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Language select with their own languages and scripts rather than flags

This is a feature request.


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language drop-down with language names in their own languages and scripts ( i used this in the tailwind theme 'testing'), and with language or glob icon for help.

Screenshot from 2019-06-15 08-21-10

and if possible to move it to the navbar so users can find it fast.


users cant find the language they need fast.
and sometimes struggle with it a lot :).
example if the page is in Chinese and the user need Arabic. and many more are described here in this article

and i think it will help with #15 a lot

[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'datasets' of undefined"

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I don't believe this is an Enso bug, but maybe it happens to others, and maybe you can help with some hints.

Since we started the our project based on enso we did not change any dashboard details.

Since we've upgraded to approx 3.8.0 (could be one version previous to this one, not 100% sure) dashboard fails with:


vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:619 [Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'datasets' of undefined"

found in

---> <ChartCard> at node_modules/@enso-ui/charts/src/bulma/ChartCard.vue
       <EnsoChartCard> at node_modules/@enso-ui/charts/src/bulma/EnsoChartCard.vue
         <Index> at node_modules/@enso-ui/ui/src/bulma/pages/dashboard/Index.vue
           <MainRouter> at node_modules/@enso-ui/ui/src/bulma/pages/MainRouter.vue
             <Default> at node_modules/@enso-ui/ui/src/core/layouts/Default.vue
               <Default> at node_modules/@enso-ui/ui/src/bulma/layouts/Default.vue
                 <Fade> at node_modules/@enso-ui/transitions/src/transitions/Fade.vue
                   <CoreApp> at node_modules/@enso-ui/ui/src/core/App.vue
vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:1888 TypeError: Cannot read property 'datasets' of undefined
    at (ChartCard.vue?dae0:127)
    at Watcher.get (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:4479)
    at Watcher.evaluate (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:4584)
    at VueComponent.computedGetter [as data] (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:4836)
    at Object.get (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:2072)
    at Proxy.render (eval at ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js?{"cacheDirectory":"node_modules/.cache/vue-loader","cacheIdentifier":"1bb7c4be-vue-loader-template"}!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/templateLoader.js?!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js?!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js?!./node_modules/@enso-ui/charts/src/bulma/ChartCard.vue?vue&type=template&id=2f9e1ca3& (13.js:155), <anonymous>:76:33)
    at VueComponent.Vue._render (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:3548)
    at VueComponent.updateComponent (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:4066)
    at Watcher.get (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:4479)
    at (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:4554)

After debugging it seems that the response from "data":

axios.get(this.source, { params: this.params })
                .then(({ data }) => {


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Basically all calls to "/api/dashboard/*" respond with above message.

I'm currently investigating why the fallback to this "enso/resources/views/vendor/laravel-enso/core/index.blade.php" file - and what breaks in between.

Any hints & ideas are welcomed.

Thank you,

Gender on profile page not displayed (enums.genders not working?)

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If I open the profile page I get the following:

No error or something else.

Steps to Reproduce

Expected behavior

In @enso-ui/ui/src/bulma/pages/administration/users/components/UserProfile.vue on Line 139 profile.person.gender has the value 2 and enums.genders._get(2) should return male.

Actual behavior

In @enso-ui/ui/src/bulma/pages/administration/users/components/UserProfile.vue on Line 139 profile.person.gender has the value 2 but enums.genders._get(2) does not return anything.

File.vue' action icons showing for Documents when no permissions

This is a bug.
ref: laravel-enso/documents#12




The change introduced in 918b45c doesn't affect the ref'd issue as it's calling core.documents.destroy, not core.files.destroy.
the File.vue component is used unless the compact parameter is passed to Documents.vue

The same goes for the other actions

Steps to Reproduce

  1. user without core.documents.destroy permission
  2. upload a document & try to destroy it

Expected behavior

icon to be hidden

Actual behavior

hidden error, broken UX

Expose renderless ui-components?

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Expose renderless UI components for overriding in own (VCS-able) code.

This would limit patches to rewriting the import in templates (or the templates themselves) instead of heaving potentially 100's of lines to be patched using patch-package for generic files

renderless snippet:

import Auth from '../src/core/layouts/Auth';
import Default from '../src/core/layouts/Default';
import Home from '../src/core/layouts/Home';

import App from '../src/core/App.vue';
import AppFooter from '../src/core/components/AppFooter';
import Bookmarks from '../src/core/components/Bookmarks';
import Breadcrumbs from '../src/core/components/Breadcrumbs';
import DocumentTitle from '../src/core/components/DocumentTitle';
import Loader from '../src/core/components/Loader';
import PageHeader from '../src/core/components/PageHeader';

import Navbar from '../src/core/components/navbar/Navbar';

import Menus from '../src/core/components/menu/Menus'
import MenuItem from '../src/core/components/menu/MenuItem'
import Sidebar from '../src/core/components/menu/Sidebar'

export {
    Auth, Default, Home,
    App, AppFooter, Bookmarks, Breadcrumbs, DocumentTitle, Loader, PageHeader,
    Menus, MenuItem, Sidebar

I'd recommend splitting the file up in sections for a cleaner structure (i.e. renderless/components, ...)

