  read build_num
  BUILD="${builds[$build_num -1]}"

print_urls () {
  case $BUILD in
      echo -e "$GREEN[*] Check available tags here:$NC";;
      echo -e "$GREEN[*] Check available tags here:$NC";;
      echo -e "$GREEN[*] Check available tags here:$NC";;
      echo -e "$GREEN[*] Check available tags here:$NC";;
      echo -e "$GREEN[*] Check available tags here:$NC";;


check_latest () {
  # If utility than don't ask about the release or the latest. Just mark latest as true.
  if [ "$BUILD" != "utility" ]; then
    echo -ne "$ORANGE[+] Enter the version release you want to build:$NC "
    read RELEASE
    while true
      echo -ne "$ORANGE[+] Do you want me to tag this release as the latest? [Y]:$NC "
      read LATEST
      case $LATEST in
        [yY]* ) LATEST=true
        [nN]* ) LATEST=false
        * ) echo "Enter Y or N";;

echo_summary () {
  echo -e "$GREEN[*] ***** Summary *****"
  echo -e "[*] Build: $BUILD"
  echo -e "[*] Release: $RELEASE"
  echo -e "[*] Tag as Latest: $LATEST"
  if [ -z "$RELEASE" ] ; then
    echo -e "[*] Push to Registry: $REGISTRY/ethereum/$BUILD:latest$NC"
    echo -e "[*] Push to Registry: $REGISTRY/ethereum/$BUILD:$RELEASE$NC"
  while true
    echo -ne "$ORANGE[+] Is the summary correct? [Y]:$NC "
    read CORRECT
    case $CORRECT in
      [yY]* ) break;;
      [nN]* ) exit 1;;
      * ) echo "Enter Y or N";;

build_image () {
  if [ "$LATEST" = true ] ; then
    # If release is not set build as latest.
    if [ -z "$RELEASE" ]; then
      docker build -t $REGISTRY/ethereum/$BUILD:latest -f $DOCKER_FILE .
      docker build --build-arg RELEASE=$RELEASE -t $REGISTRY/ethereum/$BUILD:$RELEASE -t $REGISTRY/ethereum/$BUILD:latest -f $DOCKER_FILE .
    docker build --build-arg RELEASE=$RELEASE -t $REGISTRY/ethereum/$BUILD:$RELEASE -f $DOCKER_FILE .

push_image () {
  if [ "$LATEST" = true ] ; then
    echo -e "$GREEN[*] Pushing the image to the registry with the latest tag$NC"
    docker push $REGISTRY/ethereum/$BUILD:latest

  # If release is set, tag it with that release
  if [ ! -z "$RELEASE" ]; then
    echo -e "$GREEN[*] Pushing the $BUILD image to the registry with a tag of: $RELEASE$NC"
    docker push $REGISTRY/ethereum/$BUILD:$RELEASE

prune_images () {
  while true
    echo -ne "$ORANGE[+] Do you want me to run 'docker image prune -f'? [Y]:$NC "
    read PRUNE
    case $PRUNE in
      [yY]* ) PRUNE=true
      [nN]* ) PRUNE=false
      * ) echo "Enter Y or N";;

  if [ "$PRUNE" = true ] ; then
    echo -e "$GREEN[*] Pruning docker images$NC"
    docker image prune -f

read_args () {
  # If no argument was passed
  if [ -z $1 ]; then
  # If an agrument was passed
    # Check if argument is part of builds
    if [[ " ${builds[@]} " =~ " ${1} " ]]; then

read_args $1

Auto configure Grafana with popular prysm dashboards

  • Auto configure Grafana with prometheus datasource.
  • Auto Add Metanull's Prysm Dashboard JSON to Grafana
  • Auto Add Prysm Dashboard JSON to Grafana
  • Auto Add Prysm Dashboard JSON for more than 10 validators to Grafana

Better from-source containers

Look into how to create alpine containers for Lighthouse, Prysm, possibly Nimbus and Teku, when compiling from source. The current debian option is a little heavy.

Test external eth1 providers like infura

This may already work through .env. Likely just needs testing, and a minimal change to docker-compose.yml to support client "stacks" that don't have geth in them.

Setup CI/CD

Consider using something like travis or github actions to perform CI/CD
Changelog maybe

prysm-web claims wrong wallet password

Followed the guide but when bringing docker-compose up and importing my wallet through the Prysm web interface I first notice a bunch of errors popping up saying Head block of chain was nil.

When restarting docker-compose and checking the validator container logs, I get the following:

"validator_1                 | time="2021-05-03 19:11:21" level=warning msg="Running on the Prater Testnet" prefix=flags
validator_1                 | time="2021-05-03 19:11:21" level=info msg="Enabling web portal to manage the validator client" prefix=node
validator_1                 | time="2021-05-03 19:11:21" level=info msg="Opened validator wallet" keymanager-kind=direct prefix=node wallet="/var/lib/prysm/direct"
validator_1                 | time="2021-05-03 19:11:21" level=error msg="could not read keymanager for wallet: could not initialize imported keymanager: failed to initialize account store: wrong password for wallet entered: invalid checksum" prefix=main

I have verified that the password stored in password.txt in /var/lib/prysm/password.txt is the exact same one I submitted through the web interface. I've scrapped the containers and volumes and run docker-compose run --rm validator-import again to repeat the process multiple times with no results.

What am I missing here?

Better secrets management

Both LH and Prysm keep the wallet password inside their volume, in plain text. To read it would require breaching the container or breaching the host as root.

Better secrets management via Ansible or S3 is desirable.