Upgrading indirect package dependencies with Yarn (question)

This is a question.


Stupid question maybe but I'm interested how you guys keep things updated on UI.

So I'm dealing with this yarn issue, where yarn will not update your indirect package dependencies. Let's take enso-ui/ui, which is inside my package.json (^4.0).
enso-ui/ui has inside in it's package.json a dependecy with enso-ui/toastr (^2.0).

I want to update update only enso-ui/toastr from 2.1.1 (what is in my yarn.lock file) to recent 2.1.2.

I do not want to update enso-ui/ui with full dependencies, just enso-ui/toastr.
I also do not consider adequate to yarn add enso-ui/toastr to my local package.json
I also do not consider adequate to manually change the yarn.lock file.

I found this workaround:

yarnpkg/yarn#4986 (comment) - delete yarn.lock entry for enso-ui/toastr and run yarn again, forcing latest version.

Do you have this issue, or you always go for enso-ui/ui upgrade with full dependencies?

Calendar issue in Brazilian Portuguese

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Calendar not show when language in Brazilian Portuguese

Steps to Reproduce

Expected behavior

Calendar appear in this language

Actual behavior

Component not render

In the documentation of vue-cal the language code need to be "pt-br" in enso is "br"

IO.vue can be initialized before meta is received

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IO.vue might get initialized before meta data is received from the server, causing Echo initialisation to fail
(since this.meta.pusher.options is null)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. load enso using HMR mode (seems to be 100% reproducible this way on my side)

Expected behavior

io.vue to wait for it's required options before instantiating Echo

Actual behavior

race condition

Support redirecting to self

This is a feature request.




Support a backend-redirect to the same route, with different parameters

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Have a store() form method on back-end return to the same (create) route, with a custom parameter
  2. Submit the form

Expected behavior

Router to redirect to the route with the custom parameter available

Actual behavior


Nuxt support

This is a bug | feature request.


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We are working on converting enso-ui/ui to use Nuxt. Would this be of interest? Please see

Steps to Reproduce

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

Bug background color menu mobile

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With the new update, the appearance of the mobile menu was broken.
As it does not have a background color, it does not overlap the content of the page.


Version 3 build errors

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Multiple errors about flex-basis: auto needing an identifier. Tried to upgrade css packages according to the package lock in the pull request for v4.

Error after call of "yarn serve"

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Today I called yarn && yarn upgrade && yarn.
Afterwards I tried to serve the application with yarn serve and got the following error:

Module build failed (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):
Error: .eslintrc.js » eslint-config-airbnb-base » /Users/mauthi/coding/Enso/client/node_modules/eslint-config-airbnb-base/rules/imports.js:
	Configuration for rule "import/no-cycle" is invalid:
	Value "∞" should be integer.

    at validateRuleOptions (/Users/mauthi/coding/Enso/client/node_modules/eslint/lib/shared/config-validator.js:138:19)
    at /Users/mauthi/coding/Enso/client/node_modules/eslint/lib/shared/config-validator.js:193:9
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at validateRules (/Users/mauthi/coding/Enso/client/node_modules/eslint/lib/shared/config-validator.js:190:30)
    at validateConfigArray (/Users/mauthi/coding/Enso/client/node_modules/eslint/lib/shared/config-validator.js:337:9)
    at CascadingConfigArrayFactory._finalizeConfigArray (/Users/mauthi/coding/Enso/client/node_modules/eslint/lib/cli-engine/cascading-config-array-factory.js:417:13)
    at CascadingConfigArrayFactory.getConfigArrayForFile (/Users/mauthi/coding/Enso/client/node_modules/eslint/lib/cli-engine/cascading-config-array-factory.js:271:21)
    at CLIEngine.isPathIgnored (/Users/mauthi/coding/Enso/client/node_modules/eslint/lib/cli-engine/cli-engine.js:951:18)
    at CLIEngine.executeOnText (/Users/mauthi/coding/Enso/client/node_modules/eslint/lib/cli-engine/cli-engine.js:868:38)
    at lint (/Users/mauthi/coding/Enso/client/node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js:278:17)
    at transform (/Users/mauthi/coding/Enso/client/node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js:252:18)
    at /Users/mauthi/coding/Enso/client/node_modules/loader-fs-cache/index.js:127:18
    at ReadFileContext.callback (/Users/mauthi/coding/Enso/client/node_modules/loader-fs-cache/index.js:31:14)
    at FSReqCallback.readFileAfterOpen [as oncomplete] (fs.js:271:13)

You may use special comments to disable some warnings.
Use // eslint-disable-next-line to ignore the next line.
Use /* eslint-disable */ to ignore all warnings in a file.


I found the following issue which describes the problem:

But after changing the import in package.json to "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.20.1", I got other errors that modules are not imported (I can add them here if needed).

Steps to Reproduce

  1. call yarn && yarn upgrade && yarn
  2. call yarn serve

Expected behavior

Application served

Actual behavior

Error - see description above

Undesired Page Title

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After upgrading to the latest version (v3.7.2), the page's title changes in an undesired way when refreshing any page.


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Access any Enso based application
  2. Refresh the page
  3. Observe the page title in the browser's tabs bar

Expected behavior

The page's title should display neither null nor Enso when refreshing.

Actual behavior

The page's title changes from {Current Menu} to null to Enso and finally back to {Current Menu}

Open content in new tab/window

This is a question.


I've searched the documentation, and enso-ui/ui and laravel-enso/enso open and closed tickets but did not find any info on opening content in new tab. (_blank). I know this might not be something that an SPA needs...

I have a request to open some text (bigger description, like a help doc) inside a new tab, not in the same page, not using modals.

I thought to start this from scratch, but first to ask some questions, maybe there is an example or some support.

Appreciate your support,

Unknown custom element <documents> in form slot

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Having a <documents> inside a custom slot inside enso-form seems to cause <confirmation> & <modal>, residing in File.Vue & Url.vue respectively, to become unknown.

Causing a hot reload of either component fixes the issue, which makes me think towards a circular reference issue (which is plausible for Modal, not so sure about Confirmation though)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Add a in a custom slot in an
  2. Notice above behaviour

Expected behavior

Component to load in correctly

Actual behavior

unknown component, causing errors & visual discrepancies

missing 'notificationsEvents' on /bulma/Notification.vue

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missing 'notificationsEvents' import on scoped slot on "/bulma/../Notifications.vue" component

Steps to Reproduce

  1. clicking on the notification drop down menu, and will be visible on console log

Previews of page

This is a ** feature request**.


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Previews of the page on sites like Facebook just say Enso and a blank page. Is there anyway to improve or at least use my env name for site instead?

Steps to Reproduce

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

country-level i18n support

This is a feature request.




The same language can wildly differ between countries, f.e. Dutch in the Netherlands & Dutch in Belgium, while having similarities, have significant differences too.
The same counts for French, German, ...

To account for this I'd suggest displaying the language name in the dropdown, besides just the flag; I believe the backend should already support nl_BE-style language names so that shouldn't be an issue.

Expose App.User's echo

This is a feature request.




To avoid multiple simultaneous websocket connections to the server for the same purpose (sending events to a specific user) this.echo.private(App.User.${}), currently residing in Notifications.vue should be exposed more globally (state? injected from root?)

Use case

Custom event that triggers a client-side action, user-specific.

Current workaround

Patching Notifications.vue to include custom listeners, breaking separation or establishing & maintaining multiple connections to the same channel

Settings-menu is always open if reduce-motion setting on OS is on in latest Chrome

This is a bug.


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In the latest Chrome-version (version 74) there is a problem that the settings-menu on the right side of the page is always open if the OS-setting for reduce motion is selected.
This causes issues with the buttons that you can not use because they are hidden underneath this m enu. (see attached screenshots)

Steps to Reproduce

Open the Laravel Enso Application
Open the Users-table (screenshot 1)
Enable in your OS the reduce-motion setting:

  • OSX: Settings > General > Accessibility > Select Reduce Motion
  • IOS: System Preferences > Accessibility > Display > Select Reduce Motion
  • Windows: Settings > Ease of Access > Deselect Show animations in Window

As you can see now the Settings-menu is opened and cannot be closed so you can not edit the records in the table (screenshot 2)

Expected behavior

The expected behavior is that this menu can be closed and opened independent from the OS-settings.

Actual behavior

The settings menu is opened always and cannot be closed if reduced motion is enabled in the OS.





User preferences are not longer working (4.9.0)

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Until Laravel Enso 4.8.2, user session preferences were remembered. Take example of table search words, or columns selected for visibility.

Now, on 4.9.0, locally, and on preferences are not kept, and changing the menu is acting as a Reset (for tables). Similarly on Forms, the "changes" are lost.

Function format() does not work in the timeline

This is a bug | feature request.


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Hi, I do not know if you have noticed but the format () function is not working in the timeline.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Visit the example page

Expected behavior


Actual behavior


Error: "Route Error: "user" key is required for route "administration.users.edit""

This is a bug.


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After yarn upgrade from 1.3.31 to 1.3.43 on all edit actions ("pen icon") i press on local entities or enso entities I get:

[Vue warn]: Error in nextTick: "Error: Route Error: "user" key is required for route "administration.users.edit""
VueJS 6


Error: "Route Error: "user" key is required for route "administration.users.edit""
    throwMissingKeyError Route.js:77
    optionalParam Route.js:62
    fillParam Route.js:48
    fillParams Route.js:35
    maybeCallNative vuedraggable.common.js:351
    a481 vuedraggable.common.js:1929
    exports vuedraggable.common.js:365
    replace vuedraggable.common.js:1923
    fillParams Route.js:33
    buildUrl Route.js:21
    Route Route.js:10
    route route.js:5
    _default EnsoForm.vue:42
    VueJS 103
    VueJS 5

Also it seems that the URL changes to main URL, and does not go to /adminitrations/users/1/edit

Also, I'm not 100% sure it comes from the actual upgrade, I had also some local changes but nothing that may affect enso core.

Also I was not sure if this is a ensi-ui/ui bug, of enso-ui/forms - since the error seems to be related to EnsoForm.

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