Add openethereum client

Add the option to choose openethereum instead of geth. Due to openethereum 2.5.13 being slow, 3.01 not stable, and 3.1 not yet out, on the back burner until openethereum 3.1.x is out and well tested.

Document host security

Exactly like /u/SomerEsat's guides. Questionable whether it should be in here or external, but it's part of the setup of a host.

Allow ETH1 to run standalone

When trying to run an ETH1 client in standalone mode, I get

ERROR: The Compose file is invalid because:
Service beacon has neither an image nor a build context specified. At least one must be provided.

Look into options

Add dynamic DNS support for Prysm

ddclient and --p2p-host-dns instead of running --p2p-host-ip. This would be more friendly to clients on dynamic IP, but require a dynamic DNS provider.

ERROR: Cannot locate specified Dockerfile: Dockerfile

docker-compose build
Building validator-import
ERROR: Cannot locate specified Dockerfile: Dockerfile

Ubuntu 18.04

$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.24.0, build 0aa59064

$ docker --version
Docker version 19.03.6, build 369ce74a3c


# Please adjust the below variable to your local user ID if you are on Linux.
# This is vital for key import to work. You can find your UID with "echo $UID".
# Client choice: See for available options
# ETH1 endpoint / chain source. This default uses the eth1 node container
# Graffiti to use for validator, in order to receive POAP
# Number of validators to create with deposit-cli
# Advanced: Start index for recovery of validators or adding validators
# Restart policy: Set to no if you do not want services to automatically restart
# If you want debug logs, set this to debug instead of info
# Uncomment this if you need to restrict teku to use 6 GiB of heap
# Leave this as-is to compile nimbus with support for metrics via grafana. 
# Change to empty (nothing after first =) to disable that functionality
# Network to use for eth2. If using main net, set to mainnet.
# Network to use for eth1. If using OpenEthereum and main net, set to ethereum. For Nethermind and main net, set to mainnet. Not in use for Geth.
# If using Geth as the eth1 node and main net, comment out.
# GETH1_NETWORK=--goerli

Better Grafana dashboards

Definitely outside of this project, and relevant to it. Grafana dashboards that include notification for low memory, high CPU, low disk space, validator offline, time sync off. I saw a Prysm dashboard that has some of that.

Track available dashboards here and add them to docs; maybe contribute to dashboard projects.

Completion Criteria:

  • Ensure latest and greatest pre-existing community developed dashboards are integrated into Dockerfile.
  • Modify each community Dashboard to ensure it Displays node metrics of CPU, Memory, and Disk usage.
  • Modify each community Dashboard to alert on CPU 90% more then 10 minutes.
  • Modify each community Dashboard to alert on MEM 90% more then 10 minutes.
  • Modify each community Dashboard to alert on DISK 90% more then 10 minutes.

Current Status:



Still confusing as-is. Suggested change:

It should start with a description and then prerequisites with a link to docker (or another page) for installation instructions. Then the eth2 wallet creation section. Split the Choose a client section into two parts, one under lighthouse and one under prysm. Lighthouse and Prysm should be there own sections and contain all the instructions for getting that client up and running. Then the monitoring stuff.

And thanks to tjc_ for his valuable comments.

Add reverse proxy

Either traefik or nginx to expose the grafana dashboard, for cloud-hosted. Requires DNS and let's encrypt.
Same thing for UI.
This work would likely immediately solve #10

Compose files need an explicit network definition to avoid IP address issue with VPNs

When a VPN is enabled and you run "sudo docker-compose up -d eth2", you'll see the following error:

ERROR: could not find an available, non-overlapping IPv4 address pool among the defaults to assign to the network

This seems to be a common problem as documented here: docker/for-linux#599

I found a workaround by defining a custom network as part of the compose files, in my case I'm using lh-base.yml, geth.yml, and lh-grafana.yml. I added an entry like the following to those files:

        - subnet:

And then for each of the services in those files, adding the following:

      - eth2-net

Now all the services and containers start up fine. Not sure why this works, but sharing this in case you want to incorporate something like this into the code base. With this change, and setting custom ports that map to my VPN's port forwarding options, I've been able to get the services running successfully under VPN.

AppArmor for containers

Test and create AppArmor profiles for beacon, validator, eth1. Look into same for grafana, prometheus, node_exporter, at lower priority.

It'd need to be done individually for each client and be quite a bit of work, trial-and-error to a degree.

It'd also enhance security dramatically.

Binary client option

Instead of compiled from source. What's the value prop compared to the client teams' own efforts, though?

This plus "with or without slasher" and "various geth/openethereum options" gets unwieldy in docker-compose.yml if the intent is still to have a one-command "up" option. That'd speak towards wanting #17 , shell script frontend, to be addressed, so it's a matter of configuring and then just docker-compose up -d eth2-client and it'll do The Thing, whatever combination of things The Thing ends up being.

Openethereum user issue

I'm experiencing an issue with using Dockerfile.source of openethereum in my docker-compose definition. I've configured OE_USER along with other parameters in .env. Looks like a leftover default.

Step 18/19 : COPY --chown=openethereum:openethereum --from=builder /openethereum/target/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/release/openethereum /usr/local/bin
ERROR: Service 'eth1' failed to build: unable to convert uid/gid chown string to host mapping: can't find uid for user openethereum: no such user: openethereum

Persistent docker bridge interface name

I'd like to monitor trafic going in/out eth2-docker network. However each time i restart serviced / docker-compose down&&up i got generated new interface names.

example of autogenerated bridge interface name:

br-a7c4259c4b4c: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast

br-fca541589d20: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
br-8e9669b47913: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast

Docker and Timezone

Can we add a timezone setting in the .env so to have the time of the docker logs in sync with the local time? Or should it be configured in another way?

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